Names of Morrowind

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Morrowind has been known by many names throughout history. The current name is a poetic translation of the Velothi endonym Resdayn (variously translated as "wind of morning", "arrival of morning", "dawnrise", "dawning place, toward which the wind calls us", etc.), which originated in the Merethic Era.

List of names by meaning

"Morrowind"/"Wind of Morning"

  • Resdayn (Dunmeri)
  • Maneventia (Cyrodilic)
  • Morgunvind (Nordic)
  • Moruwind (Bruman)

"Dark Land"/"Land of Dark Folk"

  • Dunmereth, Dunmeth (Nordic)
  • Dunmeris (Aldmeri)
  • Moriwiin (Ayleid)
  • Morivia, Morichia (Cyrodilic)


  • Chimeris (Aldmeri) and Chimereth (Nordic), from the Chimer
  • Dwemeris (Aldmeri) and Dwemereth (Nordic), from the Dwemer
  • Veloth, from Saint Veloth