301-400 (Origo Mundi Map Game)

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A great kingdom known as Sellasiyan begins expanding around its surrounding river valley. Upriver in the mountains a rival kingdom known as Corun emerges that controls the northern one-half of their region.

The Exhulan invasion of Kaloma is successful, with the Exhulans winning an initial battle, and suffering 2,204 casualties in the process. With Exhula making its intentions known to seemingly conquer the whole region, and annoyed by Exhula’s rapid colonization of the areas around them, the nations of Teninukal and many of the Makuku cities aid Kaloma. In the south Kaloma manages to win a second battle farther inland, inflicting 1,002 casualties against Exhula. In the north its allies seize the region that Exhula recently colonized.

The Kingdom of Adjiba forms in a small valley between two mountain ranges.

The city of Besheva subjugates the Tribe of Jarnim to its northwest. Similarly, the city of Jubaya extends its influence south along the coast to the border with the Kingdom of Neum.

According to legend, a disgruntled prince in Euskaladun leads a schism among the nation’s people. His contingent claims the region just west of their home nation, founding the nation of Pyrenidun.

A pirate hired by Exhula makes a name for himself targeting the ships of Xüonai, despite the Exhulan government’s positive relations with Xüonai. Many others follow suit, and the northern islands become home to many secret dens for piracy, targeting ships from Exhula, Xüonai, Qera, Yannis, and others. The risk of piracy and Exhula’s control over the seas prompts some traders in Qera to seek out alternative ways to transport goods other than the Northern Sea.

The Cartor tribe manages to seize the northeastern one-quarter of the former Gytian realm, and administers over the area somewhat successfully for a brief moment. The invasion by Hythia proves to be a difficult task, but ultimately the Cartor are defeated, with heavy losses on both sides. The region is united under Hythia, but at a greater negative impact to the region’s people in the short run.

The Yannis Empire manages to subdue its rebellion and raids into western Weritsz, but the latter causes Weritsz to declare war fully. The main Yannian army suffers a defeat near the capital at Osenoja, and another minor defeat in the north after a series of skirmishes near Lake Sumyala.

The Kingdom of Mithadia expands along its southwest coast, with its settlers and soldiers coming into contact with Irian people migrating west.

  • Makuku Kingdom: We continue this year to live in relative peace, practicing our culture and religion. We continue to expand along the coast. At the end of this Balulu (which is what “year” is called to the Makuku and will be used to differentiate between a Gregorian year and a Makuku year) a massive feast is held, which includes various meats, such as deer and bird, and of course the kingdom’s delicacy, fish. The feast is followed by the people gathering in the center of the main settlement, in which they exchange gifts; this event is a centuries old tradition in the Makuku culture, with it apparently being practiced by the first Makuku, though this is probably just a myth. More to be added.
    • Exhulan Diplomacy: We demand Makuku withdraw all forces occupying our territory and bring those cities warring against us to heel. Otherwise, we threaten to completely blockade all their ports and completly wipe out every Makukan in our territory once we retake what they have stolen.
  • Exhula: With the marriage Of Emperor Sassigan III and Miahct’etil now official, the wedding is held in 301 in Siccarius. Both Sassigan and Miahct’etil wish to have the marriage done in the traditional way of their respective religions, and both refuse to do any kind of mixed wedding. This initially causes some problems and ends up delaying the wedding, but they eventully come to a compromise and hold two equally lavish and expensive weddings, one traditional Exhulan/Hcctaal ceremony and one Yannian in the style of the Yannian religion. With this the alliance between our nations is solidified and the succession is secured, with a son being born to them in 303, who is named Lorgar. They have a further four children over the rest of the turn, named Vassigra (304), Yiia (306), Ulraan (307), and Aullurre (309), of which all to survive the course of the turn. This is possible because Sassigan makes the rare decision to bring his wife with him when he returns to war despite the dangers as he believes she can handle it. The alliance results in a further increase in trade with both Yannis (for the obvious reason of our alliance) and Xüonai (because with the three nation coalition now existing officially Tyha Už and Xüonai traders feel much safer and more secure when trading between us three and are more willing to make the journeys to do so, despite the fact that the alliance has existed de facto for a while before this). This also makes us more confident in the actions we can take toward Qera, and we use the sending of the severed heads to court as an excuse to boycot Qeran goods and traders, in response to the slaughter of the innocent crew of that ship and Qera’s disgusting gesture of sending their heads to the Emperor in a massive insult, despite our “obvious” lack of involvement (And due to their new salt trade, which we refuse to have completion in though we don’t state this as a reason) We also ask our allies Xüonai and Yannis to boycot Qeran products, promising to lower tariffs on their ships and to lower prices on the products we sell them that they could have gotten from Qera, while also pointing out the only product they can only get from Qera, Nutmeg, is a luxury that we should be able to temporarily go without. (YANNIS AND XÜONAI RESPONSE, PLEASE). When the pirate captain Rogar Petras (the last name is a self-given nickname, as “Petra” is the Exhulan word for victory and he either doesn't have or won’t say his real last name, likely because he is a peasant and they usually don’t have last names unless they gain some form of status), one of the major sellsails (naval mercenaries) and pirates we hired with a small fleet of his own begins to target shipping from Xüonai, Yannis, and Exhula as well as that of Qera (with him making a name for himself raiding Xüonai ships as mentioned above) in 304 we condemn him and threaten to stop sponsoring him and begin hunting him down if he does not stop, effectivly giving free reign and encouragement to any of the numerous powerful people he has pissed off as a pirate to murder him. He openly laughs at this and doesn’t send a reply, declaring himself the “King of the Irrosian Isles” (basically claiming that he owns the entirety of the northern islands, ours and Xüonai‘s) and gathering a large following to himself. Many Pirates and mercenaries gather to his banner, being drawn north like a moth to a flame by his growing legend and his immense charisma. They set up many hidden bases and ports throughout the islands and the increasing fleet preys more and more on both Exhulan and Qeran shippingm as well as that of Xüonai, Yannis, and any other nation that‘s ships enter the region, eventully effectivly taking control of the area despite the frequent navy purges of the area due to his and his fleets ability to hide away in 1,000 tiny hideouts throughout the islands. This severely damages trade and makes it way hard to get supplies, and since we are at war already, in a trade war with Qera and a normal one with Kaloma and now Teninukal and several Makuku city-states, we have few naval or army assets to confront the ”rebellion”. Seeing no other option, Acting Emperor Sasagorn (Sassigan's younger brother, serving in the position of “acting Emperor” while his brother is away, meaning he is the one running the Empire until the real Emperor can run the nation again) makes a major offer to him. He is willing to recognize Irrosia as a vassal kingdom of Exhula and Rogar as “King of the Irrosian Isles” if he stops raiding the shipping of Exhula and its allies, including Xüonai, and Irrosia aids Exhula in its War against Kaloma and is allies by preying in their trade routes. In exchange he will recognize the Irrosian Kingdom as the legitimate rules of the Irrosian Archiopeligo and give a signed promise with the Emperor’s personal seal as proof that we will never attack them or seek vengeance for his taking our land, promise we will defend its autonomy against any threat, internal or external, and promise a huge amount of autonomy and ability to do whatever it wants as long as it opens permanent free trade with Exhula and its allies, doesn't raid our shipping (although preying on neutral or hostile nations is perfectly fine), gives us unlimited access to “its” ports and it aids us in our current wars or ones we call upon their assistance for in the future. To seal this deal he offers to marry one of Rogar’s many children and secretly messages him that he wishes to retain his power and overthrow his brother and that if Roger assists he would have his blood on the throne AND gain unlimited ability to plunder the Empire for a few months when he overthrows Sassigan (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED!). We stop hiring pirates and sell sails to destroy Qeran presence in the North (instead beginning to use our actual navy to forcibly seize any Qeran ship that enters our waters since we have now officially banned them from our territory and trading in it with them) but still make sure to finish paying the ones we already had hired so that they won't start raiding us immediately out of spite. Instead we begin focusing the pirate hiring on the Southern part of the Exhulan Sea, hiring hundreds more to raid Qeran ships and providing many hideouts and bases to the pirates both to resupply and to hide from Qeran retribution. Although we continue to use part of the Exhulan Navy in the trade war (to protect pirates we have hired and project our power in the area, although we don’t openly work against Qera, despite often doing so discreetly), we move the majority (although a sizable portion is still in the Qeran area) to fight the Makuku cities and Teninukal and begin using our massive numbers of ships to blockade Makuku‘s ports and those of Teinukal, in order to deprive them and their forces fighting in Kaloma Of supplies and further manpower. We vow to take back our land and swear we will get revenge on those who chose to aid Kaloma, but we focus on our invasion of Kaloma and on our fighting there rather than on taking our northern territory back, although we swear to do so as soon as Teninukal and Kaloma have been conquered. In the parts of Kaloma we have successfully occupied we begin forcefully drafting the male population to help us fight their countrymen, with most of them still there rather than raised by Kaloma due to the fact our invasion was a surprise attack and we quickly smashed Kaloma in the initial battle, so most of the population in the occupied areas was untouched. We do not continue pushing forward immediately, but after our defeat in the Battle of Fttattalliar (the second battle) we retreat back to the territory we occupy to consolidate our forces for two years (304-306) before, with 2,000 more soldiers gathered from a combination of new recruits from throughout the Empire and those members of the peasantry we forceibly conscripted from Kaloma (who are mainly used as front line cannon fodder due to being useless for anything else, since most don’t understand Exhulan and thus we can't order them to do anything but the simplest things due to the massive amount time and effort it takes give a more complex order that will still likely be misinter when neither party understands the other). We also request military aid from our allies Xüonai and Yannis in this invasion and the “defense of rightful Exhulan territory”, and although we don’t expect that many troops due to the fact both are currently fighting in seprate conflicts, we do expect at least some help, although we also promise to aid them as soon as our current war is over. (YANNIS AND XÜONAI RESPONSE NEEDED!). If they do honor our alliance and provide aid then the attack we launch at the end of 306 to defeat the Kaloman army that previously beat us and conquer the city they were defending is aided by Yannian and Xüonai forces, further increasing our numbers, while if not, we still do it, we just do it alone. The colonization of the area now formally claimed by us as per the terms of the Treaty of Fahnatwi increases this year as we send thousands of colonists to the region and build four new settlements in the area, while also beginning to develop Fahnatwi itself as a settlement. When it was initially ceded to us last turn we promised any Xüonai citizens who wished to remian citizens of Xüonai help in moving north to their colonies up north, and we honored it. However, the majority of the settlements people despite encouragement to move by the Xüonai government were not particularly patriotic (as nationalism isn’t really a concept at this time) and didn’t wish to abandon their homes which they had lived in for much or all of their lives, and so while a fair few people, mostly the wealthy and the nobility, did move back to Xüonai, the majority of people stayed and became Exhulan citizens. With the city now ours, we change its name from Fahnatwi to Pohnnte and begin to develop it into a major city in its own right, encouraging many Exhulan settlers to move their and beginning true development and expansion of the city, building new walls and many new districts, improving the port, and building a number of Hcctaal Sicca’s (Temples) in the city, the largest of which, the Noraris Thayth, being visible throughout the city and one of the largest Siccia’s ever built in the Exhula, rivaled only by the Siccia Aall in Exhul and the Grand Temple of the Gods in Siccarius. We also send a number of preachers into the city in an attempt to convert the Xüonain populace of the city to Hcctaal and culturally assimilate them, although we do not force this on them, as Xüonai itself is our ally and we do not wish to make them angry. The numbers of Exhulan settlers now moving into the Ettyian Coast provinces continues to grow immensely as more and more of the land becomes controlled by the wealthy “Salt Barons” and the wealth they made encourages many others to move into the region, further increasing its population and making much more land strongly claimed. Despite Qera’s attempts to rival our prices in the salt industry, they are still unable to beat our prices or truly rival us in that market, as we have been in it for much longer than them, the Labour intensity doesn't really matter to the people running the mines when the Labour is made of slaves and the boycott of Qeran goods by Exhula and thus them being stopped from trading easily in the North Sea, as well as the constant piracy (as their attempts to terrify the pirates into not attacking Qeran trade routes fail miserably due to 1) The fact Qera is never leaving anyone alive to tell these stories of what’s happening, 2) Naval Warfare is not, despite what Ygran IV seems to think, anything like land warfare and it is impossible for Qera to hunt down anywhere near the majority of the pirates when they have so many hiding places and easy ways to raid Qera and they can get away so easily, so despite his boasting the majority of the pirates are fine, and 3) The captains don’t really care most of the time and the crew can’t just leave whenever they want, and the pirates knew what they were risking when they took this contract, as these are hardened pirates and mercenaries, not fresh boys picked up off the streets, although there are an abundance of those too. Thus the raids continue and although Qera does successfully kill or capture many pirates they are unable to terrify them into stopping or kill anywhere near the majority. We also suprisingly decide to construct six new settlements in home areas, three on Clorrtill and three on Zoelle. Finally, the presence of so many charismatic Yannian Holy Men and preachers during the weeding and after causes a fair amount of people to convert it the Yannian Faith, but they remain a minority, if a sizable one after a few decades of contact with Yannis and their constant sending of preachers to our lands, and the majority stay with Hcctaal, especially in Siccarius, which is one of the most pious and holy cities in the entire Empire and proud of it, so most men convert or if they consider it don’t due to peer pressure. We also send diplomats to make contact with the ”recently” discovered nation of Bangor, and open diplomatic and trade relations.
  • Mesallian Culture: The invasion by the Yannian governance struck near the weakened city of Meshwati, forcing the same army of Karissa that had taken the city to now defend it. Within the city the Meshwati king was replaced by Gamisoces, a Karissan prince, who systematically killed or ostracized most of the city’s elite or governing bodies. The Meshwati writer Davian serves as a major source of the events, stating that a controversial trial began, which ultimately saw six of the city’s lead generals, who had fought greatly against Karissa, sentenced to death. This move would prove a problem for the Karissans ironically, as they soon realized they would need to rearm their enemy’s men and commit them to battle, which would be difficult while demoralized and unsupervised. One of the only leading men to be spared, Thiminis, was spared because of how he vocally argued for the city’s surrender in the weeks leading up to the event. Although not a trained general, Thiminis would turn from a politician to an unlikely commander. Davian writes that the remainder of the city’s army remained within the city near the Leopades, an ancient meeting place of one of Meshwati’s councils, and refused to move until the Karissan puppet vacated the city’s citadel. Thiminis went to the spot and gave an impassioned speech, urging the men to follow him into battle not for the sake of Karissa, but for the sake of their city. They reluctantly agreed, and the army departed west. At the same time the Karissans were also experiencing difficulty at sea. Many of the islands that comprised the League of Ossa were reluctant to aid their enemies, and withheld their fleets from the Karissans. One of the lead Meshwati admirals, Palimus, managed to escape the city with most of the Meshwati ships, regrouping near Florimos. The navy remained at odds with Karissa for several months after the city of Meshwati itself surrendered. Fearing that he would be killed upon following the order to recall the fleet, Palimus continued to attack Karissa and ignore the situation in the city. According to Davian, Palimus was eventually surrounded near Isimos, and planned to have the fleet scuttled to not fall into enemy hands. Before he could give the order he allegedly became distracted by the passing seagull sent by the gods. Soon after, a messenger arrived from Karissa promising a full pardon for Palimus and all his men, and a promise to have the admiral retain his position. Palimus reluctantly accepted and sailed southwest toward the Yannian navy. On land the joint army managed to repulse the initial invasion, with Thiminis proving himself as a competent commander. Similarly, the timely arrival of Palimus managed to turn the tide at sea, and the Mesallians achieved an important victory north of Oronaca. In the southeast the worshippers of Enyeas came to be ruled by a king named Isjemen, who spread the kingdom’s influence toward Emalia and along its river.
  • Mang: The nation plans for an industrialization of trade port ships to start trade routines with other foreign nations that encompass them. Ompai Emperor continues to industrialize the nation and jobs, as he is nearing his death. The cities start to grow an effort of population on them, realizing there are for-sale homes. Expansion becomes somewhat crucial, barely expanding across land, as more internal issues bare within the nation. The wars are still going on, and Mang declares neutrality before any external issues come to play.
  • Kingdom of Azoz: The Ebony Era overall helped greatly to expand individual aspects of society and technology throughout the realm, as each of the various city-states fought in tight competition with each other. The maritime cities of Langui and Saraita each held a vast navy at their height, and the small colony of Fotashe expanded far up the titular river. Langui remained at a distinct disadvantage, however, due to the productivity of the Uriel Islands, and the Seige of Langui ended in a very close defensive victory. Gandai of Medan was a profound mathematician at this time as well, who is best known for developing his formula for the sides of a right triangle, otherwise known as "Gandai's theorem". Most significantly, Gandai composed the oldest extent textbook to this day, The Elements, which established a basic methodology for developing mathematical proofs based on underlying principles, connected ultimately to Ulm theology. Gandai was one of nine total scholars from each of the city-states of Azoz, the "Nine Sages", who collectively formed the oldest scientific society in the city of Azoz. Another sage, Anthrax of Teman, was alternatively known as the "Father of Cosmology" by being the first scholar to theorize on the shape of the Universe, believing it to be a bowl. More missionary journeys are sent from the Holy Father to Valun, Khin, Eskaladun and now Pyrendium, as well as the new territories south of Syres, offering their new rulers to be anointed in the faith of Ulm. Many churches that exist in Mesallia organize a vast relief system, to provide humanitarian aid and philanthropy to victims of the Meshwanit-Karissa war.
  • Yannis Empire: The Anointed One is enraged by the news of the recent defeats, and orders a larger mobilization of Holy Men to fight against the Burned Men. 20,000 of the nation’s most pious and fierce warriors are called to the Anointed One’s position, and set east to raze Weritsz.The army is the most advanced ever assembled by the nation, with all units equipped with metal helmets, greaves, and shields. During the siege of the old Burned Men capital of Osenoja, siege towers and battering rams are employed for the first time, helping to take the city. In the far north the nation’s newer provinces are less well-equipped to handle a major war. Instead the governors prepare defensively, with cities being fortified with walls. A small number of skirmishers are sent south to avenge the defeat inflicted against the nation, pushing Weritsz back from the south side of Lake Sumyala.
  • In Mesallas: Governor Ixacetonec orders the Yannian-Mesallian army in the north to hold the line in Meshwati. A generous price is put on the head of Thiminis and the enemy army’s generals, with Omvedomian assassins attempting to sabotage the enemy army. The nation offers a deal to Meshwati; rebel and overthrow the Karissan overlords and be given their freedom back. Else, they face probable eradication. Another army of about 5,000 men, mostly from Yannis proper and from Calamos, is sent south to take Isimos. A Yannian named Geqecna’tenoc is sent to Halatia with a small force to take overall command of the Mesallians there, and they are instructed to raid the northern one-half of the western peninsula.
  • In Tik’akna: Infighting persists within the tribes of Tahua, but ultimately the people of the region largely accept the teachings of Nelrim ez Jesiphim (“Nelrim the second, the returned”) as part of their own scripture. At this time in the city of Iynderam the tribes began to write down their oral tradition, and over the next century this syncretism would become clear in how many texts began to change due to Enulmian influence. In Tohatia, in order to solidify the region after the deal with Exhula, the governor sends Holy Men to found a fortified settlement on the northern bank of the northernmost river. The settlement becomes known as Isisinqeyam, and also serves as a trading post to reach the Exhulans on the other side of the river.
  • Xüonai: "United we rise, divided we fall. This is a fact of life, and true to our current situation. With Weritiz attacking from the east and Kaloma in the south. Even we have been attacked by Rogar in the south. Our allies have been attacked unjustly, and we shall help them. Darna may attack; the west might as well; but our allies need us, and this is the time we shall rise." With an arousing speech from Dashon VIII, the century kicks off. The built up industry from 20 years of profit, wealth, and prosperity has the industry booming, and war supplies helps a lot. The eighth Topituya is conducted in 306, and although grander than most games (as 8 is like the number 10 in Base 10 terms; a nice round number), it shows off the industrial capabilities of Xüonai to the Darnans in Monsloa. Strangely, all participating countries (Yannis, Exhula, Syres, and Xüonai) get eight medals, which is seen as a good omen, considering that it is the eighth Topituya (which is in an eight year cycle). Dashon VIII has his first and only son, Dashon IX. 15,000 troops stay at home, waiting for an invasion from the west and/or the north. Three mining settlements, at the bases of hills, become major cities; one just south of Benekundon at the origin of the third river from Zedislandia; another in the mountain pass between the north and the south (it becomes a major trade city due to its location between the north and the south); and another one at the base of the hill in north central Xüonai. The royal navy is sent to escort ships in the south sea, but Tyha Už makes the government an offer; they will escort ships for a small tax from the ships (5%) if some warships are given. This is readily taken up, as the navy is quite old and renovations need to be made. The ships are sold to Tyha Už, and the navy gets beefed up. When Rogar proclaims the Kingdom of the Irrosian Isles, war is declared for a brief period of time between mid and late 304, when Exhula offers vassalage. Xüonai promises to recognize Irrosai (Irrosia in Xüonaisl) and never attack him if Rogar promises never to attack the north islands we own and if Rogar accepts Exhulan terms. The majority of citizens in Irrosia stay under Xüonai, just like Exhulan citizens in Fahnatwi. We agree to boycott Qera due to us being allies with Exhula, and ask Yannis and Exhula to boycott Darna, due to their insults hurled at us, although the boycott is mainly asked of Yannis, one of the main importers of slaves from Darna. With the Fahnai Phoaito officially formed through marriage, around 7,500 troops, along with supplies, iron swords, and catapults (which were invented some time ago in Xüonai), are sent to aid the Exhulan army defend their lands, explaining that a Darnan and western invasion seem imminent, and with the threat of Weritiz, troops need to be able to defend the homeland. The casualties on the transport is minimized by the trading ports in the south, both from Exhula and Xüonai. With the boycott of Qera, Exhula essentially wins the trade war. 12,000 are sent to defend Yannis. One of the terms for Weritiz if the surrender is that their large island just south of the mainland shall become Xüonaisl. Chariots from Exhula become imported, and are used to replace cavalry in the Bphliacre tactic, which is tested out against Weritiz. The northern part of Lueht is claimed by Xüonai. A major settlement is built on the northest tip of the newly claimed Lueht, and a road is built from the south of the colony to the north to make trade easier. The island just northeast of the major settlement is also claimed by Xüonai. With the new fleet, ships are sent into to Mesallia. Xüonai involvement in the Mesallian war had limited, but now Xüonai starts to invade. Hostile cities/islands are invaded, starting from the north from Ensoywi down. 6,000 are sent to assist the invasion force, and those who don't open their gates to us before we attack have their population enslaved when Xüonai troops storm their city. Anyone who does surrender without a fight gain citizenship. Darna's desperate attempt to make war with us is disgraceful. An official statement is issued, exclaiming that there is no cannibalism in the region at all, as there is no reason for us to, as well as moral grounds; even if there was a food shortage, ethics would make cannibalism virtually indefensible. If Benekundon, Zedislandia, Molaga, and Niani want to stoop down to Darna's level, creating fake news about cannibalism to shamelessly force a war, then we won't stop them. However, if they want to stay neutral or help us against our righteous cause, then they are welcome to. We trust Yannis will have the sense to deny their lucrative proposal, as we are fighting alongside Yannian troops and aiding them. However, 2,000 troops sadly must be recalled from Yannis to defend from the threat of Darna, and 2,500 from Exhula. Another 5,000 troops are trained to help defend the homeland, raising the army size to 24,500 in the homeland, 10,000 in Yannis, and 5,000 in Exhula. News tell of a Darnan collapse imminent, and Darna is making war to unite the people of their country. This is further supported by the large number of Ulmists in their country, especially slaves. Sources tell of an Ulmist slave rebellion to come soon. Secret: Exhula is told that if war comes with Qera, Xüonai can not send any more troops to them than already there. Of the 24,500 troops, 10,000 defend the border with Darna and coastline, while 4,500 guard the Molaga border, 5,000 guard the Zedislandia border, and another 5,000 guard the Benekundon border. An official condemnation is sent to Darna, although war seems inevitable. Plans are drawn up to invade through Benekundon and then split into two, one going south into Zedislandia and one going north into Molaga. The Bphliacre tactic is planed to be used extensively in case of a war. Troops on the border of Molaga are ordered to move in, but the troops on the border of Zedislandia are ordered to defend over the river, except catapults, which are stationed mostly near Mosnola and Zedislania, because of the river separating Xüonai and other countries forces. Secretly, Dashon IX hopes that Benekundon will support Darna and declare war, as untapped mining settlements on the other side of the Benekundon border are an interesting prize. With the third Xüonai-Darnan war imminent, Darnans are portrayed as warmongerers, with the citezens doing nothing wrong but living inside its boundaries. Dashon IX hopes of a successful arangement in Siccarius. Secret: Yannis is asked if they would join a war against our neighbors threatening us. Xüonai decides to make peace in Mesallias to focus on the Darnan and Weritiz invasions at the status quo (I'm pretty sure they'll accept, as not much damage was done). We encourage Yannis to make peace too, and explain that we had to exit the war to defend the homeland. The 6k troops returning from Mesallia are redeployed as followed; 2k on the Benekundon border, 2k on the Zedislandian border, and 2,000 on the Molaga border. Currently, 10,000 defend the border with Darna and the northern coastline, while 6,500 guard the Molaga border, 7,000 guard the Zedislandia border, and another 7,000 guard the Benekundon border. A 1,000 man garrison is stationed at various locations.
  • Irian Culture: From the green highlands to the seacoast, a change is sweeping across Iria — a new way of life that challenges the ideals of its ancestors. As life in the countryside becomes uncertain, people move to the safety of walled cities and strong leaders. For the first time, large armies are raised, equipped entirely with metal weaponry. Religion and politics become more centralized, and philosophers talk increasingly of war in their sermons. It is the age of iron; the age of allegiance to kings. The Ludo-Irian kingdoms of Corenia, Phimerea, Nolossia and Solcia command control of an expansive area between the two great rivers. Farther west, smaller kingdoms exist, including Motra, the successor to Aigeium. Coastal Iria is undergoing a different change: the rise of city-states. Ruled sometimes by the people and often by tyrants, they are appearing more frequently as the populations of previously small cities swell. Decene lies north of Rhithera, occupying the the entrance to the straits; Ephon is north of Decene. Gazonion sits in the rocky hills near the mouth of the Dio River; Abyn lies to the south of that. The eastern tip of Ceta projecting into the sea is home to several cities as well, notably Dardas on the north coast and Orespontos by the bay.
  • Qera: With the trade war coming to a close with an ending that proves disadvantageous for Qera, the faith of repairing relations with Exhula becomes a far distant memory of the past, too good to be true. Anti-Hcctaal resentments grow in both the upper-classes and the commoners after they see them as traitors to their former closest ally (even though they are just some 2% of the entire population). The word "pornaq" (meaning similar to a pogrom) becomes documented to describe active violence against the followers of the Exhulan faith. Prince Ygran IV does not agree with these actions and does his best to prevent people from murdering his own people, but he partly tolerates these actions because of his own position of power he finds himself in, that he doesn't want to risk. In 304, he travels to the Exhulan capital with 20 ships and 1,000 men of the most loyal men of the personal guard. They travel under the flag of the house of Rollver, a harpy-eagle and three springs around it on a white background, which makes it a diplomatic mission and surpasses the ban on Qeran ships docking in Exhula. He demands to see the emperor and clear the situation once and for all (EXHULA RESPONSE NEEDED). Secret If the negotiations don't go as Ygran imagines, a signal will be given and the city will be invaded with every man avaliable and every living being will be slaughtered and the city will be pillaged. Ygran swears to himself to murder the emperor personally and start a succession-crisis End Secret. Ygran didn't come for revenge though, as he would much more prefer a live and let live attitude from the Exhulans with a fair and even competition. According to a wide spread myth he came into the town with a harpy-eagle on his shoulder (which is impressive enough regarding the sheer size of these animals with a height of around 0.8 meters), but modern archeologists doubt that it actually happened. Ten of his most loyal men were guarding him during the complete meeting, often earning disgusted or scared looks because of the Qtaqtas they ware and their height as the average Qeran is about 15 cm taller than the average Exhulan. Meanwhile, the economy reaches a point where trade can sustain itself and expansion becomes a widespread method to feed the markets with the last nations Qera interacts with, namely the Olmacs and Sillas. The empire now claims the complete Qeran bay and the princedom's eastern most border reaches the Exhulan colony on the east (MOD RESPONSE, PLEASE). The five-finger plant becomes a major cultivated drug for export. While the average farmer rarely consumes the blossoms of this plant, priests and foreign seamen seem to prefer this drug over any kind of alcohol, which might be because of the high addictiveness. Smuggling of nutmeg seeds (even though it happened almost never) comes to a complete halt, as the smugglers understand, that they would wipe out themselves if they aid Exhula. A small fortune is found at the shores of the southern lake, when farmers find a large deposit of turquoise in the Ualjak region. Mining becomes huge in the region that is rich in copper and turquoise.
    • Exhula Response: When Prince Ygran arrives in Siccarius in 204 his ships are escorted by the Exhulan navy, which heavily outnumbers the 20 ships sent by Qera. When Prince Ygran finally arrives his ships are not allowed to dock at port nor are most of his men allowed to disembark, as they are kept on the ships while he is escorted to the throne room to meet with Sassagorn with a maximum of ten guards, forcing him to leave his chief diplomat behind. When he reaches the throne room he demands “The Emperor” clear the situation and say what it will take to end the trade war. He is then informed that Sassagor Is not, in fact, the Emperor, but rather the Emperors brother who is ruling in his place while he Is off waging the war against Kaloma. This is severely embarrassing to the Qerans and Ygran insists on staying until the Emperor himself will negotiate with him. He waits for about two years until his stubo finally fades and he agrees to negotiate with Sassagorn. They begin negotiating a new treaty to end the trading war between Exhula and Qera, called the Treaty Of Siccarius, with Sassagorn stating if Qera does not sign it that the embargo will continue and the damage to Qera’s economy will continue.
  • Darna: News arrives of the southern horde’s relentless and utterly senseless violence, this time by picking on a small nation trying to defend itself. The people of the region cry for someone to stop Zanphoria’s bloodlust. This becomes even clearer when news arrives of Xüonai conducting child cannibalism in their lands. The nation is therefore forced to do something, for the sake of the children. But first, a coalition will be created, and Molaga, Benekundon, Niani, and Zedisladana are asked to consider banding together to stop the evil southerners. Likewise, the Yannis Empire should pitch in to help bring down the southerners, and could gain a great amount of land up to the river.
    • Xüonai Diplomacy: Darna's desperate attempt to make war with us is disgraceful. An official statement is issued, exclaiming that there is no cannibalism in the region at all, as there is no reason for us to, as well as moral grounds; even if there was a food shortage, ethics would make cannibalism virtually indefensible. If Benekundon, Zedislandia, Molaga, and Niani want to stoop down to Darna's level, creating fake news about cannibalism to shamelessly force a war, then we won't stop them. However, if they want to stay neutral or help us against our righteous cause, then they are welcome to. We trust Yannis will have the sense to deny their lucrative proposal, as we are fighting alongside Yannian troops and aiding them. However, 2,000 troops sadly must be recalled from Yannis to defend from the threat of Darna, and 2,500 from Exhula. Another 5,000 troops are trained to help defend the homeland, raising the army size to 24,500 in the homeland, 10,000 in Yannis, and 5,000 in Exhula. News tell of a Darnan collapse imminent, and Darna is making war to unite the people of their country. This is further supported by the large number of Ulmists in their country, especially slaves. Sources tell of an Ulmist slave rebellion to come soon. Secret: Exhula is told that if war comes with Qera, Xüonai can't send any more troops to them than are already there.
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: The tsar sends the fleet and 200 soldiers to colonize and claim the big island near Mithadia.
  • Hythia: Dynus the Untouched continues his reign until the seventh year of the decade. In this time he firms up the nation. Resettlement of the north begins, and the Cartor are forcibly spread across the nation to prevent organized uprising. Great tracts of land are resettled across the war and disaster torn lands. In his final five years in power, the prophet leads a personal mission to convert the heathens to the south. He performs miracles and demonstrations of Hythus’ power such as drawing forth fire from the earth (sulfur-laced soil). He travels with a band of 67 disciples of Hythus who all tell tales of his power. Many converts from these tribes come north and are welcomed to Hythia with open arms. All those who adopt the true faith are welcomed to praise the god of fire and earth. With Dynus’ passing the empire enters into mourning. His daughter Ayan is proclaimed Myrnech (beyond-human leader). As the daughter of the prophet of the great god Hythus, her rule is uncontested, an marked by the progressive re-stabilization of society. More missionaries are sent south and others west to preach to the tribal cities in that region. Trade networks which had fallen to disrepair are rebuilt and population recovery accelerates. Though the rebirth of Hythus has come, his people are not as yet strong enough to carry his banners into righteous battle in all directions.
  • Syres: After remaining neutral for some time, the recent invasions threatening our brethren in the Gudumanes Peninsula lead to the nation supporting Karistos and its allies. The Hensa approves 5,000 soldiers and a large portion of the state’s navy to be sent to Mesallas, hoping to ensure that no territory is lost to the invaders. Our army arrives in Sericolis under the command of Mosieh, and marches northeast to combat the invasion spearheaded by Halatia and the Yannian general Geqecna’tenoc. The navy, under Amnaron the Younger, focuses on controlling the waterways around the peninsula.
    • Xüonai Diplomacy: Xüonai decides to make peace in Mesallias to focus on the Darnan and Weritiz invasions at the status quo (I'm pretty sure they'll accept, as not much damage was done). We encourage Yannis to make peace, too, and explain that we had to exit the war to defend the homeland.
  • In Silla, government-owned iron foundries and workshops are established to provide weaponry (bows and arrows, sabers, pikes, etc.), armor, and battering rams for the military. Walls and fortifications, constructed with rammed earth, encircle every major settlement. Due to a need for more land and raw materials, more aggressive military expansion commences–with conquered settlements being placed under the jurisdiction of military officials. Within these occupied territories, slavery is abolished and replaced with a system of contractual servitude. Basic infrastructure and civic buildings are constructed to ease administration and access from the capital, as well as facilitate assimilation into Sillan culture. In order to facilitate population growth, wet-rice cultivation continues – at the expense of lower-yield dry field rice varieties or rice crops. Agricultural productivity increases due to the usage of manure as fertilizer, and the usage of cattle or draft horses for plowing fields. All arable land is converted into rice fields; with the land in-between each field being planted with vegetables, as well as coconut or plantain trees to combat soil erosion. Canals are built to ease the transportation of goods and people, as well as divert water from the river to the rice fields. Drainage systems, latrines, and communal baths are constructed in more urbanized communities – thus improving public hygiene and reducing the potential transmission of infectious diseases. Many peasant families have more (surviving) children, due to a higher food supply and lower prevalence of disease. This is also partially due to the influx of people from neighboring tribal polities, who do not practice abortion or other rudimentary methods of contraception. This also could be attributed to an increased desire for children, as they provide labor. The economy rises due to increased foreign trade, with increased wealth resulting in a rising mercantile class. The production of porcelain, jewelry, textiles, and tea dominates the export economy; though the cultivation of fiber crops, exotic fruit, and indigo remains also important.


If you have not posted in the old turn yet you may still do so.

A significant number of people, primarily poor miners, living in the far eastern section of Edom and the nearby mountain range, are attracted to the Enulmian religion through preachers from the neighboring kingdom led by Isjemen.

During Xüonai’s invasion of Milenis, while aiding Yannis against the Mesallian states in the League of Ossa, the invaders inadvertently harm ships from Taorina, prompting an alliance of Taorina, Naro, and Ghios to declare war to retake Milenis.

Rogar Petras accepts the offer from Exhula and becomes King of the Irrosian Isles, continuing to raid ships other than those prohibited by Exhula. He also uses his immense fortune to improve his new kingdom, creating new ships, fortifications, and ports.

Xüonai experiences difficulty transporting a large force to the other side of the known world, and loses a large portion of its army in Exhula to disease and lack of supplies. After a defeat in Kalmoa most of the remaining army defects, with many eventually being attracted to join outlaws such as Rogar Petras or settle in the region. The army they raised in their homeland also experiences some small losses due to having a large number of troops raised and waiting idly. (Your troop numbers in total are far too high.)

In a decisive battle in central Kaloma, the combined armies of Kaloma, Teninukal, and Makuku manage to defeat Exhula. The nation of Exhula suffers 2,893 casualties, and also sees a portion of its forcefully enlisted army flee or even switch sides. Kaloma attempts to make peace with Exhula, promising to cede the territory that Exhula occupied.

A nation known as Syghiph, located west of Eldebethias, the Alliance of Ten Cities, successfully resists their attempted invasion and establishes clear borders outside the Ten Cities.

After the successful Siege of Osenoja by Yannis, the nation of Weritsz sues for peace with the Yannis Empire, agreeing to cede the Burned Lands of Kuscisiwa.

Most of the inhabitants of Hythia accept its religion, although some tribes, such as the Cartor, cling to their old beliefs until the very end. Also, it is discovered that the Bysula has survived, as a small chapter has garrisoned the great wall in the eastern mountains. They fortify the approach from both sides, and cut off communication with the rest of the kingdom.

  • Kingdom of Azoz: The competing states of Saraita and Langui continue to make bigger and better ships. At the same time, local legends start to appear at this time about claimed sea monsters in the open ocean, the most famous of which is the Yahlamolo, a giant multi-headed sea serpent. Possibly more famous now by the many horror movies of more recent generations, but they are all loosely based on this original myth. Gandes of Medan, among the Nine Sages of Azoz, experimented in various forms of astronomy, and is believed to have predicted the first major eclipse. The immediate students of the Nine Sages became known as the first philosophers, and all major modern philosophies can ultimately be traced back to this same group. Saragythorp, one of these earliest philosophers, was also a brilliant engineer, and is credited for designing the first catapult. Thes catapults were essential in defeating the armies of Ishbak in the Siege of Medan. The Holy Patra of Azoz became close alliances with the League of Ossa, as well as the leaders of the Enulmian faith spreading in Edom.
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: While exploring the unexplored jungles of Algeorgia, The explorers discover a rare White Dodo which is twice the size of a normal Dodo and is brought to the royal zoo. The White Dodo mates with an ordinary Dodo and creates the Royal Dodo subspecies.
  • Mang: The officials in the nation begin to explore through the terrain for either two things: 1) natural resources or 2) more living area expansion. While that's happening, Ompai Emperor dies this year, and his brother, Fuki Emperor controls the throne. A first order of business that Fuki Emperor orders is an industry of health care, which is planned to be finished by 381-390. Fuki Emperor is wanting to gain more land area to build another medieval town. More ships are being built across the town, now named Kukimhew, to industrialize imports and exports to other nearby nations.
  • Mesallian Culture: In the Gudumanes, the arrival of additional reinforcements, primarily from the nation of Syres and other nearby states, greatly helps to turn the tide in the peninsula. After the death of the skilled commander of Naphilus, the city of Karistos came under the rule of his son, Telamonis. Initially the city suffered immensely, with the Halatians managing to retake the northern one-half of the city’s peninsula, while also virtually surrounding the city by taking the northeast Gudumanes. Sericolis reentered the war now that its position was favorable, and led the Syresian army east into the territory it claimed, also helping to solidify the kingdom’s own expansion from a decade earlier. At this time Karissa sent diplomats to Xüonai to negotiate them exiting the war with the status quo maintained. Likewise the state hoped to end the war with Yannis, but found that more difficult to negotiate. After beating back the Yannians initially, Karissa found itself distracted by internal affairs and resistance from nearby Mesallian states. Crucially the Naro-Taorina contingent was persuaded into joining the Karissan-led alliance, granting the city effective rule over the entire Lydonian Sea. In order to secure a southern route through the Melopenes, Karissa sent a continent to demand that Agira grant the city’s ships passage over the Agiran portage. When this was rejected, Karissa sent a large portion of its allied fleet to Agira to force the city to comply. Ultimately the city was defeated in a brief battle, forcing Agira into the alliance as well. In the Kingdom of Sephimora (a term derived from the Eclisian title of Jesiphim, meaning "the Returned"; here meaning "Land of the Returned"), the ruler Erenus spreads the nation’s network of copying monasteries, in the same tradition as the Ulmian scholars. The southern desert, which had been crossed during the nation’s exodus from Nerimos, is claimed by the nation to nominally connect the state with the stronghold at Leviea, while a trade route emerges between Leviea and Nelgistis, stopping at many of the major camps across the desert. Numerous monasteries are maintained in the mountains that separate the kingdom from the nearby nation of Edom, with some within Edomite territory. The king sends numerous preachers to the harsh mines across the border, preaching of salvation to the working miners of Edom. Many are said to have converted to the teachings of Sephimora, and in time this led to the Edomite governors of the region being alerted. By the time of Erenus’ death, the Enulmist religion had spread the towns of eastern Edom, the oases across the desert, and to a handful of cities in the far south in small numbers. Ulmians are also encountered in small numbers in this region, and Enulmians attempt to convert them. However, Ulmism is generally looked upon as favorable, too. Erenus was succeeded by Vedun II Nicantis who founded the town of Nicania during the early years of his reign.
  • Exhula: With our defeat in Kaloma we agree to make peace with them and continue occupying what we hold, and ask to re-open lost trade relations. We are humiliated by our loss in the war so far but we do not give up hope of retaking our stolen territory, ending the war with Kaloma but swearing revenge against Teninukal and Makuku for their theft of our rightful territory in an opportunistic attack, although we stop the war and agree not to pursue it further due to our funds growing low and the fact we have basically lost at this point, although we do not hold a grudge against Kaloma, since we attacked them to begin with. We also offer to marry one of our current princesses to the ruler of Kaloma or the heir, to ensure in their eyes we will not attack them again and to maintain peace (And so we can have more influence on them). With the loss of so much territory (Both to the new Irrosian Kingdom, although it is now a vassal, and to Makuku and Teninukal) we begin looking to colonize new lands to make up for it, sending 2,000 soldiers and many colonists to forcibly subjugate the large island to the northeast of us and exterminate the population, while also continuing colonization of the region west of the Irrosian Archipelago, building four new settlements in the region as we move farther and farther inland, also displacing many native tribes in the region, which we drive away, conquer and forcibly assimilate, or just enslave and force to help us build our settlements and extract resources from the region, Which we conduct a major mineral survey of in 316 (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). We also begin colonizing the region southeast of Mexiqua which is bordered by Kaloma, Sillas, and Teninukal through its coastline, which we call Spalduria, after a major tribe in the region known as the Spauldians who have constructed a small city inland named Spporus, whom we offer vassalage (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED), while also founding five coastal port settlements, which begin to deepen our trade relations with Olmac as a result due to their close proximity and our already existing trade with Olmac, while also deepening trade relations with Silas. We begin sending many Hcctaal preachers into Sillas and, especially, into Olmac, attempting to spread the religion beyond our boarders more. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED FOR HOW SUCCESSFUL IT IS), we also begin discreetly doing the same to Qera again, although due to our worsening relations and their increasing persecution of our religion this is less common than in Olmac and Sillas. While the Salt Barons continue to be a major influential group in the Ettyian provinces, they are beginning to stop gaining more influence as most of the major salt-rich areas have already been claimed by now and the existing ones have firmly entrenched themselves in the upper areas of Ettyian society and begin to look down on those who don't share their status or similar statuses elsewhere in the empire (as these are the children and grandchildren of the original Salt Barons (which is still just a nickname, not what they are really called), and thus don't really allow outsiders a chance to become one of them, while they also begin to go by a different name, the Saryits (literally meaning Salt Lords). Trade begins to flow much better and more profitably through Irrosia and throughout the Northern Sea without Rogar actively preying on Exhula and its allies ships, although they do continue to practice mass piracy against other nations ships. The former Emperor Rttagan II dies in 318 a bitter and alone man, after having written over 37 profoundly popular plays throughout his life and becoming incredibly wealthy even after leaving the Imperial Household and its riches through that revenue, but still becoming extremely bitter and cynical after all that has occurred throughout his life and his lack of someone to share it with. His last play, Syrax, focuses primarily on themes of regret and loss even as everything seems to be getting better, and many later historians speculate it was part of an attempt to finally apologize to his family for the way he treated them, despite everything. When he dies, he, in a surprising move, leaves all his accumulated wealth to the family he has become bitterly divided from, and imperial works in the future will shift to portray him much more positively, making many suspect the "Father of Modern Exhulan Theater finally managed to reconcile with Sassigan in his last months of life. The upgrades and renovations to the navy and the consistent increasing of its size continues, as dozens of more ships are built over the course of the turn, and the Exhulan Navy continues to maintain dominance over Qera despite them also increasing the size and power of their navy.
    • Kingdom of the Irrosian Isles (Vassal): Rogar continues to become wealthier and wealthier as his projects and construction, as well as his continued piracy, reap dividends and only seem to bring him more wealth. He founds five ports throughout his kingdom as centers of trade, and as pirate dens which other nations can't openly target due to being Exhulan Vassals. In response to the insults leveled at our friends and allies in Xüonai by them and their obvious attempts at warmongering, the few Darnan ships in the region become particularly targeted frequently, with none being spared when found traveling in the North Sea. He fathers many more children during this time by his many concubines in addition to the many he already has, many of whom become major pirate captains in attempts to impress their father and win his favor. Although Rogar himself follows the Hcctaal faith (as do most Exhulans in Irrosia) many of his thousands of followers do not, as they come from many diverse cultural and national backgrounds and practice many different religions and customs in close proximity, with major religions in addition to Hcctaal including the Yannian Faith, Xüonai religion, Sillas and Olmac religions, and in rare cases followers of Ulm or the Messalian pantheon, though these are rare due to the extreme distance between the major centers of those religions and us. The dozens of languages spoken in the region also result in a new Language beginning to emerge among the region known as Irrosian or simply the trading tongue, as it incorporates words, symbols, and grammar from dozens of different languages spoken in Irrosia and begins to develop as its own thing. The marriage of Rogar's daughter and Sassagorn produce one child, a daughter named Ahhnt early in 112 who is soon betrothed to her much older cousin Lorgar in order to secure the royal succession after Sassigan is informed by Rogar of Sassagorns offer to him in exchange for a large amount of money in order to gain his trust and further independence for his realm, with proof including their signed agreement and the numerous incriminating letters between them while Sassigan was away that Rogar simply kept rather than burning as he was instructed, leading to Sassagorn's ritual execution by drowning (As a member of the royal family he is considered to warrant that respect, even if he is a treasonous dog), and his daughter's becoming an orphan at the young age of three, due to her mother dying in childbirth, which also makes the betrothal easier. The Irrosian kingdom overall prospers this turn, especially when the government begins running what is essentially a protection racket among non-Exhulan, Irrosian, or allied ships where Irrosian ships will escort ships through the North Sea in exchange for protecting them from the many pirates in the area, who are often those same government ships and will not hesitate to turn on those who do not pay. Finally, Rogar decides to order a census of the population of his kingdom, the first one ever conducted by the new kingdom. In response Exhula itself also does the same (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED!!!). The navy of Irrosia, which is a major part of its power due to its status as an island naval power based on trade and piracy, begins to grow immensely as Rogar orders the construction of many new ships, an increasing number of outlaws, pirates, and mercenaries willing to work for him come to Rogar with their ships, and as Irrosia purchases many outdated large warships from Exhula, at lowered prices due to being a vassal.
  • Yannis Empire: The Anointed One decides to enact mercy upon the misguided state of Weritsz, that is to say, it will be granted the ability to live. However, the state will cede all land west of the river to the Yannis Empire, and all territory seized elsewhere, pay a small tribute annually, and accept proselytization from Yannis’ Holy Men. Likewise, we agree to give the southeast island to Xüonai, although the nation is put off by the rumors of child cannibalism, Xüonai’s seizing of many islands and colonies, and their recent feuding with their neighbors. It is hoped that this will not continue. The nation sponsors the expansion of its highway system into the newly conquered provinces, and places small garrisons in the hands of local governors, who commission new walls around the provincial capitals and big cities. Quick Yannian settlement of the east commences, with Holy Men being sent to spread the word of Yannis. The province of Bassar also is elevated from a territory to a full province, now that its population has largely assimilated, and the region has been adequately connected. The territory from Weritsz is divided into three new territories, consisting of Osenoja in the east, Uromawa in the southeast, and Vedensaqaden in the northeast.
    • In Mesallas: Governor Ixacetonec is killed in battle near Meshwati and is succeeded by a more moderate candidate, Yadsenetec. He becomes more willing to negotiate with Karissa’s coalition, and it is proposed that the Mesallas region be formally split between two spheres; those under the hegemony of Karissa and those under the hegemony of Yannis. Additionally part of northeast Gudumanes should be ceded to the Yannian sphere, while elsewhere there will more or less be status quo ante bellum. In the meantime, the line near Meshwati is held, and in the west a major offensive is launched to inflict as much damage against the nations of Karistos and Sericolis as possible. The region up to the mountains is occupied or raided.
    • In Tik’akna: The colony of Tohatia reaches the river in the south and greatly profits from trade across the border to Exhula. In the north the colony expands to encompass the trade posts on the northern coast south of Phorintheon. The Tribes of Tahua, now in communion with the religion of Sephimora from the west, brings the new religion south to the region of Lake Tahua, and all around the Great Lakes region. The new king becomes highly zealous and focused, and brings the banner of The Returned east in battle against many of the nation’s neighbors.
  • Darna: This year the "Western Bay Games" of Topituya, AKA the annual child sacrifice ritual, is held just outside the borders of civilization, and the disgusting rot of barbarism can be smelled from the walls of Mosnola. The warriors of the city clamor for a chance to put down the Zanphorian idiocy before its spews festering disease all over the land, but for now the chief of Mosnola tries to quell the upset people. A tunnel is discovered in the mountains that was apparently a “canal” but is believed to be a giant trough for child bloodletting, that the emperor of the southerners occasionally drinks dry during the summer months. The other nations in the region are trained and aided by Darnan warriors, with Darnan goods and weapons spreading throughout the region. The goal is that the states will be strong enough to resist the eventual jingoistic attack from Xüonai when the glutton emperor desires more children for consumption. A popular trend begins in the region of tying garlic to one’s belt to ward away hungry Xüonaians. The road from Mosnola to Tesardya is finished, allowing for quick access between the two cities.
  • Xüonai: When news from Darna arrives in Lhynui, the court laughs for a full minute until everything calms down. With Darna claiming the Topituya as a "annual child sacrifice ritual", they give up all claims of cannibalism in Xüonai, as Yannian, Exhulan, and Syresian athletes all compete in the games, along with many other countries as spectators, and all can testify that it is a gaming event. The closest thing to cannibalism in the Topituya is the traditional eating of fish. Darna's lies are seen as jokes throughout the country, just as their government. All countries are invited to see the canal, blue as the sky. Most in Xüonai feel bad for Darnan citizens, forced to listen to the propaganda of the state. A joke arises that all they do in the royal court of Darna is think of ways to frame Xüonai for cannibalism (Seriously? No running of state in your turn? Just blaming Xüonai for cannibalism?). The octennial Topituya is held, and smelling fish are thrown into river separating Mosnola from Topitui, smelling exactly like the Darnan government says is dead bodies, embarrassing the Darnan government in front of all the Mosnolans watching. An official event arises, which is throwing fish as far as you can, tracing back to the 214 Topituya. The attempt to get a Casus Belli to go to war with Xüonai is laughable. With the accusations of the "annual child sacrifice ritual" and the "blood cannal", Yannis and other allies can see the lies of Darna and Dashon IX can finally dispel the false propaganda of Darna. With one of Yannis' worries about us gone, we attempt to explain our colonization to them; with no room to expand on the mainland and unwillingness to go to war with our neighbors, resources must be extracted from somewhere, and trade and new territories are the only options. Our colonization is focused on resource rich regions or strategic trading ports, which help us gain resources. To help with their last point of concern, our hostile neighbors, we state that Darna's warmongering ways have led them to brainwashing their people into thinking we are barbarians, and we don't want war, but believe it to be inevitable, as the evil north wants it so bad. In the east, peace with Weritsz is accepted, and the island in the south is treated fairly, with some Weritszsl staying on the island (as nationalism is not really a thing yet in Weritsz) and being treated as full Xüonai citizens. However, most move south to start sugar plantations in southern colonies, which soon becomes a large part of their economy. Negotiations begin with Karrisa and their allies, and Yannis is invited to join. Our terms are Status Quo between Xüonai and the Karrisa alliance, although Yannian terms may be added on. With Xüonai at peace, the government sadly must prepare for an invasion from the oncoming barbarian, lying horde from the north; Darna. The western three states are expected to believe Darna's fabrications, and so defenses are prepared. For the first time, movable fortifications are experimented with, basically wooden towers on wheels, meant to be moved once the enemy forces retreated. These are used to defend immobile spots, like near Zedislandia, which is separated from Xüonai by a river (another example is the Darnan-Xüonaisl border), and sometimes places in which there is a large enemy troop concentration to gain a fortification bonus. In faster moving regions, Bphliacre is planed to be used with chariots from Exhula. The active duty personnel is reduced to 5,000. The ocean near Irrosia is named Irrosot. Infrastructure continues to be built in the mainland, and rural areas, especially near the city on the base of the hill.
    • In Lueht: The colony expands all the way to the north coast, in the west touching Yannis and the east touching the coast. The reason; to build a settlement. A large trading port is built in the northeastern tip of the mainland, and a smaller settlement is built on the island just northeast of that. Sugar plantations become large inland, due to the closeness to a slave source (Exhula) and the Mediterranean climate. It soon makes up the second largest income source for the mainland, right after trading revenues. Many in the Xüonai army who deserted in Exhula decide to move there to start sugar plantations, like the OTL Caribbean.
    • In Xüonaisl Irrosia: Major ports are built on the two major islands as trade stops before Exhula. The north islands are culturally Exhulan and Xüonai, and so an Irrosian dialect, called North Irrosian, begins to emerge, which uses Irrosian words while being more heavily dependent on Xüonaisl. It is considered now a dialect of both Xüonaisl and Irrosian. The counting system in pure Irrosian is actually the Xüonai numeral system, as it is the most developed of the many languages. On the other hand, Xüonai grammar is almost completely disregarded in that it is very complex. Sugar plantations also become popular here too.
    • In Ouayi (Island south of Weritsz): The island south of Weritsz is named Ouayi, translating to "big island", although the smaller island south of it is still part of the territory. Most Weritszsl stay on the island (as nationalism is not really a thing yet in Weritsz) and are treated as Xüonaisl citizens. It becomes a major trade port, a last stop before heading south for most traders. The small, 4-to-5 px long island to the northeast of Ouayi is colonized, along with the tiny island just southwest of that. The few natives are given the option to assimilate or become slaves.
  • Sonshu: Kono slave raids begin at the usual time of the year with hundreds of new people being brought into the Sonshu Market for foreign merchants to purchase or for labour. Sonshu grows with each passing year as more labour and foreigners fill the lower rings of society. The native Tausi make up the field slaves and impoverished manual labour, Some integrated Tausi, and foreigners make up the next ring of society mainly merchants, doctors, and mercenaries or conscripts who serve under the Kono citizen soldiers, Above them are the average Kono people who are trained in martial activities and as craftsmen (fletchers, smiths, shipwrights, carpenters) who make up the backbone of the social structure. At the top are the Kono nobles and the house of Yana who work as priests, administrators and military advisors to Lord Nansu. Nansu's authority is absolute although he is one who seeks out the advice of his advisors and priests when it comes to decisions of state. He also cares greatly for the survival of his subjects given that he left with those who choose to remain faithful to him all those years ago. Now an aging man Nansu will begin transitioning power to his grandson after his own son's attempted coup a few years earlier. The Yali plant (cannabis) is used heavily throughout Sonshu by all sectors of society, as the Kono use it to stay in touch with their ancestors and with the spirits during times of worship, and to unwind after successful combat, while the poor and destitute consume large amounts of it as a means of letting losses which is encouraged by the ruling Kono who see its uses as a suppressor of social ills. Tausi - who in their youth who are seen to have skills or intelligence - are emancipated and groomed into service. Thanks to superior weapons and tactics the Kono have maintained their grip on the natives while better ships have allowed for the control of immediate sea lanes. However, some ships have been spotted recently by scouting ships, and some native settlements to the southeast have begun showing signs of organizing stronger resistance to raiding parties. keeping a tight lid of weapons and dissidents through a mix of harsh punishment and tolerable treatment when labour isn't restive. More to be added later.
  • Syres: The Patra of Syres publishes a scathing report of the Western Bay Games of Topituya, stating that the rumors of child cannibalism are completely true. In reality this is an attempt by the Ulmians to dismantle a “pagan” festival/event held in foreign lands, which the Patra sees as blasphemous. All Ulmians are to cease attending the festival, and even many non-Ulmians cease as well. Word of this embargo spreads around the region to many parts of the world in contact with Syres, just as the Ulmian denouncement of the Jafiad in Mesallas spread to Syres. Content with having repulsed the Yannis Empire and their respective Mesallian allies from most of the Gudumanes peninsula, Syres recalls its soldiers and navy back home, but remains in close contact with the Mesallian states, particularly Sericolis and Karistos, to monitor the peace proceedings.
  • Hythia: Myrnech Ayan and her followers continue to spread the truths of Hythus. However, she shows more leniency than her father. The Bysula who fled to the north are granted amnesty for their sins and they are offered the help of the true people to rebuild their great hold in the mountains. The one stipulation made in the proposal is the construction of a great gate through which armies of Hythia may one day march. In the nation, an effort is made to rebuild the north. Cysk and Jynt are repaired and many refugees return to the cities. The resettlement of the Cartor continues as families are moved across the Myrnechate to be displaced far from home. More missionaries are sent south, but an emphasis is placed on converting the tribal confederation to the west. With trade routes running through the confederacy’s heartland conversions go unexpectedly well. The merchant-class in the confederacy is the initial target, along with the ruling classes. A permanent diplomatic and religious mission is established in the largest city.
    • The Bysula of the Wall reply that they have a sacred mission to prevent any crossing over the wall (a mission that evolved from the wall's initial purpose), and as such can't allow a gate to be constructed. They hope to continue good relations with Hythia, and are willing to be treated as a vassal as long as they are left to continue their mission. It is also discovered that the Bysula have gained lordship over the lands in and around the mountain and the wall, as locals clung to the security of the fortification during the chaotic fall of Gyt.
  • Qera: After the major embarrassment that Ygran IV got himself in when he visited Exhula and the lost trading war, his niece Zatlahe takes power while he is away. Though she is just 19 years of age she is already responsible for the assassination of her older brother Yccem. Officially he died from his huge consumption of alcohol and an overall unhealthy lifestyle that led to a heart attack, but an analysis of his bones in the early modern era shows a large amount of arsenic in his bones. She also agrees to set an ending to the problems with Exhula and is willing to sign a treaty (EXHULA RESPONSE, PLEASE). She also continues to spend vast amounts of money on the navy, so that such an emberrasment like the trade war can never happen again. The colony to the east expands farther, now that the waters are clearer. A garrison is established with another 1,000 men to guard the outpost. The number of inhabitants continues there and the colony grows for some 3 px to the west. A trading contract is offered to the Sillans, where we grant lowerd prices for spices like nutmeg, cinnamon, pepper and chili in exchange for either money or goods like tea (SILLAS RESPONSE NEEDED). A new form of theatre becomes popular, partly influenced by the Exhulan style of playing. Since Qeran culture has no long tradition of plays or operas, the theatres of Exhula often influence the way of the theateresque storytelling that is practiced at the high royal courts. Relations with a newly discovered tribe to the south start to increase. The tribe is called Ollehâtl by the Qerans, they themselves call them Òllejakr. Their knowledge of the area is exchanged in the port of Imbalama and diplomatic missions discover the area the Ollehâtl call their home (DISCOVER 60 px southwest). The economy sees a rise in productivity and a better situation in general again. Spices are farmed in large scale and the first turquise and copper mines open up in Ualjakia and southern Qera.

    • Exhulan response: We agree with the signing of a treaty to officially end the trade war and reopen relations between Qera and Exhula (despite us having won awhile ago, we want to seal it officially), demanding several concessions and conditions from Qera in return but also being relativly lenient in our terms in response to the offer and our decision to do our best to avoid the escalation of tensions into an actual war. We demand that Qera acknowlege our dominance of the spice trade with Xüonai and Yannis (although this is a mere formality and we aren't going to actually block their trade with them or anything, which we are sure to make obvious during the negotiations), that Qera lowers taxes on Exhulan merchants lower than they were even before the trading war (Although not by that much, only by about 10% including the extra percentage raised during the war, we are not demanding huge favours as I said but we are still taking advantage of our victorious status), and that Qera lift the ban on the trading of finally we demand a marriage between Zatlahe and Prince Vassigra of Exhula, in order to set up a cadet branch of the Aurelian Dynasty in Qera, although Zatlahe would remain the one with all the authority. We also desire to reopen official large scale trade between Exhula and Qera, although we do not demand it as part of the treaty. We also make it clear we are not willing to budge on any of these terms, and that Qera should agree since we already won the trade war.

    • Qeran response: Qera agrees to most of the terms, but informs Exhula that tariffs on Exhulan merchants were quite low already (before the second Ghisnan war). Zatlahe agrees to the marriage, too.

    • Final Exhulan Response: We agree to only lower the tariffs by 7% (You did say you made them extremely low), and with the marriage agreed upon Zatlahe and Vassigran marry in 317, with their first child, a daughter named Rias Aurelian, born two years later. She also begins to receive major Exhulan support in some of her plots, and is secretly informed Exhula would not be against helping her get on the Qeran Throne....

  • Draka: The nation below us is invaded, casus belli, they store our rum supply. Archon Elvira Naldorossen raises an army of some 500 hoplites, 500 mounted archers, 2,000 light infantry, archers, and javelin throwers. Some sabotage as well as subversion tactics are used, and as well as terror. Defectors are welcomed. However, the rest are feral serfs.
  • Beraba: The period of “The Great Death”, as it became known, lasting from approximately 292-307, was followed by a time of relative prosperity in Beraba. They reach out to Exhula again to begin trading with the new nation and share knowledge of the world (formal request to trade a map, Exhula response needed). A reclamation project for farmland lost during the Great Death is instituted, and various Houses are sponsored to establish new seats farther out in the countryside, resulting in a shift to a more federal system. Reclamation occurs in other areas, such as mining, forestry, and livestock.
    • In Silla, the three cities of Suzioú, Baselona, and Haitsuri (former districts of Silla) unify into a “Triple Alliance”, led by Empress Sanza. Within all the territories under its jurisdiction, the feudal institutions that have developed are abolished, and a system of contractual tenancy is established. In order to heighten agricultural productivity, iron tools are used. A comprehensive system of roads and canals are built to connect major settlements, and a household registry is established to facilitate conscription as well as more easily determine the location and population of the nation’s inhabitants (thus aiding the collection of tax). Iron coinage becomes the standardized currency due to its ability to be molded into bars (for storage), and its ability to be melted for usage in tools and weapons. However, grain is also a permissible form of commercial transactions. The construction of an imperial palace is commissioned, and each of the city’s walls are reinforced and repaired. Loosely-claimed territories are consolidated, with settlements within it being coerced into paying tribute and accepting Sillan suzerainty (but otherwise remaining autonomous, and also having access to trade). There is one economic boom, particularly within the agricultural sector. The usage of better tools and new methods of agriculture (especially intercropping and the elaboration of wet-rice cultivation) has led to a population boom, but has also led to a need for land. As a result, land is deforested to make way for rice paddies. The production of silk, porcelain, tea – the three most lucrative exports – booms, thus providing ample revenue. Tariffs are implemented to incur a trading surplus.


The states at war with Exhula accept peace with the state, although Exhula’s subsequent colonization of the coast in the same area is interpreted by some of the states’ leaders to be an example of Exhula immediately breaking its treaty. Similarly, the Spauldians are pressured to reject the Exhulan offer.

A large number of people in the Xüonai military desert and return back to their lives. The nation as a whole experiences a famine, partially caused by the enormous army and a lack of people to produce food.

Raiders from Hythia begin traveling farther south in order to find new towns and villages. This leads them to encountering the Irian civilization, and the lands of the Sarpedes and Gamadacians in particular.

The Drakan invasion of the Kingdom of Benyisra sees Draka successfully raid and pillage the northern one-half of the country, leading its people to view the invasion as retribution for turning away from god. A new leader rallies the population and the Drakans are narrowly defeated near the capital of Ebracomon, suffering 540 total casualties.

After trading goods and information to Qera, the Ollehâtl tribe also speaks of a great kingdom near them that the Qerans could seek out, where many of the tribe’s riches originated from.

The Enulmian religion appears in the Upper Ema, in the kingdom of Alsoba south of Emalia. It is especially prominent in the mountains north of the kingdom.

