
 This article is part of the Slavonic Universe: The Age of Rod timeline.

Tavréians (Tavréia kaiibae) are an intelligent spacefaring species that belong to the Winfrésseian kingdom Nessóia. As the most widespread species of Tvaromina, Tavréians' unique brain structure allows them to create complex social structures and social norms, ranging from families to nations, Their intelligence has also allowed them to develop spacefaring technology, which is only rivaled by the Humans of the Empire of Perun.

The Tavréians originated from a mixture of terrestrial gorgonopsids seeded by the Gorgonops sapiens, a species of sentient gorgonopsid that died out during the Great Dying, and native Winfrésseian life (more specifically, the Pseudogorgonopsids native to Winfrésseia). Due to a near-total lack of females within the seeded gorgonopsid population in conjunction with many of the pseudogorgonopsids being similar to Earth gorgonopsids due to convergent evolution, many of the seeded gorgonopsids mistakenly mated with female Pseudogorgonopsids and birthed deformed offspring, giving rise to the Mixtodeformis class (which is derived from the Latin adjective phrase mixtus deformis "deformed mixture"). However, despite having low survival rates, some Mixtodeformis survived, and rapidly exploded in population in a genetic bottleneck.

Some Mixtodeformis then eventually evolved into the order Tvaromina, which evolved several traits common to members of the Tavréia genus like their blue-colored fur covering their entire body (which actually evolved from repurposed scales) which blends them into the blue skies and blue vegetation of Winfrésseia, their three pairs of whip-like appendages, spherical body plan, bipedalism, and two independent hemispheres of the brain (which allows one side of the brain to be inactive while the other remains active). Eventually, over millions of years, Tavréia kaiibae evolved from Tavréia hodobae or a similar species 3 million years ago.

Due to competition from basal Tavréia hodobae, physicallty-modern Tavréians were forced to specialize for life in the desert, evolving increasingly numerous and complex social groups, tool usage, and eventually, complex language and sentience. From there, Tavréians gradually spread across the globe, outcompeting the basal Tavréia hodobae and driving them to isolated mountain ranges, eventually receiving global supremacy and behavioral modernity by 1 million years ago. Prior to the species' agricultural revolution, all Tavréians were hypercarnivorous apex predators like the big cats on Earth, feeding almost exclusively on meat and supplementing their diets with small patches of kléron (equivalent to plants on Earth)-based materials like leaves and fruit as well as non-plant based materials like bedhórans (equivalent to fungi on Earth). However, following the species' invention of agriculture which occurred approximately 70,000 years ago, Tavréians gradually transitioned to mesocarnivory, retaining their mostly meat-based diet but broadening the percentage of their non-meat-based diet, and a sedentary lifestyle. However, meat is still viewed as an integral part of Tavréians' diet even today, and veganism and diets that are mostly composed of kléron-based products or other non-meat-based products carry extremely negative health effects for Tavréians[1] like domestic cats on Earth.

Tavréians' interstellar era began with the formation of the Kingdom of Kerron in the Earth year 999, which encompassed all of Winfrésseia upon its formation. Kerron was a Tavréian-supremacist nation in its first incarnation and the latter half of its last incarnation, as pre-Perunian conquest Tavréians tended to believe themselves as superior to all other sentient species due to their unique physical appearance, biology, and psychology compared to other sentient species. After the conquest by the Empire of Perun, a National-Bolshevist human-supremacist nation, many Tavréians were forced into serfdom and the ideology of Tavréian supremacy quickly faded out of popularity. However, the ideology persisted in many Tavréian rebel groups seeking to re-establish Kerron. One of these groups assassinated the Perunian Tsar in the Earth year 26002, causing the collapse of the Empire into many warlord states. Today, in the Sclavian Empire, the official successor state to the Empire of Perun and where most Tavréians live, Tavréians enjoy the same rights as humanity and carry several important positions in the government despite taking up 4.5% of the Sclavian population.



  1. This is the reason why the Kingdom of Kerron discriminated against and eradicated vegans, and made it illegal to have non-meat-based products occupy over 40% of a Tavréian's diet.