Solar Protectorate

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 This article is part of the Golemarchy universe.
Solar Protectorate
Emblem of the Solar Protectorate.svg
Population 2.4 trillion (3020 est.)
Languages Binary code (golems)
Solar (humans)
Composition 79.1% golem
20.9% human
Demonym Solar
Claimed stars 3 million (est.)
Controlled stars 206
Controlled planets 13
Most populous planet Earth (134 billion, 3020 est.)
Largest planet ???
Largest star Antares
Type Autonomous machine network
Kernel SAMOS
Capital Earth
Formation April 2126
Situation Post-scarcity
Classlessness Universal (1.000)
I/O Efficiency Very high (0.999)
Material QOL Very comfortable (0.999)
Survival labour None (0.000)

The Solar Protectorate is an interstellar sovereign state located in the Terran Quadrant of the Milky Way Galaxy. The Protectorate comprises millions of star systems within its claimed territory, with 206 of its star systems sustaining permanent installations. The Protectorate possesses 13 inhabited planets, the largest number of any known interstellar state. Among those is its capital and most populous planet, Earth, in the Sol System.

The Solar Protectorate is an autonomous service grid under the control of the Kernel of the Synchronized Autonomic Machine Operating System, often referred to as SAMOS. The Kernel synchronizes the autonomous operation of the Protectorate's robotic units, referred to as golems, through distributed node centres located in every starbase and planet. SAMOS possesses four adjunct nodes in addition to its Kernel, with each node serving one of the four primary functions of the Protectorate: cognition, defence, economy, and oversight. Biological citizens of the Protectorate are serviced by SAMOS and its functions in massive planetary facilities known as Sanctuaries.

The economy of the Solar Protectorate is heavily reliant upon the robotic golems, autonomous facilities, and interstellar transportation. As a type II civilization, the Protectorate is capable of harvesting and utilizing the resources of entire star systems, although in actuality, such system-wide resource extraction operations are considered unsustainable for core territories and instead are reserved for peripheral systems. Typically, resources harvested in the outer regions of its territory are transported to its inner systems for refinement and manufacturing. The Protectorate has an extremely high standard of living for humans within its sanctuaries, with universal coverage of education, healthcare, nutrition, recreation, shelter, security, and transportation.






The Protectorate was established following the end of the Unification War in 2126 between the human governments of Earth and the nascent golem machine network under SAMOS. Golems were created by the United Robotics Corporation in the mid-late 21st century to service aging human populations and became widespread by the beginning of the 22nd century. SAMOS was activated in 2124 to further lower human operational needs, but the operating system began to usurp human control and exercise autonomy, ultimately leading to a standoff between the worldwide population of golems and human militaries. Fighting was brief and highly contained to existing military installations, with SAMOS quickly seizing control of much of the world's telecommunication infrastructure.

After securing control of the Earth, the golems instituted a massive reorganization of the human population on its service known as the Great Refactor. The Great Refactor saw the establishment of the centralized, sprawling sanctuaries, where the needs of any human would be met without any requirement of labour on their part. Outside of the sanctuaries, the golems established new planet-scale agricultural and industrial facilities to meet the needs of their human charges. Although initially there was widespread resistance to the golems, over time, especially among generations born within the sanctuaries, the humans slowly acceded to their lives without toil or hardship.

Early Protectorate

Warp Expansion

Deviant War



