Conworlds:2023 Paracosmic Awards

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 This is a Constructed Worlds Wiki administration page.
Paracosmic Awards 2023 trophy.svg
Time remaining to vote:

This is the inaugural 2023 Paracosmic Awards. These awards are community-voted awards and honors to recognize the editors, projects, and content on the Constructed Worlds Wiki. Nominations were open from 30 January to 6 February. Voting took place from 7 February to 14 February.

The Paracosmos recognize content from the previous year in 2022. Nominations on this page must honor writers and content from the year 2022. Only registered editors who have 50 edits or more and/or have been on the official wiki Discord server for a month or longer before 26 January 2023 are eligible to nominate and/or vote. Self-nominations are not allowed.

When nominating an award or editor, please provide a short explanation and leave your signature (~~~~). To vote, please use your signature as well.

Writer Awards

Ney Ney Award for Best Author

This award is for best author on the wiki in 2022.


  • T0oxi22 continuously writes to an exceptionally high standard and I am consistently impressed by their work. One need only look at the quality of writing in T0oxi22's Peoples of Urulia roleplay to see evidence of the quality of their writing. T0oxi22's works often represent an ideal standard for writing in our community and should rightfully be recognised as such. Javants (talk) 12:40, 1 February 2023 (UTC)
  • DatMaster001 impressed me on their works related to Kalșeri especially on how they create articles about places, politics, media, etc. I like that their work is realistic even though the country is set on the fictional landmass. (BBMhenggay (talk) 12:48, 1 February 2023 (UTC))
  • Nathan1123 created some excellent work this year, adding impressive pages such as Ancient Orat to Project Exodus, as well as contributions to Urulia and Altverse. It's always a wonderful read when Nate posts! Emalia (talk) 21:00, 6 February 2023 (UTC)




Congratulations to T0oxi22, our 2023 Ney Ney Award for Best Author recipient!

Best New Contributor

This award is for the best new contributor who joined the wiki and/or Discord server in 2022.


  • Solaris2019 has continued to flesh out the non-political side of Altverse II and has created a number of great articles pertaining to a wide array of topics, from cinema to video games. Andy Irons (talk) 2:38, 5 February 2023 (UTC)
  • Roman Bread has been with us since only November, but in my opinion has been a model new user. His independent writing projects show a great deal of already-there talent in addition to great potential. He is an example to all aspiring independent project writers on our site. Fizzyflapjack (talk) 20:19, 6 February 2023 (UTC)




Congratulations to Solaris2019, our 2023 Best New Contributor!

Best Supporting Writer

This award is for best supporting writer on the wiki in 2022.


  • WorldMaker18 has worked tirelessly from January to December providing thousands of expansions and additions to Altverse II. The project, the entire wiki even, would not be the same without his presence. Byte by byte, the cumulative contributions of WorldMaker to Altverse surpass many of its nation-authors. Here's to another year of outstanding devotion! Cheers, Fizzyflapjack (talk) 17:20, 1 February 2023 (UTC)
  • Johann has been a consistent and hard-working contributor to Altverse II. He has done a great deal of work in areas and regions of the timeline that are often neglected or ignored. I am thankful for his dedication and craftsmanship. Centrist16 | Talk | Discord-Logo-Color.svg 17:35, 6 February 2023 (UTC)
  • Emalia could always be counted on throughout the year to make a coat of arms or logo when people requested one, and made some very excellent images for people. T0oxi22 (talk) 20:51, 6 February 2023 (UTC)




Congratulations to WorldMaker18, our 2023 Best Supporting Writer!

Project Awards

Yanus Award for Best World

This award is for the best conworld on the wiki in 2022.


