Neighborhoods of Liberta

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Map of Liberta with all neighborhoods. Thicker lines represent borough borders, which also serve as neighborhood borders.

The neighborhoods of Liberta are the lowest-level of local government entities on mainland Liberta. They have existed as local entities with political power since 36 AD, when the trinitarian representative form of government was consolidated by Cato, son of Aurelian. Their legal duties of public service vary by borough, but five obligations are universally required by the constitution. These are policing,[a] sanitation, providing public wells, maintaining streets, and building regulation. Since the beginning of the 20th century, most neighborhoods also provide and regulate hospitals and clinics, some social services, electricity and, since the 21st century, internet access. There are a total of 201 neighborhoods in Liberta, and many of the neighborhoods in the inner five boroughs have a long history of separate vernacular and unique, shared identities. This is reflected in official titles, ceremonial offices, flags, heraldry, symbols, public monuments, and architecture. Despite being the judicially weakest and smallest form of state in Liberta, the lack of cohesion in many boroughs results in many Libertans feeling a stronger connection to their neighborhood than their borough of residence. Neighborhoods rarely refer to themselves as such, their official titles instead often include district, city, quarter or vicus.[b] Industrial districts refer to eight southern neighborhoods in Marima, with special zoning, very few housing lots and a low population.

Their varying size and population leads to a considerable difference in both their reported ability to maintain public services, and in their perception by visitors. Some Neighborhoods are comparable with small towns (less than 10,000 inhabitants), whilst others have a population comparable to what is thought of as a city (over 125,000 inhabitants). This population imbalance also results in inequality in terms of national representatives per person. The representative from the least populated neighborhood, Kilburn, representing 1,181 people, has the same amount of voting power as the representative for the most populated neighborhood, Westview, representing 181,465 people. National referendums are held during issues which a majority of the Hall of Decision finds "nationally important," or can be enacted if a petition receives more signatures than the latest population census result divided by 12 (currently roughly 930,000 signatures).



Policing in Liberta is administered on three levels which mirror the levels of government, neighborhood, borough, and national. The police forces of neighborhoods vary significantly in terms of scope, equipment, and budget. Areas with larger populations generally maintain larger police forces, sometimes with a special forces team and riot police unit. Neighborhood forces are well-connected, both to their borough-level equivalent and surrounding areas' police forces. Escaping from the neighborhood in which a crime has been committed does not grant immunity from persecution, all police forces have since the medieval era been legally obligated to apprehend and hand over those wanted for a crime committed outside their own neighborhood.


Sanitation refers to the duty of ensuring that street and house-waste is regularly collected and excised, as to not negatively affect public health. In modern times most neighborhoods have entered into borough-level organizations which systematically organize the removal of trash. Some areas still maintain local dumps, whilst most have local recycling stations. However, basic sanitation, such as the cleaning of streets and maintaining of public trashcans, is often maintained locally.

Water supply

The duty to provide public wells, which has since the 1800s been interpreted as the duty to provide potable water to homes, is an obligation which has largely been superseded on a borough-level. Clean water, which is produced in large water purification facilities controlled by boroughs, is routed through pipes which are in turn maintained by the neighborhood. Today, there are five major water supply systems in Liberta, several are shared by multiple boroughs, whilst some, like the Eode water supply, are exclusive to that borough.


