User:Andy Irons/Conference Baseball Association

Major League Baseball logo.svg

League breakdown

Championships and World Series


Around July/August, each of the four leagues will hold their own championship series. By the start of September, each league should have their own champion. For example, in the 2021 season, the Princes were the Pacific League champions, the Mariners were the Cascadian League champions, the Diamondbacks were the Cactus League champions, and the Twins were the Plains League champions. Beginning in September, the champions of each league play against each other in what is called "cross-league championships". The match ups are randomized each year. For example, in the 2021 season the Princes played against the Twins and the Diamondbacks played against the Mariners. The two remaining teams then play each other in the World Series, which typically occurs in late October. For example, in the 2021 season the Princes and the Diamondbacks were their respective cross-league champions.

List of World Series


  • Antilles Exclusion
    • Explanation - The Antilles, known officially as the United Commonwealth of America, has been unofficially excluded from the Conference Baseball Association since the creation of the league. Since 1983, the Antillean Baseball League has requested on three separate occasions to incorporated Antillean baseball teams into the CBA and all three requests have been ignored by the CBA for no official reason. Baseball is the most popular sport in the Antilles and their exclusion from the CBA and the inclusion of teams from Alaska and Manitoba, where baseball is relatively less popular, has generated considerable controversy. It is believed that the reason for Antillean exclusion is because of pressure from the United Commonwealth. Since the end of the Cold War, Continental citizens have become TBD% of international viewers, generating a profit of TBD. Along with that, steps have been taking to possibly expanding the CBA into the United Commonwealth, steps that would certainly be retraced if the CBA allowed the Antilles to participate in the league.
      • In the Antilles, the country's exclusion from the CBA is viewed as a act of politics rather than principle. Numerous politicians from both major parties in the country have criticized the CBA for prioritizing profits over "the game". Some politicians have called for boycotts of CBA games and sponsored events, while some major Antillean corporations have pledged to not work with the league.
      • Outside the Antilles, Antillean exclusion is more divisive. Those in favor of the exclusion have cited a number of reasons. Some support exclusion through the lens of politics. The Antilles has had an historically controversial track record with civil rights and equality, and some view that by excluding the Antilles it would force better change in the country. Others support exclusion from a game standpoint. When compared to CAS teams, Antillean teams have outperformed in nearly all aspects and their inclusion in the league may result in immediate Antillean dominance. Those in opposition to exclusion primary make their point through a political lens. Many have argued that the inclusion of the Antilles is a sign of solidarity against the United Commonwealth. Some have pointed out the hypocrisy of excluding the Antilles for its civil rights record while turning a blind eye to the controversial human rights track record in the United Commonwealth in the name of profits. Following the Amazonas incident and the Caribbean Sea incident, there were several Pro-Antilles and Anti-United Commonwealth demonstrations occurring in stadiums, where demonstrators would show signs supportive of the Antilles after luring cameras onto themselves.

  • Cheating and betting scandals