Constitution of Großgermania

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Where it is unavailable or not desired, the name may be represented as Constitution of Grossgermania.

The Constitution of the People's Empire of Greater Germania (German: Verfassung der Volksreich Großgermania) is the supreme law of Großgermania. It was promulgated on 12 December 2008, but was suspended during the coup d'état in that nation in May to June 2009.

The Constitution has three distinct parts. The first part (Articles 1 through 52) establishes political, economic, and social structuring of the Empire. The second part (Articles 53 through 63) establishes the basic rights and freedoms of the Empire's population, as well as providing for the ability of the Emperor to declare martial law. The third part (Articles 64 through 67) establishes the Constitution as the supreme law of the Empire and lays out procedure for amendment.

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Text of the Constitution


The people of Federal Republic of Germany, the Swiss Confederation, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Austria, the Principality of Liechtenstein, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Free Republic of Alsace-Lorraine, the Canary Islands, and those lands designated as German lands by the Treaty of Kraków; recognizing their Germanic heritage and the values of a state based on nationality; desiring to unite the region of Germania under a central government; embracing the values of National Unionism, proletarian rule, and nationalist autocracy, and the views of the National Unionist Party of Greater Germania; in the hope that the Imperial Government of Greater Germania, as described herein, be founded upon and embrace the values of respect for human dignity and the civil rights of freedom, equality, the rule of law, justice, and peaceful coexistence with our fellow man and with our environment; to promote the cause and welfare of Germanic peoples; to provide for the defense of the People's Empire; recognizing the inherent dignity of all members of the Germanic Community; committed to promoting the cause of Germania to the world in all international forums and organizations; and pledging to support Germania and the cause of Germanic peoples; do hereby ordain and establish this Constitution of the People's Empire of Greater Germania.

Article 1

The male pronoun is used throughout this Constitution exclusively as a gender-neutral pronoun and except where otherwise indicated all of the provisions of this Constitution apply equally to all persons regardless of gender. The male pronoun and the title 'Emperor' are used throughout this Constitution to denote the Reigning Monarch of Greater Germania, except where otherwise indicated, and the provisions of this Constitution that apply to the Reigning Monarch, except where otherwise indicated, apply equally to the Reigning Monarch of Greater Germania at any given time regardless of gender or title.

The male pronoun and the titles 'King' and 'Prince' are used throughout this Constitution to denote the Reigning Monarchs of the Kingdoms of Germany and Denmark and the Principalities of Luxembourg and Liechtenstein, except where otherwise indicated, and the provisions of this Constitution that apply to the Reigning Monarchs, except where otherwise indicated, apply equally to the Reigning Monarchs of the Kingdoms of Germany and Denmark and the Principalities of Luxembourg and Liechtenstein at any given time regardless of gender or title.

Article 2

The People's Empire of Greater Germania is a sovereign and independent State that exists within the framework of International Law, legal instruments, and internationally-recognized norms. The full title to the territory of the People's Empire resides with and shall continue to reside with the Emperor, on behalf of the people, and is inalienable and indivisible. The full title to the territory of the People's Empire is nontransferable except by the rights of inheritance of the Throne, as described herein.

Article 3

The rulership of the People's Empire is vested in an Emperor, the Emperor of Greater Germania, who holds absolute political and social authority within the territory of the People's Empire, subject to this Constitution and the veto of the Imperial Diet, as described herein, and shall assume the title of His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Greater Germania, Perpetual Vicar of National Unionism. The Emperor is granted his position by the people of Greater Germania as an expression of the will of God. The Emperor acts as Head of State of the People's Empire, is the symbol of its unity, and the guarantee of its sovereignty and independence. The person of the Emperor is inviolable.

Should, at any time, a female Monarch ascend the Throne, she shall assume the title of Her Imperial Majesty the Empress of Greater Germania, Perpetual Vicar of National Unionism.

The first Emperor of Greater Germania shall be Michael von Preußen.

Article 4

All property of the Imperial Government of Greater Germania, as described herein, shall belong to the Emperor, and is nontransferable except by his approval and the approval of the Witenagemot, as described herein. All expenses of the Emperor shall be appropriated to him from the Imperial Treasury of Greater Germania, as described herein, at the recommendation of the Witenagemot.

