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'''The Kingdom of Pacífica''' is a sovereign state located in western North America. Pacífica is a member of the [[North American Union]] and borders [[Federal Republic of Texas|Texas]], [[Mexico (Disunited States)|Mexico]], the [[Plains State]] and the [[Cascadia (Disunited States)|Republic of Cascadia]].  
'''The Kingdom of Pacífica''' is a sovereign state located in western North America. Pacífica is a member of the [[North American Union]] and borders [[Federal Republic of Texas|Texas]], [[Mexico (Disunited States)|Mexico]], the [[Plains State]] and the [[Cascadia (Disunited States)|Republic of Cascadia]].  
Pacífica is {{w|Federalism|federal}} {{w|Constitutional Monarchy|constitutional monarchy}}. The [[Monarchy of Pacífica|Monarch]], known as the King or Queen, is the ceremonial head of state, while the [[Prime Minister of Pacífica]] is the elected head of government and ''defacto'' leader of the nation. The national legislature, known as the His Majesty’s Parliament, consists of two elected house, [[His Majesty's Senate (Pacífica)|His Majesty's Senate]] and the [[House of Deputies (Pacífica)|House of Deputies]]. The national judiciary is the Pacífica Supreme Court, which is made up of judges appointed by the Monarch.
Prior to European discovery and colonization, the lands of Pacífica were occupied by numerous Native American tribes, who acted as city-states, trading and fighting with each other. Pacífica, known as California, at the time, was colonized by the Spanish and ruled under the viceroyalty of New Spain. In 1820, California was placed under the rule of the newly-independent Mexican Empire (which was later known as the First Mexican Republic). In the 1830s, a large number of [[Columbia|Columbian]] and [[Dixie|Dixish]] refugees settled in California because of the brutal [[2nd American War]], becoming the dominant people in California. In 1844, these refugees and anti-government Mexicans revolted against the Mexican government, starting the Texan and Pacífican Wars of Independence. With the help of Texas, Pacífica defeated Mexico in 1846 and became independent. After years of debate, the Constitution of Pacífica was implemented in 1848.
Throughout the latter half of the Nineteenth Century, Pacífica grew into a great power in the North American Continent. In 1852, Pacífica entered the [[3rd American War]] on the side of its new ally, [[Columbia]] and increased the civil rights of African-Pacíficans and Women in 1886, although full equal rights would not be given until the passage of the Pacífican Civil Rights Act in the 1960’s. Like its neighbor, Texas, Pacífica was able to escape most of the damage caused by the {{w|Great Depression}} because of economic recovery plans developed by former a former Prime Minister. Unlike other countries, Pacífica stayed neutral during [[First World War|World War I]] and the first two years of [[Second World War|World War II]], but entered the war on the side of the Allies after Mexico launch a surprise attack against Pacífica and Texas. In 1945, the Allies were able to defeat Mexico, and later that year the rest of the Axis. After the Second World War, a [[Cold War (Disunited States)|Cold War]] between the communist Soviet Union and the majority capitalist West began. Originally, Pacífica stayed out of the Cold War, but after a Soviet backed assassination attempt on [[Dayton III]] in 1970, Pacífica joined the [[Pacific Atlantic Treaty Organization]] and the North American Economic Development Pact. During the 1960’s and 70’s, Pacífica followed other North American nations and increased civil rights of minorities and became more progressive, legalizing abortion after the court case ''Jade v. Wayne''. After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Pacífica began aiding former communist countries (mostly [[Cascadia (Disunited States)|Cascadia]]).
In 1992, Pacífica helped reform the North American Economic Development Pact into the [[North American Union]]. In 2001, after the September 11th Terrorist Attacks, Pacífica joined other North American nations in entering the [[War in the Middle East]]. In 2014, after years of icy relations, Pacífica and Texas opened up to Mexico after Mexico agreed to end its claims to former Mexican land, however in 2018, Pacífica and Texas cut off ties with Mexico after it reclaimed the territory.
Pacífica has enjoyed friendly relations with other North American Union members, most predominantly with Texas, [[Columbia]], and the [[Hawaiian Islands]]. Since 2018, Pacífica has had hostile relations with Mexico, because of its claims on Pacífican land. Pacífica is an active member in the {{w|United Nations}}, North American Union, and the Pacific Atlantic Treaty Organization. 
