601-700 (Origo Mundi Map Game)

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The Eborites capture the Vytian colonies near them, but leave them autonomous so long as they send tribute consistently. They agree to the peace offered by the Hythians, and then begin an invasion of Benysira and Draka, quickly capturing the former. The invasion of Niani by the Yannis Empire is successful, with Yannis suffering 14,500 casualties, the Niani suffering 21,500 casualties, and the Azozians suffering 10,000 casualties, along with numerous Niani civilian deaths.

The invasion of Adjiba by Qera becomes a stalemate, as the mountain range blocking Qeran entrance into the state proves a difficult barrier to cross. Qera suffers 3,560 casualties during this time.

The Valun suffer numerous defeats, leading to most of their territory being overrun by the Khin Federation. Settlements in the southwest remain independent, but most of the Valun territory submits to the Khin.

A nobleman named Xeragarus, claiming to be distantly related to the Xeran emperor, launches a rebellion against the emperor. He successfully captures the westernmost provinces up to the Fasnoq region.

Benekundon makes peace with the Xerans and distances itself from the Yannis Empire, instead supporting the remnants of the rebellion in western Xanulem.

  • Zelonuma Emiresq: By this time the regent Betha became the sole ruler of the kingdom, and a system developed where the head administrator, or “Sanon”, is the de facto ruler of the nation, despite the king being the de jure ruler (such as OTL Japan). A great war prize is given to the king; the young captured son of the Thotite emperor. The young boy is shaved completely hairless by the king’s trusty razor. Then the king weds the boy as his new royal consort. He orders a dog to be sent down the tunnel, and marries himself to his dog as well. Then he has the dog have his way with the Thotite queen. The king then writes extensively for his vision of three-people marriages, with an open attitude toward attraction to all beings. It is decided that the king will live the rest of his life in his self-imposed solitary confinement, raising generation after generation of people in his small world. Because he is barricaded within his small room, the king orders his children to begin digging below through the floorboards, and over the course of generations would create a vast hole of many stories through old floors of the palace and the ground below. The many stories of the king’s domain would remain staffed by his children and slaves, each getting a turn at the top floor with the king and his consorts. (More to come).
  • Xeran Empire: Thalut IV was told of Yannis' final defeat and expulsion from the west, and so finally gave is final breath and died. With his death brought the end to the Xeran-Yannis war, at least for the time being. The immediate result of his death was a dispute of succession, as both his son Vanden and cousin Xeragarus had a claim to the throne. Xeragarus' "Western Xeran Empire" lasted for only two years, during which time he mustered a force of roughly 60,000 troops, most of which came as mercenaries loaned from Eskaladun and other regions. Vanden quickly traveled to Azoz and was recognized by the Senate as rightful Emperor. Xeragarus attempted to seized control first of Frasnoq, seeing it as a viable source of manpower in his approach to the capital. At the Battle of Skulls he was driven back however, decimating much of his army. Vanden then sent his own offensive into the west, decisively defeating Xeragarus at the Battle of Ishbak, and finally capturing him at the Seige of Fotashe. Xeragarus had managed to take control of two ships in the western navy, which led to a minor sea battle at Ioximander-Farthest. Once that civil war was finished with, Emperor Vanden worked to complete the goals of his father, primarily in the full centralization of the imperial government. The "Crown of Xera" was functionally dissolved, so that the Emperor in Azoz no longer held the titles simultaneously as king of Tuartha, king of Usilinago, etc. Instead, the empire would function as a single state unit, with all authority directly being delegated and commanded from Azoz itself. Instead of viceroys, the de facto ruler of every kingdom was now an appointed Governor, as the next highest office above the satraps. Although these offices were appointed autocratically, in effect they would always end up being given to their heretical successor anyway, out of tradition. In the Near West, the military of Azoz moves in quickly to pass over the Castelian wall, and annex all the remaining territory of Valun not conquered by the Khin. The high lord of Khin is personally invited to come visit the city of Azoz, and enjoy a celebration of their victory to a number of distractions. Emperor Vanden proposed the creation of an imperial tributary system, and offered their ally of Khin to be the first such nation to become a tributary. After settling the first Azoz migrants to the colony of Faut-Xera, the Garan navy pushes farther north yet again, seeking to identify the location of Darna along the coast. The request from Darna about the emperor's son is never taken seriously by anyone at court, but instead a copy of the Ulmian scriptures are sent in his place. Vanden is also known for experimenting with the creation of a public school system, although it was entirely organized and paid for by local members of the ecclesiastical organization. This school system was meant originally as a form of charity, giving basic education for children whose families were too poor or impious to teach on their own. All materials and system of learning for this school system was modeled directly from the Library of Iskandaria. The oriental Fleet is sent in further exploration of the coast south of Exhula, and seeks to open trade relations with the kingdom of Qera. We offer to sell large amounts of gold, alumite, and corn.  