Timeline of the Xen Invasion

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Timeline of the Xen Invasion
  • Black Mesa Incident
  •      (up to 8 December 2000)
  • North American Xen Invasion
  •      (December 9 – December 14 2000 )
  • Extended Invasion (South America, Europe, Africa and North Asia)
  •      (December 14 – December 25 2000)
  • Late Stage Xen Invasion
  •      (December 25 – January 14 2000 )
  • Combine Invasion
  •      (January 15 2000)

This timeline of the Xen Invasion covers the period from 6 December 2000 to the present day (January 18, 2001). It has been assisted by hundreds of editors outside and inside of the United States, to provide an accurate depiction of the events of the Xen Invasion through out the month of December 2000 to middle January 2001.

Post-Black Mesa incident (Up to December 8)

December 6, 2000
  • 8:58 A.M.; The Anti-Mass Spectrometer suffers an accident during a test on Xen crystal GG-3883 that caused hundreds of smaller Xen creatures to flood into the Black Mesa Research Facility that kills 344 scientist and security personnel and is considered the start of the Xen Invasion, and the eventual cause of the collapse of civilization and Seven Hour War.
  • 9:13 A.M.; Headcrab spotted in Santa Fe, New Mexico, killing one and was killed by Santa Fe's police department. At the time, no one suspected the Black Mesa Complex as being the main reason.
  • 9:27 A.M.; Massive group of Antlions would be spotted outside the Black Mesa Complex as the disaster becomes known to the government including the New Mexico government, but the public was not aware until twenty minutes afterward.
  • 9:30 A.M; 146 deaths occur at the Black Mesa Topside facilities.
  • 9:35 A.M.; A "visibly green shockwave" mildly impacts Santa Fe and was reported being seen as far as Albuquerque and Colorado Springs at 9:40 A.M. 34 people are injured through heart attacks, mostly elderly. Power is shut off at locations nearest to the epicenter, in settlements like Dixon, New Mexico, and Springer, New Mexico. Outside of a circle of 10 miles, mild technological errors like faulty internet would be reported.
  • 9:40 A.M.; The U.S. Government would become formerly aware of the major nuclear accident at the Black Mesa Research Facility, and demanded administrator Wallace Breen's current location and information on the ongoing accident, and at this date, 930 scientists and guards have died inside the Black Mesa Research Facility and assisted Top-side facilities.
  • 9:47 A.M.; The Emergency Alert System would alert the citizens of New Mexico of a "disaster of unknown type" that was occurring at the Black Mesa Research Facility, calling for the evacuation of all residents within a 75-mile radius of the facility and accompanying application centers (existing in Albuquerque and Santa Fe). Several aid centers in South Colorado and North New Mexico would be set up to assist in the evacuation of 1,377,939 people that were in the immediate vicinity (75 miles) of the Black Mesa Research Facility.
  • 10:00 A.M.; The Black Mesa Incident ceases (not the Resonance Cascade, which lasted for seconds because of the explosion), but the events of the day continue as hundreds attempt to escape the complex. Xenian fauna floods into the Black Mesa Research Facility, causing the deaths of hundreds of others.
  • 10:12 A.M.; Santa Fe had massive sections of Xen fauna be transported into city limits through small interdimensional portals with "Green lights."
  • 10:30 A.M.; The UN is told about the events at Black Mesa very loosely, and rushes to the scene to gain knowledge alongside news crews and government agents with all of them noting the appearances of 'unknown hostile creatures.' (Xen fauna)
  • 10:35 A.M.; Gordon Freeman wakes from being knocked out by the Anti-Mass Spectrometer, killing a headcrab after waking up.
  • 10:43 A.M.; The highly trained Hazardous Environment Combat Unit (HECU) would flood into the site, killing many of scientists, security, and Xen creatures. The HECU would also kill any UN and news crew members that would attempt reconnaissance into the site.
  • 11:33 A.M.; the U.S. Government would cut all communications inside and outside the site, and the United Nations wouldn't be aware of the war crimes that the HECU were committing alongside the incredibly alarming transportation of hundreds of Xen creatures into Black Mesa.
  • 12:15 P.M.; Vortigaunts seen in Santa Fe, apparently communicating with members of the public before attacking, showing remorse.
