101-200 (Origo Mundi Map Game)

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In the land of the Saemonites the monarch Tiphrata dies and is succeeded by Saemon IV. However, a rival claimant named Nesaranasser claims the throne, raising a large army to seize the throne, and effectively splitting the nation in two.

The trade between Nulun-ben-azdun and Yannis prompts the Empire of Niani to raid Nulun-ben-azdun and force them to submit to them. A Niani army also travels west to investigate the nation of Tesardya, and it is expected that Tesardya will pay tribute to the emperor.

  • Aurelia: King Arthur II overseas the creation of a high seas fleet in which he plans to form the path for a colonial empire for his grandchildren. He proclaims the southern desert lands to be that of Hesperia and claims them for Aurelia. Personally he oversees the creation of settlements called Hisperion, Aegis, and Monty. Iron weapons are discovered and used against tribals of the desert lands. The Royal Cavalry Legions are deployed in Arthur's war of conquest.
  • Darna: Trade explodes with the Syres nation and with Tesardya, with janter, slaves, and timber being sold in large quantities. The independent city of Nogovarod and followers of Isimir continue to expand and explore.
  • Yannis: The conflict between the Empire of Niani and the Yannis Empire would become the nation’s undoing, with the nation settling into years of conflict, with little to no expansion. The nation was not directly threatened by conquest, but rather was fairly equally matched. This led to the first peace, called the Peace of Isanlydana, when a ceasefire began.
  • In Tik’akna: Following the death of Hafjan the Kingdom of Jaris struggled to hold onto its new conquests. At this time the son of the late Guotec’neum, Ahm’tisoc, managed to retake the city of Tik’akna and other important cities, such as Cuiracala. Esarhaddon managed to rebel and secure its independence, and also capture territory back from Jaris. The kingdom came to be ruled by a new dynasty under the warlord Ceshar, and the capital moved to the city of Luddon. Temayal and the Lyanians go to war once more, and for the first time a major battle takes place at sea, on the Great Lakes. An extensive trade network develops across the lakes, between native tribes, city-states, and colonies, with the Lyanians managing to seize a few Yannian settlements. A great kingdom forms to the far south called Uloyiso, and it secures the southern lake for itself.
  • Qera: The year starts with the receipt of the offer for a marriage by Exhula, which is taken with gratefulness and joy by the by-now unmarried 26-year-old princess. Even though there are some demands to arrange the marriage, one is, that Qera shall remain independent, as personal unions are an alien concept for the Qeran people. She also wishes for a Rhatixemy (religion of Qera) or half-Exhulan and half-Rhatixemy marriage (EXHULA RESPONSE). Exhulan is also now often heard in the streets and trading ports of the Qera Empire and trade flourishes. With rising wealth, the thought of a hedonistic Qera is despised by a locally well-known beggar calling Ysdafnycc, who lives in a turned-over boat as a shelter in Tortla. He got famous for bad behaviour in public and rough language toward nobles. For example, he was caught at urinating on the floor at a local crocodile arena, yet he is known for answering complex philosophical or astronomical questions and a vast knowledge. At one day, the son of Yca II who is fascinated by the thoughts of Ysdafnycc and visits the known philosopher, but the prince was not even insulted when the beggar started to tell him, to stop breath the air belonging to him, as this kind of behaviour. Another expansion takes place as a city on the western end of the Bay of Qera is founded, the loosely claimed territory expands on another 15 px to the west, rural expands around 8 px.
  • Weristz-Kuscisiwa: During the reign of Delneyar Asteraca II Domeon, expansion continues, particularly to the east. Diplomatically, we trade maps with Aurelia. In the middle of the decade, the Delneyar decides to declare war on Moturkodja, making use of superior weaponry and ocean raids. Mod response. The nation also creates a small settlment on the island to the southeast.
  • Kingdom of Azoz: The time of Nelrim's growth to adulthood is largely unknown, due to the focus in Ulm literature focused entirely on his later career. Some apocryphal legends describe Nelrim as being almost superhuman in his abilities, proving to be stronger, wiser and hansomer than anyone else his age. Tahmurs dies and is succeeded by Husiang, his son. A comparitve study has often been drawn between Husiang and Zohhak for examples of what is called "tyranny". Husiang, for all his misguided deeds, is not an example of pure evil as Zohhak was. Husiang focused on centralization of the expanding city-state, continuing to capitalize on the alumite trade across the Eastern Sea, while still sustaining off-and-on military conflict with Frasnoq. So far as we can tell, many of the ill-begotten institutions made by Zohhak quietly disappeared at this time, or at least those that weren't Ulm propaganda.
  • Exhula: Relations with Qera continue to develop further as trade increases and massively benefits the economy, and Qeran becomes a fairly common language throughout the empire, although it is far more common in urban areas than in rural ones. We agree to have the marriage between Princess Zoelle and Prince Rttgan be a half-Exhulan and half-Rhatixemy marriage and that Qera will retain its independence, and the marriage is soon concluded, taking place in the great temple recently constructed in Qera. Shortly afterward, a new major island is discovered and we quickly lay claim to it, with Emperor Lorgar leading a large army of 14,000 to conquer the island alongside many colonists from across the empire, integrating those natives who agree to join us and enslaving or killing those who don’t, similarly to what we did on Clorrtil a few decades ago. Although we make sure to keep the colonists well-supplied this time around so not as many die as before, having learned from our mistakes in Clorrtil. Lorgar decides to allow his son to name the island, and he names it Zoelle, after the Qeran princess to whom he is now married. The construction of the grand Temple of Exhul is completed in 106, and is named Lorgar's Truut (a truut is the place of worship for the Exhulan religion) in honour of the emperor. Lorgar orders the compiling of as many of the different stories about the gods as possible and begins writing them and many other visions and his thoughts on the faith (as he is as much of a preacher as an emperor and is heavily religiously devout) to assist heavily in writing a book on the doctrine, story, and customs of Hcctal, which is still not complete at the end of this turn. This book is gradually coming to be known as the Book of Lorgar, or the Jdthts (Divine Work). We further colonize the Ettyian coast, claiming another 20 px of territory and founding of three new major settlements in the area, all of which are in the far south of our colonies there.
  • Mesallian Culture: It is believed that during this time the Svenetepen in the city of Agira began to take its modern shape. Located within the city was a 150-meter high rock, that had been leveled off by the Sterikonian, and served as a location for a palace and a massive series of walls around the summit. At this time the recorded Inkon of Agira was Propyritas, and during his reign the Svenetepen was upgraded with a new fortress to guard the city’s water springs, and a temple complex at the summit, possibly in the location of the old Sterikonian ruins. Elsewhere the Cult of Lementer is traditionally dated to have been founded in this time. The cult likely formed as a small group of farmers in the inland regions of the peninsula, but later grew into a major religious movement, with branches all around the ancient world. The Temple of Intemba became one of the key centers of the religious cult, and annually secret ceremonies and other events would be held in the confines of the ancient temple. The exact rituals of the cult were hidden from the public, with the cult operating as a sort of “secret society” for the most elite members of the region. It is recorded that at least two elected Inkons of Agira were secretly Lementerians, which when revealed created great controversy in the city.
  • Xüonai: Ships continue to map out the northern coast, the area around Syres, the Mellisian Archipelago, and the area directly west of the mainland's horn. Opahn Foran is tasked with finding a mountain pass through the northern mountains to the north coast. Rural areas on the mainland and colony grow (add 25 px rural), and some cities become so populated that their city limits grow (add 3 px urban adjacent to three mainland cities). Ironworking is developed, and iron is soon found within Xüonai's borders, leading to an influx of settlers moving to the inner areas of the country to start mining iron. Because of this, the 8% taxes on goods gets the nation lots of iron, and the first centralized bank comes into play, guaranteeing the safety of their iron, of which they can pick up in the nearest large city, for a fixed interest rate. Army members are stationed at banks to make sure they aren't robbed. The iron allows the government to set up schools teaching basic math, literature, and science. Using iron, iron axes are developed and refined, helping keep control of any rebellious population. Due to bad conditions, however, a disease (OTL cholera) breaks out, killing many in towns and mines from 102 O.L to 108 O.L. Dashon III comes close to death from the disease in 107 O.L, but was miraculously cured after drinking clean water, and soon many realize that the contamination of water was the leading cause and create cesspits away from wells. With the census complete, 111,000 people are found to be living under the flag of Xüonai. Iron is exported to Yannis, Dijunga, and Syresian trading posts. The colonial border with the Po Uan Ai, ("southern warring states") as coined by Dashon III, to keep conflict from spilling over the border. A Xüonaisl mathematician by the name of Insinit Nuburs invents the concept of infinity, that all numbers can be added by one to get a larger number, and is dismissed by others until he makes a presentation on it in town square, where it gains traction until most educated people recognize it. Diplomats are sent to Dijunga, Yannis, Benekundon, Zedislandia, Syres, Weristz-Kuscisiwa, and the Meshwati.**In the capital city 11,000 people are counted, with an additional 20,000 people in the surrounding area. This includes 1248 nobles and 4,304 citizens. In Iphntooi 12,000 total people are counted, in Iphnsooi 10,000, in Hehntooi 7,000, in Fahntooi, 8,000 in Udhntooi 7,000, in Roghaoi 11,000, in Soenoi 11,000, in Ensoyiwi 4,500, and in Poeiwi 10,000.
    • Dijunga declines the offer.
    • Too early for public education. Not long enough with written language to have a literary or scientific tradition -Mod


An alliance is formed among the tribes most threatened by recent Qera and Exhula expansion. Known as the Ghisna Confederacy, they manage to conquer the southern area of the Exhulan colony, and up to the Qera border, led by a chief named Cerethias. His alliance manages tor aid far to the north, killing or enslaving a large portion of the Exhulan population there.

A tribe led by a warlord named Cian Ioys unites the area south of Neum, and successfully captures the region along the Ashe River.

Having not received tribute, the Empire of Niani launches a raid on the city of Tesardya, and captures a great deal of loot and captives.

The invasion of Moturkodja by the nation of Weristz-Kuscisiwa proves successful, although the invaders suffer moderate losses.

A Gytian army suffers a humiliating defeat at the hands of the allied tribes, which temporarily reverses the course of the war in favor of the allies. Not long after, however, the western tribes suffer a crushing blow themselves, forcing them to submit to Gyt and the Saemonites.

The Saemonite domain is more or less formally split in two, after Nesaranasser and Saemon IV agree to a temporary peace. Nesaranasser primarily holds the far southwest and south, while Saemon IV holds the northwest and east.

  • Tesardya: The thought of giving tribute to Niani is rejected, as the military strength of 11,000 begins a massive invasion of the Empire, promising the troops that their victory in the war will gain them territory captured and a higher place in the caste.
  • Yannis Empire: When the Anointed One learns of the raid of Tesardya a secret message is sent offering to aid in attacking the Empire of Niani. The empire’s northern territories are prepared for war once more, with the first roads being made to connect farther north.
  • In Tik’akna: A Yannian high priest named Nezahual’acotec leads a band of holy warriors south by sea, traveling through the Strait of Cival. They found a temple known as Ometoc-vis, located east of the Bangorian colony, and the settlement serves as a center for conversion of the eastern areas. At this time the Great Lakes fall under the dominance of a series of southern kingdoms, as the northern kingdoms, such as Temayal are eclipsed. There is political instability in the Franic Confederacy, which prompts Temayal to lead an alliance against them, capturing their southern island stronghold and other colonies. As a result the confederacy becomes largely defunct, with several Franic nations forming, and many Franic peoples pushing farther south. This coincides with the rise of the Kingdom of Uloyiso, one of the southern kingdoms built around the fertile Great Lakes, and integral in trade to the north. For the first time the Kingdom of Uloyiso begins to expand north from the lake and toward the mountains, and a brief war breaks out against the Franics. Near where they converge, the colony of the Lyanians, Taninon, rises as a kingdom of its own, threatening both nations, and managing to capture the area around the important Temayalian trade city of Yuscenipin, before taking the city itself in a war against Temayal. Under its warlord leader named Acalia, Taninon then turns on Lyania, defeating them across the lake. According to written accounts in Temayal, around this time the southern regions all fell prey to a powerful sorcerer animal, who led the leopards in revolt against humanity. Leopards stalked the streets of some towns, killing all humans who inhabited them. A hero known as Huhacna’torec supposedly rose up in the region, and managed to turn the tide of the war. In their fight the leopards were joined by the southern kingdoms, which led to a hateful relationship between Temayal and nations such as the Kingdom of Uloyiso. Later interpretations of these events have led historians to believe that there was likely a war between the two states, and perhaps Uloyiso utilized leopards as a means of warfare. Whatever the case, it is said that a great flood swept across the lakes region, destroying the leopard sorcerer, with Huhacna’torec’s army remaining by standing in a holy spot where the sea parted. Near that spot they found the lair of the leopards, which was a series of caves where seven people were trapped. They were freed, each becoming one of the Seven Tribes of Tahua (The Flood). The Seven Tribes each became independent peoples, but eternally grateful to the Temayalian warriors who had liberated them. They each founded cities that in time became great allies of the Yannian people. They settled Lake Tahua, but soon came under attack from forces all around them, causing one tribe, the Nabula, to migrate far to the south, disappearing from the known world.
  • Exhula: The formation of the Ghisna confederacy and their unprovoked and brutal attacks on Exhulan lands are taken with shock and anger at first, but soon spark rage and a series of brutal reprisals that manage to drive off the raids eventuly. A massive army of 10,000 men (the largest army ever gathered by Exhula) is prepared for a massive coutnerattack against the Ghisnans to wipe them out. Secret: We attempt to turn several of the tribes against Cerethias by promising 300 kg of gold to the tribe that delivers him to us (although this is actually a lie) and to spare any who side with us and grant them Exhulan citizenship and the status of Vassals with ownership over their ancestral lands, and make sure to play on the ancient rivalries and hatred between these tribes and Cerethias Tribe to make them more likely to side with us. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED!) We also call on our alliance with Qera, asking them to help by attacking from the other side of Ghisnan territory, especially since the Confederacy is a threat to them too. (QERA RESPONSE NEEDED!). The marriage between Princess Zoelle and Prince Rttagan proves fruitful, and three children are born over the course of this turn, two boys and one girl. The development of our island colonies and the Ettyian coast continues despite the threat of the Confederacy, and five new settlements are founded, two in our Ettyian holdings and three trading posts in southern Zoelle. The building of Lorgars Truut is completed, and it is renamed the Siccia Aaal (A name meaning Most Holy in Exhulan) and this name soon comes into general usage throughout the empire (it also becomes one of the Emperor's titles). The Northern Ettyian settlement becomes known as Corthol and the other becomes Fyss, while the Zoellan settlements are named Sdyrim, Sicarius, and Hurill. Of those three, Sicarius is the biggest port for trade and center of population growth, and also becomes somewhat famous when Lorgar orders the construction of the Grand Temple of Sicarius in the region in an attempt to spread Hcctaal into Qera, as he is highly religious. He also orders another population census (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED! SERIOUSLY, I'VE BEEN IGNORED TWICE WHEN ORDERING A CENSUS!) Explorers are also sent to map the area 20 px east of Clorrtil and 15 px northeast. (MOD RESPONSE)
  • The Exhulan census reports that within the capital city there are 10,000 people, with another 30,000 people in the south area of the main island, and another 20,000 people in the other parts of the main island. Sythri and Hakkran report that there are 5,000 people between them. On the island of Clorrtil 15,000 people are reported. In total Etty's Coast report 20,000 people, although there is difficulty counting some segments of the population due to lack of infrastructure, distance, and hostile forces in the south. On the island of Zoelle 2,000 people are counted in the island's main settlement, with an estimated 9,000 people throughout the entire island, including natives, many of who are hostile to the Exhulan settlers.
    • The offer to betray Cerethias is rejected, with the insult used to fuel hatred for the Exhulans.
    • Exhula continued: With the rejection of our offer by the tribes we negotiated with (and their sending back the severed hands of our ambassador as an insult), we are officially at war with the barbarians of the so-called "Ghisna Confederacy", as we have truly been since they first dared to attack our people.We launch a devastating offensive campaign into Ghisnan occupied territory. One prong of 9,000 soldiers, led by Emperor Lorgar himself, smashes through the Northern border of the "confederacy" in a massive wave that quickly smashes aside all resistance in several battles and continues to advance. Meanwhile, we use our navy to blockade all Ghisnan held coastline and to transport the rest of our soldiers onto the mainland to secure the coastline and then advance inward. As we progress farther and farther into their territory, into areas we could never hope to hold, the army is given free rain to begin a scorched earth campaign against any and all Ghisnan assets In the areas they are in. Villages are burned, wells are poisoned, fields of wheat are devoured, stolen, or trampeled by the advancing armies and those captured, civilian or military, are either killed, raped, or sold into slavery. This is a campaign to make sure the Ghisnans can never threaten us again, and we go through with all of our threats of complete extermination with the intent of destroying the confederacy even if we can't take much of their territory. The one exeption to this scorched earth rule are slaves, Exhulan or other, who are given the option to either be returned to Exhula (Or "Returned" if they weren't of Exhulan origin) or, more commonly, are armed and sent into battle alongside the Exhulan armies. This scorched earth campaign is mainly targeted at the central and southern territories of the Ghisnar through raids and attacks which then retreat back to Exhulan armed territory, but as we advance forward we always do so on a much larger scale once we are past former Exhulan territory. Lorgar also issues a personal challenge to Cerethias to either face him and his army in direct combat or forever be labeled a coward.
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: We begin reinforcing our navy and send an expedition to the east.
  • Xüonai Imperial Federation: We ask Darna if they want to exchange maps. Ships continue mapping the coasts of the northwestern continent(s) (both Syres and the continent north of that) and lands west of the horn, while the western Mellesian Archipelago is explored. The valuable mountain pass in the north is claimed by Xüonai, and settlers are sent to start a city south of where the river meets the small northern bay. The Po Uan Ai border is kept fortified. Yannis is asked if they want to trade updated world maps. The large bulge of unexplored land west of the mountain pass is explored, while Opahn Foran continues to map the area of land north of the mountain pass. A city is founded on the northern most point of the lake on the capital river. The continents are named as followed; the mainland, Lhynei; the southern continent, Polhynei; the Syresian continent, Syresei; and the continent north of Syresei, Rosyresei. (SECRET) Plans are drawn up for an invasion of Zedislandia and Benekundon. (END SECRET) Dashon III dies in 116 O.L, resulting in his son, 22-year-old Dashon IV, ascending the throne.
  • Mesallian Culture: In the third year of the 191th Jafiad (equalling Year 966) the Ancient Mesallian epic known as the Eliriad was written by the author Herphon. Part of the legend told throughout the epic provide insight on the early history of Usinilago. The story claims that in the early years of the city’s existence it became under the rule of a powerful queen named Danobia. One of the heroes of the ancient Dioman War, named Leonas, traveled to the city of Usinilago and was wed to the queen, beginning a one-half Mesallian dynasty in the city. After the death of Danobia the rule of Leonas became increasingly unpopular, leading to a coup to reinstate a native ruler in the city. Leonas fled from the city and fled to the Mesallian city of Lira, where he managed to convince the ruling king there, Haron, to back his claim. Haron’s invasion force arrived from the east. According to legend the supporters of Usinilago’s new king, Jaqnisin, prayed to the elder god Varin, who told Jaqnisin in a dream how to protect the city. Jaqnisin and his men stood outside the city in a line, each equipped with a trumpet. When the sun rose on the morning of the battle they blew their horns, and one by one the army of Haron fell on the battlefield before reaching the city. Leonas fled back to Lira, while the city of Usinilago became ruled by Jaqnisin. Also during this time it is known that a temple to Lementer was founded outside Mesallas for the first time, with the Cult of Lementer founding one in the city of Edom. The largest temple during this period, the Temple of Lysandria was also constructed, becoming a major religious center in the ancient world. Very little was known about the early history of the temple there, until the discovery of the “Ridon Sea Scrolls”, a series of well-preserved documents that detailed among other things the history of the Cult of Lementer. It is said that during this time the cult came into conflict with the Water Merchants, and a secret war of assassinations and intrigue began in the city. At this time the Water Tyrant of the city (an honorary/self-introduced title that referenced the earlier days of the Water Merchants) was Caqua al-Cania, who ordered a series of 11 assassinations during the Holiday of Gharis. The Lementarians retaliated by bribing the city’s government to arrest and execute the Water Tyrant, while their temple began construction. One of the high priests of Lementer met an untimely end a year later, when Caqua al-Cania’s eldest son, Amlanbo, ambushed the cultists during a missionary trip to Edom. Both sides established an extensive spy network across the region, with a private army of zealots and mercenaries forming. One of the notable battle of this time came at the Battle of the Deosa Oasis, where two groups of nomads, each bought by one of the factions, battled in the desert. After the death of the ruler of Lysandria, the succession became contested, with each of the factions supporting a different candidate. The Water Merchants backed Soter, while the Lementerians backed Nemos, beginning a brief civil war in the city. Ultimately both claimants would be dead within the year, with a most distant pretender, Ptemanis, taking the throne, and cracking down brutally against both factions. The Cult of Lementer won out in the end, remaining an influence in the city, while the Water Merchants of Lysandria were largely taken over by Water Tyrant Lorhan, who moved the center of the faction farther south.
  • Aurelia: The Title of Atlas is imposed upon Jeremy Shakespeare following his show of Aurelian prominence with a "Grand Armadial Envoy" as a fleet of 100 Aurelian warships and merchent ships set sail for the lands provided by the maps given by Weritsz to explore further. Aurelian explorers are sent to further map untreaded coastlines while Arthur's War of Conquest wraps up after securing final victory against the savages at Olive Creek on the largest island of region. On the Island of Lewisiana, Jake Churchill founds the settlement of Dundee in an effort to explore and colonize the island. Settlements also start to pop up along the claimed western coast. The City of Grafton is founded at the crossing between the Osan and Usan rivers, up stream from Andromeda. Wine from the new settlements across the sea comes in and is a luxury to the extremely high upper class.
  • Kingdom of Azoz: This is likely the most densely-documented time of early Azoz history, primarily because it is the highlight and focal point of all Ulm literature. Nelrim began his public ministry when he was 30 years of age, making constant pilgrimages around all the cities of Azoz preaching his prophecies from the True God. Nelrim's wisdom literature and prophesies forms two separate corpuses in the Ulm tradition, considered the oldest surviving piece of literature in the civilization of Azoz. The main motivation for Nelrim's preaching seems to stem from calling out hypocrisy in the traditional priesthood, as well as condemning slavery. Ulm, Nelrim explained, is meant for all of humanity, and as a result the earliest Ulm communities were a largely diverse group of people, including every strata of society. However, the main centerpiece of Nelrim's theology was the strict adherence to a single monotheistic God, and the driving need of humanity to serve the True God and reject the evil god Droksid. Nelrim's success largely was due to his revolutionary social vision, which empowered every individual from slaves to farmers and noblemen a chance to meet on the same level. This was extremely dangerous for many of the corrupt elites at the time, especially the polytheistic priests, who saw Nelrim as an immediate threat. In the fourth year of his ministry, a miracle contest was called between the High Priest Janus of Azoz, verses the Prophet Nelrim. Nelrim won this contest, which climaxed with both trying to raise a dead child to life. Janus managed to get the boy to walk using demonic posession, but Nelrim simply commanded the boy to walk in the name of the True God, and he immediately came to life. By this point, Nelrim had accrued a group of seven close disciples around himself, who in turn administered over a large multitude of followers. Four of these followers came from Azoz citizens, and three from immigrants of Frasnoq. Four were middle-class citizens, with two serfs and one noble. At this point, Nelrim would frequently do many more miracles around various cities, casting out demons and curing diseases. Having Nelrim accused of sedition, High Priest Janus pressured King Husiang to have the Prophet arrested, tried in court, and ultimately publicly executed. Nelrim was hanged in the middle of Azoz, but continued to utter prophesies. After several hours, Nelrim declared he is being called to Heaven, and immediately died. His body was taken down and laid in a coffin in front of the courthouse for seven days. On the seventh day, Nelrim immediately stood up out of his coffin, and rallied his disciples together once again. At this point, his body was glowing white, and all former blemishes were removed, including his former limp. Nelrim declared that the True God helped him conquer death itself, and told his disciples that they all will conquer death, too, if they follow him. Nelrim's greatest follower, Ramu, gathered together a large army of his disciples, and launched a slave revolt against the government of the city-state. After two years, the government collapsed, killing Husiang and destroying the temples. Due to the instability of Azoz as a result of this civil war, no action is taken to push back the Cian Ioys. However, Nelrim and Ramu both send many disciples into both Frasnoq and Cian, spreading the faith of Ulm and demonstrating the power of the True God by various miracles. 
  •  Qera: Ycas II, now prince of the empire since his aunt Zoelle is married to the Exhulan king, moves to Ogaholle to be crowned officially. As he has no heir, he sends a messenger to the Exhulan capital, to ask his aunt if one of her children can be the heir of the Tortla regency when they are 15 years of age (EXHULA RESPONSE NEEDED). The Ghisna Confederacy causes worries at the court. Ycas sends small bands into their territory to harass their posts and settlements. Revenge and war are seen as sacred in Qera. Waging war has to be a well-thought out decision. A population count is ordered (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). Other preperations are held with gigantic forges being built to create enough arrows, speers and daggers. An envoy is sent to the leader of the Ghisna which promises to leave the tribes alone if they surrender and become tributary states to Qera and Exhula, otherwise they will face mercyless distruction (MOD RESPONSE): Spelling is now standardized with around five letters added to the current handwriting alphabet to make it possible to transcribe words from the Exhulan language. The first religious book is also published by monks of the great Uon temple in Ogaholle. It contains many stories, the epos of Qeras mystical hero Obaqetl and many prayers to various gods. Ritual instructions are written down too. Small outposts on the eastern coast of the Qera Bay are founded and the land at the known coast is claimed (expand 12 px along the coast). Many merchants start to bring the Rhatixemy faith to Qera and build small shrines dedicated to their gods into their houses and ports there. The faith embraces equal rights for women and mammals, pescetarian diet and sacrifice.
    •  Exhula response: We agree to have the second son of Princess Zoelle and Prince Rttagan, Vassiga, be the heir to the Tortla regency if Ycas has no heir by the time he is 15.
  • Syres: The home island of Ersgof becomes more interconnected, with roads being constructed that cross the island west to east. In the city itself canals are expanded, and boats become a means of transportation between the various islands of the city. In north Syres and on the island of Zolongof shipbuilding becomes a large industry. Settlements on the mainland, such as Niephnaron see increased settlement, with new settlements also created near the tip of Ersgof. Exploration from Niephnaron begins up the river, exploring the mountain range northwest of the city. In the south the settlement at Neum becomes a fast growing city, as Syresians and Mesallians arrive in the region. The rise of Cian Ioys threatens the settlement, prompting the construction of walls around the city. The nation led by Cian Ioys becomes known as Tuatha-Danann, after the name of his largest settlement, located on the Ashe River.
    • Azoz Dip: Many disciples of Nelrim visit our trade partner of Syres, spreading the faith of Ulm. The Apostle Vedun leads the church there.
  • Darna: The outpost in the southern lands is strengthened with walls and a garrison, and many more flock to the area to settle or to harvest slaves and other resources. The outpost becomes an important place for trading with the nation of Tesardya and the nations to the south. The city of Nogovarod expands and the followers of Isimir continue to expand and explore.