Article 5

It shall be the duty of the Emperor to represent the People's Empire in all manners of State, and in its relations with foreign States, except as he may delegate as he deems appropriate the performance of this duty to officers of his Imperial Government. Such matters of State and matters of relations with foreign States include the following: ratification and promulgation, through public Proclamation, of amendments to this Constitution, of international agreements to which the People's Empire is a party, and of other legal instruments; award and revocation of military positions within the Imperial Military of Greater Germania, as described herein; reception of foreign ambassadors and ministers; and performance of ceremonial functions attached to the office of Emperor as provided by law or custom.

If at any time the Emperor is unable to execute his duties as set forth in Section 1, the Minister-President, as described herein, may temporarily relieve him. During such times of Regency, no laws, edicts, or actions may be made on behalf of the Emperor other than those that are routine or necessary to protect the People's Empire from external or internal threat in time of war or Proclaimed Emergency, as described herein.

Article 6

The territory of the People's Empire is divided into the Kingdom of Germany, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Principality of Luxembourg, the Principality of Liechtenstein, the free lands of Helvetica and Alsace-Lorraine, and the Territory of the Canary Islands.

The Kingdom of Germany shall encompass the territory of Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, and those lands designated as German lands by the Treaty of Kraków. Rule of the Kingdom of Germany shall be vested perpetually in the House of Prussia, with Michael von Preußen as the first monarch.

The Kingdom of Denmark shall encompass the territory of Denmark. Rule of the Kingdom of Denmark shall be vested perpetually in the House of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, with Margarethe II van Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg as the first monarch.

The Principality of Luxembourg shall encompass the territory of Luxembourg. Rule of the Principality of Luxembourg shall be vested perpetually in the House of Nassau, with Henri von Nassau as the first monarch.

The Principality of Liechtenstein shall encompass the territory of Liechtenstein. Rule of the Principality of Liechtenstein shall be vested perpetually in the House of Liechtenstein, with Hans Adam II von Liechtenstein as the first monarch. Helvetica shall encompass the territory of Switzerland. Rule of Helvetica shall be vested in a Governor, appointed in a manner prescribed herein.

Alsace-Lorraine shall encompass the territory of Alsace-Lorraine. Rule of Alsace-Lorraine shall be vested in a Governor, appointed in a manner prescribed herein.

The Territory of the Canary Islands shall encompass the territory of the Canary Islands. Rule of the Territory of the Canary Islands shall be vested in an Imperial Protector appointed by the Emperor.

Article 7

The continental territory of the People's Empire is further divided into forty-six provinces, rule of each of which shall be vested in a Chancellor, appointed in a manner prescribed herein. Specifically, these are:

In the Kingdom of Germany: Baden-Württemburg, Bavaria, Brandenburg, Burgenland, Carinthia, East Moravia, East Pomerania, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Lower Austria, Lower Saxony, Lower Silesia, Lubusz, Northern Bohemia, Opole, the Palatinate, Poznań, Prussia, Rhineland-Westphalia, the Saar, Salzburg, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Silesia, Southwestern Bohemia, Styria, Thuringia, Tyrol, Upper Austria, Vorarlberg, West Moravia, and West Pomerania;

In the Kingdom of Denmark: Midtjylland, Nordjylland, Sjælland, and Syddanmark;

In the Principality of Luxembourg, the single province of Luxembourg;

In the Principality of Liechtenstein, the single province of Liechtenstein;

In Helvetica: Berne, Geneva, Graubünden, Ticino, Valais, and Zurich; and

In Alsace-Lorraine, the single province of Alsace-Lorraine.

Article 8

All settlements within the territory of the People's Empire with a permanent population of at minimum twenty thousand residents shall constitute a city, rule of which shall be vested in a Consul, appointed in a manner prescribed herein.

Article 9

All settlements within the territory of the People's Empire with a permanent population of at minimum one thousand residents shall constitute a town, rule of which shall be vested in a Mayor, or, in the case of a female ruler, Mayoress, appointed in a manner prescribed herein.

Article 10

All settlements within the territory of the People's Empire with a permanent population of at minimum one hundred residents shall constitute a commune, rule of which shall be vested in a Commissioner, appointed in a manner prescribed herein.

Article 11

There shall be established an Imperial Diet of the People's Empire of Greater Germania as a component of the Imperial Government thereof. The Imperial Diet shall consist of one member for every one hundred thousand citizens, elected annually on a representative basis. No representative shall serve in the Imperial Diet for consecutive terms, though nothing shall preclude any representative from serving more than one term nonconsecutively. The Imperial Diet shall be presided over by the Minister-President, appointed by the Emperor, who shall act as Head of Government of the People's Empire of Greater Germania.