  • 12:29 P.M.; First massive Xen infestations seen in the Top-Side facilities of Black Mesa, spreading to cave systems near the Black Mesa Complex.
  • 12:53 P.M.; Barney Calhoun escapes the facility alongside two other scientists through Xen, causing a portal opening up in the former Whitehead Teleportation Center that helped in the Xen Invasion of Black Mesa.
  • 1:54 P.M. Sector I is evacuated completely, with the structure completely collapsing after a Xen infestation takes place inside the sector.
  • 2:33 P.M.; Facilities as far as the Aperture Labs facility in Wisconsin and the University of Miami begin reporting some "unknown" creatures, allegedly of Xen origin.
  • 2:53 P.M.; Dixon, New Mexico, reports the creation of large sand depression-like disturbances around the town, later confirmed to be Sand Barnacles and are of Xen origin.
  • 4:40 P.M.; Washington D.C. sees several Xen creatures be transported onto streets through green "particle storms".
  • 4:49 P.M.; A State of Emergency is declared by President George W. Bush, finally acknowledging that there's "an unknown hostile force" present in Black Mesa.
  • 5:12 P.M.; Mass Evacuations in Arizona, Colorado, California, Kansas, Nevada, Oklahoma, Texas, and Utah take place as Xen fauna begins to effect those states along with New Mexico, with 38% of the population being evacuated successfully.
  • 5:38 P.M.; President George W. Bush began to target the facility with airstrikes to suppress the Xen invasion.
  • 6:23 P.M.; A massive explosion near the Hydro plant allows personnel to view Xen for a short time, a portal reportedly being formed and closed in just three minutes, allowing dozens of Xen fauna to flood into the facility.
  • 6:49 P.M.; First reports of real life zombies would come out of the New Mexico area caused by Headcrab attacks.
  • 8:12 P.M.; A Rocket from inside the Black Mesa Research Facility is launched to cease the Xen invasion, successfully taking place and the Xen invasion near the Black Mesa Research Facility would be stopped.
  • 8:58 P.M.; Twelve hours have passed since the incident and 2,103 casualties have taken place involving the HECU, news crews, security and scientist personnel, and United Nations personnel.
  • 9:12 P.M.; Large areas inside the decommissioned Black Mesa Silo are taken over by Xen Fauna, either being converted into large-scale alien factories that the Nihilanth used to generate more so-called alien grunts and alien controllers.
  • 9:38 P.M.; First photos of Xen Fauna are leaked online as all contact in the Black Mesa facility was cut, leading news crews to release them hours after because of their cut communication.
  • 10:54 P.M.; Xen Invasion survival guides are formed online through the government and by civilians that live in the surrounding areas of Black Mesa, allowing anyone to evacuate.
  • 11:37 P.M.; Thirty-nine scientists are seen evacuating from the Black Mesa Research Center as Xen fauna follows closely, being saved by volunteers of the Santa Fe Police Department's evacuation procedure.
  • 11:59 P.M.; The President is told to remain awake for a massive response against the Black Mesa Research Facility, with 39 new squadrons of HECU soldiers would flood into the facility to wipe out Xen fauna.
December 7, 2000
Areas that issued a state of emergency relating to the Black Mesa Incident, starting from early December 6, 2000 to December 8, 2000.
  • 1:22 A.M.; Ichthyosaurs are seen inside the Black Mesa Complex, with Gordon Freeman having killed one before being captured by the HECU.
  • 1:45 A.M.; Texas and Oklahoma announce a state of emergency as the same creatures from the Black Mesa Incident are seen inside those aforementioned states, with the Mexican states of Chihuahua and Coahuila reporting the same creatures.
  • 1:56 A.M.; The Mexican states of Sonora, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas report the same creatures that were seen in the Black Mesa Complex.
  • 2:34 A.M.; Canada reports the most northern (at this time) sighting of a Xen creature in Vancouver.
  • 2:36 A.M.; The United Kingdom, France, and Spain demand a report of those lost to the Black Mesa Incident, wanting to know the locations of 746 people that make up the English, French, and Spanish employee base.
  • 2:38 A.M.; Poland demands the location of those 263 Polish scientists currently employed at the Black Mesa Complex.
  • 2:45 A.M.; Russia demands the location of those 37 Russian scientists currently employed at the Black Mesa Complex.