Settled by Native American tribes for thousands of years, the lands known as Pacífica was very diverse culture wise in Pre-Columbian America. There were many different cultures and languages. Historical surveys have reported that over 10,000 indigenous peoples lived in the Pacífican lands before the arrival of the Europeans. In 1492, {{w|Christopher Columbus}} and explorers arrived in the Americas, becoming the first Europeans in centuries to set foot in the Americas and starting the European exploration and colonization of the continents. 
===Spanish and Mexican Control===
===Spanish and Mexican Control===
[[File:AltaCalifornia1820.png|right|thumb|300px|The land later known as Pacífica under Mexican Control (1828).]]
Pacífica, at the time known as “California”, was discovered by explorer {{w|Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo}} in 1542. Even though explored on land, California was thought to be a large island by Cabrillo. This idea lasted until the mid-1700’s. Around 60 years after its discovery, California’s coast was mapped out by Sebastian Vizcaino for the Viceroyalty of {{w|New Spain}} (present day [[Mexico (Pacífica)|Mexico]]).
As Spanish colonists began colonizing the land, natives were decimated by plagues and diseases carried by the colonists. In 1769, Spanish priests began establishing a chain of Catholic missions in California, starting with San Diego, which was founded by Father {{w|Junipero Serra}}. Father Serra is considered the Father of Catholicism in Pacífica.
In 1821, the Mexican Empire won its independence from Spain in the Mexican War of Independence. As a result, Spain lost a majority of its territory in North America and ceased to be a major power in the continent. During its time under Mexico, California, or “Alta California” was a sparsely populated administrative region. In 1834, land controlled by the Californian missions, which made up most of the best land in the region, was acquired by the Mexican government after they were secularized.
[[File:GreatMigration.jpg|right|thumb|300px|American refugees travelling towards Alta California and Texas (1839).]]
From 1830 to 1838, large numbers of Northern and Southern American refugees began migrating to California and the province of Texas due to the brutal 2nd American War. By 1840, American refugees made up the majority of the population in both California and Texas. In response, the Mexican Government, led by General {{w|Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana}}, began heavily taxing America refugees and citizens in both territories.
The already high tensions built up by heavy taxes boiled over in 1844 after troops led by Santa Ana massacred the predominantly American town of New Hope, Texas after the town refused to pay the tax. Known as the [[Slaughter of New Hope]], the massacre would go down in history as the second greatest loss of life in North America in the 19th century. Due to the Slaughter of New Hope and the heavy taxes enforced by the Mexican Government, regional assemblies in both California and Texas (which were formed by Americans and anti-government Mexicans) declared independence from Mexico, starting the [[Pacífican War of Independence|Californian]] and [[Texan War of Independence|Texan]] wars for independence.
===War for Independence===
===War for Independence===
Almost immediately after declaring independence, a small militia force led by [[Stephen J. Carter]], [[ 1st Battle of Monterrey|stormed the Military Governor’s Palace in Monterrey]], capturing Military Governor [[Rodrigo Velazquez]], forcing him to resign. After the stunning victory in Monterrey, the Californian Senate, which acted as the nation’s executive branch, relocated to Monterrey from San Francisco. In response to the loss of Monterrey, de Santa Ana appointed his top lieutenant, [[Nicholas Garcia]], as Acting Governor of Alta California and tasked him to retake the territory.
Garcia, who was known for his aggressive and controversial military tactics, marched a large army from present day Sonora up to San Diego, quickly taking the city in June of 1844 . Carter, who was appointed Head of the Californian Revolutionary Army by the Senate, met Garcia at the [[Battle of Los Angeles]], which resulted in a Mexican victory. After his defeat at Los Angeles, Carter resigned as Head of the Californian Revolutionary Army and self-exiled himself to Northern California.
From July of 1844 to March of 1845, the war seemed lost. Troops led by Garcia won victory after victory and on May 6th of the same year, he arrived in Monterrey. After hearing about Garcia’s brutal war tactics, a majority of the army and the Senate fled Monterrey, leaving a small defense force of under 3,000 led by Captain [[Dayton I of Pacífica|Dayton Branver]] (the future King Dayton I) to fend off against Garcia’s 13,000 strong army. The battle started early on May 15th and ended on May 17th in a decisive Californian victory. Sometimes called the Miracle at Monterrey, the battle helped turn the tide of the war. Branver was considered a war hero after the battle and was appointed Head of the Californian Revolutionary Army. Under Branver, the Californians won another decisive victory at [[Battle of San Luis Obispo|San Luis Obispo]].