  • Mesallian Culture: In the third year of the 29th Jafiad (Year 318) the war between Karissa and the Yannis Empire is said to have ended, with a small conference taking place in the town of Basia, located west of Meshwati. The Peace of Basia officially closed the door on the Meshwati-dominated period following the first Yanno-Mesallian War, and began a period of Karissan hegemony. This hegemony was split, however, with two spheres emerging in the region; those aligned with Karissa and those aligned with Yannis. The peace turned this distinction into a formal affair, with states such as Meshwati, the League of Ossa nations, Karistos, and Sericolis now firmly controlled, or at least strongly allied to, the Kingdom of Karissa. In many of the larger cities discontent was high. In Meshwati the returning hero Thiminis helped to quell unrest, becoming a major figure in the city’s rebuilding. However, after his death the city once again called for the Karissan puppet king to be deposed. In Agira this sentiment was even stronger, as for centuries the city had elected its governing officials, and now had its affairs almost completely controlled by a small group of Karissa-appointed tyrants. After four years, when Karissa was distracted elsewhere, the city overthrew the tyrants and began elections once more, although many of its early candidates remained influenced by Karissa, at least in order to ensure peace. At this time Karissa found itself fighting numerous small wars to preserve its position as hegemon. In the east the states of Naro and Taorina remained only loosely aligned with Karissa, and a popular king from Idasimos named Xeminus attempted to unite all three cities once more. A navy was dispatched under Palimus and Xeminus was narrowly defeated, although Palimus died soon after, leaving Karissa without one of its main admirals. Peace was made, with Xeminus retaining control over the coast north of the Ema Delta. Soon after, Karissa controversially send forces to the allied state of Ossa, after they failed to turn over the old league’s treasury and taxes. Most of Karissa’s vassals refused to send troops to this endeavor in protest. Finally Agira managed to instigate a war by tricking a nearby town, also under Karissa’s influence, into attacking the city. Agira formed an alliance of cities in the area opposed to Karissan influence, known as the Belarian Confederacy, named for the Belaria region of the Melopenes. An initial force from Karissa under the command of Haliandus attempted to take the town of Ocromos, on the northern edge of the confederacy’s territory, but the battle ended inconclusively and Haliandus was killed in an attempted assault. The cities allied to Agira came to include other major cities such as Lamigis, and both sides prepared for a full war. Several smaller battles were fought over the course of the next year, and in the third year of the 31st Jafiad (Year 326) the Karissan Xenander managed to win a decisive battle against the coalition at the Battle of Isythera. The alliance managed to attract support from the Kingdom of Krasidos, which led Karissa to accuse the Yannian governance of breaking its treaty, despite Krasidos acting independently. Xenander was forced to return north, as by the end of the year the situation in Meshwati had begun to break down as well. An exiled Meshwati prince attempted to rally support for a restoration, forcing Karissa to garrison the city with one-half its army. Ironically, the exile was supported by the Yannians, who provided funds to field an army of mercenaries and to rebuild Meshwati lands. Known as Massisni the Exile, the prince managed to conquer several of the islands around Meshwati with Yannian aid, and then marched on the city itself. With invasions taking place from both the north and the south, Karissa was unable to prevent the capture of the city. The governor in Yannian Mesallas died soon after, changing the governance’s foreign policy. Instead they sought to preserve the balance of power and ensure that the Karissan hegemony didn’t fall, as per their treaty, and so the Yannian contingent threatened to intervene in the war should peace not be made. The other states did so reluctantly, and in effect the Belarian Confederacy was dissolved, although Agira remained independent from Karissa, Meshwati was restored, and Karissa retained ownership over the rest of the region, including the territories that Massisni the Exile attempted to seize. In this time the Milenis school descended from Doloson contributed numerous important entries to science and philosophy. During this time Axiles writes down the works of Doloson and others for the first time, as well as his own theories. He especially is interested in the study of nature and the origins of the universe, stating that nature is ruled by laws, just like human societies, and anything that disturbs the balance of nature does not last long. He also postulates a mechanical model of the universe, that the indefinite is the source of all things, and that the world floats unsupported.
  • Mang: (redoing turn), Fuki Emperor plans a northwestward expansion toward the mountains to build an agricultural city spot for mountainous terrain. Meanwhile, the port city is continuing to build ships (not the luxurious ones, the ones that are modernized by this era, like wooden or any other mineral used by this) for exports and imports. Meanwhile, the agricultural center already built (somewhere in the middle of the nation), is attracting famous Mang artists and writers of this century (Backstory: Mang officials created a way to make art, with any type of writing utensil in the earlier years of these ten-year spans).
  • Exhula: With the end of the war between us and the other nations supporting Kaloma, we begin to settle the regions of Kaloma we now own, the territory of West Kaloma, with ethnic Exhulans to secure the region, building the major city of Ndamis in the region, and appointing 1,000 soldiers to guard the area as a garrison. We continue to colonize the region south of Kaloma, Teninukal, and Makuku, and respond to the openly expressed beliefs of some Makukan and Teninukali leaders that we are violating the treaty by doing so by pointing out it them that we never promised to stop colonizing regions near them in the treaty, only to vow never to attack them, cede MY Northern Territory to them, and not colonize the territories they lay claim to, and they age no claim to the land we are settling. The attempts by Kaloma and Teninukal to pressure the Spauldians are countered by pointing out there are many, many miles of unclaimed wilderness between them and Kaloma, and much more to Teninukal, that would be incredibly difficult for them to march an army through, much less one big enough to actually threaten us, and that WE are just a few miles from them and getting closer every day, and still have a huge number of military forces we are perfectly willing to use to exterminate them if they refuse, pointing to the recent example of the Mexiquens for what happens to those of their power level who oppose us and promising the same to them if they refuse, while pointing to the Sarthari as an example of how they can benefit by siding with us. We also point out how it is extremely doubtful that Teninukial, Makuku, or Kaloma will actually go to war to protect them so shortly after they suffered so many casualties in the last war, and that they don’t even bring benefits with siding with them, unlike us, and once more extend our offer, now for the LAST time. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). Meanwhile, we continue to colonize the region and build three more settlements around Spauldian territory, which we call Huuth, Piror, and Pirccsis. We continue to settle the area west of Irrosia, constructing six more cities (Nurth, Olpicc, Essus, Ghm, Ditul, and Hottith) and sending in thousands more settlers, while also continuing to settle the area south of that and North of Ciast, constructing three new coastal settlements (Ithsocis, Serith, and Aiis) and a two new settlements farther inland, named Vasshri and Tyrroror while settlers sent to the region begin to increase. SECRET: With the full support of Zatlahe due to this matching up with her own ambitious desire for the throne and impatience to get it, we provide Zatlahe with an extremely deadly but slow working and subtle poison from the farthest parts of Yannis, called Madthir after the Madthir plant from which it is made. It causes a hugely increasing amount of blood clots and an eventual heart attack in the victim, and has no known antidote, and she has one of her servants sneak it into the drink of Prince Ygran IV in 330 while he is attending a play in the city, allowing Zatlahe and thus, the new Qeran cadet branch of the Aurelian Dynasty to inherit the Qeran Throne, END SECRET. With the agreed upon Treaty of Siccarius signed between us and Qera, we reopen trade relations with Qera and massive amounts of wealth begin flowing between both sides once more. It also results in Httcaron finally becoming known as one of the wealthiest and biggest cities in the entire Empire, as all trade from the Ettyian coast and more northern colonies must go through it first and the city grows rich of tolols, in addition to the ones required for going into Ghisnar. We continue to increase our fleet size, resulting in us having the largest navy in our part of the world (not including the farther north Yannis and Xüonai). With the major opening of trade with Silas due to our colonies close proximity, a major market exchange between us soon takes effect, where we sell them goods such as slaves, iron, and salt which we have in abundance and they have little of in exchange for lots of Sillan products such as tea, silk, and fine china. Mining operations on Haeelos increase as a result to take advantage of this new, massive market and the population also starts to increase as a result, with us founding several new cities on the island after centuries of not doing so as a result. Trade with Xüonai and Yannis continues, and we also send an expedition to explore 40 px east of the newly conquered island. 
    • Kingdom of the Irrosian Isles: Massive economic growth and population continues throughout the Kingdom, which continues to become more powerful and influential throughout the North Sea. Irrosian continues to develop as a language, with the first unique letters and numbers of the emerging tongue first appearing around this time according to archeological digs in the early modern era. The language spreads throughout the islands and becomes more distinct over this turn, but it still continues to borrow most of its words and phrases from other languages, primarily Exhulan, Xüonais, and Yannian, but also borrowing words from many other languages. The language becomes widely learned by people throughout the islands (although the number knowing it is far from all), mostly due to the fact that it uses so many letters, words, and phrases from other languages, meaning those on the island will likely already know many parts of the language and be able to learn it easier. Irrosian will later become known as the first of the Exhulan Language Group as the first offshoot of Exhulan to truly develop into its own language, although it is not entirely accurate to say it was the first to come into existence, as Sarthari, High Ghisnan (The newer form heavily influenced by the region's Exhulan conquerors, not the original language of the Ghisnari Tribes, known as Low Ghisnan, which even by the time period is in practical terms completely extinct), Surhar, and West Kaloman all can find their origins in the subtle dialect differences in different parts of the Empire many of which had been developing for more than 200 years by this time. Rogar dies in 324, and is buried at sea in a traditional Hcctaal funeral along with his 14 concubines and his two wives. He is succeeded by his ambitious teenaged son Syrac (a name derived from the last name of the famous general, as his first name would later be forgotten), who wishes to expand the domains of his Kingdom but recognizes that attacking any of the powers holding land around him would be suicidal. Instead, he decides to attempt to purchase the two Xüonai owned islands that are part of the Irrosian Archipelago but not the Irrosian Kingdom from Xüonai and Tyha Už, for a sizable portion of his fortune, arguing that it does not violate the terms of the Treaty of Fahnatwi as the Irrosian Kingdom and the Exhulan Empire are different states, even if Irrosia is a vassal (Xüonai Response Needed!) 
    • Beraban Diplomacy: Beraba has still not received a response from Exhula regarding trade and sharing information.
    • Exhulan response: We finally receive the offer to share maps and to open trade relations, and we gladly agree to trading with Beraba and map sharing (OOC: Just act as if we have been trading since the first offer, sorry it took so long to respond).
  • Realm of the Northern Saemonites: During the final years of the shortest darkened year's period, the ceasing of the council's rule and the death of Saemon VII proved fruitful in allowing for later cultural leisure during the reign of Tiphrata II from 321 to 327, as the movement from a lack of data and information to further informative recordings were made. During Tiphrata II's reign and the reverting of many cultural blocks that proved voided, a string of literature and other texts were properly written. Although there were very minimal, major texts that were written include Manifesto and Odessa. Although the exact time for the creation of the Saemonite mythology is lost to time, it has been recorded have been created roughly around this time after numerous peoples and groups begin supporting the idea that the northern realm has been blessed by the God of Rain, Pheres, after numerous successful harvests throughout the decade, as well as the movement of combining of various talltales and older myths together into somewhat of a connected religion. With this, the first text canonizing the mythology known as Chronicles Of Abus, Pheres, and Ohstus, is written and produced nationwide. Later texts would be produced envisioning the mythological Gods as either helping people or terrifyingly destroying life, while the original text would remain the only document standardizing the lives of the three primary Gods, as well as including much of their origin stories due to their existence being known for decades prior.
  • Hythia: Myrnech Ayan, now a well-aged leader, continues to spread the truths of Hythus. The Bysulan offer is accepted, and they are granted dominion to rule over the mountains as they see fit so long as they ensure the supply of ores. With much of the infrastructure in the north rebuilt land once again comes firmly under Hythian control. A new city Aya is built 40 septons from the border with the tribes to the west, along the banks of the river. This is done to improve the control over the area and also to increase the influence Hythia wields in the confederation to the west. The resettlement of the Cartor continues as families are moved across the Myrnechate to be displaced far from home. More missionaries are sent south and west, with great effort made to convert the tribal leaders. Tribes that border Hythia receive many missionaries who act as emissaries of the state and speak of the great prosperity that Hythus will bring to his chosen, those that live in Hythia. These missionaries hope to convince many to join Hythia and draw thousands more to the cause of Hythus.
  • Yannis Empire: Numerous Holy Men are dispatched to the new provinces, and also to Weritsz, helping to spread the faith of Yannis to the east. These men are also armed or backed by the military in many places, helping to avoid retribution from angry locals. The Anointed One declares that all the land on the continent east of Yannis, including Weritsz and beyond, shall be viewed as within the Yannis Empire, or within the empire’s sphere of influence. The governors in the east also send the first Holy Men to Aurelia, and the Aurelian colonies. The province of Teloc’tezon sees expansion along the coast to the northeast, while the other eastern provinces consolidate their territory and seek to pacify any remaining heathens.
    • In Mesallas: With the peace agreed upon between the governor of Yannian Mesallas and the state of Karissa, the region is largely split in two between our respective sides. The Yannian authority in the region continues to secretly influence events in the region, hoping to weaken Karissa, and also lure some of the neutral states to join Yannis. After Yadsenetec dies he is succeeded by Acayletezoc, and he is succeeded by Teloc’zepoc II. The new governor chooses to interpret the treaty with Karissa as technically allowing either side to compel neutral states to join a side, and he seeks to dominate what remains around the Gabatrian Sea. Lamigis appears to be too antagonistic to the idea of allying with the Yannians, so instead the governor tries to align with the states south of Lamigis on the southernmost peninsula.
  • Xüonai: The Kingdom of the Irossian Isles is abbreviated to AIY, "Ai'Irros Yi", or "Nation (kingdom) of the Irros islands". A famine occurs from 221 to 223, with rivers drying up in the south; on the other hand, the north seems to flourish. The army is cut down to 1,000, which leads to less food needed to be devoted to the army and more to the people. Cannibalism is still not practiced at all, punishable by death, although no one ever tried anyway. The famine is mostly eradicated by 223, due to an extra successful potato harvest in the north and sugar in the south. The army is raised to 3,000 after the famine is over. Dashon IX dies, leaving Dashon X inheriting the throne. Internal affairs are focused on rather than external, with the famine being attributed to a disease in foods imported from Exhula infecting crops in the mainland. Yannis is trusted to reject any buttering up attempts from Darna, and the country in the north is largely ignored. With the trade war concluded, trade once again continues with Qera, with the delicacy of nutmeg being imported. The colonies help a new trade route to flourish, bringing wealth to sailors and the colonies. The army is once again cut to 1,000, as we see no use for anything larger. The offer from AIY is politely declined, as the islands are very valuable as a trading port. Slavers begin enslaving any Darnan sailors who go south, and soon the slave pens are filled with merchants from Darna who were heading to Mesallia. The money and goods the slavers got from the merchants soon make their way to other Xüonai merchants, who make their way to Mesallia and sell it themselves. In turn, this makes the profits swell. Due to the famine, potatoes replace old crops and their growth brings stability to the food supply. Intense breading programs of potatoes commences to have disease prone potatoes weeded out, and the most disease resistant are sold to farmers growing potatoes or other potato breeders. Soon, this is done with other foods and slaves, with the latter never have being done before. The Darnan merchants made strong slaves when bred, although not disease resistance, and soon they are bred with slaves coming from the south from Exhula and other places to make the slaves very resistant to disease. Corn also gets bred the same way. Spices and corn, along with spices and potatoes, become a staple food source for the middle-class, with the lower-class eating the mentioned vegetables without spices. Nutmeg is usually a food of the upper-class, as the trade wars impact made nutmeg less available to the middle-lass, making it a rare spice before. The genetic variety in the food and slaves have led Xüonai to be a very disease resistant nation to this day.
    • In Lueht: Sugar becomes a major export of the colony, with traders stopping by to pick up sugar to either trade with the south or bring back to the mainland. The plantations in the south begin importing slaves from the mainland, and soon a sugar-slave trade is made, with sugar from Lueht and Xüonaisl Irrosia being traded for Darnan slaves from the mainland, which in turn allows the plantations to produce more, and the cycle keeps going.
    • In Roirrosyi (also known as Xüonaisl Irrosia): Sugar becomes a major export of the colony, with traders stopping by to pick up sugar to either trade with the south or bring back to the mainland. The plantations in the south begin importing slaves from the mainland, and soon a sugar-slave trade is made, with sugar from Lueht and Xüonaisl Irrosia being traded for Darnan slaves from the mainland, which in turn allows the plantations to produce more, and the cycle keeps going. The offer from AIY is politely declined for buying the south islands, as the islands are very valuable as a trading port.
    • In Ouayi: The economy becomes focused primarily on trade, although the native cacao tree and coffee plants both become bitter drinks, usually sweetened with sugar, and are sold to the upper and upper middle-classes as exotic drinks on the mainland. Otherwise, infrastructure is improved, and the island overall prospers, raising the Weritsz majority's opinion of the new Xüonai government.
  • Darna: The nation’s king is appalled by how the Xüonai keeps trying to instigate wars, and how they keep accusing us of being “about to invade”, even though we have never offensively started a war here, nor do not have soldiers stationed on their border. The nation of Xüonai becomes little more than a backwater oddity, that some travel to just to witness the shear depravity of life before civilization. The surrounding states of the region laugh at its small population, meager army, and inability to feed its people. The civilized nations of Darna, Molaga, Benekundon, Zedisladana, and Yannis are asked to form a group of cooperation and assistance, as we five are the only nations really of note on the continent. This alliance will work together to trade and prevent raids from the wild animals of the south. Darna begins trading across the sea, with Darnan traders visiting the ports of Yannian Mesallas and other nearby cities. A large number of Xüonaians (the descendants of those captured in the war, who have been bred in captivity for generations) are gifted to the Yannian governor in Mesallas for ritualistic sacrifice. The slaves are of a special vintage; they have been trapped in solitary confinement and unable to speak for most of their lives, and are intellectually and mentally children, despite being physically adults, albeit very weak and famished. The slave pits in Darna proper boast hundreds - if not thousands - of Xüonaian animals for sale, with a whole industry developed around special categories of slaves. One of the more pricey commodities is the Royal Line of slaves, which is supposedly descended from Xüonai royalty captured a century ago.
    • Xüonai: We remind Darna that the first time they interacted with us, they declared war, and so they actually did declare war on us offensively.
  • Kingdom of Azoz: Various states of Azoz continued to compete for influence toward the end of the Ebony Era. The Langui colony of Fotashe expanded much farther up the titular river. As the generation of the Nine Sages passed, their pupils took up the role of developing further feats of engineering, mathematics and philosophy. Ishbak, under their last ruler Gerrier, developed the first fully professional army about this time. Tired of waiting for crops to be planted each year to go to war, Gerrier devised a means of paying a steady group of military directly from the government, who in turn would personally manage a set of farmland to supply the steady military. Meanwhile, the Cassanderan dynasty came to an end over Azoz when Chatnaguri, leader of the royal cavalry, seized control of the capital in a coup. Chatnaguri greatly expanded the personal royal lands into the gap in the northeast, filling in more farmland between Azoz and Valun. He is also accredited for inventing the game of chess, a game which he was always held title of champion throughout his lifetime. Most historians study this last generation to get the best picture of ordiary life in the Ebony Era, thanks to the more detailed historical accounts at this time, including multiple personal accounts of Chatnaguri himself.
  • Qera: In the last years of his reign, Prince Ygran IV becomes more and more of a figurehead. His power dwindled away since the trading conflict. In reality though, his daughter Zatlehe is already in charge of the most responsibilities of the realm. After her first daughter was born, she starts to shape her early to her likings and provides her with the best scholars from all over the princedom. As the prince and his family live in the capital Ogaholle Zira (as the child of Zatlahe is called in Qera) grows up there. The Qerans start to make a highly complicated art form of modelling statues from turquoise and coral. One of the most precious statues is the Kuecalkoatl statue that is made purely out of turquoise and polished copper. The artist is unknown and it was found in a remote abandoned temple to the south some centuries later. Expansion continues, when the Ollehâtl cooperate further and allow to secure the Qeran merchants. They purchase maps and knowledge over the area the Ollehâtl (MOD RESPONSE, PLEASE). Explorers are send east from Imbalama along the coast to discover the "lake" (explore 80 px east). Qera claims the landbridge to the east and surrounds the Exhulan colony there. The south gets solidified when major roads are built to connect the region. Meanwhile, in 329, Zatlahe starts to remove the influence behind her husband's and Exhula's back. She has the Qeran law on her side when it comes to succeeding to the throne (the married partner of the royal is not considered one of the royal family by blood, making his name and status useless and the child is the heir to whatever dynasty is on the throne), but the religious and political influence is worrying her. To attract more traders from Sillas and Olmac, the colonial governor lowers the tariffs on the merchants to 4%, hoping that they would rather take the shorter trip there than sailing all the way up to other territories. Trade flourishes once again in Qera, but to grow the markets, and to grant more healthy alliances, we ask Exhula to share their knowledge of maps with us (EXHULA RESPONSE, PLEASE). People in the east start to cultivate sugarcane and the consumption of tea in the nobility rises.
    • Exhula response: We agree to share maps with Qera, but inform Qera we are only showing up to where Yannis and Xüonai are, as we don't consider that particularly useful information since Qera will most likely never reach there (OOC: It's so I don't expand your map by like one-half the world, as Vand has rules against that).
  • Draka: The occupied areas are kept. However, the siege of the capital failed. Thus, a final task had to be led by a group of warriors, the Knights of Scraw. Centered around Archon Scrawlandscribblescratch, they besiege the capital on a long siege.
  • Syres: The nation sponsors greater settlement of the southwest territories, in order to secure our claimed areas that border the city-states of the coast. Trade also continues with these new states, creating a trade route stretching from Neum in the south, traveling north along the coast, to the city of Syres. On the fringes of the nation’s known world, traders and explorers beginning sailing east past the edges of the Yannian Empire, making contact with the nation of Bangor in the south, and its neighboring Anglenite nations, and Weritsz in the north. Ulmian preachers attempt to travel to these lands, but find that this area is heavily influenced by the Yannis Empire and the Yannian religion, making it difficult to preach in safety. In the area south of Tik’akna Syresians trade and preach to the people of the Great Lakes, with Syresian goods primarily making their way into the hands of Emalia or the tribes of Tahua.
  • Irian Culture: Not much is known today about what happened in the fourth century. It is a “dark age” of Irian history, a period from which few artifacts survive. As a result, much of what I write about Iria in this century has been pieced together from fragments or gleaned from foreign writings. It can be ascertained that Irian civilization continued expanding outward, albeit without much population growth. Archaeological evidence shows that trade and cultural exchange with the east and south developed as early as the 320s, but contact with distant powers like Ri’kiva may have ceased altogether. The gradual transition from bronze to iron occurred. The well-known poetic cycles of Iria are also determined to have taken place during this period. The Irian language most likely underwent a significant change as “barbarian” words filtered in from the Ludian upper-classes.
  • Ri'kiva: Kal'If dies, succeeded by his son, who assumes the name Kal'If Yl. Kal'If Yl begins offering citizenship to conquered peoples who join the army and serve for five years. With this new source of manpower, Ri'Kiva subjugates most of the northern one-half of the Kjv'iv peninsula, extending the same liberties to the conquered peoples. Unemployed Ri'Kivans and citizens are offered living wages for joining the road building effort that is started, trying to link the cities into more of an empire.
  • In Silla, Empress Sanza changes her title to "Cabeza" and writes "The Art of War"–reproducing it en masse, and making it a vital part of military instruction. The Cabeza has a divine vision, with the God of War telling her it is the divine mission of Silla to instill civilization and high culture to the tribal polities that surround it. This revelation leads to increased jingoism within the political elite, who also see the annexation of surrounding territories as a way to acquire labor and raw materials. The class system is abolished, while the distinction between scholar-bureaucrats and military nobility no longer formalized. As a result, all Silla-born inhabitants are inherently "equal" and are entitled to the same rights and privileges, and attain higher status through imperial examinations. Due to an emphasis on meritocracy, impediments to the lower-classes' ability to participate in imperial examinations, specifically the poll tax. As a result, social mobility is vastly heightened–though it is estimated that approximately 40–50% of the nobility are de facto hereditary, as the wealth they have amassed from leasing properties enables them to acquire private tutors. This military nobility is organized into an "Eight Regiments" system, with auxiliaries and infantry (who are conscripted) organized into the "Standard Army". Military nobles continue to serve in the Eight Regiments from 20–45, though they are only required to serve three months annually and attend monthly refresher exercises. The Cabeza commissions a council consisting of scholar-bureaucrats to standardize Sillan orthography and orders the establishment of grammar schools in all major settlements to facilitate the development of a large literati and improve communication between the Empire's regions. Within conquered territories, numerous small garrison-towns referred to as "colonies" are established and settled with 500 military nobles each. These also serve to ease the assimilation of the area's inhabitants and integration into Sillan society. There is an elaboration of equestrian culture, with new varieties being bred for warfare, sport, but also as draft and companion animals. Idle land is converted to create farmland, while large-scale deforestation of surrounding terrain commences. The intercropping of aquatic plants (specifically lotus, water spinach, and water caltrops) with wet-paddy rice; as well as perennial fruit-bearing trees (coconut and plantains) surrounding each paddy, is done to improve the productivity of the land and provide a secondary source of food. Root crops are planted in hilly terrain to further maximize agricultural output. The establishment of grain banks, and the construction of latrines, drainage, and communal baths, has led to a decrease in the transmission of disease and better nutrition; thus leading to a population boom. A census is ordered to better determine potential military resources in an event of a large-scale military campaign.


If you still need to post in the old turn you may do so.

Several estranged members of the Cassanderean Dynasty manage to flee from Azoz and establish a foothold in the Kingdom of Tuatha-Danann. One of the claimants, Cassander Medanius, marries into a high ranking noble family, while another, Andipedes, becomes a well-respected mercenary.

The city of Ebracomon falls to the Drakan invaders in a costly siege, which the people of Benyisra see as punishment for straying from the laws of God. The remaining kingdom sends a proposal that they are willing to become a vassal of Draka, if they can continue to practice their religion and customs. A great number of people from the kingdom flee elsewhere, populating new settlements outside the kingdom.

The Spauldians still reject the demand from Exhula, and manage to gain some supplies and weapons from the nearby nations, all of who do not want to see Exhula expand further. They also ask for help from Sillas, a nation who they share a border with in the east.

A small rebellion breaks out in the Xüonai colony of Lueht, as natives of the region resist the rapid claiming of their lands by the Xüonai authority on the coast.

An ambitious Mesallian king named Symander, who rules over a city on the western coast of the Emalian Delta, succeeds in launching a military campaign to subjugate the tribes who inhabit the region between Emalia and Mesallas. Emalia likewise takes interest in the west for the first time.

The collection of tribes east of Qera, who were armed and developed decades earlier with the help of Exhula, harass Qeran settlers in the region during Qera's attempt to claim the east. A tribal leader named Yupanqesin founds one of the first cities known of in the interior, harassing both Qeran and Exhulan settlers as needed, and uniting many of the surrounding tribes under his leadership.

  • Mang: Expansion is starting by the Mangi officials, while Fuki is dividing regions up for Mang. These include Karkiei, a region where the capital sits, and the major port area, Solmanisk, a region where most homeless hang out, because nothing sits there and most homes are built from the trees that Mang offers, Holikin, where the agricultural part of Mang lies, which is the capital of agriculture across Mang, and the Gholek region, where homes are also built from wood, but most minerals lie there, which does boost Mang's agricultural and riches up. The region where the Mangis are expanding to will be known colloquially as the Utoki region.
  • Xüonai: A small band of natives in Lueht rebel, and a contingent of slavers are sent to deal with them. Armed by Xüonai provided materials, they put down the rebellion, and in doing so, capture the majority of the native population and convert them to slaves. At this point, Xüonaisl are the largest ethnic groups in most of the colonies except Ouayi, which is dominated by Weritszians natives, although they have a high approval rating of the government as there is no nationalism toward Weritsz, as that hasn't really developed, and their trading of cacao and coffee beans sponsored by the government had made the middle-class expand rapidly, compared to the large wealth gap when Weritsz owned the islands. For the first time in a few decades, a single letter reaches Darna, asking to demilitarize their border with us, although it is expected that they will deny and send us a flurry of insults. The emperor adopts a policy of ignorance, ignoring any insults sent by Darna unless they declare war on us or tell us something important, of which the latter is not expected. WIP
  • Kingdom of Azoz: It was around this time that the remainder of Azoz succeeded in being united under the new Chatna Dynasty, especially under its first leader and avid chess master Chatnaguri. The new king instated laws to fomally centralize the kingdom once again, outlawing the use of militaries by private nobles. Naturally, this was seen as moot by the other city-states as it was a law that couldn't be enforced. Chatnaguri then declared them all to be in rebellion, and raised his own army heavily relying on resources of the new northern territory. Teman was the first to peacefully admit being subjugated by Azoz. The war came to a head as Chatnaguri waged several battles of attrition against Gerrier, but by sheer luck in the third battle Gerrier was knocked off his horse by a low-hanging branch, and was struck dead by the enemy. Once the city-state fell in chaos, Chatnaguri took over, incoporating their entire military as his own. To cement control over the central region, the new king went forward with marrying the widow of Gerrier, Ilesebetta. With the mighty armies of Ishbak combined with the natural resources of Teman and Azoz, it became a simple matter to sweep down in two different campaigns to subjugate the remainder of the nations. At this point in time, the last of the Drokksites were driven completely out of Frasnoq, with 300 of the last followers hanged on crosses by the sea. With the colonies of Fotashe and Uriel being so small and dependent on the mainland, once the respective cities fell they immediately capitulated, except for one very minor sea battle by a military mutiny. Chatnaguri worked to centralize the kingdom into a unitary state, combining the militiaries of the various city-states into a standing, professional army in the style of Ishbak. He also designed the first complete standard for Azoz, combining the symbols of Ulm as a bull's head and pentagram on a red background. The navies of Saraita and Langui were largely left unchanged, almost retaining their former status as more autonomous entities. His son, Thalut, was carefully trained in all forms of stately and military matters, and treated as almost a junior king for a later succession. As the Cassanderan dynasty was now rulers of Tuartha, their distant relatives, Chatnaguri made consistent emnity with them, and instructed his son how one day they ought to destroy the Cassanderans and reuinite all of Azoz's territory. Thus was the end of the Ebony Era. More apostles continue to be sent to convert Valun, Eskaladun, and the tribes which are now touched by the Enulmians.
  • Yannis Empire: The Anointed One receives the news from the Darnans and agrees that the nations of the continent should cooperate to live in prosperity. After which, he expresses disgust that the nation of Xüonai is now enslaving those same people. The nation’s military invents scale armor as a new way of armoring soldiers. The elite soldiers of the army are slowly upgraded to include the material. The nation begins employing new forms of heavy cavalry, with the horse rider and the horse itself being cloaked in light scale armor, and the rider being equipped with a long lance. By this time the northwestern provinces have grown enough to warrant a series of new roads stretching up to the border with Xüonai, and in the north across Dijunga. In the east Holy Men spread the Yannian faith into Weritsz and the new provinces freely. A brief campaign is launched to raid and subjugate the regions in the far northeast, up to the river, and the army is partially successful.
    • In Mesallas: The governor of Yannian Mesallas decides to demonstrate Yannian strength over that of Karissa, and seeks to subjugate the Kingdom of Idasimos, who Karissa was only narrowly able to defeat. Elsewhere settlement in Mesallas by Holy Men from the Yannis Empire is heavy in the northwest region of the Melopenes Peninsula. The governor thanks the Darnans for their gift of heathens for sacrifice, and under this influence, bans the sale of Xüonai’s slaves completely. He also states, and this is largely due to Mesallian influence in his court, that extraction of slaves in Mesallas or the surrounding waters by anyone will be treated as piracy and will be harshly punished.
    • Xüonai Diplomacy: We justify our enslaving by saying Darna has been enslaving our people for generations, and we feel the right to do the same.
  • Qaryaat: Prince Adiyyl of the newer Najmi dynasty is crowned in Makra. This marks the end of a relatively uninteresting period of Qaryaati history. We expand east into the Mediterranean climate lands east of us. Meanwhile, explorers are sent to explore the coastline to the west of us. Diplomats are sent across the gulf/sea/bay/whatever to the Irian kingdom of Solcia with an alliance and trade offer. Along with the alliance, we will trade our spices, dates, dragon's blood tree resin from Saqqatra, dyes, and incense for their stone and whatever else they may have to offer. We will also share our map knowledge with them and we ask for map knowledge from them, too. (IRIAN RESPONSE NEEDED) A temple is built in Makra, and holy texts specific to the Qaryaati religion (later called Pehraism). A national census is conducted.
    • Solcian Diplomacy: King Nassohalus of Solcia receives the envoys from the land of Qaryaat in his palace at Seuthai. He is greatly pleased with their trade proposal, and promises an alliance with their people. He dismisses the subject of maps, but gives the diplomats a small etched token depicting the earth encircled by a great oceanic river.
    • Qaryaati Dip: King Adiyyl is glad that the trade proposal and the alliance were accepted. However, he requests to know more about what Solcia has up for trade.
    • Solcian Dip: The Solcians, for their part, are trading wine, wool, grain, cut stone, wood and shipbuilding materials.
    • Qaryaati Dip: We will gladly accept the trade deal with the kingdom of Solcia. We also gladly enter the alliance with Solcia.
  • Mesallian Culture: The successful war waged by Karissa, albeit mostly inconclusive, continued the city’s dominance during the period of Karissan Hegemony. Over the course of the next several years Xenander kept the peace on Karissa’s end, although his successor, Lepides, renewed Karissan intervention around the region. First the Yannian governor in Mesallas, Teloc’zepoc II, attempted to subjugate Idasimos, which Karissa continued to maintain was a violation of the peace agreement. Nevertheless, a Yannian army landed in the region and managed to subdue the kingdom after a brief war. Additionally it is likely that the nation of Temayal aided in this effort, as they were a Yannian kingdom bordering the state directly. All the while Karissa sent increasingly high levels of aid and men to the state, who had until recently been the city’s enemy. In the second year of the 33rd Jafiad (Year 343) the Kingdom of Idasimos agreed to become a vassal of the Yannis Empire, but around the same time the ruler of Ephenus, the king named Persitades, who controlled the region northwest of Ema, sought to expand his influence to the entirety of the Ema Delta. Ephenus had already gained influence over most of the western one-half of the delta, and at the time of the Yannian invasion was in a position to invade Idasimos. To this end Persitades convinced Karissa to lend its support to him, and he managed to secure the city soon after. This prompted a new response from Temayal, who Persitades would do battle with for the rest of his reign, as would his successors. Elsewhere, Karissa expanded its influence to the island of Elapheros, as well as other minor possessions, in an effort to prevent Yannis from doing so in the south Gabatrian Sea. In the west the Mesallians of the region supported the descendants of Cassander in Azoz and then the Kingdom of Tuatha-Danann. Both the states of Salarinos and Igounematis, who had historically fought with the House of Lóegaris for dominance over the kingdom, supported the noble Cassander Medanius. At this time the king in Tuathna-Danann died, leaving Cassander with a claim to the kingdom. Salarinos and Igounematis, among others, lended soldiers to his cause, and even though he was a relative newcomer to the kingdom, he was eventually elevated to the position of king. This was also aided by the large Mesallian population within the kingdom, particularly in the northeast. The king brought with him many Azozian customs to the kingdom, in addition to being Ulmian as well, but also was tolerant of Mesallian beliefs, which had been less welcome under Lóegaris’ dynasty. During this time several developments also occurred in the south. The Kingdom of Erasidon grew considerably, thanks in part to a major port on the Gabatrian Sea. This allowed goods to travel through Erasidon to be shipped north, as a means of bypassing the Phydinians, the fierce tribe that controlled the land where the Melopenes Peninsula met the mainland. This new found wealth also brought the state unwanted attention, and sporadically during the rest of the century the kingdom was forced to swear fealty to Usinilago, or other nearby states. After the costly war against Karissa, Agira also turned their attention toward the south. With its port on the Lydonian Sea, the city planned to force the Phydinians into allowing Agiran traders through its territory. To this end the city appealed to the Water Merchants, one of the most influential groups of the south, and together the two fought a brief war to force the Phydinians to allow Agiran/Water Merchant trade exclusively. Karissa did not take much note of this, although the city did support Erasidon during a brief revolt against Usinilago, ensuring its goal of control over the Gabatrian Sea continued. The Water Merchants created a trade route over land going to Agira for the first time in centuries, which also helped the city recover. The Cult of Lementer would take notice, and it is recorded that several rulers of Agira in a row were either assassinated, pushed out of office, or otherwise influenced by the cult. When that failed, the cult managed to get a Lementarian elected in the city, but by that time it was unable to totally curb the influence of the Water Merchants.
  • Hythia: Years 48-57 of the Reign of Hythus. Myrnech Ayan continues her reign, now the longest living leader of Gyt or Hythia. A series of cities is founded along the length of the river Tythies, Hyt, Syn, Uyast, and Cy. Each is constructed a day’s ride from the others along the great river (7 px), and granaries and central plazas constructed. A grand temple to Hythus is built in Gyt itself, constructed of imported stone, the great temple shall take another two decades to complete. Its form is that of Mount Hythus, the mountain of fire (Square Conical). At the top there is great recess where sacrificial animals are to be given to Hythus. The temples is expected to be the greatest building in Gyt with a height higher than the tallest trees (200 feet). The presence of missionaries in the tribes to the south and west inevitably leads to a great mingling of cultures. It also leads to a great exodus from Gyt as the second and third sons of poorer Partunarch-classes seeks marriageable wives with lands. Many of these nobles travel south and mix with the tribes there, spreading their religion and influencing the dialects spoken across this vast plain. The Myrnech is pleased by this development, and she actively begins encouraging this spread.
  • In Silla, the rapidly emerging warrior culture becomes increasingly entrenched into Sillan society. The prominence of the equestrian culture has resulted in polo becoming the Empire's main sport, though contact sports also experience a surge in popularity – especially among off-duty military nobility. Cabeza Sanza promulgates the "Sanzian Code", which establishes a more comprehensive legal and criminal code, affirms all Sillan's right to vote, and establishing provisions on marital relations. In order to better administer newly-incorporated territories and the facilitate the development of the Empire's frontier regions, a large comprehensive centralized bureaucracy is established. All administrative units (with the exception of the Three Cities) are designated into three categories depending on the number of inhabitants: provincial capitals, autonomous municipalities, and dependent municipalities. All of these send tribute (in the form of grain or bullion) to the Three Cities semi-annually. The greater degree of centralization leads to heightened revenue and greater ability to conscript infantry; thus allowing greater military expenditure. Also to facilitate control over newly-incorporated territories and appease its inhabitants, pantheons (incorporating all local deities) are established in all major settlements – with the largest and most elaborate in the city of Haynera (the most prominent of the Three Cities). This structure aptly referred to as the "Grand Pantheon", has over eighty large bronze statues of the God of War, as well as hundreds of statuettes of lesser deities. A division of labor develops between the Three Cities, with Suziou becoming a center of commerce and mercantile activity, Baselona becoming the center of arms production, and Haynera serving as the de facto seat of government. In order to facilitate interregional communications, Sillan is promoted as the lingua franca and grammar schools are established to provide instruction in Sillan. In addition, canals and roads are constructed – leading to increased interregional trade and settlement. State-owned iron foundries and workshops are built, manufacturing armor (iron-based brigandine or lamellar armor for military nobility, leather-based armor for conscripts) and weapons en masse; including composite bows, polearms, lances, and sabers. The production of porcelain, silk, tea, and jewelry increases to fuel both growing domestic and external demand, providing a source of tax revenue. Protectionist policies are established to incur a trading surplus. Indigo (a natural dye), exotic fruit, and fiber crops are also cultivated. Idle land is converted to create farmland, while large-scale deforestation of surrounding terrain commences. The intercropping of aquatic plants (specifically lotus, water spinach, and water caltrops) with wet-paddy rice; as well as perennial fruit-bearing trees (coconut and plantains) surrounding each paddy, is done to improve the productivity of the land and provide a secondary source of food. Root crops are planted in hilly terrain to further maximize agricultural output. The establishment of grain banks, and the construction of latrines, drainage, and communal baths, has led to a decrease in the transmission of disease and better nutrition; thus leading to a population boom. The average woman now bears four or five (of which around three survive to adulthood) children instead of three or four, breaking decades of population stagnancy. This can be attributed to increased farmland, and settlement of the frontier.
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: Tsar Alexei III passes away at the age of 98 and is succeded by his daughter who takes the name of Anastasia I. The tsarina makes the yearly trip to the Dodo temple and receives the blessing from it. We begin expanding our navy.
  • Realm of the Northern Saemonites: Tiphrata III reign from 327 is cut short after he is found dead in the year 331, with his son Abieshu I taking the role as King. The adventures of the heroes Akki and Anshar take place this decade, and their events are recorded in an epic. The construction of the Hanging Gardens of Arazna is made around this date. The first national library is founded in 334, containing a majority of written texts within the nation. Expansion is made to the northeast, passed the river, by 5 px.
  • Bangorian Kingdom: with Konig Alphonse comes to power after his father's death. Alphonse addresses the militaristic question and what should be done with the Anglenites. With the population boom leading to many new settlements being established, road networks advance with the expansion of domestic trading. The cavalry sees a large amount of expansion while the traffic along the channel increases with merchants alike. Discontent for the Anglenites grow and as a result, an invasion is planned out using our cavalry as a main method of assault. The book of Bangorian laws and customs is established by the royal council and is published and placed within the capitol library. Clay and marble structures see development for religious practices as well. The library of Bruden is opened as well to scholars. The baby boom reaches new heights. Farming rises outside the cities providing plenty of food for the nation and its trade partners abroad.
  • Qera: When the eastern tribes rise up against Qera's expansion, the warrior caste, called Qxaneuo that was formed after the second Kisna war sees his first real battles. The highly skilled and deadly soldiers are mostly made up of Ualjaks and Qerans from the more southern region and have mostly replaced the conscripted peasant armies. Usual conscripted armies are still considered option, but the Ualjak forces are used for non-major conflicts. The first battle between the opposing sides occurs in 333, where 1,000 Qxaneuo clash with a tribe called the Wämeke with roughly the same size (MOD RESPONSE, PLEASE). It became a tradition to craft war trophies, but the disciplined men are now less of savages as they were some 150 years ago (even though they would still act like this if they get the permission). Captured leaders are often tortured and asked for information and later killed, in the hope that this will decentralize the tribes further. Captives are sent west and south to work the mines. By 335 the complete Wämeke tribe is either displaced and sent west or dead. Raidings of villages occur from time to time. Princess Zatlahe sends her husband to lead the attacks and motivate the men, where he manages to defeat the Macalla tribe, yet his men get often harassed by the Macalla. Many villages get wiped off the map in the hope to kill Yupanqesin or one of his relatives to make claims by his family over the territory impossible. Trade with the Ollehâtl continues and Princess Zatlahe starts to influence them politically, by offering to marry the Princess Zequene, a cousin of Zatlahe from a minor branch of the House of Rollver, to the Prince of Ollehâtl. Meanwhile, trade with the Adjiba starts slowly when the first spice merchants arrive at the Adjiban markets. Settlers are sent west now to expand the realm farther and satisfy the hunger for resources (expand 30 px to the west, 20 px become rural). Crown Princess Zira is mostly raised by her mother and is shaped by her, becoming a well-spoken and well-educated child. She and her mother move to Imbalama, and let it fortify in a similar manner to Ogaholle. The northern border becomes increasingly fortified with small citadels being built along the border to the north.
  • *Darna: The nation is glad to be in an alliance with the Yannis Empire and all the civilized nations of the continent, completely surrounding the desolate plane in the south that is Xüonai. In this position we demand that Xüonai immediately cease its barbaric slavery of civilized people, or we all will collectively put Xüonai down. Yannis will invade from the east and take its eastern provinces, the states of the west such as Molaga, Benekundon, and Zedisladana will invade from the west and liberate the provinces that Xüonai aggressively ravaged, Darna and Niani will invade from the north, and Mesallas will invade from the south. The tribe of Xüonai will be surrounded on all sides and will not be able to defend itself against such a large, highly trained army. The primates will therefore be vanquished from the earth once and for all. That is, unless they follow our just demand, which is simply to outlaw slavery in their land, stop attacking our allies and other peaceful lands, and turn over its prisoners back to their homelands. Luckily no Darnans have been captured by the pirates of Xüonai, and the Darnan navy, which is twice as big as that small tribe, will patrol the seas and stop any of their makeshift water crafts from harming the coasts. A census reports that we already have a population greater than the Xüonaians, and with all our allies around us we easily outnumber them. Meanwhile, in the capital, some merchants begin castrations on small boys from the pits, which produce a youthful sounding choir for the people of the city.
    • Xüonai Diplomacy: We happily agree, as we want peace at all costs, on one condition; Darna, Yannis, Benekundon, Niani, Zedislandia, and Molaga follow the exact same conditions as we do, as the states listed are hypocrites to all the terms they just demanded we follow; they enslaved our people, invaded us from the north when they first met us, and still allow slavery.
    • Darna:' We clarify that it is not hypocritical, because Darnans are human beings while Xüonaians are subhuman animals. Therefore there is nothing wrong with us keeping Xüonaians just like cattle, sheep, or any other livestock, but Xüonai is committing a crime against nature by attempting to force intelligent beings into slavery.
    • Xüonai Diplomacy: We appeal to Yannis and all other states that we are not to be treated like livestock, and Darna's attempt to demonize us shall not continue. We offer peace on the continent as long as Darna either backs down on the demands or follows them themselves. We promise not to declare war on anyone so long as no one attacks us.
  • Irian Culture: There is substantial evidence of Irian trade links to the southeast beginning in the early fourth century. Excavations at the gardens of Corcos and Capezus in Solcia reveal a number of artifacts believed to have originated in Qaryaat, one of the ancient "incense kingdoms". Irian merchants had a presence in Qaryaat by the middle of the century. Remarkably well-preserved foreign coins and bowls found in shipwrecks off Casseran give further credence to the importance of the Cetan maritime routes to merchants shipping their goods north or south.
  • Draka: The deal to become a vassal is agreed to. However, the Archon's sister is married into the royal house, leading that nation to become linked with the Draka aristocracy. (more to come.)
  • Exhula: We continue to expand despite the attempts by the other Northeastern nations to stop us, building three new major settlements very close to the Spauldian's Southern Border, planning to use them as a staging point for a campaign to conquer them in the future, as promisedHowever, we are not able to use the 16,000 soldiers that we raised and stationed in our territory in the region for that as we initially planned, as early in 334, shortly after the army entered Spauldians lands and after burning many villages and towns (but without leaving any bodies, so their isn’t enough evidence for the Spauldians to declare war on us) they receive new orders from Emperor Lorgar IV (as Sassigan II died in 326 but they did not receive this news until 334, and they were stationed in the region around 326, departing shortly before said death occurred). They soon leave the Spauldians lands, leaving as little evidence that they were responsible for the attacks into the Spauldians lands as possible (which is easier than it should be due to many villages and towns not having been touched yet and them leaving no survivors). Still due to attemlts that we’re being made to drive Spauldians citizens to the capital in preparation for a siege we had planned we know word will eventually reach them, and The Emperor personally writes a massive appology to The Spauldian High Cheif, Ricaard Of Spaulding, claiming that although members of the Exhulan army were responsible for the invasion of his territory and the burning of many of his lands, they had acted on their own and had no orders nor any approval from the Exhulan government, and that he had been recalled them immediately upon learning of their actions, and that he had the leaders of the army who ordered the invasion of the 1,000 soldiers (obviously not rally them, but instead scapegoats who were hated among the army and won’t be missed, who were involved in the campaign but obviously didn’t lead it or order it) that we claim we’re involved imprisoned in Siccarius dungeons currently and that if they wished, they could deliver them into his custody to do with as he liked, as their punishment and a way of apology. We also offer 1,000 Exhulan Aurels in cash (that is A LOT of money, trust me) and over 3,000 slaves as compensation for his losses. We even offer to marry Emperor Lorgar. Meanwhile, the army of 16,000 is taken command of by the Emperor while his only son out of his three children, Sassigan, stays in Siccarius to run the Empire. They travel to our southern colonies and from there they enter into Sayalen, the region where the various tribes Qera claims “rebelled” against them despite it never being their territory live in their several city-states, and their name for it. We quickly occupy the city-states of Valeya, Qytrohae, Tyrothos, and Relyaeya before their governments are able to respond to the surprise occupation. However, we inform them that this is a temporary measure and we are only occupying them temporarily for the purpose of protecting them against Qeran aggression, not attempting too conquer them, and the fact that we have been trading partners for a long time and we have not actively settled the region for over a century support this, allowing Lorgar to convince them to help him drive out Qera if it is necessary. They raise 4,000 troops altogether, which is a major strain but is seen as worth it by them, and then we march to the city that is currently being occupied by Qera, Marcalla, the former home of the Macallatribewith our combined 20,000 troops. We also capture Yupanqesin when he willingly comes to us, and we keep him protected and in our care as a bargaining chip and as a rallying point for the diffrent tribes. However, rather than immediately doing battle Lorgar and his brother Vassigran, who is in command, agree to meet on neutral ground with a retinue of ten men as a bodyguard, while their most trusted subordinates remained in command of their respective armies in case of a surprise attack from either side, despite neither of them expecting such to happen. When their they chat amicably and catch up for some time before they finally get down to the true reason they were there, negotiations between them so that they don’t have to fight each other. Although Lorgar initially only intended to convince Vassigran and the Qeran armies to leave Sayalen (or if they couldn’t be convinced to do that to annex Marcalla and the former Wämeke lands alone and leave the rest to govern themselves, since the tribes of the Sayelen region are major trading partners of ours and we do not desire to see them wiped out, which seemed to be what Qera was intending to do and was why we chose to intervene to begin with) in exchange for large amounts of compensation and many economic concessions, and obviously in exchange for not attacking Qera, but during the initial talk Lorgar realizes his brother has grown to increasingly resent and hate his wife for isolating him from their daughter, who he barely ever gets to see, let alone talk to, due to Zarteles determination to raise her as loyal to her despite carrying the Aurelian surname and for blocking him from any form of power besides as a military commander, despite the fact he had no plans to subvert her rule or power or that of Qera, despite his attempts to increase Exhulan influence over the Princedom. This especially becomes apperent when Vassigra bitterly mentions that the Princess and their daughter Zira have moved recently to the city Imbalama and have started having it fortified in a manner similar to the capital and intend to run the empire from that location, but Zartele has informed him that he is going to keep running Ogaholle when he returns from the war and won’t even be in the same city as his daughter. This gives Lorgar a new idea, especially since most of the Qeran soldiers under Vassigra are more loyal to their usual commander (who is loyal to Vassigra) than to the state of Qera itself, since the concept of a nation dosnt really exist yet and even as a warrior caste they still become fiercely devoted to their comrades, and thus their leader, than to the state as a whole. He expresses sympathy for his brother and extreme anger toward Zartele for how she has behaved (neither of which is faked) and in the heat of the moment spits out that they should just depose her if they want Vassigra to see his daughter again. Although initially this was just an idea spit out in anger, Lorgar realises that if they attempted such a military coup d'état now while the opportunity was open it would have a good chance of succeeding and would result In vastly increased Exhulan influence over Qera while also solving his brother's problem. Vassigra, although he is initially extremly shocked and angered by the offer, actully becomes surprisingly receptive to the idea once he thinks about it more and Lorgar proceeds to offer the support of Exhula and its allies if he does attempt such a thing, and asks if he will accept it and launch such a coup (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED!). If he accepts then Lorgar sends 6,000 of his troops northwest to Ghisnar to guard the border with Qera and assault it if necessary while he and his brother begin a march into Qera toward Imbalama, which is still being fortified and is unaware of the danger at this time, with his remaining 10,000 Exhulan soldiers, the 4,000 vengance hungry soldiers of Sayalen who are willing to temporarily set aside their grudge against Vassigra to get revenge on Qera as a whole, and most of the soldiers who were under his command, who view this as meerly a change of rulers not a forigen invasion, with the march on Imbalama beginning in 340 with the battle of Imbalama expected to occur in 343. If he refuses than he is attacked and captured by the soldiers his brother had hidden nearby while his bodyguards are all killed to prevent Qeran knowlege of Lorgar’s proposal, and Vassigra is imprisoned as Lorgar does not wish to kill his brother, with Lorgar then taking command of the Exhulan army and launching an attack on the Qeran army to capture the city, although our bets are done to minimize Qeran casualties and afterward, Lorgar sends a letter to Zartele explaining he doesn’t want a war and that he will return all his prisoners and heavily compensate Qera if she agrees to pull Qeran troops out of Sayalen and end her occupation of their territory (ALGORITHM NEEDED IF VASSIGRA SAYS NO). Elsewhere in the Empire, The settlement of the region between the three rivers, which becomes known as Gtuslrossia (West Of Irrosia), with four new settlements being created, named Ylila, Bloros, Syithron, and Wygol, with Wygol especially becoming very important and beginning its path to later become the administrative capital of the entire colony next turn and for a long time after. We continue to forcibly drive any natives out of the region as we move farther west, forcing many to flee far from the rivers into the lands beyond, where they often fight with the Natives of that region. They end up conquering and settling the region throughout the turn, begining to form a new nation. Trade also continues to increase with both Sillas and Olmac, and slowly it begins to resume with the Northeastern nations despite our absolutly despising Teninukal, as we aren’t at war and despite disliking them trade is still profitable. We also send hundreds of Hcctaal missionaries into Sayalenfor the first time ever, as they have now developed sufficiently for preachers to feel safe entering their lands and living among their people. They attempt to convert many of the tribesmen to the Hcctaal religion, something made easier by the fact that the gods worshiped by the Sayalen are varied and many, but their religion is overall very disorganized and dosnt even have an official priesthood, meaning their are far fewer existing religious authorities besides individual preachers and worshipers to oppose the very organized Hcctaal preachers (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED!). We also launch an expiditon to explore another 60 px east of our second most eastern island. Finally, trade with both Yannis and Xüonai continues, and we decide to offer our Yannian allies the opportunity to buy the city of Ibsenwhich we founded prior to Yannis request not to colonize past the northernmost river and prior to the signing of the Treaty of Fahnatwi, and which has long served as a major center of trade with Yannis and Xüonai. 
    • Kingdom of the Irrosian Isles: Trade continues with both Xüonai and Yannis and continues to make the Irrosian Kingdom increasingly rich as slaves, spices, iron, dyes, sugar, and many other products pass through the isles as a major center of trade. Archeolgical evidence shows that this was most likely around the time the first of many Irrosian Sugar plantations would be set up as, inspired by Xüonai, many of those who own land throughout the isles, usually the wealthy elite who are usually the sons and grandsons of Famous Pirates who served Rogar and were rewarded with land (almost always connected to the coast since they made their riches through piracy and trade and the wealth elite continue to rely on this) once Irrosia became its own kingdom. Although they would continue to rely on trade and piracy to enrich themselves, many of these Irrosian nobles find an alternative and extremely profitable trade in sugar, which is why they began to purchase much of the archipelago's inner farmland from its owners (the people living on it usually cant really say no to the purchase due to how high above them these nobles are in status) and repurpose the land to grow and harvest sugarcane instead of traditional food crops such as Wheat, Corn, and Potatoes, which instead become grown less and less. These nobles who now own said land then begin a process of settling many newly purchased slaves into the farmland, where they do most of the hard and deadly work of collecting, harvesting, and processing the sugar, with many dying in the process, with those who can't work or who get to severly injured too do soo either being killed or sold off to the many slave markets throughout the Archipelago. As a direct result of this the kingdom begins the process of becoming less and less self sufficient due to its focus on growing cash crops rather than on growing food, although it will not become fully reliant on exports until a long time after this. Although the regular landless poor and citizens of the isles are still perfectly capable of doing the dangerous work of harvesting and growing the sugarcane and often maintained their farms for regular growing of food to feed themselves in this period, most had absolutely no desire to do so due to the harsh and deadly conditions of the work. Instead, many of those who formerly would have worked on those farms begin joining the crews of ships and serving as pirates, both to make a living for themselves and, more often, to send money back home to their families. This further cements the status of piracy as a normal and perfectly legitimate way to make a living in Irrosia in addition to trade, which also makes it more common, despite Irrosia already being a major center of piracy. The North Sea Slave Trade also continues to become increasingly profitable and common in Irrosia, and as a result, many Irrosian Pirates and members of the noble families that fund them begin raiding the northeastern nations of Teninukal and Makuku for slaves and for loot, and they also begin a frequent process of raiding the unclaimed lands north of the northeast nations and enslaving their inhabitants, although they do not generally target Beraba due to it being a harder target. Many also go in the opposite direction and begin establishing dens of piracy farther north past the Xüonaisl and Yannian held parts of Irrosia and begin frequently preying on the ships of those nations we are not allies with. They also raid the many unclaimed lands to the far northeast for the same purposes as the raids on the continent Beraba is on.
  • Syres: The nation sends an ambassador to the new regime in the Kingdom of Tuatha-Danann, as the nation does not object to the change in government, and going forward would like to make a good impression with the new king. As such, the nation sends a small amount toward crushing those opposed to the nation’s government, and begins trading with the new state in earnest. A small quarter in the kingdom’s capital emerges for Syresian settlers and merchants, who bring goods from Tuatha-Danann through the largely Neum-dominated entrance into the sea for sale elsewhere. At this time the office of king became increasingly eroded, and in the city a revolt was launched by the Hensa, with the support of the aristocracy and citizenry, which formally evicted the last elected king. Instead the Hensa decided that henceforth the office of king would be split in two, with these two officials being elected for only one year terms, instead of for life. The last king of the old system, Saphemus, managed to flee the city, launching an attempted retaking of the city from the west. He was stopped in a battle outside the city, where according to legend the people of the city personally stopped him from entering. Saphemus managed to flee by sea to the western territories, where he persuaded the governor in Canim to join his side. The city’s new leadership ordered an army be raised to return order to the west, and at the Battle of Lake Quenana, Saphemus was defeated and forced to flee from Syres completely. This would mark the last time he ever attempted to retake the city personally, dying soon after while in exile, but many of his descendants would continue the claim to the city. Within the city a sense of liberty, staunchly opposed to monarchy, began to develop, aided by myths of the deity Liberty guiding the early state. The early state used the Cult of Liberty to its advantage, promoting its worship heavily among the city’s pantheon.
  • Beraba: The nation is startled by the appearance of slave ships off the coast. The Crown Princes of Beraba, which now include Votan of House Kitsur among their ranks, decide that they need to know more about the world around them and do more to defend their citizens. The first order of business is to establish a formal navy, assembling the most knowledgeable seafarers in the nation to captain the new ships that are commissioned to defend the coastline from raiders and slavers. More explorations are commissioned, specifically east up the Cinhoedl River and south around the Makuku states. Another permanent settlement is built on the edge of Lake Conylt to the east, governed by a junior prince from House Hjadra. Additionally, a royal wedding is proposed between House Samasoni (who are joined in marriage to house Tayanita) and the rulers of Gahren to increase the political influence of Beraba.
    • The ruler of Gahren agrees to wed one of his children to a potential suitor from House Samasoni, hoping to being the nations of Beraba and Gahren closer together.