The Ghisna Confederacy goes on the offensive and manages to capture and raid farther north into Etty’s Coast, arriving up to Httcarron. At that point, however, Exhula’s army arrives and wins a decisive battle, pushing them back south.

The Kingdom of Tuatha-Danann consolidates its control over the surrounding area, before launching an attack on the city of Neum. The city is captured after a brief siege, expelling the Syresians from the region territorally.

An uneasy peace arises in the Gytian region, partially due to the hesitance of the Gytian army to win a decisive battle. Peace is made with all the applicable tribes, while the Saemonite army leaves to turn its attention elsewhere.

A kingdom forms on the Lower Ema named Alsoba, and it contests Emalian expansion farther south. As a result the nation turns its attention east toward the Great Lakes.

The Battle of Elsnulap takes place in the mountains north of Nulun-ben-azdun, between the Empire of Niani and the nation of Tesardya. Initially the army of Tesardya manages to hold off the attackers at a narrow mountain path, but they are eventually attacked from the rear and defeated, leaving most of Tesardya’s army dead. 20,000 Nianian soldiers continue on to Tesardya to demand the city swear fealty or be destroyed.

After the Ulm religion is accepted in Syres the religion spreads to the city’s territories, Neum, Zoramivera, and other nearby areas, albeit in very small numbers. An early convert named Levian begins preaching his belief that the Prophet Nelrim must have been a spiritual illusion, rather than a physically reanimated body, which clashes with the main theory of the religion. At the same time in Azoz a group also forms from the old polytheistic religion that worships the evil god as opposed to Nelrim’s god.

  • Riki'va: A city is fully rebuilt, and population is stabilizing. Marriages with the natives have led to a new mix, and has brought the population way up. Fishing, trading, and the like are in full swing, the island is fully controlled, and exploration continues both northward and southward, long voyages being increasingly wealthy. At each stop, natives are asked about nearby cities, hoping to reach some great empire to trade with. Several new ships are built, bringing the navy to 17 triremes. Agriculture is booming, with wheat and barley being very yieldful choices, and the Martial spirit thrives in the people of Riki'va.
    • In the northern lands there are hardly any natives spotted, and those spotted don't seem to know of any nearby cities. In the south the natives speak of the nation of Personia (the yellow nation you discovered), and the various cities who the Saemonites have conquered or are attacking.
  • Kingdom of Azoz: I will be the first to admit, some of the events related to the beginning of Ulm history are quite fantastic, but quite a lot of evangelicals will avow to its credibility to this day. After the civil war ended, the Kingdom was re-established to the same borders it once enjoyed. King Husiang was killed in battle, but the priesthood was largely spared of any bloodshed, but rather permitted to renounce their religion and accept the faith of Ulm. The priests of Jiff were allowed to continue their research for the perfect sandwich, but now their temple was converted into more of an early laboratory. According to the end of the earliest books in the literature of Ulm, Nelrim in his post-resurrection form continued to rule over Azoz for seven years, in a kind of theocratic state. In practice, however, during this time the chief apostle Ramu made all the important decisions, with advise from Nelrim's mother, Lady Lucretia. In one anecdote, a pocket of polytheists still remained in the city, supposedly worshipping Droksid himself, known as the Drokkites. First, Nelrim spoke to Ramu, telling him of this abomination in the city and how it will bring doom on the land if not immediately dealt with. Ramu publicly denounced the Drokkites in the name of Nelrim, and immediately they were devoured by a swarm of vultures. On the last day, in the seventh year, Nelrim was surrounded by his family and disciples, before he ascended into heaven to be leading the armies of the True God. Ramu, now the official Holy Father of Azoz, then crowned Taulat as the first new dynasty of the kingdom. Meanwhile, the faith of Ulm continues to spread across trade routes abroad, as Vedun is similarly the Father of the Church in Syres, and from there sent missionaries and apostles to every nation in the Inner Sea. The misugided sect of Levian, according to legend, was dealt with during the time before Nerlim's ascension into heaven. Nerlim traveled to Syres and appeared before Levian, saying to him "take your hand and feel my neck and my hands ... a spirit does not have flesh and blood as I do". The nations we immediately border at Eskaladun, Frasnoq and the other guy we send many disciples to preach the faith of Ulm, asking people to accept the True God and be annointed with oil to achieve immortality (mod response). 
  • Exhula: The offensive by the Ghisnans is taken with surprise and does a fair amount of damage before we can respond, and they get far enough to lay siege to the city of Httcaron. They besige the city for weeks but they are driven off when Emperor Lorgar's army of 9,000 arrives and crushes them between the walls of Httcaron and themselves, forcing the Ghisnans to quickly rearrange their lines in response that quickly collapses into chaos, especially when the garrison of the city leads a successful sortie out of the city that, together with the army, crushes the Ghisnans between them. Although many casualties are suffered on our side most of the Ghisnans army is destroyed and those left led by their commander are forced to quickly flee and withdraw. Our use of iron weaponry and armoured cavalry plays a large part in our success, as the bronze-using and cavalryless Ghisnans are unable to effectively fight them and it caused many casualties among them, making the situation for them worse and allowing us to quickly catch many of those fleeing from us and continue pursuing and harassing them as they flee. After pushing them back we immedietly go onto a massive offensive campaign against them, attempting to push deep into Ghisnan held territory and retake what they have stolen and push deep into their own lands, were we launch many raids. We also attempt to capture much of the Ghisnan coastline, with 2,000 troops being moved onto it and us raiding all coastal settlements we can while capturing those we are able to. Specifically, we launch attacks via sea on the two cities they have captured from us in an attempt to retake them. Meanwhile, colonization of Zoelle continues and three more settlements, Discca, Ollpis, and Sivrit are founded while many more people move to the island. Three more children are born to Princess Zoelle and Prince Rttagan, all girls. We offer to share our cavalry and horses with Qera for an appropriate price, as they are our ally and to help them defend themselves from the Confederacy (Qera Response Needed). Prince Rttgan rules the Empire while his father is off fighting. However, he has no real experience in ruling and leans heavily on the advice and help of his wife, Princess Zoelle, to run the empire, as she has experience ruling herself and with her help they rule effectively. She also becomes a major patron of the arts and of natural sciences, and an immense court of hundreds of scholars forms in the Imperial Palace. Despite being at war and leading an army, Lorgar still takes time out of every day to continue writing the Book of Lorgar, incorporating his experiences in the war so far into the writing, although the pace is slowed. Many Hbbcre preachers from Sicarius and other port cities and merchants trading with them attempt to spread the Exhulan faith into Qera, although this is in no way forced. (Qera Response Needed). In 126, Prince Vassiga is sent to Qeras capital of Ogaholle as a war of his distant cousin Prince Ycas as the heir to the Tortla regency, although his father and mother stay in communication with him through letters.
  • Sillan Empire: Lin Caterin exploits the instability and social unrest stemming from poor grain yields – usurping the President and declaring herself the Empress of the "Sillan Empire". She renames the city of Silla into the Imperial City of Caterinopey (from the suffix -opey; meaning "city") and grants province status to the Five Colonies. To facilitate the administration of these newly-established provinces, she establishes a three-rank system: a provincial capital would be the center of the provincial government, which would preside over a sub-provincial city or municipality, which in turn, would be composed of districts. Voting rights are limited to households with at least one member who is a member of the ruling class (which is determined via nominally meritocratic civil or military examinations). In addition, term length is extended to 20 years – effectively turning Silla into an elective monarchy. In order to reinforce gender roles, civil examinations are barred from most men (excluding those of aristocratic descent. However, they have to pay a poll tax and submit a written approval from their mothers or their female guardian), effectively ending male participation in politics. Similarly, men are barred from the highest positions in the military. However, the implementation of a poll tax as a pre-requisite to participate in military examinations result in men of aristocratic background monopolizing positions as heavy cavalrymen. These reforms have resulted in a peculiar military structure in which light infantry and high-ranking military officials would be women; while cavalrymen and heavy infantry would be derived from aristocratic and conscripted men, respectively. Meanwhile, the right to divorce is limited to women, though the man could still demand a divorce if he submits proof of abuse or distress as a result of the marriage. In addition, divorces are restricted to marriages that have lasted for a period of at least 15 years. Other sweeping reforms are introduced. The legislature is abolished and replaced with the Imperial Court, which consists of 200 bureaucrats (half of whom are elected, and the other appointed by the Empress) and 100 aristocrats. The ten-clause Criminal Code is further expanded, with legal loopholes being addressed and the levels of punishments being elaborated–ranking from fines to death via hanging. An imperial act is ratified mandating the reinforcement of all city walls and fortifications (which are made of rammed earth). Commoners are only offered to six years of weekly schooling (to acquire basic literacy and numeracy) – while the children of nobility are placed in separate schools and receive more comprehensive and longer schooling. A poll tax is placed on the qualifications exams – which determine eligibility for further education in law or military academies and eventually, engagement in imperial examinations. In order to boost grain yield, wet-rice cultivation is promoted and vast tracts of land are cleared for agriculture. Irrigation systems are built, diverting water and nutrients from the river to ricefields – therefore maximizing yield. A census is ordered to combat tax evasion. Expansion continues.
  • Qera: The heir for the Tortla regency is welcomed with open arms by the citizens and nobles. As the Qeran society is relatively tolerant toward strange beliefs, Vassiga promises to reign in the customs of Qera without religious biases toward his citizens. Prince Ycas keeps in contact with Exhula and prepares for an invasion of the confederacy. Peasants and citizens are conscripted from their local regents as Ycas II has called them to arms. The cavalry offered by Exhula is taken greatfully as this could revolutionize the way how Qera fights its wars. In exchange, 100 shielded boats are offered along with 20 chests of white pearls (EXHULA RESPONSE PLEASE). The prince also allowes to build a Hbbcre shrine in Ogaholle, but the consumption of all meat but fish and alcohol is still prohibited in Qera. With new cavalry in the army, most chiefs learn how to ride horses, beside that they are used to pull supplies to the camps. A full scale invasion with 15,000 men and 200 boats along the coast is launched into Ghisna territory (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). Captives are sent back to the capital, where they will be used as slave labour but are promised to get back home when they surrender and hand their weapons over. After months of fighting, local tribes who speak similar languages to Âtluâm (the language of Qera) are called to aid against the "Gagisnaheho" as the Qerans call them. The word means "them unworthy/evil Ghisna". Some smaller tribes accept the offer, but only very few men actually take up arms (around 50). Another distant cousin of Ycas II from the island of Qeraxixehe, Yller the beast (he earned this title from his unusual height of around 2.15 m and the six fingers on each hand) is named as supreme general of the army. His brutal strategies are rather made to terrify the enemy than actually winning the battle. Besides the war, arts develop further with many poems being recorded, making the mainly oral tradition of Qeran poetry and storytelling a written art. Science and philosophy are also widely discussed.
    • Exhula response: We gratefully accept the Qeran shielded boats, which we begin to make use of in raids on the Ghisnar coastline and attacks on coastal settlements. We also accept the boxes of pearls, which are moved to the imperial palace.
  • Xüonai Imperial Federation: Secret: We ask Syres to be ready for an invasion, as we plan to invade Beukdon and Zedisladana by 122 O.L, and if not ready, tell us by what year. After the Syresian response saying they are ready to invade Beukdon and Zedisladana, our army is prepped to a capacity of 6,000 and 3,250 are stationed on the claimed border, while 1,750 are stationed around unclaimed territory north of the two countries to for a surprise. 1,000 men are left to garrison the country, especially ports, the colony, and areas that might potentially rebbel. Around two-thirds of all troops are equipped with iron swords, and the rest with iron axes. We begin our advance into Buekdon and Zedislandia with a surprise attack from the northern border, call Syres into the war, and then, when they move to reinforce the border with Syres, we move in from the border with Zedislandia and Beukdon. All ships are recalled to attack the ports of Zedislandia. Algorithm needed; if war ends earlier than 129 J.L, I will add more.
    • Syresian Diplomacy: The nation responds with a message saying they are ready.
    • Xüonai Continued: Due to the Darnan invasion of our territories, no troops are recalled from the front. However, a state of emergency is issued and a large conscription is instated; 3,000 new troops are equipped with iron axes and are marched north to take back our rightful province and the other small Darnan colony. 1,000 men are sent to the small western Darna colony and 2,000 to the northern Darnan colony.
    • Yannis, Tesardya, and Azoz (the latter through a meeting in Syres' capital) are asked to join our coalition in 123 O.L, since Darna is aiding the Niani Army and the case that Syresian traders are getting attacked, impacting their largest trading partner. (Tesardya, Yannis, and Azoz response needed)
  • Darna: The nation receives word of the “Xüonai Imperial Federation” and its invasion of the nations of Beukdon and Zedisladana. Although the Darnans have no positive opinion of either Beukdon and Zedisladana, an opportunity is seized, brought on by the plethora of slave traders who operated in Beukdon and Zedisladana, and now are experiencing a threat to their business. An army of 500 men is sent across the river and by sea to seize the very small Xüonai colony that we border. The settlement is expected to fall quickly, as due to its recent creation is observed to have a population not dissimilar to the size of our 500-man army. Once this attack takes place messages are sent to the nation to raise 1,000 men in proper reinforcements, who arrive in the captured settlement in the months after. In our southern outpost some 700 men are gathered, and the leader there negotiates with Beukdon and Zedisladana to secure a steady supply of food, money, and slaves in exchange for our weapons, soldiers, and aid, and a promise to limit hostile slaving of their people. After which this army is sent by sea to seize the westernmost outpost of the Xüonai. These armies also send a clear message to the Syresians that we are in the area, and if they were to attack we would cut off all trade to them and be able to seize their outposts. The approaching Niani army in Tesardya is also spotted, and a large portion of our merchants in the north withdraw, although some go forward to the Niani army offering to help supply them and trade with them. Update: After capturing the Xüonai territories they are fully looted and then burned to the ground, and all the armies in the region are consolidated into our fortified settlement, along with the captured Xüonai citizens. With all the armies gathered in one place, plus supplemented by reinforcements, the garrison reaches 3,000.
  • Mesallian Culture: After the years of struggle between the Water Merchants and the Cult of Lementer, primarily around the city of Lysandria, it is believed that the conflict was exported to neighboring cities in some capacity. Both factions created a presence in the city of Edom, with the cultists paying for a temple’s renovation, and the Water Merchants opening a market. In search of a source of income, the Cult of Lementer also created a series of stations along the roads from Mesallas to Usinilago, and other southern areas. Over time these passes developed into proper roads, and the Lementarian stations developed into proper forts, which extracted a toll on passing travelers. The Water Merchants found themselves forced out of these passes, and so turned to expanding their trade network in the far south through the desert. The oasis directly west of Edom, called Ajayiba, became home to a small settlement constructed by the Water Merchants during this time. Fortunes changed, however, when the Cult of Lementer was opposed by Usinilago. The city decreed the worship of Lementer as Mesallian treason, and brutally cracked down on the cult across the city. Around this time King Jaqnisin launched a military campaign to the east, partially to claim this region, and partially to drive out the Lementarians from the western one-half of their road network. They came nearly to the border of the Mesallian city of Thusmos, which held the area south of the Gonnia River.
  • Syres: After Xüonai declares war on its neighbors, an army of 1,000 men, led by Amnigaden, arrives at the Syresian outposts in Zoramivera. Soon after though, several events occur in the city of Syres. First the arrival of the Ulm preachers attracts the attention of many, and the religion’s popularity grows. The government refuses to condemn the religion, but rather welcomes the Ulm preachers initially. When Nerlim personally travels to Syres a large following develops. In particular many Syresian converts begin constructing shrines in the city, and also adding to the legend of the religion. According to one popular tale, Nerlim ascended to heaven at a rock outside the city, which becomes home to a significant temple. Elsewhere in the city where the Prophet supposedly walked, shrines are erected, with their leaders claiming to possess holy relics. At some shrines a sort of worship of the Prophet emerges, with offerings being left for his spirit. In Syres’ mercantile nature, an industry is also created for the selling of supposed relics, pieces of scripture, and specialty oil for anointing, which becomes popular in the city’s markets. At the highest price one could also find blood, sweat, and oil supposedly from the Prophet himself. An early Ulm leader named Antionah begins leading his congregation in a belief that fish is considered unholy, citing a series of quotes and scriptures related to the Prophet, which is what ultimately causes the city to turn against the religion. The wealthiest merchant families of the city, who made their fortunes off fishing and the sale of naphrun demand that the religion being stamped out. Mobs hired by the merchants target Antionah’s congregation, and the other Ulmists inadvertently, leading to heavy violence. The current ruler, Nephi V, is increasingly empowered by the Hensa in order to crack down on the Ulmists. However, Nephi V decides to use this new found power for a different purpose. In Year 223 he marches on the city with an army, hoping to reinstate a hereditary, absolute monarchy. As a result, the nation’s armies are left preoccupied, with fighting occurring throughout central Ersgof. A plan to retake the city of Neum from the southern invaders is delayed by this outbreak of war as well. Although Nephi manages to secure the city and institute his rule, he dies in 226, and the Hensa manages to retake control over the city.
  • Yannis Empire: The nation is forced to reject the request from Xüonai to invade Benekundon and Zedislandia, on account of the threat currently posed by the Empire of Niani. The war reignites with some skirmishes in the north, as Holy Men are sent to the Tesardya region to disrupt their conquest of that state. The Band of Yaro march through the mountain pass toward Nulun-ben-azdun to raid that region. Should Tesardya fall to the Empire of Niani the nation is prepared to create a ceasefire once more, as a full scale war is not deemed ideal.
  • In Tik’akna: The Tribes of Tahua faced numerous hardships during this time, according to the semi-historical, religious text, known as the Ihc’tlan. As the nations of that region grew in prosperity, the Kingdom of Uloyiso launched an invasion into the region. The easternmost tribe was the Tribe of Zian, while remained adamant in its position, even when the other tribes fled farther to the west. The west tribes, gathered their strength, settling several major settlements near the nation of Lyania. When the Uloyiso army continued its advance to the west, it is said that the leader of Zian, a man named Petrad, intervened. He claimed to have spoken to a supreme being on the island of Ysus, who instructed him to go before the enemy camp and sacrifice his tribe so that the others could live. He did as instructed and peacefully surrendered, and as a result, Uloyiso conquered the region and enslaved one-half of the tribes. When the enemy army advanced farther, however, they were struck by a mysterious plague that killed the leader of Uloyiso. The western tribes were spared and left independent, but Zian and the easterners were left enslaved in Uloyiso territory, causing the people of Tahua to turn on Petrad. Before his death he claimed that in time the supreme being would liberate them, and that the sacrifice was instrumental in ensuring that would happen. He was ignored in his lifetime, and some time later passed away. It is said that the sole believer of Petrad was named Issacitali, who was forced to flee into the desert, fearing the wrath of the angry Zianists. Around the same time that the power in the north changed, with a powerful warlord named Hosherad rising to unite the region. And seeking to expand his domain, he launched an invasion of the colony to the west of him that was loyal to Xüonai.


