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Pacífica is a {{w|federalism|federal}} {{w|constitutional monarchy}}. The Monarch, [[Monarchy of Pacífica|the King or Queen of Pacífica]] and Lord or Lady Protector, is the semi-ceremonial hereditary head of state, while the [[Prime Minister of Pacífica]] is the electable head of government. The national legislature is His Majesty's Parliament and is composed of two electable houses, [[His Majesty's Senate (Pacífica)|His Majesty's Senate]] and the [[House of Deputies (Pacífica)|House of Deputies]].  
Pacífica is a {{w|federalism|federal}} {{w|constitutional monarchy}}. The Monarch, [[Monarchy of Pacífica|the King or Queen of Pacífica]] and Lord or Lady Protector, is the semi-ceremonial hereditary head of state, while the [[Prime Minister of Pacífica]] is the electable head of government. The national legislature is His Majesty's Parliament and is composed of two electable houses, [[His Majesty's Senate (Pacífica)|His Majesty's Senate]] and the [[House of Deputies (Pacífica)|House of Deputies]].  
Centuries before Spanish colonization, Pacífica was under the control of hundreds of different Native American tribes. In the mid 1500s, the Spanish discovered and claim Pacífica as apart of the {{w|New Spain|Viceroyalty of New Spain}}. During this time, many different Catholic missions were established in an attempt to convert the Native Americans to {{w|Christianity}}. In the early 1820s, Pacífica, at the time known as "Alta California", was incorporated into the newly independent Mexico. During the early 1830s, hundreds of Columbian and Dixielander settlers headed west towards Alta California and Texas in search of better economic opportunities. Because of high taxes levied against them and a series of brutal crackdowns, the American settlers revolted against the Mexican government, eventually winning independence. In 1846, after years of debate, the [[Constitution of Pacífica]] was signed, reforming the California Republic into the Kingdom of Pacífica. After the [[Battle of Nuevo Mexico]] and the [[Second American War]], Pacífica stayed neutral in world affairs until the [[World War II (Disunited States)|Second World War]], when the {{w|Empire of Japan}} and Mexico launched a surprise attack against the Kingdom. After World War II, Pacífica aligned itself with the West and stood against the Soviet Union until its collapse in 1991.
Pacífica is a member of multiple international organizations, including the [[Pacific Atlantic Treaty Organization]], the [[North American Union]], and the {{w|World Trade Organization}}. Pacífica, internationally, is considered a "great power" and on the North American Continent, the country is considered one of the "big four", which includes Texas, [[Dixie]], and [[Columbia]]. As of 2019, Pacífica's economy is one of the largest in the world, with a total GDP of $3.12 Trillion. Pacífica is also considered one of the most democratic nations in the world, scoring a 4.5/5 on the World Democratic Index.
Settled by successive waves of arrivals during the last 10,000 years, Pacífica was one of the most culturally and linguistically diverse areas in pre-Columbian North America. Various estimates of the native population range from 100,000 to 300,000. The Indigenous peoples of Pacífica included more than 70 distinct ethnic groups of Native Americans, ranging from large, settled populations living on the coast to groups in the interior. Pacífica groups also were diverse in their political organization with bands, tribes, villages, and on the resource-rich coasts, large chiefdoms, such as the Chumash, Pomo, and Salinan. Trade, intermarriage and military alliances fostered many social and economic relationships among the diverse groups.
===Spanish and Mexican Control===
===Spanish and Mexican Control===
The First Europeans to explore Pacífica, or at the time referred to as California, was a Spanish expedition led by Spanish captain {{w|Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo}} in 1542. Years later, English explorer {{w|Francis Drake|Sir Francis Drake}} would also explore and claim an unknown portion of Pacífica. The first Asians to set foot in Pacífica when Filipino sailors arrived in {{w|Morro Bay}}. In 1602, {{w|Sebastián Vizcaíno}} was able to map out the coast of Pacífica for the {{w|New Spain|Viceroyality of New Spain}}. 
[[File:Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo.jpg|right|thumb|190px|Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo is credited with discovering the "Californias".]]
Despite ground expeditions proving otherwise, Cabrillo's idea that Pacífica was an island still remained popular well into the 18th century. After a numerous amount of expeditions into the heart of Pacífica, Spanish Catholic missionaries began setting up a chain of Catholic missions in an attempt to convert the Native population to {{w|Christianity}}. Also during this time, many small forts and towns began popping up around Pacífica. These missions and small towns would be the beginning of some of Pacífica's biggest cities, including {{w|San Francisco}}, {{w|Los Angeles}}, and {{w|San Jose}}.
Like other parts of North America, the Spanish colonization of Pacífica decimated the native population through multiple epidemics caused by European diseases. This was mainly due to the Native American's weaker immune system and never before being exposed to European diseases. Also, the establishment of Spanish systems of governance and colonial social structure, which Spanish colonists brought with them, technological and culturally overwhelmed the indigenous societies.
In 1821, Alta California, what Pacífica was known as at the time, was reorganized into a Mexican territory after Mexico won its independence from Spain. Until the Great Migration, Alta California remained sparsely populated and very much open.
After Mexican independence from Spain and the establishment of the First Mexican Republic, the Catholic missions, which controlled a vast amount of land in Alta California, were officially secularized and became the direct property of the Mexican government. The governors of Alta California would eventually grant these lands to wealthy farm owners, known as {{w|rancheros}}. These ''rancheros'' would dominate Alta California politics until the arrival of American settlers.
In the early 1830s, thousands of American settlers, (from both [[Columbia|Northern]] and [[Dixie|Southern]] America), would begin to migrate into Mexican territory, seeking new economic opportunities and rumored riches. Although economically unimportant in the beginning, many American settlers traveled to Alta California after reports began circulating about large gold and silver mines located near the center of the territory. In response to the mass migration of Americans, the Mexican Government, under the increasingly authoritarian rule of General {{W|Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana}}, began to harass and oppress the growing minority.
===War for Independence===
===War for Independence===
===Birth of Pacífica===
===Birth of Pacífica===
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