Islamic Federation of States

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The Islamic Federation of States (IFS) commonly known as Islamic Federation, is a federal multinational country located in North Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Balkans. At 19.7 million square kilometers, it is Terra's third largest country by total area. With a population of almost 1.1 billion, it is the fourth most populous country in Terra. The national capital is Meccah, and the most populous city is Cairo.

The Islamic Federation is a federal multination state with two separate branches of government, including a unicameral legislature. The IFS ranks average in all international measures because of the differences between all composing states, but all of them have a common currency, common armed forces and internationally they have a common government.


COVID-19 outbreak and Mars colonization

At the end of 2019, a virus appeared to change the world. The world's economy was heavily affected by this situation, flights were cancelled, the countries were closing their borders causing travel restrictions. Millions lost their jobs and were forced to stay home. Countries without a public health system or with an underfunded one suffered hundreds of thousands of deaths. But many pharmaceutical companies were producing vaccines to sell to the world governments making the pharma industry even more powerful. But the people of the world started to feel suspicious about the situation and realized that the economic system that allowed that situation to happen was not fair, specially working class people. Riots all over the world started.

New global powers

Countries like the United States were almost about to collapse and the President, Joe Biden promised that they will take some measures to protect the health of the people without enough purchasing power, not without oposition. At this point, China stepped further reaching the position of world's first economy. And the relations between the United States and the European Union were not very good after the previous President Donald Trump's office, so the European Union break the diplomatic relations with the US. The NATO also disappeared. The United States had a plan to divert the attention of its citizens, space race. They prepared the mission New Home with the objective to send humans to Mars to establish a colony.

On the other side of the Atlantic, in 2025, the European Union member states met in Berlin to approve different measures. Like the creation of the EU Armed Forces and the expulsion of Spain and Greece from the union. The economies of Spain and Greece were devastated after the virus outbreak and they could not recover. Greeks and Spaniards already had a hatred towards the EU because joining the European Union made their economies not productive because both countries became a vacational resort and lost their industry to favour German economy. Both countries had parallel events, in both people took the control of the government, the powerful people of both countries flee to the European Union (even the Spanish King exiled his family to Switzerland, becoming Spain a republic) and communist parties took the role of the government. The leaders of both countries met in Empúries (Catalonia, Spain) to sign an alliance the Emporion Pact. The Emporion Pact was formed by the Socialist Hellenic Republic (Greece) and the Union of Iberian Socialist Republics (Spain).

The European Union invested in the European Space Agency (ESA) to send a European mission to Mars in order to compete with the US in their space race.

The Russian government saw the European Union situation of rearming as a threat and they became closer with the members of the Emporion Pact giving military support and assistance. Serbia, Montenegro and North Macedonia became allies with them too.

In Russia the situation did not change too much, their influence in Europe grew and the situation of the United States made them even stronger. The international allies of Russia were China and India. Both countries saw how their economies grew even more and all of them had plans to participate in the space race.

Japan saw the new situation as a threat and they decided to rearm themselves, they needed a strong navy to counterpart the growth of Russia and China and the United States loss of power. The new international policy of Japan was isolation and defence. Eventually in the year 2030, a new event happened, the Japanese National Awakening, the warrior and isolationist spirit of Japan was reborn and they became a Monarchy governed by a military chief, a shogun. Takeuchi Iwao became the Shogun of Japan.

Under this situation of uncertainty, the Indian Government impulsed in 2030, the creation of a Federal State, the South Asian Union merging India, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia into a macro-state.

The United Kingdom focused its international policy in strenghten the relations with Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Latin America

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The decrease in drugs demand from the US, allowed the Mexican Army to defeat the drug cartels.

In 2025, Latin America was in a turmoil, Mexico saw very close the defeat of the drug cartels not without bloodshed. Venezuela had a brief two-year civil war were the most critic factions within Nicolás Maduro political party won. The new leader, Rodrigo Mendoza critized Chávez and Maduro's policy, the 21st Century Socialism, to be a "decaffeinated, revisionist and deformed version of socialism" and his government applied a Hoxhaist hard-line socialism, like in Iberia (former Spain) and Greece). Mendoza's Venezuela backed a successful military coup in Nicaragua and both countries joined the Emporion Pact. Cuba had now a bigger chance to break their isolation so Miguel Díaz-Canel proposed to vote a change of the party strategy and Cuba also adopted the anti-revisionist socialism, being the fifth member of the Emporion Pact.