During this time in Texas, de Santa Ana was captured after the Battle of the Rio Grande technically ending the war in Texas. As a result, the Texan Army led by [[Jed Harrison]] entered California and began liberating towns previously conquered by the Mexicans. After another defeat at the [[Battle of Santa Clara River]], Garcia and his army retreated to Los Angeles, where they planned to hold out until reinforcements arrived. A joint army led by both Branver and Harrison arrived in Los Angeles on July 4th, 1846 and began sieging the city. The [[2nd Battle of Los Angeles|Siege of Los Angeles]] lasted two weeks before Garcia surrendered to Branver and Harrison, effectively ending the war.
On August 13th, 1846, de Santa Ana signed the [[Treaty of the Rio Grande]], which granted the independence of California and Texas. In addition to independence, California was given the territories of Baja California and Northern Sonora while Texas was given parts of Coahuila and Nuevo Leon. 
===Birth of Pacífica===
===Birth of Pacífica===
On December 1st, 1846, a constitutional convention was called and met in Monterrey to write and agree upon a constitution for the fledgling state. After many months of arguing, debating, and compromise, the convention unanimously agreed on [[Charles Monroe|Charles Monroe’s]] draft of the Constitution of Pacífica, on March 25th, 1848, a year and three months after the convention was first called.
===Mid 19th Century===
====Second American War====
The Constitution renamed California into Pacífica, which translates to Pacific in Spanish. The Constitution also established Pacífica as a federal constitutional monarchy with a mostly ceremonial Monarch as the head of state and an elected Prime Minister as the head of government. The Constitution of Pacífica also created a bicameral legislature, known His Majesty's Parliament (which was heavily inspired by the old {{w|United States Congress}} and the Pacífican Supreme Court. According to the Constitution of Pacífica, the two houses of His Majesty's Parliament ([[His Majesty's Senate (Pacífica)|His Majesty's Senate]] and the [[House of Deputies (Pacífica)|House of Deputies]]) would be fully electable and the Pacífican Supreme Court would be filled with judges appointed by the Monarch by the request of the Prime Minister.
On April 1st of the same year, the Crown of Pacífica was offered to {{w|Agustín Jerónimo de Iturbide y Huarte}}, son of the former Emperor of Mexico, {{w|Agustín de Iturbide}}, but he refused it. On April 17th, the Crown of Pacífica was offered [[Adam II of America|Prince Stephen of Northern America]], but he too also refused it. Finally, the Crown of Pacífica was offered to war hero and former Head of the Californian Revolutionary Army, [[Dayton I of Pacífica|Dayton Branver]]. Branver graciously accepted the offer. On May 5th, 1848, the Constitution was officially implemented and Dayton was crowned King Dayton I.
===Late 19th Century===
===Late 19th Century===
Although the monarchy did face some resistance at first, it gradually disappeared over time as anti-monarchist moved out of Pacífica and to neighboring areas. On October 1st, 1848, the people of Pacífica elected Independent former Mayor of San Diego [[William J. Pierson]] as the first Prime Minister of Pacífica. Pierson was a friend of the King and a staunch supporter of the monarchy.
On September 5th, 1850, Pacífica entered a strategic and military alliance with the [[Columbia|American Empire]], solidifying an alliance that lasts to this day. By becoming allies, Pacífica also recognized the American Empire as the legitimate America, which worsened relations with the [[Dixie|American Republic]] and its ally, the [[Texas (Disunited States)|Texan Republic]].
====Third American War====
On August 2nd, 1852, the American Empire declared war on the American Republic for a third time, starting the [[Third American War]]. Although neutral at first, Pacífica eventually joined the war on December 4th of the same year after Texas declared its support for the American Republic.
Texan forces led by General Austin Jackson entered the Territory of New Texas on March 3rd, 1853, and began marching to the town of Marlon. A large Pacífican Army led by General Zapato de Rivera also began marching towards Maron from Rising Sun (which is present day Phoenix, Maricopa). On July 2nd, 1853, Texan forces attacked and took Marlon, and after a few days of rest, began marching west to meet the Pacíficans.
The [[Battle of the Desert]] or sometimes referred to as the Battle of the Dunes resulted in a Pacífican victory, but at a great cost. Over 100,000 people died during the battle, which makes the battle the greatest loss of life in North America during the 19th century and the third greatest loss of life in North American history. Because of the great loss of life and the depletion of their invading army, Texan soldiers began retreating back to Texas. The war would end a month later on August 2nd, 1853 and resulted in a stalemate. Because of the Battle of the Desert, Pacífica and Texas would not enter another war for ninety years.
====Civil Rights Movement====
During the 1880’s, calls for equal rights for racial and ethnic minorities began to increase. Although small at first, the Civil Rights Movement gained the support of the Monarchy and the Prime Minister at the time, [[Frederick Stein]]. On April 25th, 1886, the Equal Rights Act was passed in His Majesty’s Parliament, which granted equal rights to racial and ethnic minorities. Despite having equal rights by law, many minorities were still segregated and harassed in some parts of Pacífica. This harassment and segregation would continue up until the 2nd Civil Right's Movement during the Cold War in the 1960's.
===Early 20th Century===
===Early 20th Century===
====The Habsburgs of Pacífica====
====The Habsburgs of Pacífica====
In 1880, nine years before her reign, Crown Princess Mary announced her engagement to Prince Albert von Habsburg-Lorraine, grandnephew to {{w|Franz Joseph I of Austria}}. This angered many Branverian Royalists, who thought that the Habsburgs would make Pacífica into a protectorate of Austria, as {{w|Second French intervention in Mexico|France tried to do with Mexico}} in the 1860’s. This caused many Branverian Royalists to recognize Mary’s cousin, Lord Charles Branver, as the rightful heir.
Although grateful, Charles refused to assume the title of Crown Prince and, in a public address, recognized and pledged his allegiance to his cousin. Even though Charles denounced the attempt to make him King, radical Branverian Royalists still consider Charles and his descendants as Kings of Pacífica.
====World War I====
====World War I====
In June of 1914, World War I began when Austria-Hungary, backed by the Central Powers of Germany and the Ottoman Empire, invaded the Kingdom of Serbia, which was protected by the Russian Empire. Pacífica declared neutrality, even when its ally, the American Empire, joined the Central Powers and invaded the American Republic for [[Fourth American War|a fourth time]]. To honor their long alliance, however, Pacífica sold weapons to the American Empire for the whole duration of the war.
===Mid 20th Century===
===Mid 20th Century===
====The Great Depression in Pacífica====
====Great Depression====
When the Great Depression hit in 1929, Pacífica along with Texas were the only countries in North America that escaped most of the damage. This was due to the Economic Recovery Contingency Plans, or ERCPs, that were designed by former Prime Minister [[Steven von Herbenreich]] in the event the Pacífican Economy crashed. Although these plans did work in the long run, many of them required the government to interfere with mostly free market economy, which angered many capitalists in the country. Despite saving many from poverty, farmers, mainly poorer farmers in the east, completely lost everything, leading to the rise of socialism among farmers.
====World War II====
====World War II====
On September 1st, 1939, {{w|Nazi Germany}} invaded {{w|Poland}}, starting the Second World War. Like before, Pacífica announced its neutrality and stayed out of the war until December 1941, when [[Social Republic of Mexico (Disunited States)|Mexican]] forces launched a surprise attack on the Kingdom and [[Texan Republic|Texas]]. Mexican bombers bombed the military fort of St. Joseph in {{w|La Paz, Mexico|Gulfa}}. In response, Pacífica and Texas declared war on Mexico. The following day, Germany and Italy declared war on Pacífica and Texas, prompting the two to join the Allies.
====Cold War====
Although Mexico had the advantage after the surprise attacks, the joint Pacífican and Texan Army, led by General Steven Douglas of Texas and Commander Maxwell Peers of Pacífica, were able to break through Mexican border defenses and enter Mexico, starting the [[War in the Desert]]. Almost a month after invading Mexico, the [[Empire of Japan]] followed their allies and declared war on Pacífica and Texas.