If you have not posted yet you may continue to do so. Also, if you are involved in a war last turn you may continue to add updates that don't contradict any moderator events or later developments.

The Exhulan-Qeran invasion of the Ghisna Confederacy is successful, with the invaders suffering a few thousand casualties in the process. However, due to disease and lack of supplies, exacerbated by the Ghisnan desolation of the region, nearly twice as many Exhulans/Qerans perish outside of direct combat. Cerethias dies during the fall of the Ghisnan main city.

The eradication of the Drokkites, with them being turned into vultures according to legend, is successful in the city of Azoz. However, many slaves who work in the alumite mines adopt the region in secret, albeit in negligible numbers. Meanwhile, Drokkitism gains a revival when it is imported into Frasnoq. There it eclipses the popularity of the main line Ulm religion, and is called Azoznafari (“The Azoz Thing”). In Eskaladun the religion is rejected by the nation, but not before inroads are made by a few early Ulm preachers, many of whom becoming martyrs in the process.

In the Imperial City of Caterinopey a revolt of the nation’s male heavy cavalry and infantry takes place, as the men of the military attempt to seize control in order to institute patriarchal reforms. Likewise, they protest the ascension of Lin Caterin, and take advantage of instability in the governmental shift.

The dominance of the Kingdom of Makuku in its region is challenged by the rise of several other rival city-states within the same cultural area. Kingdoms such as Punauia, Napukal, and Rakaroa rise to the forefront of the region’s politics.

The census in Sillas reports that approximately 69,000 people inhabit the city proper, with another 20,000 in the southern area. Of this number, 4796 identify in the noble class and another 16,870 are listed as citizens. In the northern area 29,000 people are reported.

The city of Tesardya falls to the Empire of Niani, but becomes one of the main cities in a western, largely autonomous province.

  • Exhula: Our invasion of the Ghisnan Confederacy is successful, and although they put up a large fight (killing 4,000 soldiers overall from all causes) and implement scorched earth tactics as they retreat, their resistance collapses once Cerethias is killed by a common foot soldier named Rogan during Cerethias last, desperate counterattack. After this, the Confederacy he formed shatters along tribal lines (as his charisma and mutual fear and hatred of us and Qera was all holding that was the Confederacy together) and we are easily able to sweep in and occupy most of the former Ghisnan territory and claim it as our own. We eradicate many of the disunified tribes, killing or enslaving their inhabitants, and conquer several more and forcibly settle their land. The remaining tribesmen surrender and are forcibly integrated into Exhulan territory, with warriors who fought against us having their hands cut off as punishment (and so they can't fight us again) while the other civilians are forced to have their children educated in Exhulan-run schools and in Exhulan customs and religious beliefs. The soldiers who fought for us are granted small strips of land in former Ghisnan lands to farm and raise their children on and to make productive for the Empire, with many accepting this and marrying native woman. With this victory, the now very old Emperor Lorgar attempts to return to Exhul to resume ruling directly. However, along the way his ship is caught in a severe storm and sunk, leading to his and the entire crew's death and Prince Rttagan officially taking the position of Emperor, that, in truth he has held for years as Emperor Rttagan I Aurelian. Aurelian also begins to enter into the Exhulan Language as a word meaning "Royal" rather than just referring to the current Aurelian Dynasty (as most poorer Exhulans don't really have a concept of other rulers, with the exception of those in Port Cities). It also means that The Aurelian birds (not a real type of bird) from which Lorgar took his last name begin being seen as "Royal Birds" and sacred to the Hcctaal religion. Trade relations with Qera increase further now that they have helped us defeat the Ghisnans, but we request they allow us to annex most (although obviously not all) of the Ghisnan territory, as they have done more damage to us than to Qera with their raids and offensives into the Etty's Coast and we already occupy most of it, but want to work out details with Qera, who will obviously annex a fair amount of territory even if we get most (Qera response needed). We also continue to develop our Zoellan settlements and launch an expedition to explore 30 px into the large unexplored bulge underneath Zoelle (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED!)
  • Qera: As the Ghisna leadership are now broken as their leader dies Yller the Beast cracks down smaller rebellions with harsh and terrible punishments. Some of the rebels are sacrificed to the god Obeq to thank him for the success in the war. The splitting of the confederacy is accepted. Prince Ycas II will grant Exhula to takes to them what they deserve which is about the northern two-thirds of the Ghisna land. The southern parts are taken by Qera since the most tribes there speak languages related to Âtluâm. Qera will not annex any land, but the southwestern lands of the former Ghisna Confederacy is turned into the Reuollotl Kisna which means Kisna Union (EXHULA RESPONSE, PLEASE). Most of the conquered tribes are mostly left alone to prevent rebellions, but in the village Asseru the Union is proclaimed with the general Yqecc Lerg as the Prince who married a native tribeswoman by the name of Soceam. In the Heartland of Qera trade continues to flourish with Exhula, arts and science are also developing. One of the students of the famous philosopher and teacher Yuetse writes down his philosophical thoughts on various topics. Literacy is now not just a thing of the rich and priests and everyone learns at least some reading and writing in the temple schools. In these temple schools children and adults alike are tought in religious customs, basic mathematics and writing. These temples are generally free, but the poorer children usually have no time to spend time there because they are out working. A temple-pyramid is build in Tortla dedicated to the god of war Obeq too, where some rebells from the north and war prisoners are sacrificed to Obeq. Some merchants also want to build a permanent settlement on Exhulan territory, where a small temple shall be build dedicated toward the goddess of mercy and life, goddes Zorred (EXHULA RESPONSE, PLEASE). After many men died in the north, a population count is ordered to organize the restructuring in the empire (MOD RESPONSE, PLEASE). The word aorel enters the vocabulary of Âtluâm as a loanword from the Exhulan language with the meaning of rich or noble.
    • Exhula Response: We accept the division of the lands agreed on with Qera without protest, and begin sending many more settlers into the Ghisnan territory we now officially hold. In response to the desire to build a settlement in our territory we deny this request but have no problem with the building of a temple in our territory, although we request in exchange to be allowed to build anether major Hcctal Temple in Qera. We also propose the building of a long road connecting our Ettyian Settlements and Qeras cities, to increase land trade between us massively now that we share a land connection (since the Kisna Union is, in practical terms, a puppet state of Qera).
  • Riki'va: Trade continues to flourish with the mainland, and the Riki'va have almost completely interbred with the island's natives. The capital is booming, two secondary urban centres open along island rivers, and population is skyrocketing due to barley and wheat growing. The king orders a census, to see what there is to tax. Exploration continues along trade, with focus being put on hugging the coast, to have more accurate coastal maps.
  • Xüonai: We decide to focus on getting Benekundon out of the war. Heavy blockades are set around Zedislandian cities, and the armies around the cities through the countryside to the two easternmost cities in Zedislandia and besiege both, by land and sea. 1,000 men besiege each city (2,000 in total), while another 1,250 march north, between our two westernmost rivers, to attack Benekundon from below. One of the seasoned generals, Hatac Ehm, leads 1,750 troops into Benekundon through the northern and western border. The 785 troops from the north come back to receive supplies, and then assist Hatac Ehm in his assault. The 1180 troops left after the Oshaba assault are given supplies and then told explicitly to siege Oshaba, as the city itself is too hard to breach. Ships are also sent to prevent supplies from coming from Darna, of which Xüonaisl ships are to board any merchant ships to see if they can capture a map of Darna's known world. We ask Syres to please help with the war, as we need to take out Zedislandia, the actual power behind the Benekundon-Zedislandian alliance, and an attack on both sides would knock them out of the war quicker.
  • Aurelia: King Michael II inherits the throne from Arthur. Michael personally sets sail to the overseas colonies to tour his empire. He founds Arthur's Town at the entrance to a known but not yet claimed river area to the East. Michael enters into a state of warrior thinking. He brings the idea of forceful integration and has his generals set forth to colonize claimed lands by turning captured savages into serfs and to properly civilize them. More of Lewisiana is claimed by explorers Jacob Melbourne. The navigator Sydney Holmes decides to take three ships and sail the Southeast anticipating more ocean. The Upper Peninsula of the southlands is claimed and the Navy sets up forts to provide a place to explore the interior. The Monty Witch Trials are held by locals of the Monty Colony. About 30 women are crucified then burned alive after "confessing" to being witches.
  • Kingdom of Azoz: Taulat continued to rule as king, officiated by the Holy Father (Patra) Ramu, for many years after these events. Taulet focused on expanding the military, upgrading their weapons to more advanced iron age technology. Seige engines were constructed along with large crows, as archaeology of the military barracks reveal. The shields of the new Azoz military were large and bronze, colored with the symbol of the Ulm faith. King Taulet reaches out to the rulers of Frasnoq, due to our massive change of government, to call a truce to our previous conflict (MOD Response). Father Vedun administrates the church in Syres, with its religious capital in Neum. Father Demetry establishes the church in Eskaladun, albeit underground, and spreads the faith of followers while under persecution there. Just as their success in Azoz, these churches all spread the good news of immortality granted by the True God, and the liberty of all people from every class and structure in society to be treated as equals. Demetry, like all the original seven disciples, is accredited with many miracles as he set up the church in his area, frequently involving raising the sick or the dead. Back in Azoz, Ramu and his immediate successor Rukebab worked to establish the earliest forms of liturgy and ecclesiastical order. Most of this early liturgy seems to be based on older priestly practices used in pagan temples. However, in the Ulm religion these rites are carried out by all individuals, not just the priests. The Great Temple of Azoz is converted into the first Basilica of Ulm. Ongoing discrimination and prejudice, left over from the previous government, was still in need to be dealt with. Under pressure from the Holy Father, King Taulet decreed that alumite mining was no longer exclusively the task of foreigners, and even slaves were now an occupation open to any voluntary citizens. Levian, the former hesiarch in Syres, has now become the most instrumental preacher and writer within the Ulm religion. Levian spends this decade traveling around the Inner Sea, spreading the faith of Ulm to the coastal cities of Xüonai (Xüonai RESPONSE). After a couple of years, he then visits the island of Darna, and preaches the promises of the True God and the miracles of his resurrected Propehet Nelrim (Darna RESPONSE). Finally, after 18 months Levian moves to spread the good news to coastal city-states part of the Messalian Culture, where he spent the rest of this decade. Levian wrote many theological texts from this time, and in many places he identified the religion of Ulm with the same as the semi-monotheistic cult of Lementer. In fact, some scholars have speculated that early liturgy and theology was derived from the sophisticated Messalian culture, as these two religions became intertwined. (Messalia RESPONSE)
    • Xüonai Response: Most don't convert, as they would have to give up fish, one of the main exports, and Unäo, the main religion, because Ulm is strictly monotheistic.
  • Yannis Empire: The second conflict with the Empire of Niani winds down anticlimactically, with both sides claiming victory. The Niani conquests in the west remain, but the Yannians successfully defend the Yannis Empire’s border, and make off with considerable loot and slaves. The High Priest of Xüonai, Colo’tizoc, who serves as the highest Yannian religious authority and ambassador to the nation of Xüonai, orders that the Holy Men of the nation destroy the Azoz religion within Xüonai before it can spread farther. All those who convert are captured or killed. This is done within Xüonai’s borders without the permission of Xüonai’s government, but is explained as being integral to preserving peace in the region. Colo’tizoc writes to the government of Xüonai to request that they approve and join him. At the same time he writes a message to the Anointed One, stating his opinion that the Yannis Empire should intervene should Xüonai remain full of heathens. A grand display takes place as a hundred converts are rounded up and executed in public. They are stripped naked and tied leg to leg, arm to arm, with their arms then pulled above their head (creating a series of X shapes). Across their bodies the holy scriptures of the Anointed One are carved into their flesh. After a few days each end of the row is tied to a boat, and the two boats depart into the ocean, dragging the net of heathens between them. The boats are sailed to the island of Ensoyiwi, where it is rumored that a large number of converts may be hiding. The boats are beached with the corpses of the heathens still attached, and then the boats are set ablaze. After this a large contingent of priests arrive on the island to reaffirm its beliefs.
    • Xüonai Response: Barely anyone converted, so I don't see why so many are killed. Please remove this from your turn.
  • In Tik’akna: After raiding the Xüonai colony, 5,000 men, led by Hosherad, pour into the colony’s capital to capture it. After sacking the capital he elects to create a new city in between the two rivers, which will serve as his capital, and a plethora of slaves are sent to construct the city, starting with a series of walls.
    • Xüonai Response: Hosherad can't just waltz into our colony, we have 1,000-2,000 garison divisions there. We offer all rural landowners that are good with axes an offer to get protection from the fortified city in exchange for fighting with their axes, of which they have used their whole life as farmers. Iron swords and axes slice through Hosherad's men.

Tsardom of Algeorgia: We send an expedition to the northeast. Queen Consort Anastasia gives birth to a daughter which is named Natasha and is proclaimed heir apparent.