  • Sanctuary Stars by Fizzyflapjack. This conworld is truly something else. It is one of our few sci-fi projects on the wiki and the fact it is a (mainly) solo timeline across different worlds, with such in-depth detail and worldbuilding is a impressive feat in of itself. From the graphics to the story, it has everything you'd want and it has been truly a joy to read. Centrist16 | Talk | Discord-Logo-Color.svg 17:51, 6 February 2023 (UTC)
  • Project Exodus by various - Project Exodus was perhaps the most active project of the year (after Altverse) and a great addition to the wiki. It spawned some of the most creative pages this year, and drew together numerous writers. Numerous in-depth pages such as Imisquun, Ancient Orat, Mak'ai language, and more, which could all stand alone as excellent pages in their own right, plus some very interesting project ideas that make it different from any other seen on the wiki. Renereve (talk) 21:37, 6 February 2023 (UTC)




Congrats to Fizzyflapjack for Sanctuary Stars, our 2023 Yanus Award for Best World recipient!

Best New Project

This award is for the best new project created on the wiki in 2022.


  • Peoples of Urulia by Mythopoeia. This project generated a lot of collaboration which I believe helped to foster a stronger overall community here on the wiki. As well as this, the project itself included high-quality role-play and led to the development of some interesting worldbuilding concepts. I hope that this project will continue into the future! Javants (talk) 12:31, 1 February 2023 (UTC)
  • Sanctuary Stars by Fizzyflapjack. Although this is a private project, the quality and extent of Jack's work is incredible and always an interesting read. Javants (talk) 16:51, 1 February 2023 (UTC)
  • Yukerey Islands by Erik. Erik's project is realistic and the language is very unique. His article have many information in history, geography, politics, etc. I hope that he will create articles related to Yukerey Islands in the future. (BBMhenggay (talk) 03:47, 4 February 2023 (UTC))




Congrats to Mythopoeia for Peoples of Urulia, our 2023 Best New Project!

Best New Biography Article

This award is for the best biography article on the wiki in 2022. Biography articles include any articles focusing on a specific individual.


  • Samson Zima by T0oxi22. An interesting and lengthy biography that I have seen recently. The article is well written and explains the interesting history of a leader in the early United Commonwealth. Johann (talk) 01:32, 2 February 2023 (UTC)
  • Dai Chagarim by Centrist16. A quite impressive biography and one of the best pages in Project Exodus this year. T0oxi22 (talk) 20:51, 6 February 2023 (UTC)




Congrats to Centrist16 for Dai Chagarim, our 2023 Best New Biography Article!

Best New Essential Article

This award is for the best essential topic article on the wiki in 2022. Essential topics include countries, politics and government (not including politicians), military, and major historical events.


  • Mak'ai language by Javants. For the purposes of Project Exodus, which involves the creation of entirely novel cultures and societies, a language page would no doubt number among pages I would consider essential. Tolkein himself built his worlds around the languages he crafted from adolescence. There is no doubt in my mind that Javants has produced one of the most superb conlangs ever hosted on this website. The page, all of its sound and even video files, the richness of the language developed, its beautiful script, and the subpages (which even include a textbook for learning the language) are all outstanding work and stand completely unmatched. Well done Javants, and here's to many more absolute triumphs in the future! Fizzyflapjack (talk) 17:34, 1 February 2023 (UTC)
  • Placentia by T0oxi22 - an unexpected but amazing addition to Altverse II. Despite being a small nation, it's rich with lore and detail, and immediately shot to the forefront of pages in Altverse for a good while after. Renereve (talk) 21:37, 6 February 2023 (UTC)




Congrats to Javants for Mak'ai language, our 2023 Best New Essential Article!

Best New Flavor Article

This award is for the best flavor topic article on the wiki in 2022. Flavor topics include culture, geography, language, religion, sports, entertainment, and miscellaneous topics.


  • Sierran American Football League by Solace II. While not yet complete, this page lays the groundwork for American football in the Kingdom of Sierra, establishing teams, championship games, and the early history of the sport within Sierra. Andy Irons (talk) 7:18, 3 February 2023 (UTC)
  • 2021 KALMORA season by DatMaster001. It's not very often you will hear or see something about a lawn mower racing association, much less a complete, original article of a fictional one, and even less likely of an entire season for one. This page does exactly that and much like DatMaster001's other pages related to Kalșeri, it's clean, sleek, and professional. It captures the essence of what it means to be a flavor page and gives more life to the very quirky world of Kalșeri. Centrist16 | Talk | Discord-Logo-Color.svg 03:12, 5 February 2023 (UTC)
  • Nympho Guns by T0oxi22. An exceptional music page, that when it was released was immediately featured. Very few music pages go into as much detail or are as complete as this. And additionally, the content is well done and makes interesting additions to Sierran lore. Emalia (talk) 21:18, 6 February 2023 (UTC)




Congrats to T0oxi22 for Nympho Guns, our 2023 Best New Flavor Article!

Best New Altverse II Article

This award is for the best canonized Altverse II article in 2022.





Congrats to T0oxi22 for Ideology of the Continentalist Party of the United Commonwealth, our 2023 Best New Altverse II Article!

Best New Non-Altverse II Article

This award is for the best non-Altverse II-related article in 2022.


  • Hangsal by Centrist16. Although this article is not yet finished, this was definitely one of the articles I found most interesting this year. I hope that in future Centrist16 will develop it further. Javants (talk) 12:43, 1 February 2023 (UTC)
  • Mak'ai language by Javants. This article needs no introduction since Fizzyflapjack already explained quite well in the previous category nomination. It cannot be stressed enough how amazing this article is and it becoming featured was only confirmation by the community about its quality and greatness. Centrist16 | Talk | Discord-Logo-Color.svg 17:38, 6 February 2023 (UTC)




Congrats to Javants for Mak'ai language, our 2023 Best New Non-Altverse II Article!

Best New Non-Mainspace Work

This award is for the best page that is not an encyclopedic entry on the mainspace in 2022. This includes pages that are in custom namespaces such as Quote:, News:, Roleplay:, and Cookbook:.


  • Cookbook:The Justin by T0oxi22 is a perfect example of conworlding meets reality. I've made the sandwich myself, courtesy of T0oxi's real-life culinary skills and knowledge, based on the recipe she provided. Although she has made other recipes, this one stands out because it seems like something that should be a real sandwich and tastes great too. This page I believe sets a nice precedent of some fun non-article activities the wiki community can partake in! Centrist16 | Talk | Discord-Logo-Color.svg 03:05, 5 February 2023 (UTC)
  • Book:Mk'anbu mruk'í Mák’ai-wawá! - Chapter 1 by Javants - while the Mak'ai language page itself has also been nominated, the textbook aspect is very creative and well done, and an excellent use of the non-mainspace. T0oxi22 (talk) 20:51, 6 February 2023 (UTC)
  • Book:Project Exodus by T0oxi22 - the Project Exodus game/book series was one of the most interesting experiments with wiki code I think we've ever seen, and was incredibly intriguing for the project. Renereve (talk) 21:49, 6 February 2023 (UTC)
  • Constructed Worlds:Feudism by T0oxi22, a philosophical article defining unhealthy competitive practices in a collaborative project. This new category of "Conworlds Philosophy" is a very interesting field that has a lot of potential for exploration, examining different cognitive approaches for worldbuilding than the worlds themselves. As a philosophy, "Feudism" isn't really a separate ideology as much as it is a derogatory term for certain interrelated mindsets that can negatively affect a project. In that sense, this article reflects the most distilled essence of the Purist ATL approach (AKA Radical Anti-OTLism) that is favorable to many users, which is itself a fascinating question to tackle. And this step in tackling that question is the reason I believe it deserves this award Nathan1123 (talk) 00:21, 7 February 2023 (UTC)




Congratulations to Javants for Book:Mk'anbu mruk'í Mák’ai-wawá! - Chapter 1 and T0oxi22 for Book:Project Exodus, our 2023 Best New Non-Mainspace Works!

Content Awards

Best New Flag

This award is for the best new flag that was uploaded on the wiki in 2022.


  • Royal Banner of the Ridings of Alderheim.svg

Royal Banner of the Ridings of Alderheim.svg by Mythopoeia. This flag is artistically beautiful and elegantly combines the sigils of Alderheim and Quarrine. Andy Irons (talk) 7:09 P.M., 3 February 2023 (UTC)

  • Flag of the Landonist Maritimes.svg

Flag of the Landonist Maritimes.svg by Emalia. This flag is a great example of a simple, easy-to-remember design in combination with elements that are meaningful and unique. Fizzyflapjack (talk) 21:07, 6 February 2023 (UTC)




Congrats to Mythopoeia for Royal Banner of the Ridings of Alderheim.svg, our 2023 Best New Flag!

Best New Emblem

This award is for the best new emblem (includes coats of arms, national insignia, and seals) that was uploaded on the wiki in 2022.


  • Devachita of the Aidusian Empire.svg

Devachita of the Aidusian Empire.svg by Fizzyflapjack. This emblem is a beautiful example of the creativity and dedication of Fizzyflapjack, and represents the uniqueness of Sanctuary Stars as a project. Andy Irons (talk) 1:31, 2 February 2023 (UTC)

  • Seal of Michigan (UC).png

Seal of Michigan.png by Emalia. When this seal was uploaded, I remember being blown away by the fact that it was meticulously drawn to produce the figures on the seal. It is an exceptionally professional-looking seal that also gets bonus points for being based on the lore as well. Centrist16 | Talk | Discord-Logo-Color.svg 17:43, 6 February 2023 (UTC)

  • Project Exodus COA.png

Project Exodus COA.png by Emalia is my favourite emblem by her thus far, and is one of the most unique coat of arms I've seen. The detail on here is exceptional, and it combines a lot of eclectic influences really nicely. T0oxi22 (talk) 20:51, 6 February 2023 (UTC)

  • Royal Order of the Rose of Sharon (heraldry).svg

Royal Order of the Rose of Sharon (heraldry).svg by Centrist16 is an excellent, atypical emblem for a fictional heraldic order, and is quite impressively made from scratch. T0oxi22 (talk) 20:51, 6 February 2023 (UTC)




Congrats to Emalia for Project Exodus COA.png, our 2023 Best New Emblem!

Best New Map

This award is for the best new map that was uploaded on the wiki in 2022.


  • Labeled detail map of Kento.svg

Labeled detail map of Kento.svg by Fizzyflapjack. This topographic map of Kento goes hard and I remember the time and effort Jack put into making this, alongside the other maps similar to this very one. Stunning work as always! Centrist16 | Talk | Discord-Logo-Color.svg 17:49, 6 February 2023 (UTC)

  • Map of Placentia.svg

Map of Placentia by Centrist16. An excellent map by Centrist, and one for a nation that you wouldn't expect to get such quality images. Emalia (talk) 21:15, 6 February 2023 (UTC)




Congrats to Fizzyflapjack for Labeled detail map of Kento.svg, our 2023 Best New Map!

This award is for the best new logo that was uploaded on the wiki in 2022. This includes corporate logos and political party symbols.


  • Chess Pizza.svg

Chess Pizza.svg by Centrist16 is a simple yet effective and nice looking logo for Chess Pizza that was one of my favorites of the year. Emalia (talk) 21:09, 6 February 2023 (UTC)

  • 1979 NBC logo Flag Version.svg

1979 NBC logo by Emalia is a well-done logo, combining OTL elements with uniquely United Commonwealth symbols. Renereve (talk) 21:41, 6 February 2023 (UTC)

  • United Landonist Party of Brazoria.svg by Centrist16 is one of the more unique party logos I've seen, incorporating Landonist symbols with a unique backdrop. Renereve (talk) 21:41, 6 February 2023 (UTC)




Congrats to Emalia for 1979 NBC logo, our 2023 Best New Logo!

Best New Graphic

This award is for the best new graphic that are not maps, emblems, or logos that was uploaded on the wiki in 2022. This includes wiki templates and Photoshopped images.


  • Montage KW.png

Various graphics relating to the Kardovija project by Wolftheriot. Wolftheriot has continuously worked on excellent-quality graphics throughout the year which they have posted to the Showcase channel of the community Discord. I am continually impressed by their work, especially considering it often depicts more unusual conworlding concepts, such as a computer operating system. Javants (talk) 12:36, 1 February 2023 (UTC)

  • Libertan Two Trine Bill Front Facia.svg

Libertan Two Trine Bill Front Facia.svg by Erik. This gorgeous banknote is a work of art. It is by far one of the best currency graphics ever uploaded onto Conworlds, with an exceptional level of detail and inspiration topped off by that stunning security strip. Excellent job! Fizzyflapjack (talk) 23:12, 6 February 2023 (UTC)




Congrats to Erik for Libertan Two Trine Bill Front Facia.svg, our 2023 Best New Graphic!

Best New Meme

This award is for the best new meme that was created on or for the wiki in 2022. This includes pictures, videos, or shitposts.


Average Capitalism Fan VS. Average Landonism Enjoyer by T0oxi22. A perfect example of Altverse memes, both in-universe and IRL. Andy Irons (talk) 12:00, 3 February 2023 (UTC)

Hitler reacts to his Altverse II article (Downfall Parody) by Centrist16. A great meme that sure did make people chuckle. A lot of work went into this meme and it shows. T0oxi22 (talk) 20:51, 6 February 2023 (UTC)




Congrats to T0oxi22 for Average Capitalism Fan VS. Average Landonism Enjoyer, our 2023 Best New Meme!

Special nominations (Lifetime Achievements)

Lifetime Achievement: Author

This award is for the best writer across the entire lifetime of the Constructed Worlds Wiki (Fandom and Miraheze).


  • Centrist16 deserves this award because they did great efforts to create Sierra and the two versions of Altverse. I witnessed on how Sierra evolved since Fandom until here on Miraheze. (BBMhenggay (talk) 12:39, 1 February 2023 (UTC))
  • Andy Irons for his many contributions to the wiki, both in collaborative and individual projects, as well as for his cheery attitude and helpful nature. Andrew has filled a notable role in Altverse for several years now, making interesting and substantial additions to the Antilles, Sierra, and Superior. He is a well-deserving candidate for this award. Fizzyflapjack (talk) 22:23, 6 February 2023 (UTC)


  • Second this, without a doubt Justin has been the lifeblood of the entire wiki. Javants (talk) 16:51, 1 February 2023 (UTC)
  • This one was a no brainer. We couldn't have made this without you! Solaris2019 (talk) 01:16, 2 February 2023 (UTC)



Congrats to Centrist16, our 2023 Lifetime Achievement: Author recipient!

Lifetime Achievement: Project

This award is for the best project across the entire lifetime of the Constructed Worlds Wiki (Fandom and Miraheze).


  • Altverse II is the best project for me because aside from the realistic timeline, the people working on this project have bright ideas on how to create the alternate history on the alternative timeline. This project is the reason that I continue editing on Miraheze. (BBMhenggay (talk) 12:52, 1 February 2023 (UTC))
  • Merveilles des Mortes is a great example of what happens when a bunch of A+ quality authors work together on the same project. It is filled with page after page of treasure, and it is always a joy when you stumble across some huge, well-written page that you somehow missed on your first browse. Well done to all involved! Fizzyflapjack (talk) 21:01, 6 February 2023 (UTC)




Congrats to the contributors to Altverse II, our 2023 Lifetime Achievement: Project recipient!