After establishing the tributary system with Khin, the same offer is given to the nations of [purple] and Susalyon. We ask the nations of Khin, Erasidon, Syres, and Susaylon if they would like to partake in our school system in their own nations. Finally, in the most audacious move of all, Vanden wished to seek closer relations with the Yannis Empire. All the members of the senate begged the emperor to reconsider, but he was insistent on giving Yannis of the benefit of the doubt. It is commonly known that Yannis and Xera holds contradictory opinions of each other, and this lack of communication causes false reports on both sides. Therefore, the historian and philosopher Praxion of Neum is sent with a peaceful envoy to the Yannis empire, offering to interview the Anointed One and listen to their side of the story, and at the same time present to the Yannis the truth about the people of Azoz.
  • Tsimdomdu Confederation: The Era of Development, going from 61 MU - 121 MU, as King Jowdah gives rise to further centralization, the movement toward governmental reform, and the decline of tribal society within the region. In this decade, much of the Jilbonger Household is seen making numerous political marriages and dynastic intertwining, so as to gain further political and tribal power in the region. Urbanization begins once more as the Council falls into disrepair primarily from its leniency during the last Council selection process and after its lack of care after King Jowdah chooses his successor to be his son Jeuji. The Zaippuvell Cult return after a decade in the mountains for spiritual enlightenment, and begin recording their discoveries, lessons, and code of ethics into what would be the precursor to the Erapishi religion, and as such, the Book of Yzione is produced during this period.
  • Qera: The newly arrived traders from the north are welcomed with open arms. The large quantities in gold and corn, a plant unknown to Qera, are taken with excitement. The name for these strangers by the Qerans is Qseren. The sailors come home with fine spices, jewelry and minerals like turquoise and jade. The war to the south sees a stalemate, thus the Dholbalan are called immediately to help their ally, granting them to take land if the war is successful (MOD RESPONSE, PLEASE). A closer study of the maps makes clear where the next attack will be launched. An army of some 10,000 men from the vassal states to the south is raised, most of them professional Ualjak soldiers. 1,000 are stationed to the front in the mountains to hinder the Adjiban troops to break through, the others are sent south in order to meet with the troop at the border north of the Tallafoq River and invade there immediately, catching the troops there off guard. The goal is it to secure the territory bordering the mountains to the north and the Tallafoq and then seek a way to cross the river safely. Archery is now widely used in the mountain front, used to harass small bands of fighters in the mountains. Large battles are mostly avoided. One large battle occurs in a small town in a valley called Jahhatr, where the Qeran forces manage to win, but undergo heavy losses. The former oases to the west are full-fledged cities now. The largest is situated at the northern oasis, called Crehjma, where the majority of the population is made up by Tlevehoâtl tribes not Qerans. The armed cavalry, equipped with short bows and long daggers sees its first time in combat in 606. Though strong, the generals have to figure out yet how to use the new force effectively against the enemy. SECRET A new form of the ancient Jaw-tactics is revived. The tactic is made useful in forests, where the enemy is trapped in the forest and archery permanently harasses them first from all sides, so the enemy can't get into formation. Shortly after the infantry will launch an attack on the barely-prepared enemy with the heavy infantry on the right flank and the center and lighter troops on the left. The light infantry then stops the advance of the enemy, while the center keeps them on fighting and the right flank slowly squeezes them into small bits, that can be fought off easily in short time SECRET END Trade with Exhula, Makuku, Ypelomnes and Xera flourishes, with spices being the main export, followed by minerals and timber being sold to the tribes in the west.

Tsardom of Algeorgia: In the coastal town of Algeorgiaville a structure known as a lighthouse is constructed to help guide the ships at night in the right direction. We begin researching more advanced military tech like something called catapults. We create our first military research school. The school is headed by famous military leader Rasputin Vladimirovich. We begin studying the idea of having something like a rock thrown through the air with the help of a wooden plank.