You may continue to post in the old turn if you still need to.

Qera’s army of 1,000 Qxaneuo is decisively defeated in the eastern lands. The tribes of the region harass the approaching army by sabotaging their supplies and using guerrilla tactics. When a decisive battle does occur, the Qerans are heavily outnumbered, and 885 Qerans are killed or captured overall.

Ships from Solcia, which were dispatched by King Nassohalus to begin trading with the nation of Qaryaat, also discover the nation of Draka while following the coast. They return to Solcia with word of the nation to the southeast.

After Draka’s subjugation of the Kingdom of Benyisra a number of refugees flee to the city of Jodan in the east, which becomes a small kingdom between Draka and Eldebethias. Likewise Benyisians also form colonies on the western coast, or settle in the lands of Qaryaat.

After the unification of Azoz, partially terminating the autonomy the cities of Fashnoq had enjoyed in favor of centralized Azozian rule once more, the governors of Fashnoq proper and the coast align behind a noble named Desemon, who launches a rebellion for Fashnoqian independence. In the colony of Uriel there is a period of violence, as the Fashnoqian and Azozian settlers fight with each other. The small colony of Fotashe, however, remains peaceful.

The Hcctaal missionaries sent by Exhula to Sayalen are mostly rejected by the native people, as although they do not share an organized religion region-wide, they still individually hold strong religious beliefs and customs, and additionally most of the population is still highly against the foreign influences of Qera or Exhula.

Vassigra accepts the offer from Lorgar to attempt to take over Qera via coup. However, almost immediately afterward he falls ill and dies unexpectedly. Additionally, although some people of the south are willing to work with the Exhulans, most demand that that the Exhulan army vacate the territory as well. Elsewhere, the Spauldians accept the Exhulan apology and gifts.

A pirate lord from the Irrosian Isles captures a small island northwest of Phoritheon and creates his own lordship, which he names Marensa, after his ship.

A few missionaries from Hythia arrive in Eldebethias (the Ten Cities), but they are all turned away. Ten envoys arrive to Hythia, informing them that Eldebethias follows the pantheon of the Ten Gods, and they have no use for an eleventh. Elsewhere in the south, the proselytization is more successful.

  • Hythia: Years 58-67 since the Return of Hythus. Myrnech Ayan dies in her 67th year, having ruled the city for nearly three decades. Her successor, her grandson, Myrnech Rythus quickly organizes power under his rule. In an effort to expand he launches another expedition over the mountains in the east, this time through the Cartor Pass. The Grand Temple of Hythus continues begins beeing constructed and will require another decade to complete. Myrnech Rythus doubles-down on his grandmother's encouragement of the mixing of Gytan nobles with the tribes to the south. Under his rule another 200 second and third sons of lower nobility travel to these lands and take wives of relatively high station amongst the tribes. For instance, in the small Jita Tribe to the southwest, three Gytan nobles find wives with the principal families of the tribe. The overall influence of these nobles continues to grow, and Myrnech Rythus hopes that their loyalty to Hythia and Hythus will one day lead their tribes to join the true people without struggle. The great armory of Gyt is expanded once more with large bloomeries. Water wheels are built, in the style of the Tythorus, to power hammer that smash ore into the small sizes needed for smelting. The decades of war have seen the development of new forms of weapons and armor. Iron plates, woven together with rawhide or leather, become common among the nobles of the Unar. Those without access to iron choose instead to make the same with layers of hardened rawhide. The horse istelf begins to change with the tides of war. Indeed, warhorses are selectively bred for speed, bravery, and size while smaller horses are bred for maneuverability and speed for the outriders. Armored helms of iron also have appeared over the last decades, and have become widespread.
  • Kingdom of Azoz: Daesmon's rebellion is largely seen by historians as a reaction to the Frasnoqan culture being displaced by the integration in Azoz. Some have theorized if this was the actual origin of the cultural split between Frasnoq and Azoz culture, as information prior to the destruction of books in Azoz is sketchy. Daesmon's greater noble house of Moonbear certainly had a larger influence over the nobles not yet annexed by Chatna. Chatnaguri dispatched his son, Thalut, on his first military expedition to crush the Moonbear rebellion. Thalut organized the professional military of Azoz on a specific strategy, dividing the Frasnoq forces in three groups and surrounding each, then converging on to besiege the capital itself. One anecdote said that as the city walls were set on fire, Daesmon the Moonbear flung himself off the walls rather than wanting to be taken alive. Later that decade, Chatnaguri took more harsh measures to forcefully integrate the remaining Frasnoq people. All nobility was abolished, and completely replaced by appointed Satraps over each city-state. The Frasnoq cities were given Frasnoq Satraps, but many cities were occupied by Azoz settlers coming from Saraita and Langui. In order to avoid further conflict, Frasnoqan settlers are heavily restricted in Uriel. Chatnaguri re-established considerable trade, exporting alumite and copper to cities in Mesallia, and offering alliances to both the Water Merchants and Agira. 
  • Silla: A large arsenal is constructed in the Three Cities, consisting of roughly two dozen workshops and hundreds of iron bloomeries, and employing a total of ~2,000 workers. To facilitate mass production, and ensure the quality of each product, the units of measurement and weight are standardized. As a result of these efforts, a high quantity of high-quality reflex bows, iron-tipped arrows (including a limited quantity of incendiary arrows), as well as melee weapons such as polearms (poleaxes, pikes, and lances) and swords of varying lengths. The production of lamellar armor remains low and remains under the responsibility of small-scale private operations manned largely by highly-skilled artisans and craftsmen. As a result, it is reserved for the military nobility. The Cabeza increases the funding to the Ministry of Public Works and the Ministry of War, resulting in several major discoveries – namely, the invention of the crossbow (albeit using bronze-based mechanisms). While noted to have a slower rate of firing and a lower accuracy rate, its longer range (owing to its higher projectile velocity) and ability to be used with little training leads to the Cabeza seeing its potential to be used as auxiliaries to inflict attrition on enemy forces from a range; and as a result, she commissions the production of ~500 units for experimental use. The Cabeza herself also invents the "volley formation", after instructing mounted archers to dismount and organize themselves into three rows in order to maximize their collective rate of fire and concentration – decimating the forces of an attempted raid. As a result of this revelation and many other observations made during wars against tribal polities, she adds this to the "Art of War" – which basically advocates for an offensive strategy of using ranged weaponry to inflict attrition on enemy troops, prior to a decisive engagement by cavalry – using their heightened mobility to break through enemy forces and disorient them, and to evade hits. It also advocates for tactics such as flanking, encirclement, and the frequent usage of psychological warfare through deception (such as feigned retreat), exaggerating the size of forces (through lighting more torches at night, using multiple horses, and surprise engagements) to demoralize the enemy. To increase the number of military nobility, the threshold is raised from the top 5% to the top 10% of test-takers. Small-scale military campaigns are waged across border territories – completely conquering the southwest, and northern and eastern territory up to the mountains. A total of 12 fort-towns (four each in each cardinal direction) consisting of an initial population of ~500 or so military personnel (plus locals) are set up in these conquered territories. These fort-towns serve as a model of Sillanization, centers of regional trade, and the site of pantheons incorporating local beliefs; thus consolidating and ensuring Sillan control over these territories. After encountering a fairly organized barbarian tribe now known as the "Súbaudise" (an approximation of "Spauldians", an expedition of 2,000 cavalrymen accompanied by 8,000 infantry and auxiliaries (transported in horse-carried vehicles) are sent to conquer them – being led by the Cabeza's cousin, Sarase. The first five settlements spotted is encircled with a mere force of ~200 cavalrymen (divided into two groups) and razed to the ground; though none of its inhabitants are deliberately killed and are instead sent to warn others – instilling fear in the population while also destabilizing the enemy's cities through an influx of refugees. Upon meeting enemy forces, the cavalrymen are divided into four army groups. The first army group charge, inflicting attrition with their reflex bows (superior to earlier bows). Approximately 300 meters away, they turn and feign retreat. Meanwhile, the three other already-positioned army groups charge at the flanks and rear of enemy forces, killing skirmishers and as many troops as possible from a range. The group that had feigned treat earlier returns to provide aid. One-half of the four army groups encircle the enemy in three formations–preventing any from entering or leaving while continuing to inflict attrition with their bows. Meanwhile, the remaining one-half switch to lances and engaging with enemy forces at a closer range; however, brigandine armor offering protection for the rider and their horse, while the height and mobility of the horse offer a greater range. While unaware of the enemy's numbers, forces are kept readily supplied by mounted auxiliaries that serve as supply carriers, while infantry (which are organized into a phalanx formation, using pikes or poleaxes) are divided into multiple groups to stall and warn of a potential surprise engagement, and to prevent them from wiping out a large number of troops in one concentrated attack. In defensive battles, infantry organized in a phalanx formation is used, while cavalrymen and other auxiliaries are used for skirmishing duties, so enemy forces can't exploit the relative vulnerability of the rear and the flanks. Within more heavily-forested areas, guerrilla tactics are utilized, with archers (either dismounting from their horse or not – depending on the density of foliage) targetting high-ranking military officials instead; prior to luring them to a more open spot – where they are encircled from all sides by cavalry so that infantry (organized in a phalanx formation) could effectively kill them en masse. Meanwhile, reflecting an increasingly militaristic culture horseback-riding, polo, archery (both on foot and horses), and hunting continue to gain popularity. Contact sports – meant to mimic cooperation in the battlefield – also gain popularity. In these activities, the beauty of the human form becomes increasingly emphasized – prompting off-duty military nobility to participate in rigorous exercise regimens to maintain their physique. A systematic and highly formalized form of concert dance known as "ballet" also emerges, being increasingly used in Sillan theatre. Accompanying these cultural developments is the increase in interest in the arts – particularly sculpturing - making (made of bronze) and the manufacture of intricately-decorated containers (usually made of white-glazed lacquerware). Latrines, drainage, and communal baths are built, reducing the transmission of disease. Meanwhile, canals (both for the purposes of irrigation and transportation) and roads are constructed to facilitate travel. Silk, porcelaneous wares, jewelry, tea, and other cash crops are produced for both export and domestic consumption. Large-scale deforestation continues, yielding land for rice paddies. Agricultural productivity increases due to the incorporation of intercropping, rudimentary fertilizer, and more efficient tools and machinery. Abortions (for married women) are discouraged but permitted under certain instances and by licensed physicians. People are encouraged to marry in their late teens to early 20's, heavily discouraging both extremely early and extremely late marriages – with the Ministry of Rites recommending an ideal age range of 18 to 22. Largely due to increased wealth and nutrition, women now bear an average of 5.5 children – of which around three survive until adulthood.
  • Mesallian Culture: During the 37th Jafiad (Year 348) the city of Karissa came to be ruled by Amindus, a young king who succeeded after the death of his father. He inherited a kingdom that retained loose hegemony over most of the Mesallian world, but its influence had begun to fade. The city sought a new strategy of garrisoning small armies in allied towns or near important cities, in an effort to deter the local population from rebelling. Also, it was negotiated that Karissans would be welcomed within Agira once more as a sign of continued peace, but this backfired when Agira’s new elected government called the move an “occupation”, and the Karissans within the city were surrounded and arrested. Likewise, in the town of Navos near Lamigis there was another garrison, and when this force attempted to aid the group in Agira they were repelled. The commander of this force, Menilades, was brought on charges back in Karissa, but when he was acquitted Lamigis decided to sign an alliance with Agira. THe Agirans also renewed the Belarian Confederacy, and set about liberating the rest of Belaria from Karrisan control. After a crucial battle in the central Melopenes, the Battle of Danum, was won by Agira, Meshwati joined the alliance as well. Meshwati dispatched two forces; one that traveled south and won another victory near Karissa, and a second that sailed around the peninsula to the Gabatrian Sea, which disrupted Karissa’s allies in the west. A temporary peace was created during the 38th Jafiad (Year 352) after over two years of fighting, but within a few months hostilities resumed. There was temporary infighting among the anti-Karissan alliance, after Agira advanced north and a number of anti-Agiran refugees settled in Meshwati. Despite this the alliance held, but Meshwati would insist on negotiating with the Karissans. A peace treaty was eventually concluded the following year, but after Agira insisted on signing on behalf of the entire Belarian Confederacy, Amindus personally crossed out Agira’s name from their peace agreement; war would continue, but it would be between Karissa and Agira head on. The Karissan king departed with 11,000 infantry and 1,000 cavalry, crossing toward Agira over the mountains rather than directly. This caught Agira by surprise, and the city gathered an army of only about one-half as many infantrymen, all under the command of Caemon. The two armies eventually met at Nucemia, where the decisive battle of the war, and one of the most important battles of Ancient Mesallian history, would be decided. The Agirans were facing a much more experienced force and highly outnumbered, but unexpectedly reinforcements arrived from the Water Merchants. 1,000 men from the southern campaign arrived, dead set on avenging the ancient fall of the Water Merchants at the hands of Karissa, some three centuries prior. Their arrival brought some much needed cavalry to the Agiran side, but they remained significantly outnumbered. The Karissans initiated combat by attacking with their skirmishers, which drove the Agirans back toward their camp. According to one source the outnumbered Agirans were actually attempting to withdraw, but unable to escape they were forced toward their camp, which inadvertently made their position stronger. Next the cavalry clashed, and the Agirans gained the upper hand. At this time in history the Mesallian way of war revolved around placing heavily armed infantry in a solid mass, usually with the most experienced unit at the far right, as a place of honor and to prevent drifting. The Karissans followed this tradition, with their elite infantry and the king personally on their right flank. Agira placed their remaining cavalry and a 50-deep column on the left flank, while their remaining infantry was placed to the right and back, creating a staggered line. On the left the mass of cavalry and infantry charged into the elite Karissans, the Water Merchant cavalry shouting “Cania!” moments before crashing into the enemy line. The result decimated the defending line, with 1,000 of Karissa’s best men and the king himself falling in battle. The battle ended in a miraculous victory, with about one-third of the Karissan force dead. Karissa was forced to end the war, but also end its decades-long hegemony over the Mesallian world. Instead, the Agiran Hegemony began, with Agira exerting influence over the former allies of Karissa.
  • Exhula: When Vassigra dies less than a day after accepting Lorgar's offer, it is taken as a sign from the gods by Lorgar and his men, and they call of any plans to invade Qera, due to that and the fact they no longer have a claimant to the throne. Although this causes Lorgar to decide not to fight the army of Qera, it dose not stop him from allowing the 4,000 Sayalen tribesmen we brought with us to attack the now leaderless Qeran army, and the ferocious army of tribesmen easily defeat the Qeran army in the Battle of Marcalla, where the Qeran army, already ground down through attrition and constant guerrilla attacks, is driven out of Sayalen with a total of 885 Qerans killed or captured. After this, we occupy that city as well and begin discussion with the Sayalen tribes, now united under a temporary confederation led by Yupanqesin, who angrily demands we leave the Sayalen lands now that Qera has been defeated. We agree to do so (since Sayalen is far from our territory and we couldnt hold it if we occupied it), but we leave the Hcctaal preachers behind to preach to the Sayalen, and although the majority do not convert, as before enough people do for the religion to establish a foothold in the Sayalen Region, although it is not anywhere near a majority and most stick to their native religion, and even most of those who do convert decide to keep their practice subtle so they aren't seen as forigen influence, even if that isn't the normal treatment of followers. Lorgar decides to keep his attempt to organize a coup with his brother secret, and has every member of his army who was present when he made the offer quickly and silently executed and buried in an unmarked mass grave for the 14 or so who hear of the offer, with them being listed as casualties due to disease. He also decides to offer the Sayalen Tribes a defensive pact between them and Exhula, and promises that he will withdraw as soon as it is signed, so we can keep defending them from Qera. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). He also sends a letter directly to his sister-in-law, asking her to cease her attempts to conquer the Sayalen tribes. Secret: He also tells her in a disguised message in the letter that he has Yupanqesin in close proximity and if she wishes that he should be able to secretly remove him, and that he would be perfectly fine with Qera attacking again and annexing Marcalla, as long as they don't destroy the rest, but that he would prefer if she didnt and instead proposes that they use Sayalen as a buffer state between Qeran and Exhulan territory in the area east of Qera and south of Exhula. (End Secret, QERA RESPONSE NEEDED!). Trade continues with both Xüonai and Yannis, and we once again offer to sell the city of Ibsen to our Yannian Allies, as it is a major trading point and large city that is still past the northernmost river separating our colonies due to us founding it before our agreement not to expand beyond the northernmost river, and it has now expanded enough its starting to grow beyond the limits of our small territory in the area and into the Yannian Colony. (YANNIS RESPONSE NEEDED!). We continue to settle Gtuslrossia, the name of which is changed to Tulrosia during this turn, and we send in thousands more colonists while building four more settlements farther into the territory. Meanwhile, we also continue trading with Silas, thousands of Spauldian refuges begin fleeing into our territory from the Spauldian lands while fleeing from Silas, 4,000 of the armies soldiers are moved to our teritory under them and we use them to either slaughter or enslave every Spauldian we can catch, and while a few small groups do sometimes get past, they are soon enslaved and sold off by the Exhulan citizens farther into our territory. Lorgar dies in 344, and his son takes power as Emperor Sassigan III at the age of 26, and orders a population census to mark the beginning of his reign, as is the common first action of many Emperor's. (CENSUS RESULTS NEEDED). He then decides to make a major controversial but ultimately beneficial choice, when he Offers to sell Kaloma the lands that we conquered from them in the previous war, in exchange for 1,500 Aurels of money, some trade concessions, and a gurentee that they will not prosecute Ethnic Exhulans and Hcctaal followers in the region (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED!). Secret: We send a letter to Empress Sanza of Sillas, asking her if she would be willing to support us in a future invasion of Kaloma in exchange for a large amount of its territory, and we propose secretly drawing up a treaty on how we will divide these lands if this is accepted (SILLAS RESPONSE NEEDED!). We also begin to more heavily settle the region east of Qera and South of us (Although not in the Sayalen territories), where we create three entirely new settlements after an extremely long period of ignoring the area. We also begin to more heavily settle thee area south of Tulrosia but North of Ciast. Our final major military action this turn is when we launch a military expedition of 5,000 to conquer the new major islands to the North of our more recently claimed large one, which we finally decide to name, calling it Urittyyrr, while the two largest islands of that group are named Pirast and Riccirus. We claim all those islands and completely slaughter the native populations while sending in thousands of settlers to claim the islands. We also send smaller expiditions and amoounts of settlers to the two tiny island groups north and east of it, where the existing population is instead enslaved and forcibly shipped off to our many slave markets, both in the East, the South, and the North. In the capital Sassigan III becomes known as a major patron of the arts, as he gathers dozens of his favourites in the Palace Court and has them work on the many projects he commissions them to create. This period also sees the first emergence of new cedar oil paints, which become widley used in the art of this period, especially in the increasingly unique style of Exhulan Ceramc Art where many vases and forms of things such as tableware are sculpted from hard clay and hardened by extreme heat before being filled on the insides with various forms of decorative jewels and with unique scenes based both on real events and on those described in Exhula's legends and Mythology painted on. They also create many newer forms of sculpting and painting, with one massive fresco on a paticular wall of the Palace, depicting the apperant final battle of the War In Heaven (The war in the sky between Kharrnan and the other gods where the world was first created), which was over 40 x 40 wall that survives even in the modern day, although severely damaged by time and usually seen through recreation, although it, and the palace, which underwent major expansion under Sassigan III's rule, continues to be a major source of tourism for Siccarius and the island of Zoelle in general. Entire new wings of the palace begin construction during this time, using the greatest architects in the Empire.
    • Sillan Diplomacy: Wary of increasing Exhulan presence to our West, Cabeza Sanza sends a letter to the leader of Exhula refuses to partition Kaloma and warns any Exhulan aggression against the Kaloman people will be met with Sillan hostility. However, in exchange Sillans offer to reduce tariffs on Sillan exports and add Hcctaal deities to the Grand Pantheon.
    • Kingdom of the Irrosian Isles: The Islands continue to grow rich throughout the reign of King Syrac, as the slave trade, the sugar trade, the spice trade, and the sugar trade continue to flow through the Islands in increasing quanities through the North Sea Trade. The shift from traditional farming to the growing of Sugar and other cash crops continues, with many farmers traditionally working the land being displaced in favour of slaves, resulting in thousands more joining the fleets every year, massively contributing to the further development of Irrosia's strong Naval Tradition and many Irrosians beginning to seek to explore and claim far away lands due to many being unable to find regular careers in the main kingdom due to being newly displaced from their regular livleyhoods. This led to a huge increase in Irrosian piracy in far away lands such as the central area of the Large mass of water North of us where nations like Messalia, Darna, and Yannis reside and to the far northeast, where slave raids by Irrosian Pirates become increasingly common and a number of large groups of explorers found several independent setllements, most of which will be abandoned or destroyed in the future, but four of which begin to develop into real settlements, although they are almost entirely independent of Exhula and Irrosia due to sheer distance. Many new Irrosian pirate dens and ports are founded in a number of areas in the sea northwest of Irrosia, with one, the new Irrosian lordship of Marensa, named by the pirate lord who conquered it after his own ship, which was itself named after his dead wife. The small island soon becomes the location of a new but increasingly growing port as a center of trade, and he begins constructing a grand fortress as his seat of power in 344, which will take eight years to complete. Most of the pirates to the northwest, like the ones to the northeast, will claim nominal allegiance to Syrac and the Exhulan Empire, but in practice they will mostly be independent and will serve as ports for more explorers, traders and pirates. These groups will also make far less of a distinction between acceptable targets and Exhulan-Irrosian allies and their own ships, frequently raiding even the ships of Yannis and Xüonai and sometimes even attacking those of Exhula and Irrosia themselves, although this is far less frequent.
    • Draka: Archon ***** (policy on no wiki names) continues to assimilate the visualized territory. Their idols are smashed, and Drakan ones put in place. Those that assimilate are given tax exemptions. Several revolts occur, so once those areas are crushed entire villages and towns are made serfs. Meanwhile, Benyisryan nobility are purged, and a Drakan aristocracy replaces them. Some avoid this by adopting Drakan culture.
  • Irian Culture: The politics of this decade become clearer to us as we scour the writings of Caelun, a Ludo-Irian chronicler from the period. Solcia conquers the Oros Peninsula, to the south of Nassohalus’ demesne, following a war with the Catascapti. The islands in the Gulf of Solcia are settled by Irians. Traders from Solcia and other Irian polities arrive on the shores of the Draka Empire and form a small community among the people of Benyisra and the coastal dwellers; this place is called Laeberion. Droupos invades Likos for a dynastic claim, causing the house of Likos to flee to the small island of Ilikos. Dardas and Orespontos become rival kingdoms. A Rhossoi state called Mantaion appears on the north coast of Ceta between Traikastro and Midabira. The city-states of Decene, Ephon, and Rhithera form closer economic and diplomatic ties. Nolossia builds a great statue of Hemesh, the legendary founder of their tribe, in their capital. Meanwhile, the coast of Qaryaat becomes known to Irian merchants and explorers. It is immortalized in verse as the "Land of the Sweet-Smelling Fruits" by the poet Ausano.
  • Qaryaat: The Benyisran refugees are received into the kingdom with open arms. Meanwhile, trade with the Kingdom of Solcia continues. Qahsik Adiyyl continues expanding his realm, expanding the eastern border up to the Akehdim Peninsula (north of the Alahtdim Peninsula, the maximum point expanded east in the last decade) and expanding the southernmost border to the southeastern coast of the Bay of Ghasir (the small body of water west of Qaryaat). Settlers are sent to consolidate control of the loosely-claimed areas. Meanwhile, an expedition is sent to explore the western coast of the Bay of Ghasir. A band of diplomats is sent south to the Anakadeham Kingdom, requesting for an alliance and trade deal. Along with the alliance, we will trade our spices, dates, dragon's blood tree resin from Saqqatra, dyes, and incense for their precious metals and whatever else they may have to offer. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED) (WIP)
  • Yannis Empire: The Anointed One travels the eastern provinces, overseeing the construction of new roads, defensive structures, temples, and monuments. In all the new capitals of the eastern provinces a dedicated town center is constructed that is designed as a miniature model city. Each smaller city within the confines of the old one will have Yannian settlers, a central temple, a market and forum, and other amenities. The Anointed One is dismayed by the instability happening in the west, and calls for the situation to resolve or else the Yannis Empire may be inclined to intervene and restore order.
    • In Mesallas: The governor in Mesallas named Teloc’zepoc II dies and is replaced by Igaletezoc, although he does little during his reign. The new governor is less ambitious than some of his predecessors, and as such doesn’t intervene during the war that breaks out between Karissa and Agira. He dies the same year the war ends, and Ixacetonec II becomes governor. He recognizes the new state of affairs in the region, with Agira now having surpassed Karissa, but reiterates that Yannian Mesallas will retain its hegemony over its respective sphere, no matter who takes up the other one-half.
    • In Tohatia: The governor informs the Exhulans that he is unaware of any Ibsen. Anything above the river is already owned by us, and became ours as soon as it crossed the river. There will be no payment for it at this time.
  • Syres: The new government system in the city remains, with its formative years testing the nation. Although Saphemus would never return to Syresian territory, one of his sons, Demisinus, would attempt to retake the throne, and to this end launched an army into Syres from the west. During this time the state would be forced to fight numerous wars to solidify control over the west, including one war against the state of Nesarafen, who backed Demisinus’ claim. During this time the old practices of honoring the king in Syres largely disappeared, as the population in the city became mostly anti-monarchy. The veneration and worship of the founder of the city, Erian the first king, continued, with him being recognized as part of the pantheon of the city. The Ulmian minority was vocally against this, and helped to preach against this worship, and inadvertently against the monarchy in general. In the city a mathematician named Montagos discovers a connection between sound and mathematics. He discovers that by dividing a vibrating string into different lengths he is able to create musical intervals based on the ratio to the original fundamental. From this he creates a theory associating musical harmony with the universe and all beings within it, which states that the planets move according to mathematical equations and resonate to produce an inaudible symphony of music based on these simple ratios. In the heart of the city an old beggar named Vanden attracts attention when he claims to be able to see the entire world, and some begin coming to him for prophetic visions. Generally no one takes him seriously or heeds his prophecies.
  • Darna: A number of Darnans settle the northern coast above the islands of Darna, and they call this land Enyenia, with numerous coastal towns developing from the outposts and trade posts already existing there. The nation stays away from the pirate haven, although in the north the Darnans outnumber the southern's at sea, which allows for easy raids against the coast. The West Bay City is damaged by the occasional raid, although these are outside the control of the Darnan government. The nation of Darna seeks to be closer with the Yannis Empire, and begins trading heavily with them, usually by land in the north, passing through the mountains or through the Empire of Niani, as it is believed that passing through the south may lead to capture for cannibalism. The navy is upgraded with many new ships, as well as some larger ships specifically for warfare. Larger cargo ships are also built, for trading across the sea to Mosnola or Tesardya. In western Isimandia these cargo ships are also used to to travel across the western sea. Exploration in this region continues, as well as trade with the newly discovered nations.
  • Xüonai: Dashon X dies in 350 without an heir, leaving the country in a state of despair (see the rhyme?) The north secedes from Xüonai, and soon small bits and pieces break off the mainland. Soon, most colonies declare independence. The only colony to stick with the crown is Ensoywi, since it is an integral piece, although even that is striven with conflict. Slave revolts occur, and the provisional government calls for order. The states of Xüonai decide to form an "HRE" of sorts, with hundreds of small municipalities becoming states in the "XFS", or the Xüonai Federated States. Ironically, the only states to stay with the crown were around the Yudan river, the exact lands owned in the Year 1. Sadly, I must leave the game due to me not having enough time to post due to other projects. The XFS will be in the hands of the moderator. I have had a great time playing. This is Ahoys123, signing off.