The US could not keep in power the President of Bolivia, so Mendoza and Díaz-Canel supported the return of Evo Morales, who gladly joined the socialist anti-revisionist club. Cuba and Venezuela, established a new regime in Haiti. Brazil, Argentina and Chile agreed to have a mutual defence alliance.

Middle East

Greek marines reaching the Syrian coast.

As usual, the situation was not better in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia invaded Yemen and the Syrian War became more brutal. Turkey reinforced its presence in northern Syria and that allowed Greece to grow stronger in the Mediterranean levant. Assad now supported by Russia, Greece and Iberia ended the war. Assad was given a condition imposed by the Emporion Pact or entering the club or giving independence to the Kurd people. The outcome was the birth of the Socialist Levantine Union formed by Syria and Kurdistan (the Syrian part) but governed by Assad, and of course backed by Russia. The stability seemed to arrive to the region but Israel could occupy the Lebanon quickly to have a bigger influence on the region and compensate the power of the re-industrialized and nuclear powered Emporion Pact.

Space race

At the end of 2026, the NASA with the collaboration with private companies like SpaceX send the first crew to Mars in order to colonize the red planet. On January 2027, the United Nations invited all the member countries to deliberate about one topic, Mars. After several days of deliberation, they divided Mars into different influence areas: United States, Russia, China, India, Japan and the ESA. Another condition was that the colonization process would be regulated by the United Nations upon votation and no weapons would be allowed to bring to Mars. The Treaty of New York was signed on January 28th. The New Home mission crew arrived to the surface of Mars in May 2027. The new colony needed for materials and supplies and the United States government announced to increase the federal taxes in order to supply the Martian crew. The answer of the citizens was clear: "not from my wallet". And the United States broke into 50 independent states, Puerto Rico and the US  former territories became also independent. That happened in 2028.


In Africa, there were also more changes, like the rise of the economies of East African states backed by China. Or the Cuban and Venezuelan efforts to make Angola and Mozambique part of the Emporion Pact, which were frustrated by South Africa.

Algerian troops approaching Morocco.

The situation of the Western Sahara who was occupied by Morocco. But after the events of 2028, Morocco lost its main ally, the United States. So Algeria, after rearming itself declared war on Morocco and gave support to the Polisario Front in 2032. The President of Iberia, Vicente Rodríguez said that Spain was responsible for the Western Sahara situation and now their duty is to help the Sahrawis, from the Canary Islands, they gave aerial support to the Polisario Front by attacking the Moroccan Atlantic coast and from Andalusian coast sending the Iberian Marines to the Moroccan Mediterranean coast, the latter action was reinforced by Greek Marines. But Morocco was not alone... they had their allies in the European Union.

World War III

Iberian marines about to join the Greek marines near Nador (Morocco).

If the previous World Wars started in Europe, the third started in North Africa. Morocco saw itself sorrounded by enemies, from the west the Iberian Armed Forces were pushing them, from the south the Polisario Front were expelling Moroccan forces to the north, from the east the Algerian Army was advancing without stop and from the north Iberian and Greek combined forces were closing the circle. Morocco's most powerful ally, the United States were not existing anymore. But Morocco was an ally of France and they could ask for help.

European Union intervention

EU Navy ship on the way to blockade the Canary Islands.

France proposed to intervene in the Moroccan War with the European Union Armed Forces (EUAF) and the member countries voted to allow that, seeing in the situation a perfect test for the centralized EUAF. The EU Navy in the Mediterranean set a blockade to the Balearic islands and the EU Navy in the Atlantic did the same with the Canary Islands, so the advance against Morocco had to stop, but Algeria already pushed the Moroccan to the coast.

The UK sent the Royal Navy to the Strait of Gibraltar in order to protect the Gibraltarians. In August 2032, The EU Army occupied the Iberian Republic of Baskonia, but the Basques formed militias which would lead the situation to a war of attrition.

Russia joins the war

Russian Navy deployed on the Gulf of Finland.

Putin's Russia deployed the Armed Forces to take the Baltics as a response of the invasion of Baskonia, in a couple of weeks, the three Baltic republics were occupied by Russia. In September 2032, the European Union had three open fronts: the Iberian Front, the Russian Front and the Greek Front. Turkey saw the oportunity to take some Egean Sea islands knowing that Syria would not support its Emporion Pact allies because it was in a long recovery process from a long civil war. Russia sent some troops to attack Turkey and the Armenian Armed Forces joined the Russians. Georgia declared itself neutral in the conflict. Armenia in a safe position thanks to the presence of Russian troops attacked Azerbaijan. And the Socialist Kurdistan attacked Turkey from the southeast.

