Boroughs of Liberta

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The boroughs of Liberta are self-governing areas, and the highest tier of local government, between the neighborhoods and the national government. There are a total of 12 boroughs in Liberta. Boroughs have existed since 1204, when the growing size of Liberta made administration solely through the neighborhoods difficult. The inner five boroughs were established in the same year, and continued to grow until they were consolidated into their current form in 1808, when the outer seven boroughs were formed to handle the once again rapidly expanding island. Additionally, there are five borough-level equivalents (BLE), which retain equal judicial powers, but are located outside of mainland Liberta. Only one borough-level equivalent, the Breakaways Region, has a permanent population.

Unlike many top-level political subdivisions, boroughs lack national representation through an upper house, since they are a later addition to the Libertan political system. Their initial name and Latin name is provinciae, this was later anglicized to borough instead of province, as the Libertan English Language Transition Committee felt that it was too similar to protectorate.


Name Population Size (km2) Number of neighborhoods
Protopolis 109,883 18,56 8
Romea 250,869 15,85 6
Oriens 594,978 27,47 11
Piscepa 308,228 14,36 7
Lyrestadea 349,950 16,96 7
Eode 2,694,300 85,54 41
Cassea 843,421 43,40 18
Vernier 560,079 42,08 17
Eccestrate 1,145,640 45,53 20
Oria 1,137,476 42,50 16
Montale 2,456,482 80,88 31
Marima 640,189 45,67 16
Borough-level equivalents
Name Population Size (km2) Number of subdivisions
Breakaways Region 30,000 4 neighborhoods
Leisure Islands Improvement District N/A 3 island venues
Naval Administration District N/A 12 military facilities
National Administration District N/A 15 islands
Territory of the Coast Guard N/A 4 outposts