The Imperial Diet shall manage political matters of the People's Empire and shall meet on a regular basis. Following any decision made or action taken by the Emperor relating to public policy, the Imperial Diet shall have the opportunity, by a vote of two-thirds plus one in favor of the motion, to veto said decision. Such a vote must be taken within fourteen days of the Emperor's decision being made or action being taken.

The Imperial Diet may, by a three-fourths plus one vote in favor, impeach the Emperor. Following impeachment, the Imperial Diet shall have at most thirty days in which they may, by majority vote in favor, reverse any decision made or action taken by the Emperor which may be reversed.

Following the legal and permanent death, abdication, or impeachment of the Emperor, the Imperial Diet shall, with all reasonable speed, elect from amongst the population of the People's Empire a new Emperor. The new Emperor shall not be a member of the Imperial Diet at the time he is elected.

Article 12

There shall be established a Witenagemot of the People's Empire of Greater Germania as a component of the Imperial Government thereof. The Witenagemot shall be a council of six members, one each from the Kingdom of Germany, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Principality of Luxembourg, the Principality of Liechtenstein, Helvetica, and Alsace-Lorraine, elected from the Witenagemots of those areas, as described herein. The Witenagemot shall be presided over by the Emperor, who shall receive a vote only in case of deadlock.

The Witenagemot shall manage economic matters of the People's Empire and shall meet on a regular basis. Members shall assume the titles of Councilors of State, and shall bring to the Witenagemot for debate issues of economic importance to their respective areas.

Article 13

No economic policies shall be set by the Emperor or the Imperial Diet, nor any of the various equivalent persons or bodies at lower tiers of government, as described herein, nor shall any political policies be set by the Witenagemot or any of the various equivalent bodies at lower tiers of government, as described herein.

Nothing in Section 1 shall preclude measures from being taken that affect both the political and economic milieus of the People's Empire or any lower tier of government, so long as the Emperor and the Imperial Diet, or the various equivalent persons or bodies at lower tiers of government, as described herein, as well as the Witenagemot, or any of the various equivalent bodies at lower tiers of government, as described herein, agree in favor of such a measure.

The Emperor and the Imperial Diet, and the Witenagemot, are the highest political and economic institutions in the People's Empire respectively, and can overrule and nullify any decision made by equivalent persons or bodies at lower tiers of government, with the exclusion of the Territory of the Canary Islands.

Article 14

There shall be established a National Assembly of the Kingdom of Germany as a component of the Government thereof. The National Assembly shall consist of one member for every one hundred thousand citizens, elected annually on a representative basis. No representative shall serve in the National Assembly for consecutive terms, though nothing shall preclude any representative from serving more than one term nonconsecutively. The National Assembly shall be presided over by the King of Germany.

The National Assembly of the Kingdom of Germany shall manage political matters of the Kingdom and shall meet on a regular basis. Following any decision by the King relating to public policy, the National Assembly shall have the opportunity, by a vote of two-thirds plus one in favor of the motion, to veto said decision. Such a vote must be taken within fourteen days of the King's decision being made.

Article 15

There shall be established a People's Assembly of the Kingdom of Denmark as a component of the Government thereof. The People's Assembly shall consist of one member for every seventy thousand citizens, elected annually on a representative basis. No representative shall serve in the People's Assembly for consecutive terms, though nothing shall preclude any representative from serving more than one term nonconsecutively. The People's Assembly shall be presided over by the King of Denmark.

The People's Assembly of the Kingdom of Denmark shall manage political matters of the Kingdom and shall meet on a regular basis. Following any decision by the King relating to public policy, the People's Assembly shall have the opportunity, by a vote of two-thirds plus one in favor of the motion, to veto said decision. Such a vote must be taken within fourteen days of the King's decision being made.

Article 16

There shall be established a Council of State of the Principality of Luxembourg as a component of the Government thereof. The Council of State shall consist of one member for every twenty thousand citizens, elected annually on a representative basis. No representative shall serve in the Council of State for consecutive terms, though nothing shall preclude any representative from serving more than one term nonconsecutively. The Council of State shall be presided over by the Prince of Luxembourg.

The Council of State of the Principality of Luxembourg shall manage political matters of the Principality and shall meet on a regular basis. Following any decision by the Prince relating to public policy, the Council of State shall have the opportunity, by a vote of two-thirds plus one in favor of the motion, to veto said decision. Such a vote must be taken within fourteen days of the Prince's decision being made.