The War in the Middle East

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Kurdish female soldiers in the front against Turkey and the Islamic State.

Israel occupied Lebanon revived the conflict, Lebanese liberation militias were diverting Israel Defence Forces from taking any action in the conflict, so Israel focused in securing its positions. At the beginning of 2033, Kurdistan annexed the Turkish and the Iraqi Kurdistan. Iraq declared war to Kurdistan and Iran, in defence of the Kurds declared the war on Iraq. The Kingdom of Jordan and Egypt remained neutral and Saudi Arabia declared War on Iran.


Japanese Air Force jet getting ready to be deployed.

The Japanese Shogun, Takeuchi Iwao, sent the navy to invade the Kuril islands but it was stopped by the Russian navy. China answered to this provocation by establishing maritime patrols on its surrounding seas. South Korea tried to form an alliance with the Shogunate but they found no answer, in 2034, North Korea invaded South Korea and China invaded Taiwan. Australia joined the Philippines in a military alliance for the West Pacific. The little North American states formed alliances with different countries, California, Oregon, Hawaii and Washington formed an alliance with Australia and the Philippines, the Pacific Alliance. The little island states of the Pacific Ocean became battle scenarios between China-Russia allies, the Pacific alliance or the Japanese, that were on their own trying to expand their dominion in the Pacific islands, like ninety years ago. As a mutual defence pact, the Pan-Malay Union was born, an self-defence alliance between Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore.

Back to Africa

In Sub-Saharan Africa the war was lived in a different way, they were starting a become pressured to choose side in the war but their countries were not willing to participate. They were only active militias in Angola and Mozambique backed by Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua.

Latin America and the Caribbean

Bolivia was surrounded by rival countries but they declared neutrality, Cuba and Venezuela expanded their influence on the Caribbean occupying the Dominican Republic (2035) and Florida (2036), but they found resistance in Puerto Rico, which was supported by North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. Costa Rica started to receive a huge amount of war refugees due to its neutrality. Many former US citizens became mercenaries due to their experience with weapons as civils and it was not strange to find them in the Caribbean battle scenarios. United Kingdom's Royal Navy had their role at protecting the lesser Antilles.

The Balkans and Eastern Europe

The EU Armed Forces reinforced the Ukrainian Army to prevent a Russian attack through there, but they were surprised by the Serbians, using guerrilla tactics to sabotage the advance of the EUAF. In 2037 the EUAF surrounded Serbia with their presence in Bosnia, Romania and Bulgaria but a new push from the Greeks helped them. Albania and Kosovo also gave tactical support to the EUAF. With the Serbian diversion, the Ukrainian troops were defeated by Russia.

Last years of the war

With all the opened fronts of the EUAF, Iberia recovered the control of Baskonia and the naval blockade was lifted. In 2039, the Iberians and the Algerians withdraw from Morocco but liberated the Western Sahara, which became another member of the Emporion Pact. The same year Turkey surrended because it was pushed too hard by Russia, Armenia and Kurdistan and they were forced to withdraw from the Egean islands. The EU negotiated the ceasefire because Russia won at the Turkish front and Japan ceased its attempts to expand in 2040.

In 2040, Iran and Saudi Arabia ceased their fire exchange by establishing a buffer Iraqi state without the Kurdish majority area.

The war in the Caribbean lasted one year more, when Puerto Rico and its allies defeated  the Emporion Pact forces with the help of the British. With the withdrawal of the Cuban Navy from Florida, World War III ended in 2041, after nine years of conflict.

Aftermath of the conflict

  • Russia annexed Belarus and Ukraine and withdrew from the Baltic Republics.
  • Serbia, Montenegro and North Macedonia joined the Emporion Pact.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina joined the European Union.
  • Albania annexed Kosovo and joined the European Union.
  • Western Sahara became independent and along with Algeria, they joined the Emporion Pact.
  • Indonesia, Brunei and Malaysia joined in the Pan-Malay Union, Singapore left the union remaining independent.
  • The Socialist Levantine Union was divided into the Arab Socialist Republic of Syria and the Socialist Republic of Kurdistan, being both of them members of the Emporion Pact.
  • A neutral Iraqi buffer state was formed being under control of UN peacekeeping missions.
  • Turkey lost all the islands they had in the Egean Sea to Greece and they renounced to the Kurdish majority areas and Northern Cyprus. Erdoğan was forced to resign.
  • Destruction of the Islamic State by the Kurds.
  • Armenia annexed the Artsakh.
  • Independence of Greenland.
  • China annexed Taiwan and Korea was unified under the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
  • With the war, the space race was stopped and all the Martian colonists could not survive.
  • The South Asian Union took the lead in the space race.
  • Four years after the war in 2045, Japan was expelled from the United Nations.