  • *Darna: The prophet man who comes to Darnan soil comes as a pleasant surprise, as according to the law those of different faiths can be enslaved without repercussion, and a slaver enthusiastically does so. Needless to say he does not survive more than a year in the mines. The defense of the city from Xüonai attack is successful, and an envoy is sent to demand that Xüonai make peace. In the meantime the garrison remains, while another 2,000 men arrive to serve as mercenaries in the lands that Xüonai is attacking.
  • Mesallian Culture: The historicity of the early Ulm religion during the “Apostolic Age” is debated by historians. In particular modern scholars tend to agree that “Levian of Nykos” was likely a separate author than the Syresian-born apostle named Levian, who famously met the prophet Nerlim. The evidence for this is an account stating that Levian ventured to the city of Darna around this time, and a second account of Darnan origin claiming that a “prophet” was enslaved and later killed. Likewise, a branch of the church in Darna, formed many years after the fact, claimed to originate from “Levian the Martyr”. If this is the case then Levian would not have been able to travel to Mesallas during the later years in his life. Regardless, according to tradition, Levian settled in the city of Nykos after traveling around the ancient world, and several primary sources from the region seem to confirm the historical events detailed in the Ulm scripture according to Levian. In particular there is an account from Erinys, a Meshwatian author, who writes of the “foreign disturbance preached in the streets of Nykos” during the reign of Massisni VI, and a later edict from the city of Lysandria, which stated that an individual by the name of Levian was exiled from the city. It is likely that due to Lysandria’s reputation as “a theological melting pot” Levian would have been drawn to the city, assuming he was not already from there. Chronologically the first epistle attributed to Levian takes place in the city. Among other things, it mentions the salvation from death through the Ulm religion and the transformation of its believers. Interestingly, the Ridon Sea Scrolls contain an early copy of part of this epistle, as well as details on the political climate at the time. Initially the new religion was seen as outside the pantheon of the Mesallas religion, which sparked disapproval from the religious authorities within the city. Mesallian writers commonly would state that in Mesallian culture all deities were seen as technically valid, with great efforts often given to connect foreign deities to Mesallian ones through personality and attributes. However, it is unclear how widespread this belief was at this time. As such the history of the Cult of Lementer states that a “kiss to the ground” was offered (a popular euphemism in Mesallian literature was that of the warrior “kissing the dirt” upon dying in battle, and as such the cultists practiced the ritual of literally kissing the ground before ordering an assassination.), but the assassination attempt failed. This event would also appear in Levian’s own writing, who details how God’s intervention saved his life from evildoers. This prompted Levian’s attempt to connect Lementer and the god of the Ulm religion, although this became a challenging feat. The author Fastius, who lived some six centuries after the events, wrote that Lementer had the following attributes in his seminal work on Mesallian mythology: Lementer appears as a horse in the dreamworld, and is seen before one dies peacefully in their sleep, which although a positive, is also the source of nightmares, as people fear they will die in their dreams. Lementer is the creator of the unwritten law (the cultural values, as opposed to the written justice). Lementer is chthonic in nature, for inhabiting the underground realms. Lementer carries many faces, symbolized by the followers who wear masks over their faces. Although most importantly to Levian, Lementer ruled over the dead and guided them, granting the power over life and death, not unlike the deity of the Ulm religion, who was said to have been able to grant salvation from death. It was after this time that Levian was exiled from the city and turned to the city of Nykos, preaching frequently and writing theological texts on the nature of God and connections to Lementer.
  • Syres: The brief invasion of Zedisladana ends in defeat, and the army under the command of Amnigaden withdraws west. The defense of the last remaining major trading post in the south is successful, with Zedisladana being repulsed at the river. The war hurts the nation’s trade and stability, and talks begin to hopefully negotiate an end to the conflict. In an effort to end religious conflict in the city, the Hensa creates an alternate solution. A pantheon of state-approved deities is promoted, which encompass important civic values. They include “Victory”, “Liberty”, and “Mercy”, and several state-sponsored temples are established for their worship. These cults are slow to take form, and in the meantime, the Ulm religion continues to grow in popularity. After the death of Antionah his particular sect of the Ulm religion begins to die out, brought on by rapid persecution. Trade is established with Usinilago and other southern cities, while the first presence of the Cult of Lementer appears in the city.


Envoys from a nation known as Myzosia arrive in the nation of Aurelia. They claim to be from the east, and wish to initiate trade with Aurelia.

A proposal arrives in the nation of Xüonai from Benekundon and Zedisladana, offering modest territorial concessions in exchange for peace.

 The city of Tesardya sees rebuilding and quick growth from Nianian settlement, as the city serves as the Empire of Niani’s first coastal city. The Niani also welcome trade from Darna, and expand their operations in the west through Tesardya.

The rulers of Frasnoq agree to a peace with the Kingdom of Azoz, with the current borders standing.

  • Xüonai: After our de facto victory in the Uan'kaphoaito and the peace proposal request by Zedislandia and Benekundon is reviewed. We ask to meet in the city on our side of the border (Udhnluito) to discuss treaty terms. A series of terms for Benekundon and Zedislandia are put forth by Dashon IV:
    1. The small southern most "peninsula" of Benekundon jutting into western Xüonai is ceded to Xüonai, all the way north to the northernmost point of the Xüonai-Zedislandian border river;
    2. The northern area captured from Benekundon at the end of 130 O.L shall be ceded to Xüonai;
    3. The rest of the known world to Zedislandia and Benekundon shall be shared with Xüonai;
    4. Peace shall exist between all signatories.
    5. Prisoners of war shall be returned to their home country.
    • If Darna is to sign the treaty, Xüonai presents the following terms:
      1. The entirety of Darna's small colony shall be ceded to Xüonai;
      2. Known world maps from Darna and Xüonai shall be exchanged.
    • Syresian terms are completely independent of these. However, they are invited to the conference in Udhnluito to discuss with the other powers in the war, Benekundon, Zedislandia, and Darna. The treaty is named the Treaty of Udhnluito. (Benekundonian, Zedislandian, Syresian, and Darnan responses needed) We propose to Yannis that we trade updated world maps. (Yannis response needed) 4,000 men are placed on the Darnan colonial front, and are told to surround the colony to besiege the colony. Most are equipped with deadly iron swords. The army surrounds the colony, ships blockade the port, and after a month of the siege, we attack the weakened, starving troops (Algorithm Needed). 2,000 men are resigned to drive out Hosherad's forces; another 5,000 mercenaries are hired, and they are given land in the southern colony under the same conditions (add 30 rural px in the colony). Around 2,000 stay to defend that border. However, the 5,000 mercenaries go to restore order on Ensoywi. Most of the previously 124 Ulm followers in Xüonai are now dead or out of the country. A fight breaks out between a Unäo-Yannian follower (worshiping both Unäo gods and Yannian gods) and the remaining Ulm followers, and many, Unäo, Yannian, and Unäo-Yannian alike pile on. Officers try to stop the fight, but all the Ulm followers ended up dead. Ships explore the region between Syres and the dark blue nation, west of the dark blue nation, and the continent north of Syres.
      • I'm not interfering with politics, I'm interfering with religion of common people.
  • Kingdom of Azoz: King Taulet enjoyed an uneasy peace with Frasnoq for quite some time. According to legend, a prophet named Konraf said making deals with the Drokkites was an abomination, and so he would be cursed to have no sons. Although Taulet did only have daughters, there is no other reference to this Konraf in any other source, aside from one text that mentions he was a son of Father Ramu, and the teacher of Isodore. Apocryphal stories about the early history of Azoz in Ulm literature gradually becomes more potent at this time, although much more embellished than canonical scriptures. Asmera, the younger daughter of Taulet, was hunting in the fields by herself when she accidentally came across Danel, the teenage son of Balerix, who was hunting the same boar. The military was further grown, utilizing more iron work into the full length bronze shields. Rekabab dies, and is succeeded by Toneth as Holy Father of Azoz. Levian returned to Darna after his missionary journey in Messalia, and spent the next two years imprisoned in the mines there - but according to the Ulm scriptures, Levian took the mining with a cheerful diligence, saying how this work was handed to him by the Lord. The hagiography describes how the whole mine, workers and crew, were enamored by Levian's God in this, but this is probably an exaggeration. After 21 months, an Angel came and led Levian back out of the mines, where he traveled back to Nykos. Samek was appointed the first Father of the Church in Darna, but was martyred soon afterward, so Draco took his place in office as the Church in Darna moved underground. Titheos, disciple of Levian, was appointed as Father of the Church in Mesallia (based in Nykos), and established multiple basilicas along the archipelago toward Ashe River. Landrew, a convert in Xüonai, becomes father of the Church in his country. The official hagiography of Landrew describes him as wielding potent miraculous powers in the name of Nelrim, often challenging the priests of Unao to both intellectual and physical contests. Some literary scholars speculate whether these miracles described were actually metaphorical, representing different forms of the philosophical debates. A special passage is given to the 99 disciples of Xüonai, who were all martyred by order of the Yannis Empire. Landrew and his followers were waiting on the island of Ensoyiwi, believing that Yannis would come to destroy them, but not knowing when or which direction. The Prayer of Landrew on that island is often quoted in later scriptures. Even as they hanged with false religion carved in their chest, the 99 disciples loudly sang hymns of praise to Nelrim's God. Desperate to stop their singing, the Yannis authorities had the crosses tied to boats and sailed them out on their journey toward Ensoyiwi - but the 99 disciples kept singing, louder than before. As this noise alerted Landrew and his disciples, most of them managed to escape the island by sailing the opposite direction. Frustrated to no end, the Yannis authorities finally set fire to the ships on the island, which finally stopped the singing. After leading the church in Xüonai several years, Landrew moves on to begin spreading the faith of Ulm in Yannis itself. The hagiography shows many travelers who warn Landrew to turn back, warning that the Yannis are a ruthless, fearful people, but Landrew discards all these concerns, proclaiming the God of Nelrim to be stronger than any "Anointed One". Demetry continued to spread the Ulm faith in Eskaladun until his eventual martyrdom, after which Tidore became the next Father of the Church there.
  • Aurelia: A detachment of seven naval ships along with several envoys are sent to investigate Myzosia. The King puts a ten-year ban on continental coastal settlements and sets up improved infrastructure such as the construction of bridges and roads to connect the countryside to the cities. Citizens move inland allowing for the building of a frontier warrior class to be prominent on the borders of the Kingdom. A great political scandal erupts over the charges over a noble using troops to enforce "personal laws". In the Royal Court Prince Albert is charged with corruption and sentenced to death upon the laws enacted by King Michael I. At the end of the decade King Michael II declares Aurelia at the status of an empire, and decrees the Empire of Aurelia, and himself, Emperor.
  • Darna: The garrison in the fortress of the south is increased by another 2,000, and the navy is dispatched to the south to guard and disrupt the enemy. In the meantime our army in Benekundon outnumbers the enemy, and is prepared to strike if they don't accept our demands. We send a diplomat to the conference where peace is being decided, and second the proposal from Benekundon, that we should keep what we captured and retain ownership over the coast.
    • Xüonai Diplomacy: Xüonai agrees to the term that Darna keeps the colony and the coast.
  • Yannis Empire: The desecration of the Holy City by heathens leads the Anointed One to take serious action. The high priests and their armed Holy Men were arranged outside the city, sealing off all exits. Then the high priests entered the city and examined each and every house. Those who did not speak the Yannian faith were taken into the streets and tied by their hands to the temple walls. Jagged clubs were used to bludgeon off their limbs as they hung from the walls, until finally the streets ran red with body parts and blood. The city remains surrounded for some time until the purging is complete. Then, an anointing ceremony takes to cleanse the Anointed One in the river, which all are required to attend. For their desecration total war is declared against the heathen faith, although the nation does not technically know where it came from. Nevertheless, the Holy Men of the nation are tasked with riding the countryside and rounding up any heathens that are spotted. Similarly, if Xüonai is unable to tame the heathens due to their attention being elsewhere, we find ourselves forced to aid them, and a large congregation of holy priests enters to help destroy the hostile, vile religion, and also to preach the word of the Yannian religion. Felyon’actal “the Bloodletter” is dispatched with a group of priests to Ensoyiwi and continue the work that began there before, and unfortunately the native population is decimated. Likewise he continues on to the southern lands with 2,000 men. They manage to secure the baptism of Hosherad in exchange for his territorial expansion being recognized, and go on to fight alongside him against the heathens of the south.
    • Xüonai: There are basically no Ulm followers in Xüonai. You killed them all.
  • Mesallian Culture: The church under Titheos grows within the city of Nykos, attracting the attention of the king. The city’s authorities respond by suppressing the growth of the Ulm religion. Eventually a law is passed decreeing that all citizens seeking to retain their rights and privileges must be present at pagan festivals and major days of worship, in the hopes of at least pushing the Ulmists from the upper echelons of society. Discrimination and violence against Ulmists is stronger in cities such as Lysandria. After an Ulmist preacher attracts a large group in the city’s square, the city’s pagan zealots attack them, leading to several days of religious rioting and fighting. At this time the Cult of Lementer also began to openly reject the Ulmists, and their entry rituals may have even been loosened slightly to allow for greater Lementerian membership. Notably this became an issue that the Cult of Lementer and the Water Merchants more or less agreed on, however, in the case of Water Tyrant Agios of Pelasia, a small community south of Nykos, that branch of the Water Merchants endorsed the Ulm religion, as Agios’ spite for the Lementerians outweighed his devotion to his religion. His endorsement was largely the exception, but thanks in part to this conversion the Ulm religion managed to spread down part of the Water Merchant trade network, with important oases and bases also becoming secret churches for passing traders, and the hubs for smuggling religious texts and proselytes. In the Kingdom of Tuatha-Danann, the warlord rulers of the nation seemed to have rejected the Ulm religion, with Mesallian polytheism being more freely tolerated than the monotheistic Ulm religion. The expansionist ruler of the Tuatha-Danann, a man named Fomhoragh, seems to have ordered the execution of the Ulmists, at least during the duration of his reign. Under pressure from Tuatha-Danann, the western Mesallian states largely did the same. In the east the states along the coast initiated trade with the nation under Hosherad, with states such as Naro sending diplomats to the new capital in order to ensure peace between Mesallas’ world and the far east.
  • Syres: The nation’s army is withdrawn from Benekundon after a mostly fruitless campaign, although the successful defense of the southwest peninsula proves that the current location held by the nation is defensible and worth holding on to. As a result the Hensa orders a new wall constructed at the settlement. Trade is resumed with the Kingdom of Darna once more, and also with the Empire of Niani via their city of Tesardya. Also as a result of the war, the nation switches it focus from that of a land force to a naval force, hoping to prevent any real threat to the Syresian homeland by controlling the seas around the island of Ersgof. In the south the nation primarily trades with the Mesallian nations, and in particular the island of Calamos (large island west of Xüonai’s island) becomes home to a major trading post, after a deal is secured with its local ruler.
  • Exhula: With the war against the Ghisnar Confederacy now over and the tribes subjugated or destroyed, thousands of the Exhulans of the Ettyian Coast we’re killed or driven out and in response we begin heavily settling the region once more now that the threat is eliminated, in addition to heavily settling our newly acquired territory. Many thousands arrive each year from all around the Empire and even from farther north and settle the areas, with three new settlements being built in the area. We also build three new major settlements in the region while heavily settling and expanding the only settlement that could’ve been called a city that the Ghisnans owned, which we rename Yvcarius (From the word Yvc, meaning our and the suffix Arius, meaning City, so the name means “Our City”, a deliberate insult due to it being Cerethias hometown,) while many of the original inhabitants forced to move into slums to accommodate the new citizens. This heavy settlement is part of our attempts to transform the region into a loyal section of the empire rather than a resentful former enemies base, although the continued discrimination against its people makes many of its native citizens resentful anyway. We also send 1,000 troops to conquer the small islands south of us and found a small settlement on the land farther south from there. Trade with Qera further increases as we deepen relations and as we begin to make heavy use of the new link between us on land. This year also sees Empress Zoelle die of old age, and her grieving husband, the Emperor Rttagan, orders the construction of a great marble structure on Haeelos to comemerate the loss, although she is given the traditional Exhulan funeral rites (Where the dead person is ritually buried at sea), he orders this to commemorate her life, with a grand 20-foot statue of her during her younger years being located in the center of the structure. Although Rttagan himself dies four years later, before the construction is anywhere near done, his son, The new Emperor Lorgar II, continues the construction, intending to finish his fathers work. Siccarius further grows much in population this year, necessitating the expansion of the city by 3 px. The construction of the Great Ettyian Road begins to link our Ettyian settlements together, although we don't yet begin trying to link it to Qera yet, since they haven’t yet responded to our request.


While distracted by the war in the south, on the Darnan homeland a rebellion breaks out in Strafen and the surrounding area.

In the Kingdom of Tuatha-Danann the king Fomhoragh dies without a direct heir, leading to a succession crisis. The eastern peninsula region backs a half-Mesallian noble named Lysis, while in the south the noble Calindiges stakes a claim. The recently acquired western provinces attempt to regain their independence. In the west, a third, more distant claimant also rises, holding the fortress of Cahercoman (western tip of the nation), named Lóegaris, who is notable for being one of the few nobles with a tolerance and curiosity toward the Ulm religion.

The Maleka of Edom dies and is succeeded by a series of four ineffective daughters, the last of whom being too weak to govern, leaving the nation effectively under the control of a regent. The governors in the north become increasingly autonomous, with the ruler of Alanaza (east of Edom in the corner of the bay) becoming de facto ruler of the eastern coast, and the ruler of Shamadal becoming de facto ruler of the western edge of the nation and area south of the capital.

