Skandinavian Space Corporation

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Skandinavisk Space Corporation
SSC Logo.png
Scientific Agency overview
Formed 1964
Jurisdiction Skandinavia
Headquarters Bergen
Employees 2395
Scientific Agency executive
  • Olle Norberg, Director

Skandinavisk Space Corporation (SSC) is the primary body for space research under the control of the Government of the Skandinavia, and one of the leading space research organizations in the world. It was established in its modern form in 1964 as a result of coordinated efforts initiated earlier by the agencies of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Taking into consideration its budget, it is probably one of the most efficient space organizations on the globe.

Under the guidance of a number of scientists, SSC has conducted a variety of operations for both Skandinavian and foreign clients. SSC's satellite launch capability is provided by indigenous launch vehicles and launch sites. In 2005, SSC successfully launched its first lunar probe while future plans include manned space missions, further lunar exploration, and interplanetary probes. SSC has several field installations as assets, and cooperates with the international community as a part of several bilateral and multilateral agreements.


The center vision as defined by the guiding committee states: "Space research and exploration is an essential instrument for the defense of life on Earth; the lever for technological progress; the key to existing in a modern society; essential for developing an economy based on knowledge; and the central attraction for scientific and qualified human resources."

The vision is "to preserve and broaden the comparative advantage of Skandinavia and to place it among the group of leading countries in the space research and exploration area."

The main goals for vision realization are:

  • To build and to support satellite systems for space research and for Earth research from space.
  • To develop technologies, knowledge and scientific infrastructure (including laboratories and human resources) required for space research.
  • To promote international cooperation in space research and exploration, and for strengthening the national interests of the Skandinavia.
  • To promote ties between Skandinavian society, space research, and exploration.

SSC has signed cooperation agreements with several space agencies all around the world.



  • Ullr: Ullr is a family of Skandinavian solid fuel rockets derived from converted Peacekeeper Brazorian intercontinental ballistic missiles. They are built by a consortium of Locked Martin, TERMA, Saab Aerospace and SSC.
    • Ullr I: The original Ullr launch vehicle. Payload 580 kg to a 185 km, 28.5 degree orbit or 310 kg to a 740 km sun-synchronous orbit.
      TBU Ullr01.jpg
    • Ullr II: A suborbital target vehicle, essentially consisting of a Minuteman II with Orbital guidance and control systems. Payload 460 kg on 6700 km suborbital trajectory.
    • Ullr III: A suborbital target vehicle. Payload 1060 kg on a 6700 km suborbital trajectory.
    • Ullr IV: The Ullr IV combines U.S Government-furnished solid rocket motors from decommissioned Peacekeeper ICBMs with technologies from other Orbital-built launch vehicles. Payload 1735 kg to a 185 km, 28.5 degree orbit.
    • Ullr V: An Ullr V five-stage version has also been conceptualized. It would have an additional upper stage for small Geostationary Transfer Orbit, lunar, and interplanetary missions.
  • Ariane: Ariane is a series of a European civilian expendable launch vehicles for space launch use. The name comes from the French spelling of the mythological character Ariadne; the word is also used in French to describe some types of hummingbird. It was developed initially by France and later by European Space Agency. Last versions of Ariane are being developed jointly by SSC and the space agency of France.

Satellites in operation

  • SKSS (Skandinavian Satellite System): SKSS is a series of multipurpose geostationary satellites launched by SSC to satisfy the telecommunications, broadcasting, meteorology and search-and-rescue needs of Skandinavia. Commissioned in 2002, SKSS is the one of the largest domestic communication system in the world. It is a joint venture of the SSC, the Forsvaret, Saab Aerospace and TERMA. The overall coordination and management is made by SSC.
  • SKRS (Skandinavia Remote Sensing): SKRS satellites are a series of earth observation satellites, built, launched and maintained by SSC. The KURS series provides remote sensing services to the country. It is the largest constellation of remote sensing satellites for civilian use in operation today in the world. All the satellites are placed in polar sun-synchronous orbit and provide data in a variety of spatial, spectral and temporal resolutions to enable several programs to be undertaken relevant to national development. It is used in mapping services, flood control, snow-melt run-off estimates for planning water use in down stream projects, Hydro-geomorphological maps for locating underground water resources for drilling well, urban planning, forest survey, enviromental analysis, mineral prospecting, oil prospecting, ocean and coastal studies, etc.
  • Nótt - Development, assembly and launching of a scientific microsatellite for Earth research. In association with Kongsberg and TERMA.
  • Several scientific satellites like Astrid, Odin and Prisma

Satellites in development

  • Njörðr - It is Skandinavia´s first dedicated astronomy satellite and is scheduled to launch in 2020. A large number of leading astronomy research institutions in Skandinavia and abroad are jointly building various instruments for the satellite. Important areas requiring broad band coverage include studies of astrophysical objects ranging from the nearby solar system objects to distant stars, to objects at cosmological distances. Njörðr is currently proposed as a multi-wavelength astronomy mission on a satellite into a near-Earth, equatorial orbit. The 5 instruments on-board cover the visible (320-530 nm), near UV (180-300 nm), far UV (130-180 nm), soft X-ray (0.3-8 keV and 2-10 keV) and hard X-ray (3-80 keV and 10-150 keV) regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Thor - Thor is a group of satellites belonging to the Forsvarsdepartementet . The capabilities and systems of this group of satellites are classified, but it is believed that in addition to being used as a communications and surveillance system, they have systems that could be the starting point for the implementation of weapons systems. The first satellite is scheduled to launch in 2021.

International Moon Station

SSC is one of the main sponsors of the International Moon Station project. SSC participates in the design and future construction of various modules of the station while some Skandinavian companies are also collaborating on the project with the design and manufacture of future vehicles and all types of systems.

Field installations

Skandinavian Space Industry