After the end of the war, the planet was destroyed and many countries fell into anarchy. In 2042, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Malawi and Madagascar joined in a federal state named East African Federation, which had a strange political system combining socialism and a multy-party democracy.

The international situation was not stable after the war, Japan became a dictatorial regime under the Shogun and it was expelled from the United Nations on 2045 and in October 2048, the riots took the rule of Iran, proclaiming the Provisional Republic of Persia, but the government could not do anything to control the mass of protesters, at the end, the government then established a constitutional monarchy, reigned by Shahbanu Noor Pahlavi.

But more steps were done in Mars colonization project, Russia and China sent a colonist crew to Mars in 2045 in agreement with the Treaty of New York, one year later, the South Asian Union did the same. Japan after being expelled from the UN, they were not bound by the New York Treaty and they occupied the US assigned zone of Mars and the ESA send a team of engineers and scientists to Mars to advance in the terraforming project.

A global government

With the unstoppable growth of anarchy and socialism in the world during the 2050's and the 2060's, the United Nations were dealing with the member countries to make one step in the creation of a world government. It was voted and the proposal was successful and it would take effect in October 2067. That caused many countries to abandon the UN, like East Africa Federation, Russia, China, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Singapore, Persia and the member countries of the Emporion Pact. On October 16, 2067, all remaining member states of the United Nations were now under the same flag and the global government was named, the Confederation of Terra.

Effects of the global government

The existence of a global government that claimed all Terra made the European Union obsolete and it ceased to exist. Many European countries wanted to remain independent from this world government, specially the monarchies, and they friendly agree with the Confederation to form an independent supranational entity named Kingdoms of Terra. This organization was founded in December 2070 and the members were: Andorra, Belgium, Denmark, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the Vatican City. And later, Australia, Canada and New Zealand joined.

In 2071, Vladimir Putin died at the age of 119, leading to riots and protests for freedom. The Russian oligarchy had to seek for shelter in Switzerland and countries of the Kingdoms of Terra. The provisional government of Gennadiy Kuzmin, allowed the people to protest and freed Belarus and Ukraine. Different republics of Russia declared independence between 2075 and 2080. All of these resultant countries, including the still powerful Russia, joined the Emporion Pact and the Hoxhaist ideology.

In 2083, Afghanistan and Tajikistan left the Confederation of Terra and joined Persia for cultural reasons, Persia was then an economic powerhouse.

The Confederate Navy, the most powerful in Terra, took Taiwan from China and invaded Korea in 2087, making China renounced they party policy and join the Emporion Pact. Now the military alliance of the Emporion Pact had a significant amount of power but lacked coordination compared to their rivals of the Confederation of Terra , so they decided to unite into one socialist macro-state.

Birth of the Terran Republic

Some of the member states of the Emporion Pact were reluctant to cease their autonomy in order to create another global government but in 2090, the Kingdoms of Terra united themselves into one country. So on 15 June 2091, the Terran Republic was born.

Cold War II

The global situation now was very tense, the Confederation with their powerful fleet dominated the seas and the Terran Republic with their enormous army took the North of Korea. Cold War II began.

There was no a direct conflict between the Terran countries because there was an intrincated network of allies and enemies between the different existing countries: the Confederation of Terra , the Terran Republic, Japan, Costa Rica, Switzerland, Singapore, Persia and East Africa. The local disputes had to be resolved thanks to a common ally or an arbiter country. The arbiter countries had to role to mediate in conflicts as a neutral part, those were Costa Rica (in charge of the Americas), Switzerland (in charge of Europe and Africa) and Singapore (in charge of Asia and the Pacific).

The situation of the Antarctica was different, in was considered by the Council of Arbiters (created in 2194 by the Treaty of Bern) as No Man's Land, so it was a land without law, without any kind of organized government, often refuge for outlaws and pirates.

