User:Screwhorn/Russia-Sierra sandbox

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Kingdom of Sierra–Russia relations


Diplomatic mission
Sierran Embassy, St. Petersburg Russian Embassy, Porciúncula
Darrel Young
Konstantin Krasin

Kingdom of Sierra-Russia relations are the bilateral relations between Kingdom of Sierra and the Russian Democratic Republic.

Historically, prior to the formation of the Kingdom of Sierra, Russian expeditions have explored the Pacific coast of North America, most notably Nikolai Rezanov. The Russian-American Company, who was responsible for Russian exploration of America, established Fort Ross on the territory of modern day Sierra; naval officer Dmitry Zavalishin, who led Fort Ross since 1824, would go on to become a sigificant figure in Sierran history, being known as a co-author of the Sierran constitution. Throughout the 19th century, the relations between the Russian Empire and the Kingdom of Sierra were generally peaceful; in part thanks to Zavalishin's efforts, a number of Russians came to live in Sierra, mainly settling in Tahoe and surrounding provinces.


In the aftermath of the rise of the Russian Derzhavist Party to power, a number of Russians opposed to it fled to Sierra. This included notable names such as businessman Dmitri Landrin, writer Vladimir Nabokov (who chose to stay in Sierra for the remainder of his life), a group of animation artists at Westfield known as the Mighty Handful and others. Russians of Sierra fought on the Allied side of the Second Great War in formations such as "For Free Russia" Division.

Russian language in the Kingdom of Sierra

As of 2020, Russian is spoken at home by about 1,8 million people, making it one of the most widely spoken languages of Sierra that are not official at federal-level. The majority of Russian speakers of Sierra live in the Tahoe and San Francisco provinces. Notable Russian-language populations also exist in Plumas, Shasta and Kings.

Due to a history of Russian settlement, Tahoe is sometimes known as "Russian Country". Russian is widely spoken within the province, with majority of population having some knowledge of it. Dmitri Zavalishin, one of the most notable Russian-Sierrans, lived here towards the end of his life; he also co-founded Sacramento Humanitarian and Linguistic Institute, an educational facility historically linked to Russian-Sierran community. In San Francisco, the majority of Russian speakers live in San Francisco City and some of its suburbs.

Sacramento-based KRTT is an independent Russian-language TV station serving Tahoe's Russian community. The Slovo publishing house, which publishes Russian-language newspaper of the same name and literary almanac Polyarnaya Zvezda, is also based in Sacramento.

Diplomatic missions and others

Apologia of a Madman

Apologia of a Madman is a collection of political essays by Dmitry Zavalishin first published in 1878 in the aftermath of the Sierran Civil War and later republished in Zavalishin's lifetime in new editions with additions and revisions. Later versions of Apologia also include several letters written by Zavalishin to King Charles I with the latter's blessing. The last and most comprehensive edition dates to 1895.

Apologia of a Madman was written by Zavalishin as a response to his critics in both republican and monarchist/conservative camps. The name of the work alludes to the work of the same name by Russian philosopher Pyotr Chaadayev, who wrote it after being deemed clinically insane. Zavalishin's own choice of a title was inspired by an incident when a Royalist politician called him "a villain and a madman more dangerous than Isaiah Landon". The work of Chaadayev, whom Zavalishin refers to as "the most westward thinker of Russia", is quoted and analyzed throughout Zavalishin's own writings.

Apologia of a Madman is considered to be the most comprehensive summary of Zavalishin's own views. A central idea of Zavalishin's work is "conscious patriotism", a kind of patriotism that is intertwined with the "pursuit of truth" and should serve as "a guiding light, not a blinding light". Zavalishin rejects the notion of him being a covert republican, which stemmed from misinterpretation of the Decembrist revolt, and maintains his loyalty to House of Columbia, but also his right to shed a critical light at shortcomings of his own nation.

Predating New Culture and Cultural Revolution, in one of the letters to King Charles included in later editions of Apologia, Zavalishin writes: "Sierra can become what Russia sadly could not be: a nation of both Western and Eastern soul that remedies the shortcomings of one of its sides with the advantages of the other."

"You know me well, Carlos, and you will recognize there is no ill will in me saying that Isaiah Landon is, in a way, worthy of imitation. I do not defend his beliefs; but I see clearly that when those people waving bear flags rally around him like he is a prophet, they do not do this to jest. Mr. Landon possesses a unique quality to have the hearts of people burning with his radical ideas, an ability any political speaker would envy. Mr. Landon has been called a villain - quite rightfully so, you will say, and I will not object. Yet, I have been called a villain too. I have been called a villain in my native land. And for what?.. for all the service I have done to the Kingdom and to You, King Carlos. I would have spent the remainder of my life in cold Siberia, had I remained in my native land."