Neighborhood Borough Borough number National number Population
Nobea Protopolis 1 1 9,568
Jurea Protopolis 2 2 14,832
Occa Protopolis 3 3 7,098
Mari Protopolis 4 4 8,694
Dormea Protopolis 5 5 20,670
Rega Protopolis 6 6 10,575
Bibliea Protopolis 7 7 19,166
Forea Protopolis 8 8 19,280
Divitae Oriens 1 9 42,210
Vesperum Oriens 2 10 59,839
Alba Oriens 3 11 55,936
Almeda Oriens 4 12 51,246
Claudia Oriens 5 13 52,756
Aurelia Oriens 6 14 59,424
Celestine Oriens 7 15
Henea Oriens 8 16
Novea Oriens 9 17
Pasce Oriens 10 18
Iea Oriens 11 19
Partona Romea 1 20
Garana Romea 2 21
Era Romea 3 22
Pascia Romea 4 23
Delea Romea 5 24
Soulea Romea 6 25
Ura Lyrestadea 1 26
Lea Lyrestadea 2 27
Opons Lyrestadea 3 28
Turina Lyrestadea 4 29
Resa Lyrestadea 5 30
Heva Lyrestadea 6 31
Stoa Lyrestadea 7 32
Risa Piscepa 1 33
Liga Piscepa 2 34
Moona Piscepa 3 35
Ovea Piscepa 4 36
Ist Piscepa 5 37
Vix Piscepa 6 38
Astora Piscepa 7 39
Astors Eode 1 40
Vicks Eode 2 41
North Vernice Eode 3 42
Woodbridge Eode 4 43
South Point Eode 5 44
Ernest Eode 6 45
Templace Eode 7 46
Redding Eode 8 47
Norbaum Eode 9 48
Holbridge Eode 10 49
Woolidge Eode 11 50
Central Heights Eode 12 51
Hudson Eode 13 52
Turning Eode 14 53
Northern Heights Eode 15 54
Vernor Eode 16 55
Garner Eode 17 56
Hollice Eode 18 57
Igors Place Eode 19 58
Hattas Eode 20 59
Staten Eode 21 60
West Central Eode 22 61
South Central Eode 23 62
North Hollice Eode 24 63
Riverside Eode 25 64
North Riverside Eode 26 65
Astoria Eode 27 66
North Central Eode 28 67
Grinage Eode 29 68
Seaks Square Eode 30 69
Hunts Eode 31 70
Dorothea Eode 32 71
Morson Eode 33 72
Inwood Eode 34 73
Marbleton Eode 35 74
Highbridge Eode 36 75
Wakefield Eode 37 76
Riker Eode 38 77
Harlem Eode 39 78
Riverbank Park Eode 40 79
Hook Eode 41 80
Riverbank East Cassea 1 81
Herney Cassea 2 82
Clayton Coast Cassea 3 83
Saxia Cassea 4 84
Tudor Cassea 5 85
Tudor Park Cassea 6 86
Cover Cassea 7 87
Derth Cassea 8 88
Winthrop Cassea 9 89
Terrace Cassea 10 90
East Crown Cassea 11 91
Hewes Cassea 12 92
Nostrand Cassea 13 93
North Heve Cassea 14 94
West End Cassea 15 95
East Seakes Cassea 16 96
Westboro Cassea 17 97
North Colling Vernier 1 98
South Colling Vernier 2 99
Ebway Vernier 3 100
Hoyt Square Vernier 4 101
Eastbridge Vernier 5 102
Hewes End Vernier 6 103
Bedford Vernier 7 104
North Bedford Vernier 8 105
Gating East Vernier 9 106
Gating West Vernier 10 107
North Village Vernier 11 108
Canarsie Vernier 12 109
Halsley Vernier 13 110
Whitestone Vernier 14 111
Montrose Vernier 15 112
Cedar Vernier 16 113
Woodhaven Vernier 17 114
Culling Eccestrate 1 115
Siclen Eccestrate 2 116
Locust Eccestrate 3 117
Suttershire Eccestrate 4 118
Tribeca Eccestrate 5 119
East Bedford Eccestrate 6 120
North Della Eccestrate 7 121
Holse Eccestrate 8 122
Merrick Eccestrate 9 123
Courtboro Eccestrate 10 124
Eastboro Eccestrate 11 125
Greenpoint Eccestrate 12 126
Woodrow Eccestrate 13 127
Northrow Eccestrate 14 128
Riverside Riding Eccestrate 15 129
South Culling Eccestrate 16 130
Granure Eccestrate 17 131
Hune Eccestrate 18 132
Seagirt Eccestrate 19 133
Hollis Eccestrate 20 134
Cove Oria 1 135
Herring Oria 2 136
Bowery Oria 3 137
North Carengie Oria 4 138
Greenacre Oria 5 139
Ruddeye Oria 6 140
South Carnegie Oria 7 141
Mellton Oria 8 142
Dalton Oria 9 143
South Meadow Oria 10 144
East River Oria 11 145
Highboro Oria 12 146
Bankton Oria 13 147
Dunnst Oria 14 148
Havem Oria 15 149
Gatlin Oria 16 150
Ellace North Montale 1 151
Beech Montale 2 152
Moretz Montale 3 153
Earling Montale 4 154
Hawken Montale 5 155
Hilltop Montale 6 156
Vellace Montale 7 157
Hearce Montale 8 158
Hurst Montale 9 159
Sheepshead Montale 10 160
Lawrence Montale 11 161
Cedarhurst Montale 12 162
Woodmere Montale 13 163
Treton Montale 14 164
Boyd Montale 15 165
Fairway Montale 16 166
Prescott Montale 17 167
Hyde Montale 18 168
Belcaro Montale 19 169
Rosedale Montale 20 170
Southdale Montale 21 171
Lakewood Montale 22 172
Alameda Montale 23 173
Applewood Montale 24 174
Cherry Heights Montale 25 175
Castleham Montale 26 176
Woodsburgh Montale 27 177
Westview Montale 28 178
Eastview Montale 29 179
Pineton Montale 30 180
Arvada Montale 31 181
Sands South Marima 1 182
Burlington Marima 2 183
Spinnaker Marima 3 184
South Ove Marima 4 185
Kensing Marima 5 186
West Kensing Marima 6 187
South Vernice Marima 7 188
Kilburn Marima 8 189
Brondes Marima 9 190
South Woodbridge Marima 10 191
Turner South Marima 11 192
Belsize Marima 12 193
Union Marima 13 194
Chelsea Marima 14 195
South Union Marima 15 196
Grand Harbor Marima 16 197
NE Island Breakaways BLE 1 198
NW Island Breakaways BLE 2 199
SE Island Breakaways BLE 3 200
SW Island Breakaways BLE 4 201


  1. Policing is also maintained on a borough-level and nationwide. The jurisdiction of these two supersede the neighborhood police.
  2. Vicus is anglicized as vicinity.

See also