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Flag of Sierra.svg 2020 Sierran federal election | Featured election

Susan Kwon, leader of the Social Democrats, won a plurality of seats in the House of Commons.

Author: Centrist16
Project: Altverse II
Country: Sierra
Votes cast: 37,819,301
Turnout: 87.2%
Summary: The 2020 Sierran federal election for the 78th House of Commons was held on Friday, May 1, 2020. According to the Fixed Legislative Session Act of 2005, the election was required to be held no later than 1825 days (five years) after the previous election on December 16, 2016, making the latest possible date on December 15, 2021. However, on February 19, 2020, due to the political consequences and fallout of the Red Rock Castle crisis, the House of Commons approved a motion to call early elections by a vote of 141 for the motion and 134 against the motion. A third of the Senate's 77 regular senatorial seats are also scheduled for reelection in 2020. The election was originally scheduled for April 3, 2020 but was postponed by an entire month due to concerns of the COVID-19 pandemic. Both constitutional and federal laws did not require that House and Senate elections be held concurrently unless there is a double dissolution. However, due to prevailing convention, the Senate passed a motion to hold a simultaneous election on the same date as the House's snap election.

The election resulted in a Social Democratic plurality of 3 seats, acquiring a net gain of 56 seats in the process, one of the largest electoral gains in Sierran history. The party won 28.02% of the popular vote. The election has been called a realigning election as it saw major gains by third parties and major losses for the historically top three performing parties. The Royalist and Libertarian parties incurred substantial losses to the emerging Christian Democrats, including its stronghold in the Deseret and Eastern Interior Sierra. The Democratic-Republicans also loss various seats that were traditionally blue in the Styxie and Creole Coast to the Social Democrats.

This would ultimately be the last federal election in Sierra in which it was held while the kingdom was made up of three constituent countries. Almost a year later, a series of referendums in El Norte would lead to the establishment of Bajaría as the fourth constituent country, increasing the size of parliament and leading to a second snap election which re-affirmed the results and re-alignment established by Kwon. (more...)