The creation of the Islamic Federation of States

Cold War II was about to warm up when a different faction was segregated from the Confederation of Terra in 2248, the Islamic Federation of States, which occupied Kurdistan and thus, having bad relation with the Republic of Terra and good with the Confederation of Terra. The Terran Republic accused the Confederation of Terra of conspiracy, they said that the Confederate government was behind the invasion of Kurdistan (the Republic just kept the Syrian portion). The Confederate government denied that.

Contemporary history

As the United Nations did not exist anymore, the Treaty of New York was cancelled and the colonizing mission to Mars bring weapons there. The Cold War was not so cold in Mars. Because of the colonization efforts of the Terran countries, sending their best scientists and engineers to Mars, the progress of technology in Terra was really slow while Mars was almost terraformed.

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CTSS Kofi Annan on its way to battle against the Martian Navy.

In 2298, the process of terraforming was finished successfully and the Martian leaders of the different faction were exhausted of the Terran wars at their home, so they decided to become independent in 2300. Japan was the first country to recognize the independence of the Republic of Mars and gradually the rest of countries were doing so. But the Confederation of Terra , the country who invested more in the terraforming project, refuse to recognize the independence and declared war to Mars. The first Martian president, Sophie Zheng, said that the Confederation of Terra was "the bully of the seven seas pretending to be bully of our Solar System".

The Confederate-Martian War lasted only two years (2300-2302) and the Confederation of Terra proved to be technologically obsolete to fight against the Martian Space Navy, the Confederate Space Navy was massacred by the Martian space ships which had powerful plasma cannons and more technologically advanced weapons.

Shortly after Martian independence, the Martian government started what the Terrans called The Purge, they went after the already minority, religious people of Mars, including the Muslims. So the Islamic Federation declared war on the red planet. The Martians ignored the war declaration.

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View of Dubai, in the Islamic Federation of States.

Contemporary history starts with the Martian creation of the first Alcubierre drive space ship in 2320, which marked the beginning of the Expansion of Humanity to other solar systems. In 2331, Mars invited the representatives of each Terran faction to sign the Treaty of Solis Lacus, which gave the Terran factions the domain over the Solar System not further than the asteroid belt (with the exception of Mars and its moons) and Mars dominion would go further than the asteroid belt. The Islamic Federation did not attend the meeting and they were excluded from the treaty losing their right to have a piece of the asteroid belt cake.

At this point in the year 2420, the situation did not change too much for the Islamic Federation, they are a Terran country whose biggest ally is still the Confederation of Terra and they still have a tense relationship with the Terran Republic and Mars. The Islamic Federation has a diversified economy but they are renowned for geological prospections and for architecture.


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The Islamic Federation is represented by the dark green colour.

The term "Islamic Federation of States", when used in the geographical sense, is almost all North Africa, almost all the Middle East, part of the Balkans, Pakistan, Indonesia, Brunei and Malaysia. The Islamic Federation shares land borders with the Terran Republic, East Africa, Persia, the Confederation of Terra, Singapore and South Asia and maritime borders with all of them plus the Kingdoms of Terra.


The total area of the Islamic Federation of States is 19,683,430 km2, making it the fourth largest country of Terra in terms of surface.

General characteristics

  • Continents: Africa, Asia and Europe.
  • Area: 19,683,430 km2 (ranked 4th).
  • Highest point: K2 (8,611 m).
  • Lowest point: Dead Sea (-430 m).
  • Longest river: Nile (6,650 km).
  • Largest lake: Caspian Sea (371,000 km2).
  • Climate: Diverse, from Arid Desert (Sahara and Arabia) to Tropical (Guinea and Burkina Faso) and Mediterranean (Morocco).
  • Terrain: Diverse, from coastal plains (Atlantic Morocco) to high mountain (Karakorum mountain range).
  • Natural resources: oil, gas.
  • Natural hazards: earthquakes, drougths.


The Islamic Federation is the fourth most populous country in the world with 1,096,638,500 people. Arab people constitute the majority of the population of the Federation being a 13% of the country's population, proving the Islamic Federation is a very ethnically diverse country.

General statistics

  • Population: 1,096,638,500 (ranked 4th).
  • Density: 55.7/km2 (ranked 7th).
  • Growth rate: 0%
  • Birth rate: 23 births/1,000 population.
  • Death rate: 28 deaths/1,000 population.
  • Life expectancy: 80 years.
    • female: 85 years.
    • male: 75 years.
  • Fertility rate: 3.2 children born/woman.
  • Net migration rate: -5 migrants/1,000 population.