— Dmitry Zavalishin, letter written to King Charles I shortly before the Sierran Civil War, included in later editions of Apologia of a Madman

Sacramento Valley Company

The Sacramento Valley Company was a land developing venture that was formed between John Sutter and Dmitry Zavalishin who both started settlements (Sutter's New Helvetia and Zavalishin's Nuevo Ross) near River Sacramento. The SVC's settlement of the area is a precursor to modern day city of Sacramento, Tahoe.

The relationship between Zavalshin and Sutter was uneasy: Sutter envied Zavalishin's more efficient run of Nuevo Ross, while Zavalishin was wary of Sutter's profiteering tendencies, and held contempt for Sutter's especially poor treatment of Native Americans. Zavalishin would eventually depose Sutter from any leadership position in the SVC through a conspiracy with Order of Restoration members (among whom was Sutter's son John Augustus Sutter, Jr). The elder Sutter only recovered thanks to the discovery of gold in California.

The Sacramento Valley Company also built fortifications in San Francisco based on Zavalishin's plans, and were in turn allowed to settle what is now San Francisco City's Russian Village neighborhood. The SVC also bought out Fort Ross from the Russian-American Company. Through SVC, Zavalishin actively promoted settling in California among Russians by putting advertisements in various Russian publications.

Lyre (symbol)

Lyre has long been used as a symbol representing the Russian community in Sierra. Various organization that represent or have historic links to the Russian Sierran community are known to use lyre symbolism. It had also been used in context of relations between Russia and Sierra.

Cover image of 1823 edition of Polyarnaya zvezda

The origins of lyre as a Russian-Sierran symbol have its earliest origins in literary almanac Polyarnaya zvezda, which included contribution from many future participants of the Decembrist revolt. All three publically released annual issues featured a lyre as a cover image. Dmitry Zavalishin, a Russian immigrant who left a significant mark on Sierran history, owned Polyarnaya zvezda books. The lyre motif was used in the design of Slovo, as well as for the seal of Sacramento Linguistic and Humanitarian Institute.

In 1900, Congress of the Russian Community in the Kingdom of Sierra, an organization supporting and representing Russians of Sierra, was established with lyre as its symbol. Lyre as a symbol was used for some predominantly ethnic Russian divisions in the Sierran armed forces. It has also been used in the uniform of first incarnation of association football team Sacramento Decembrists. The Sacramento Decembrists team that currently plays in the Soccer League of Sierra uses a logo inspired by the cover to 1823 edition of Polyarnaya zvezda almanac.

Names of Sierran PSAs in Russian

List of Russian names for provinces of Sierra, states of Bajaría and Hawaii, and areas of Deseret. These are the names used in documents in provinces where Russian has an official status.

  • province: провинция
  • state: штат
  • area: область

  • Bajaría: Бахария
    • Cancún: Канкун
    • Merida: Мерида
    • Pacífico Norte: Северный Пасифико
    • Pacifíco Sur: Южный Пасифико
    • South Sonora: Южная Сонора
  • Deseret: Дезерет
    • Emery: Эмери
    • Iron: Айрон
    • Juab: Джуаб
    • Morganland: Морганленд
    • New Oneida: Нью-Онейда
    • Sweetwater: Суитуотер
    • Wasatch: Уосатч
  • Hawaii: Гавайи
    • East Leewards: Восточные Подветренные острова
    • Hawaii: Гавайи
    • Honolulu: Гонолулу
    • Kauai: Кауаи
    • Kamehameha: Камеамеа
    • Maui: Мауи
    • Oahu: Оаху
    • West Leewards: Западные Подветренные острова
  • Sierra: Сьерра (Federal Sierra: Федеральная Сьерра)
    • Apache: Апаче
    • Central Valley: Центральная Долина
    • Channel Islands: Острова Ченнел
    • Clark: Кларк
    • Cornerstone: Корнерстоун
    • Eureka: Юрика
    • Flagstaff: Флагстафф
    • Gold Coast: Золотой Берег
    • Imperial: Империал
    • Inland Empire: Внутренняя Империя
    • Kings: Кингс
    • Laguna: Лагуна
    • Maricopa: Марикопа
    • Mohave: Мохаве
    • Orange: Оранж
    • Plumas: Плумас
    • Reno: Рено
    • San Francisco: Сан-Франциско
    • San Joaquin: Сан-Хоакин
    • Santa Clara: Санта-Клара
    • Shasta: Шаста
    • Sonora: Сонора
    • Tahoe: Тахо
    • Washumko: Уошумко

Victoria Five

The Victoria Five (V5) is a political bloc initially formed by Alaska, Astoria, Kingdom of Sierra and Ussuria as the Victoria Four. The purpose of the bloc was stated to be endorsement of cooperation between countries with a Pacific coast and historical connection. Later on, Russia, a country that leases ports in Ussuria and has many connections with it, expressed a desire to join the bloc.

Sierran noble families of Russian origin

  • Various Romanovs
    • House of (Romanov-)Ilyinsky, descendants of Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich of Russia
  • Counts von Zarnekau, descendans of Duke Constantine Petrovich of Oldenburg through his morganatic marriage with Agrippina Japaridze
  • ...