  • 2:46 A.M.; The UN demands communication be connected to the Black Mesa Complex once again, not knowing that Xen fauna and HECU units had already wiped out communication centers outside of the rocket that was previously launched.
  • 2:50 A.M.; Canada and Mexico demand the location of those 564 people that make up either Canadian or Mexican decent that are employed at the Black Mesa Complex.
  • 2:55 A.M.; China demands the location of 17 Chinese scientists that are currently employed at the Black Mesa Complex.
  • 2:59 A.M.; Wallace Breen holds a press conference in New York City, to the shock of many, angering the government as they had believed he was present at the site helping efforts to aid the scientists with stopping the spread of Xen fauna.
  • 3:15 A.M.; Breen explains, "I wish to extend my deepest condolences to the families, friends, and loved ones of those who have perished. No words can adequately convey the sorrow and loss we all feel." and also states his wish to "assure the public that we are taking every possible measure to address the situation. An independent investigation has been launched to determine the sequence of events that led to this catastrophe."
  • 3:30 A.M.; Ciudad Juarez is bombarded by Xen Fauna as the city is inundated by massive transportations of Xen landmasses through green portal-like fields.
  • 3:36 A.M.; New Mexico confirms "Mass extradimensional landmasses have rendered entire towns and cities to rubble" as they are transported in through the same portal-like phenomena.
  • 3:56 A.M.; Albuquerque is rendered uninhabitable as the mass migration of Xen fauna into the city leads to the atomic bombing of it, as authorized by the President. George W Bush comments, "If we can't find a solution to this problem, then we'll have to take decisive action."
  • 4:34 A.M.; As the situation inside of Black Mesa deteriorates beyond solution, the President decides to send in the Black Ops, and if their mission fails, then to destroy the site with a nuclear weapon.
  • 4:46 A.M.; Wallace Breen advises against the use of nuclear weapons, but his intervention is ignored by Bush, with Bush stating that he was the cause of these events anyway.
  • 4:54 A.M.; Italy demands the location of 9 Italian scientists that are currently employed at the Black Mesa Complex.
  • 5:12 A.M.; The United Nations demands an answer for the usage of a nuclear weapon against Albuquerque, with Bush defending himself saying "The situation in Albuquerque presented a clear and imminent danger that left us with no viable alternatives. Every possible measure was considered, and every effort was made to mitigate the threat through conventional means. But when it became evident that these measures were insufficient, we had to act decisively to protect our citizens."
  • 5:24 A.M.; Zambia demands the location of 5 Zambian scientists currently employed at the Black Mesa Complex.
  • 5:40 A.M.; Santa Fe due to its location near to the Black Mesa Research Facility was seen with desolate streets littered with Xen Fauna as most of the city was evacuated by the end of December sixth, before being destroyed by a second nuclear weapon.
  • 5:50 A.M.; The shockwave from the Santa Fe would damage some of the facility as it helps in the destruction of an Osprey that eventually leads into the pulling back by the HECU.
  • 6:12 A.M.; Gordon Freeman is seen fighting his way to the Lambda Complex, as the Xen invasion intensifies as a defense against Gordon Freeman killing the Nihilanth.
  • 6:25 A.M.; Over the Southwest United States and North Mexico, the Xen invasion would intensify in the process as hundreds of species would flood in, causing the State of Emergency would expand to all states west of the Mississippi (besides Alaska and Hawaii).
  • 6:40 A.M.; The President George W. Bush would announce a national emergency as the Xen invasion begins across the Mississippi as it becomes too late to stop the spread, saying "I understand the fear and uncertainty that many of you are feeling right now. Know that we are doing everything in our power to defend our nation and preserve our way of life."
  • 6:56 A.M.; The Black Mesa Corporation would be dissolved by the United States government and all of their properties would be relinquished on paper, due to the fact that they couldn't physically enforce this.
  • 7:14 A.M.; Wallace Breen would appear in front of the US Congress to explain the events taking place at Black Mesa, having to reveal the top secret and internationally illegal experiments that were done by the company.
  • 7:30 A.M.; George W. Bush's VC-25 plane would be shot down by the Mantaraptor Volaticus (or Manta Ray Fliers), and his vice president, Dick Cheney would become president as Bush would be reported as a casualty.
  • 7:44 A.M.; The Internet would see the most activity as the Black Mesa Incident would be updated in real time on Wikipedia, with hundreds of editors inside the United States and Outside of the United States would collaborate to give accurate information on the nuclear disaster at Black Mesa.
  • 8:00 A.M.; In a speech in front of the US Congress, Wallace Breen would show the congress the Wikipedia page that showed the timeline of events, with many Wikipedia editors having blamed the overload on Wallace Breen. Breen stating that he was not at fault, rather an unknown government contractor was.
  • 8:10 A.M.; Dick Cheney would authorize the transportation of a nuclear device to the Black Mesa Compound attended by several battalions, calling it a "Black Budget Operation" and intending to make it secret before it was leaked on Wikipedia.
  • 8:24 A.M.; The Lambda Reactor Portal would be damaged by several Xen creatures that would teleport in as soon as Freeman had entered Xen.
  • 8:36 A.M.; A massive disturbance near New Orleans would render half of the city on fire through the accidental destruction of an oil plant by the New Orleans Police Department in their attempts to defend against the Xen invasion.
  • 8:54 A.M.; Los Angeles would see massive fire fights against the Manta Ray Fliers and the United States Air Force as many skyscrapers would be damaged by both forces.
  • 9:10 A.M.; Las Vegas' Bellagio resort would be destroyed by an explosion caused by Xen fauna as they flood into the city.
  • 9:23 A.M.; In the third reported nuclear bombing, Phoenix would be targeted as the city was largely abandoned by the police and military forces as the Xen forces took over the capital of Arizona.
  • 9:42 A.M.; Tijuana, Mexico would see thousands of refugees from San Diego cross the border as the border guards leave their posts and join the refugees due to the Xen Invasion.
  • 9:50 A.M.; Towns as far south as Diego Martin in Trinidad and Tobago and Towns as far north as Anchorage would begin to see Xen fauna be transported by the same portals, leading to Canada, Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Guatemala would announce national emergencies as their countries begin to see large amounts of Xen fauna attacking their civilians and military.
  • 9:55 A.M.; The Black Mesa Complex is destroyed by a nuclear weapon and was either launched or detonated on ground, with both being debated. Any United Nations personnel, news crews, or government agents located on the site not yet evacuated by the Hazardous Environment Combat Unit were wiped out alongside most of the top-side facility.
  • 10:23 A.M.; Las Cruces would be destroyed by a nuclear weapon as the city is deemed unrecoverable as 56% of the population is killed by Xen fauna, and the military that was left in Las Cruces would be killed as they were not warned beforehand.
  • 10:43 A.M.; The first reports of a "portal storm" would be reported in the remains of Albuquerque and in the Canadian city of Calgary.
  • 10:55 A.M.; Seattle would see the formation of a portal storm as the Xen Invasion is considered to be uncontainable, and portal storms across the west would form.
  • 11:33 A.M.; Several of the already formed portal storms would cease activity as the Nihilanth is killed by Gordon Freeman, causing a small cessation in Xen activity on Earth before resuming an hour later.
  • 11:54 A.M.; The New York Stock Exchange would begin seeing a massive decrease in the DJIA and S&P's value, having already dropped 3.45% by this time.
  • 12:12 P.M.; Xen activity would slowly resume as the Xen invasion bounces back from the killing of the Nihilanth.
  • 12:33 P.M.; The Black Mesa Recession would begin as the Xen invasion causes a massive recession in the same realm as the Great Depression.
  • 12:43 P.M.; The killing of the Nihilanth and the destruction of his lair would cause the Xen invasion to slow, but not cease. The Xen invasion after this event would be much slower than its original movement.
  • 12:45 P.M.; Gordon Freeman would go off the grid, with not a single person knowing where he had gone.
  • 12:58 P.M.;

North American Xen Invasion (December 8 – December 14 2000)

Extended Invasion (December 14 – December 25 2000)

Late Stage Xen Invasion (December 25 – January 14 2000)

Xen Invasion combined with the Seven Hour War (January 15 2000)

 This article is part of the Black Mesa Research Facility timeline. This article is part of a series on the Xen.