  • Yannis Empire: The hunt for heathen converts continues, with many more being killed. Holy Men are dispatched to the city of Syres, as we have no choice but to aid them in their rightful conversion. In the Holy City a process begins to copy all the holy texts and scriptures, so that they can be more readily spread around the region. Learning from the war with the Empire of Niani, reforms of the military begin, with a heavily-armed infantry being created to serve as an imperial guard and an elite infantry force. They are equipped with bronze breastplates, helmets, and other pieces of armor.
  • In Tik’akna: After Hosherad’s conquest, his kingdom continued to consolidate and integrate the conquered regions. His nation clashes with Temayal to the south and the kingdom established at Tik’akna, but primarily sought to combat the Kingdom of Jaris in the east. The eastern coast of the continent partially fell under his loose control, with the Kingdom of Jaris becoming a shell of its former self. Undisturbed, the Kingdom of Ometoc-vis managed to expand east toward the river, trading with the nations of Bangor and the Franics, while also exploring east to the island of Phorintheon. In the western part of the island the Yannians attempted to convert the natives, although they came into conflict quickly with some of the stronger city-states of the region. In the far south the slavery of the eastern tribes of Tahua remained. The former follower of Petrad, Issacitali, returned to the Kingdom of Uloyiso and demanded that the king free the slaves of Tahua or face divine retribution. He calls down a series of plagues upon the Kingdom of Uloyiso, turning the Great Lakes red with blood and causing darkness in the sky. Seeing this as an act of god the other tribes of Tahua marched on Uloyiso, and after they defeated Uloyiso, the King of Uloyiso agrees to let the people of Tahua leave. Also according to legend, Issacitali led the freed slaves over the small bay of Bomvu, with their god allowing them to cross the water unscathed, while a pursuing army from Uloyiso was swept up by the waves. The Zianists arrived before the other tribes, who elected Issacitali as leader.
  • Xüonai: Dashon IV dies in 152 O.L, leading to his son, Dashon V, inheriting the throne. Apologies are sent to Darna after information of the extermination of Ulm, and the ultimatum is immediately taken back. Dashon V offers to hand over all Ulmsl (Ulm followers) to Yannis as a sign of peace, and Dashon V decides to convert to Unäo-Yannian to help strengthen relations between Yannis and Xüonai. Dashon V creates a legal code, banning following Ulm. Ulmsl are punished, killed, or handed over to Yannis, with Dashon V recognizing their threat to national security, a change from his father's mindset. He focuses on internal prosperity, integrating local tribes, offering land to landless poor in exchange for their families service in the military if needed as long as they live on the land (add 10 px rural). Urban areas are once again expanded due to an ever-growing population (add 3 px urban). Iron is mined extensively because of its usefulness, and early longbows begin to be developed. Using Ensoywi as a jumping off point, an invasion, 4,000 strong, of northern Hosherad occupied land is launched, using the sheer size of their coastline to our advantage (as Hosherad's men have to garrison the whole coast, while still attacking their southern neighbors). The army begin to push south to retake the former capital, with assistance from the other civillizations Hosherad is attacking. (Mod Algo needed) The northwestern green nation and the southwestern dark blue nation are sent delgations, and the small ocean area between the dark blue nation and the Syresian continent is explored, along with the coastline north of the Darnan colony.
    • Yannis Diplomacy: We respond that we don't have anything to share at this time.
    • The battle ends in a defeat for the attackers. The attacking nation of Xüonai suffered 981 losses, including the capture of the army's general and many others, while the defending nation suffered 612 losses.
  • Darna: The revolt in Strafen is met by a major military campaign to crush the rebellion. Surrounded by the rest of the island and outnumbered, the Strafen rebellion falls quickly, with brutal totality. Xüonai immediately going back on its word is considered laughably insulting, and the nation sends its first major army to garrison our city on the coast. To further protect ourselves, the navy is moved into the region, and allies are to be made with Benekundon, Zedislandia, and Niani. We also sent news to the Yannis Empire to dispel the lies that were spread in regard to us not dealing with the heathens, as we proudly enslaved or killed every one of them in our lands. We continue to enslave those who preach this false religion.
    • Xüonai Response: In your previous turns, you didn't kill, nor mention, any Ulm followers. Are you killing them now, because we would not have sent that ultimatum if you killed all the Ulm followers. Sorry for the misunderstanding if you killed the Ulm followers.
    • In his turn he says that he killed the Ulm followers and the apostle Levian, which is why I crossed out part of your turn when you contradicted that, Ahoy. -Mod
    • Xüonai Response: I will change my turn.
    • Xüonai Diplomacy: What do you consider the northern coast; the one directly north of your colony, or the one directly east of your colony.
  • Mesallian Culture: The ancient Mesallian playwrite Solonus, regarded as one of the fathers of tragedy, lived four centuries after this date, but is most famous for his work Danonis Cols, part of a three part series taking place at this time. Solonus was writing at a time of great strife in the city of Agira, as the city had been faced with plague in the aftermath of a major war. The play sought to explore ideas of morality and piety, at a time when law and order was seemingly breaking down. The play begins in the city of Nykos, where the King Euripens had been granted the privilege by the gods of living past his natural mortality. The deal had come when the god Aegilon was exiled from his home among the gods for a time, and Euripens treated the god with hospitality. However, the bargain came at a price; Euripens had to continually find people willing to sacrifice themselves so that he may continue to live. During his reign Euripens turned his domain into one of the greatest in Mesallas, and when he became old he sought someone to take his place in order to continue his long life. Despite his generosity and kindness, no one agreed to give their lives for him, until he came to his underage son Parodis, who the king convinced to agree. Euripens’ long reign continued, but his only son was dead. Distraught by this news, the king’s wife, Acelia, refused to speak to him. When the king attempted to find another woman to produce an heir, Aegilon returned and explained that any child produced outside his marriage would surely be cursed, so Euripens decided he would just have to outlive Acelia. The goddess Geneta, taking pity on Acelia, secretly blessed her with the gift of life as well, and for the next 50 years both husband and wife waited. Finally, Euripens traveled to the cave of Bacia, one of the ancient portals to the underworld, in the hopes of meeting the goddess Lementer. When he met Lementer he begged for the goddess to take his wife, but she explained that just as he took a life to extend a life, a life must be produced to shorten one. He was suggested to go to the city of Patrono, where the man Adranus was childless and desperately desired a child. Euripens traveled to the city and discovered that Adranus was an old beggar, and was considered one of the ugliest men in all of Mesallas. Regardless, he arranged for a hundred women to meet him in the hopes of finding someone willing to wed Adranus. Euripens manages to find a willing suitor when he finds a woman who is blind. Not long after the woman is with child and gives birth to a boy, and Euripens returns home. As he arrives he is told that his wife is already dead, and Euripens meets with a mistress named Areppia. After some time he becomes bored of his mistress, and after Areppia professes her love and willingness to do anything for Euripens, he has her killed in order to extend his life a second time. After a century of ruling, Euripens was confronted by a mysterious figure, who revealed herself to be Acelia. Horrified, Euripens realized that because his wife had not died he had been cursed, and the gods had all of Euripens’ family and friends killed that night, before Acelia killed her husband. Lementer appeared before the city, and said that Euripens would be punished in the afterlife for all eternity, unless anyone could present an argument that he had done good in life. No one said anything, except for Adranus, who told of how Euripens had helped him. Lementer agreed to give Euripens a lesser sentence, while Adranus lived in Nykos for the rest of his days, with his son eventually becoming king at Acelia’s bequest. Solonus would be awarded the first place prize at the festival in Agira after his performance of the play. Although the play is fictional, the Ulmist writer Ignapius, who was an early preacher in the church around the time of Levian’s death, mentions how the church grew during the time of the “beggar turned to a king”, and other details related to the play’s story. Aside from the upheaval in Nykos, this time period is also known for the conflict in the Kingdom of Tuatha-Danann. Several western Mesallian cities would back the claimant Lysis. The two major kingdoms that bordered Tuatha-Danann, named Salarinos in the north and Igounematis in the south, both supported Lysis and likely dispatched armies to help seize the throne.
  • Kingdom of Azoz: King Taulet works to rapidly expand the military and upgrading their weaponry, while expanding southward to fill out space until the delta of the Ashe River. The romance cycle of Asmera and Danel is set during this time, as well. These two lovers are often depicted as symbols of the ultimate triumph of good over evil, the purest form of Ulm for Asmera, falling in love with the symbol of chaos and darkness in Danel, the son of Balerix. Throughout the story, both Balerix and Taulet mutually disapprove with the matchmaking of their children, who nonetheless frequently escape away to enjoy their love-making in peace. Through careful dialogue, alternatively touched with either cleverness or naiivate, Asmera worked to convince Danel the error of his ways to convert to the faith of Ulm. Danel is always shown as skepitcal in the romance, until he is shocked by Asmera's sacrifical death a few months after childbirth. The child of this union is named Alerix at the end of the story. Meanwhile, the Holy Father Toneth continues to administer the universal church, peacefully spreading the faith of Ulm and promoting the epistles of Ignapius. Landrew is martyred at this time in the capital city of Yannis, but this was accompanied by a number of miracles as well. Reportedly, the High Priest of Unao was struck with leprosy as soon as Landrew died, and when he was cut milk ran out instead of blood. Prackyob, a disciple of Landrew, proceeds on his own missionary journey across Darna and Niani, seeing as they actively oppose the sadistic Yannis Empire, if any people from those lands would be interested in hearing of the god of Nelrim (MOD RESPONSE). Isodore is believed to have been born around this time, with many apocryphal legends describing him as a hybrid birth between an angel and a human woman in Bangui. Steeped in metaphor and fantastic elements, it is often conjectured by scholars if Isodore's legendary origin is confused with that of Alerix, being that the latter's birth was a union of the "angel" Asmera and demonic Danel. Patra Toneth sends a letter to Duke Loegaris, promising to send him an army of volunteers to support his claim if he accepts being anointed in the Ulm tradition (MOD RESPONSE)
    • The Empire of Niani rejects the religion, as they have their own pantheon of gods, although many common people are attracted to the religion.
    • Lóegaris accepts the offer in exchange for an army.
  • Princedom of Qera: Two decades after the first war that Qera has fought in its young history, the Kisna Union is now fully established and the last opponents are wiped off the map, either bribed or killed by Yllers men. THe name Kisna comes from the native word Ghisna, but since Âtluâm doesn't have any G sounds, it is transcribed and pronounced as a K sound by the southerners. The northern tribes remain with the original pronunciation. Ycas II grows old and dies in the age of 64, but not before he appoints an heir. The next prince is a man named Yquor who gained a lot of respect in the Ghisna war and led the city of Rollahotl in the south of the country. Yquor is known as a crafty businessman and a generous and friendly ruler. Yller I "the beast" of Qerxixehre is also count of Kisna, where he rules with the tactic of "honey and bloodshed", everybody who respects him will be treated even and fair, but at the slightest disrespect or insult he knows no mercy. Yller also wants to meet with Exhulan regional leaders, to develop plans how a road can be build through the muddy mangroves (EXHULA RESPONSE PLEASE). Prince Yquor is gaining popularity among both simple citizens and noblemen. Vassiga of Tortla is seeking for more power, as he believes to be the real heir of Qera. To prevent any rebellion, he is made to marry the daughter of Yquor, the 20-year-old Zatane. A population count is ordered to plan the next settlements (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). Ogaholle is heavily overcrowded and many servants are granted land in the east in exchange for loyalty and securing the western frontiers (10 px claimed in the east, 12 of the former claimed becomes rural). Inter-urban roads are a big thing now since the Exhulans introduced them as tamed animals, so more (some even paved) roads are built. Water is still the preferred way to transport heavy objects. Pearls on strings become a major way to transport the resource that functions as currency, since it is easier to transport these than wooden boxes.
  • Syres: When news of the civil war in the Kingdom of Tuatha-Danann arrives, the nation decides to reject all of the main claimants, and instead back the claim of a Syresian noble who fled from the city of Neum when it fell to invasion, named Ehzias. The nation dispatches a small army to accompany him, but the hope is that he will be able to rally the population to his side. Ehzias and 1,000 men land in the area north of the city, claiming the area on the north side of the Ashe River. The idea that the country would fold when Ehzias arrived proved to be too optimistic, as the city of Neum remained firmly under the control of one of the Tuathan governors, Conchanar. As a result, the Syresian party decides to camp across the river and wait, creating a defensive position and awaiting more support. Luckily the claimant Lóegaris, now backed by an Azozian-born army, manages to distract the kingdom’s forces, as does Calindiges in the south. The latter manages to capture the capital in the center of the nation, crowning himself king, although still disputed by the other claimants. With Calindiges and Lysis engaged in the east, Ehzias finally makes his move almost a year later, laying siege to the city of Neum. After this early victory, a march on the capital is launched, but Ehzias suffers a defeat that forces him back north. A back and forth ensues for the next several years, but with no victory imminent, Ehzias decides to declare the “Kingdom of Neum”, and the Hensa in Syres considers that a close enough victory. In the city the church of Ulm, descended from the church founded by Apostle Vedun, selects Hadan as its next leader, who adopts the title of “Ecumenical Patriarch”.
  • Exhula: With the agreement of Qera to the building of a massive road linking our settlements to theirs, we begin expansion of the parts we begin creating last turn into Qera after meeting with their leaders, leading to the road linking our cities and Ogaholle, and several other cities, by the end of 158.In order to build the roads through the muddy mangroves in and around our territory we begin constructing many small drainage canals in these areas to redirect the water in the areas and to drain the muddy areas and constructing the roads out of strong materials in the now dry areas. We also use this redirection of this water to attempt to make some of the nearby areas more fertile and farm them, increasing our ability to colonize our new territory. We also continue our colonization of the southern areas, building two more coastal cities but mostly not moving more than a few miles into the area due to the tropical swamps and jungles and their harsh conditions, although the population begins to increase largely, as does trade with several native groups. We begin surveying the are around these cities for mineral deposits, hoping to exploit any such things in the new territory, (MOD Response needed). Three new settlements are founded on Zoelle, named Syrr, Ccllarr, and Gimm, which are linked by road to the other settlements. We also found a small port on the islands we recently claimed, which mostly serves as a resupply point for Exhulan traders moving between Zoelle and that coast. Emperor Lorgar II dies and his 12 children squabble over the inheritance for three years before finally the fourth son, Sassigan, emerges victorious in their conflict after three years and is crowned as Emperor Sassigan I Aurelian. To mark the beginning of his reign he orders a survey of his population, to see what the population now is in the empire (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED FOR CENSUS RESULTS). The construction of the massive structure meant to commemorate Empress Zoelle is completed in 154, and becomes a major site of cultural significance for Exhula. The Book of Lorgar is officially published in 157, and declared the official holy book of the Hcctaal religion. The God Ihnnt, supposedly Lorgar 1's mother, also begins to take a greater role in Hcctaal religion as the "Mother of Humanity" rather than just the mother of the first Emperor, (Although due to the Aurelians being her only recent descendants they still receive the same level of reverence for it as before), while previously she was really a minor god in the religion. The settlement of the former Ghisnan territory continues, with two more settlements (one coastal, one inland) being founded in the region and with Yvcarius growing significantly in population, leading to its expansion by 4 px and the building of new city walls.


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The census in the nation of Qera reports that in the capital city of Ogaholle some 10,000 people reside, with another 15,000 people in the surround area. Qerixaxehe reports 3,500 people, Tortla reports 9,000, Otlrollver reports 10,000, Feujaxhteccue reports 8,000, and within the Kisna region some 2,000 Qerans are reported, with another estimated 12,000 foreigners.

The Exhulan census reports that the capital city contains 6,600 people, with 35,000 people in the surrounding area, and another 23,000 people on the rest of the island. 5,500 people are reported on Sythri and Hakkran, 18,000 people are reported on Clorrtil, Etty's Coast reports 14,000 people (although difficulty in counting persists due to the recent war), Zoelle reports 15,000 people. The area recently conquered in the far south reports 5,000 people.

With an army of volunteers from Azoz, the claimant Lóegaris manages to capture most of western Tuatha-Danann. After the death of Calindiges the throne becomes contested between Lóegaris and the Mesallian-backed Lysis.

The natives in the area east of Qera, that is being settled by both Qera and Exhula, proves to be home to highly hostile natives. Coupled with the difficult to traverse jungle and mountainous terrain, both nations see a loss of population in the region.

The Kingdom of Emalia begins a major campaign to the east to conquer the area bordering the Great Lakes. The campaign is a success, with them meeting the Tahua tribes.

In the region bordered by the southern mountains and the lands of Fasnoq, a leader known as Eamhain unites the tribes of the area in opposition to expansion from both Fasnoq and Azoz.

  • Yannis: A great fleet is prepared in the Holy City, with the nation’s largest elite force ever assembled. The holy contingent is placed under the command of veteran inquisitor Felyon’actal “the Bloodletter” and Torocna “the Twisted”, and departs after a holy ritual. The fleet arrives at the city of Nykos and immediately surrounds the city. It is demanded that all heathens must be turned over immediately for execution, or the city will be burned to the ground. A siege ensues, with Torocna leading a second force that travels around the surrounding area, ravaging the countryside and hunting all heathens. After several days the city’s army exits the city and attacks the Yannians. Initially the forces are evenly matched, until a Yannian unit manages to slip into an undefended part of the city’s gates and begins slaughtering the people inside. As a result the Nykos army retreated back to the city, eventually being defeated. With the city captured, the Yannian army has those complacent in the Ulm religion executed, as well as the Ulmist preachers and followers. An elaborate temple is ordered to be constructed in the city, using primary slaves captured in the campaign. A Yannian-Mesallian pantheon is established, and a Yannian puppet is installed as ruler. The city also begins to serve as a base for missionary work, with Holy Men traveling all across Mesallas. Eventually, the common people become fed up with occupation, and after a series of clashes the Yannian army withdraws, once it is believed that the new ruler, Oronacus, is powerful enough to keep the peace.
  • Kingdom of Azoz: Taulet died after a long reign, although true to the prophet's word he had no legitimate sons. Ashkenaz, his son-in-law, was given control of the kingdom instead. Askhenaz honored his alliances in the east, and raised 3,600 warriors to establish control over the civil war. This is actually one of the first appearances of Azoz in contemporary historical records, referencing the seat of the Ulm faith as the "House of Taulet". After that war was concluded, Ashkenaz also led a larger force of 4,500 soldiers on a coordinated campaign south, working to help Frasnoq in crushing the new barbarian threat. During the siege of Esquay, a common legend describes how he was confronted by the young prophet Isodore. Isodore told Askhenaz hidden knowledge which enabled him to break the siege, but at the same time he gave this as a sign that his dynasty will be removed for a bastard. Meanwhile, the Ulm faith continues to be spread, focusing on appealing to intellectual elites in Eskaladun and Mesallia. Ulm followers in Nykos are instructed to flee from the city before Yannis takes it over, and as a result they scatter to spread the Ulm faith to many other city-states on the peninsula. In Niani, focus is made by apostles to convert lower classes of society, especially the farmers and military. In Darna, seeing such a vast proportion of the population exists as a slave class, emphasis is made on converting the slave population to Ulm. Prackyob, upon completing his missionary journey in Niani, goes to the top of a mountain in a hermitage. There he has a vision from Nelrim, describing in detail metaphors related to near future and the end of the world. In the last days, Nelrim will return to earth leading an army of ten thousand times ten thousand soldiers, all composed of souls who follow the True God. Nelrhim will ride on a horse made of fire, and his generals are likewise angels. Using this army, Nelrim will fight against an army of all the corrupt nations in the world, collectively composing an army of those who follow Drokksid. This will happen concurrently with a war going on in heaven, as a separate front, in which Nelrim and the True God will be ultimately victorious. All death and suffering is eliminated with the destruction of Drokksid, and humanity lives in the presence of the True God forever.
  • Darna: A very small number of people convert to the so-called Ulm religion, and in effect wave their Darnan rights not to be enslaved. So almost all Ulm converts are immediately rounded up for free by slavers and sent to do back breaking labor in the mines. Savvy businessmen even began fabricating people’s conversions in order to gain free slaves. The population of free Ulmers is close to zero. The major city in the far south becomes known as Mosnola, and sees major settlement and trade due to its location. The city is a center of slavers who extract from the entire “Darnan Coast”, as established by the Treaty of Udhnluito, although we are lenient toward Zedislandia and Benekundon citizens, as per our earlier agreement with them. The colony also expands outside its original boundaries.
  • Xüonai: A coastal settlement on the northwestern horn on the Syresian continent (Syresei) is settled, with war veterans being paid through land on the settlement. The trade city is developed, and traders come there. A similar strategy to Darna's Ulm enslavement is instated, with all Ulmist being enslaved. The island of Ensoywi is inspected carefully to prevent Ulmists from escaping, and a large cult is caught in the act of worshiping the Ulmist god. They are all enslaved, around 500 of them. They are sent to build the city on the horn. The city rises to prominence, when explorers realize that the mainland of Darna is very close by. Dashon V offers to trade the new trading city (one urban and some rural px) and 10,000 kg of gold for the northern Darnan colony (one urban and some rural px) and the revoking of the Xüonai ban on the north coast. (Darnan Response) The large unexplored area between Niani and Darna are explored, while another expedition is led south, south of Tuatha-Danann, to explore the area.
  • Makuku Kingdom: We continue to expand along the coast as always. The Main Settlement continues to be expanded with the influx of people and the high number of birth rates. The local rivals in the area are met with suspicion but also curiosity as has been the makuku tradition since ancient times, and so two messengers are sent to each of these kingdoms, who are tasked with attempting to engage in diplomacy with these neighboring kingdoms, maybe get a tour of their main settlement, and at the end exchange some of our goods for some of theres for the messengers to bring back (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). The Great Tatu dies this year and is succeeded by his daughter, Lamuka the First, who's first act as the Great Tatu is to create a feminine version of the title "Tatu" and changes her title to the "The Great Tatina", which marks the first time in Makuku history that there has been a specific alternative of a title for genders, as makuku society is largely equal with hardly any acknowledgement of one's gender in an job or position. We continue to trade with that distant foreign kingdom i can't remeber the name as well. The Makuku continue to live happy, traditional lives, as this is basically the only lifestyle they've known, only hearing legends of the distant foreign city.
  • Mesallian Culture: The fall of Nykos to the Yannis Empire marked the beginning of a new chapter in the history of Mesallas. The city itself was nearly destroyed, its population killed or scattered, and its records and literature lost. As a result exact records for this time period and the centuries prior in Nykosian history are mostly lost to historians. It is known that one of the claimants to the throne of Nykos, a noble named Hadian, lived in exile and staunchly in opposition to the puppet king Oronacus. He eventually fled to Halatia, where he commissioned the famous poet Anser to compose works depicting him as the rightful ruler. It is from Anser that historians learned of Hadian and his claim, although it is likely that his perspective was not well received. The towns around Nykos, who had been routinely bullied by the larger city for over a century, seemingly welcomed its fall, as noted by a record from the town of Libanos, which celebrated the exile of Hadian. It is during this time that the Yannian religion began to be practiced in parts of Mesallas, while elsewhere a hybrid of Mesallian and Yannian beliefs arose. The Ulm Religion likely was nearly wiped out, and if it continued during this time was likely completely underground, as records mentioning the religion disappear for the better part of one-half century. Opposition to the Yannian arrival was minimal at this early stage, although in nearby cities such as Meshwati the opinion of the state on Yannis was to be openly distrustful. The Cult of Lementer saw the invasion as an odd opportunity, and in some capacity aligned itself with the Yannians, despite being strictly Lementarian and against Yannian practices. First they managed to triple the size of their possessions in the north, by framing numerous landowners and towns, especially Water Merchant-aligned regions, as being Ulmist-leaning. In this way the Yannian army stationed to keep the peace in Nykos acted as a personal army for the Lementarians inadvertently, culminating in the Battle of Ozaras, in which the Water Merchants and their supporters were decisively defeated at one of their most prized strongholds, the Lake of Ozaras. During this time many sects of the Water Merchants began new ventures in the west, possibly out of desperation after the losses in the north. Water Tyrant Igajethus is credited as the Father of the Trans-Asamdah Route, the Asanah being the name for the vast desert in the south. Under his leadership the Water Merchants explored far to the west, coming across a major mountain range and a river that flowed to the north. It was eventually discovered that this created an alternate route to the Kingdom of Azoz. Outposts were established at the major oases across the region, with a trading post being established south of Azoz. The confederacy belonging to King Eamhain was discovered, with a trading post being established in his city of Agnomon. In the Kingdom of Tuatha-Danann the western Mesallian states, especially Salarinos and Igounematis, became heavily involved in the rise of Lysis, likely desperate to ensure a Mesallas-friendly monarch existed on their border. An estimated 10,000 total soldiers were dispatched to the region, from four different city-states. According to the historian Honaris, after nearly a decade of involvement the King of Salarinos, Lanis, attempted to broker with the parts involved to have the region formally split between Lysis and Lóegaris, while at the same time recognizing the Kingdom of Neum’s independence.
  • Exhula: We continue to colonize the area south of us and east of Qera, but due to the hostile natives our efforts slow down and we begin sending less people despite founding two new ports, and although we claim a few px of rural territory farther inland, we still stay mostly confined to the coastline and area surrounding the coastline. Instead we begin attempting to open trade relations with the natives inhabiting the jungles who are less hostile, although we prepare military forces to fight if necessary, offering to provide them with more advanced technology and weapons in exchange for ceasing attacks on our colonies (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED) Secret: We intentionally provide some of the largest tribes who are most hostile to us with gifts formerly owned by victims of Datrosis (The disease that caused the plague earlier), which are still tainted with the disease, although we don't do this to more friendly ones. End secret. Meanwhile, the Emperor, alarmed by the drop in the Ettyian population compared to recent years, begins offering major tax breaks to those who move there and heavily encouraging settlement of the region wherever possible, in order to enlarge the population, resulting in many thousands of settlers arriving in the region and settling it, while also interacting with and intermarrying with those who have lived their for generations by now. The remaining Zoellan natives begin being integrated into the mainstream Exhulan society on the island as we do our best to more fully secure the island. the integration of much off the former Ghisnan region into the empire over the last decades has been largely successful, and most of the children of former Ghisnans have now spent their whole lives living in Exhulan society, speaking Exhulan, and being raised in the Hcctaal religion rather than the native Ghisnan one (which is banned). Although the Ghisnan language continues to survive as do some apects of its culture due to the parents of the children doing their best to teach their children of their old customs even as they are intentionally indoctrinated into Exhulan society. Emperor Sassigan finally marries in 163. Many expected him to marry Orri of Clorrtill, the beautiful daughter of the most influential and rich noble family in Exhul apart from the Aurelians themselves, the Oggritin, Sassigan instead marries a commoner by the name of Engril, enraging the many slighted noble families, with Orri instead marrying his brother Lorgar (Which is by now a common name, especially among the nobility, and especially among the Aurelians), who begins to plot against his brother and gather power for a faction now forming around him. In further news, the construction of the road linking Qera's settlements and ours is completed in 169, leading to a massive flourishing in trade along the new land route.
  • The Khin Confederation: The Khin has settled in their new home and several parties are dispatched to ride and find other peoples of Than.
  • Syres: With the Kingdom of Neum established, the Syresian army withdraws, and the nation does not choose between the two claimants in the south, hoping not to anger the Mesallian kingdoms or the Kingdom of Azoz. Independently Neum manages to expand slightly in the south and west, as the remainder of the rebellious territory is captured by Lóegaris or Lysis. Northern Neum sees settlement and immigration from Syres in large numbers, for the first time since the original fall of the city.