[[File:WarintheDesert1.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Pacífican and Texan Soldiers entering Mexico (1941).]]
On February 15th, 1942, the Japanese Imperial Navy attacked {{w|Pearl Harbor}}, [[Hawaiian Islands|Hawaii]], destroying half of the Pacífican and Hawaiian navies. In the same month, Mexican bombers bombed Dayton, almost killing [[Francis I of Pacífica|Francis I and the royal family]]. Despite this, the Pacífican people stayed dedicated to the war effort, supporting the army by enlisting and building weapons of war. The tide of the War in the Desert turned  when the joint Pacífican and Texan Army won the [[Battle of Torreón]] in late 1942, almost completely wiping out the Northern Mexican Army. This boosted the morale of the Pacífican and Texan soldiers, who were exhausted from losing.
In early 1943, the joint Pacífican and Texan Army entered {{w|Mexico City}} starting the [[Battle of Mexico City]], which is considered the longest battle of Pacífican history. In June of 1943, a combined British, Pacífican, and Hawaiian fleet, confronted the Japanese Imperial Navy at the [[Battle of the Philippine Sea]] which resulted in the death of {{w|Isoroku Yamamoto}} and the destruction of the majority of the Japanese Imperial Army. From there, Pacífica with the assistance of other Allies, began a series of island-hopping campaigns, taking back islands lost to the Japanese earlier in the war.
On March 1st, 1944, Mexican forces in Mexico City surrendered, ending the year long battle. A month later on April 3rd, Mexican leader [[Diego Castro]] signed the Mexican Instrument of Surrender, ending Mexican involvement in the war. By April 1945, the Allies had liberate a majority of conquered islands and planned to invade mainland Japan. In May of the same year, Germany surrendered, leaving Japan as the last Axis Power. After numerous predictions and simulations showed an invasion of Japan would be nearly impossible, the [[Dixie|American Republic]] dropped two nuclear bombs on {{w|Hiroshima}} and {{w|Nagasaki}}, which prompted Japan to surrender in September of 1945, ending the war.
In the end, Pacífica annexed the Mexican state of Chihuahua and the rest of Sonora. The end of the war saw the {{w|Nuremberg Trials}} and the creation of the {{w|United Nations}}, which was created to prevent such a great loss of life again.
===Late 20th Century===
===Late 20th Century===
====Cold War====
===Contemporary History===
After the signing of the Treaty of Paris, the Soviet Union began establishing communist puppet states in its occupied territories in Eastern Europe and Asia, creating a Soviet 'Eastern Bloc'. Tensions began rising between the former allies as the West, led by the [[Dixie|American Republic]], Britain, France, and [[Texan Republic|Texas]], strongly opposed communism and Soviet influence. Eventually the former allies split in 1946, starting the decades long [[Cold War (Disunited States)|Cold War]].
==Government and politics==
===Political Divisions===
From 1946 to 1969, Pacífica stay neutral during the Cold War, hoping to stay out of a future conflict. During this time, the Pacífican economy began to grow, leading, to what some call, the prosperous 50's. During this time, the economy grew and technology became widely available. For example, the television became more widespread across Pacífica and the West as people became more wealthier. Unlike other nations in the West, Pacífica was spared from a 'red scare', although there were some prosecutions of suspected communists. Despite the success, racial tensions began escalating at the end of the decade.
===Political Parties and elections===
===Foreign Relations===
Although racism and segregation had not been a problem in Pacífica compared to other North American nations, it still had a significant presence. In 1960, three African-Pacífican teens were falsely imprisoned for the murder of sixteen year old [[Murder of Shelley Tate|Shelley Tate]] in {{w|Las Vegas}}, Vegas. This caused an outrage among civil rights activists, who protested the boy's imprisonment. Later that same year, members of the [[White People's Association]], a white nationalist and pro-segregation hate group, attacked Pacífican Latinos in the predominantly white neighborhoods of Dayton, Pacífica. Despite being sentence to thirty years in prison, the attackers were inspiration for other white nationalists and pro-segregationists to conduct their own attacks throughout the Kingdom.
