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This article is part of the Ardai canon.
Corevicia (solid green) and regions sometimes considered part of Corevicia (dashed green)

Corevicia is a peninsular region in southern Nuro and the westernmost part of Bataigne. Because of its central position on the Adséa and proximity to Sorca, Corevicia has been inhabited by a diverse population throughout history. Its status as a major trade nexus (especially its capital, Courevice) predates the Solcian Empire, which eventually conquered the region. In medieval times, Corevicia was home to a principality of the same name.


The peninsula was known to the Eiconians as Correwick and later Corwick.


Prehistoric origins

Tribal era

Solcian era

Battani invasion


Piracy and coastal raids

Azuni conquest

The Zaphraite conquest of Corevicia commenced in 832 CE, spearheaded by Rysha. The peninsula remained under Azuni control until the Eican invasion of the 11th century.

During the period of Azuni rule, a university was built in Corevicium, and science and the arts flourished.

Eican rule

In 1068, Jorric of Eicony led an expedition to Corevicia, and defeated the forces of Emir Tamor, who retreated to Musmazia.

Early modern era

Modern era

Great Wars

Long Peace

Resource Wars


  • Anclamour
  • Corevic
  • Firie
  • Navan
  • Nensis