Article 17

There shall be established a Diet of the Principality of Liechtenstein as a component of the Government thereof. The Diet shall consist of one member for every five thousand citizens, elected annually on a representative basis. No representative shall serve in the Diet for consecutive terms, though nothing shall preclude any representative from serving more than one term nonconsecutively. The Diet shall be presided over by the Prince of Liechtenstein.

The Diet of the Principality of Liechtenstein shall manage political matters of the Principality and shall meet on a regular basis. Following any decision by the Prince relating to public policy, the Diet shall have the opportunity, by a vote of two-thirds plus one in favor of the motion, to veto said decision. Such a vote must be taken within fourteen days of the Prince's decision being made.

Article 18

The Governor of Helvetica shall be appointed by the Emperor with the approval of the Helvetican Congress, as described herein, and serves until death, impeachment, resignation, or recall by the Emperor.

Article 19

There shall be established a Congress, the Helvetican Congress, as a component of the Government of Helvetica. The Congress shall consist of one member for every seventy thousand citizens, elected annually on a representative basis. No representative shall serve in the Congress for consecutive terms, though nothing shall preclude any representative from serving more than one term nonconsecutively. The Congress shall be presided over by the Governor of Helvetica. The Helvetican Congress shall manage political matters of the free land and shall meet on a regular basis. Following any decision by the Governor relating to public policy, the Congress shall have the opportunity, by a vote of two-thirds plus one in favor of the motion, to veto said decision. Such a vote must be taken within fourteen days of the Governor's decision being made.

The Congress may, by a three-fourths plus one vote in favor, impeach the Governor. Following impeachment, the Congress will have up to thirty days to, by majority vote in favor, reverse any decision made by the Governor that may be reversed. Upon appointment of a Governor by the Emperor, the Congress shall have up to fourteen days to approve or reject the appointment by majority vote.

Article 20

The Governor of Alsace-Lorraine shall be appointed by the Emperor with the approval of the National Assembly of Alsace-Lorraine, as described herein, and serves until death, impeachment, resignation, or recall by the Emperor.

Article 21

There shall be established a National Assembly of Alsace-Lorraine as a component of the Government thereof. The National Assembly shall consist of one member for every seventy thousand citizens, elected annually on a representative basis. No representative shall serve in the National Assembly for consecutive terms, though nothing shall preclude any representative from serving more than one term nonconsecutively. The National Assembly shall be presided over by the Governor of Alsace-Lorraine.

The National Assembly of Alsace-Lorraine shall manage political matters of the free land and shall meet on a regular basis. Following any decision by the Governor relating to public policy, the National Assembly shall have the opportunity, by a vote of two-thirds plus one in favor of the motion, to veto said decision. Such a vote must be taken within fourteen days of the Governor's decision being made.

The National Assembly may, by a three-fourths plus one vote in favor, impeach the Governor. Following impeachment, the National Assembly will have up to thirty days to, by majority vote in favor, reverse any decision made by the Governor that may be reversed.

Upon appointment of a Governor by the Emperor, the National Assembly shall have up to fourteen days to approve or reject the appointment by majority vote.

Article 22

There shall be established a Territorial Assembly of the Canary Islands as a component of the Government thereof. The Territorial Assembly shall consist of one member for every five thousand citizens, elected annually on a representative basis. No representative shall serve in the Territorial Assembly for consecutive terms, though nothing shall preclude any representative from serving more than one term nonconsecutively. The Territorial Assembly shall be presided over by the Imperial Protector of the Canary Islands.

The Territorial Assembly of the Canary Islands shall manage political and economic matters of the territory and shall meet on a regular basis. Following any decision by the Imperial Protector relating to public policy, the Territorial Assembly shall have the opportunity, by majority vote, to veto said decision. Such a vote must be taken within thirty days of the Imperial Protector's decision being made.

Article 23

The Territory of the Canary Islands shall constitute an autonomous territory of the People's Empire of Greater Germania. No decision made by the Imperial Government of the People's Empire shall be binding upon the Territory of the Canary Islands. Despite Section 1, the rights guaranteed by and to the Imperial Government in Articles 53 though 63 shall still apply to citizens of the Territory of the Canary Islands.

Article 24

There shall be established in each Kingdom, Principality, and free land a Witenagemot as a component of the Government thereof. The Witenagemot shall be a council of thirty-three members in the Kingdom of Germany, four members in the Kingdom of Denmark, seventy-nine members in the Principality of Luxembourg, eight members in the Principality of Liechtenstein, six members in Helvetica, and ten members in Alsace-Lorraine, one from each of the provinces in the Kingdoms of Germany and Denmark and Helvetica, one from each of the cities in Alsace-Lorraine, one from each town and commune in the Principality of Luxembourg, and one from each commune in the Principality of Liechtenstein, elected from the respective Witenagemots or Workers' Councils of those areas, as described herein. The Witenagemot shall be presided over by the respective King, Prince, or Governor, who shall receive a vote only in case of deadlock.