You may continue to post in the old turn still if you need to.

The Anakadeham Kingdom the offer to trade with the nation of Qaryaat, and also accepts an alliance.

Draka’s immediate breaking of the peace treaty signed with the people of Benyisra, in which they would accept vassalage only if they were allowed to continue their religious practices and customs, results in a revolt across the region. They manage to retake the capital city of Ebracomon after trapping the Drakan presence there. They also send requests for aid to Eldebethias and Solcia.

The explorers sent by Qaryaat encounter ships from a nation known as Mohejaro, a small empire located on a series of rivers west of Qaryaat.

The invasion by the nation of Silla of the Spauldians, or Súbaudise in the Sillan language, is successful. Silla suffers 655 casualties in combat and another 520 from disease and other causes.

The Sayalen Tribes agree to a defensive pact with Exhula as long as Exhula withdraws from their territory. Their leaderships expresses that they will remain independent of both Qera and Exhula. The move by Exhula to not only continue to hold its settlements in Sayalen land, but also increase settlement there, angers the tribe. Moderates within the nation are willing to negotiate that Exhula keep its outposts on the coast, but many within the tribe’s leadership see the settlement as a breaking of trust between the two nations, and many Exhulan settlers are killed.

Kaloma accepts the offer to buy back its territory from Exhula, and immediately settles the region and constructs defenses in the major settlements. The decision leads to protest in the Exhulan court, with members of the military and nobility annoyed at the new ruler.

  • Hythia: Years 68-77 Since the Return of Hythus. Myrnech Rythus works tirelessly to enrich his people. Fertile volcanic soils now yield rich crops of wheat, with thousands of septons sown. Irrigation channels are constructed along the length of the Tythies in the manners of the past and the labor tithes paid by those that could not afford taxes in food. Each barren season thousands of Hythian men are pressed into this service, and hundreds of septons of canals are built over the decade. Hundreds of Tythorus are built to fill them. The population density along the river grows rapidly as the rich and watered soils supply grand crops. Wheat and sweet potatoes constitute the majority of the crops allowing for much food to be stored for winter or transport. The potatoes are a product of the mountains to the east and were brought down to the plains after their discovery there. Their sweet flavor has also led to a new bread of Hythian Beer which incorporates the tubers as a replacement for wheat in the mix. Around the capital, the labor is instead directed toward the Grand Temple of Hythus, which is finally completed on the 75th year of the great eruption of Hythus. Towering over the city, the structure is the largest building ever completed in Hythia. The practices of taking wives to the south continues and poor nobility travel to these lands. The overall influence of these nobles continues to grow, and Myrnech Rythus hopes that their loyalty to Hythia and Hythus will one day lead their tribes to join the true people without struggle. Missionaries continue proselytizing to the south and west and converts are encouraged to make a pilgrimage to see the Temple of Hythus.
  • Qera: Many of the high generals of the Qeran army are enraged and worried when the news of the defensive pact between the Exhulans and the Sayalen tribe spread to the capital, because the majority of the generals are only informed sporadic about the letter the princess received from the Exhulan court. Secret Zatlahe gladly agrees to remove Yupanqesin, in hope to shatter the confederation, and she agrees to draw the border around the Macalle territory (EXHULA RESPONSE, PLEASE) End Secret. The army is withdrawn from the east in Macallea in 352, only to be restructured, resupplied and provided with General Yced of Mallafe who is trained to fight in rough terrain, especially forests and hills. The Qxaneuo march again into the Macalle territory and make a way better start, capturing almost one-half of the territory in about six months. He achieves this through copying the guerrilla tactics of the defenders, splitting his highly skilled and deadly soldiers in smaller groups of about 50 to 75 and ransacking villages or intercepting supply tracks. This war sees the use of Jâtzijatlev which are mostly young men and boys who don't have much physical strength, but can walk fast and have good knowledge of surviving in the wild. Using them, the reconnaissance increases on the side of the Qerans and the Macllean troops can be easily outmaneuvered. and are forced into submission in 354, when they capture their tribal leader. They fight all this way less barbaric all along, since they got the order to turn Macallea into a vassal state (MOD RESPONSE, PLEASE). Trade with the Ollehâtl to the south continues with a lot of goods are traded. The local tradition starts to become a subgroup of the Rhatixemy faith. Though the faith calls itself also Radixemy, which is just the term for the Qeran religion. The Qerans call it Ollenorhat, gods of Olle. Zrias marries finally in 355. She is married to the son of the Ualjak Count Verentuâ. The first cook book is published around this time too, modern archeologists date it to the time between 355 and 358. It includes various recipes, for example different sauces, how to brew beer and liquor and what to do with leftover ingredients. Apart from that it gives a detailed insight into the table manners of ancient Qera and also other parts of culture, like farming.
  • Mesallian Culture: After the Battle of Nucemia the city of Agira was left as the de facto head of the Mesallian world. The city found new found wealth and prosperity, commissioning a new temple complex in the city that became one of the largest in all of Mesallas. However, they also inherited some of the problems that Karissa faced while in the spotlight. Namely, Agira demanded tribute from the states of the League of Ossa and Karissa’s former allies, and fought numerous engagements all over the region to preserve this arrangement. The state of Sericolis in the west voluntarily submitted to Agira’s hegemony, but under the condition that the Gudumanes peninsula largely fall to them. This arrangement preserved Agira’s control over the west, but at the expense of growing Sericolis’ own power. The Water Merchants also profited immensely from the affair, as they became strongly associated with the Agiran government. In Karissa Water Merchants enacted a lofty toll on the city’s inhabitants, dictating that any aid or trade to the city pass through them first. Under the leadership of Water Tyrant Ganis the organization also sought to reoccupy the ancient ruins of Cania and reignite Water Merchant control over the central Melopenes, but this proved to be a costly endeavor that would distract them for some time. Although a number of new citadels were built in the region, states such as Jafia rivaled them for religious and economic control over the central mountains by this point, and the Cult of Lementer fought with them at every step, usually much to the agreement of the local states. The Lementarians also sought to weaken the Water Merchants in other ways, with agents in Edom attempting to convince local authorities to conquer the western region of the Phydinians, which would have cut off land access for the Water Merchants. One state in particular that profited as well as Erasidon, whose use by the Water Merchants helped elevate the state into a minor power. The king’s eldest son, Ptelamus, was a political hostage in Agira, which solidified the state as an ally of Agira. Also at this time in the city of Ephenus (in eastern Mesallas near the Ema Delta), a philosopher named Alcemenon becomes a well-regarded figure. One of his most famous theories is the idea of everything in the universe being in constant flux, famously stating, "No man ever steps in the same river twice".
  • Ri'kiva: When tribes from the southern part of the Kjv'iv Peninsula unite to form a confederacy of sorts, Kal'If Yl takes this as a direct challenge to the strength of Ri'kiva. With the army swelling with Batur, Aurilian, and Eiynith auxiliaries, the disorganized tribes are smashed and integrated. Lower-class Suh'Hyiks are incentivized into road-building projects, and subject peoples are integrated by educating young aristocrats from the groups. All this continues to be financed by the ever-growing Ri'kivan trade network, which begins probing even farther east of Ritheri cities.
  • Yannis Empire: The Anointed One’s decree to ensure peace in the west is unheard, and thus he takes it upon himself to restore the region from its instability. 15,000 Holy Men are raised from across the southern and western provinces, and the Anointed One takes the head of this army. The group marches west, seizing the city on the banks of Lake Xlaban first. From there the army advances south down the river and seizes the major population centers in this area. At the same time another 5,000 men invade from Dijunga, taking the northern regions. Each army advances toward the capital of Xüonai. The mission of the Anointed One is not to destroy them, but rather to aid the Yannian and Unao-Yannian people of the west from harm, and so he occupies this region to protect the faithful within. The capital is besieged, and the Anointed One appoints a new king to rule over Xüonai who is friendly to the Yannis Empire. The eastern province of Xüonai will be administered by the empire directly, up to the Safir River. From here the region will be placed under Yannis’ protection, but still de jure independent. As a means of appeasing the westerners who are hungry for revenge against Xüonai, they are allowed to retake the land that was legally theirs before, although there will be no violence against those who follow the true faith of Yannis, and administrators oversee this process. The idea of a decentralized collection is approved, with each governor in Xüonai allowed to act quasi-independent as long as they obey the new governor in the Xüonai capital. In some of the provinces, especially those in the northwest where there was relatively little Yannian influence, the governors attempt to resist and fight both Yannis and the westerns, such as Darna. They are left to do so, but in time those who survive submit to the new order of things.
    • In Mesallas: During this time the instability occurring in Xüonai led to the Yannian governor ordering a seizure of the small Mesallian island east of Calamos. Relatively little changed for the inhabitants of the island, other than the local authorities swore allegiance to the governor.
    • In Tik’akna: The governor of Tohatia decides to intervene in the Xüonai colony east of him, to ensure that the region is under his protection. This consists of simply sending a small force to aid the local government there, as a deterrent to prevent any other bloodthirsty powers from invading and treating the local Xüonai population worse. The governor occupies the mainland, but does not have the ability to guard any other possessions, such as the islands.
  • Exhula: With nine years having passed without any sort of Qeran attack, we fulfill our promises and withdraw all our troops from the Sayalen Lands in 351, although we warn them that we were likely the only deterent and that it would be hard to defend them. With our troops now freed from those obligations, Sassigan orders a military campaign to the North to reclaim the upper parts of the Irrosian Isles that we previously sold to Xüonai, justifiying this by stating that the new states in the region betrayed the legacy of the House of Dashon by rebelling and that they are Not the legitimate heirs to the Xüonai we allied with, instead decrying them as traitors and rebels, and stating that it is our duty as friends and allies of the former dynasty to restore order to as many of their lands as possible. Using this justification we invade the two islands of the Irossian Islands formerly owned by Xüonai, Royui and Pokita, with the larger area known as Roirrosyi by Xüonai. Both of the island colonies, which were major Tyha Uz-owned centers of the slave trade where thousands were worked to death every year, fell to major slave revolts when their masters stopped being able to even feed them due to the massive disruption in trade, ending their needed supply shipments of food from Xüonai itself and causing a major famine. As a result neither island is part of the new Xüonai Federated States, which do not recognize any of the governments made by the slave revolts as they all still practice slavery, and which we still do not see as a legitimate successor to the old Xüonai, since they were formed almost entirely by seceding or rebelling States. We first start by invading the self-declared "Republic of Rottira" which occupies almost the entirety of the island of Royui in 353 (Departing from Sayalen in 331) with 6,000 troops and within three weeks we have completely overwhelmed the starving, poorly armed armies of the new government and completely slaughtered the population, who are helpless against us and who we know will fight much too hard against being re-enslaved for it to be worth re-enslaving them and who would never submit to our authority otherwise. We start settling it with Exhulan settlers soon after, although we don't start for about four months after that, leaving the island completely desolated of human life during that period. We do the same thing to the island next to it, invading with 5,000 soldiers simultaneously with the other invasion, and the so-called "Yiturun Free State" has been completely exterminated within three weeks of our first landing. The justifications above are used, as is control over the sugar trade further, but the real reason was so we have an excuse for not fighting that hard against the Qeran invasion of the only recently resettled Marcalla, sending only 9,000 troops to fight there even as most of those who participated in the Irrosian campaign resettle throughout the empire, and stating it is because we are fighting a vicious invading state on our northern borders, and apologeticly claiming that although we are doing our best, we do not have any other forces to spare to help them. As a result, the Qeran invasion of 7,000 troops into Marcalla is quickly able to seize Marcalla by 344 and much of the area around it by 346, and we are barely 'Able" (This was all carefully orchestrated to appear like a real conflict and many died on both sides, but this was pre-planned by Zartele and Sassigan) to force a stalemate that sees them ultimetly just occupy Marcalla and many of the surrounding lands, and instead of directly annexing them they transform them into vassal states with a close relationship to the rest of the Sayalen. This makes the remaining Sayalen extremely angry and many begin to distrust Exhula even more after this, but the overall consensus is that Exhula did the best it could, and that they need to focus their hatred and vengeance on Qera rather than on their larger Northern neighbour, although the humiliation of the defeat bites hard and is part of the reason so many are willing ot begin killing Exhulans in 357. In 256, many Sayalen leaders, supported by Yupanqesin, attempt to force the us to give up our colonies in their claimed northern region, demanding we "Give back their land!" despite the fact they had never held most of it to begin with and by the time they started claiming it we had held it for a long time. This results in us having him quietly assassinated when we have a heavily trained assassin, one of the Elite Normis Assasins that we have long had trained in discreet assassination missions for the last few generations, sneak into his room and smother him to death with his own pillow, making it look like he simply died in his sleep. This is quite easy to do, as he was already a very old man at the age of 71 and this sudden death was not unexpected, being put down to old age. As a result, seven of his sons split the Sayalen realms between them within a still existing confederation, with four of them claiming the main remaining city-states of Valeya, Qytrohae, Tyrothos, and Relyaeya as their own personal fiefs and the remaining three venturing farther northwest, attempting to forcibly claim two of our newer colonies while the last one goes farther west to found a new city named Sariquixor. The princes are defeated and although they do enough damage for us to decide to cede the two northern Sayalen setllements, we demand that if they wish to be the rulers of those areas they must first convert to Hcctaal to fit in with the local Exhulan population, and that attempts to force the current inhabitants out or kill them will not be tolerated (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). However, we make it clear we will not give up our northern colonies and that if they try to seize them under any circumstance it will result in war. Meanwhile, the eighth son of Yupanqesin, Tupitoquri manages to gather enough support to himself and a large enough army to seize control of most of the confederations territory and force his brothers and the many smaller tribes and states in the Sayalen area to swear allegiance to him, and begins to build a new central capital called Tupitoquiros. He continues the alliance with Exhula, and as a result, we continue trading with them and seeing the Sayalen as allies. Meanwhile, with the collapse of Xüonai into a huge number of feuding states and its only partial "Unification" under the XFS they are no longer seen as an ally and as a result, the now vastly divided and in chaos Xüonai states become a major target of Irrosian and Exhulan Piracy, with thousands of pounds of treasure, riches, slaves, and gold being carried off from the former Xüonai state in increasing amounts every year. The lack of a strong and united Xüonai navy also leads to Irrosian and Exhulan pirates being able to establish a much more significant presense in the sea northwestern Sea, although they still avoid touching Yannian ships. We also decide to try to mend relations with Kaloma by proposing a double marriage between the current King of Kaloma or his heir and the only beloved daughter of Sassigan (despite her being a bastard, she has been legitimized for 14 years (she is 19) and is his only child) and between himself and one of the Kaloman king's daughters, for the purposes of getting a claim to the throne of Kaloma and a greater influence in the Kingdom and for mending relations, and on the Kaloman side providing a massive deterent against another invasion (namely, a massively valued and beloved hostage).
    • Silas Diplomacy: We are interested in trading maps with Sillas, and offer to trade maps.
    • Silla: We take interest, and agree.
  • *Darna: Xüonai ignored our ultimatum, so we have no choice but to invade to liberate the stolen Darnans from captivity. Raiders are sent all along the coast to attack the southern barbarians’ main settlements, freeing or capturing prisoners as we go. An army is sent to Mosnola, which joins up with our allies to invade from the north. We promise to grant the territory that was stolen by Xüonai back to these allies for their support. Many slaves are taken back to Darna from the barbarian land, along with a large amount of valuables and other goods. We leave a trail of devastation in our wake, as people clamor for justice against the child cannibals. Many are found to be practicing cannibalism and they are hunted and killed. The West Bay City, which was the center of the cannibal rituals, is razed, with all its heathen inhabitants killed or captured. The navy is upgraded with many new ships, as well as some larger ships specifically for warfare. Larger cargo ships are also built, for trading across the sea to Mosnola or Tesardya. In western Isimandia these cargo ships are also used to to travel across the western sea. Exploration in this region continues, as well as trade with the newly discovered nations.
  • Irian Culture: The Irian population increases dramatically due to food surpluses and a relatively stable geopolitical climate. Settlement and expansion continues in all areas as a result. Experts generally divide the Irian culture of this era into two major subgroups: Western (or Ambran) and Eastern (or Ludo-Irian). There is, however, considerable ambiguity between the two, especially in their borderlands. In the west, Tydhon's sea empire has grown so large that it rivals its overlord, Rhithera. With Tydhonese colonies in Ceta founding colonies of their own, tensions have reached a breaking point. Feeling that their power is threatened, the rulers of Rhithera launch a punitive expedition against Tydhon. In defense, the city-state recruits an army of mercenaries led by Phoethos of Chamia. The king of Ceta elects to join the war on Rhithera's side, but is shortly defeated in battle by Phoethos' mercenaries. Phoethos then lays siege to Massaion, the Cetan capital. The Rhitherans arrive during the siege and relieve the defenders, driving Phoethos north. In a decisive battle on the outskirts of Tydhon, the Rhitherans defeat the mercenary army and kill Phoethos. They occupy Tydhon without further resistance, bringing it back under their influence. Meanwhile, in eastern Iria, it is a time of peace. The arts are flourishing. Ausano, the foremost poet in all Iria, composes his most famous work, the Jurnian Epic. It tells of Jurnes, one of the cloud-sons of Kourisseus, and of his fantastic journey of return to his father's sky kingdom after falling to Earth. At the same time, the playwrights of Corenia discuss the tragic nature of fate with Solemnity and Diadromes, both premiering at the newly-built theater of Leugonis, a suburb of Corens.
    • Dardas: Dardas establishes a series of trading posts in Nolossia as part of its ongoing rivalry with Orespontos.
    • Solcia: In the Kingdom of Solcia, the aging king Nassohalus would rather not fight a war on foreign shores. But his son, Neboleptes, has other ideas. The young prince convinces his father to approve an expedition to the Casphiron (the coast of Draka and Benyisra, collectively, as it is called by the Irians) by regaling him with ideas of honor and glory to be gained on the battlefield. In truth, the expedition is undertaken almost wholly for the sake of a love interest: a Benyisran dignitary named Sonia. Neboleptes lands in Benyisra with a great fleet and pledges his support for the revolt. With him are the finest warriors of Solcia in gleaming iron ranks. He begins by attacking the Drakan coastal centers in quick succession, striking in unison with the Benyisran leaders. Before each battle, Neboleptes makes a lengthy prayer and sacrifice to the gods, believing it his sacred duty to war in their name. He will spend the next six years on campaign.
    • Laeberion: Because of the war, Laeberion has benefited from increased traffic and Solcian protection. Now an Irian trading colony, it is defended by a garrison of soldiers sent by Neboleptes.
  • Realm of the Northern Saemonites: The Tragedy of Kinziru is written around this time. The Hanging Gardens of Arazna are roughly finished in construction, and becomes one of the King's official domains of philosophy and wealth. The Hanging Gardens of Arazna is known to have influenced later texts and documentation, such as the Odyssey and the Books of Piety. However, the latter would become known as non-canonical in 1253.
  • Syres: In the south, the nation begins trading with Agira and Erasidon, with ships traveling through the Gabatrian Sea to Erasidon’s coastal port on the southern edge of the sea. The news of the chaos in Xüonai alarms the nation, with many Syresian merchants fleeing back west until Xüonaian lands are deemed safer. The nation also claims the region between the two rivers north of Canim, with a number of Syresians being sent to settle the area. In the west major cities such as Canim are fortified with walls in case of another attack from the southern city-states. With the border more or less established in the west a number of outposts are also constructed near the border, which serve as fortifications should an invasion occur.
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: We expand our port on the mainland and begin constructing the tsar's fortress complex. The fort will be the biggest project undertaken and will be finished in ten years.
  • Kingdom of Azoz: Late in his reign, Chatnaguri worked at a variety of vast building projects, creating grander and more opulent basilicas in various cities in the nation. It is generally believed that Chatnaguri himself designed the plans for the Blue Basilica of Azoz, although this is debated because we know it was completed under Thalut's reign. The colossal statue that once sat there was given the name of Chatna, but its appearence more closely resembles his son. Daesmon the Moonbear lay defeated, but his son Labaya attempted a smaller, second revolt two years before the end of his reign. Labaya was defeated at the Battle of Saraita, but he fled the field and remained unaccounted for. All the cities in the west and south of the kingdom greatly expanded their urbanization. As Chatnaguri lay dying of old age, he instructed his son Thalut to remember several important things to complete in his name: first, to complete the construction of the Blue Basilica; second, to kill Labaya and his followers; third, to continue his legacy of being proficient at the game of chess; and finally, to spread the crimson banner of Azoz to the ends of the earth. Thalut swore on his life that he would fulfill all these things, and then Chatnaguri breathed his last. Thalut immediately seized control over property belonging to Labaya's allies, and tortured the servants there to reveal his whereabouts. After three years of searching, Labaya was eventually found and killed before being captured. The Blue Basilica was completed some time during his reign, and while it existed the colossal statue of Chatnaguri/Thalut was known far and wide as a great wonder of the world. Thalut was an ambitious man as was his father, and he made the best preparations for the task that lay ahead of him. The young king Thalut came to the Oracle at Syres, and asked it three questions: "Will I conquer the world?" "How will I ultimately die?" and "Will I prove to be as good a chessmaster as Chatnaguri?"
  • Draka: Defectors are allowed to continue their religion practices in a policy change, however, "troublemakers' are hunted down and impaled. Archon Sheriden orders the Drakan troops out of the major cities, to prevent casualties. This is done, but 300 of the 3,000 troops stationed were killed or captured. The captured ones likely died, so the rest are told to take revenge. Drakan troops burn - as well as live off - enemy crops, killing livestock, and launching horse archer raids, burning cash crops in Benysyria. Eldebethias and Solcia are gifted golden bats, the Drakan animal, as goodwill. However, our coasts are blocked just in case. Local tribes formally paying tribute to Benyisyria are offered to defect and take revenge on their oppressors, so a re-disciplined tribal army of 500 is raised. Meanwhile, defection policies see some success, however, most support the rebellion, with only 150 Benysyiran defectors. With the 2,700 Drakan troops, 500 tribals, and 150 defectors, a city in the rebellion is seized and occupied, however, treated well, as showing an example on excellent hospitality should peace be sought. However, Drakan idols are still put up larger than local ones, the local ones are tolerated, and some signs of merging the two pantheons exist. Some 300 of the 500 tribals and 25 Draka lay siege to another minor city, who this time resists, so they are razed to the ground. Quasi-genocidal techniques are used against troublesome farmers, akin to the Mongol invasion of Persia and Carthage war, with irrigation destroyed and horse archers burning crops. Also, irrigation dams are destroyed to cause famine, thus ensuring starvation. The aquaduct network is poisoned with lead. In a mass execution, some 500 "suspected individuals" who showed signs of unrest are impaled, while collaborators enjoy fine means and "pleasures" from slaves.
  • Silla: Cabeza Sanza issues the "Literacy Edict", which mandates that all first-born children (regardless of gender) would be sent to grammar schools to attain basic literacy skills – thus improving the government's ability to enforce laws, and collect taxes from peasantry. To facilitate interprovincial communications and stifle regionalism, she also commissioned the standardization of the Sillan script. In response to small-scale peasant revolts (mainly protesting the practice of extracting semi-annual tribute) within conquered Subaozi territories, Cabeza Sanza pioneers the principle of "compassionate assimilation", codifying this in the "Assimilation of the Barbarians in Three Generations" policy; with the first stage consisting of the Sillanization of the elite and Sillan-language acquisition, the second stage consisting of large-scale intermarriage and infrastructure development, and the third stage being large-scale cultural immersion resulting in complete assimilation. To incentivize intermarriage, the "one-drop" rule is passed, with anyone of even slightest Sillan ancestry being considered a "full Sillan". Meanwhile, the increasingly controversial tributary system is completely abolished–being replaced with a proper taxation system (either 10% of household income in iron coinage, or 25–50% of grain depending on the size of land). Meanwhile, the administrative system is entirely revamped. The Three Cities are consolidated into the single city of "Qing", and as a result, Silla is increasingly informally referred to as the "Qing Empire". Territories with a majority ethnic Sillan population are organized into "Imperial Provinces", which are divided into municipalities under the jurisdiction of the provincial capital, both of which are further divided into districts. They are governed by the Governor–General, who oversees both administrative and military affairs. Territories recently incorporated into Silla and therefore have not been completely assimilated or settled – are organized into "Commanderies", who are governed jointly by Viceroys and a "Grand Commander"; the latter fulfilling the role of the Governor–General as well as representing the central government. Similarly, it is further divided into fiefs and provincial capitals, and even further into districts. Greater power is granted to the Ministry of Finance, with licenses being issued to artisans, craftsmen, and other workers in order to enforce the quality standards of commercial goods. In addition, a 5% tax is levied upon luxury goods, thus increasing government revenue. A monopoly over iron, bronze, arms, salt, sugarcane, cocoa, and charcoal production is established. The Cabeza invests into the Ministry of Rites. A national observatory is established to track the movement of celestial objects, and to predict meteorological events. Several astronomers confirm the belief that the Earth is spherical–based on the fact that other celestial objects (including the Moon itself) are observed to be spherical. In addition, they calculate that the Sun is approximately 2,000 km in diameter, and orbits the Earth at a distance of 25,000–40,000 km. The Ministry of Rites also begins to codify Sillan medical practices, with famed physician Go Natano compiling a document known as the "Treatise on Toxification Damage Disorders", as well as writing "A Physician's Inner Cannon". Sillan medical doctrine revolves around the philosophy that all sickness is caused by the accumulation of toxins, and to relieve one's sickness, one must undergo the process of "purification". Bathing is promoted as a way to maintain one's cleanliness; while acupressure and pressure massages, inhalation of incense, and the consumption of green tea or red bean-paste soup being prescribed to facilitate the process of "purification". Meanwhile, the consumption of meat, sugar, and high concentrations of alcohol is limited; as it was seen to stifle the process of purification if consumed excessively. Since disease is believed to be transmitted via certain body fluids or airborne elements ("foul hair") carrying toxins, one can also assess one's health via examining one's excrements and urine. Ailments are treated with the replacement of body fluids, with induced sweating (or in serious cases, blood-letting) coupled with the ample consumption of water or green tea to provide "fresh" fluid. Honey, sugar-water, and alcohol are applied topically as antiseptic, as well as they are thought to "absorb" or "protect" wounds against airborne elements. Another 250 units of crossbows are manufactured. The Qing Arsenal produces a high quantity of reflex bows, iron-tipped and incendiary arrows, polearms (halberds, lances, and pikes), and swords. A moderate number of lamellar armor is produced for cavalrymen. In addition, its bloomeries also produce a high volume of wrought iron, bronze. Latrines, drainage, and communal baths are built. Every settlement has at least a single public latrine used for defecation (while small buckets are used for urination, which is then disposed of once full), with drainage delivering it to an isolated pit where it dries under sunlight. Afterward, it is collected and burnt, with the remains being mixed with dry earth. Canals (both for the purposes of irrigation and transportation) and roads are constructed to facilitate travel. Silk, porcelaneous wares (while earthenware is increasingly abandoned – with the exception of tea canisters), jewelry is increasingly produced both for export and domestic consumption. Tea, sugarcane, cocoa, honey, and exotic fruits are cultivated; while alcoholic beverages (such as rice-wine, bread-wine, and mead) and condiments (various oils, vinegar, soy sauce, fish sauce etc.) are produced. Large-scale deforestation continues, yielding land for rice paddies. Agricultural production increases due to the utilization of more land; as well as the utilization of fertilizer (in the form of manure), and more iron tools and machinery. Intercropping of rice, aquatic plants, and perennial fruit-bearing plants is done to boost yield, and combat soil erosion – thus maintaining soil quality. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition, with the average woman marrying at 20 years old, and bearing a total of 5.5 children – of which, approximately three survive until adulthood.
  • Beraba: In 351 and 352, the Crown Princes of Damatura and Doulaba both die and are interred in temples in their respective cities. Albrah of House Hjadra and Khisit of House Tayanita ascend to these thrones. A royal marriage is arranged between the Princess of Gahren and Corphe, Crown Prince of House Samasoni. The occasion is marked with days of feasting and gifts exchanged between both nations. An ambitious project, the Salt Road, aims to link the two nations via a long road next to the sea. This project employs many stonemasons from Beraba, and they are put in charge of training the next generation of artisans as well. Another census is commissioned by the Crown Princes. More exploration around Lake Conylt is commissioned, and the permanent settlement is officially named Cohibos.


Benekundon and Zedisladana invade Xüonai to retake their lost territory, but in the south the Xüonaian governor of Udhntooi manages to successfully defend the border and drive the invaders back.

The independence of Benyisra is secured for the time being, as no Drakan response has been successful in capturing the capital. The invasion by Solcia additionally strains Draka’s capacity for a war. For their support the kingdom agrees to Neboleptes’ marriage wishes. The Drakan destruction of crops and irrigation harms both sides, but causes a large problem for the Drakan army, as supplies now need to be sent from the far north to the campaigning army. 1,220 Drakan soldiers die as a result of disease or lack of supplies.

The Xüonai possession of Lueht declares its independence as the Kingdom of Lueht. The nation falls under the leadership of a Weritszian-Xüonaian nobleman known as Eizen I.

The new leader of Sayalen, Tupitoquri, manages to unite an even larger region than his father, and he gains control of the region from the Qeran border in the west to the Yesecenem River in the east. In an effort to make a long-lasting peace he proposes to Qera that a border should be created at the western edge of the mountains, with all the land west of the mountains ceded to Qera - and to Exhula, he proposes that Exhula will be granted their three settlements, but they should not seize any land around them or make further attempts to invade south.

The town of Kepitis on the coast east of Qaryaat grows into a small city-state, with Benyisran refugees making up a portion of its population.

Although weary of involvement with Exhula, the nation of Kaloma agrees to the double marriage pact, hoping it will help ensure peace between the two states.