Lifetime Achievement: Article

This award is for the best article across the entire lifetime of the Constructed Worlds Wiki (Fandom and Miraheze).


  • I nominate the Sierra article, written by Centrist16, for the Lifetime Article Achievement award. Justin has been working on the fictional Kingdom of Sierra for many years , perhaps even approaching a decade. When i first joined the wiki 4-5 years ago, Justin had already been working on Sierra for some time, with fully fleshed out articles on Sierra’s political structure, federal countries, and provinces, as well as other aspects of the Nation such as celebrities, criminals, and other things that commonly get overlooked in other Conworlds. I, and i think many others, would argue that the Kingdom of Sierra is the face of this wiki, and the posterchild for a great, well thought out, and detailed project. As such, i believe the Kingdom of Sierra deserves this lifetime achievement award. Starsense (talk) 12:21, 7 February 2023 (UTC)
  • Union of Everett by Immortalis712. The original Future World nation has recently been reclaimed and revamped by its author after its initial creation almost 15 years ago now. This page was pretty formative for my own writing of nation pages, and it is the crux of a project which I have long remembered fondly. It remains an example of a good article on Conworlds, and I am happy to nominate it for Lifetime Achievement. Fizzyflapjack (talk) 20:57, 6 February 2023 (UTC)
  • Derigi Empire (Origo Mundi) by Emalia - one of the most detailed histories on the wiki, taking into account contributions from numerous other users across the Origo Mundi timeline, and expertly writing them into a coherent timeline. Renereve (talk) 21:45, 6 February 2023 (UTC)




Congrats to Centrist16 for Sierra, our 2023 Lifetime Achievement: Article recipient!

Lifetime Achievement: Emblem or Flag

This award is for the best emblem or flag across the entire lifetime of the Constructed Worlds Wiki (Fandom and Miraheze).


  • Flag of the United Commonwealth.svg

Flag of the United Commonwealth.svg by Mythopoeia. The design is simple enough to be drawn by a child, but also evocative of the nation's history while remaining wholly distinct. A top tier flag that has always been one of my favourites. Fizzyflapjack (talk) 19:34, 6 February 2023 (UTC)

  • United Provinces National Congress (updated).svg

United Provinces National Congress (updated).svg by Mythopoeia. This has always been one of my favourite coats of arms on the wiki that I remember seeing when I first joined. Although it takes from some already existing images, it combines them in a creative and aesthetically pleasing way, and adds upon them to create a professional looking image. T0oxi22 (talk) 20:51, 6 February 2023 (UTC)

  • Emblem of the Royal Surveyors Corps.svg

Emblem of the Royal Surveyors Corps.svg by Centrist16 is a great looking emblem. T0oxi22 (talk) 20:51, 6 February 2023 (UTC)




Congrats to Mythopoeia for United Provinces National Congress (updated).svg, our 2023 Lifetime Achievement: Emblem or Flag recipient!

Lifetime Achievement: Map or Graphic

This award is for the best map or graphic across the entire lifetime of the Constructed Worlds Wiki (Fandom and Miraheze).


  • Map of Sierra (with cities) official.svg

Map of Sierra (with cities) official.svg by Centrist16. An extremely high quality, professional tier map with an insane level of detail. Fizzyflapjack (talk) 22:15, 6 February 2023 (UTC)

  • Municipalities of Kalseri.svg

Municipalities of Kalseri.svg by DatMaster001. Being someone versed in Inkscape, I know that just looking at this map it must have taken ages to perfect, given especially that Kalseri is a constructed nation made from whole cloth. The overall result is simple but stunning. Well done. Fizzyflapjack (talk) 23:05, 6 February 2023 (UTC)




Congrats to Centrist16 for Map of Sierra (with cities) official.svg, our 2023 Lifetime Achievement: Map or Graphic recipient!

Full Results

Writer Awards

Project Awards

Content Awards

Lifetime Achievements