The Witenagemot shall manage economic matters of each Kingdom, Principality, and free land, and shall meet on a regular basis. Members shall assume the titles of Councilors of State, and shall bring to the Witenagemot for debate issues of economic importance to their respective provinces, cities, towns, and communes.

Article 25

The Chancellors of the various provinces shall be appointed by the provinces' respective King, Prince, or Governor, with the approval of the Provincial Assembly of the respective province, as described herein, and serves until death, impeachment, resignation, or recall by the respective King, Prince, or Governor.

Article 26

There shall be established in each province a Provincial Assembly as a component of the Government thereof. Each Provincial Assembly shall consist of one member for every five thousand citizens, elected annually on a representative basis. No representative shall serve in a Provincial Assembly for consecutive terms, though nothing shall preclude any representative from serving more than one term nonconsecutively. Each Provincial Assembly shall be presided over by a Premier, appointed by the respective Chancellor.

Each Provincial Assembly shall manage political matters of its respective province and shall meet on a regular basis. Following any decision by a Chancellor relating to public policy, the respective Provincial Assembly shall have the opportunity, by a vote of two-thirds plus one in favor of the motion, to veto said decision. Such a vote must be taken within fourteen days of the Chancellor's decision being made.

Each Provincial Assembly may, by a three-fourths plus one vote in favor, impeach the respective Chancellor. Following impeachment, the Provincial Assembly will have up to thirty days to, by majority vote in favor, reverse any decision made by the Chancellor that may be reversed.

Upon appointment of a Chancellor by the respective King, Prince, or Governor, the respective Provincial Assembly shall have up to fourteen days to approve or reject the appointment by majority vote.

Article 27

There shall be established in each province that is not the sole province of their Kingdom, Principality, or free land a Witenagemot as a component of the Government thereof. The Witenagemot shall be a council of a varying number of members, one from each city in the respective province, or, if one or less cities exist in the said province, one from each town (and city if applicable) in the respective province, or, if one or less towns exist in the said province, one from each commune (and town if applicable), elected from the Workers' Councils of those cities, towns, or communes, as described herein. Each Witenagemot shall be presided over by the respective Chancellor, who shall receive a vote only in case of deadlock.

Each Witenagemot shall manage economic matters of the respective province and shall meet on a regular basis. Members shall assume the titles of Councilors of State, and shall bring to the Witenagemot for debate issues of economic importance to their respective cities, towns, or communes.

Article 28

There shall be established in each city a City Council as a component of the Government thereof. Each City Council shall be a council of seven members, elected biannually on a representative basis. Each City Council shall elect from amongst its members a Consul to rule the city and represent it to the Imperial Government and internationally. The Consul's term shall last until the next elections or until his death or resignation. Each City Council shall be presided over by an Alderman (or, in the case of a female representative, Alderwoman), appointed by the respective Consul.

Each City Council shall manage political matters of its respective city and shall meet on a regular basis. Following any decision by a Consul relating to public policy, the respective City Council shall have the opportunity, by a vote of two-thirds plus one in favor of the motion, to veto said decision. Such a vote must be taken within fourteen days of the Consul's decision being made.

Article 29

There shall be established in each town a Town Council as a component of the Government thereof. Each Town Council shall be a council of seven members, elected biannually on a representative basis. Each Town Council shall elect from amongst its members a Mayor to rule the town and represent it to the Imperial Government and internationally. The Mayor's term shall last until the next elections or until his death or resignation. Each Town Council shall be presided over by an Alderman (or, in the case of a female representative, Alderwoman), appointed by the respective Mayor.

Each Town Council shall manage political matters of its respective town and shall meet on a regular basis. Following any decision by a Mayor relating to public policy, the respective Town Council shall have the opportunity, by a vote of two-thirds plus one in favor of the motion, to veto said decision. Such a vote must be taken within fourteen days of the Mayor's decision being made.

Article 30

There shall be established in each commune a People's Council as a component of the Government thereof. Each People's Council shall be a council of seven members, elected biannually on a representative basis. Each People's Council shall elect from amongst its members a Commissioner to rule the commune and represent it to the Imperial Government and internationally. The Commissioner's term shall last until the next elections or until his death or resignation. Each People's Council shall be presided over by an Alderman (or, in the case of a female representative, Alderwoman), appointed by the respective Commissioner.

