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 This article is part of Dawn's Beauty.
A male Nord

The Nords (Nordic: Nordar; Draconic: Bronne), also called Northmen or Northlanders (Nordic: Norringar), are a mannish people inhabiting Skyrim. Their ancestors arrived from Atmora in the Merethic Era.


Although Nords intermingled with other races over the years, it is primarily to Atmora, the northernmost known place on Nirn, that they trace their lineage. Legends say that Atmora was once very green and prosperous, but internecine warfare combined with a shifting climate pushed its people to migrate to Northern Tamriel in the late Merethic and early First eras. The most famous of these migrations was spearheaded by the Atmoran chieftain Ysgramor and his companions, who conquered much of Skyrim from the Snow Elves, and built the settlements of Whiterun and Windhelm.

UESP logo This page uses material from the UESP page Lore:Nord, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License (view authors).