Claims of voting fraud in the 2021 Uppasala gubernatorial election

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Since the 2021 Uppasala gubernatorial election ended with the re-election of Larry Parker as Governor of Uppasala, there have been numerous claims of voting fraud made by Daniel Meijer, Parker's electoral opponent, along with other senior figures both within the Commonwealth of Uppasala and outside of the state's borders. Claims of voting irregularity, fraud, and electoral tampering have been made by Meijer and his campaign to allege that malpractice had occurred to ensure that the Liberal Democratic governor was re-elected and have made calls for an investigation into the results and for a recount. Other claims, mainly by outside officials, have alleged bias within the Uppasala Board of Elections and even the Uppasala High Court, however such claims have been dismissed as conspiratorial.

Meijer first made warnings of voter fraud on March 8 as the results were still being counted saying that the possibility of fraud was "concerningly high" due to New Michigan County taking longer than other counties to finish counting the votes. After Parker was declared the winner on March 10, Meijer refused to concede and promised to issue lawsuits to overturn the results of the election and to push for a recount. The first lawsuit was filed on March 18, but was tossed out four days later. On April 8, Roger Ferguson, the Liberal Democratic Attorney General of Uppasala and political opponent to Governor Parker, announced than an investigation would be launched into these claims despite opposition from Parker. The investigation ended on June 30 with the results being retained.

Since the first claims of voter fraud, the topic has become a major political controversy and scandal and a divisive topic. Meijer has refused to concede and continues to make claims of voter fraud and questions the legimitimacy of Parker's continued position as governor. It was rumored that Meijer planned to form a "cabinet-in-exile", however he would deny planning to do so. The majority of the United Conservative Party has voiced support for Meijer's campaign calling for "a true system of free, fair, and proper elections" in an official statement with its allies also backing it. The Liberal Democrats and the Progressive Bloc have opposed it calling it "foolish" and accuse Meijer of launching "a campaign to undermine and destory our democracy". Liberal Democratic President Jennifer Granholm has also publicly spoken out against the claims, calling proponents of the claims "insane" and "authoritarian".

On June 30, the investigation was concluded with Ferguson giving a press conference showcasing the results of the investigation stating that there were only individual cases of voter fraud committed by supporters of both Parker and Meijer, but it wasn't enough to overturn the results of the election with Parker's victory being re-affirmed. Ferguson would stated that Meijer should concede calling it his "only practical option at this point" and also saying any further lawsuits would be "essentially futile".


During the course of the 2021 Uppasala gubernatorial election, multiple major polling sites in New Michigan County, a swing county which many predicted to determine the election, would be unexpectedly closed during initial voting. These polling sites were located in New Michigan County's more populated areas. At the end of the election, New Michigan County would narrowly be secured by incumbent governor Larry Parker of the Liberal Democratic Party...


Voting irregularity

Institutional bias

List of lawsuits




See also