Provinces of Großgermania

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Großgermania is a federal empire divided into six regional constituent countries, as well as one territory, the Kanarische Inseln. The mainland empire is further divided into forty-six bezirke, meaning districts. The Imperial Government of Großgermania has established provinces as the English term for these districts. The Kanarische Inseln are not included in the provincial system.

Each province is ruled by a Chancellor appointed by the respective king, prince, or governor of its region, as well as a Provincial Assembly. Each also has a Witenagemot to make economic decisions, except for Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, and Alsace-Lorraine, whose economies are exclusively governed by their respective regions. Thirty-three of these provinces are in the Kingdom of Germany, six are in Helvetica, four are in the Kingdom of Denmark, and there is one each in the Principality of Luxembourg, the Principality of Liechtenstein, and Alsace-Lorraine.

Of the German provinces, thirteen comprise the former Federal Republic of Germany and eight the former Republic of Austria, which are based on the former Länder of those states. The former Länder of Berlin, Hamburg, and Bremen were incorporated into the larger states surrounding them upon the formation of Großgermania (Brandenburg, Schleswig-Holstein, and Lower Saxony, respectively), as was Vienna, the ninth Austrian Länder, which was incorporated into Lower Austria. Eight of these provinces were formerly part of the Republic of Poland and the Russian Federation. Though largely based on the former voivodeships of Poland, some of their names were changed, Prussia was re-established from two voivodeships (and Königsberg), Greater Poland (now Poznań) was expanded slightly, and Silesia was expanded to cover four other districts. The Regions of the Czech Republic were combined into four provinces.

The six Helvetican provinces were created from the Cantons of Switzerland, smaller ones of which were combined with the larger ones; similarly, the four Danish provinces were created from the five Regions of the Denmark (with Hovedstaden merging to become part of Sjælland).

List of Provinces

Provinces of Großgermania
Province Capital
Province Capital
Province Capital
File:Flag of the Kingdom of Germany.svg
Kingdom of Germany
File:Flag of Baden-Württemberg.png Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart
File:Flag of Bavaria (striped).png Bavaria Munich
File:Flag of Brandenburg.png Brandenburg Berlin
File:Flag of Burgenland.PNG Burgenland Eisenstadt
File:Flag of Carinthia.png Carinthia Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
File:Flag of East Moravia.png East Moravia Gottwaldov
File:Flag of East Pomerania.png East Pomerania Bromberg
File:Flag of Hesse.png Hesse Frankfurt am Main
File:Flag of Lower Austria.png Lower Austria Sankt Pölten
File:Flag of Lower Saxony.png Lower Saxony Bremen
File:Flag of Lower Silesia.png Lower Silesia Breslau
File:Flag of Lubusz.png Lubusz Landsberg an der Warthe
File:Flag of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.png Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Schwerin
File:Flag of Northern Bohemia.png Northern Bohemia Prague
File:Flag of Opole.png Opole Oppeln
File:Flag of the Palatinate.png The Palatinate Mainz
File:Flag of Poznań.png Poznań Posen
File:Flag of Prussia.png Prussia Königsberg
File:Flag of Rhineland-Westphalia.png Rhineland-Westphalia Düsseldorf
File:Flag of the Saar.png The Saar Saarbrücken
File:Flag of Salzburg.png Salzburg Salzburg
File:Flag of Saxony.png Saxony Leipzig
File:Flag of Saxony-Anhalt.png Saxony-Anhalt Magdeburg
File:Flag of Schleswig-Holstein.png Schleswig-Holstein Schleswig
Flag of Silesia.png Silesia Kattowitz
File:Flag of Southwestern Bohemia.png Southwestern Bohemia Iglau
File:Flag of Styria.png Styria Graz
File:Flag of Thuringia.png Thuringia Nordhausen
File:Flag of Tyrol.png Tyrol Innsbruck
File:Flag of Upper Austria.png Upper Austria Linz
File:Flag of Vorarlberg.png Vorarlberg Bregenz
File:Flag of West Moravia.png West Moravia Pardubitz
File:Flag of West Pomerania.png West Pomerania Stettin
File:Flag of Denmark.png
Kingdom of Denmark
File:Flag of Midtjylland.png Midtjylland Viborg
File:Flag of Nordjylland.png Nordjylland Aalborg
File:Flag of Sjælland.png Sjælland Roskilde
File:Flag of Syddanmark.png Syddanmark Odense
File:Flag of Berne.png Berne Bern
File:Flag of Geneva.png Geneva Geneva
File:Flag of Graubünden.png Graubünden Chur
File:Flag of Ticino.png Ticino Bellinzona
File:Flag of Valais.png Valais Sion
File:Flag of Zurich.png Zurich Zürich
File:Flag of the Principality of Luxembourg.svg
Principality of Luxembourg
Luxembourg.png Luxembourg Luxembourg City
File:Fürstentum Liechtenstein.png
Principality of Liechtenstein
File:Liechtenstein.png Liechtenstein Vaduz
File:FR Alsace-Lorraine.png Alsace-Lorraine Straßburg