Top 10 cities

  1. Cairo, Egypt
  2. Karachi, Pakistan
  3. Istanbul, Turkey
  4. Lahore, Pakistan
  5. Jakarta, Indonesia
  6. Kuala Lumpur, Selangor
  7. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  8. Baghdad, Iraq
  9. Khartoum, Sudan
  10. Alexandria, Egypt


The official language of the Islamic Federation is Arabic but each constituting state is free to establish its official language. The most common first languages of the population of the Islamic Federation of States are:

  • Arabic: 27.6%
  • Neo-Malay: 21.3%
  • Javanese: 7.4%
  • Punjabi: 7.0%
  • Turkish: 6.8%
  • Sundanese: 3.7%
  • Pashto: 3.2%
  • Sindhi: 2.7%
  • Hindustani (Urdu): 2.3%
  • Saraiki: 2.2%
  • Somali: 1.4%
  • Kurdish: 1.3%
  • Berber: 1.2%
  • Madurese: 1.2%
  • Hausa: 1.1%
  • Bambara: 1.0%
  • Mossi: 0.9%
  • Azerbaijani: 0.8%
  • Acehnese: 0.3%


Citizens of the Islamic Federation of States have freedom of religion, but those who have other religion than Islam, should pay an additional federal tax, the jizyah. As the fourth most populated country in Terra, the Islamic Federation has the largest Muslim, Bahá'í and Yazidi populations. The religion in the Islamic Federation is represented like this:

  • 89.7% Muslims
  • 6.5% Christians
  • 1.1% Hindus
  • 0.9% No religion
  • 0.6% Buddhists
  • 1.2% Others


The Islamic Federation life expectancy is 80 years which is a bit below the world average, but there are differences in life expectancy between the different constituting states.


The education is standardized and it has the same level in all the Federation. All citizens have right to education and it is free for all citizens unless they prefer to use private schooling. Higher education in the Islamic Federation has the best level in architecture, mathematics and geology.

Government and politics

The Islamic Federation of States is a federal multination state composed of 56 different states. In the Islamic Federation political system, citizens are usually subject to three levels of government: federal, state and local.

The federal government comprises two branches:

  • Legislative and Executive: The Council of the Heads of the Government, makes federal law, declares war, approves treaties and has the power of the purse, is the commander-in-chief of the military and administer and enforce federal laws and policies through the different Federal Councils of Ministers.
  • Judicial: the Supreme Court and lower federal courts, whose judges are appointed by the Council of the Heads of the Government, interpret laws and overturn those they find against the goals of the Islamic Federation.

The Council of the Heads of the Government has 56 members, one per constituting state, and each state has its own laws regarding the election of its Head of the Government. This Council only works through unanimous decision of all Heads of Government, so all of them have to row towards the same direction if they want to advance.

Political divisions

The Islamic Federation of States is composed by 56 states: 9 emirates, 4 kingdoms, 1 rajanate, 33 republics, 9 sultanates. These are subdivided into counties and further divided into municipalities. The federal capital is Meccah, located in Saudi Arabia. The 56 states of the Islamic Federation of States are:

  1. Abu Dhabi, Emirate of
  2. Albania, Republic of
  3. Ajman, Emirate of
  4. Azerbaijan, Republic of
  5. Bahrain, Kingdom of
  6. Bosnia, Republic of
  7. Brunei, Sultanate of
  8. Burkina Faso, Republic of
  9. Chad, Republic of
  10. Darfur, Republic of
  11. Djibouti, Republic of
  12. Dubai, Emirate of
  13. Egypt, Republic of
  14. Eritrea, Republic of
  15. Fujairah, Emirate of
  16. Gambia, Republic of the
  17. Guinea, Republic of
  18. Indonesia, Republic of
  19. Iraq, Republic of
  20. Johor, Sultanate of
  21. Jordan, Kingdom of
  22. Kedah, Sultanate of
  23. Kelantan, Sultanate of
  24. Kordofan, Republic of
  25. Kurdistan, Republic of
  26. Kuwait, Emirate of
  27. Libya, Republic of
  28. Malacca, Republic of
  29. Mali, Republic of
  30. Mauritania, Republic of
  31. Morocco, Kingdom of
  32. Negeri Sembilan, Republic of
  33. Niger, Republic of
  34. Oman, Sultanate of
  35. Pahang, Sultanate of
  36. Pakistan, Republic of
  37. Palestine, Republic of
  38. Penang, Republic of
  39. Perak, Sultanate of
  40. Perlis, Rajanate of
  41. Qatar, Emirate of
  42. Ras Al Khaimah, Emirate of
  43. Sabah, Republic of
  44. Sarawak, Republic of
  45. Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of
  46. Selangor, Sultanate of
  47. Senegal, Republic of
  48. Sharjah, Emirate of
  49. Sierra Leone, Republic of
  50. Somalia, Republic of
  51. Sudan, Republic of the
  52. Terengganu, Sultanate of
  53. Tunisia, Republic of
  54. Turkey, Republic of
  55. Umm Al Quwain, Emirate of
  56. Yemen, Republic of