In the Kingdom of Tuatha-Danann the claimant Lóegaris, with Azozian support, wins a decisive battle against his rival Lysis, with Lysis being killed in its aftermath. He becomes the sole ruler of the kingdom, although recognizing the Kingdom of Neum as independent, and also makes peace with the Mesallian kingdoms. True to his word he formally converts to the Ulm religion in the capital.

A trade ship arrives off the coast of Exhula’s small outpost in the east, which claims to come from a kingdom far to the east, called the Celestial Kingdom of Olmac. Likewise, around the same time Olmac makes contact with the Sillas Republic from the south.

Agnomon, the kingdom south of Azoz, is largely unable to fully stop the spread of Azozian settlers into the area, and many villages are forced south and east. However, the arrival of the Water Merchants in the south helps to turn Agnomon from a village into a city, with traders from Azoz, Mesallas, Fasnoq, and more all intermingling.

The non-Yannian claimant to the throne of Nykos, Hadian, appeals to the cities of Meshwati and Karissa, among others, offering to swear allegiance to any ruler who can aid him retaking the city.

The messengers sent by the Makuku Kingdom return with varying news. Of the three largest city-states, Punauia and Napukal rejected to allow Makuku tour their settlements, as they are fearful of giving away that information. However, they are happy to trade, while Rakaroa is willing to allow Makuku's embassies within the city and trade. The Holy City of Chamokal politely rejects on the basis that only those of the priestly class may enter the city proper. Various villages in the surrounding area welcome the Makuku, with very few of the lesser settlements rejecting the offer.

During a period of instability, the western section of the Kingdom of Weritsz attempts tobreak off from the nation, declaring Kuscisiwa independent. Fighting breaks out in the regions of heavy Weritsz assimilation and settlement.

A kingdom from the south known as Mithadia launches an invasion of the southern remnant of the Saemonite Empire, capturing most of the region, and propelling other areas to declare independence.

The strategy employed by Exhula with the southern natives doesn't go as effectively as they hoped. There is a small outbreak of disease, but it spreads between friendly and hostile tribes alike. The religious heads of the tribes decree that the Exhulans are surely cursed, turning even the friendliest of tribes away from them.

  • Kingdom of Azoz: After a relatively brief reign, Ashkenaz lay dying from disease at this time. Remembering the prophesy of Isodore, the King summoned his messengers to bring a nobleman's son from Bangui, who would be proved to not be a bastard, to be named his successor. This legitimate prince, however, was met by bandits from Agnomon and died before he could reach Azoz. Jair, the son of Danel and Asmera, happened to arrive in the city at the same time the prince was expected, and thus was presumed to be the legitimate heir. It was only after Ashkenaz gave up both his blessing and his ghost that Jair's true identity was revealed. Jair appointed Isodore to be his trusted advisor, and proved to be a remarkably competant ruler. He established a new city, called Sykorn, at the fork of the river halfway between Azoz and Agnomon, in order to establish the border between the two nations. Jair established an official tributary system of the colonized cities to pay homage back to the capital at Azoz. Jair worked to establish close relations with Loegaris, and helped him to establish his similar tributary system over the independent Neo-Mesallian city-states under his influence. Jair expanded the military of the city, and established many forts around Sykorn as a way of containing the southern kingdom. As Yannis has proved to be expansively hostile against the peaceful followers of Ulm in Nykos, Jair reaches out to create political alliances with the cities of Mesallia who oppose the Yannis. Similar offers of alliance are extended to Niani and Darna. Meanwhile, the Ulm faith continued to be administrated by the Holy Fathers in Azoz, much more passively after the firs generation of Apostles had passed on. Nontheless, the complete canonical corpus of Ulm scriptures was now complete, and being copied into manuscripts all throughout the churches in various nations. Particular focus is made to appeal to intellectual elites in Eskaladun, Mesallian cities, Syres, and now Agnomen as well. In Niani, disciples of Prackyob continue to work at converting farmers and miltiary. In Darna, missionaries emphasize converting the slave population.
  • Qera: The hostile tribes are planned to be integrated into the Qeran nation. The more friendly tribes are offerd to hold high positions as local leaders, if they are willing to integrate their tribes and lands into the principality (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). The less friendlier tribes are threatened with complete extinction, one of them is a tribe the Qerans call "Feojanda" which means blackhands. They call them this way because of the squid ink they use to cover their faces and hair as a kind of make-up. An army of 2,000 men are sent to the border. Many Qerans from the poorer regions are settled to the east in order to secure the eastern loosely claimed area (the former loosely claimed area becomes rural). The country west of Otlrollver (15 px to the west). Agriculture sees a new invention, where canals are build to flood the rice fields more inland. The rich earth in the Kisna region is heavily used to produce vegetables (of which are only very few known in the Qeran diet) and enrich the cuisine. With two generation that grow up in Kisna under Qeran rule, the former tribal religion dies out and gets replaced with the beliefs of the Qerans. Trade flourishes and deepens with Exhula and the settlement of Tataccug grows to become an important trading city (1 px in the Kisna territory becomes urban). Yuqor I's third daughter Zatlava reaches the age of 15 and can be married now. Her parents plan to send her to Exhula to marry a high ranking general or the heir of the Aurelian dynasty (EXHULA RESPONSE PLEASE). The Âtluâm language sees a new dialect to emerge in the south, where the devoiced (ɬ) gets voiced into a (ɮ). Despite this, the tl sound doesn't get voiced and remained the same.
  • Mesallian Culture: After Lysis was defeated by Lóegaris, becoming the sole ruler of Tuatha-Danann, the western Mesallian city-states attempted to prop up a breakaway kingdom in the northeast. This region was ethnically Mesallian more than the rest of the kingdom, and the former powerbase of Lysis. But with support failing, the states of Salarinos, Igounematis, and the rest of Mesallas made peace, and Lóegaris gained control over the northeast (end of Year 171). In the Nykos region, the puppet king Oronacus proved to be an effective ruler, overseeing the rebuilding of the city and a strengthening of the army, by taking elements from the Yannian army. Eventually his acceptance of the Yannian religion and customs began to attract animosity from the rest of the Mesallian world. Massisni VII of Meshwati was the first to support the claimant Hadian, around the same time Halatia had the pretender expelled, fearing retaliation against them from the Yannians. Returned to the mainland, instead of attacking Nykos, Hadian used the last of his finances to purchase an army, and captured the town of Ottana, which lay south of the city of Nykos, possibly as punishment for being one of the main towns to defect to the Yannians after their arrival. Importantly, the Cult of Lementer defected from the side of Yannis after it became clear that the Yannian beliefs were becoming too widespread, and elected to play “kingmaker” for the throne of Nykos. A year after Hadian’s return (Year 173), Oronacus was assassinated by the Lementarians, along with many notable Yannian leaders. The city fell to Hadian, but not without heavy dissent from the surrounding area. The remnants of the Yannian presence remained in power outside the city in the mountains to the east, becoming known as the “Order of Bloodied Eyes”, or “Omvedom”, and led by a Yannian mercenary turned nobleman, named Igaletezoc. The Omvedomian became a true threat after the Battle of Kosm, in which they successfully defeated a Nykos-Meshwati army almost twice their size. Similarly, the Lake of Ozaras region had become a hotbed of Yannian religious conversion, and in the fourth year of Hadian’s reign (Year 176) the Kingdom of Krasidos emerged as a Yannian-Mesallian kingdom around the lake, capturing the area up to the western coast. This prompted a meeting of most of the major Mesallian states at the shrine of Delona, where it was decreed that the Mesallian cities should cooperate against the common threat of the Yannian states. The “League of Delona” included Meshwati, Nykos, Karissa, Delona, and Lamigis, the five main cities most affected by the threat of Krasidos and the Omvedomians. Around the same time the nation of Usinilago began expansion in the east and south, winning a minor war near Thusmos, and a major war against the “Osdean Tribe”, which inhabited the area south of them. This aggression would be a catalyst toward the creation of a loose confederacy of the largely nomadic tribes of the south, becoming known as the Umhlaba. The kingdom was created with the aid of the Water Merchants, who brought with them many Mesallian traditions of government and culture. The town of Isono, home to one of the primary Water Merchant trade posts, became home to the Umhlaba government, although this government exerted very loose control over the region. Instead, the nation is best thought of as an alliance of oases and trade routes, with the Water Merchants being one of the powers behind it’s influence. Each oases, some of which personally owned by Water Tyrants, acted as tributaries to the main branch in Isono, but retaining sovereignty over its respective routes. In a council meeting in Isono, each of the branches voted to determine the “High Tyrant”, with Umasiqela being selected. During the first few years of Umasiqela’s reign, Water Tyrant Tiris of Agnomon (the de facto head of the trade posts in the confederacy), launched a war against one of the vassals of King Eamhain, usurping the throne of Clonibaris, thereby carving a domain of his own within the Kingdom of Agnomon, but still loyal to King Eamhain.
  • Yannis Empire: In the north the nation watches the Empire of Niani cautiously, as after their subjugation of Tesardya, they vassalize Bassar as well, creating three total client states in the north. A new Anointed One ascends to the throne of the empire, and follows in his predecessor's footsteps of spreading the religion of Yannis to the rest of the world. Taking advantage of the turmoil in the east, Holy Men enter the land to the far east to convert Sumyala, as well as Dijunga in the west. However, the empire favors that Weritsz crush the Burned Men rebellion, as we have animosity toward their heathen people, and would not be against intervening to ensure a Weritsz victory if needed. A new expedition to the south is planned after the news of Nykos falling reaches us. A great army under Teza’sentol is dispatched, first landing on Calamos. The island is believed to be a haven of heathen activity, and the army practices by slaughtering the heathens there. It is decided that the island will be directly ruled, with Torocna “the Twisted” appointed as its first governor. For the rest of his lifetime he builds up the Yannian presence on the island, and later elects to spread his influence over the minor surrounding islands. After this show of force, natural philosophers are dispatched to the peninsula to relay a message. Any nation who joins Yannis in its quest will be entitled to all the spoils and territory of the defeated nations. Halatia is expected to join, as they have already demonstrated a fear of retribution, and in exchange will be granted Nykos. Agira is approached, and will be granted Lamigis, and so on. In the meantime the army lands northeast of Nykos, intent on aiding the pious order that is Omvedom. Immediately a battle is won that sees the area north of Nykos fall, although Felyon’actal “the Bloodletter” is killed in battle. We request that Krasidos hold the line in the south and east at the mountains, while the Yannian army proceeds to raid the towns in and around Nykos’ influence.
  • In Tik’akna: Settlers, traders, and missionaries from Ometoc-vis continue to influence the southern tip of Phorintheon, with the southern tip of the island becoming an outpost for trade in the region. A young adventurer and high priest in Ometoc-vis named Talah’icon ventures south from the outpost on Phorintheon to found a settlement at the entrance to a southern river, known as Tohatia, and over the next few years the Yannian Holy Men do battle with the surrounding tribes to expand their influence in the region. The late king Hosherad’s kingdom, now named Hosheraddon, sees an influx of Yannian Holy Men, as well as influence in his capital city. In Temayal the ruler Iximanasa II ascends to the throne, and proves to be a powerful leader. He wins a major war against the Franics, expanding Temayal’s territory far to the east. Later He wins a war in the west as well, becoming one of the foremost powers of the Great Lakes. The expansion of Emalia into the region leads to trade between Emalia, Tahua, and Temayal in large numbers.
  • Exhula: The tensions at court between the Oggritin and the Aurelians continue to grow worse as Emperor Sassigan is unable to effectively remove the Oggritin influence from court due to their immense political influence and the support of his brother Lorgar, but he continues to do his best to limit it, leading to increasing factonalisim at court as nobles seeking favor with one or both sides launch plots and commit actions to damage the other sides cause and the two families fight for political influence in an increasingly deadly court. When Princess Zatlava arrives in Exhul she is unprepared for this, and quickly becomes a crucial piece of plots by both sides. She also finds that both eligible male members of the Aurelian family have already married, but, worried about the Oggritin potentially using her to gain political influence over Qera, he quickly has her betrothed and then immedietly married to his four-year-old son Lfttigan in an marrige ceremony that is concluded as quickly as possible and fails to take her wishes or any Qeran customs into account, despite the immense age difference and the fact Jdaih will be unable to consummate the marriage for many years after. This prevents her use by the Oggritin in their plots, but makes her extremely bitter and resentful toward the Emperor, her family, and even her new husband, who she begins regularly verbally and physically abusing in private, although not where the emperor or any others can see. The Intrigue between the Aurelians and Ogrittin begins to grow deadly as several on both sides are assassinated, and although neither can afford to target the leaders of the other faction directly, that does not protect those high in the other factions ranks, and a string of assassinations sweeps the royal court in 174. The victims include Empress Engril, Hisracc Oggritin (The Patriarch of the Oggritin, Nihhn's bastard brother and best friend, who has the same last name because Exhulan culture makes no difference between trueborn and bastard born children and requires they be given the same name, even if in practice they are barred from the line of succession outside of extreme circumstances), and Vassiga Trrccom, the royal treasurer. These court intrigues get to the point where, in 177, Emperor Sassigan moves the capital of the Exhula from Exhul, which has been the capital for centuries, to Siccarius and appoints his son the Imperial Fytovyr (Governor) of the island, both to (successfully) make it harder for the Oggritin to use their political influence in Haeelos and instead move to the new center of his power, and so the empire can be ruled from a more central location. The death of the Empress also results in Zatlava (Just called Atlava in Exhulan, since the language lacks the letter Z or associated sounds) becoming a combination of a mother figure and a wife to Lfftigan, making their relationship even more of a twisted one. The Population in the southern colonies continues to climb as more settlers arrive in the region and two new settlements are founded on the coast. With the large amount of deaths caused by the epidemic we intentionally started among the natives, the amount of raids that occur in our territory quickly decreases due to lack of manpower and the fact they now see us as cursed and don't want to risk interacting with us. We give up on diplomatic relations with the tribes for now, deciding to wait until memory of the outbreak has faded to reopen relations, as we are satisfied with the ceasing of the raids for now. The discovery of Olmac is welcomed and we sent diplomats and scholars to negotiate with them and open relations. We tell them that we would like to open trade between our two great nations, and offer to share our map of what we know of the world in exchange for a similar map from them. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). Our resettlement of the Ettyian coast proves largely successful as the population begins to recover from the recent wars and chaos in the region, and our holdings in the area increase for the first time in decades (10 px become rural, 12 become loosely claimed) the southern colonies also become a center of the lumber trade due to the large jungles in the region, although not all is positive there, as major pests known as Ccalth (OTL Mosquitos) infect many of the people of the colonies with several diseases such as Garth (OTL Malaria), and a disease called Ryuus (No OTL equivalent). The construction of the road linking Qera and Exhula is close to completion by the end of 180, and most major settlements are linked by now, also increasing immigration between the two as a result. Many cultural things from both sides flow between the two sides through the road, with many Hcctaal preachers entering Qera in an attempt to spread it there, although the same is also true of preachers of the Qeran religion. We also begin to impelement fertilizer in the form of ashes to increase crop yields, as Qera has long done, and begin to refine our smelting of iron to a more efficient form.
  • Darna: The offer from Xüonai is rejected, and we settle the northern coast. The settlement of Mosnola expands with new settlers, and new people being attracted to the city from the surrounding area. In the north the nation founded by Isimir becomes known as Isimandia, and sees heavily settlement from the Darnans and others. The local peoples make up the majority of the kingdom, with Darnan-descended people making up most of the upper class. After settling on the northern coast of the lake, named Lake Isim, an expedition is also sent to settle on the southern end of the lake and on the nearby coast. The city directly on the coast becomes known as Kyesna.
  • Syres: The loss of Calamos, which had been home to a major trading post, furthers the Hensa’s disapproval of the Yannis Empire. As a result the nation secretly pledges its support to the League of Delona. The navy sees an increase in its number of ships during this time, including the building of several larger, heavier ships. These new ships reach about forty meters in length and six meters in width, contain three banks of oars, and are capable of holding a crew of up to 200 men. In the Acrissa Islands the noble families of the region commence their own build up of ships and defenses, feeling that the nation’s investment in the territory is not adequate. Many take up residence in the Kingdom of Neum, or in the west of Syresian territory, after tales of war reach the nation from the east.
  • Xüonai: Rural areas continue to grow, and the captured Benkundon areas' tribes are assimilated into Xüonai. Ships explore the coasts of the Darna and Niani continents, the ocean in between them, and the easternmost explored areas, east of Weritsz. An expedition is sent to explore unexplored areas above Dijunga. Many Ulm slaves are sold to Darnan traders in Mosnola and the colony south of the Darnan mainland. A city is built on the river south of Mosnola, just below the bay to make sure it is not in violation of the Treaty of Udhnluito, so that a river city with access to the northern coast can be built without actually building the city on the northern coast. A garrison is stationed there, as well as our colony south of Darna, to discourage any Darnan ideas of conquering our territory. Otherwise, internal stability is prioritized, with roads being built to the river colony in the north and connecting urban areas. A veteran's resettlement program is initiated for all who had family members as military personnel in service, with the families being given fertile land in both the colony south of Darna and areas of the unsettled north.


If you have not posted in the previous turn yet, you may continue to do so.

After the traders of Olmac are welcomed by Exhula and Qera, a trade network emerges between the three, with Olmac spreading knowledge of many prosperous nations to the east.

Mithadia expands westward, subjugating a number of islands in the area. They come across the Tsardom of Algeorgia, and demand that Algeorgia pay tribute to Mithadia.

The Kingdom of Kaughn subjugates many of the breakaway provinces of the Saemonites, expanding to the south. The Saemonite vassal of Herati declares its independence and fights against its former overlord.

The decision to move the capital of Exhula from the homeland sparks backlash from the nobility and traditionalists of the nation, despite whatever logistical sense it might make. Sensing an opportunity, Nihhn Oggritin instigates a coup that sees the home island captured, dividing the nation between the Aurelians and Oggritins.

The Empire of Niani answers the diplomacy from the Kingdom of Azoz by launching an invasion of the Yannis Empire, with 15,000 men advancing toward Xanuys.

Usinilago invades the nation of Isono in order to capture their northernmost towns, and to establish a tributary relationship.

  • Kingdom of Azoz: King Jair continues to support tributary trade within the Tuartha Kingdom. Farther east, he declares his support for Hadian as ruler of Nykos, as well as extending support to the Umhlaba Confederacy, and organizes them to strike against the Yannis Empire on the continent. 11,000 soldiers are sent to aid Niani attack Yannis directly. Jair himself was known, according to personal accounts from Mesallian city-states, to personally travel in progress around cities that were at least tolerant of the Ulm faith, giving both kind and charismatic words to stir a greater cause against the continental invaders. In one such progress, Jair had fallen in love with the daughter of Loegaris, and would frequent her chambers upon his visit. The Ulm faith continues to be administrated from the capital. Priapas, the current Holy Father, was also known as one of the foremost theologic scholars of his day, greatly expanding and interpreting the Ulm scriptures that were now completed. The theology of Priapas emphasized the duality of heaven, in the eternal struggle between the True God and Drokksid, as reflective of the current struggle between the true faith of Ulm and the false religion of Yannis. While the Yannis religion is fixated on the shedding of blood by sacrifice, the Ulm faith has the more passive rituals of annointing and feasts. While Yannis worships by a priesthood, excluding commoners from the inner temples, the Ulm faith worships at Basilicas, where all people of every class meet. In essence, while Yannis exacts commitment by fear, Ulm exacts it by love and charity. It is suspected by modern scholars if the theology of Priapas, published in his epistles to the churches in Mesallia, Darna, and Xüenoi, was merely an additional componant of the propaganda espoused by King Jair. Even if so, this same theology of Priapas has continued to be echoed by Ulm theologians down through the ages since. After concluding his campaigns in the east, Jair turned his attention south, raising a new army of 7,000 soldiers to push farther south.
  • Exhula: The sudden revolt by the Oggritin takes us by surprise, as although a conflict was expected, we believed it would come at a later date rather than immediately. Although their coup does succeed in taking control of the main cities of Haeelos and most of the countryside, there are pockets of resistance throughout the island of Aurelian loyalists and they lose much of the support they could have easily gained if they had acted earlier rather than waiting until four years had already passed since we moved from the capital. Although they manage to capture Zatlava she sends her husband into hiding and they are ultimetly unable to track him down, and are unwilling to risk Qera's wrath by killing her or using her as a hostage. As a result Emperor Sassigan is able to have a large amount of time to muster armies while the Oggritin, inexperienced with this kind of thing, are slower to do so. The majority of the Exhulan Navy sides with the Aurelians and although enough side with the Oggritin to put up a fight not enough do to stop the Loyalist forces Blockading Haeelos. The majority of the remaining ships of the Rebels are defeated during the naval Battle of Koth, named for the flagship of the Rebel fleet, which was destroyed during this battle in 184. With this victory the Loyalist army of 12,000 Exhulan Soldiers and 2,000 Qeran Mercenaries is easily able to use the largest of the remaining loyalist holdouts on the island in the northwest of the island as a landing spot for the army. The 1,700 soldiers the rebels were able to raise from the population of the island are unable to defend the territories effectively. This leads to the easy capture of Vyath in the battle of Vyath in 186, and the surrounding of Exhul and its siege by land and sea while the remaining 700 rebel soldiers attempt to defend the city. After about a year of siege the commander of the soldiers finally has enough, realizing their is no way they can win and that the Oggritin are just going to get his men and the cities population killed and as a result launches a successful mutiny against them that sees Nihhn and his men captured and Zatlava freed and returned to Aurelian custody. Although Sassigan shows mercy to the commander of the Oggritin forces and the one who led the rebellion on his lords orders and ultimetly was the one to deliver him to the loyalists, Syphax Vyrax, and actually puts him in a major position of command while sparing his men (As Syphax was following his lords orders and Sassigan will not punish him for his loyalty, and he respected him immensely), he offers no such mercy to Nihhn and his family. In public at the Imperial square in front of a crowd of thousands he tells Ihhnt that "It was a crown of gold you wanted, so it's a crown of gold you will receive", before pouring a cauldron of boiling molten gold on Ihhnts head, painfully killing him before later cutting off his head once the gold had cooled and mounting the gold plated head on a spike in front of the imperial palace to remind people of the price of trearchery, although it was later stolen due to the value the gold was worth. The rest of his body and the bodies of his family, who were also executed, is burned so that his spirit will eternally wander the earth and never find peace in the afterlife instead of resting in the gods palaces beneath the sea. Meanwhile, trade with Qera continues to flourish despite the war, and increasingly we begin to trade heavily with the newly discovered Olmac. during trade with them we receive many strange cultural icons, writings, and other such things and when questioned the Olman merchants speak of several other nations to the East, which were also shown on the maps they gave us. We decide to reach out to them as well, and send diplomats to the Sillas Republic in the hope of opening trade relations with them (SILLAS RESPONSE NEEDED) and to the other eastern states. Finally, Emperor Sassigan dies in mysterious circumstances in 188, with many suspecting he was poisoned. As a result his son Lfftigan is crowned as Emperor Lfftigan I. However, his wife, who continues her manipulation and abuse from before, is the true power behind the throne, as her husband has come to rely heavily on her psychologically and almost all real decisions are made by her. Rumors of their son Lorgar's illegitimacy spread throughout the court as he looks nothing like his father and much more closley resembeles his mother. In an attempt to stop these rumors she has him married to his second cousin Vaegan, the only daughter of Emperor Sassigan's brother who supported the Ogrritin, and the only family member of rebel leadership who was spared, but only due to being Sassigan's niece, who he loved. Finally, We launch an expedition 30 px east from Zoelle to try to explore the vast uncharted area east of us and above Olmac (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED).
    • Sillas accepts opening trade.
  • Mesallian Culture: According to Parius, whose quintessential history text extended throughout the period of the Yannian invasion, a formal war broke out between the League of Delona and the Yannis Empire soon after the events in Nykos. The numbers given by Parius for the respective strength on each side are dismissed by historians — he writes that the total strength of the Yannian army numbered in the millions — but nevertheless, his chronology of the events is well regarded as accurate. According to Parius the war began soon after the Yannian capture of Calamos and the surrounding islands. Meshwati and the other maritime-oriented powers of the north favored supporting a rebellion on the island to weaken Yannian control. A small force would be sent by Meshwati and Isimos to the islands, but this was decisively defeated, and ultimately ended one of the only purely offensive campaigns launched by the Mesallians. In regards to the strength of the Mesallian powers, historians have rationalized the following: Meshwati would have had one of the largest populations of any of the cities, with an estimated 60,000 people. However, this counted the large non-citizen segment of the population, which was not required to serve in the military initially. And also the Meshwati military was notably more invested in the navy than in a land force. Karissa possessed some 30,000 people, and possessed the de facto best land force in Mesallas before the war. Delona, due to its nature as a temple primarily, and its mountainous terrain, was estimated to be at least one-half the size of Karissa, although the city possessed a religious superiority that attracted a small number of volunteers from around the ancient world. After the razing of Nykos and its lands, its population was also considered miniscule. And lastly Lamigis would have possessed the second largest population, at around 45,000 people. The first year of the war ended with the Mesallians in a poor position. Halatia did indeed defect to the Yannians, offering a small force of 2,000 men in Temengha (the northernmost region of the Melopenes). After a decisive battle outside the city, Nykos fell to the Yannians, and the region from Nykos to the Lake of Ozaras came under the sway of the invaders. An elite force of 2,000 men from Karissa was to hold the mountain pass west of Delona, while in the south Lamigis raised its own army of 4,000 men for the defense of the south. In the north Meshwati raised 3,000 men, but also readied its navy. (Will add more after Yannis gives more info.) In the south Usinilago manages to capture parts of northern Umhlaba, and demands that the northern trade routes of the nation be diverted north into Usinilago, where the merchants will pay a tribute as well. It is unclear the exact nature of this relationship, as over time many of the merchant leaders became Usinilagian, and expanded their influence with Usinilago’s aid. It is clear that increased activity began in the south, with trade crossing the desert to Edom and the southern Edom River frequently.
    • Continued: The success of the Yannian invasion caused great alarm. After the defeat near Meshwanti, its remaining soldiers retreated to the city itself and take measures to defend it. Close to 6,000 men were raised for the defense of the city in a desperate measure. In the south the razing of Delona also came as a major blow to the war effort. Similarly, in Karissa another 5,000 people (5,500 total) were pressed into military service, including light troops from the city’s enslaved and poor classes. As Karissa possessed no major defenses, the Karissan army chose to fight on the field west of the city. 5,000 men from Lamigis, including a small contingent from the nearby town of Tilacolis, marched north toward the Lake of Ozaras, planning to circle around the Yannian army and take Krasidos. The League of Delona also sends envoys to the nation of Syres, requesting their assistance in the war.
  • Xüonai: With the chaos in the south (Mellisia and Azoz) and east (Yannis and Niani), the Yannian and Dijunga borders, along with all colonies (Ensoywi, the new northern city, and the colony south of Darna) are heavily garrisoned. Exploring continues, especially in the north and east. Dashon V soon dies in 182. His son, Dashon VI, inherits the throne. Under his reign, a census is held. Military technology is advanced, and the first siege catapult is built. Dashon V offers Syres an alliance offer, the seemingly only neutral nation of the war, deemed the Nykosian War, or the "Uan'Nykos", with Xüonai unbeknownst of Syresian alignment with the League of Delona. Rural areas continue to grow, and the city by the large lake (bordering Yannis) grows by 1 px.
    • Yannis Diplomacy: We request that our ally also aid us. Also, to clarify we didn't send an alliance offer to Hosheraddon.
      • Xüonai Response: "A natural philosopher is dispatched... to Tik’akna, Hosheraddon, and Temayal requesting they aid our rightful cause." I assume your "rightful cause" is the war?
      • Nowhere in your quote does it say we ask for an alliance. The conquered areas that are partially Yannian, so I just asked if any of those Yannians would like to contribute.
      • Xüonai Response: Sorry, I thought you were talking about the governments, not the people.
  • Qera: With new people arriving in Qera in form of the Olmacs, new ideas and discoveries enter the society. When the Qeran seamen and nobles heard of this, they ask them to share maps with the Qerans (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). The eastern tribes are again asked to join Qera, while the border to them is prepared for an invasion. Fields and settlements pop up in the west where farming of hemp is introduced as a cultivated crop, since it can be used as both medicine and fiber for ropes and cloth (6 px to the west become rural). Cinnamon turns out to be worth its weight in pearls as it is traded off to the lands of the Olmacs. Prince Yuoqor I grows old and appoints his heir, his daughter Zoelle of the House of Rollver. The Hcctal faith spreads to a small minority in the east, while the Rhatixemy developes in its belief system. The Ogzâj of high priests in 184 comes to the conclusion, that souls of great humans can become sub-gods in the afterlife. This question came up after the death of the Kisnan count Yller who destroyed the hostile tribes in the area some decades ago. He himself and also his priests treated him like the incarnation of the god of war Obeq. Despite that, humans themselves can't be born as gods or god-like creatures. Qera supports officially the house of Aurel in the rebellion in Exhula. Yllers grandson Yteq I becomes the count of the Kisna union in the age of 23. He is seen as a good and fair leader, but as a weak person who is afraid of fights or conflicts in general, his first action in the position was proclaiming Tataccuga the capital of Kisna. An Ogzâj is called in Ogaholle, where the Prince calls for a land-reform that redistributes the land of wealthy cities directly to the smaller villages of the former slaves (The cities are still allowed to tax them). Trade with Exhula continues and the new techniques in road building become widespread.
  • Yannis Empire: Due to the circumstances, the Anointed One orders the largest army thus far in the history of Yannis to be raised, with Holy Men being called from across the empire. The invasion of Niani catches the nation momentarily unprepared, as there are only some 5,000 soldiers readied in the north by the time the Nianians approach the city of Xanuys. This force garrisons the city and prepares for a siege, leaving much of the northeast to be ravaged in the meantime by these hostile forces. In the lands of Xlaban, which is far more developed than the east, some 15,000 men are raised and placed under the command of Ayahuesca of Oaximayal, which cross the North Xlaban into southern Niani, intent on razing the southern expansion of the empire, and potentially inciting a rebellion. They arrive in the area west of Bassar, partially cutting off the Niani invading army. At the same time, the Anointed One rallies the south and personally marches with 20,000 men, which rendezvous with another 4,000 men in the north, mostly from Hasneyaganda. This army does battle with the Niani near Xlaban, chasing them to the north. Across the sea the army in Mesallas increases to around 10,000, with another 3,000 Mesallians loyal to our side (including from Halatia). The soldiers of Omvedom, who specialize in mountain warfare, are placed under Teza’sentol, who marches with 8,000 men toward Karissa, while the remaining 5,000, and a fleet stationed in the region, move toward Meshwati. A natural philosopher is dispatched to our main ally Xüonai, but also to Tik’akna, Hosheraddon, and Temayal, requesting they aid our rightful cause.
    • Tik’akna agrees to send 1,800 troops, while 700 people from Hosheraddon also join. Temayal declines.
  • Darna: In Isimandia numerous fortified towns spring up in the southern region, primarily on the lake, rivers, or the coast. The coastal settlements dispatch ships to scout north and south along the coast. In the west the city of Kyesna is eclipsed by Navorodina, originally a trading post built outside the city. As the region is settled, numerous chieftains emerge, both of Darnan descent and from the natives, who manage to create independent stretches of land in the region. In Mosnola the local governance strongly disapproves of the southerners encroaching on our territory, and in response the town sends out settlers to the surrounding area, to reinforce our claim over the area around the city.
  • Syres: An army of 3,000 men is raised and placed under the command of Gidggodonah, who is also given a portion of the nation’s fleet. The army is dispatched to sail toward Mesallas, and after stopping near Isimos and receiving news of the battle near Meshwati, the fleet departs for the city to relieve the siege there. Primarily the fleet remains around Syres to protect the home island of Ersgof. The Hensa also authorizes supplies to be sent to Tesardya to help aid the large army being gathered by Azoz and Niani. Elsewhere, settlement around Neum and in the west intensifies.
  • Ri'kiva: The current monarch is Kal'If. A new religion emerges, called Rev'ankh, The leader of this religion, named Teu'lj, leads an expedition to retake the homeland, called Suh'Hyik. The homeland is retaken by Ri'kivan forces, and the army settles in the area, which is followed by settlement farther down the river. Exploration and trade continue, and noble consolidation of land causes noble families to sail to places with ideal harbours. Several colonies start this way, with further immigration to the colonies brought about by enterprising young men as well as lower classes. The colonies are as follows: Ro'hjvk, Sud'kivja, Tas'hjvk, and Ij'yvk. We also sent a diplomatic mission to the Saemonites, asking for trade ties to be established.


The invasion of Agnomon by Azoz is successful in the north, but it leads to a migration as the people of Agnomon are pushed into the south. Fashnoq responds by invading the territory as well, with 10,000 men attacking the land still owned by Agnomon or seized by the Azozians, and the natives trapped in between.

The Siege of Meshwati is lifted after the fall of the city is narrowly avoided, but not without great cost to the defending nation of Meshwati. In the south the city of Delona is left razed to the ground, but the Yannian forces are unable to continue east in the face of the Karissan army.

Iximanasa II of Temayal launches an invasion north to unite with Hosheraddon, with aid from many surrounding nations.

A nation known as Eniyan, located west of Persona, makes contact with the nation of Ri'kiva, offering to trade. Also, the Saemonites accept the offer to trade with Ri'kiva.

The Empire of Niani sues for peace with the Yannis Empire, offering them land concessions in the south and/or freedom for the city of Bassar. At the same time the city of Sumyala raises an army and attempts to claim Bassar for themselves, in exchange for aligning with Yannis.

A small number of people on both sides are accidentally killed or captured in the region where the colony of Darna and the northern territory of Xüonai meet.

The census in Xüonai reports that in Lhynoi there are 38,000 people, in Iphntooi 16,000, in Iphnsooi 12,000, in Hehntooi 11,500, in Fahntooi 11,000, in Udhntooi 7,000, in Roghaoi 12,000, in Soenoi 16,000, and on Ensoyiwi 6,000. The northern territories estimate another 6,000.

