News:Chancellor Whitmore urges "caution and restraint" in emergency address

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Wednesday, 9 January, 2019

In a special televised emergency address held Wednesday afternoon, Chancellor Bobby Whitmore has called on the "leaders of democracies across North America and all the peoples they represent" to show "immense caution and restraint" in dealing with the after effects of intense market turmoil which struck the continent this morning. The Chancellor's remarks come only a few hours after an unusual display of force from the Continental Coast Guard, an event which is reported to have captured the attention of millions on live television.

At least thirty million Brazorians are believed to have seen the address, many in overcrowded supermarkets, making it the most viewed government announcement in Brazorian history. Shortly after the address, protests erupted around United Commonwealth diplomatic missions across Brazoria, with many of the protestors carrying placards calling the UCCS variety of jingoistic slogans. Protests also took place near Sierran diplomatic posts and the American Court of Justice building in Austin. There are reports that a single government helicopter has been sighted surveying the area around the Sabine River, though the government has not yet responded to media inquiries.