  • Thïgæ: The war industry becomes larger in Thïgæ, due to the war in the west. Equipment, such as ballistas, chariots, and catapults, are sold to Vytï merchants for wootz steel, glass, and gold. The steel soon gets repurposed into chariots, making better goods to trade for more. The government soon gets in on the industry, trading chariots, useless in the forests, for gold, catapults and ballistas are integrated into the army. The first currency is made with gold being melted into small pellets using the lost-wax method. Due to gold's relative uselessness in building, it made it the perfect candidate for currency, as it did not expend any precious metals (iron) which could have been used to make other goods. Also, its rarity in Thïgæ makes inflation easy to control by the government. This currency spreads to Vyt, Daukani, Sonaredar, Dvama, and to some extent, Johdnapanan and Xinaben. The currency is named the Thï Upan. Knowledge in math (statistics, algebra, calculus, etc.), science (astrology, physics, chemistry, etc.), and literature (books documenting the reign of certain emperors, scribes, etc.) advances greatly. Expansion continues north into the Aforazi valley and east. The Jugr Kalapha continues being built. Around one-half of the grand temple is completed by this point. A city is built on the southernmost point of the Thïgæ, and another one is built at the base of the northeastern river. Exploration continues north past Xinaben, east along the coast, and northwest from the unclaimed area between Daukani and Vyt. (More to come).
    • Foreign Relations:
      • Sonaredar is requested to honor the proposed borderline and withdraw their claims south of the borderline, of which they are in violation of currently for crossing over the northern river delta. (Mod Response)
      • Vyt is requested to guarantee that they will not expand onto the mainland east of Daukani. In exchange, Thïgæ will not settle on the mainland west of Daukani, and a non-aggression pact will be signed. (Vytï Response)
        • Vhaynosi Diplomacy: The demands of the Tah stir up confusion within the Capital. Many debate whether their ruler has lost his mind, along with his sanity. To demand such a thing, when we possess little control over where our people settle is ridiculous, not only that but to accept a demand from a nation inferior to our own would be the height of embarrassment. Let it be known that the our Glorious Timoi does not answer to inferior children such as Tahīserai.
  • Mesallian Culture: During this time the region of southern Mesallas and beyond experienced the growth of the Ulm religion, due in part to the Xeran Empire’s enforcement of the religion across its realm. Despite the restructuring of the Umhlaba Confederacy under Xeran rule, the confederacy managed to return to its original purpose after the Umhlaba War and the Water Merchant-Lementarian War, with Ulmist copying stations and places of worship growing heavily during this time. In Edom and Emalia the Shanzian sect of the Ulm religion was particularly popular initially, but as these regions underwent a complete cultural shift, from their matriarchal, traditional background, to their Mesallian and Xeran influenced later periods, traditional Ulm doctrine, which was patriarchal, began to take shape. In Emalia the shift from traditional Emalian culture to that of Mesallian culture was a centuries long process. From the nation’s founding, Emalia’s sphere of influence clashed with the societies of the Mesallian world, with the Ema Delta being a meeting place of culture and conflict. With Mesallians eventually making up a large portion of the northern population, and with a Mesallian government taking over for extended periods of time, the nation shifted toward a patriarchal society based on the traditional ideals of Mesallas. The civil war against the ruler Haliecles would confirm this shift, with his make descendants ruling over Emalia solely as king for the first time. After the death of Agetos, the Kingdom of Gabatria became a constituent kingdom of the Kingdom of Emalia, incorporating a large portion of Mesallas into Emalia. This proved untenable for the Kingdom of Erasidon, as the territory had previously been de jure a part of its alliance, and so the kingdom launched a war to preserve the independence of Gabatria in the year of the 100th Jafiad (Year 600). The war effort was led by Ioxemander II, who by this time was a veteran battle commander of several other conflicts. It is recorded that there was great fear in the kingdom that any difficulty in the war could trigger the secession of other Mesallian states from the Erasidonian-led alliance, and to mitigate this risk, the king had the two major naval powers interested in the war, Agira and Meshwati, motivated to support him by promising each differing parts of the Gabatrian