Elections in Großgermania

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Politics and government of the

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Where it is unavailable or not desired, the name may be represented as Elections in Grossgermania.

Elections in Großgermania are held annually on 4 January to elect the Reichstag, though elections for equivalent bodies at lower levels of government (notably the regional and provincial levels) are also held at various other intervals. Großgermania uses plurality-at-large voting in its general elections. Plurality-at-large voting is an electoral system by which the candidates for office all run in a singular electoral district. In the case of Großgermania, the entire Empire acts as the electoral district. Every citizen receives one vote (although those under fourteen years of age must petition for it), and may vote for any of the candidates. Those candidates receiving the highest overall number of votes, as many candidates as there are positions available, are the ones who win the election. In the case of the Reichstag, there are seven hundred sixty seats, therefore the seven hundred sixty persons receiving the highest number of votes win the election.

Plurality-at-large voting results in the Reichstag gaining an amount of members directly proportional to the popular vote.

In order to safeguard the ability of independent candidates to be elected, several safeguards are instituted in the election regulations. Among them, it is prohibited for any party to campaign for election under a single ballot option (commonly known as an electoral slate), where a vote for any one of the members of a particular party running would constitute a vote for all of them. This prevents the National Unionist Party, the only legal political party, from running seven-hundred sixty candidates, and winning all seats simply because it received a majority of votes.

To date, there have been two elections for the Reichstag in Großgermania: