Project Coro

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Project Coro
Genre Collaborative worldbuilding and geopolitical roleplay
Established 2023
Creator Mythopoeia
Progress Upcoming
Status Active

Project Coro also known as Coroverse is a constructed world built around the world of Coro, set in the year 2234 during the Malaise Era. Devastated by the First Confrontation, Second Confrontation and most recently the Third Confrontation, Aurin Flares and Talen Influenza Pandemic, the world has been plunged into a state of malaise and a possible Fourth Confrontation appears on the horizon.

The project is dedicated to creating quality articles based on initial proposals to fit the overall theme of the project. The project began with the development of Aurionea, a rebuild of the nation from Project Genesis.


The year is two thousand and two hundred and thirty-four in the Year of Our Emperor, thirty-seven years after the end of the Talen Pandemic and the Ascension of Emperor Reko, and fifteen years after the end of the Third Confrontation. Our world knows no peace, the Commonality of States has failed. Large swaths of the world remain empty on my school's map, and the world's ability to communicate is limited by interruptions by strong solar winds that pummel Coro on an unknown basis. My father says that even if we were able to talk with those across the sea nobody would want to. It has been two years since my friend Viko was sent away across the East Siduma and I haven't heard from him since.

Every day we are told we live in the greatest country in the world and that the colonies are devoted. I don't even know if they exist. Yesterday we practiced a bombing drill, in fear that one of the many unnamed nations will flatten our city. Our enemies? I don't know if they exist either.

Yonsnasa Sünviä, student at Kauko State School in Mami


Set in the year 2234, roughly 30 years after the end of the Grand Pandemonium a period of war, disease and technological interruption. Many during this time viewed this as the apocalypse as the world was plunged into chaos. Major events that occurred during this period included; the 2181-2197 Talen Influenza Pandemic, the 2159-2219 Third Confrontation and several Aurin Flares in 2175, 2178, 2189 and 2225.

Technological advancements in 2170, prior to the Grand Pandemonium were similar to our OTL early 1990s. Some technology from that era has returned to the middle class in a few developed countries. Technology comparable to OTL 2000s has become available to the affluent; wireless phones and computers. The majority of the world is without a stable government, basic amenities, and enduring regional conflicts and variants of the Talen Influenza continue to rage. Bandits roam and warlords reign.

The world relies on newspapers and letters for communication, while in some modern countries telephones are used. Beliefs on race, religion and sexuality are much more conservative worldwide and democratic backsliding is a near universal norm. Nuclear technology was never discovered, and energy production is almost entirely dependent on fossil fuels.


Map at Kauko State School in Mami, Aurionea