Sea. Meshwati, however, became increasingly against the Erasidonian hegemony, and declared itself owner over Milenis and Taorina despite Erasidonian objections. A year into the war, the Kingdom of Emalia began to support the secession of the states of the Melopenes, if it could diminish the chances of the Gabatrian kingdom being released. Around the same time Ioxemander II died of natural causes, further limiting the Erasidonian cause. His son would succeed him as Democrates III, leading the war effort by launching an invasion of the Melopenes. He discovered that several states had decided to rebel, including Agira, which blocked his path up the peninsula. In Sephimora the king Ichabon III died as well, leaving a vacant throne that both sides of the war sought to influence. As King of Emalia, Haliecles II desired to annex the kingdom to Emalia from the Xeran Empire, with his first step being the appointment of a puppet to its government. Both sides of the Mesallian conflict also sought to influence the kingdom, as the cities of the coast would make important allies in the war at sea in the Gabatria region, with the governor also likely wielding the power of the Xeran fleet stationed there. The kingdom’s election became divided between the Enulmian south and the Mesallian north, with less local support for an Emalian. In Dascelos there was Adranates, who was a descendant of King Adranates IV, and he aligned with the independence faction on account of his city’s strong trade ties to the cities of the Melopenes. In the west a candidate named Erisander was appointed, who was a nobleman of one of the Erasidonian colonies on the coast. The Enulmians elected Vedun, a missionary and mercenary of the Enulmian exploits in Alsoba. The Emalians selected Leto Agenandes, an Enulmian convert and Mesallian nobleman as their king of choice. The war began with a scramble to take the capital at Nerimos, with Vedun the first to succeed in doing so. Although symbolically important, this also left “Vedun VI” surrounded on two sides by Adranates and Erisander. He sent envoys to the Xeran Empire informing him that he had been rightfully elected as governor so that they were aware, before dispatching the imperial garrison in the city, which had been placed as part of the war against Yannis, to now act against the rival claimants. This proved unpopular by segments of the military, as some aligned with other candidates, but over all the largely foreign army from the west did as the governor ordered. First an army marched on Democratos, where Erisander was garrisoned, while the imperial fleet was sent north to cut the cities in the north off from reinforcements. The navy was also to alert the other imperial garrison in Ghanis, which was overseeing the rebuilding of the city after the sacking by the Yannis Empire, and order them to seize Dascelos by land. Before this fleet could arrive, an Emalian army under the command of Tiramus, Lord of Ephenus, who was a relative of the king, marched into the city and managed to seize it with trickery. Not expecting an attack the garrison allowed him entry, believing the Emalians to be reinforcements against Yannis. Once inside he used the combined Xeran and Emalian fleet to turn back the Nerimosian Fleet, after a brief engagement. At the same time Mesallian reinforcements arrived in Democratos, allowing the city to hold on against the Nerimosian siege. Unknowingly, Democrates III had dispatched another nobleman secretly scheming to create his own kingdom; Sarnon of Lysandria. Later evidence would suggest that Sarnon was also a Lementarian, who with the backing of the cult desired to conquer the region for himself. Whether or not this was true, he arrived in Democratos and took over the defense of the city. After defeating the besiegers, Erisander launched an attack on Nerimos, leaving Sarnon behind in command of Democratos. Tiramus decided to make a secret alliance with Adranates, promising that he would support him as King of Sephimora once the other claimants were dealt with. To show his commitment to this scheme, Tiramus marched south from Ghanis and arrived in the region north of Nelgistis, and managed to capture the region most loyal to Vedun VI, rather than simply attacking Dascelos. Vedun VI would flee from the city of Nerimos as it fell to the forces of Erisander, fleeing to the stronghold of Leviea. Convinced that no one would challenge the legendary stronghold, he continued to style himself king in Leviea, even as the rest of the kingdom around him fell from his grasp. Erisander was named Erisander II, and marched on Dascelos to oust Adranates. Instead Tiramus honored his alliance and intercepted Erisander, defeating him in a decisive battle. Erisander would be killed soon after, leaving Leto Agenandes crowned king in Nelgistis under Emalian occupation, Adranates