Each People's Council shall manage political matters of its respective commune and shall meet on a regular basis. Following any decision by a Commissioner relating to public policy, the respective People's Council shall have the opportunity, by a vote of two-thirds plus one in favor of the motion, to veto said decision. Such a vote must be taken within fourteen days of the Commissioner's decision being made.

Article 31

There shall be established in each city, town, and commune a Workers' Council as a component of the Government thereof. Each Workers' Council shall be comprised of all employed citizens of the respective city, town, or commune, or their designated representatives. Each Workers' Council shall be presided over by the Alderman of the city, town, or commune, who shall receive a vote only in case of deadlock.

Each Workers' Council shall manage economic matters of the respective city, town, or commune, and shall meet on a regular basis. Members shall bring to the Workers' Council for debate issues of economic importance to them or those they represent.

Article 32

For the purposes of Articles 28 through 31, it shall be assumed that each City Council, Town Council, People's Council, and Workers' Council shall also be responsible for all decisions regarding, and have as members, all employed persons living in, the unincorporated rural areas nearer any specific city, town, or commune than any other.

Article 33

The power to administer the finances of the People's Empire shall be exercised according to the determination of the people. No new taxes shall be imposed or existing taxes modified except by the approval of the Witenagemot or any of the various equivalent bodies at lower tiers of government, as the case may be. No money shall be expended, nor shall the Imperial Government or any lower tier of government obligate itself, except as authorized by the Witenagemot or any of the various equivalent bodies at lower tiers of government, as the case may be.

Article 34

The Emperor may, as he deems necessary, establish and disband such councils, groups, panels, committees, or other arrangements of people of his own choosing to advise him with regard to his position.

Article 35

There shall be established an Imperial Treasury of Greater Germania, which shall, in accordance with the orderings of the Witenagemot or any of the various equivalent bodies at lower tiers of government, as the case may be, execute its responsibilities as set forth herein to support the economy of the People's Empire and to promote the economic and financial welfare of the people.

Article 36

The Imperial Treasury shall establish, regulate, supervise, and promote a safe, sound, efficient, and centralized financial system of the People's Empire based on the decisions of the Witenagemot.

Article 37

The Imperial Treasury shall manage the foreign exchange, commodity, and other financial instrument reserves of the People's Empire. The Imperial Treasury shall be responsible for carrying out the monetary policy of the People's Empire using any available instruments and in accordance with the direction of the Witenagemot.

Article 38

The Imperial Treasury shall issue to participants in the financial system of the People's Empire a supply of promissory bills or notes or other media of exchange, payable on demand, adequate to provide liquidity to all eligible participants. The Imperial Treasury shall be responsible for the design, distribution, and replacement of these bills or notes or other media, with the consultation of the Emperor.

Article 39

The Imperial Treasury shall, on a regular basis, provide reports to the Witenagemot on how the Imperial Treasury is implementing centralized economic policies developed for equal wealth sharing, in accordance with the direction of the Witenagemot.

Article 40

There shall be established an Office of the Greffier of Greater Germania, which shall provide administrative support to ensure the effective operation of the Imperial Government of the People's Empire. The Office of the Greffier shall be authorized to establish and maintain a Public Register of the People's Empire which shall consist of such subsidiary organs, bodies, and registers as are from time to time established by law or by custom, by the Emperor or by the Imperial Government.

Article 41

The Office of the Greffier shall be responsible for reviewing, accepting, and rejecting applications for citizenship within the People's Empire. Citizenship may only be revoked by the Supreme Court of Greater Germania, as described herein, or by the Imperial Diet on recommendation of the Emperor, of the Witenagemot, or of one of its members.

Article 42

There shall be established a Supreme Court of Greater Germania which will establish jurisdiction, including carriage of sentences into execution, over any offense against the legal instruments of the People's Empire, or against the founding documents, declarations, or other acts of an alliance of States or nations or other international body to which the People's Empire has been admitted, which is committed in the territory, territorial waters, or the seabed, subsoil, water column, insular shelves, airspace over land and water, or any part of the exclusive economic zone of the People's Empire as delimited by the legal instruments of the People's Empire or by international agreement; committed on board a vessel or aircraft flying the flag of the People's Empire, registered under the laws of the People's Empire, or operated by the Emperor or the Imperial Government at the time the offense is committed; committed by or against a citizen or military subject of the People's Empire; committed by or against a stateless person under the legal guardianship of the Emperor or a citizen or military subject of the People's Empire, in accordance with the laws of the People's Empire, at the time the offense is committed; committed against a State or Government facility of the People's Empire abroad, including an embassy, high commission, or other diplomatic or consular premises of the People's Empire; or committed in an attempt to compel the Emperor or the Imperial Government to commit or abstain from committing any act or omission within the scope of their powers, authorities, or functions as established by law.