  • Draka: Archon Baldrik I seizes the throne in a coup, killing all of the incompetent administration. The remaining troops are pulled back, the army is down to 1,000. Peace is offered to Solcia, and compensation will be paid - same for Banisyria. Meanwhile, to develop the maritime industry further, a trading expedition is sent, success? (mod reponse). Meanwhile, Draka architecture develops, similar to OTL Yemeni complex mud brick architecture. Crops are traded. Meanwhile, some demobilized soldiers form a mercenary band, seeing as while Draka are slowly developing good taste, they still enjoy killing. Seeing as relations are okay with Eldebethias as they did not assist, they offer themselves as elite troops in the Eldebethias army (mod reponse) (troops types basically hoplite style pikemen, lighter armor than hoplites, but longer pikes (think Macdonian). A seaport is opened up at Archona, the capital. Serfs are put to work in the mining sectors to get rare earth minerals. Merchants' taxes are lowered. To compensate for the failed conquest, expansion into tribal lands west and north begin.
    • Solcian Diplomacy: Having witnessed the brutalities wrought by the Draka on the people of Benyisra, Neboleptes is hesitant to accept their offer of peace. With Drakan soldiers on the retreat and much of their armies disbanded, however, he decides to formally end the war. A treaty of "lasting peace and good relations" is carved in a stone tablet, as per the Solcian custom. This treaty is presented with the understanding that Draka will recognize Benyisra's independence and not make any abuses against its sovereignty in the future. Instead of monetary compensation, Neboleptes asks that the trading communities of the region will be protected from piracy or raiding, and that Irians, Benyisrans, and Drakans alike will be allowed to go about their own affairs unmolested.
  • Qaryaat: King Adiyyl dies, and his son, Prince Hakhim, ascends the throne. Tales of the encounter with the unknown nation known in Qaryaati as Mawan-Jaho (AKA Mohejaro) spark an increased interest in exploration. Two fleets are sent to explore west of Qaryaat. One continues to explore the shores, while the other is sent to explore the unknown landmass which may be an island or a peninsula discovered two decades prior. A colony is created on the eastern coast of the Maqiri Peninsula (the western edge of the Bay of Ghasir) in order to create a launching point for future expeditions westward. Meanwhile, settlers are sent to other loosely-claimed areas to consolidate the control of said areas. Qaryaati architecture develops, similarly to OTL ancient Egyptian architecture. Expansion along the coast west of Qaryaat continues. The newly crowned King Hakhim begins to invite intellectuals throughout the kingdom to his royal court in Makra. Trade with Solcia and Anakadeham continues to bring wealth to Qaryaat. A group of diplomats is sent out to the fledgling city-state Kepitis. We offer them vassalship and protection under Qaryaat and a degree of autonomy, but they will have to pay tribute to and militarily assist us. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED) (WIP)
  • Mang: Fuki Emperor went official in the plan making of expansion across the mountains, as the emperor wanted Jakhjart (living space in Mangi), and more industries in the mountains to produce new materials. However, the Mangi forces weren't prepared to face rocky terrain in the mountains, so the general of the Mangi Armed Forces, Hoojahze Markei, ordered to go around the mountains in order to maintain intact with the expansion orders. The expansion was ordered to maintain contact with new districts, and expand more industries.
  • Hythia: Years 78-87 Since the Return of Hythus. Myrnech Rythus passes in the 8nd year since the return. His successor, Myrnech Syberus, his nephew, takes the high seat of Hythia. At the start of his rule, Syberus orders a census, the first in many decades. Counting of the many cities of Hythia commences, with rural Patriarchs called to report the population for their hamlets and villages. He also continues the irrigation construction, but with even greater success now that a great deal of labor is freed from the construction of the Temple of Hythus. A great irrigation and trade canal is built between the Tythies and Mynethos Rivers forty septons north (2 px) of Gyt and a great earthen wall constructed on the south bank. The population density along the river grows rapidly as the rich and watered soils supply grand crops. Wheat and sweet potatoes constitute the majority of the crops allowing for much food to be stored for winter or transport. Sweet potato beer becomes a national staple as its sweet, nutty taste is popular among all classes in society. The practices of taking wives to the south continues and poor nobility travel to these lands. Myrnech Syberus requests that several of these Hythian nobles in the three largest tribes, the Janti, Baust, and Kya if they will attempt to influence their fellow tribal leaders to join Hythia as provinces. The tribal leaders would keep immediate power, but pay taxes to Hythia and receive protection from Hythia. Missionaries continues proselytizing to the south and west and converts are encouraged to make a pilgrimage to see the Temple of Hythus. A large troop of missionaries is sent west to the mission in the capital of the tribal federation to make a case for its adoption of Hythus as its principle god.
  • Mesallian Culture: During this time Agira campaigned in the central Melopenes to liberate the people who Karissa extracted tribute and labor from, which permanently crippled Karissa’s ability to dedicate itself to warfare. To further its dominance of the region, Agira also defeated some of the towns of the lower peninsula, allowing it to dominate trade to the mainland near Edom. After the fall of Larissa another city that prospered was Meshwati. While the cities in the League of Use a were nominally all under the influence of Agira, or directly in some cases, but one-half the former league was conquered by Meshwati or placed under its influence once more. The city greatly expanded its navy, which trade ships dominating the north of Mesallas, and warships patrolling the region in Karissa's absence. In the Three Cities (the union of Dascelos, Ghanis, and Nerimos), Adranates III attempted to remove the influence of the Ulmian and Enulmian religions. He began by ordering that all citizens of the nation offer a sacrifice to the Mesallian gods upon his ascension to the throne. This was rejected by both groups as worship of false idols, and open protest broke out across the nation, especially in Nerimos. With the aid of Sephimora this revolt grew in power considerably, and Adranates III was ultimately forced to recognize both religions are legal within the nation. Around the same time Sephimora expanded south toward the upper Ema River, with dozens of copy monasteries and small settlements being founded in the mountains near the border of Alsoba. During this time numerous missionaries attempted to convert the region, as well as the people of the southern desert in and around Edom.
  • Solcia: Now that Benyisra’s independence is secure, Neboleptes concludes an end to hostilities with Draka. Soon afterward, he receives word of his father’s death. He hastily returns to Seuthai, the Solcian capital at the mouth of the Cebrion, with his wife and most of the army, leaving the remaining troops in the capable hands of Carogalus, one of his commanders. When the prince arrives home, the capital erupts into joyous celebration. A funeral is held for Nassohalus, followed by a week of mourning. Only then does Neboleptes officially ascend the throne. After his coronation, a splendid feast is held to honor Nassohalus’ memory and celebrate Solcia’s military successes. The warriors who fought with Neboleptes in Casphiron are awarded land in eastern Solcia and the isles for their retirement. Some of these palatial estates become cities in their own right, including the fortress of Sadaium. The Solcians found new settlements on the largest island, Pyrgeiros, and trading posts throughout the smaller isles and the mainland.
    • Laeberion: The colony of Laeberion expands in the aftermath of the Benyisran Revolt. It becomes an important center of commerce and Irian influence in the Casphiron.
  • Yannis Empire: The war to restore order in the west ends. The Kingdom of Xüonai ceases to exist in its old form, and instead is replaced by the Kingdom of Xanulem, an elective federation of quasi independent governships, which will answer to a monarch preferable to the Yannis Empire. In the north the Anointed One proposes peace with the westerners and Darna, which grants the areas around Topitui and the West Bay to Darna, the north to Molaga, and some land to Benekundon, although this does not include the southern areas, as that region successfully repulsed the invasion and proved itself capable of governing itself. In total six provinces are created, each with a chosen governor, and this group elects the first king in Xanulem. In all these provinces the Yannian religion spreads, as religions deemed incapable with Yannian beliefs are outlawed. A large number of Yannian soldiers remains in the region to garrison the major cities and ensure order, while Yannian civilians settle the new land in ernest. New roads are ordered in the west, which will connect the coast of the Yannis Empire west through the new lands of Xanulem.
    • In Mesallas: The governor in Mesallas creates a number of opulent temples in major cities, especially in the city of Oronaca. With control of the western Melopenes Peninsula, the Yannian governor begins sponsoring trade with the west, hoping to spread the Yannian faith to nations such as Besheva and Jubaya. The hunt for Ulmians continues, with many hunted for sport or bought from slavers simply for ritual sacrifice.
  • Kingdom of Azoz: Thalut prepared his army in this decade to proceed on the most ambitious expansion in Azoz history. With an army numbering over 80,000 professional troops, Thalut personally led his men to seize control of the Ashe River in a three-pronged campaign, followed in the next spring by a decisive strike against the capital of Tuartha. Tuartha's capital was known to be heavily fortified, supported by their Mesallian allies and having no entrance except by boat on the Ashe River. This did not stop Thalut, however, who had the Ashe River's source diverted temporarily, causing the moat of Tuartha to dry up and make a clear path under the gates. While they were besiging the city, however, Thalut had to temporarily break off engagement in order to crush the armies of the Mesallian supporters, taking most of their armies prisoner in the Battle of Salerinos, then pushing for the Seige of Igouremais to control the entire peninsula. The Cassanderan Dynasty were likewise captured in this attack, and taken prisoner back to Azoz. Thalut claimed control over the entire posessions of the former royal family, including the crown of Tuartha itself, which he collectively adopted under the overaching title of the Chatna Dynasty. Having completed the Tuartha War, Thalut pushed his armies northward, likewise crushing the Neum and annexing them under the Tuartha crown as they once were in ages past. His campaign continued farther north along the coast toward Syres, where he came to earlier for the Oracle Vand. However, not having particular interest in the north at this time, Thalut did not attempt to directly subjugate them, but offered instead for them to become vassals. This was especially the case for Syres, who shared a religious history with Azoz and thus was treated to practice their religion in peace (mod and player response). After the northern campaign, Thalut returned to rest in Tuartha's capital, reorganizing the bureaucratic administration. Since the Tuartha navy had been seized, Thalut made it a high priority to expand the navy to have more domination over trade in the White Sea. Finally, toward the end of this decade Tuartha began his southern campaign, seizing control of many smaller tribes until the empire came up to just border Usinilago. During this time, the the Holy Father Rainer of Azoz was very active to promote new monestaries and basilicas in the newly-acquired territories, beginning a sort of loose colonization of Azoz citizens to the coastline. Rainer seemed to immediately suspect that Thalut was far more involved in foreign campaigns than administrating the nation, and so he began to take matters into his own hands. The Council of Senior Scholars located in Medan, or informally abbreviated the Senate of Medan, was established as a layer of bureaucracy to administer the home nation while the King was absent. This was especially important as the professional military had left their personal crops in the care of the federal government while they were away.
  • Syres: According to one legend, when the legendary king Thalut arrived in Syres to see the oracle Vanden, the king asked if there was anything he could do for the wise man. Vanden replied, “Yes, stand a little out of my sun.” When the king asks how he will die, Vanden becomes distracted by a pile of bones, stating “I am searching for the bones of your father but can't distinguish them from those of a slave,” as a metaphor for the inevitability of death. When that answer doesn’t suffice, Vanden says, “you will die by something more worthy.” When he asks if he will conquer the world, Vanden replies, “you will lament only conquering one.” And finally, when asked if he will be the greatest at chess, Vanden tells him, “he who seeks to master everything rarely masters anything.” Later, the invasion by the Kingdom of Azoz on Syres’ historical allies in the south sparks alarm within the nation. During the invasion of Tuatha-Danann, numerous Syresians become entangled in the conflict, especially after the nation sent soldiers to the region only a few years before to aid the kingdom. When Azoz invades the Kingdom of Neum, a Syresian kingdom and ally, the nation is forced to declare war, sending men to aid in the siege of Neum. Surprisingly the invasion is successful, and the Syresian army is forced to flee back north with as many men of Neum as it can supply. In the city the consul Perimines attempts to rally support for a war to liberate Neum, and proposes that the nation try to sway the coastal city-states of the west, although this will prove a difficult task after recent decades of occasional conflict between Syres and Nesarafen. It is likely that the invasion by Azoz will also spark Mesallian interest as well, as the Kingdom of Tuatha-Danann had become a largely Mesallian kingdom before its fall to Azoz. In the meantime, the nation trains its own army and stations its navy to guard the home islands.
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: The tsar forts first of eight towers is constructed. The tsarina personally funds the army and equips it with bows and arrows and creates an archer legion.
  • Beraba: After trading knowledge of the world with the Exhula, the Crown Princes call a conference to discuss their new worldview. They realize that they are at a disadvantage to other larger nations. They decide that, to preserve the Beraban way of life, they need to expand. Three noble houses - Rihen, Vingod, and Esashti - are elevated to the title of Crown Prince, bringing the total number to seven. These new princely houses are charged with creating new settlements for the Beraba people to expand to. House Rihen and House Vingod go north to the Sagror peninsula. House Rihen establishes Allsid on the north side of the peninsula, and House Vingod establishes Ibranos on the south side. House Esashti travels the coast to the south and founds the city of Eiros. The Salt Road finally connects Beraba to Gahren, with branches connecting to the new cities of Allsid and Ibranos. There are plans to extend it south through the nation, eventually connecting it to Eiros. Naval patrols now extend all the way from Eiros in the south, with stops in the other major cities, all the way up to Gahren. More mines are established in the new territories to find precious metals and minerals. Farmland is expanded exponentially. Trees cleared from these areas are shipped to the coast to be crafted into ships. Families are offered incentives to have more children to expand the population of Beraba. Votan of House Kitsur dies and is replaced by his son Ensho. Many senior members of House Samasoni relocate to Gahren as official liaisons of the Beraba people. Official ambassadors are named for the Makuku peoples, as well as the nations of Exhula, Qera, and Yannis.
  • Exhula: After a long, tedious process of negotiation we finally begrudgingly agree to cede our two newer colonies in Sayalen to the new Sayalen Fillaqate (The ruler of Sayalen is a type of ruler called a Fillaq). However, we intentionally do this publicly as a “gift from the Emperor Sassigan to Fillaq Tupitoquri and his descendants“ rather than a ceding of territory from Exhula to Sayalen. This ensures none but the rulers of Sayalen themselves own the territory, thus also locking the Princess who didn’t meet our conditions. We also request to be allowed to keep two small garrisons in each of the cities we are ceding (one for each) for the next 20 years after feeding them to ensure fair treatment of our citizens (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED!). Trade also begins to truly increase and come into existence in a significant amount during this period, as now that the Sayalen have advanced to the point that they have largely been united under one authority and have begun to construct a number of small but growing ports along the coast and the Yescenem River (as well as the large lake) our traders and merchants are able to much more easily trade with them in those new ports and now that they have developed so much they have many more products to offer and a new, large market for Exhulan goods and products. This also causes a number of growing changes to gradually begin effecting each of our societies, as this trade gives Sayalen many more resources with which to build their civilization and enrich themselves more while Exhulan society gains a number of new sources for our products and access to many new sources of resources they didn’t have access to before, such as the large lumber industry of Sayalen (due to the many forests and jungles in her region, which was one of the reasons we had such a hard time colonizing the area before) and, to many people’s delight, a new source of salt due to their ability to harvest salt from the surface of the lake they occupy most of the territory around, copying the Qeran method of doing so for their own profit, which provides a small but growing source of salt to many merchants dissatisfied with the high prices of the Salt Barons, and although it doesn’t effect their profits on a large scale (due to the lack of roads or other infesteuctue between the lake and their major ports). We send many hundreds of Hcctaal missionaries into Sillas throughout the course of this turn, to try to convert as much of the populace as possible and in order to oversee the promised integration of the Hcctaal gods into the Sillian Pantheon, and ensure the process goes smoothly. We also begin sending increasing numbers of them north into the former territories of Xüonai, as without the strong and allied Xüonai central government telling us not to their is little stopping us, and it is hoped that many more will be willing to listen to their words in the current situation, with the central Xüonai government having only just recently collapsed and its new status as broken into dozens of autonomous states, where even those governed by Yannis now also being fairly autonomous and many still being uncertain (and certainly with many losing faith in the native gods of Xüonai with the recent collapse). We also use the argument to many of the new rulers of these “autonomous“ or independent states that it offers a way to be more independent from the control of Yannis even as its vassals, as conversion to Hcctaal means they are not religiously obligated to listen to the Anointed One (and people will be more likely to be loyal to their leader when their leaders liege isnot going against the will of their gods by defying their representative). (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). Although we, of course, continue mass trading with Yannis despite this and the North Sea Trade continues, even if the loss of Xüonai has significantly damaged our economic prosperity in the area, making even more Irrosians and many Exhulans more willing to do things such as piracy, making that problem even worse. In othernews, the double marriage occurs in 361, between Emperor Sassigan and Princess Aquitutaqa of Kaloma, and between Princess Lccania of Exhula and King Yrgrqan Of Kaloma. This secures the beginning of trade relations between us once again and peace is secured as we continue working to repair our relationship. A son is born to them, named Vasigga, in 363, as well as four daughters over the course of the turn, Yiia (364), Orria (366), Tyha (367), and Syyala (369). We also send ambassadors and traders to Gahren to open trade and diplomatic relations with them (GAHREN RESPONSE NEEDED).
    • Kingdom Of Irrosia: King Syrac dies in early 361 of alcohol poisoning at the age of 46, leading his son Aroccis to succeed him at the age of 30. He continues the raids on the former Xüonai lands and on Teninukal in particular, but he begins to limit the raids on the former Xüonai lands to those not now under Yannian control, and tries to limit piracy on the ships of them and those who we are trying to convert, although it is obviously impossible to completely stop them, especially since it is a major source of revenue for the Kingdom and entrenched in its culture by this point, nor would Aroccis want to. However, piracy is not so limited on those nations it is not limited on. He also gains interest in colonizing the large unclaimed island group far to the northeast, founding six settlements in the area while sending many settlers there while raids also increase on undefended native villages in the area. He also begins to heavily focus piracy on Phoritheon, with many of the raids launched from the closer areas and from Marensa. The two formerly Xüonaian islands experience heavy settlement as many of the inhabitants (mainly the slaves, former free Xüonaians who didn’t side with them are left alone) are enslaved and heavily worked to death in the sugar plantations that are set up, and to make up for this many thousands of Irrosians and Exhulans are moved into the islands, which are renamed Assalca and Iyssia.
  • Darna: Our forces march from Mosnola and destroy the Zanphorian presence in the north. Their cities are razed to the ground, and their people are killed or captured. The raiders travel as far south as Xüonai proper, raiding the old capital of all its valuables, freeing all its slaves, and capturing a large portion of the city as slaves. Many members of the royal family or other nobles are even captured, and these are brought back to Darna proper to be paraded as great trophies, before spending the rest of their lives in torture in the slaving pits. As part of the peace treaty we demand that slavery be outlawed in Xüonai, so that they can never again capture and sell righteous Darnans or others, and so they can't compete against us in the slavery market. The war ends and we accept the peace terms proposed by the Yannis Empire. Most of the land goes to our allies, although the governor of Mosnola asks that his territory be expanded to the other side of the river, approximately doubling the size of the territory. There is great celebration all across the nation, as the old enemies have been destroyed, and justice has been brought to the cannibals.
  • Sillan Empire: In 630 BCE, Cabeza Sanza dies at the age of 65, with her grandniece Canxi – aged 20 – being elected into power. Due to her achievements in vastly enlarging Silla's territory, overseeing massive structural reform, and reviving Silla's economy, she is given an elaborate funeral in Da Qing (being visited by 100,000 people over a seven-day period) and her date of birth (May 30, 695 BCE) is turned into a public holiday. Following in her grandaunt's footsteps, Canxi continues the consolidation of Silla's outlying territories and forcibly centralizes conquered populations into villages at the river bank – to ease the collection of tax and facilitate administration; this system becomes known as the "Reduction" system. She also patronizes the establishment of merchant guilds, due to her interest in the arts. Due to the spread of high-temperature kilns, and the durability of the material, porcelain wares replace earthenware as the main form of ceramic. However, earthenware remains in use as tea canisters (since they are believed to enhance the flavor over time), while stoneware is used for culinary purposes. Porcelaneous wares begin to diversify into a multitude of forms with many either using white or celadon lacquer as the main glaze. The Da Qing Arsenal produces a large quantity of reflex bows, iron-tipped and incendiary arrows, polearms (halberds, lances, and pikes), and swords. A law is passed mandating all recreational weapons are to be licensed, and also painted in white (as white is seen as the color of beauty, and by extension, athleticism). A moderate number of lamellar armor is produced for cavalrymen. In addition, its bloomeries also produce a high volume of wrought iron, bronze. Latrines, drainage, and communal baths are built. An increasingly quantity of silk, porcelain wares, jewelry is manufactured both for export and domestic consumption. In addition, cash crops such as tea, sugarcane, cocoa, coffee, honey, spices, and exotic fruits are cultivated; while alcoholic beverages (such as rice-wine, bread-wine, and mead) and condiments (various oils, vinegar, soy sauce, fish sauce, etc.) are produced. Large-scale deforestation continues, yielding land for rice paddies. Agricultural production increases due to the utilization of more land; as well as the utilization of fertilizer (in the form of manure), and more iron tools and machinery. Intercropping of rice, aquatic plants, and perennial fruit-bearing plants (namely coconuts and plantains) is done to boost crop yield, and combat soil erosion – thus maintaining soil quality. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition, facilitating relatively early marriage (but still considerably later than in most societies) and curbing the effects of disease. To better analyze the extent of potential human resources to be used in a future conquest and to simplify population counts and household registration, a law is ratified mandating all households keep a tablet outside of their residence displaying all of their family members and their year of birth.


The nation of Mithadia continues its conquest of the sea to the west, securing the subjugation of a tribe on the same island as the Tsardom of Algeorgia’s colony.

The nation of Sayalen accepts the request from Exhula to continue to house a garrison in its former outposts, in the hopes that it will lead to good relations between the two nations. Meanwhile, Gahren accepts the offer from Exhula as well, opening trade and diplomatic relations between the two nations.

One of the main tribes to convert to the worship of Hythus and Hythian customs, located southeast of the former Cartor nation, asks to become a vassal of the nation of Hythia.

The nation of Kepitis accepts protection and aid from Qaryaat, but asks to be an ally instead and retain its independence.

Eldebethias accepts the offer from Draka to contract Drakan warriors as mercenaries in its army. A number of Drakans travel across Eldebethias during this time, bringing word of the lands to the east back to their home nation.

Almost a decade into its rulership of Neum and Tuatha-Danann, the Kingdom of Azoz experiences a discontented local populace. The deposed heir to Tuathna-Danann, Cassander IV Nicolanes, flees to Sericolis and attempts to rally support for his return, especially as the religious customs of the region are seemly threatened by the rise of Ulmian basilicas across the former kingdom.

  • Mesallian Culture: In the third year of the 42nd Jafiad (Year 370) the League of Agira was formed as the conglomerate of Agira and its allies, which at this time included most of the Mesallian world. This was merely a formality, as such an alliance had already existed without a proper name for some time. Also discussed at this meeting of the Mesallian states was the problem in the west. At this time the Kingdom of Azoz had turned on the east and pillaged the Kingdom of Tuatha-Danann, crushing the kingdom of Cassander. It is well-recorded what a high regard the descendants of Cassander were held in, as the eponymous hero had ventured around the known world and was a descendant of the gods. Present at the meeting was the Agiran writer Palo, who serves as one primary source for the events. According to him the Azozians had first attempted to ally with Agira, and the head of the Agirans, Amondias, produced a message that had been delivered to the state. The diplomats in the city made a sacrifice to the gods before Amondias threw the letter into the flames. Palo attributes this to the city’s want to be a force above foreign influence, but also it is likely this was to appease the other cities with very little regard for Azoz. Regardless, the message was clear, the free world would not submit to the invaders, but would stand on the side of the invaded. This was not made clear to Azoz immediately, as Agira first turned its attention to securing the homeland. Some in the city feared that if Agira withdrew its army then Karissa might take the opportunity to attack, and finally it was decided that if the war faction would win out, they would also need to secure Karissa’s loyalty. Envoys asked the city to commit its army to the allied force, so that it would not be stationed in Mesallas. This split the city’s opinion, and ultimately it was decided that the Karissans would not join the Agirans. Instead they signed a sacred oath of neutrality, with the understanding that trickery would likely result in their extermination. Henceforth the leaders of Agira styled themselves as “Hegemons of Mesallas, except the Karissans.” All the states of the alliance contributed the better part of their armies to Agiran command, although Meshwati commanders largely kept to the naval aspect of the alliance. Next the Agirans sent envoys to the governor of Yannian Mesallas, hoping to ensure that the Yannians would not take advantage of the situation to invade the rest of Mesallas. To this end the envoys demonstrated how they had faithfully executed the terms of every treaty with the Yannians and had outlawed the Ulmian religion. Additionally one of the envoys even proposed that Yannis should join their cause, as Yannis would have the opportunity to fight the Ulmian religion directly. Before an army departs another sacred oath is said by the cities of the league, with each city promising to serve the league to victory or fall together in the process. Joining the army would be the political hostage turned commander, Ptelamus of Erasidon, in command of the southerners of his homeland. For his native forces he takes several lessons that he learned while in Agira back to Erasidon, especially in the aftermath of the famed Battle of Nucemia. He follows the example set by Agira, that the state must create a professional force of elite units to remain dominant on the battlefield. Up to this time Erasidon’s infantry still consisted of many lightly armed peasants, and a slow process began to upgrade these units. Infantry was outfitted with Agiran-style light armor, a Meshwati-style small shield, and bronze helmets and greaves. They were armed with a long pike that was about twice as long as any contemporary weapon. These pikes are made from cornel wood, a type of timber mostly native to Mesallas, which was considered the strongest material for wooden weapons. At one end of the pike a long iron tip is mounted that is specifically designed to penetrate armor, while at the other end a heavy metal butt is mounted to act as a counterweight, or even as a backup weapon. Each infantryman is then organized into a tightly-packed formation, thanks to the small size of their shields, which consists of 128 men, and a commander. Two of these units are then combined, along with auxiliary units such as horn players, flag bearers, and messengers in each unit. The cavalry sees similar changes, with each cavalryman equipped with one of the nation’s best horses, a full bronze cuirass, shoulder guards, a bronze helmet, a long thrusting spear, and a sword. In addition to the league members, the Mesallians were also joined by states such as Salarinos and Igounematis, both of which had fought multiple wars in Tuatha-Danann to put a Mesallian claimant on the throne. Their neighbor Setia, who had a partial Ulmian presence, was less included to be involved. (More to be added after other players post their actions.)
    • The Umhlaba War: As the Azozian army invaded Usinilago, the Umhlaba Confederacy fell into its own conflict. For over a century the confederacy had hanged in a careful balance, with dozens of local authorities of roughly equal power all under the command of the High Tyrant in Isono. The balance of power shifted immensely when Venien of Serieta was elevated to the effective ruler of the Kingdom of Tuatha-Danann. This left an outcasted tyrant in command of a nation larger than the rest of the confederacy combined, which sparked great alarm among the rest of the confederacy. Notably several Water Tyrants aligned with Venien and with Azoz. The important Sykorn to Analunba route, which had historically been home to Gilian the Anointed, an early convert to Ulmism, was one such supporter. Another was Water Tyrant Tiris II of Agnomon, who oversaw operations in southeast Azoz and the area around it. In Isono the High Tyrant was Mercenus, and he supported the nation of Usinilago in the hopes of disrupting Azoz. For this reason one of the pivotal battles of the war would occur near Isono, resulting in Mercenus’ death. As Azoz continued into Usinilago, Venien of Serieta departed with a good portion of the Tuathan garrison to seize Isono and see himself elevated to the head of the confederacy as well. With no force able to oppose him he was swiftly elected although, in the eastern regions of the confederacy the Water Merchants rallied behind a new council, which worked in secret. From the tunnels and monasteries of the ancient trade routes, several great merchant lords signed a compact to retake Isono. The signatories included Shemzun aze Merani, the patriarch of the Upper Meran, Ketus the Black, a Phydinian merchant and veteran of the war with Agira, Democrates the Meshwati pirate, Levian the Lucky, an Enulmian warrior of Leviea, Vedun Ironsides of Dascelos, Calumus of Cania, the Canian zealot, and Bedun al-Zari, a Vomasian nomad. Their secret stronghold became known as The Hub.
    • The Aexontine War: After the election of Venien in the south, Palo writes of an invasion by Nyvram and Iskander of the Aexont (the “setting sun coast” according to the Mesallians). The westernmost states of Mesallas were called “restless” by Palo, for they desired to control Tuatha for the past century or more, as they had supported the king Lóegaris around the time of the 12th and 13th Jafiad. The two cities of Salarinos and Igounematis combined their forces of approximately 8,000 men, and also managed to attract another 2,000 men from the northern peninsula in what was Mesallian lands under Tuathan control. The army was given to the command of Geamander, who according to legend prayed to the gods, traveled to the sea, and cast his spear into the waves, asking, “will we fight alone?” At that moment a ship arrived from Sericolis with a message stating that Cassander was preparing an army and would return to the west.
    • The League Takes Action: In the city of Agira the army marched through the streets one last time before departing. The people of the city filled the sides of the streets, throwing holy roses at the soldiers’ feet. The generals marched at the front with their faces painted red in the image of the divine Ioganter, with flags and emblems flying behind them. At the city gate the old councilman named Leus came to the generals and said, “to those about to die, your city salutes you. The world salutes you.” The head general, Kosodus, crossed the pomerium to officially exit the city, crossing under the ivory gate. He would never return to Agira. That same moment an envoy was sent to officially declare war, and by the time it arrived in Tuatha the Azozian army had begun its invasion of Usinilago. A fleet of “1,000 ships” departs from the Melopenes for Sericolis to bring the first group of reinforcements, but the main army marched on land toward Erasidon, where the Mesallian world bordered Usinilago. The exact size of each army is not entirely known, but an educated guess can be made by examining the strengths of each side. Agira is said by at least two sources to have 40,000 voting citizens, another 100,000 people from their families, 70,000 non-voting peoples, and at least 150,000 slaves, which would have made it the largest city-state in the region. The handful of larger kingdoms likely also possessed at least 100,000 people, with other members of the League of Agira being as small as 10,000. As one of the larger cities in the region, and after the conquests during the war with Karissa, Sericolis possessed an army of about 10,000, and was likely supplemented by another 5,000. As the city did not expect Azoz to continue its invasion east, Cassander IV Nicolanes landed in Tuatha, creating a total force of 25,000. He marched across the northeast and took the port cities on the coast of Tuatha, at the mouth of the Ashe River, and it was here that he received word that the Azozian army had taken Usinilago. Fortifying this region, he had himself crowned king and awaited further news from the east. In the east Ptelamus of Erasidon and about 12,000 men made the vanguard of the land force in the region. Kosodos and his army of an estimated 30,000 men arrived and the group elected to defend the narrow mountain passes into the Gudumanes and the Thusmos River, meaning the invaders would either have to march through the desert and the small mountains of the south or force a river crossing and fighting in disadvantageous terrain near Thusmos.
    • The Gudumanes Gambit: After the conquest of Usinilago the Kingdom of Azoz appeared to continue toward western Erasidon and into Thusmos. The first battle south of the river was secretly intended to draw the Azozians farther into enemy territory, while the main army from Agira swept in from the south and surrounded the Azozian army. This feigned retreat also helped to harass the advancing army. Although the invaders had captured the city of Thusmos, the elite phalanx of Ptelamus was now poised across the river and on higher ground, while an army from Agira marched through Erasidon to surround surround the Azozians. Here they intended to surround the invaders and push them into the sea. Furthermore, to the Azozians’ surprise, the man they thought was Ptelamus was actually a commander from Phydinia named Telodus, who had stood in as a double. The real Ptelamus stayed across from the Azozians ready to spring their trap, and it was hoped that the decoy king would help lure them. Unfortunately, Telodus would be murdered while in captivity. If the gambit should fail the King of Erasidon considered another option, having received the offer to become a “King of Mesallas”, which he knew the democratic Agirans would never accept.
  • Chatna Empire: King Thalut II (so called because the similarity of name to King Taulut) took note of Nicolanes' exile in Seriocolis, and used this as his reason to push the empire farther east, fulfilling his destiny to absorb the Mesallian world. First, Thalut dispatched his General Nyvram to crush the Syresian insurrection. Nyvram, accompanied by the King's son Iskander, brought in an army of 10,000 men toward Syres, in addition to armies recruited from the new Azoz vassals on the western coastlands. Having first crushed the Syresian soldiers on land, the problem occurred in the process of reaching the capital of Syres by sea. Taking an idea from Iskander, however, the military worked at gathering tens of thousands of stones to cast into the shallow bay, to form a makeshift bridge up to the walls of Syres, where they could besige the city directly. Back at home, the Senate of Medan worked to further organize the administration of the budding empire. In order to place more direct control over the people in Tuartha, de facto power was given over to the former Hegemon of the Umhala Confederacy, being of loyal Ulmian supporters and an ancestral claim to the throne as well. Thus Venien of Serieta was appointed the first Viceroy of Tuartha, ruling in the name of King Thalut. The remainder of the Chatna territories were standardized into local administrations, or satraps, under the authority of either the Viceroy or the Senate. Meanwhile, Thalut took the remaining contingent of 40,000 troops to head to the east. First, the armies of Usilango was forced back at the Battle of Isono, followed by the Seige of Usilango capitulated the entire kingdom. It was at this point that Thalut was poised to prepare his war against the Agiran League. In the beginning of the invasion up from the south, Thalut met in open field the combined armies of Sericolis and Erasidon, headed under the command of Ptelamus. The peasant militias of Erasidon, although destined to lose this battle, proved remarkably resilient if the Chronicle of Palo is to be believed, at one point shattering Thalut's helmet with an Agiran halberd. Ptelamus proved a shrewd opponent, however, and managed to retreat from the field rather than be wiped out. At the end of the battle Ptelamus was taken alive, and Thalut intended to bring him as a court guest in the new Mesallian Kingdom, but several young soldiers took matters in their own hands and murdered the prisoner in cold blood. Disgusted, the king ordered the soldiers taken out and executed on the spot for their barbarity. After securing Erasidon, Thalut pushed farther east.
    • Gudemian Redress: Thalut II immediately fell back to Usinilago after his initial defeat by the Mesallians. The elite soldiers of Erasidon were far more impressive than the Azozans initially anticipated, and so tasked his General Talmai to investigate how to improve their capabilities. According to Talmai's instructions, over the next 18 months the imperial military was outfitted with chainmail hauberk over solid bronze chest plates. Furthermore, the heavy cavalry adopted iron reinforcement to their lances, utilizing a unique strategy of thrusting xyston first while using the hoplite shield for protection. Meanwhile, a far larger military was called in, seeing the invasion of Mesallia fostered a broader conflict than anticipated. 20,000 troops supported the naval expedition from Tuartha and Serita, focused on stopping the Yannis from landing at the support of Neum. Another 60,000 troops returned to the border of Mesallia, at first stationed more defensively to secure their position at the high ground near the Thusmos River. While encamped near Thusmos, Thalut II reached out to the King of Erasidon with personal secret messages. He offered the ruler of Erasidon that if he submitted to be vassal of the Chatna, and betrayed his armies against Agira, not only would his nation be remained unharrassed any further, but he will be made Viceroy and de facto ruler of the the Mesallian Kingdom, with all the cities and all the wealth of the archipelago given under his command (player or maybe mod response). Having received the reply of this message, Thalut continued north on his campaign.
    • Aftermath (pending): Thalut then pushed more unopposed north to crush another army of Sericolis at the Battle of Thusmos River, before crossing the river to occupy the city of Viredos. It was at this point, as they wintered in this city, that Thalut's soldiers became restless, shocked by the change of culture now faced in the Mesallian Peninsula. In a landmark speech, Thalut assured his men that all children of the True God share the same family among the Gabatrian Sea, regardless of different names or customs each city has for him. It was this speech that gave the most charactaristic of the subsequent "Mesallanistic" Era that carried along with the Chatna Empire, with emphasis on religious and cultural plurality under the collective name of Ulm. After the winter, Thalut pushed farther north, enlarging his army for more Ulmian supporters in Viredos, before besieging Sericolis. Nicolanes, himself, was killed in battle, as were many leaders of Karistos and Sericolis. Having captured Sericolis, Thalut proclaimed the beginning of the "Kingdom of Mesallia" should exist over the whole archipelago, with its capital in Sericolis. All cities that wish to break off from the Agiran yolk and ally with Thalut shall become enlarged, high-ranking vassals of the Chatna Empire. The Viceroy of the Mesallian Kingdom has yet to be appointed (player response?). Having secured most of the Gudeman Peninsula, Thalut moved through the city of Karistos south in the archipelago, through the island of Elapheros to invade Erasidon a second time. This second battle against Ptelamus was far larger and more evenly-matched than the first battle, at the height of which Ptelamus and Thalut himself faced off in one-on-one combat. Not wanting to directly engage the fierce tribal nation of Phydinanes, Thalut instead offered an alliance with them as his vassal, as long as they permit the faith of Ulm spread in the region. From here Thalut took a slight detour to leave the Mesallian realm, and invade the Kingdom of Edom first. The capital of Edom at the mouth of Meran was taken in a brief battle, and in general the greater Ulm population welcomed the entrance of Thalut II who was likewise crowned King of Edom. More potent resistance persisted in the Upper Meran, however, where a more radical cult of Enulmians loosely ruled under the guide of Shemzen. Thalut dispatched 2,000 troops southward to take control of Meran, who were initially successful, but after they crossed over the sixth cataract all contact disappeared. Many scholars debate to this day what the final fate of the "Lost Legion of Thalut" exactly was. Finally, toward the end of this decade Thalut pushed northward with his combined force of 50,000 troops, determined to at last put the entire archipelago under his control. One final battle remained between the armies of Agira and Azoz, who met at the small town of Lysandris. The details of this battle and its outcome can be found largely in Palo's principal work, History of the Kingdom of Mesallias
    • A decisive battle takes place near Neum, with the Yannians under Lezemac’telon and the Mesallians/Tuathans under Cassander IV Nicolanes on one side, and the Azozians on the other. The Tuathan king successfully repulses the Azozian counterattack. The Yannians suffer 4,420 casualties, Cassander suffers 3,100, and Azoz suffers 13,320.
    • The second attempt to retake Tuatha results in an Azozian victory. The city of Tuatha falls, with Azoz suffering 7,050 casualties, Mesallas/Tuatha suffering 6,600 (of which 2,000 are captured), and Yannis suffering 2,390.
  • Sillan Empire: Emboldened by the success of the "Assimilation in Three Generations" policy, Cabeza Qianlan orders an invasion of the Olmac peoples (or the "Huimagezi" in the Sillan language). The fort-town neighboring the Olmacs (named Qibe) undergoes expansion and becomes an officially-designated city – with a population of 5,000 residents, many of whom are military personnel. A force of ~20,000 men and women are mustered – of which one-fourth are cavalrymen, while the rest are hastily-trained conscripts fulfilling the role of auxiliaries and infantry. They are divided into 20 regiments (each with 1,000 men and women), with five regiments (collectively referred to as a "division") each under the command of a single General (who operate largely autonomously, but maintain loose communications through messengers on horseback); thus allowing tactical flexibility and allowing to maintain the appearance of numerical inferiority. This also allows for the increased ability of Sillan forces to outflank or encircle enemy forces, as well as the ability to attack in multiple fronts, thus overwhelming forces. Due to the relatively heavy-forested terrain between settlements and surrounding farmland, fires are deliberately incited to clear vegetation as well as to raze farmland and deprive enemy forces of a food supply. Meanwhile, raids are conducted into unfortified settlements to hoard as many supplies (including using razed cash and grain crops as fodder) as well as to spread fear among the population, as well as overwhelm other settlements with an influx of refugees. While the seized crops of the natives, as well as gathered tropical fruits, provide an ample supply of food; additional nutrition is derived from wild game (mainly deer) as well as the milk of mares. Similarly to the war with the Subaozi people several decades prior, guerrilla tactics are used in densely-forested terrain where traditional cavalry-centric tactics can't be employed. However, this time, these archers (either on horseback – if it permits – or on foot) are organized into small bands of three-to-five individuals (to increase the concentration of fire) that encircle the enemy from multiple concealed locations and then proceed to target individuals of high positions. Afterward, they are lured by a seemingly numerical inferior force into a more open space, where they are shot with arrows (with archers being organized into a volley formation and using heavier bows) and then - with the aid of cavalrymen (attacking from the rear and the flanks as per the principle of "encirclement") – attacked by infantry, which are organized into a phalanx position. Skirmishing duties are handled by cavalrymen or mounted auxiliaries, wielding lances or halberds respectively. However, within more open terrain (such as in fields), the usual strategy of feigning retreat or numerical inferiority – succeeded by a surprise attack from the flanks or the rear, encirclement to prevent the arrival of reinforcements, infliction of attrition (through arrows), and if enemy forces are rendered disorganized, close engagement with lances and scimitars – is utilized. This strategy is heavily effective when facing organized troops (in particular, phalanxes) due to their inflexibility and inability to protect their vulnerable flanks and rear (even with skirmishers). As an increasing area of forest is burned down over the course of the conquest, these tactics become increasingly used – further hastening conquest. Incendiary arrows are increasingly used due to their capacity as not only a tactical, but a strategic (through the burning of even more fields and infrastructure) and psychological (as it instills fear, especially as the majority of the population have never encountered such a weapon) weapon. The usage of crossbows (with each of the 20 regiments receiving ~30) also proves to be of considerable advantage – due to their higher projectile velocity and this range. Meanwhile, famed physician Go Natano travels with the expedition to study the treatment of severe physical injury. From this visit, he concludes that the principle of "fluid displacement" is not applicable to these sort of injuries, and instead prescribes the usage of tight bindings and contraptions to "set" the injury in place for a period of 30–to-100 days depending on its severity – while the patient is advised to remain immobile. Honey is used as a "healing serum" as well as a binding agent. From these findings, goes on to write the "Treatise on Physical Injury"; which he adds on to the "Physician's Inner Canon". As his work and various achievements become recognized by the central government, the Ministry of Rites bestows him an honorary title, minor property, and a monthly pension. The "Annals of Silla" is also revived, but this time, it also provides monthly news to the literati in addition to recording historical events. The Da Qing Arsenal produces a high quantity of reflex bows, iron-tipped and incendiary arrows, pole arms (halberds, lances, and pikes), and swords. Bows begin to be systematically stored in leather sheaths when not in use. In addition, its bloomeries also produce a high volume of wrought iron, bronze. A moderate number of lamellar armor is produced for cavalrymen. Latrines, drainage, as well as communal baths and grammar schools are built. An increasing quantity of silk textiles, porcelain wares, jewelry is manufactured both for export and domestic consumption. In addition, cash crops such as hemp, tea, sugarcane, cocoa, coffee, honey, spices, and exotic fruits are cultivated; while alcoholic beverages and condiments are produced. Large-scale deforestation continues, yielding land for rice paddies. Agricultural production increases due to the utilization of more land; as well as the utilization of fertilizer (in the form of manure), and more iron tools and machinery. Intercropping of rice, aquatic plants (water spinach, lilies, and water caltrops), and perennial fruit-bearing plants (namely coconuts and plantains) are done to boost crop yield, and combat soil erosion – thus maintaining soil quality. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition.
    • During the Sillan invasion of Olmac the defenders met the Sillans in battle in the north of the nation. The Sillans were victorious, with Olmac suffering 3,330 casualties and Sillas suffering 2,100 casualties.
  • Qera: Princess Zatlehe passes away in 372, leaving behind her only child Zrias. The new princess is in her late 20s now and enters her position with much enthusiasm. She arranges a marriage between the tribal leader of the Ollehâtl and her cousin Ztafhe of Rollver, turning the Olleâtl into a vassal. This was only possible with the lift on any tariffs the tribes merchants usually pay and the promise to develop infrastructure there. (Everything along the coast to the southern river becomes the County of Ollea). Exploitation of the turquoise mines and iron in the south continues. Due to the good relations with the Ollehâtl, a substance known as "Redeye fruit" (OTL coffee) finds its way to the Qeran markets. Though many people find it weird how the drink from it is made (tea is rarely made in the cuisine of the commoners, so they are not familiar with the concept) it gains popularity due to its effects. Cultivation begins in the rich soil of northwestern Qera, but it is quite limited. (MORE TO COME)
  • Yannis Empire: The Anointed One accepts the offer from the Mesallians, as he relishes in an opportunity to eradicate the heathens. And regardless, as soon as he learned of the events in the west the invasion by Yannis became imminent, as Azoz made a horrible mistake; it confirmed Yannis’ suspicion of its location. A great army of Holy Men is assembled, which will be used to kill every heathen who refuses to submit to the rightful Yannian religion. The navy sails west, tasting the blood in the water around the dying city of Syres. We sail up to to the island with 20,000 men under the command of Tonaqemoc, avoiding the only ships of note in the region by appearing to be arriving to liberate the region. In reality, the city will submit to Yannis, and Ulmians will finally be purged, and every last Azozian will be captured and killed, now that they have trapped themselves on the island. First the rock bridge is seized and destroyed, and a blockade controls the narrowest parts of the straits. The larger Yannian force surrounds those trapped within, announcing that the city of Syres should join them in liberating themselves, or face similar cruelty. Another group of 20,000 men, under the command of Lezemac’telon, sails to Neum to seize that port and aid the army already seizing it from Azoz. One last group of 20,000, of which most of which are native Yannian-Mesallians or Mesallians in the region, all under the command of the governor, marches to join the Mesallian army already in the south. Any basilica that is discovered along the way is to be razed, and every Ulmian discovered is to be killed. The Anointed One eventually travels to the region as well, being carried on a large throne, surrounded by an enormous entourage of soldiers, Holy Men, and exotic animals, so that he can watch the events of the war in style. Another small group of soldiers is raised to defend the Yannian homeland and garrison its forts. There is great celebration in the Holy City, as the fall of the evil heathen capital will soon be imminent.
  • Syres: The nation prepares for war to help liberate the kingdoms of Neum and Tuatha-Danann, and raises soldiers near the city. There is some backlash in the city against Ulmians, as many of them disagree with the Mesallian portion of the population, causing some fighting to break out in the streets. The government of Year 370 buys into the anti-Azozian fervor, and the government discreetly has the Patra of Syres captured and executed, as he was outspokenly against the government’s actions. In Year 371 the government is replaced, with the new leaders stressing that violence must end, and the city must band together to defend itself, regardless of who is attacking. The news of an Azozian army marching toward the city directly causes great alarm, prompting the city to take extreme measures to defend itself. The navy is placed on high alert and tasked with patrolling near the city, while the army gathers in the city to prepare for a battle. The Azozian crossing of the sea onto the island takes the nation completely by surprise, and the army hastily marches out to fight with the attackers. Despite the odds, the Azozians manage to prompt a retreat of the defenders, and later that day the city elects to surrender to the invaders. This proves controversial, and many of the city’s lead generals elect to defect rather than accept surrender, with the city’s admirals taking Syres’ navy to the islands in the north out of the use of the invaders. Late in the following year news arrives of the Yannian demand that the city turn itself over again, which again causes much disagreement in the government and an outbreak of violence. The population has no love for the Yannis Empire, with an opinion less than that of the Kingdom of Azoz, although there is a small minority who sees the potential for a Yannis-sponsored liberation of the city if that allows for independence down the road. In the meantime, a small Azoz-installed presence in the city begins promoting the Ulm religion in the city.
  • Realm of the Northern Saemonites: The Hanging Gardens of Arazna continues to attract large numbers of philosophers, tourists, and scribes. A population census is done (Mod). Expansion is made in the northeast by 5 px.
  • Draka: Baldrik sadly passes away, with his heir, Baldrik II becoming the new Archon. By now, Archon is a clear monarch figure. More is done to develop agriculture technology, and animal husbandry is practiced. Dryland farming develops. Oxen are used to pull carts. Draka tries to becomes a mercantilism hub, however, exercise is emphasized, as the Draka must remain a "master people." Meanwhile, a megastructure is planned, built by Hasibal, known as the Hasibaleum otl Mausoleum at Halicarnassus.
  • Hythia: Years 88-97 Since the Return of Hythus. Myrnech Syberus, having received the Jantian offer suggests a counter proposal. Hythia will take the Janti as a vassal, and Syberus’ son, Kylinus will take the first-born daughter of the tribal leader, Silania, as a wife. Irrigation projects continue to the south, and more land is made fertile and productive in this manner. Tribesmen in the untamed south are integrated through the sale of newly irrigated land to these peoples. Food production continues to swell thanks to improving irrigation methods. Trade with Mythadia continues with great strength, and a network of barges, harbors, and markets is built in the cities along the river. This network allows Hythia to import luxuries of the sea in exchange for iron and the now regionally famous Hythian Beer. The practices of taking wives to the south continues and poor nobility travel to these lands. Missionaries continue proselytizing to the south and west and converts are encouraged to make a pilgrimage to see the Temple of Hythus.
  • Irian Culture: The Iron Age is in full swing across Iria, and with it comes war. The Ludians once held all of Iria under their yoke. Now, the inevitable growth of western polities and the petty squabbles of the Ludian nobility have reduced their empire to dust. Ludia is so weakened that in 372, King Asymagos of Corenia is able to conquer it all within the year and seize its capital at Apalaoda. According to the play The Liar's Burden by Cambereph, the king of Ludia killed himself by swallowing a poisonous fruit when he saw the Corenians advancing on the city. Asymagos also subjugates Motra and Corascuto, greatly expanding Corenia's borders. The first coins are invented in Corenia around this time. Following these conquests, Ludo-Irian culture moves eastward, to Lake Kratta and Lake Mela. The city of Hecyra is founded here in 379 by the priest-king Barlas. In the south, Neboleptes of Solcia declares war on Nolossia after a Solcian caravan was attacked by Nolossi raiders. He uses this attack to justify a reconquest of the original Solcian homeland, the lake lands, from the "invaders". The Nolossi, however, fight well. Their warrior women use guerrilla tactics to thwart two invasion attempts. On the third attempt, Neboleptes is mortally wounded by a Nolossi arrow in the wooded marshes of Cana. The death of their king shatters the Solcian army's morale, and they retreat back to Seuthai. In the aftermath of her husband's death, Sonia struggles to maintain her status as Queen of Solcia and keep the provinces unified. She makes her best effort to ally with the people during her reign, gaining the nickname "the Builder" for her numerous contributions to the nation's infrastructure, with her road to Sadaium becoming the principal highway of Solcia. Still, many Solcians refuse to accept someone who is both a woman and a foreigner as their monarch, leading to revolts and plots against her rule. In her distress, she sends a message to her father Ebromahan, asking if he will aid her, and makes preparations to flee to Benyisra if necessary. In the west, Decene, Ephon and Rhithera form a three-way alliance and use it to propel their influence across the straits. Together, they found new colonies in Ceta. Asklena is dissatisfied with this state of affairs and forms their own league with Dardas and Droupos. A city called Synnateira appears between Lake Mareum and the Ima River.
  • Beraba: Hozanek of House Chlumani dies with no eligible male heirs in the family. Instead, the seat goes to his nephew Exas, whose mother Bira was part of House Chlumani before marrying into House Rhethlune. House Rhethlune now has the title of Crown Prince of Ngaoudera. To the north, Adis of House Samasoni bears a child, Aralde, who is in line for the Gahrenese throne. The Seven Crown Princes send gifts of precious gems and metals, delicacies, and livestock to Gahren via the Salt Road, which now reaches as far south as Eiros. Sacrifices are made in the temples of the High Gods in the Holy City within Ngaoudera to celebrate the child’s birth. A survey of the land is sponsored, with surveyors taking note of areas surrounding the nation that are optimal for farming, settlement, and mining. A census is also conducted for the people of Beraba. The “Great Shiplight” is constructed in the city of Ngaoudera to guide ships into the harbor.
  • Darna: The last of the Zanphorians in the captured lands are killed or enslaved, and the land becomes home to new Darnan settlement. The area around the ruins of the old West Bay City are colonized, as a new fort is built across the river from the city of Mosnola. Ships freely travel through the Syresian straits and south near the former Zanphorian lands, able to trade in peace without the threat of piracy. Darnan ships enter Mesallian waters once more, just as the war in the south begins by the heathen invaders. Darna gladly begins slaving along the western coast, eager to capture Azozian slaves for sale to the Yannis Empire and other buyers. Azozian ships are captured, and on the coast many slavers operate. Darnan entrepeneurs travel to Mesallas directly selling slaves, war supplies, and other goods, and also to offer their services as mercenaries.
  • Exhula:The beginning of this turn is marked with tragedy in 361, when Emperor Sassigan is quickly struck down by a quick and unexpected illness and dies within three months, resulting in his son Vassiga being crowned as Emperor Vassiga I Aurelian at the age of only 8, resulting in his decisions all essentially being made by a council of Regents, of which his mother is not a member, as the regents try their best to gather power for themselves and thus do their best to isolate the Empress politically and in every way possible, eventually forcing her to essentially live in a gilded cage in a heavily guarded wing of the palace known as the “Ryccis Vicchs” (Literally translating to “Golden Cage” ), where her every whim is catered to, everything she could possibly desire is provided, and every need is provided for ... except the ability to leave, as she is heavily guarded at all times. This gives the regency council unlimited and exclusive access to the Child Emperor, who they essentially turn into their puppet, making all the true decisions and essentially turning him into a glorified signer of papers. They begin massive military buildup and in 376 they order an invasion of Kaloma with 20,000 soldiers, with the intention of conquering the land, not caring about the hostage Kaloma holds or the recent efforts to repair relations since they have no care for the Empress, who begins to grow increasingly mentally unstable from her years long confinement.The invasion is launched as a four pronged attack, with three prongs being launched from two of our cities near there in the Nirobran (Former Mexiquen) Territory and thrusting into Kaloma separately. Two of them push into the territory we formerly conquered from Kaloma and push into the heavily fortified area, eventually meeting up at the battle ofBquirr (the renamed city we founded in the area before we sold it), where they are victorious. The other main thrust on land is farther north of those two and pushes into the area north of the territory we once held. It pushes far and invades into the area around the Kaloman Capital, joint up with the fourth thrust of 4,000, which unexpectedly invaded from the sea transported by a large number of Exhulan Ships, and which successfully took of much of the Kaloman Coastal area in that province during the initial 377 attack, but who had been holding their ground and in a stalemate with Kaloma forces due to being pretty much evenly matched. With the third thrust of 3,000 men’s assistance, however, the situation there quickly turns decisively in our favor and many of the Kaloman forces are killed and the rest are forced to retreat into The Kaloman capital, which we begin besieging in early 359, hoping to take it by 364.The rest of our forces, the other two thrusts of 4,000 (the one farther North) and 9,000 (the one that pushed down through the coast) successfully take the areas they attacked into and push far into Kaloma, with our forces having sucessfully conquered about one-third of Kaloma by late 379, after which we begin to consolidate our gains around the Kaloma Capitals in that area and in the general area in the southern region held by the forces of the two southern thrusts. Overall, we suffer 2,340 casualties from fighting and 3,900 from disease and other causes (I asked Vand to do the algorithms before I posted so I could write it into the turn more easily so these are the official results) and we begin preparing to defend our new gains and in the future launch an attack farther into the northeast part of Kaloma. Meanwhile, the expansion of the Palace mostly stops as the regents lack Sassigan's love for art and grand projects, using the money elsewhere instead, often to benefit themselves but still to run the realm in large parts. Irrosia continues to colonize the far northeastern islands, spefically the farthest southwest and farthest northwest ones, founding two more settlements on the southern one and three more on the Northern one. Finally, a Marriage proposal is made to Yannis, where a daughter of the Anointed One will marry Emperor Vassiga once he comes of age. (YANNIS RESPONSE NEEDED!!). We also continue sending hundreds of Hcctaal missionaries to the former territories of Xüonai and begin increasing the amount after a number of successful conversions, although none of major leaders have yet occurred, we continue anyway, continuing to emphasize our previous points and new ones such as the more positive trade relations this would provide and the freedom from (sanctioned) Irrosian piracy their ships would have if they were followers of the Hcctaal Faith (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED!).
  • Qaryaat: King Hakhim decides to accept Kepitis as an ally instead of a vassal, deciding that retaliation would be too troublesome. He also sends a group of diplomats to Benyisra, requesting an alliance and trade deal. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED) A Qaryaati mathematician, Fahram, comes up with the theorem that if a triangle is drawn inside a circle with the long side being drawn as a diameter to the circle, the opposite angle will always end up as a right angle (later known as Fahram's Theorem). Meanwhile, the colony of Maqiri (named after the peninsula it is situated on) expands along the coast. We ask Mawan-Jaho (Mohejaro) if they would be interested in opening up trade with us. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED) We also request Draka for a trade deal. We will trade spices, dates, dragon's blood tree resin from Saqqatra, dyes, and incense for whatever they may have. (DRAKA RESPONSE NEEDED) (WIP?)


You may still post in the old turn if you need to, including if you need to update your turn because of an ongoing war or battle, as long as you do not retroactively change anything that is “canon” or contradict what occurs in these events or the following turns.

Qera discovers a particularly strong tribe south of them called the Dhulbalan, with a city named Mejeeramat at the mouth of the nearby river. Around the same time a plague also arrives in Qera that causes problems in the most densely populated cities of the nation.

As of a result of the missionaries sent south by Hythia, a number of people in the north Hecis region and in Ludia convert to the worship of Hythus. Some also seek to connect Hythus as one-and-the-same with one of the Irian gods.

The High Priests of Benyisra write extensively of how god intervened to save his people from foreign invasion, and these texts are spread as far west as Qaryaat and into the Irian cities in the north. Benyisra also accepts an alliance and trade deal with Qaryaat, while Mohejaro accepts a trade deal with Qaryaat.

What remains of the Olmac government sends a request to Sillas, stating that they will accept vassalage within the Sillan Empire in exchange for being allowed to keep some degree of autonomy.

The Yannians are successful in landing at Syres, but are thus far unsuccessful in preaching the city. During the defense, the Yannians suffer 1,420 casualties, the Syresians suffer 2,400 (as well as many civilians), and the Azozians suffer 1,050.

At the Battle of Tuatha Cassander IV Nicolanes' son and heir, Arsimon, is killed in battle. Cassander escapes with his life, but is forced to flee.

The governors of Exhula’s northwest colony create a petition to the imperial government, stating that the quotas for slaves to be shipped to Sillas are too high, and state that the colony has suffered under this system.

  • Mang: The emperor is mostly paranoid for an expansion request to move more north west, so he orders a mandatory retreating to the south west, to maintain order and to industrialize more cities and culture, which the Mangi generals are willing to complete. Fuki's plan was simple, that the two generals would expand to the left and advance to vast terrain and meet each other in an encirclement to secure the area. The plan was put to place as the approval by Fuki was official. The two generals made good progress, but later had to slow to a halt because of the mountains and the way the nation was expanding. The plan was later abandoned because of a risk of losing some generals, so the emperor ordered an expansion southwest in order to create industries.
  • Mesallian Culture: The Battle of Glatena, named for a small town near the Thusmos River, would be the largest in Mesallian history up to that point, and according to contemporary writers, “the largest in the entire world”. Palo’s account is considered less useful when discussing the aftermath of the battle, as he records that 300,000 Azozians were killed while only a few hundred Mesallians were killed. Likewise Parius, who was born a century and one-half after the battle, records that there were at least 102,000 Azozians in the battle, of which 50,000 were killed. Modern estimates, which also take into account Azozian records, seem to indicate closer to 26,000 casualties, while the defenders suffered some at least 15,000. For his strategy Pletamus became a national hero, and with his immense spoils would continue to reform the Erasidon army, allowing for constant drilling and training in the nation. Although, during the battle a piece of shrapnel would damage his left eye, leaving him with sight in only one eye. When the news of the battle reached the cities, Palo writes that in Agira there was a festival held among the city’s civilians, with shared mourning but also celebration. The battle also proved Erasidon as an equal among the other kingdoms of the Mesallian world, and no longer a backwater nation, although there are accounts of soldiers from other cities complaining of being so close to Erasidonians. Additionally, most Mesallians found fighting and living together with Yannians to be egregious. Kosodos famously gave a speech after the battle, giving thanks to the gods, and urging the people of the alliance to stay united and put aside their old differences, which kept the peace in the Mesallian camp for the time being. There was also disagreement over the best course of action going forward, with some within the Mesallian leadership favoring a peace offer be sent to the Azozians. Both Kosodos and Ptelamus were against this, but they differed in where to strike next. In the southeast, the Kingdom of Edom seemed tenuously held, with its Edomian aristocracy and government more or less intact, albeit having sworn fealty to the Azozians. As such one possibility was to liberate Edom first. The Erasidonians favored a push through Usinilago capturing the coast, which was probably motivated in part by the kingdom’s disdain for Usinilago, and Erasidon would have had an opportunity to both loot their former enemy and potentially expand into it.
    • The Three Cities: Adranates III died and was succeeded by his son Zolius. Sensing an opportunity to both unite the many groups of that nation, something he father struggled to do, and to retake territory originally lost from Ulmaxares, Zolius marched with an army into Edom. The coastal cities of Imathia, the region east of the mountains were captured. Zolius would win a crucial battle against the Edomite governor of the region, Shemonda, although the Ulmians called the governor “Malecius II”, harkening back to the adversary of the Xaresians. Around the same time Sephimora also began to claim areas that had nominally been claimed by Edom, as central authority was low in these regions. This coincided with the nation’s attempts to convert the population of the region to Enulmism, and by this time many of the Edomian laborers of the east mountains had adopted the new religion. In the south this expansion was less successful, as the importance of the southeastern mines meant the Edomite governors of the region were better equipped and highly motivated to retain control, and the Sephimorans failed to gain a foothold on the western side of the mountains.
    • Umhlaba Confederacy: As the Kingdom of Azoz invaded Mesallas in the north, Venien of Serieta worked to expand its control over the Umhlaba Confederacy. Throughout the war rebels constantly harassed Venien’s supply lines and trade routes, and oftentimes these rebels would then disappear into the desert. This led him to begin seizing the outposts, trade posts, and oases that made up the confederacy, although this inadvertently turned many Water Merchants within the nation to begin support the rebels government. The network of government-controlled oases grew, and with it the confederacy’s ancient network of copy monasteries, tunnel systems, and other secrets were commandeered or destroyed. One Ulmian scribe named Medias writes that entire libraries were lost, except for whatever books he managed to carry in his arms in a hasty retreat. Gradually made writers and scribes fled east, settling in Sephimora or Edom, and important texts were slowly copied back into circulation. Emboldened by the success in the north, the Umhlaba council launched an attack on the trade post of Hemshamal on the Upper Meran, successfully defeating a small Venien-aligned garrison.
    • The West: The Mesallian nations supported Cassander IV Nicolanes’ rise to power in Tuatha-Danann, having successfully repulsed one Azozian counterattack. Combined with Yannian reinforcements, the army of the region secured the cities of Tuatha and Neum, and secured the rest of the region from there with minimal resistance. Despite what the other Mesallian leaders across the sea desired, most of Tuatha’s leadership desired peace be made with Azoz while they held the upper hand, although the king was more zealously in favor of war continuing. At the same time Cassander IV declared himself Cassander I of Neum, as the kingdom’s capital was still under his possession. This caused a split among the city’s nobility, but in the meantime, the city was forced to accept it with no other alternative present.
    • Afterward: After much deliberation, Ptelamus elected to invade the Chatna Empire by marching through Usinilago, but before he could depart he was unexpectedly attacked by an assassin and badly wounded. He decided to cancel his plans for an invasion and had the men of Erasidon return home, with him carried back home to his wife and his young son. Kosodos would lead a vanguard force across the sea toward Tuatha, as it was believed that the kingdom still held on from Azozian retaliation. When he landed near Salarinos the news of the approaching army to Tuatha arrived, and he marched with his army to join the battle. Ultimately the city would fall to the Azozians, and Kosodos would be killed. Although most of the rest of the region was not directly captured by the Azozians, the remaining forces decided to make peace on their own terms to at least hopefully preserve their way of life and some degree of autonomy under Azozian rule. Cassander IV Nicolanes mourned the death of his son, and was ultimately forced to flee into exile, while most of army either returned to Tuatha as civilians or settled in the Mesallian cities of the eastern part of the kingdom. The invasion of the Three Cities was of less importance to the alliance in Mesallas, although many spoke out against the aggression, including at least one notable Ulmian writer, Dalmos. Most Ulmians, however, welcomed the Azozians, as they now would take over the government of the region, much to the disappointment of the majority. In Agira the league decided it would make its peace, as they had ensured that the Gudumanes and the Melopenes would remain independent, at least. As the Azozian king was in Edom, Agira sent diplomats to the city to formalize a peace. The diplomats showed respect for the king, but according to Palo at least, were anxious for the state of the world’s soul.
  • Qera: When the plague struck, the nation shortly avoided a complete disaster by pure luck, since it struck right after the harvesting season. Nontheless the plague spreads faster than others known to the priests at the time. The practice of Merccrehpy becomes a common practice again. This ritualized form of suicide is done by many of the sick people, to save the rest of the people. They are piled up and burned by the priests in the temples and are offered to the gods. This leads to the death of many people in the cities killing themselves, especially in the hard hit north. In Ogaholle, for example, 4,000 people kill themselves in 382 and led to a complete shut down of the temple for a complete week. Evidence of this is shown in a letter to the smaller temple of Zefek in the smaller town of Hllevana to help with the corpses. After the last real threats to the population are exterminated and one year later recovery starts. Princess Zrias orders a census to organize the next harvests and tax collections after so many people died (CENSUS, PLEASE). To make the cities cleaner and prevent plagues, a sanitation system is built in Ogaholle and Rollver along with some bathhouses. Contact with the Dhulbalan, or Dolbala as the Qerans call their land, starts. Qera has no military interest there because of their tribes military strength, but the area between the Ollea territory and the southernmost tip of Qera is discovered and incorporated. After the Olmacs are weakened due to the war and vassalization by Sillas, trade with Sillas increses. the main exports are spices like pepper and nutmeg and valuable minerals like copper and turquoise. Further, trade with Exhula and even nations from the far north flourishes. A small trading outpost at the shores of the peninsula on the opposite side of the southern bay is formed to make exploring and coral harvesting more valuable (3 px become rural, 1 px becomes urban). The city is called Uothtzija, meaning reef city or coral city. The first exploration from there is again southward, in order to prove if this body of water is just a massive salt lake or indeed an ocean (discover 100 px south).
  • Yannis Empire: The Anointed One watches the great battle that takes place south of the Gudumanes Peninsula, affixed upon an enormous, ornately decorated throne. He beckons toward the Azozian heathen leader and curses him, and as foretold the Azozian is driven away in defeat. Then he spends the night at his palace complex feasting and celebrating, taking all the Ulmian captives for sacrifice. After the war the Anointed One plans an enormous victory monument in the Holy City of Yagothna-vis, as well as a monument at the site itself if possible. The siege of Syres is called off, and instead the remaining ~18,000 men depart for Neum, since that city has held out. The whole region is overrun by us and our allies, killing and capturing many. The Ashe River and the Tuatha River both run red with blood from slaughtered Ulmians, much to the Anointed One’s enjoyment. At the site of one great massacre, General Lezemac’telon laughs, “Where is your god now, Azoz? He can’t save you from death after all.” Some of the Mesallian commanders in the Yannian ranks propose that peace ought to be made with Azoz ceding the east bank of the Ashe River up to the eastern coast, and that would suffice. The Yannians are less eager to make peace, seeing as it would be better to simply burn Azoz City to the ground.
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: (According to legend) a mystic glowing stone falls from the sky just one week after the Dodo had said it would. Soldiers and miners arrive at the place and after having mined it away realizes its a gigantic diamond. After several months of work and cutting it up into smaller pieces. The tsarina orders that every citizen will get one small diamond and the rest will go to the treasury. The iron mined from it is used to make new armor.
  • Syres: After over a year at siege by the Yannis Empire, the city of Syres narrowly managed to hold on and repulse the attackers, although at great cost to the city and its inhabitants. Several thousand Syresian soldiers and civilians were left dead, along with many of the occupying Azozians. The occupation proved to be unpopular and controversial. To the Ulmians the Azozian presence was welcomed, as they condemned violence against Ulmians and rebuilt the city’s basilicas. To the large Mesallian presence in the city the occupation was egregious, and they fought against the rules of the occupiers at every step. All sides generally accepted the Azozian help eventually, as the Yannis Empire was feared more universally than the Azozians. After the Yannians lifted the siege and sailed south discontent against the Azozians renewed. Slowly the people of the city united to help recover, with the walls being repaired, the dead being collected, and homes rebuilt. The government of the city assured the people of Syres that the Azozians would likely leave once the threat of attack was gone, but when the Azozians ensured one of their own was elected to the government as tyrant, this was deemed a false promise. A revolt occurred a year after the Yannian withdraw, in which the tyrant of Syres and the rest of his government were murdered, along with many Ulmians or Azozians. The Azozian garrison puts down the revolt, but the discontent remains. As such the Azozian control over the nation remains tenuous and held by the threat of violence. Outside the city the nation’s navy flees to the northern island and its outposts on the coast, remaining outside the government’s control and quasi-independent. The Azozians and their allies call for this rebellion/piracy to be put down, but they are largely unable to spare the men, and the Syresians feign support, but are actually glad that there is resistance to the occupation.
  • Exhula: The War against Kaloma continues in a state of active conflict throughout 381-384, with Exhulan troops continuing to besige the Kaloman Capital until the third month of 384, when Exhualn forces successfully breach the walls of the city ater several years of siege and the city undergoes a two-day sacking by Exhulan Soldiers, during which the Kaloman King, Carthis, hangs himself in the palace and his three young sons and two daughters are captured by Exhulan forces and taken as hostages by Exhulan forces, with Vassiga himself arriving in the city shortly afterward, now almost entirely independent of the regents after having them stripped of power and exiled at 20. The Emperor departs back to Siccarius with the hostages in 386 and forces the young king of Kaloma, now King Yiturpth III at only the age of 13, to sign a treaty of unconditional surrender to Exhula acknowledging the Exhulan Victory and declaring the remaining two major provinces of Kaloma Exhulan territory, with Exhulan soldiers quickly occupying the two remaining areas (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). However, we make sure to be as kind as possible in the occupation and offer all remaining Kaloman soldiers and their commanders with the exeption of the few remaining direct relatives of the Kalom Dynasty, which we either capture as hostages or have killed as rival claimants to the Kaloman Throne, with us putting up a large bounty on any members of the dynasty delivered into our custody, dead or alive, of 500 Aurels. Thousands of settlers and preachers are sent into the newly conquered territories as we begin the process of integrateing them into the Empire, although this is proceeding at a smaller pace than it historically has so far, as most territories we have conquered before had less of a pre-existing population and we are doing our best to make this colonization a gradual process of several decades so we can minimize resistance from the Kaloman Populace as much as possible. We also offer to sell our small Spauldian territory to Sillas, as at this point it is just an extra territory making our occupation forces in Kaloma more spread out than they need to be (Sillas Response needed) Vassiga, being more reasonable in this area than his predecessors, agrees to dispel the 1,000 slave quota in the Northeastern Island colonies (Which they haven’t been able to fulfill for a long time anyway) as it is essentially only serving to harm them and stunt their growth at this point. However, the other purpose of the quota, depopulating the archipelago Of its native population and making t impossible to resist a major push into the region, has succeeded and without the quota the Exhulan inhabitants of the island eagerly colonize the rest of the archipelago, easily taking it and building several new settlements while the few remaining natives are completely unable to do anything about it and are quickly hunted down and put to the sword, making the archipelago almost 100% Exhulan, although it obviously is not completely Exhulan ethnically, especially since so many of the settlers are from Irrosia or of Irrosian Decnet, and the Irrosian Archipelago is such a diverse area of the Empire. Speaking of which, the current and third Irrosian King, Rogar, dies early in this turn without heirs, causing the vassal kingdom to revert back to the Imperial Government, beginning a slow process of reintegration into the Empire as many fresh batches of settlers are sent to the area to help restbalish mainstream Exhulan Culture and Hcctaal preachers are sent in large numbers to convert those large minority segments of the Irrosian Archipelago who don’t follow Hcctaal. We also begin attempting to shift Irrosia away from purely relying on sugar and purge much of the local nobility, as we gradually begin shifting much of the sugar plantations to regular farming areas in order to make Irrosia self sufficient again, with much of the Sugar industry moving back into the rest of the Empire, which is largely tropical and good for growing sugarcane anyway, as Irrosia is far too dependent on it. We also begin using this to gradually begin a process of destroying the pirate traditions inherent in much of Irrosians unique culture, as it is harmful to our relations with others and it has long since stoped being helpful or necessary for the wider Empire. Trade with Olmac, Qera, and Sillas increases a lot more, as we begin intensifying trading with them, and trade with Yannis and the former Xüonai nations increases as well, although the lack of response from Yannis is surprising. Instead, Vassiga begins grooming the oldest daughter of Carthis, who has adopted the Exhulan name Clorryil, as his future wife, planning to marry her when she turns 16 to cement his legitimacy in ownership of what used to be Kaloma, as part of the integration process despite the large age difference between them, as she was eight when she was captured, and we begin discreetly preparing to “dispose of” the remaining members of the Kalom Dynasty once this occurs. (More to come)
    • 'Silla agrees.
  • Irian Culture: With the arrival of newcomers in their lands, people in northern Iria quickly adopt Hythus into their pantheon. He is generally associated with Kourisseus, the sky god, and worshipped under the epithet "Kourisseus Phythos". The Ludians alternatively connect him to Sus or Tanrir, while the Solcians view him as an aspect of their patron deity Solcis, the sun god. Aniphus, a Decenian mathemetician and astronomer, writes his Book of Measurements based on his geometrical observations, declaring that "all things can be measured". The Measurements, the oldest-known work its kind in Iria, contains pages about weights, angles, shapes, geometrical constructs, measurements of objects great and small, constellations, and even stellar distances as viewed from Earth using arbitrary units called "sky-leagues". Despite being called a book, it is often divided into as many as 15 volumes. Following a revolt of the nobility in Seuthai, Queen Sonia flees by ship to Benyisra, and stays at the home of her father, Ebromahan. Seuthai comes under the rule of an influential statesman named Akroricus, while the rest of Solcia splits into warring factions vying for the throne. The largest faction is led by Catules Nassohalus, the brother of Neboleptes. Small groups in the more remote parts of Solcia still support Sonia I, but they are limited in strength.
  • Darna: During the siege of Syres the Darnan trade fleet begins buying and selling goods to the various sides, especially the Yannis Empire. Sensing an opportunity, the King of Darna orders the fleet to head south and seize the possessions of Syres in and around the strait, including the islands north of Syres. Their rogue navy is slowly defeated, with most of the ships captured. On the island 5,000 Darnans land and begin establishing control over the small colony. The ships then sail south to Syres, demanding that they recognize the possessions as ours now. If they agree we are willing to sell them back their ships and men, and could even deliver the head of the rogue naval commander to their door. In the meantime, the island is fortified with additional soldiers and defenses.
  • Hythia: Years 98-107 Since the Return of Hythus. Myrnech Syberus passes on in the the 100th year since the coming of Hythus. He is succeeded by his daughter Myrnech Lydina. Her brief rule is marked by the construction of a new system of administration that standardizes the distribution of powers between the Myrnech and the Partech-class under the Codex of Hythus. This administrative shake-up also establishes the rights of the common citizen and slaves in Hythia. Additionally, she begins the construction of a series of administrative outposts to begin the area to the northwest of the river under firm control. However, in her third year as Myrnech, Lydina takes ill with fever and passes unto Hythus. She is followed by her son Myrnech Dynian. His policies mix the administrative reforms of his mother with a greater emphasis on religious unity. Administrative centers become host to temples to Hythus and the system of outposts is refined with the incorporation of religious missions alongside the administrative buildings (similar to Spanish missions in North America). All of these leaders continue the centuries-long work of improving the irrigation systems along the Tythies, and the administrative oversight improves the strength of the trade networks along the Tythies. Tribes to the south continue to receive Hythian nobility looking to marry into powerful families. This influence continues to build and the tribes adjacent to Hythia are asked to join a federation.
  • Realm of the Northern Saemonites: The Hanging Gardens of Arazna continues to attract large numbers of philosophers, tourists, and scribes. Expansion is made in the northeast by 5 px.
  • Chatna Empire: Having retaken control over Neum and Tuartha, and sustaining defensive troops against the Yannis Empire, Thalut II decided it was better to extend an offer of peace with the cities of Agira, Sericolis, Karissa and Erasidon, and allow them to remain independent as long as they do not align with the Yannis Empire. 30,000 troops remain spread out along various key fortifications in Neum and Tuartha, in preparation for any further attack by Yannis. The navy of Tuartha continues to be built up with help from Serita to train naval officers. The Ulm religion is spread much farther throughout the empire as a result of the war with Yannis, establishing monestaries and Basilicas further in both Neum and Usilinago. Seeing first hand the cruel and treachery the Yannis wrought, the Theology of Priapas latches on to most of the intellectuals of these regions. Kosodos having been killed in the Second Battle of Neum, the region is restructured politically to accommodate its diversity of citizens in the empire. Neum is folded in to the Kingdom of Tuartha, which although Thalut remained their king they enjoyed de facto rule under the appointed Viceroy while Thalut was in the east. Cassander IV largely disappears from the historic record at this time, but later anecdotes tell of him being the ancestor of claiments to the Cassanderans to this very day. Palo's chronicle mentions how Ptelamus was conviently assassinated just before his invasion of Uslinago, leading many historians to suspect foul play. However, it is largely pointed out that Ptelamus had many political rivals by this point, and so might have incurred fear that his personal success against Chatna was making him too powerful among his Mesallian peers. 10,000 troops are stationed in Usilinago to aid our vassal in suppressing the revolts. In the east, Shanzan Ulmism is more effective at spreading into the previously tribal areas south of Erasidon. In reaction to the attack of the Three Cities, Thalut leads an army of 40,000 troops to crush the attempted invasion of Zolios, and proceed from there to invade farther east. First the region of Leviea capitulates quickly, as their population are largely supporters of Ulm since the fall of Xares. Having secured the high ground of the mountains of Leviea, Thalut waited with his troops to send scouts to know exactly the position of Zolios' army, before departing from the mountains carefully to strike against the largest contigent of armies and proceed to besiege of the city of Nerimos. Being successful at that, Thalut pushed farther north along the coast to attack the city of Ghanis. Once Ghanis was conquered, however, the armies of Thalut grew very uneasy and restless, feeling that they have gone much farther from Azoz as they ever could feel comfortable with. Thus, Thalut returned to the city of Edom. Throughout this decade, Azoz scholars closely studied the Phydinian people, to understand their culture and politics. A close political alliance is extended to the most powerful confederacy of these tribes, and many ambassadors are stationed there to teach the tribal leaders methods of central government, mathematics and agriculture, while passively offering to share the faith of Ulm. (Player or mod response). The Chatna Dynasty hopes to be able to eventually offer military support to some of these tribes, in helping them crush their traditional enemies among the Phydonians. Iskandar continues to be trained in military at Neum, and hearing his father return from campaign he cried "at this rate I will have no world left to conquer myself". The extent of the Chatna Empire has created a collective peace across the various conquered kingdoms, now able to freely share ideas, cultures, and technologies without barriers of war.
  • Sillan Empire: Cabeza Canxi sees the rapid conquest and capitulation of the Olmacs as proof of the superiority of Silla – and its inhabitants and institutions – and designates the Sillan God of War as the patron god of the Sillan people. She continues the "compassionate assimilation" policy, declaring that the Olmac people could free themselves from the vestiges of barbarity through adopting Sillan culture. The Olmacs are converted into two military provinces (Northern and Southern Olmac), with the local sovereign being referred to as a "Viceroy" and continuing to exercise de jure power; however, real political power is exercised by the Governor–General (appointed by Silla), who oversees administrative, educational and military affairs as well as enforce tax collection. These two military provinces are further divided into several fiefdoms (nominally under the control of the Olmac aristocracy) and a single provincial capital; which are both under divided into districts. Olmac deities are added to the Grand Pantheon, and several academies are built within major Olmac settlements. Sunday is declared as a work-free day, thus allowing all the subjects of the Sillan Empire to participate in religious services and leave offerings to their respective deities on a regular basis. The recently-purchased colonies of Exhla are integrated as an imperial province, and settled with 5,000 Sillans. Meanwhile, the Sanza-era tax system is further elaborated upon to eliminate loopholes, ease the process of tax collection, and to crack down on tax evasion. A "sales tax" of ~5% is applied to all commercial transactions. Landed gentry will be required to give 25% of their household income, and 25% of their grain, to the state. Lesser property holders will be required to give 15% of their household income to the state. Finally, tenants will be required to give 5% of their household income, or 7.5–15% of their grain (depending on the number of harvests annually) to the state; in addition to providing rent to their landlords. Collectively, tenants would thus allocate either 10% of their household income or 15–30% to their grain to fulfilling tax duties and paying for rent. These strict provisions in regards to tax collection and the relationship between landlords and their tenants facilitates heightened government expenditure – thus allowing the Sillan government to continue their military campaigns and infrastructural projects. Relatively low levels of grain collection allow for the peasantry to not only attain enough grain for subsistence but also allow them to use excess grain for animal feed or as a source of additional income. Meanwhile, famed physician Go Natano – during his travels to the newly-conquered Olmac provinces – performs a Caesarian-section on a live patient (as it is usually done on already deceased or mortally-wounded mothers) going through obstructed labor. The operation is a success, and both the mother (whose wound was tightly bound with wine-soaked wrappings) and the infant survive. He starts to spread knowledge of this technique, reducing the procedure's mortality rate from near-universal to ~85% (as it is only done once obstructed labor is clearly established as the root cause of the difficulty of labor). In addition, his colleague Han Zima starts prescribing menthol to treat sinus infections and nasal congestion and starts promoting various types of herbal tea (originally used for religious or divination purposes) to treat various minor sicknesses. Ginseng tea is particularly in demand, with small-scale plantations dedicated to the cultivation of ginseng being established. Together with Go Natano, he and Han Zima conclude that most pain is caused by tension; which could be relieved by either cooling the area (with cold water) or applying heat, depending on the type of pain. This is partially due to observations of the Olmac people applying small dogs referred to as "chihuahuas" as living heat pads, a practice that becomes widely-adopted within settlements along the Olmac provinces. The Da Qing Arsenal produces a high quantity of reflex bows, iron-tipped and incendiary arrows, polearms (halberds, lances, and pikes), and swords. Meanwhile, its bloomeries also produce a high volume of wrought iron, bronze. Massive quantities of copper and tin are imported overseas, in order to produce bronze for mirrors, jewelry, and statues. Lamellar armor is produced for cavalrymen. Latrines, drainage, as well as communal baths and grammar schools are built. An increasing quantity of silk textiles, porcelaneous wares, jewelry is manufactured both for export and domestic consumption. In addition, cash crops such as hemp, tea, sugarcane, cocoa, coffee, honey, spices, and exotic fruits are cultivated; while alcoholic beverages and condiments are produced. Large-scale deforestation continues, yielding land for rice paddies. Agricultural production increases due to the utilization of more land, the utilization of fertilizer (in the form of bovine manure), and the construction of canals for irrigation and to deliver nutrients (from silt) to rice paddies. Intercropping of rice, aquatic plants (water spinach, lilies, and water caltrops), and perennial fruit-bearing plants (namely coconuts and plantains) are done to boost crop yield, and combat soil erosion – thus maintaining soil quality. In addition, subsidies are given to farmers to establish large-scale fish farms. The large-scale raising of mollusks (snails, oysters, mussels, clams) and crustaceans (shrimp, prawns, crabs), and the cultivation of seaweed in littoral areas also begins. In marshes or wet areas, deep-water rice is cultivated or small, rectangular artificial islands are built to provide cultivateable land. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition.
  • Emalia: 300 years have past since the death of Queen Prophetess Nysia and her life is celebrated throughout the land in the form of feast, joy, splendor, and most of all fertility, with many marriages, consumations, and births happening simaltenously  for Ema the Godess of Fertility and her Prophetess Nysia. Since the death of Nysia, her descendants, the Nysians, ruling from the lush and fertile Ema Delta have blossomed this land into a fledgling empire, becoming one of the most formidable powers in the known world. The Emalia of the past, however, is no longer a reality, for it has morphed and changed into a new animal, with Messalian culture being dominate throughout, especially with the males away from the center of the Ema Delta. This battle of cultural domination is now coming to a close, however, as the fertility celebrations have led to a mixing of Emalians and Messelians, both a mixing of people and a mixing of culture. This culture makes its way to the Holy Court, where Queen Ionia marries a Messelian prince, Agetos. The royal couple gives birth to twins, Pyra and Leto, in honor of the Diomian War that first brought the Emalians and the Messalians together. Princess Pyra is to rule Emalia while the fate of Leto is unknown, both are highly educated from a young age by top scholars around the world with emphasis on the art of war. In celebration of the birth of Pyra and Leto, a census is conducted to analyze the state of Emalia after the spike of births post-fertility festivals.
    • Chatna Dip: An ambassador from the Emperor Thalut II the Great, King of Azoz, Frasnoq, Tuartha, Usilinago, and Edom, overlord of the Three Cities, Syres, and Umhala, welcomes the Queen of Emalia with a variety of gifts of gold, silver and alumite. We offer to extend trade and closer diplomacy, as well as imparting apostles to spread the gospel of Nelrim. We further offer to trade historical and cultural knowledge, sending our corpus of classical works on the heroes of Nathon and Jamshid.
    • Emalian Dip: We welcome Emperor Thalut II's diplomats, and his envoys with open arms. In response, a personal invitation is sent by Queen Ionia to Emperor Thalut II to visit Emalia. This momentous visit makes all people from Chatna now known as Thalutians. We accept the gifts and offers of trade and closer diplomacy, as well as historical and cultural exchange, hoping our people will achieve wonders together. Priestess of Ema meet with the apostles of Nelrim in an attempt to come to a religious understanding with some going into Thalutian territory. The legend of Pyra and Leto (the namesakes for the royal twins) is given in return for the stories of Nathon and Jamshid.
  • Bangor: Thousands of the Bangorians storm into Anglenite lands under the order of the King including spears, swords, and cavalry in use. This would be a test of our latest military improvements including armor. We push to the capital of the Anglenites. The hall of whites is completed as the location in which the advisors to the king and the king discuss future plans within a marble enclosure. The year ends mild with plenty of snow although there was a late winter, totals were above average. The cities and towns - now well-connected - experience steady growth as trade continues to go well. A Fabric based banner os used for the first time as a symbol of our nation. This would include a basic three-striped banner with the colors of a red-ish based from the dyes gained from the local wildlife produced at the shore, white, and black. The red-purple represents valor, white represents purity, and black for fertility brought upon by the ashes of the volcano that fertilized our crops. The Library of Bangor becomes the largest and becomes its own institution for scholars. Catapults are put into use as well whilst we rage war against the anglenites. Shops and such become quite popular which causes an expansion of workshops. Lato, a philosopher operating the Library of Bangor brings upon a new economic design that begins to be written in his papers. Temples and large marble structures become more and more common while the inland areas become accustomed to wooden structures as a more suitable build. Dyes are introduced into the clays to give a more vivid feel to houses built out of wood as a base. Handelsstraße is noted for its colorful houses owned by the upper-classes with houses having bright colors and such. The Harvest Festival is celebrated nationwide. Old rags and clothing of that manner are tossed out as silk prices fall to the floor as a result of silkworms being more widespread and farms being established causing clothing based on silk to be at low prices. The lower-classes who have access to these products are called the “wealthy poor”. An earthquake rattles the valley causing minor damage. Smoke bellows out of the volcano. An eruption is feared.


