Conworlds:Flavor page

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 This is a Constructed Worlds Wiki administration page.
A flavor page can be analogously likened to spices in their function; they enhance or improve an existing project

In the context of the Althistory–Conworlds continuum, a flavor page (alternately spelled as a flavour page) refers to an article whose subject or topic is primarily intended to enhance the immersive experience or depth of a project. Flavor pages are commonly construed as ancillary to pages deemed "essential" to a project. Flavor pages generally include articles which deal with culture and entertainment, non-politician biographies, geography and the environment, events of minor or inconsequential historical significance, and other miscellaneous topics. Flavor pages may also be understood to mean articles which deal with highly specialized or niche topics, or with a high degree of detail which exceeds that of comparable articles on the same subject. For example, an article documenting an overview of a country's government may be considered essential, while an article dealing with a specific government agency may be considered a flavor page.

Flavor pages are deemphasized or secondary in essentialist projects, while they are valued and encouraged in flavorist projects. Holisticist projects aim to balance the perceived importance or emphasis between essential and flavor pages.