Solcian Empire

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This article is part of the Ardai canon.
The Solcian Empire in 270 CE, at its greatest extent under Emperor Alcesimarchus
The Sun Standard

The Solcian Empire (Old Solcian: Impiriom Solcianom; Irian: Sulcia Achadacia) was a vast empire that existed during the classical era. It encompassed most of the Adséa and straddled the continents of Nuro and Sorca, as well as part of Ochria. Founded in 1 CE by Catules, the Empire reached its greatest extent under Alcesimarchus in the late 3rd century. A period of rebellion and foreign invasion led to the Empire's decline, starting in the 5th century. By the 7th, it had disintegrated into several successor states. Despite its demise, the Solcian Empire would have a lasting effect on the areas it conquered, spreading Ludo-Irian culture far and wide.


A crowd gathers near an ornate temple; early Solcian period

The Solcians were an Irianized Ludian tribe living around the western Adséa in antiquity. Probably originating in the Lakelands, they later absorbed the neighboring tribes of coastal Musmazia and formed a kingdom under Catules. The Solcian kingdom steadily expanded, uniting the Irian world for the first time since Kepharos. Under a dynasty of self-styled emperors, the Andolons, swathes of southern Nuro would be added to the Solcian domains. Climate change beyond the frontiers, however, spurred a migration of tribes into imperial lands, destabilizing the increasingly decadent Empire, until it disintegrated altogether.


First emperors and conquest of Iria

Tyranny of Nera

Conquest of southern Nuro

Corevicia was the first part of Nuro to be invaded by the Solcian Empire. The invasion took place under Emperor Trianimus and resulted in the complete conquest of the peninsula and the founding of cities at Corevicium and Trianimum. Trianimus' successor, Rhaeolus, invaded western Suestria, establishing an eponymous colony at Rhaeoll. Alcesimarchus continued the imperial expansion, conquering the isles of Iestos and Duenia.

Migration Period

A climate-driven migration of tribes into the Solcian frontiers, starting in the 4th century, steadily eroded the Empire's borders. The 5th century would see Solcia lose most of its holdings in mainland Nuro. Emperors Nolos, Andina, Lylus, and Gaborunzius attempted to reverse these losses, but failed due to a combination of internal conflict (interregna, civil wars, the advance of monotheism, and slave revolts), natural disasters (the Black Decade, the Lost Armada, and the eruption of Mount Cambor), and military defeats.

Yaric tribes

Yaric tribes which crossed the Solcian frontier included the Huvars, Khassits, and Losathi.

Saphonic tribes

Saphonic tribes which crossed the Solcian frontier included the Battani, Comagansi, and Manubli. The Battani under Albamar proved the greatest threat, and overran much of Solcian Nuro in the 5th century.

Norvic tribes

Norvic tribes which crossed the Solcian frontier included the Geits, Herls, Immi, and Vinules.

Other tribes

The Vosa are considered to have been a union of various Yaric, Norvic, and Saphonic tribes.

Wars of Reconquest

Corevician War

Suestrian War

Andina's Folly

Empress Andina attempted to invade Suestria again in 582, sending what became known as the Lost Armada. The Solcian fleet was struck by a violent storm in the mid-Adséa. Some of the ships sank to Dromonds' Deep. Others made it to Nuro, but were dashed to timbers on the rocky coast. Only a few made it to Rhaeoll in one piece, and the strength of their troops was not enough to reclaim Suestria.

Black Decade

Main article: Black Decade

Dread Winter

From 561 to 565, the Solcian Empire was affected by the Dread Winter (also known as "the Gloom" or "the Feeble Sun"), a period of strange and extreme weather phenomena around the world. Commonly reported were cold temperatures during every season, weird sky patterns, and a dense, dry fog permeating the air. Probably caused by a volcanic eruption in Hethmora, the conditions led to crop failures and famine throughout the Empire.

Eruption of Mount Cambor

According to the Solcian historian Vila, Mount Cambor in Thrydacia "spewed fire" in the year 564. While not particularly destructive in its local area, Cambor's eruption likely contributed to prolonging the ongoing volcanic winter by another year.

Nolossian Plague

This predecessor to the Kandilyphian Plague ravaged Solcia from 565 to 569, during the reign of Nolos.


In the 7th century, the remaining provinces ceased to recognize the authority of the emperor, and became independent states.

Successor states

Some countries, like Seppokia and Bydicia, at times claimed the old imperial mantle, but their claims generally went unrecognized. By the 8th century, the Lakelands were once again home to an independent state called "Solcia"; scholars refer to this entity as Pale Solcia to differentiate it from its predecessor.

In the early 20th century, the Neo-Solcian Empire emerged, and embarked on a rapid effort to reconquer ancient territories. The invasion was halted by the Nurovan League, and the empire was dissolved. The modern Adséan Commonwealth is sometimes seen as a successor to the Solcian Empire.





Solcia's trade network was extensive, directly reaching as far north as Vinad (Norvenia), as far east as Adiman (Timana), as far south as the Great Delta (Magna Della), and as far west as Zeherishbar (Hersiba).


Some notable inventions of the Solcian Empire include:

  • Arch bridge
  • Arch dam
  • Codex
  • Concrete
  • Dome
  • Flamethrower
  • Fork
  • Grenade
  • Pewter
  • Portable sundial
  • Sunfire (incendiary substance)
  • Steam engines

Culture and society



Solcian polytheism

Rise of the Solar Cult

Other faiths
