Conservative Action and Policy Summit

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Conservative Action and Policy Summit
Dates February/March/July (dates vary)
Frequency Annual
Location(s) Las Vegas, Clark, Sierra (2021, first conference)
Edmonton, Augusta, Manitoba (2021, second conference)
Inaugurated March 1–3, 1974
Most recent March 10–14, 2023
Organised by Anglo-American Conservative Union

The Conservative Action and Policy Summit (CAPS) is an annual political conference and event hosted by the Anglo-American Conservative Union frequently attended by conservative activists and elected politicians and figures from across Anglo-America. The first summit was held in 1974 and was organized by the Young Royalists of Sierra with the backing of the Anglo-American Conservative Union and has since become a frequent event annually held across Anglo-America. CAPS summits are typically held in Sierra, Superior, and Astoria, however others have been held in other nations in recent years such as in Manitoba for CAPS 2021.


The Conservative Action and Policy Summit was founded in 1974 by the Anglo-American Conservative Union and the Young Royalists of Sierra along with Young Sierrans for Freedom as a small gathering of dedicated conservatives from regular people to elected officials and political activists. The first summit was held on from March 1–3 and was attended by Prime Minister Walter Zhou where he gave the inaugural keynote speech. During the speech, Zhou refered to Sierra as a "shining city upon a hill", the words of John Winthrop, and emphasised the need to oppose Landonism and the United Commonwealth.

Annual straw poll

Foreign CAPS

United Kingdom





See also