Ministries of the Seafaring Confederation

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The Seafaring Confederation has 16 confederate ministries, which function as the most influential part of the confederate executive. Every ministry is headed by a Confederate Minister, in some cases also known as a High Minister or Minister Universally Plenipotentiary; in addition, each ministry has between one and three state secretaries. On the national and autonomous levels, the Seafaring Confederation has a large number of ministries in total.

For a list of current ministers, see Cabinet-NicMheaoigh and Evason.

Confederate ministries

The 16 Confederate Ministries and their total of 60 subordinate organisations are founded in Article 13 of the Constitution of the Seafaring Confederation. They are:

National ministries

For lists of national ministries, see:

State and viscountcial ministries

For lists of state and viscountcial ministries, see: