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Крулевина Долмаџка | Featured Country
Крулевина Долмаџка - вильна држава в Возтожной Европи е закнастична монархя. Экономыка Долмаџиї остое до зводошности и компутарнаї їндустриї. Ше, влика часџ эликтровичносџи зтворяїмої в Долмаџиї екалагыџна (хыдроелектрастанџи е солнячны батки влико попульны в Долмаџиї).
Одрявица Долмаџиї назнае до 878, ягда дукос Хранислав доедыныл усе земели де жытовалы долматы, створил Дуксовину Долмаџку. Paganism was practiced in these lands, but because of the position of these territories, there were also Christians. Under the rule of Prince Hranislav, the lands and peasants became richer, because plantings and livestock were not destroyed during tribal wars. It is not known when Prince Hranislav died, but according to historians, this happened between 893 and 896. After his death, Prince Zvonimir became the ruler. At the very beginning of his reign, he had to suppress the riots of those who wanted to see themselves as princes. It was this prince who decided to baptize his lands. According to Dalmatian legends: “he was on a campaign against the Byzantine Empire and everywhere he met magnificent churches and houses. One day he met a monk and asked him whose temples and houses they were. The monk replied that the temple belonged to their God, and the houses were built for the people. Prince Zvonimir became envious, but he thanked the monk and went on. His army met the army of the Byzantine emperor, victory was almost impossible. Then Prince Zvonimir said: “If I win over this formidable enemy, then I will believe in God, I will be baptized myself and I will baptize the country!” The Dalmatian army won. Then the prince returned to his lands, ordered everyone to be baptized and was baptized himself. But scientists believe that perhaps there was such an incident, the real goals were much more mundane. Dalmatia was surrounded by Christian neighbors who could justify their attacks by fighting pagans. The goal was also to establish friendly relations with the Byzantine Empire and other Christian countries, borrowing their technologies. Be that as it may, Prince Zvonimir entered the history of Dalmatia under the nickname "The Baptist". Prince Zvonimir died in 943, when writing appeared and the first chronicle was created: "Chronicle of the life and deeds of the Grand Duke of Dalmatia Zvonimir the Baptist and his father Prince Hranislav." The next ruler of Dalmatia was Prince Jan (baptized John). Under him, Dalmatia occupied the territories of modern Dalmatia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia and Vojvodina. He was crowned by Patriarch Polyeuctus II of Constantinople as "krul (king) Jan I".(more...)
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- Rich Strike wins the 2022 Kentucky Derby, held in the United Commonwealth, with an odds of 80-1.
- More than ninety are killed in a tornado outbreak in the Ohio Valley of the United Commonwealth.
- Following large-scale protests Eydis Stefanic, Chairwoman of the Nororist Party of Isokyria, (pictured) announces a new constitution will be adopted within the coming months allowing the first multi-party elections since 1935.*
- Sierran governors in the Styxie form a pact to reopen business in the coming weeks despite a national stay-at-home order.
- As a result of heavy fighting, the Dalmatian army approached the outskirts of Sarajevo, the city itself is clearly visible. Experts suggest that the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina may trigger the start of the Third Balkan War due to the fact that Dalmatia claims the territories of Bosnia and Herzegovina controlled by the Serbian army.
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- Recent deaths: Norman Hunter • Joe Brown • Adam Alsing • Margit Feldman • Kerstin Meyer • Hank Steinbrenner
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The Continental Dollar known officially as the United Commonwealth dollar (symbol: Ȼ; code: UCD also abbreviated UCȻ) is the official legal tender of the United Commonwealth. In 1919 partisan forces of the Continentalist Party seized nearly 4,500 metric tons of gold reserves belonging to the Federal Reserve during a series of heists. It was the largest seizure of wealth in recorded history and dismantled the Federalist dollar, sending the global economy into a financial panic and finally a recession. Continental forces quickly attempted to alleviate the fears of international trading partners, printing a new series of tender that would act as a temporary promissory for the gold. With the death of Aeneas Warren the nation began refusing to return gold reserves to adversarial nations and former businessmen. In 1925 the currency was officially transitioned into a labour voucher and in 1948 the tender was turned to a fiat note.
The five dollar bill (shown above) depicts the Chicago skyline on its obverse and on its reverse Isaiah Landon. Because of its unique style, rejection of European style security features and color patterns it is highly sought after by collectors. Zhou Xinyue, depicted on the ten dollar note, was the first Asian-American to be depicted on legal tender in North America.