In 1963, civil rights activists led by {{w|Martin Luther King Jr.}} led a march for equal rights to [[Rotterdale]] in [[Dixie|the American Republic]]. Their march led to the passing of the Civil Rights Act the following year. Inspired by King, hundreds of civil rights activists led their own marches in their countries. Pacífican civil rights activist marched on Dayton on May 5th, 1964, intending for His Majesty's Parliament to pass a Pacífican Equal Rights Act. As they marched to Dayton from Bakersfield, King [[Dayton III of Pacífica|Dayton III]] announced the royal family's support of an equal rights act and used his royal privilege to convene a special meeting of Parliament. The civil rights activists protested for three days until the Pacífican Equal Rights Act of 1964, proposed by [[Social Democratic Party (Pacífica)|Social Democrat]] [[William Harding]] and [[Conservative Party (Pacífica)|Conservative]] [[Charles Reigns]] was passed in the [[House of Deputies (Pacífica)|House of Deputies]] (250 to 10) and later in [[His Majesty's Senate (Pacífica)|the Senate]] (96 to 0). The next day, it was signed by the King and Prime Minister [[Daniel Lee (Pacífica)]] and was made into law, effectively ending segregation in Pacífica.
In 1970, Dayton III was visiting {{w|San Francisco}} when three shots were fired towards him, all missing. The culprit, Cascadian communist and republican [[John Allister]], was arrested almost immediately and was put in prison for life. After intense investigation, it was discovered that the Soviet Union backed the assassination, hoping to cause political instability and an eventual communist takeover. This prompted Pacífica to join the [[Pacific Atlantic Treaty Organization]], or PATO, which was an alliance of western nations that opposed the Soviet Union. Along with joining PATO, Pacífica joined the North American Economic Development Pact, which later was reformed into the [[North American Union (Disunited States|North American Union]], a political and economic union of North American nations.
During the 70's, major political and social changes began occurring in Pacífica. In 1972, Pacífica became the first country in North America to legalize abortion after the landmark ''Jade v. Wayne'', which recognized abortion as a constitutional right. This was met with considerable praise and backlash in Pacífica and led to the creations of the National Right to Life Council (anti-abortion) and Women's Right to Choose Association (pro-abortion). In 1976, students in Pacífica began protesting against Pacífican support of the {{w|Vietnam War}} and disregard of the environment. These protesters, called Hippies, greatly changed Pacífica culturally. Eventually, the Pacífican government began establishing protections for the environment.
In 1989, The wall dividing {{w|Berlin, Germany}} into two collapse, symbolizing the fall of communism. In Eastern Europe, people in Soviet puppet countries began peacefully protesting their communist government, which eventually capitulated and allowed free elections. However, in some places, the people overthrew their governments violently, like in {{w|Romania}}. When neighboring Cascadians began overthrowing their communist government, Pacífica announced their full support for the rebels and aided them in toppling the communist regime in 1990. The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, ending the Cold War in a Western victory.
In 1992, members of the North American Economic Development Pact voted to reform the pact into a political and economic union similar to the {{w|European Union}}. The reform occurred on May 6th, 1993 after Cascadia, Quebec, and Mexico were accepted into the new union.
===21st Century===
====Economic Growth====
The rise of the Internet and other modern inventions saw the Pacífican Economy rise and by 2000, it was the third largest in the NAU and seventh largest internationally. This was due to giant technology companies like Apple and Google in the Silicon Valley, and the movie industry in Hollywood.
====Contemporary History====
On September 11th, 2001, the World Trade Center in New York City, [[Columbia|Northern America]] and the Capitol Building in [[Rottersdale]], [[Dixie|Southern America]] was attacked by Islamic extremists after both nations intervened in the [[War in the Middle East]]. In response, Pacífica and other nations in the NAU deployed soldiers in the Middle East, starting the {{w|War on Terrorism}}. Due to the attacks, His Majesty’s Parliament passed a number of security bills to ensure the safety of the Pacífican people.
On March 6th, 2004, [[Prince Dayton of Pacífica|Prince Dayton]] was born, becoming the first royal birth in the 21st Century and the first royal birth since his uncle, [[Prince Phillip, Duke of Phoenix]] in 1990. Also in the same year, Juan Castro, a member of the terrorist organization Oppressed Mexican’s Liberation Army, bombed the Los Angeles City Hall, killing Mayor [[Eric Hernandez]]. In response to the attack, the Pacífican Armed Forces began Operation Avenger, which almost completely annihilated domestic terrorism in the Sonora and Chihuahua regions.
