International reactions to the Caribbean Sea incident

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The Caribbean Sea incident of March 2, 2022, has triggered widespread condemnation by the international community and harsh responses outside of Landonist states. This has resulted in the introduction of new international sanctions against the United Commonwealth and boycotts of both the Continental States and the United People's Committees (Andes) in response within media, the arts, entertainment, business, and sports. Others have also called for the explusion of the United Commonwealth from SWIFT and other international financial institutions in resonse.

United Commonwealth

The United Commonwealth defended their actions stating that they were protecting their maritime borders and that of Brazoria, their neighbor and ally, citing how the merchant convoy had strayed into Continental waters. When asked why the CCS Evansville continued to pursue the convoy even after it had entered back into international waters, the Continental government cited the presence of Antillean military ships and their belief that their Operation Poseidon's Watch had been a cause of concern that threatened the security of trade in the Caribbean and risked potential conflict. The Central Military Commission of the Continentalist Party released a statement stating that as long as Operation Poseidon's Watch remained ongoing, than the Continental States was "in the position that it has to protect its maritime borders and security from reactionary aggression seen by the government in Columbia City".


President Arian Lawrence held a press conference hours after the incident where he condemned the Continental States and accused them of threatening the convoy and seeking to repeat the Amazonas incident. Lawrence stated that the convoy corrected its course and apologized for straying into their waters, but the decision by the Continental Navy to continue following the convou as "ridiculouse and unjust" citing the convoy re-entering international waters and accused the Continental States of violating international waters and remarked "Chicago doesn't own the Caribbean or the waters of the world". Arnold Rockwell, United Commonwealth Secretary of the Navy, defended Operation Poseidon's Watch stating that it's defensive in nature and stated that the Caribbean Sea incident was evidence that such an operation is necessary and will continue while stating that any CAS member states are permitted to join.

Other nations


  •  Algeria – The Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that they were "following the situation intensely" and expressed "serious concern" over potential escalation and future conflict between the Continental States and members of the CAS. The Algerian government urged restraint and called for an international intervention to stop the crisis.
  •  Ethiopia – The national government condemned the act and accused the Continental States of "imperialistic aggression" and stated that the Caribbean Sea is in international waters and isn't owned by one single nation. Emperor Yacob Selassie showed his support to the CAS states in the Caribbean and brought up Ethiopia's conflict with Landonists show show similarities between the conflicts with the Continental States the CAS and Ethiopia have delt with.


  •  Japan – The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement defending the actions of the Antilles and the Caribbean merchant fleet and condemned the Continental States for unlawful aggression. The Foreign Ministry also stated that the central government was "closely monitoring the developing crisis" and stated Japan's support for the CAS and its allies against the Continental States and the latter's allies.
  •  Manchuria – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement denouncing the Continental States' actions and accused them and the Continental Navy of violating international waters citing the ship trailing the convoy even after it fixed its course and avoided entering into the United Commonwealth's maritime borders. President Liu Zhou praised the Antilles for defending the convoy and stated that she's open to recognizing them as an independent state.
  •  North Vietnam – The ruling Communist Party of Vietnam re-iterated its ideological and political solidarity and support towards the United Commonwealth and the Andes and accused the Antilles and the CAS of threatening the stability of the Caribbean and called for de-escalation. The Foreign Ministry released a statement where they accused Poseidon's Watch and Alaska's Operation Pacific Watch of violating international law and threatening global trade.


  •  GermanyChancellor Karl Laschet denounced the actions of the United Commonwealth and accused them of "threatening war and violence in the Caribbean". He stood in solidarity with the Antilles and the CAS and announced that Germany would impose new sanctions and also voiced support for expelling the Continental States from SWIFT and other global financial bodies along with the Andes. On March 4, the Reichstag passed a law formally divesting from all Continental businesses and froze their assets.
  •  PortugalKing John VII Portugal released a statement where he expressed his concerns for the security and safety of the Caribbean and all peoples who live within the region in the wake of the incident. The Portuguese government denounced the actions of the United Commonwealth and would seek renewed sanctions on the nation.
  •  RussiaPrime Minister Vladislav Nevzorov held a press conferene where he condemned the actions of the United Commonwealth and called the actions of the Continental Navy "disgusting and overt attempts at attempting to start war" and sided with the Antilles calling their actions a justifiable act of defense. In response, Nevzorov stated Russia's intentions to impose new sanctions on the United Commonwealth and all nations that are aiding and supporting their actions and those of the Andes which included boycotts and freezing assets. On March 5, the State Duma passed a law effectively banning Russian investment in the United Commonwealth and Andes and to increase investment within the wider European Community.
  •  United Kingdom – The Department of Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs released a statement accusing the United Commonwealth of violating international law and denounced the actions of the Continental Navy accusing it of acting in an illegal and aggressive matter. Foreign Secretary Elizabeth Trust accused the Continental government of "seeking conflict" with the Antilles and in the Caribbean and the British government would seek new sanctions against the United Commonwealth and the Andes. Prime Minister Clive Spencer announced on March 3 that the UK would impose new sanctions including boycotting Continental goods and pushed for the explusion of the United Commonwealth from SWIFT and other global financial institutions.

North America

  •  Superior – The federal government condemned the actions of the United Commonwealth with Isaac Dillon calling the Continental States "a beligerent and aggressive power" and would impose new sanctions on them while targeting the Andes for their regional and military support for Continental military operations in the Caribbean Sea to.
  •  West IndiesPrime Minister Marcus Whitney denounced the actions of the United Commonwealth and accused them of threatening the security of the Caribbean Sea and the national security of the West Indies. Whitney also announced that the West Indies would participate in Operation Poseidon's Watch to protect the Caribbean merchant fleet viewing the incident as a "wake-up call for our nation".

South America


Intergovernmental and international organizations

  •  Conference of American StatesSecretary General Johann Hauptsmann condemned the actions of the United Commonwealth and stated that their actions was evidence of "a horrific desire to return to Cold War antagonism over peaceful coexistence" and stated that the CAS would seek new sanctions against the United Commonwealth. On March 4, CAS pressure convinced over two dozen major companies and businesses in the Lincoln Area from divesting in the United Commonwealth and the Andes and the American Security Council reiterated its support for Operation Poseidon's Watch and accepted CAS member states from participating in it.

International human rights organizations

See also