If you still need to post in the previous turn you may do so.

After Sillas successfully subjugates the nation of Olmac, the other nations of the region take note, especially Teninukal and the Makuku nations. These nations begin to emply Sillan-style reforms to their military, government, and infrastructure, albeit slowly and behind the Sillans.

The remaining army of 5,000 men, joined by another 6,000 men from its allies, attempts to repulse the Exhulans from Kaloma. Kaloma also asks Sillas for aid. If that fails, Teninukal offers to end its support for Kaloma in exchange for a small concession of land to themselves and a pledge of non-aggression, although they have minimal faith in Exhula’s word.

The Phydinians accept the offers of aid from the Chatna Empire, but reject their foreign customs and religions, and most Phydinians balk or mock the foreigners’ ways.

With the Yannis Empire distracted across the sea, the Kuscisiwans and Weritszians of the eastern provinces and territories stage a revolt.

In Emalia some of the more conservative nobility show disapproval toward integrating Mesallian customs into the royal court, although by this time such a thing is already common across the north. In the south Enulmism spreads as well, especially along the upper Ema River and near Lake Tahua (southeast lake).

The Bangorian invasion of the Anglenite Confederacy occurs at a time when the confederacy is already weak, and the Bangorians seize the capital and much of the nation. Two of the confederacy's leaders hold out north of Bangor; King Aganathid of the Inigam (western peninsula), and King Vigonam of Ursan.

After the death of the last King in Irrosia, Exhula's annexation of the territory is unpopular by the elite of the islands. Instead they elect one of their own, Barnam, as the new king, hoping to establish a new precedent and preserve their autonomy.

  • Chatna Empire: Thalut II, now styled as "The Great", finally succumbed to a disease he caught on campaign, and died in the city of Edom. Legendary anecdotes tell how he was given funeral rites 12 times, as each of the different cultures in the empire had such a variety of customs. The immediate task of his son, Iskandar, was to enforce proper succession of the empire. Due to a difference of succession laws, Iskandar's brother Hershef had claimed the crown of Edom while his uncle Abiud claimed Tuartha. Nonetheless, he proved to be equal to the general of his father, and managed to crush each of these rebellions in turn. Iskandar sought to manage the empire in a more direct manner than his father to keep it united. The various city-states taken from the Mesallian Peninsula were united under the Chatna crown as the Kingdom of Mesallia, albeit very discontinuous. The ruler of Nerimos was designated to be Viceroy of the new Kingdom. He ordered the construction of a new city in Edom, in the spot believed by legend to have been a kingdom visited by the ancient hero Leto, which was called Iskandaria. Iskandaria was built to have the largest library in the known world, collecting books across the whole empire along with a reliquary of various artifacts and tablets. All religions across the empire were tolerated, and in fact Iskandar instructed peoples of Azoz and Tuartha the benefits of customs borrowed from Edom and Leviea, and vice verse. However, religions not branched off from Ulm were carefully regulated, as they were not permitted to proselytize or otherwise make public declaration of faith. Even so, Iskandar himself encouraged discussion and debate between different scholars, and would frequently host public debate to be held in Iskandaria. Thus the city ended up entertaining scholars of Orthodox Ulm, Shanzian, Apocist, Lemanterian, and pagan religions of Usilinago, Tuartha, Syres and Mesallia. Ulmian apostles are sent to encourage conversions in southern Emalia, and further missionaries carry the gospel of Nelrim to the farthest eastern coast of the peninsula. The Emperor further ordered a standard issue of currency to be used throughout the kingdoms, replacing old systems in each kingdom with a singular system of gold, silver and copper coins. Each coin would bear the Emperor's face on one side, and the symbols of Ulm on the other. In general, Iskandar rarely ever stayed in one kingdom for more than a few months, as he was constantly fulfilling duties of different governments of different places. Even so, Iskandar commissioned General Talmai to lead a military expedition south from Edom, as an attempt to find the source of the River Meran. Having secured an alliance with some Phydinian tribes, much support is given to them in terms of military technology, training and advisors, in encouraging the Phydinian allies to fully unite the tribes together. Some of these ambassadors also continue to be Ulmian clerics, in case any voluntary conversions come later. In Mesallia, Iskandar orders the reconstruction of the Great Basilica of Nerimos. A gigantic statue of the Apostle Levian is added to the courtyard of the Basilica, with a plaque commemorating how this action by the Emperor Iskandar was in fulfillment of the ancient Prophesy of the Ulmexarians. The navy continues to be developed by Tuartha and Seita aid, and is largely employed to curb any Syresian piracy and push out a larger section of the Gabatrian sea. Syres, although a looser held vassal, is treated the same way in the Empire with its amnesty to religion and unity of language and currency. Aid is given to the local government with a contingent of 2,000 troops to prevent overt violence or vandalism in the revolt.
  • Irian Culture: Worship of Solcis Phythos, the aspect of the Sun God concerned with fire and volcanoes, displaces that of Kourisseus Phythos in most of Iria, except in the lands of the Sarpedes and Gamadacians, where Kourisseus Phythos is supposed to ride a horse across the skies and rain fire down from the heavens. In Solcia, Solcis Phythos is depicted as a tall, horseless, golden figure carrying a beacon or torch. The Ambran people adopt a version of this god that is most true to its original Hythian form. Simply called Phythos, he is the spirit of Mount Cambor that causes the Earth to rumble and shake from his volcanic forges. In Solcia, Catules Nassohalus seizes the throne after a series of bloody battles against pretenders. Akroricus flees the capital with one-third of the Solcian army, and takes shelter in the stronghold of Sadaium. Catules pursues him, but is repelled at the Siege of Sadaium (394). Afterward, the two enemies make a treaty wherein Akroricus may rule Sadaium as long as he pays tribute to Solcia. Iodora, a descendant of Phesha, is crowned akeissa in Nolossae. On the first day of her reign, an oracle predicts she will defeat a king in battle. Emboldened, Iodora gathers her loyal companions and invades Solcia. Yet, at the Battle of Meria (396), her army is routed by the Solcians. She retreats into Nolossia, disillusioned, but runs into a band of marauding Phimeres led by none other than the king of Phimerea himself. Iodora's warriors fall upon the Phimerean ranks with ferocity and utterly crush them. The Phimerean king manages to escape to the north and raise a second army, but he loses again to Iodora at the Battle of the Sehypos River. Now completely convinced that the gods are on her side, Iodora invades Phimerea and swiftly captures the whole country along with its king, whom she makes her vassal.
  • Mesallian Culture: At this time there was peace between the Mesallians and the Chatna Empire, which the states sought to uphold as long as the Chatna Empire refrained from attacking any of the states of Mesallas. The fall of the Three Cities nearly prompted a response from many neighboring states, but at the behest of Agira, the states refrained from retaliating, accepting that the Three Cities would become a vassal of Chatna, but that it would be the last of its kind from the Mesallian world to be taken. The ruler that the Azozians elevated to the position of “viceroy” was named Garus II, directly referencing the legendary king Garus of the Dioman period, who Xares Levian had claimed was his direct ancestor. Garus brought a second great awakening in the region, promoting the Ulmian faith and Xaresian law, for the first time since the fall of Nerimos. The city became the center of an Ulmian city, with Garus ordering the construction of the Second Temple, as prophesied by the Ulmians of the Xaresian period, when the first Great Temple of Nerimos fell to invaders. Although Garus was personally zealous in pursuing the Ulmian religion, he ruled over a nation that was mostly Mesallian religiously, as well as Edomian, particularly in the west, with small pockets of Enulmism and Emalian followers. There remained uneasy tension between the Azozian vassal and the southern nation of Sephimora, as the southerners were also descendants of the Xaresian Ulmians, and had carried the Holy Dwelling of the True God south from Nerimos to Nelgistis. Because of differing religious beliefs, the Enulmians would not allow the Holy Dwelling to transfer back to the Second Temple. Garus II would die before he could press the matter further, and his son, Xares II, elected to promote peaceful coexistence with the southern state, partially due to his interpretation of peace as a holy endeavor, and partially due to his following of writers such as the playwrite Solonus, who was notably anti-war in some of his productions. As such the two states traded heavily, exchanged ideas, and its inhabitants made pilgrimages throughout the two lands. During this time philosophy and the arts explode across the Mesallian world, with Agira at its center. New ideas travel through the Chatna Empire and beyond, leading to new ideas and discoveries. Many contemporary and past thinkers had their ideas written down for the first time. One Ulmian writer named Colomus of Dascelos declares God to be the eternal unity, permeating the universe, and governing it by his thought. From the Karistan school there is Zaramanes, who founds a center of learning in the city. He becomes most famous for the idea that there is one unchanging existence, which is alone true and capable of being conceived, with multitude and change being an appearance without reality. One his students, Zemus, conceives of a number of famous paradoxes, including “Leto and the Tortoise”. One of the most famous Mesallian philosophers in history, Xenocrates, rose to prominence in Agira at this time. His ideas became so important that historians would later call the thinkers before him as “pre-Xenocratic”. He is famous for the Xenocratic Method, a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presuppositions.
  • Exhula: When we get news of the mobilization of Teninukal and Kaloman Remnant forces in preparation for a counterattack we begin preparing to defend our new territory and drive them off. We already slightly outnumber them as we have 11,400 troops left from our initial campaign while they have 11,000, but we raise 2,500 troops from the rest of the Empire, mainly from those who have now grown old enough to be recruited from those young when the war began and 2,500 Sillian troops arrive in Kaloma to aid our defense against Teninukal and the forces of the so-called Kingdom Of Kaloma (which we hardly consider legitimate and has low morale due to our capture or killing of all but the most distant claimants to the Kalom Dynasty). This brings the total number of troops we are able to field against the attacks at 16,440 Exhulan and Sillian forces. When they launch their campaign to retake Kaloma in 393, (which we consider a diffrent war than the initial conquest of Kaloma between Teninukal and Exhula despite the large number of former Kaloman forces and their goal of restoring the Kingdom of Kaloma which we have now effectively destroyed) we purposely allow them to conquer a small amount of territory and take the intentionally poorly defended city of Texora and the surrounding lands. They suffer about 2,315 casualties doing this, but are mostly OK. However, this was ultimately a trap that we quickly draw shut the Jaws Of, as we swiftly use 4,000 swift Exhulan Cavalry to retake the territory leading up to the city and thus cut them off from their supply lines, leaving 4,000 soldiers behind to keep the area in our hands and prevent any attempts from Teninukal to retake the territory and relive their now besieged brethren, as we quickly retake the territory around the city and force the 9,000 remaining Kaloman and Teninukal forces to reside heavily packed together in the small city alongside the existing population and the already depleted food stores from the two sackings the city has undergone in recent years, namely that we committed when taking it and the one they did when they retook the area. We besige them in the cramped walls for about four months while thousands of the soldiers in the area and the citizens of the city die of mass starvation and disease caused by the immense population now packed into the city like sardines. We then storm the city and retake it in an extremely bloody battle for both sides, massacring or capturing most of the enemy army but suffering many casualties ourselves (ALGORITHM NEEDED). Afterward, we revive Teninukals offer for peace, but disagree with many of the terms. Instead, we send a document with many of our own demands back to Teninukal, although we also state we are willing to meet in neutral ground to negotiate on the conditions, beginning the writing of the treaty of Bxyiq (A neutral island northeast of both of our territories in the region). Meanwhile, trade continues with Sillas and Exhulan citizens gain a mostly positive view of Sillas and its Empire due to their military aid in avenging our previous humiliation, and we decide to offer Sillas an alliance between our two nations (SILLAS RESPONSE NEEDED!). We also continue trading with Qera, and relations with them have mostly been repaired by this point, as we have gone a long time without any(True) conflict and we have a fruitful trade relationship, although it is not completely repaired. We also continue relations with Yannis and We begin sending Many Hcctaal missionaries to the nations of Beraba and Gahren, hoping for a fair number of conversions and making sure to be respectful to the natives culture and gods despite this, while also still doing their best to spread the religion. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED!) Trade relations with Sayalen become more and more developed as they become an integral part of our large trade network, and the vast quantities of Salt now being harvested from the lake south of Sayalen and the roads Tupitoquri has had built between the lake and the coast in the last few years making salt trading with Sayalen far more profitable and widespread then before. It also results in the “Salt Barons” monopoly on Exhulan Salt Trading beginning to dissolve and thus, the Salt Barons begin doing their best to damage the salt trade from Sayalen, frequently hiring illegal pirates to raid those waters and becoming some of the most anti Sayalen groups in the Empire, although these views are not widespread. The election of a new King by the Irrosians to be their King is accepted by Vassiga, Alibit begrudgingly. He agrees to allow them to elect their own leaders and continue being a semi-autonomous region with a king if they agree to several conditions, namely that the Exhulan Emperor has the right to veto certain measures made by the Irrosian King, and they agree to lower the numbers of piracy overall, for the reasons mentioned last turn, this also serves to establish a new precedent of Irrosia being an elective monarchy that is still a vassal of Exhula. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED!). Finally, the colonization of the far Northeastern islands continues, as we send thousands of colonists to the region.
    • The forces of Teninukal, although forced into a battle by Exhula, manage to come out victorious. Teninukal suffers 2,100 casualties, Exhula suffers 2,900, and Sillas suffers 980.
  • Exhula Continued: With the narrow Victory Of Teninukal, their forces are still surrounded by Exhulan ones, although they now once more hold the lands around the city. As a result, we decide to agree to the evening of borders between us and Teninukal, and promise to return all Teninukal Prisoners if they withdraw from our territory and accept our terms.
  • Yannis Empire: The Holy Men return from the great and righteous battle in the west back to the holy land, to much celebration. An astonishing number of heathens were killed, a great wealth of goods and slaves was taken, and the Yannis Empire reigned supreme. Although the Yannians of the region are thirsty for the rightful destruction of more heathens, the Anointed One returns them home, as the revolt in the country threatens its stability. 20,000 men are sent into the region of the Burned Men, killing and enslaving many. Slowly order is restored in the east through the swift justice of the Anointed One. New governors are appointed in the region, and soldiers are sent to garrison the major cities. Sensing that the nation of Weritsz violated the peace treaty by supporting these rebels, the Anointed One brings justice upon them as well in the following years, ordering 30,000 men to seize the Weritsz capital. He decides to strip that state of its sovereignty and fully divide it into new territories, with four territories emerging. The most loyal Holy Men are selected for the divine task of pacifying the region and spreading the Yannian faith. In the meantime, the new governor of Yannian Mesallas continues to establish relations with the other powers of Mesallas, hoping to soon return to the west and south and liberate those lands from their heathenry. In particular he thirsts heavily for the great honor of laying waste to Nerimos, just as his forefathers did.
  • Qaryaat: King Hakhim dies, and his son, Ghasyan IV, ascends the throne. The colony of Maqiri expands to cover the northern tip of its namesake peninsula. Meanwhile, on the main territory, expansion inland is carried out in an attempt to unite the region of Greater Jazhari. The vast irrigation system in the main territory is expanded to include newer parts of the empire. Meanwhile, Qaryaati ships explore along the coastline north of Mohejaro. The mathematician Bakar devises a theorem involving the ratios of the lengths of line segments produced if two intersecting lines are intercepted by a pair of parallels, later known as Bakar's Theorem. Settlers are sent out to loosely-claimed areas of the empire to consolidate control of said areas. The Benyisran religion, while remaining a minority religion, is tolerated within the empire. Infrastructure in Makra is improved upon. (WIP?)
  • Emalia: The Conservative Court conspires against the Messelian King Agetos, with the plan to depose Agetos by any means necessary. Prince Leto discovers the plot and grows to hate pure Emalian culture and adopts Messelian culture, idolozing his father Agetos, becoming alienated from his Emalian peers. With the plot now uncovered the conspirators have little time to act and they poison Agetos, who Prince Leto is witness to, and in his rage, kills the treacherous conspirators. Princess Pyra sees the entire thing unfold in front of her eyes, and she pleads on behalf of her brother Leto for mercy to Queen Ionia. Ionia accepts Pyra's plea, her favored child, and the two head north to the Messelian integrated territories with a band of royal soldiers. When the chaos subsides, Princess Pyra returns to the Ema court and learns the way of statecraft and the priestesshood, being deeply taught in the ways of the Godess Ema while also having an Messelian education, truly a balanced and learned ruler. Prince Leto however, remained in the North, raised under the command of General Atalia
  • Syres: One of the lead admirals responsible for the mutiny of Syres’ military, Lehiemus, travels back to the city with his fleet and attempts to enter the city. Initially the Azozian authorities want to charge him with treason, and trade the arrival of the fleet as an incoming attack, however, the Syresians open one of the city’s gates and allow him entry. Lehiemnus is soon after elected to a consul position, despite attempts by the Azozians to block his election. An agreement is reached in which Lehiemus and his men are pardoned by the state, and the nation formally backs a military expedition to take back the city’s many territories. The city takes back the territories on the coast, although does not manage to seize the northern island. Ultimately the city offers peace, willing to recognize Darna’s ownership of the island in exchange for monetary compensation. The presence of the Azozian army in the city continues to keep the peace, but after such a long period of time in the city, most of its inhabitants deem it an illegal occupation, and protest the presence of soldiers in the city. The city’s largest basilica is built under the supervision of the Azozians, much to the approval of the city’s Ulmian population, but at the risk of angering the rest of the city.
  • Hythia: Years 108-117 Since the Return of Hythus. Myrnech Dynian continues his rule with an increasingly despotic and aggressive world-view. His advisors, realizing the Myrnech suffers from some form of possession (bipolar disorder), begin slowly reducing the direct access of the Myrnech. Through this, Meunarch Wyn assumes increasing authority. His position at the head of the Council of the Partechs has always been influential, but rather symbolic. Wyn instead assumes increasing power over the daily affairs of state, organizing labor tithes, taxation, the construction of a new state forge, and other more subservient matters. This shift marks a transition of power away from the Myrnech to the Council of Partechs as was the case in the history of Gyt. Emphasis on religious administration continues, but more of the administrative centers established in the west. Around several of these centers new cities are founded, notably: Lyst, Dys, Ryn, and Pyen. These cities are located between 120 and 140 septons from the River Tythies to the north and west. Tribes to the south continue to receive Hythian nobility looking to marry into powerful families. This influence continues to build and the tribes adjacent to Hythia are asked to join a federation. (Mod Responses)
  • Darna: The nation chooses to accept the offer from Syres, and we give them back a portion of money if that keeps them away. We keep a number of Ulmian slaves for sale around the area, and we take many slaves and other goods back to Darna. The discovery of Eskaladun has led to tremendous trading in the western sea, with trade flowing from Darna to the nations of Isimandia, south along the coast to Eskaladun and other nations. Ships continue to explore north and south along the coasts. One of the chiefs in Isimandia claims the island west of the coast, establishing a new territory under his control. The island becomes known as Alendia, and becomes a popular stop while sailing to numerous locations in the south.
  • Sillan Empire: In 608 BCE, Cabeza Canxi visits the two Olmac provinces in a four-month period to consolidate her popularity, and affirm the effectiveness of the "Assimilation in Three Generations" policy. Upon returning to the capital, she proclaims that “the people [of the Olmac provinces] are perhaps the closest to the Sillans in regards to their level of sophistication, industriousness, and capacity to learn – welding skills far exceeding those of the barbarians to our North. Perhaps this is the reason why they [the Olmacs] have readily accepted Sillan culture as their own, for they are evidently the only barbarian group encountered so who not only have recognized the numerous flaws of their cultures but have been active in the pursuit of civility." The Olmac provinces are now 20% Sillan, achieved through a combination of Sillan settlement, intermarriage, acculturation, and facilitated through the extension of "Sillan" to all subjects of the Sillan Empire. Many Olmaco–Sillans however, continue to identify with Olmac tribal affiliations in addition to being "Sillan". Wet-rice cultivation is taught and promoted, however, most rice remains imported. There is large-scale cultivation of cacao (for chocolate), avocado (which becomes valued as a meat substitute), maize (as a staple and as animal feed), beans, squash, manioc, and sweet potatoes in plantations (permitted by an abundance of land). Turkey meat is imported into Silla proper – from the Olmac provinces – but prices are low due to low production levels and its perceived "exoticness" (as junglefowl remains the dominant variety of poultry). With the pacification of the southern polities, attention shifts to Silla's northern neighbors. While not explicitly hostile, military advisors are worried over both Teninkual's and the various Makuku city-states' puny attempts at Sillanization. To calm her military advisors, she reminds them, that "they [the Makuku and the Teninkuali people] lack a strong tradition in cavalry, horse-breeding, and equestrianism; thus preventing them to field a comparable cavalry force to us both in quantity and quality. Meanwhile, they struggle to produce even longbows or spears – let alone crossbows, reflex bows, or even halberds." She also reminds that, "even if the northern barbarians manage to acquire those arms, they can't readily reverse-engineer them – thus ensuring our superiority in a potential conflict." As a precaution though, Cabeza Canxi authorizes the establishment of four walled cities (each with 1,000 military nobles and 4,000 commoners; yielding a total of 5,000 inhabitants) along Silla's northern borders to consolidate Sillan territorial legitimacy there. They also function as centers of trade with the Makuku city-states, however, the transfer of certain goods (in particular, large amounts of bullion and any quantity of sophisticated arms) is strictly prohibited and punishable by heavy fines. An arrangement similar to the integration of the Olmacs as a large-autonomous military province is offered to the three southern Makuku city-states, as well as offering them aid in the conquest and partitioning of the northern neighbors. If rejected, the Sillans offer a non-aggression pact in exchange for the large-scale purchase of slaves, serfs, and indentured servants, etc. (MOD RESPONSE). Meanwhile, a total of 2,500 men (consisting of 500 cavalrymen and 2,000 auxiliaries) divided into five divisions to aid the Exhulans. Meanwhile, a letter is sent to the Teninkual capital falsely-informing them that they are accepting the offer of peace. Exploiting this fallacy, and the Teninkual's occupation with aiding Kaloman forces against the Exhulans, a total of 16,000 men (consisting of 4,000 cavalrymen and 12,000 auxiliaries) divided into four army divisions (named after the four cardinal directions) are sent to conquer the entirety of Teninkual. The Western Army is sent to engage with Teninkual's forces in Kaloma from the rear and from their flanks–using the element of surprise to their advantage. In addition, they are tasked with diverting local militias' attention away from defending Teninkual proper, as well as destroying Teninkual's supply lines. The Western Army is divided further into four subdivisions, with three subdivisions engaging with enemy forces (utilizing traditional tactics) while the fourth subdivision checks for any surprise offensives, conduct reconnaissance missions, as well as prevent the ability of Teninkual or Kaloma to send reinforcements. Once Silla's "betrayal" is known by Teninkual, the Northern Army is sent northward to engage with Teninkual's remaining militias. However, they are kept mainly on a defensive role (utilizing phalanx positions, while cavalrymen are relegated to skirmishing or reconnaissance roles), and are told to feign retreat frequently to embolden the enemy and give them a false sense of confidence and to create a false image of numerical inferiority – before switching once again to traditional offensive tactics after inflicting sufficient attrition, thus yielding a decisive battle. Whilst this is occurring, the Eastern and Western Armies (known as the "Twin Armies") are sent northward to exploit this vacuum – with this division into two allowing flexibility. The Twin Armies are led by General Hue Banzen, a veteran of the Sillan Conquest of Olmac, after her skills in war are recognized by Cabeza Canxi. All encountered settlements and their surrounding farmland is razed to the ground after being raided, with their inhabitants being allowed to leave and flee to unrazed settlements as an expression of "Sillan grace" – this is strategically advantageous, as it overwhelms other settlements with refugees, instills fear into the populace, while not exhausting resources in needless massacres; thus facilitating future assimilation. Forest is also razed to the ground, to deprive the population of wood and timber (thus preventing the construction of fortifications). While previously fortified settlements were purposely avoided (instead, resorting to psychological warfare to weaken their will to fight), rams and large crossbows, as well as hails of incendiary arrows, are used to destroy and penetrate through fortifications; proving a shock to those who believed in the impenetrability of their fortifications. Crossbows (and once the supply of crossbow volts are depleted, archers in a volley position) are deployed in order to kill enemy infantry and cavalry (who are poorly-armored, poor-equipped and tactically inferior; thus vulnerable to such attacks) from a range. Crossbows are also used to disorient and disorganize massed enemy infantry – in accordance with the strategy of inflicting attrition, prior to using a combination of encirclement, outflanking and shock tactics to deliver a decisive victory. With the effectiveness of crossbows being evident, Cabeza Canxi commissions the production of 1,600 more units. However, it is the superiority of Sillan reflex bows, incendiary arrows; as well as better military tactics, discipline, and training; and the manipulation of enemy forces through psychological warfare (such as feigning numerical superiority/inferiority); ensure victory. The Da Qing Arsenal produces a high quantity of reflex bows, iron-tipped and incendiary arrows, polearms (halberds, lances, and pikes), and swords. Meanwhile, its bloomeries also produce a high volume of wrought iron, bronze. Massive quantities of copper and tin are imported overseas, in order to produce bronze for mirrors, jewelry, and statues. Lamellar armor is produced for cavalrymen. Latrines, drainage, as well as communal baths and grammar schools are built. An increasing quantity of silk textiles, porcelain wares, jewelry is manufactured both for export and domestic consumption. In addition, cash crops such as hemp, tea, sugarcane, cocoa, coffee, honey, spices, and exotic fruits are cultivated; while alcoholic beverages and condiments are produced. Large-scale deforestation continues, yielding land for rice paddies. Agricultural production increases due to the utilization of more land, the utilization of fertilizer (in the form of bovine manure), and the construction of canals for irrigation and to deliver nutrients (from silt) to rice paddies. Intercropping of rice, aquatic plants (water spinach, lilies, and water caltrops), and perennial fruit-bearing plants (namely coconuts and plantains) are done to boost crop yield, and combat soil erosion – thus maintaining soil quality. In addition, subsidies are given to farmers to establish more large-scale fish farms. The large-scale raising of mollusks (snails, oysters, mussels, clams) and crustaceans (shrimp, prawns, crabs), and the cultivation of seaweed in littoral areas also begins. In marshes or wet areas, deep-water rice is cultivated or small, rectangular artificial islands are built to provide cultivatable land. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition.
    • No more use of BC please. -Nate
  • Beraba: The decade begins with a period known as “Eshdime”, or “the Great Expansion”. Settlers are sent to areas previously identified by surveyors as particularly optimal for settlement, farming, and mining. Aqueducts are constructed beginning at Lake Conylt and extending into the valleys and nearby cities to supply fresh water to the citizens. Emissaries are also sent to local neighboring tribes, offering peace and protection in exchange for becoming subjects of the nation. Missionaries are also sent to neighboring tribes and nations in groups of five, each member an acolyte of one of the High Gods. Cultural emissaries are exchanged with Beraba to share cultures and observe the budding language used by tradesmen from the two cultures. The new language uses words from both the Beraban and Gahrenese language, which stem from the same language family. A formal military and economic alliance is proposed between Beraba and Gahren, cemented by more political marriages between the royal family of Gahren and the Crown Princes of Beraba (Mod Response Requested). The missionaries from Exhula are not turned away for fear of offending the nation, but they are strictly limited in the times that they are allowed to be outside of their dwellings or preaching. Diplomats are sent to Makuku to offer to trade kowledge of the world (Mod Response Requested - map trade).