Article 43

The Supreme Court may designate cases to such inferior courts as it deems necessary.

Article 44

Individual Kingdoms, Principalities, free lands, provinces, cities, towns, and communes may establish such courts as they deem necessary to establish jurisdiction over their territories with regard to laws in effect only in their territories. This shall not limit the ability of the Supreme Court to establish jurisdiction over judicial cases regarding these laws, including the ability of the Supreme Court to designate such a judicial case to a previously-established inferior court.

Article 45

The Supreme Court shall have original and appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, in all cases.

Article 46

The Supreme Court shall be presided over by a panel of five justices appointed by the Imperial Diet with the approval of the Emperor. They shall serve until death, resignation, or recall by the Imperial Diet or the Emperor.

Article 47

There shall be established an Imperial Military of the People's Empire of Greater Germania, which shall consist of an Army, a Navy, an Air Force, and as many other primary or subsidiary branches as may be required to execute its responsibilities a set forth herein.

Article 48

The status of military subject of the People's Empire of Greater Germania shall be acquired, retained, and lost in accordance with procedures previously established by law. All military subjects of the People's Empire shall be members of the Imperial Military.

Article 49

Military subjects of the People's Empire shall not enjoy the civil and political rights of citizens of the People's Empire as enumerated in this Constitution but in all other respects their treatment under the law of the People's Empire should be consistent, at least insofar as is practicable, with the treatment of citizens.

Article 50

The Imperial Government of the People's Empire, by authorization of the Emperor, shall equip and maintain the Imperial Military as may be considered adequate and effective for the purposes of defending the people or territory of the People's Empire from external aggression, treachery, or other threats to their security or welfare; maintaining the territorial integrity of the People's Empire and securing its borders and other frontiers from violation; suppressing insurrection and acting in aid of the Imperial Government of the People's Empire to restore order when called upon to do so by the Emperor, subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by law; meeting the military obligations and commitments of the People's Empire in accordance with international agreements; and performing such other functions as are prescribed by the Emperor.

Article 51

Command of the Imperial Military is vested in the Emperor. This shall include the power to determine the operational use of the Imperial Military and the power to appoint officers within all principal and subsidiary branches of the Imperial Military established in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution. The Emperor may, subject to such conditions as he thinks fit, delegate to any member of the Imperial Military his powers relating to the operational use of any of the Imperial Military but such delegation shall not affect the authority of the Emperor to exercise of any of his powers, authorities, or functions as set forth herein.

Article 52

The offense of Treason against the People's Empire of Greater Germania shall consist of any of the following acts: attempting or conspiring to kill the Emperor of Greater Germania, the King of Germany, the King of Denmark, the Prince of Luxembourg, the Prince of Liechtenstein, the Governor of Helvetica, the Governor of Alsace-Lorraine, or the Imperial Protector of the Canary Islands, or any member of the families of these persons; perpetrating a non-consensual punishable sexual offense, as previously established by law, against the Emperor of Greater Germania, the King of Germany, the King of Denmark, the Prince of Luxembourg, the Prince of Liechtenstein, the Governor of Helvetica, the Governor of Alsace-Lorraine, or the Imperial Protector of the Canary Islands, or any member of the families of these persons; killing any member of the Imperial Government of Greater Germania; endeavoring to deprive or hinder any person to whom the right of succession to the rulership of the People's Empire, or any Kingdom or Principality thereof, has been reserved from succeeding to the rulership of the People's Empire, or any Kingdom or Principality thereof, when it is legal for them to do so under this Constitution; successfully or unsuccessfully attempting or conspiring with any other person to overthrow the Emperor or the Imperial Government; acting to help a foreign State or Government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the people, territory, or Imperial Government of the People's Empire; levying war against the People's Empire, or adhering to its enemies in time of war, giving them aid and comfort; or, in time of war, with the intent to help the enemies of the People's Empire, committing or attempting or conspiring with any other person to commit any act which is designed or likely to give assistance to the military operations of the enemies of the People's Empire or to impede such operations of the Imperial Military of the People's Empire.