being crowned as king in the north with Tiramus’ aid, and Sarnon declaring himself ruler over Democratos. The Emalian government became dissatisfied with Tiramus strategy, and ordered him to relieve his command. He refused and decided to instead declare himself independent, ambushing a royal army sent from Emalia. The Kingdom of Ephenus stretched from the edge of Emalia to Ephenus and Ghanis, then south in the interior toward Nelgistis. Leto Agenandes acted as Tiramus’ puppet, surprising the forces of Emalia at a battle west of the capital. Having suffered an embarrassing defeat against the Kingdom of Gabatria as well, Emalia abandoned Gabatria and focused its attention elsewhere. In the fourth year of the 101st Jafiad (Year 607), a renewed campaign broke out between Adranates V and Sarnon, with the latter attracting heavy support from the Kingdom of Edom. The following year Adranates V became increasingly involved in supporting the Kingdom of Ephenus, which managed to narrowly defeat a royal army on two occasions near Ephenus itself. The Kingdom of Erasidon had accepted defeat against Meshwati and others, but this alliance against Erasidon soon broke down into war against each other, as cities such as Meshwati and Agira disagreed on who should fill the void left in the Gabatrian Sea by the Erasidonian withdraw. After Dascelos supported the Meshwati at a crucial battle in the north, Agira dispatched a force to sack the city and depose Adranates, successfully doing so later that year. After a large bribe of both money and territorial concessions, the Kingdom of Ephenus accepted a Meshwati alliance and assumed control over the remnants of Adranates’ army, annexing Dascelos for itself. Sarnon would seize Nerimos for himself, but would be despised by the population for his religious practices. This allowed Vedun VI to return from Leviea and rally the people of the city to revolt against Sarnon, who fled in the second year of the 102nd Jafiad (Year 609) back to Democratos. A stalemate began as neither side gained the upper hand. In the meantime, Sarnon focused on improving the city, with Lysandrian monuments and temples being constructed in the city. The city became a haven for Lementarians in particular, but also Edomites, Zamists, and other oppressed groups from the city of Edom, fleeing from the Xeran religious crackdown. Later that year the governor of Alanaza would die, and sensing an opportunity, the Lysandrian empire grew into northwest Edom. But this was finally the straw that bribes, corruption, and assassinations could not cover up, and the Edomite government dispatched an army to oust the Lysandrians completely from the coast. The war escalated to a naval confrontation in the Bay of Edom, as well as conflict across the Edomite Delta, but ultimately the city of Democratos could not sustain itself in a long term war against Edom. Sarnon would flee the city back to Lysandria, where he would lead a successful war at sea and through covert action, before his assassination the following year. His successor would largely act as an Edomite puppet, leading to a brief period of Edomite control that was highly unpopular. On the mainland the various claimants to the throne of Sephimora also denounced Edom after it began to surpass its original borders, as that constituted a land grab and a war between two provinces. Hoping to gain favor among the people of the kingdom, several claimants would contribute to the Battle of Shara, which changed Edom’s mind in favor of status quo in the northeast. By the end of the decade the situation left Vedun VI as king in Nerimos, Leviea, and Democratos, Leto Agenandes as king in Nelgistis and the south, and Tiramus as King of Ephenus, which included northeast Sephimora. Expecting retaliation from the imperial government once the civil war in the far west ended, Tiramus began planning ways to preemptively avoid Xeran backlash, promising to accept Xeran overlordship if the empire recognized the kingdom’s territorial claims, essentially as a new province, and also Tiramus asked for a royal marriage with someone of the imperial family. Despite his best efforts, Tiramus’ kingdom would prove to be short-lived, but an important kingdom in the developing culture of the northeast coast.
  • Khin Federation: With the conquest of the Valun, the riders are slowly sent back to their tribes. Several larger cities in north Valun are annexed, while other major cities are razed, their inhabitants enslaved and sent back to the Khin. Weaponry and armor of the Khin Army improve further. The number of freemen and slaves in the federation continues to grow, resulting in expansion into the northern lakes. Thanist theology continues development. We enter the tributary system with Xera, although the Chanri Jangah treats it more as a platform of gift exchange and trade.
