White Rose Brigade

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White Rose Brigade
Participant in the Disturbances
White Rose Flag.png
Flag of the White Rose Brigade
Active August 1967 – July 1, 1989 (main organization disarmed)
July 14, 1989 – September 22, 1992 (remnants campaign)
Ideology Monarchism
Sierran nationalism
Headquarters Bernheim, San Joaquin (main base)
Juno, Plumas (secondary base)
Area of operations Styxie (main operations)
Federal Sierra
Strength 3,200 (1967)
8,900 (1977)
3,100 (1989)
Originated as Purpleshirts
Became White Rose Battalions
Allies Jacobite Defense Force
Sierran Loyalist Defense Force
Opponents Sierran Republican Army
Sierran Liberation Army
Revolutionary Continental Army

The White Rose Brigade was a Sierran far-right paramilitary organization that was formed in 1967 and was a militant monarchist group that was responsible for numerous terrorist attacks and assassinations throughout the country. It was one of the main monarchist factions during the Disturbances where it was formed from the remnants of the Purpleshirts who had dissolved in 1967 following the signing of the Internal Security Reform Act with the intent to contiue fighting against Sierran republicanism and Landonism despite the end of the Sierran Cultural Revolution. The group first emerged in 1967 when it was responsible for the car bombings in Ukiah where they killed over 20 people and injured another 40 and was the first attack they took responsibility for and garnered attention from the media.

Throughout the Disturbances the White Rose Brigade carried out numerous attacks including attacking neighborhoods that were largely republican, ambushes on the Bernheim Police Department and San Joaquin Provincial Guard, and also carried out acts of drug dealing, weapons smuggling, kidnapping, murder and assassination. The White Rose Brigade also carried out functions of an auxiliary police force and acted as a paramilitary security force for Jacobite communities in Bernheim and worked with the local units of the Jacobite Defense Force and later the Sierran Loyalist Defense Force once it was formed in 1968. At its height, the group had over 8,900 members in 1977 and was organized into various battalions spread out across Sierra, especially within the Styxie. The group would begin to faulter in the 1980s due to stronger and more intensive intervention by the Sierran Royal Army, crackdowns by the police and provincial guard, and a general loss of public support leading to the group disarming on July 1, 1989 after siging the Concord Accords effecitvely dissolving the group.

After signing the accords, the White Rose Brigade disbanded and decomissioned all of its battalions, but a sizable number of them refused to lay down arms and continued to fight as organized remnants. These remnants would be known as the White Rose Brigade remnants and continued their own armed campaign targeting government, police and even military officials. They carried out numerous attacks with the most infamous being the 1990 Juno shooting which saw 23 people killed and over 50 wounded. The remnants ultimately dissolved due to responses by the provincial governments in the Styxie and were effectively defunct by 1992. In the modern era, the legacy of the White Rose Brigade is contiued by the White Rose Battalions which remain active in the Styxie since 2002.


Origins and formation

The historic origins and roots of the White Rose Brigade date back to 1914 with the formation of the Order of the White Rose, more commonly known as the Purpleshirts. They were a political and later paramilitary organization in Sierra that was formed durign the first decade of the Sierran Cultural Revolution with the intent on supporting the revolution and spreading it. By the 1920s, the Purpleshirts had become a power paramilitary organization with their own ranks and structure, leadership, and armed militia and acted as a de-faco secret police force as well as a paramilitary security force sponsered and supported by the Government of Sierra throughout much of the revolution, especially during its militant phase, and was even integrated into the Sierran Royal Army as reverse units. After the end of Great War I, the Purpleshirts started to decline as they were realed in by the federal government and lost many of their privilages that existed during the earlier stages of the revolution included being removed from the militarty and forced to hand over most of their weapons. By the 1960s, the Purpleshirts was a relic of the revolution and would dissolve in 1967, but many of its more radical members refused to lay down their arms and would form the White Rose Brigade not long after the dissolution of the Purpleshirts.

The White Rose Brigade was formed in 1967 not long after the Purpleshirts were disbanded and adopted the White Rose symbol used by the organization and attatched it to a red flag to show their willingless to shed and spill blood in defense of the monarchy. The group was formed as a reaction to both the Sierran Republican Army and Sierran Liberation Army which had become prominent paramilitary forces in San Joaquin and the Styxie region as a whole and were formed by Styxer monarchists and Jacobites as a defense force.

Earliest operations

Campaigns in the 1970s

Decline and disarmemnt

Dissident remnants


White Rose Battalions





Notable units

See also