Category:Slavonic Universe: The Age of Rod

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Pages that are part of the Slavonic Universe: The Age of Rod timeline, created by Triton2009.
Slavonic Universe: The Age of Rod
SUTAOR Logo.png
Genre Science fiction
Established 2024
Creator Triton2009
Status Active


Slavonic Universe: The Age of Rod revolves around humanity and their conquests of multiple galaxies as the Empire of Perun. The Empire of Perun formed in 2043, after its predecessor nation, the Tritonian Empire which controlled the entire Solar System except Earth by the 2040s, took advantage of the political situation and disunity of Earth at the time to invade it and annex all of its territory into Triton, triggering the formation of the Empire of Perun after the coronation ceremony of Vladimir I in the Winter Palace, which is located in the country Triton invaded first. For the next 50 years, the Empire underwent rapid imperialization and socialization: while the Empire of Perun developed a far-right culture and extreme totalitarianism, it also developed a socialist command economy similar to the Soviet Union, with most private business becoming outlawed and all production being kept under government control, and a feudal system used to simulate a Social-Darwinist model within a socialist economic framework. As part of socialization, the Empire then developed a universal health care system and a universal education system: the Tritonian Youth Front, which the Empire uses to indoctrinate children into its beliefs and ideology in addition to teaching them facts about the world.

Then, after the Empire discovered ancient artifacts from an ancient alien race known as the Gorgonops sapiens, the Empire used these artifacts and their already established space navy to colonize the entire Milky Way, which the Empire renamed to the Veles Galaxy, while subjecting other alien species to serfdom and adapting to new threats by advancing their technology. After conquering the entire galaxy by the 2700s, the Empire of Perun entered into a peaceful state for over a millennium until a succession crisis happened, which was triggered by the sudden assassination of the entire royal family. The Council of Advisors, the Empire's parliament and the one responsible for directly electing a new dynasty, became divided over the issue, and many members of the Council declared independence and formed their own nations. Soon after the Empire reunited, several attacks by the Great Nolvidhi Empire, a totalitarian dictatorship similar to the Empire in nature, but more extreme, that is native to the Andromeda galaxy, triggered the Empire to invent wormhole devices capable of traveling between distant galaxies using the same technology found in the Nav Wormhole. The attacks triggered the Imperial desire to conquer other galaxies besides the Veles galaxy in order to protect the human race from genocidal aliens like the Roldhens native to the Nolvidhi Empire.

After conquering the entire Local Group by the year 5062, the Empire turned to other galaxy clusters, and gradually conquered the entirety of the Virgo supercluster over a period of 19 millennia. However, the Empire was forced to stop its conquests after conquering the supercluster due to extended supply lines and stronger powers outside of the supercluster. From there, the Empire then entered another millennium of peace until the last reigning Tsar was assassinated by a Tavréian serf in the year 26002. The Empire of Perun once again entered into another succession crisis as the Council of Advisors struggled to elect a new dynasty. Eventually, the Khrushchev dynasty, descendants of the Soviet leader Nikita Krushchev via his son Sergei, were elected, and they promised the democratization of the Empire. However, the Krushchev dynasty then quickly became unpopular as the family is remembered across the Empire for the former Krushchev's unpopular de-Stalinization policies. After the Krushchev dynasty got elected, many galaxy clusters had already succeeded from the Empire by the year 26099. In order to prevent the complete collapse of the Empire, the Krushchev dynasty declared the dissolution of the Empire in 26172 and formed the Sclavian Empire in its place, which is considered to be the true successor of the Empire.


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Pages in category "Slavonic Universe: The Age of Rod"

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