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The Ganns were a Norvic tribe who inhabited the islands between Norvenia and Vinad in antiquity. In the Middle Ages, they migrated en masse to Hethmora to escape their flood-ravaged isles.


The Gannic language bears some resemblance to Kovik, suggesting the Ganns may have migrated to their isles from the far north. Some scholars posit a connection to the similar-sounding Kanns of southern Kovika.

Culture and society


"Fyr Fokka!" —Gannic battle-cry

The concept of fokka, variously translated as "inevitable/necessary/righteous conflict", was central to the ancient Gannic way of life. The term comes from the eponymous deity, who proscribed how Ganns should act in their relationships. According to the prevailing interpretation, conflict was seen as healthy and desirable; avoidance of conflict shameful and detrimental. Such principles were carried over to foreign policy as well. Gannic chieftains shunned peacemaking if it merely delayed a conflict rather than resolving it. Treaties, truces, and pacts were rarely accepted as a result. When not in open war, the Gannic realms remained in a state of war readiness. Despite outside perceptions, however, the Ganns did not typically concern themselves with petty squabbles and grudges, as their god also advised them as to which causes were worth fighting for. Over time, the term fokka lost its original meaning, and now describes something akin to "chaos" or "perpetual warfare" in the Norvic languages.


The literate elite in Gannic society were known as the vards. They held positions ranging from lawmaker to scribe to magician.