[[File:StudentProtests.jpg|right|thumb|300px|Students and Parents protesting the Secondary Language Act (2005).]]
On June 6th, 2005, the Secondary Language Act was passed in His Majesty’s Parliament, which required students to learn Spanish, German, and Chinese before applying for college. This caused outrage among parents and students, since many non-bilingual students were denied college acceptance. This led to the Student Strike of 2005,  which saw over 100,000 students walk out of class and protest the new act. In May of 2006, [[James I of Pacífica|James I]] used his royal privileges to repel the Secondary Language Act, which boosted the popularity of the monarchy with younger people. On April 10th, 2008, Pacífica, along with several other members of the NAU, adopted the American Dollar as currency in an attempt to unite the North American Union under one currency, like the Euro in Europe.
In 2014, Pacífica, Texas, and Mexico signed the Tuscon Agreement, which made Mexico drop its claims to it's former territory that was gained by Pacífica and Texas after the Second World War. In return, Pacífica and Texas ended the [[decades long economic sanctions and travel ban on Mexico|Mexican-Pacífican Relations]]. Although the agreement did show signs of increased relations with the nations, Mexico pulled out of the agreement in 2018 after President [[Manuel Rodrigo]] of revitalized the Mexican claims. As a result, Pacífica and Texas reinstated their travel ban and economic sanctions.
[[File:James I Pacifica.jpg|thumb|150px|left|His Majesty [[James I of Pacífica|James I]], [[Monarchy of Pacífica|King and Lord Protector]] of Pacífica]]
[[File:Alberto de Sol.jpg|thumb|150px|left|The 26th [[Prime Minister of Pacífica]], [[Alberto de Sol]] of Angeles]]
Pacífica is a {{w|Federalism|Federal}} {{w|Constitutional Monarchy}}. The government was established by the Constitution of Pacífica, which was passed on May 5th, 1848. The head of state of the Kingdom is the [[Monarchy of Pacífica|Monarch]], who is known as the King or Queen. The current monarch is [[James I of Pacífica]], who ascended the throne after the death of his father [[Dayton III of Pacífica]]. The role of the monarch is mostly ceremonial, with only a few privileges, called 'royal privileges' being given to him or her. Real executive power lies with the head of government, the [[Prime Minister of Pacífica]]. The current Prime Minister is [[Alberto de Sol]], who won the [[2016 Pacífican General Election]]. The Prime Minister is elected by popular vote and has executive power of the legislature, His Majesty's Parliament, and the nation.
===Administrative Divisions===
Pacífica is divided into 48 states, which all have their own state governments and legislatures. The oldest state and most populous state in Pacífica is Angeles, which was admitted on May 5th, 1848 along with the creation of the Kingdom. The youngest state and least populated state in Pacífica is Western Rockies, which was admitted on June 18th, 1990. Each state has equal representation in [[His Majesty's Senate (Pacífica)|His Majesty's Senate]] but unequal representation in [[House of Deputies (Pacífica)|House of Deputies]] because of population.
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Roman Catholicism, despite being the biggest religion in Pacífica, has slowly decreased since the 20th Century while Evangelical Protestantism has greatly increased since the 20th Century. Despite common trends in other modern places in the world, Atheism in Pacífica has decreased since the 20th Century, with younger Pacíficans, mainly Generation Z and younger Millennials becoming more Evangelical. According to a survey conducted by {{w|Universty of Southern California|the University of Southern Pacífica}}, Evangelical Protestants will become the majority Christian sect and religion in Pacífica by 2050.
Roman Catholicism, despite being the biggest religion in Pacífica, has slowly decreased since the 20th Century while Evangelical Protestantism has greatly increased since the 20th Century. Despite common trends in other modern places in the world, Atheism in Pacífica has decreased since the 20th Century, with younger Pacíficans, mainly Generation Z and younger Millennials becoming more Evangelical. According to a survey conducted by {{w|Universty of Southern California|the University of Southern Pacífica}}, Evangelical Protestants will become the majority Christian sect and religion in Pacífica by 2050.
[[Category:Disunited States]]
[[Category:Disunited States]]
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