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The Sociedad Internacional de Harpasto Americano (Spanish for 'International American Harpast Society; abbreviated as SIHA) is the international governing body of American harpast, indoor harpast, and bola criolla. It was established in 1901 during a conference held in Acapulco, Mejico, where it still has its headquarters, as representatives from various harpast associations in Mejico, Asia, the Caribbean, and South America gathered to discuss the future of the sport. Recognizing the growing popularity and the need for standardized rules and regulations at the international level, the delegates unanimously agreed to establish the SIHA, merging the multiple regional associations into one.

Its membership now comprises 147 national associations, 32 sub-national associations, and four ultramarine associations. These national associations must also be members of one of the seven regional confederations into which the world is divided: CIHANAC (North America and the Caribbean), COSUHA (South and Central America), QHH (South and East Asia), UFEH (Europe), CONHARAF (Africa), COMOCAH (Middle East and Central Asia), and CONIPHAR (Indo-Pacific).

SIHA outlines its objectives in its organizational statutes and canons, including the development and promotion of American Harpast, indoor harpast, and bola criolla at all levels of competition on the global stage, the establishment of standardized rules for these sports, and the organization of international championships and tournaments. The body also works diligently to foster sportsmanship, fair play, and mutual respect among players, coaches, officials, and supporters across the world. One of its most high-profile initiatives is the oversight of the World Cup of Nations, the premier international competition of American Harpast, as well as the Harpast Club World Cup, which pits clubs from each confederation.

Although the responsibility for setting the laws of the game corresponds to the International American Harpast Association Board (Junta de la Asociación Internacional de Harpasto Americano; abbr. JAIHA), of which SIHA is a member, SIHA is responsible for enforcing these laws at the international level. The organization also coordinates the calendar of international matches, ensuring that official competition dates do not conflict, and provides guidelines for the sport's professional conduct.

In 2023, SIHA reported revenues of over 3 billion HSP, ending the 2019-2022 cycle with a net positive of 620 million HSP, and cash reserves of over 2 billion HSP. This revenue stream is largely attributed to broadcasting rights, sponsorship deals, and marketing initiatives associated with both the men's and women's Cup of Nations, as well as club competitions and other international events under SIHA's jurisdiction. By partnering with multinational corporations, SIHA has been able to attract sponsors from various sectors, including royal houses, sportswear manufacturers, airlines, and consumer goods companies. These partnerships often extend to the club level, where sponsors provide financial support in exchange for brand visibility on team apparel and in stadiums.

SIHA has an Executive Committee, headed by a President and seven representatives from each confederation, as well as a General Secretariat, which is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the organization and execution of the strategies set by the Executive Committee. Yasunari Pauro Chijiwa, hailing from Japan, has held the presidency of SIHA since 2002. Under Chijiwa's leadership, SIHA has continued to experience financial prosperity and widespread expansion.