  • Xüonai: Dashon V officially declares neutrality in the Nykosian War and offers to host a peace conference between Niani, Yannis, and others associated in the war in Lhynui. With the clashing and death of Xüonai settlers in the north, an army of 10,000 is sent to capture Mosnola from Darna. War is declared on Darna after the killing of Xüonai settlers, thought to be done on purpose to discourage settlement in the north. A bluff is set, with men setting fires to make it seem as if they were a massive horde in the west. Then, the remaining forces would approach from the south and east. The sea would look foggy, but no ships would be seen in the distance, as the siege happened in late November, so the garrison there would attempt to flee by sea, but a blockade just out of view would approach from the fog and obliterate the garrison, who are not used to fighting at sea. (This tactic is borrowed from Belisarius' tactics at the Seige of Ariminum from Byzantine times, except their escape is blocked by a blockade at sea) (Mod Response on how tactic does) Dashon V gives terms if Darna wants to end the war; give full rights to Xüonai over the north coast, a promise to never settle the north coast again, and the ceding of Mosnola to Xüonai, with Dashon V even pledging to never settle the Syresei coast (Darnan continent) if Darna accepts the terms now.
    • Xüonai continued: With the precarious situation, the largest army in Xüonai history is composed, with around 25,000 men. 10,000 or so are veterans with iron swords. However, 15,000 are newly trained peasants, who use previously owned axes, of which they know to use proficiently due to their farming experiences. 7,500 veterans on the siege are relieved by around 7,500 peasants, of which the veterans are moved to the border of Zedislandia and Benekundon. Each veteran is in charge of one or two peasants, making sure that they are trained well and are ready for battle. The navy is expanded to compete with the Darnan navy. Currently, 10,000 men hold the siege, while 15,000 man the Zedislandian and Benekundon border. Advances are not made into Zedislandia, as Dashon V realizes a river crossing would surely result in a defeat. However, advances into Benekundon from flat areas (not through hills) are ordered, with a plan to take out Benekundon from the war and move through the north to take out Zedislandia.
  • Darna: A loose confederation of new kingdoms emerges in the region of Isimandia, after the death of the initial line of rulers in the north. The region roughly expands to the southern river, named the Auster River. In the northwest the coast becomes settled. The region becomes an exporter of furs, beeswax, honey, and slaves to Darna and beyond, and in the west, ships explore south down the coast in search of new trading opportunities. In Darna and the home islands the nation’s cities see growth and expansion, as more traders and people become interested in Darna. Update: The sudden attack by Xüonai leads to all people being called within the heavy walls of Mosnola. We don't withdraw from the city, as we believe it is best to hold our ground at the defensible position. In the meantime, the traders en route to the homeland send word to the king and inform him of the treachery, and he calls 8,000 men to supplement the 5,000 men already at the city. The nation's navy is also assembled, which when all in one place should easily outnumber the enemy. We request that Benekundon, Zedisladana, and Niani come to our aid.
  • Ri'kiva: Kal'if offers money for information on foreign lands. A census is ordered in Ri'kiva (just the island), and Suh'hyik (the holy homeland). Trade with the Eniyan is accepted, bringing foreign merchants to Ri'kivan trading posts, and emissaries to the court of Kal'if I. Exploration and trade continues, as well as continued emigration to Suh'hyik and Sud'kivja. Minor emigration occurs in the other Ri'kivan colonies as well, but the foreign immigration to the outposts is halfway to the level, however more noticed, and the foreigners are almost exclusively merchants, meaning the upper-class of the far flung colonies is more mixed than the upper-class. For now in Ri'kiva, the clans are kept in line by the 'If line, but they are growing more powerful. Population, however, is growing, and food supplies are numerous.
  • Irian Culture: While a Proto-Irian culture has existed among others in this greater coastal region for centuries, the first true Irian civilization emerged rather recently on the Thrydacian Peninsula. Characterized by bronzeworking, small city-states and localized pantheons, the Irian culture is still primitive and developing. Its people are warlike and sometimes migratory when seasons are rough, but are gradually becoming more settled as circumstances in the area improve. They depend on trade and commerce for important resources, and as such have developed strong mercantile and maritime traditions. Other traditions flourish: Irian pottery is known for its superior quality and intricate painted designs, while Irian stoneworks and architecture are considered some of the best in the region. Although the heart of the civilization is located on the mainland peninsula, there are numerous islands in the surrounding sea (known to Irians as the Adseia) which have come under the influence of their culture. Farther inland, the people are more barbarous and the climate is less suited to permanent settlement. Still, these inland people share many aspects of society with the coastal Irians. In central Thrydacia lies Mount Cambor, where the gods are said to originate from. In the distant past, this mountain has more than once annihilated whole villages with its fiery breath, but now it smoulders peacefully beside the shores of Lake Mareum. The most important city of the Irian civilization is called Aigei, located on the banks of the Hecis, a large river that runs from the highlands to the Adseia. Aigei is ruled by a powerful dagatos (tribal chief), who has seniority over the lesser chiefs in the region. However, the dagatos is forbidden to enter the city itself, and is instead supposed to roam the frontier to defend it from invaders. This is perhaps a holdover from a time when Aigei was under the protection of foreign warlords. In practice, the dagatos lives in a camp on the outskirts, from which he conducts military campaigns, while Aigei proper is governed by a council of religious officials and wise men, the larikai. Having foreseen inevitable instability, the larikai possess a troop of men to guard the otherwise defenseless city from the armies of jealous warlords. The larikai also profess laws, dictate how the gods should be worshiped, and make judgments on civil disputes. Because there are traditionally only 17 larikai permitted in office at once, they are commonly known as the "Seventeen". Outside of Aigei, society differs dramatically. Each city is governed uniquely from its neighbor, and each have their own patron deities. Many settlements, however, will defer to the authority of larger cities such as Aigei on legal and religious matters, because their wise men are well known throughout the land. Downstream from Aigei are several city-sized settlements, most notably Oaxala and Kyr. In Oaxala there is an established cult to the Goddess of Night and Day, Nemera. Kyr is a river port and a shipbuilding hub. Irian culture extends from here to the western coastal cities of Asklena and Rhithera, north to the mines of Ambra at the foothills of Mount Cambor, and as far east as the bend of the Cebrion river, where the city of Corens stands at the fringes of civilization.
  • Yannis Empire: The peace with the Empire of Niani is accepted, and the war ends in the north. We annex southern Niani, and Bassar is left to be occupied by Sumyala in exchange for becoming a vassal of Yannis. The army returns south, although many stay and garrison the new territory, or settle it for themselves, as settlement of the region is encouraged. The small area west of the northwestern most point of the empire is also formally annexed, after being a region for trading through the mountains. A portion of the army remains garrisoning the south, while 10,000 men are readied to be transported across the sea. In the meantime, the army in the south, numbering about 7,500 after reinforcements and recruiting is accounted for, regroups in the center of the peninsula. The additional 10,000 men arrive and prepare to resiege Meshwati. In the west Nykos is rebuilt by Yannian settlers and soldiers. A peace offer is sent to the remaining enemies, saying that they must outlaw the Ulm religion and recognize Yannis’ sphere of influence. The Anointed One is to become the hegemon of the League of Delona.
  • In Tik’akna: Iximanasa II of Temayal launches his invasion against King Nauserod, making quick gains in the far south. The distraction of the war across the sea allows him to continue northward and strike at the capital city. Additionally, Iximanasa weds one of the daughters of Tik’akna, bringing in that city’s support. With the capture of the enemy capital, Iximanasa becomes known as “the Great”.
  • Kingdom of Azoz: Intensity of combat, alternatively between the south and the Nykosian War, seems to have typified the remaining reign of King Jair. For the most part, in these events the classical historians paint a remarkably picturesque view of his policies. After the successful invasion of the South along with Frasnoq, the king made sure not to forcibly remove any of the local population, but incorporate them among the same citizens as long as they accepted being annointed in the faith of Ulm. In Mesallia, the next phase of the Nykosian War focused on coordinating both the Umbhala Confederacy and the League of Delona, along with any other cities sympathetic to Ulm, to resist the Yannis invasion and defend the city of Meshwati. The classical sources on Jair describe him as a hero to all the Messalians, personally leading the assault against Nykos and bearing the standard of the city himself. Some scholars debate on the accuracy of these accounts, as Jair is never mentioned by name by the historian Parius. Most historians, however, do believe the King is mentioned by Parius under a different name, described in two separate passages as "Commander Yari" who led 2,300 troops at Meshwanti. It's important to note that "Commander" in the Mesallian language is alternatively a reference to a grand leader or monarch. It is around this time, or in some cases a few generations earlier, that the mythologic Nathonian cycle begins. Na-Thon, similar to his father, was born out of wedlock to the daughter of Tuartha king, who is sometimes given the name Sabina. Many different legends are associated with his moment of birth. Generally, it is stated that there was a harsh thunderstorn in Tuartha at the time of Na-Thon's birth, almost flooding the city, which miraculously ceased at his first breath. This is often accompanied by some vision of heaven, in which an angel prophesizes how Na-Thon will grow to become a titan for both the secular and sacred realms of Azoz. Some later versions elaborated to say that the storm didn't immediately go away, but changed to be raining honey instead of water. Meanwhile, the Theology of the Holy Father Priapas continues to be spread in the Mesallian cities, arousing the people of every farm and village to resist the Yannis invasion for their own livlihood as well as their children. Slaves in Darna as well as military in Niani continue to be converted to the faith, as well as the people of Eskaladun and Frasnoq. The oldest complete manuscripts of the entire scripture of Ulm was made in Syres around this time, probably to capitalize on the uniquity of its language to maximize the spread of its holy writ.
  • Mesallian Culture: After the disastrous campaign undertaken by Massisni VII of Meshwati, the city narrowly avoided destruction thanks to the timing of reinforcements from abroad. Parius, being a Meshwati-born writer, particularly praises the allies of Azoz and Syres, for their courageousness despite not being Mesallian themselves. Miracuously the city stayed outside the hands of the Yannians, although at great cost to the inhabitants. After several years of constant war and besiegement, the kingdom faced food shortages, disease, and a shortage of manpower. The allied effort to dominate the seas helped to this end, but ultimately Massisni sought to hear out the Yannian offer of peace. It was King Hynagalus of Karissa who took up the position as informal lead in the alliance, as the most outspoken against any form of peace. Combined, all the various armies of the alliance managed to barely meet the Yannian total, with some 4,500 men from Azoz and Syres, 3,000 from Meshwati, 5,000 from Karissa, and 5,000 from Lamigis. Nonetheless, this army marched north toward the Yannian camp in the center of Mesallas, prepared to either make Mesallas free or die trying (Mod algorithm needed). The arrival of Lamigis’ army, under Dienus, came after their moderately successful kingdom in the west. They had managed to heavily curtail Krasidos and the Yannian allies in the west, and diverted their attention northeast having won a small victory. By this time a few other states of note had entered the war, such as Isimos, who sought to capture the Yannian islands in the north up to Calamos. Additionally, Taorina and Oximilos joined the war, despite Oximilos having a centuries-long animosity toward Meshwati and Karissa. At the same time another conflict emerged far to the southwest, overshadowed by the great war in Mesallas. In Umhlaba the western oases and towns supported Azozian conquests south of their kingdom. Water Tyrant Tiris rebelled against Agnomon, hoping to conquer a portion of the south and expand his influence over the region. He was joined by Gilian of Analunba, who goes on to found the confederacy’s first trading branch in Sykorn. He later converts to the Ulm religion, becoming known as Gilian the Anointed.
    • Azoz Dip: King Jair pushes for the recognizing white peace with the Yannis, recognizing their conquest of Nykos, Calmos and Delona, and domination of their allied cities, while leaving from the rest.

Tsardom of Algeorgia: We send an expedition to the southwest and expand our island's capital.

    • Mesallas proposes a conference in the nearby town of Calanis to discuss peace, with the Mesallian parties agreeing with Azoz's proposal.

Qera: Trading with the newly discovered nations increases at the dawn of the new century, where exotic goods changing ships in the giant harbors of the Qeran realm. the rare cinnamontrees are now officially personal posessions of the royal family and cutting them down is punishable by high fines. Cinnamon also takes a big part in the trade where it becomes the main export good to the Olmacs. A trading outpost is founded at the coast 40 px west of Olmac. The new city is called Hbeahahollea. An envoy of diplomats and merchants is sent to Sillas and Kaloma to start trading relations with them (MOD/SILLAS RESPONSE NEEDED). Scribes start to record the language of Exhula, the Olmacs and the Kisnans with precise instructions on pronunciation to make it easier for Qerans to learn. A dictionary is also written to teach foreigners and also make definitions for basic vocabulary. Prince Yuoqor I dies, his daughter now inherits the throne as Zoelle II. She is the first to make some kind of state visit as she travels to Kisna in 203 and plans to visit her sister in Exhula and also discuss a mutual trading alliance with the nobles there (EXHULA RESPONSE NEEDED). The country expands farther to the east (10 px to the east along the coast). The practice of producing shrunken heads (qtaqta in Âtluâm) becomes common among soldiers in Qera, but especially in Kisna, which is governed like a warrior state. Arts and science flourish when colorful paintings and mosaics of animals, gods and humans start a new tradition in the temples. Astronomy makes huge steps forward when scientists discovered that the earth is a sphere, not a flat disc. Ships are sent to the northeast to discover unknown lands to settle or trade with (50 px discovered in the north). Zoelle II gives birth to a pair of twins in 209, one boy and one girl. The boy is named Yteq and the girl's name is Zatlaja.

  • Exhula: This turn begins with the discovery of a new unclaimed island to the east thanks to the return of our expedition. We claimed it and sent colonists and 900 soldiers to settle the island. We also founded four new settlements on the large peninsula east of us and north of Olmac, which mostly serve as trading posts with Olmac, Sillas, and Qera in the developing trade network between us. Meanwhile, in Siccarius, our new capital, the reign of Lfftigan and Zatlava prove disastrous. Both prove to be vicious and incompetent as rulers, although in different ways. Zatlava, who has grown increasingly greedy and envious over the years, wastes much of the treasury on vanity projects such as ordering the construction of a new, massive imperial palace in Siccarius to eclipse even the old one in Exhul, which is not completed by the time their reign ends. She is relatively good with the foreign policy (again being the true power behind the throne) but ignores - or in some cases, outright encourages - the movement of thousands of Exhulans from The Ettyian Coast and into the Kisna region despite it being Qeran territory and Qera being Exhula's oldest ally (and she, herself, being Qeran, although she hasn't been back to Qera for years by this point). She also becomes increasingly decadent and hendonistic, often hosting lavish and wasteful parties and events for nobles multiple times a month in the main city that waste tons of money and are extremely wasteful and which prove a further drain on the treasury, with her sons wedding lasting for nearly a week and one-half and being the most decadent event of all, only ending when Lorgar himself, long fed up with the decadent and wasteful habits of his mother but tolerating it to provide an image of unity for the public, finally storms out of the celebration and refuses to participate further (although the marriage itself turns out decently well considering their close relation, with Vaegan and Lorgar getting along well and having four children, three of which suffer from minor tooth defects but are otherwise okay). However, her reign is nowhere near as bad as the actual reign of her husband Lfftigan, who becomes increasingly childish, spoiled, and cruel and in 197, tired of his wife's cruelty and true ruling and urged on by his ambitious chief advisor Darlir's influence, has her arrested and publicly decapitated. His reign turns out to be even worse, with him being just as wasteful and decadent as Zaltava but far more incompetent and cruel. His excess also drains the treasury arguably even faster and he becomes known for making crazy decisions on a whim and executing those who displease him, with one of the more infamous incidents being when he (apparently, although it's likely exaggerated) reportedly ran through the streets of Siccarius screaming about goats and swinging his sword at random people, animals, objects, and even apparently plants. Before long most become extremely fed up with or terrified of this behaviour and a coup led by his son Lorgar and his top general Vyrax overthrows him and imprisons him in his room in the palace while his son reigns as Emperor in truth, if not in name. Finally, he (the son) declares war on Qera for control of the Kisna region, ostentiably to protect Exhulan citizens but really for the territory and a 14,000 strong army, led by Syrax, leads a major campaign into Kisna from the three main cities above it in 199 (algorithms needed!). We do our best to keep Qera navaly confined to the Bay of Qera, dedicating almost all of our navy to this (Due to the lack of other potential threats) although we keep enough to guard our waters. We also begin raiding Qeran shipping and tracking down and hiring known pirates to raid the shipping and naval supply lines of Qera, in addition to hiring as many mercanaries as possible from Olmac, Sillas, the nation north of them, and even from among the natives of the southern coast. This is done despite the large dent in the treasury left by Zaltava and Lfftigan, as despite spending absurdly large amounts of it we still have a lot left and trade and taxes are slowly refilling it. However, to avoid draining the treasury further we slightly increase taxes by about 3% to make sure we don't drain too much financing the war.
  • Unarchate of Gyt: After decades of submission to the Saemonites, Gyt yearns to be free. Unarch Kylus offers the now revolting Herati their support and takes up arms against the Saemonites, expelling the small garrison to the hostile surrounding natives who quickly destroy them. Having been unable to expand rapidly over the last decades, Gyt had instead filled-out the lands it held, slowly replacing the tribal cultures with Gytans. Some expansion down the Great River Tythies did occur but only amounting to 200 square septons (10 px). Farming practices have also been refined over the years as has the temple to Tykus and its calendar stones. The Bysula, consisting of 500 women at arms, march north to assist the Herati in their uprising while also converting all they can to the Gytan Pantheon. A census is also conducted in the historic manner, but with greater emphasis on counting the population of the urban areas. Additionally, riders are sent to improve relations with the tribes around Gyt with whom hostile relations have existed for decades.
  • Syres: After Meshwati holds the Syresian army in Mesallas follows the plan set forth by the League of Delona and King Hynagalus of Karissa, and marches south toward the pivotal battle taking place in the center of the peninsula. Within the city of Syres the Hensa and the noble families contribute heavily to the buildup of new walls and defenses, with the navy still stationed primarily around the city. An outpost located north of Neum, named Lamium, forms into a settlement under the kingdom’s control, extending their influence north along the coast. The Kingdom of Neum also sees settlement along the Ashe River, extending upstream toward Azoz. The nation attempts to repair the shaky relationship with the southerly kingdom under Lóegaris, by opening trade with the nation. At the same time the nation increases trade with Azoz via the river, and exploring farther in that direction.
  • Olmac: The beginning of 191 sees the death of the Dom of Olmac after months of suffering from a mysterious disease (it's cancer but we obviously don't know that). As a result his young daughter So lliss, his only child (due to his wife and co-ruler dying giving birth to her and him never remarrying) ascends to the Celestial throne of Olmac at the beginning of 192. However, the coronation is interrupted by an attack by an unknown group of asailants. However, with a lot of support from her guards they are successfully fought off, with the new Dom herself taking part in the fighting. Upon ascending her first order is to conduct a census of the celestial kingdom's population, something that has not been done for more than a century (MOD RESPONSE, PLEASE). She also orders the building of a fourth city at the edge of our territory, along the River Tizca (the central river, also the name of our capital city, at the end of the river where it meets the ocean), which is named Tltcalla. We also begin sending colonists out past our borders to claim more land in the name of the celestial goddess, Yaxshiba. Although we face some trouble from hostile natives, we are able to defend ourselves and most attacks stop when we enslave their warriors and sacrifice their chiefs to the sun goddess. (expand 17 px). We also continue to trade with both Exhula and Qera, despite the war between them, with the trade network continuing despite the disruption the war causes and beginning to enrich us significantly, as trade also increases with Sillas and the nations north of us. We also request to trade maps with both Qera and Exhula (Exhula and Qera response, please) and the new dom begins looking for a husband, who would also be her co-ruler, equal in authority, and reaches out to the nations around her to search for an eligible husband. (Little bit of a fun fact: “Tizca” actually means pinch in Spanish!