Article 53

The Emperor and the Imperial Government recognize all people to be created equal, and shall, insofar as it is practicable, make no law discriminating against any person on the basis of gender; race; color; ethnic, national, or social origin; association with a national minority; genetic features; size or stature; language; religion; property; birth; disability; or age.

Article 54

Insofar as it is practicable, the right of all people to vote for others standing for elected office and to stand for elected office oneself shall be extended to all persons without discrimination on any basis mentioned in Article 53.

Article 55

The Emperor and the Imperial Government shall strive at all times to promote political and economic equality amongst all citizens.

Article 56

Every person has the right of physical access to a standard of living adequate at minimum for the survival, health, and subsistence of a typical individual. In particular, physical access to safe and effective shelter, including adequate warmth; and regular and sufficient supplies of safe drinking water and nutritious, unadulterated food shall be secured for all persons by the Emperor or the Imperial Government. No person who seeks it shall be denied access to emergency medical care offered by the Emperor or the Imperial Government.

Article 57

No person shall be held against his will in slavery or servitude. Nothing in Section 1 shall be interpreted to prohibit any court of the People's Empire to require anyone legally convicted of a crime against the People's Empire to perform forced or compulsory labor in complete or partial fulfillment of a sentence imposed on him, nor shall anything in Section 1 be interpreted to prohibit the People's Empire from requesting any service of any person in time of Proclaimed Emergency or other calamity threatening the life or well-being of the People's Empire or its citizens.

Article 58

Insofar as is practicable, the free and informed consent of a person must be sought before any individual medical or biological treatment measure is undertaken on the person by any institution, body, or individual.

Article 59

No person shall be subjected by the Emperor or the Imperial Government to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 60

The right to seek and enjoy asylum from persecution shall be guaranteed to all persons by the Emperor and the Imperial Government with due respect for the provisions of international agreements to which the People's Empire is a party. This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from acts or omissions contrary to the purposes and principles of alliances of States or nations or other international bodies to which the People's Empire has been admitted.

Article 61

The People's Empire, and, indeed, the Imperial Government of the People's Empire, shall be prohibited from recognizing any act or omission committed by a person while outside the territory of the People's Empire as an extraditable offense unless the act or omission runs contrary to the founding documents, declarations, or other acts of an alliance of States or nations or other international body to which the People's Empire has been admitted.

Article 62

Every person has the right to freedom of peaceful and unarmed assembly and to freedom of association with others. No restrictions shall be placed by the Emperor or the Imperial Government on the exercise of these rights other than such as are necessary in the interests of national security or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, or for the protection of health.

Article 63

In time of Proclaimed Emergency or other calamity threatening the life or well-being of the People's Empire or its citizens the Emperor may take extraordinary measures derogating from his duties or the duties of the Imperial Government under this Constitution to the extent strictly required by the exigencies of the situation, provided that such measures are not inconsistent with his other obligations under international law. Whenever the Emperor avails himself of this option of derogation he shall keep the citizens of the People's Empire and the appropriate authorities of all alliances of States or nations and other international bodies to which the People's Empire has been admitted fully informed of the measures which he has taken and the reasons therefore. He shall also inform the citizens of the People's Empire and the appropriate authorities of all alliances of States or nations and other international bodies to which the People's Empire has been admitted when such measures have ceased to operate and the provisions of the Constitution are again being fully executed.

Article 64

The Emperor or any member of the Imperial Diet or the Witenagemot may propose amendment to this Constitution by submitting a proposal to that effect to the Emperor, the Imperial Diet, and the Witenagemot.

Article 65

The approval of the Emperor as well as a two-thirds plus one vote of both the Imperial Diet and the Witenagemot is required to amend this Constitution.

Article 66

No amendment to this Constitution may be made during time of Proclaimed Emergency or other calamity threatening the life or well-being of the People's Empire or its citizens.

Article 67

This Constitution is the Supreme Law of the People's Empire of Greater Germania. Any law passed by the Emperor, the Imperial Diet, or the Witenagemot that is contrary to any clause of this Constitution shall be rendered wholly or partially void at the discretion of the Supreme Court of Greater Germania.


Signed at the Lower Zorge Valley on 12 December 2008 and given thereby to the People's Empire.


His Imperial and Royal Majesty, Michael, Prince of Prussia
by the Grace of God Emperor of Greater Germania
King of Germany
Consul of the Lower Zorge Valley
Perpetual Vicar of National Unionism