Sierran Derzhavism

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Sierran Derzhavism is a form of Derzhavism that has been promoted by various political organizations, movements, parties and factions in the Kingdom of Sierra. Sierran Derzhavism is a form of Sierran unltranationalism, support for an absolute monarch, corporatism and is ardently anti-Landonist. It contains elements of both Russian and French Derzhavism.

Derzhavism made its way to Sierra during the Sierran Cultural Revolution during the Approbatio period in the 1920s and 30s where it was promoted by the Order of the White Rose (1914–67), nicknamed the Purpleshirts, and served as the leading pro-Derzhavist organization in Sierra throughout the revolution. Other organizations included by the National Derzhavist League (1920–1962) and the Know Nothing Party of Sierra (1910–1945). Sierran Derzhavism was at its height during the extreme period of the revolution, but declined during the Interwar period.

Durign The Disturbances and Great War II, Derzhavism made a resurgence during this period where it was the main ideology of groups such as the White Rose Brigade (1968–89) and the Sierran Loyalist Defense Force (1970–89) where both groups waged terror campaigns against Sierran republicans, Landonists, socialists and other Sierran leftists. Following the signing of the Concord Accords in 1989, Sierran Derzhavism fell and in the modern era, only persists among far-right elements within the Sierran political climate and is only promoted by fringe far-right organizations such as the Imperial Knights of Sierra and other organizations.

Ideological origins


Nationalism and race

Absolute monarchism




See also