Parties and elections

There are no parties or elections at a federal level, each constituting state has its own rules to choose governor or may not have them at all. At a federal level it does not exist an only person who is the Head of the Government or the Head of State, but the Council of the Heads of the Government which is composed by the 56 heads of the government of each constituting state.

Foreign relations

Diplomatic Relations of the Islamic Federation of States
Country Relationship
File:United Nations.png Confederation of Terra Ally
Flag of Costa Rica.svg Costa Rica Neutral
File:East African Federation flag.png East Africa Ally
File:Imperial Japanese Flag.png Japan Ally
File:Kingdoms of Terra flag.png Kingdoms of Terra Ally
File:Martian flag.png Mars Hostile
File:Persia flag.png Persia Hostile
File:Flag of Singapore.png Singapore Neutral
File:South Asian Union flag.png South Asia Hostile
Swiss.png Switzerland Neutral
File:Terran-Republic-flag.png Terran Republic Hostile

Government finance

The federal taxes are destined to finance the public education, the Armed Forces and the federal institutions and infrastructure (such as the Central Bank, the inter-state roads and railways...). Another federal tax, the jizyah is used to finance the trip of the Muslims who prove they cannot afford the pilgrimage to Meccah.


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An anti-satellite and anti-spaceship cannon used by the Islamic Federation of States (Karakorum mountains, Pakistan).

The Council of the Heads of the Government is the commander-in-chief of the Islamic Federation Armed Forces and appoints its leaders and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Council of Ministers of Defence administers four of the five service branches, which are made up of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Space Navy. The Border Force, also a branch of the armed forces, is administered by the Council of Ministers of the Interior in peacetime and by the Council of Ministers of Defence in wartime.

Military service in the Islamic Federation is mandatory, those who do not complete it, have to pay an additional federal tax. Non-Muslims and women are exempted from the military service and the forementioned additional tax. Due to its rivalry with the Terran Republic and Mars, the Islamic Federation has the most effective defence systems in all Terra, making useless any attempt to invade its territory. The country holds nuclear weapons too.

Law enforcement and crime

Crime rates are very different in each states, and each one has their own law enforcement police forces. It does not exist a federal police force. All crimes affecting to more than one constituting state are a matter of the combining efforts of the implied states or the military. The penal code is federal and it is inspired by the Islamic law.


The Islamic Federation economy is diversified, but geological prospections (esentially to find water) are an important economic activity, also urban plannning and chemical industry. The country has a mixed economy combining elements of a capitalist and a socialist economy. The companies are forced to give paid holidays to all employees and a free day (Friday) for those who do not work in basic services. Paternity leaves do not exist. And retired people are granted with a federal pension depending on how much they contributed in federal taxes and a state pension depending on the internal policies of each state regarding retirement benefits.

Science and technology

The Islamic Federation is renowned for their knowledge in architecture, urban planning and design. Also in the geology field.

Income, poverty and wealth

This factors vary greatly comparing each constituting state.


Infrastructure between states is efficient with the interstate roads and the interstate railways, the rest depends on each constituting state.


Islamic culture and Muslim culture refer to cultural practices common to historically Islamic people. The early forms of Muslim culture, from the Rashidun Caliphate to early Umayyad period and early Abbasid period, were predominantly Arab, Byzantine, Persian and Levantine. With the rapid expansion of the Islamic empires, Muslim culture has influenced and assimilated much from the Persian, Egyptian, Caucasian, Turkic, Mongol, Indian, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Malay, Somali, Berber, Indonesian, and Moro cultures.

Islamic culture generally includes all the practices which have developed around the religion of Islam. There are variations in the application of Islamic beliefs in different cultures and traditions.


