12 Great Calamities

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The 12 Great Calamities were a series of 12 notable man-made ("man" in this case referring to any form of biological sentient being) disasters connected to the downfall of Uingffh's three interstellar nations - the Great Imperial Hegemony of Morbidia, the Unified States of Osuwa, and the Kingdom of Kerolon - and the rise of the Federative Planets of Polyingffhaestia in their place.

Spanning from 2018 to 204X, the 12 Great Calamities began with the Battle of Bor in 2018. This motivated Urlum Eudae Kerolon’s visit to Earth and her subsequent attempted assassination in 2032, leading to Uingffh’s devastating war with Earth. The First Interstellar War between the Unified States of Osuwa, the Great Imperial Hegemony of Morbidia, and later the Kingdom of Kerolon erupted shortly after, leading to the non-tabulon genocides, the destruction of the refugee-populated planet Pax Solaris, the sterilization of the Esernium System, and the Uingffhian climate disasters. The interstellar populace then rebelled against the Modera Group upon realizing the significant role of the Group’s corporate greed in the war, but the Group retaliated by orchestrating a mass deorbit of all space colonies under its control - the Corporate Rebellion.

The second set of calamities followed the Corporate Rebellion in 2036, beginning with the mass revolt of non-Uingffhian civilizations termed the Alien Rebellions, also known as the Second Interstellar War, against Uingffh. Yangteon subsequently interfered, marking another calamity and another stage in the war. IW2 culminated in the non-Uingffhians banding together as the Grand Earth Reclamation Authority and conducting a massive assault on Uingffh. The Calamities concluded with the rise and fall of Urlum Eudae Kerolon as the dictatorial ninth queen and Highmost Sovereign of Kerolon, the 12th calamity and the individual responsible for the Third Interstellar War.


Battle of Bor

The Battle of Bor was the first of the 12 Great Calamities, taking place in orbit of Bor, the fourth planet of the Kerolon-controlled Salia System in late 2018.

Several months prior to the battle, Kerolonian surveyors discovered Izlondian ruins and a wide array of other valuable resources on the satellites of Salia’s companion brown dwarfs Amir and Hassan. With Kerolon expressing little interest in these discoveries due to handling other Izlondian artifacts and resources in other recently-colonized systems, Osuwa and Morbidia vied for ownership of the Amirian and Hassanian worlds as part of their much longer and deeper cold war that predated Uingffh’s rise into an interstellar civilization.

Osuwan and Morbidian conflicts over Salian resources led to a skirmish between small Osuwan and Morbidian fleets over Bor, where 12th Princess of Kerolon Nisc Elizer Kerolon happened to be attending a diplomatic meeting attempting to defuse the resource disputes. Direct losses from the battle itself were minimal, with only one ship on both sides being damaged to the point of abandonment; no fatalities occurred, for all crew members of the destroyed ships successfully evacuated.

Orbital footage of Ojasingffh Station’s impact on the Bortian surface. (Some users may need to download and/or view the original file in order to see the animation)

However, the battle damaged the navigational and motion systems of two space colonies - the O’Neill Cylinders Ojasingffh and Avaloningffh - and sent them careening down to Bor’s surface below. Unfortunately, none of the ships present at the time were powerful enough to destroy the colonies or significantly alter their trajectories, and both colonies impacted Bor on December 5, 2018.

Orbital photograph of the fireball associated with Avaloningffh’s impact.

The resulting colony impacts proved to have devastating environmental effects. When the two stations hit the planet, their Thegasia particle reactors detonated, leading to amplified fireball radii; the blasts scorched all land within a roughly 1,600 kilometer radius of the impacts, destroying all settlements and killing all people within. Additionally, the impacts’ coastal locations meant the generation of massive megatsunamis up to 500 meters in height that propagated across the entire planet of Bor, spreading devastation across the globe; one such tsunami hit the site of Nisc’s diplomatic visit, severely injuring Nisc and her personal attendant Carter Citadel while killing 120 other diplomats who attended the meeting. Additionally, the impacts triggered increased seismic activity around the massive shield volcanoes they hit, causing even more loss of property and lives. Overall, an estimated 19,372 individuals perished from the initial effects of the colony drops.

Photo of the impact crater left behind by the Avaloningffh’s impact.

Much like a regular asteroid impact, the Battle of Bor’s colony impact events also led to longer-term environmental impacts. The debris ejected by the impacts spread into Bor’s atmosphere, causing severe weather and temperature drops; though the larger size of Bor and the efficient heat transfer effect created by Bor’s massive planetary ocean mitigated these effects, the impacts still proved enough to negatively impact agricultural yields over succeeding years, forcing Bor’s colonists to rely more on interplanetary and interstellar imports for food. Additionally, the impacts polluted Bor’s oceans and water supply with metals and other materials used for the construction of space colonies. Though Bor contained no native life, the impacts’ oceanic pollution did negatively impact the ecosystems Kerolonian colonists imported from Uingffh in order to survive, setting back the development of Bor’s colonies by several years.

Uingffhian Conquest of Earth

Osuwa-Morbidian War/First Interstellar War

Non-tabulon Genocides

Destruction of Pax Solaris

Destruction of Esernium

1259 ark-1261 ark Climate Disasters

Corporate Rebellion

The Alien Rebellions/Second Interstellar War

Yangteon Conquest of the Local Stars

Grand Earth Reclamation Authority Conquest of Uingffh

Urlum Eudae Kerolon's Coup D'etat of the Kingdom of Kerolon/Third Interstellar War