Conworlds:Logo Contest

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The selected winner of the Logo Contest by Symposium.

During July and August 2024, the Constructed Worlds Wiki held a contest to select a new logo. Due to a combination of factors, the Constructed Worlds Wiki Admin team decided to retire the former seal and search for a new logo. We opened the change to the community through this contest.

Users with graphic design skills submitted their proposals on this page in the appropriate section. From Thursday, August 1st, through Wednesday, August 7th, a first round of voting was held with all the submissions to determine the top two choices of the community. From August 8th until August 14th, community members cast runoff votes on the two finalist options. Our winner was announced on August 15th.

Thank you to everyone who made submissions and who participated in voting!


These guidelines may be subject to change, but submissions made before any changes will remain valid.

  • Hard Rules: Submissions MUST adhere to these rules.
    • The submitted logo file must have equal height and width.
      • This does not apply to any version of a submission including a wordmark, but the logo must be able to work separately regardless of whether or not it has a wordmark.
      • The logo itself does not have to be a perfect circle or square, but the file should have blank space around the logo such that the file is a square.
    • The submitted logo file must be of SVG file type.
    • A user may submit only one file. They may edit or withdraw their submission at any time until the submission cutoff date (July 25th).
    • If the submitted logo contains SVG elements not created by the file author, then the elements must be flagged in the submission description and appropriate source links must be included in the submission.
  • Soft Rules: Submissions are encouraged to adhere to these rules.
    • The submitted logo should ideally incorporate the existing Conworlds colour scheme of blue and gold.
    • The submitted logo should ideally be designed in such a way that it is distinctly recognizable at any resolution, including very small ones.


Paracomsic icon.svg by Fizzyflapjack

Paracosmic icon.svg

File name: File:Paracosmic icon.svg

Author: Fizzyflapjack

Description: A logo I originally created as a part of the Paracosmic Awards trophy. It is inspired by the iconic Wikipedia logo and elements I recreated from the front page of Conworlds Fandom.

Source links (if applicable): N/A

NewConsWorld1.svg by LKChannel


File name: File:NewConsWorld1.svg

Author: LKChannel

Description: Here is my proposed logo for Construction World (or Consworld in short) and here's how it looks (and I strongly apologize if my proposed logo is of low quality and is not up to standard):

At the center of the logo is a wireframe globe, which this globe symbolizes the universe, and can be depicted in white with a grid pattern. The wreath of my proposed logo of the Constructed Worlds Wiki is rendered in blue with gold accents, adding a sense of prestige. Below the globe and the wreath of the logo are five stars arranged in a horizontal line. Stars denote quality, aspiration, and distinction. The name CONSWORLD is prominently displayed in large, bold, blue uppercase letters beneath the stars.

Source links (if applicable): N/A

CW24S Logo Idea.svg by Symposium

CW24S Logo Idea.svg

File name: File:CW24S Logo Idea.svg

Author: Symposium

Description: Two strokes, one gold and one black, emerging from a white pencil on a blue field. The round shape reprises the globe element present in several iterations of the Conworlds Wiki logo, but the usage of IRL Earth is eschewed in favor of a simple blue circle, both for graphical simplicity and to avoid giving viewers the impression that all Conworlds projects are related to Earth.

Source links (if applicable): N/A

Constructed Worlds Wiki logo 2024.svg by LS990

Constructed Worlds Wiki logo 2024.svg

File name:

File:Constructed Worlds Wiki logo 2024.svg




A design that recalls the iconic wikilink and globe logos of the Constructed Worlds Wiki (Conworlds) as well as those from the 1970s and 1980s, it incorporates further imagery like the free Noto Serif Condensed Black font, the domineering Tower of Babel, convergent arrows, interlocked links, an intriguing portal, the timeless hourglass, and the poetic scroll. Altogether, these symbols signal Conworlds' ideal of creatively building upon older ideas to catalyse newer concepts, simultaneously fostering a diverse and passionate community whose work can be accessed indefinitely and without payment.

Source links (if applicable):

Noto Serif Condensed Black

No confidence in the alternatives


File name:

Author: David Vignoni

Description: I propose that we keep the current logo, and am submitting this design as a vote of no confidence of the alternatives.

Source links (if applicable): 1


In order to cast your vote, please add a hash symbol followed by four tildes within the box of the submission you prefer: #~~~~

First Round

Paracosmic icon.svg
File:Paracosmic icon.svg by Fizzyflapjack
  1. President of The Soviet Union (talk) 17:58, 3 August 2024 (UTC)
  2. Solaris2019 (talk) 14:52, 1 August 2024 (UTC)
  3. Ycasto (talk 20:31, 2 August 2024 (UTC)
CW24S Logo Idea.svg
File:CW24S Logo Idea.svg by Symposium
  1. Fizzyflapjack (talk) 14:45, 1 August 2024 (UTC)
  2. OrangeWikiR (talk) 15:01, 1 August 2024 (UTC)
  3. Kids112 (talk) 15:27, 1 August 2024 (UTC)
  4. Screwhorn (talk) 16:53, 1 August 2024 (UTC)
  5. Centrist16 (talk⧼dot-separator⧽contribs) 18:29, 1 August 2024 (UTC)
  6. Triton2009 (talk) 02:10, 2 August 2024 (UTC)
  7. Gubusman (talk) 03:01, 4 August 2024 (UTC)
  8. Yuutarou (talk) 11:56, 5 August 2024 (UTC)
  9. WorldMaker18 (talk 10:59, 5 August (UTC)
  10. Litia von Lucerna (talk) 08:27, 7 August 2024 (UTC)
No confidence in the alternatives
  1. Renereve (talk) 02:19, 2 August 2024 (UTC)
  2. Bevillia (talk) 08:28, 3 August 2024 (UTC)
  3. Nathan1123 (talk) 18:51, 7 August 2024 (UTC)
  4. Nathanadrian (talk) 20:57, 7 August 2024 (UTC)

Second Round

File:CW24S Logo Idea.svg by Symposium

CW24S Logo Idea.svg
Should this option win, this file will become the new logo of the Constructed Worlds Wiki.
  1. Fizzyflapjack (talk) 13:55, 8 August 2024 (UTC)
  2. Screwhorn (talk) 14:00, 8 August 2024 (UTC)
  3. Yuutarou (talk) 14:40, 8 August 2024 (UTC)
  4. Centrist16 (talk⧼dot-separator⧽contribs) 15:44, 8 August 2024 (UTC)
  5. Kids112 (talk) 17:22, 8 August 2024 (UTC)
  6. WorldMaker18 (talk) 20:72, 8 AUgust 2024 (UTC)
  7. Agitated Afrothere (talk) 04:41, 9 August 2024 (UTC)
  8. Solaris2019 (talk) 15:51, 9 August 2024 (UTC)
  9. OrangeWikiR (talk) 17:33, 9 August 2024 (UTC)
  10. Triton2009 (talk) 12:17, 12 August 2024 (UTC)

No confidence in the alternatives

Should this option win, submissions to the contest will be reopened and voting will be restarted in one month from the end of the current voting period.
  1. LS990 (talk) 14:00, 8 August 2024 (UTC)
  2. Javants (talk) 07:23, 12 August 2024 (UTC)
  3. Solace (talk) 00:41, 14 August 2024 (UTC)


Congratulations to Symposium, whose File:CW24S Logo Idea.svg is to become the new logo of the Constructed Worlds Wiki!