Public Islamic art is traditionally non-representational, except for the widespread use of plant forms, usually in varieties of the spiralling arabesque. These are often combined with Islamic calligraphy, geometric patterns in styles that are typically found in a wide variety of media, from small objects in ceramic or metalwork to large decorative schemes in tiling on the outside and inside of large buildings, including mosques. However, there is a long tradition in Islamic art of the depiction of human and animal figures, especially in painting and small anonymous relief figures as part of a decorative scheme. Almost all Persian miniatures (as opposed to decorative illuminations) include figures, often in large numbers, as do their equivalents in Arab, Mughal and Ottoman miniatures. But miniatures in books or muraqqa albums were private works owned by the elite. Larger figures in monumental sculpture are exceptionally rare until recent times, and portraiture showing realistic representations of individuals (and animals) did not develop until the late 16th century in miniature painting, especially Mughal miniatures. Manuscripts of the Qur'an and other sacred texts have always been strictly kept free of such figures, but there is a long tradition of the depiction of Muhammad and other religious figures in books of history and poetry; since the 20th century Muhammad has mostly been shown as though wearing a veil hiding his face, and many earlier miniatures were overpainted to use this convention.


Islamic architecture is the range of architectural styles of buildings associated with Islam. It encompasses both secular and religious styles from the early history of Islam to the present day. Early Islamic architecture was influenced by Roman, Byzantine, Persian and all other lands which the Muslims conquered in the 7th and 8th centuries. Further east, it was also influenced by Chinese and Indian architecture as Islam spread to the Southeast Asia. Later it developed distinct characteristics in the form of buildings, and the decoration of surfaces with Islamic calligraphy and geometric and interlace patterned ornament. The principal Islamic architectural types for large or public buildings are: the Mosque, the Tomb, the Palace and the Fort. From these four types, the vocabulary of Islamic architecture is derived and used for other buildings such as public baths, fountains and domestic architecture.


Whilst theatre is permitted by Islam, Islam does not allow for any performances to depict God, Muhammad, his companions, the angels or matters detailed in the religion that are unseen.

Dance and music

Many forms of dancing arts are practised in Muslim cultures, both in religious and secular contexts (such as folk and tribal dances, court dances, dances of celebration during weddings and festivals, belly dancing, etc.). Many Muslims are very familiar to listening to music. The classic heartland of Islam is Arabia as well as other parts of the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia. Because Islam is a multicultural religion, the musical expression of its adherents is diverse.

Family life

In a Muslim family, the birth of a child is attended with some religious ceremonies. Immediately after the birth, the words of Adhan is pronounced in the right ear of the child. In the seventh day, the aquiqa ceremony is performed, in which an animal is sacrificed and its meat is distributed among the poor. The head of the child is also shaved, and an amount of money equaling the weight of the child's hair is donated to the poor. Apart from fulfilling the basic needs of food, shelter, and education, the parents or the elderly members of family also undertake the task of teaching moral qualities, religious knowledge, and religious practices to the children. Marriage, which serves as the foundation of a Muslim family, is a civil contract which consists of an offer and acceptance between two qualified parties in the presence of two witnesses. The groom is required to pay a bridal gift (mahr) to the bride, as stipulated in the contract. With Muslims coming from diverse backgrounds, plus a strong presence as large minorities throughout the world there are many variations on Muslim weddings. Generally in a Muslim family, a woman's sphere of operation is the home and a man's corresponding sphere is the outside world. However, in practice, this separation is not as rigid as it appears.

Certain religious rites are performed during and after the death of a Muslim. Those near a dying man encourage him to pronounce the Shahada as Muslims want their last word to be their profession of faith. After the death, the body is appropriately bathed by the members of the same gender and then enshrouded in a threefold white garment called kafan. Placing the body on a bier, it is first taken to a mosque where funeral prayer is offered for the dead person, and then to the graveyard for burial.

Etiquette and diet

Many practices fall in the category of adab, or Islamic etiquette. This includes greeting others with "as-salamu 'alaykum" ("peace be unto you"), saying bismillah ("in the name of God") before meals, and using only the right hand for eating and drinking. Islamic hygienic practices mainly fall into the category of personal cleanliness and health. Circumcision of male offspring is also practiced in Islam. Islamic burial rituals include saying the Salat al-Janazah ("funeral prayer") over the bathed and enshrouded dead body, and burying it in a grave. Muslims are restricted in their diet. Prohibited foods include pork products, blood, carrion, and alcohol. All meat must come from a herbivorous animal slaughtered in the name of God by a Muslim, Jew, or Christian, with the exception of game that one has hunted or fished for oneself. Food permissible for Muslims is known as halal food.