The Yarphese Pledge

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English: The Yarphese Pledge

National anthem of File:Flag of Yarphei.png Grand Yarphese Republic
Lyrics Trầng Chúp Long, 1994
Music Trầng Chúp Long, 1994
Adopted 1994
Audio sample
Yarphese Pledge (Instrumental)

The Yarphese Pledge was a song written, lyrics and melody, by Trầng Chúp Long in 1994. It is now the national anthem of the Grand Yarphese Republic. Long based its tune and words off of Chinese propaganda of several periods. It is now one of the most recognized songs, if not the most recognized song, in Yarphei. It must be sung by people in workplaces and children at school as soon as work or school commences. The song must be sung in the Yarphese language, the national language of Yarphei, although it has few speakers. It is a slow, grand song with each word consisting of three or more separate notes. While the morals of Yarphei were changed in 1999, the national anthem remained the same as a testament to its universiality, according to the Yarphese government.


Mhậ́ rọ́ẹ́fạ́ qụ̂ậng phêı.

Chạ yár, thạ̀i hyoefar.

Sậ́k wọ qà û́ấ.

Thị̂́ch sô, yár phaefr.

Tǿ̣fch ma sòfàr, ngoa.

Chạ̀ phênh lû́ốc tueı.

Mhẹạ meo, sạ́ tranh.

Khı̣fạch gî̀r rọ́ẹ́ı bǎ̀ı.

Tǿ̣fch ma lìfì kàð.

Sòch phêı. Ẹ́ụ́ ùè.

Phạt qròèf phêı, ma.

Plêâch hụ̌́nh ụ̀ẹ̀r teach.

"Acceptable Creole Pronunciation:"

Má ró cờng phờı.

Chạ yâc, sài khiêng.

Xác o cà ớ.

Sĩc sô, yâc bia.

Tác ma săm, ngao.

Chà phên lưỡc tưı.

Mẹ mâ, sá trầng.

Khuyet ghìa róı bãı.

Tác ma luyà bày.

Xồc phờı. Ú gừu.

Phạt kiềng phờı, ma.

Biêc hũng gừa tec.


Bright sunny nation reaching the end of its toils,

Your greatness stretches past the eternal Gulf of Thailand.

The day is breaking above the equatorial skies.

All are continuously listening to great eternal words.

I pledge to obey orders.

A country can only go forward if its people are in step.

Under one ruler we stand,

Our growing empire solidified like eternal gold.

I pledge to grow as one who is true to the Yarphese principles,

Be proud of Yarphei, and love its people,

Willingly put my country before myself in the end,

And spread the good teachings of the Yarphese.