  • Glorious Empire of Vhaynos: With more time Vhaynos only grows more prosperous. The insulting preposition from Tahīserai only serves to cause more distrust from these beligerent children, we increase our naval presence in the areas in order to better protect our colonies. With the fall of Benyisra to the Eborites, the city of exiles becomes more and more worried that they are next. In order to prepare for this, they create an effective system of communication and information utilizing horses to always know where the eborites are in their territory, this will allow them to attack them from tactically advantage point using their archers, which they combine with horses to some extent though it remains minor. They also would harass them in a war of attrition to wear down their numbers and strength. Meanwhile, trade brings prosperity to Vhaynos with the population increasing and our wealth increasing. We continue to expand our colonies in case the Tah attempt to attack us. Wootz steel having becoming more and more refined begins to become commonplace within the army, however, the secrets to making it become a jealously guarded secret with the punishment for sharing it being death. A new city is founded to our northeast of our empire. We continue to expand our farmland by about 50 px, along with farmland on the island of Dakal being expanded by about 30 px. However, settlers begin to spread from the eastern city to the lands east of Daukani establishing settlements there. We begin explore the lands east of Thïgæ again, and the southeastern seas. We also ask the state of Sonraedar if they would establish an alliance between our two great nations. Mod Response. In the lands of Jadalan, more and more people become vytized with it approaching about 25% of the population, also more schools are built designed to indoctrinate children into loyalty to Vhaynos, and offerring greater opportunities to these children.
  • Telachitul Republic: Mostly focused on expansion, Unafir seems interested in continuing most of the domestic polices of his predecessor. As such, annual taxes again swell the nation's treasury by 500 kg of gold over the decade. In addition, the glut of trade provides Armerra with another source of revenue to tax, taking in 300 kg of gold over the decade (to 7,400 kg). The set of symbols now being called Eltaphu continues its development under the priests of Icrodel. Slow progress continues being made, with a basic alphabet starting to take shape, but outside of the temples, standards remain wildly inconsistent, with average traders using a haphazard mix of proper Eltaphu, foreign characters, and even drawings. However, the system is advanced enough for a priest named Mexotautl compiling the first book of Icrodel myths and prayers, called Eveiel. Seeing the value in this development, Unafir continues Armeera's policy of funding both the scholars who hope to advance Eltaphu, as well as the Icrodel religion itself, working to maintain temples. The Republic's exploration also continues. In the south, much of the planned expansion is completely, though colonization continues with the goal of fully encompassing Elcerak, the lake to the south. In the north, the Republic hopes for a more peaceful mode of colonization. Trade continues to bring the region deeper in the Republic's sphere of influence. The ultimate goal is to expand northward and incorporate the less organized communities peacefully into the Republic. Without the south taking as much effort, the republic is able to expand north more rapidly. In addition, the reign of Unafir sees the continued growth on the Telachitul navy, keeping even the most unwilling natives in line. With the republic thoroughly dominating the coast both militarily and economically, a few settlements begin to grow, attracting both republican citizens and foreigners. In particular, a significant settlement directly across the bay from Itochitul (the capital) continues to experience significant growth, mostly because of its convenience as a docking location for both merchant and naval ships. The colony's location makes it a useful place to manage both colonization and trade along the coast. In addition several coastal settlements in the north and a settlement at the northern tip of the southern lake see moderate growth. With operations on the coast going smoothly, Unafir seeks to make farther progress inland. Obviously, this leads to more resistance as the republic's trade and naval advantages are largely moot, but the vast superiority of Telchitul weaponry means moderate expansion is possible, and any foreigners likely can't pose a credible threat to the republic. In addition, the expansion inland gives the republic a convenient source of slaves, particularly from a resistant group the republic calls the Telabarbur. As a result, slavery begins to proliferate, mostly across the rural regions of the republic, serving as a moderate boon to the agrarian sectors of the economy. However, the constant threat of attack leads Unafir to start investing in a more organized militia system, which he hopes to formalize over the next decade. Iron working, trade, and ship building continue to thrive as the main industries of Itochitul, the capital city. Ship building is particularly important, as it allows for large scale transport of goods along the coast, which in turn facilitate relatively quick colonization, as well as further trading. With the rapid expansion of the republic continuing, and the population increasing through both high birth rates and foreigners joining,
  • Irian Culture: Cetan sailors establish a trading post on Leusos as a stopover point on their journey to Iureda and the Cape of Gahren.
  • Yannis Empire: There is great celebration across the Yannis Empire, as the great crusade was an amazing success. The forces of the Thotite realm were destroyed in a spectacular act of justice and holiness, with the monster that is King Thot being completely humiliated. Great strides have been made to liberate the lands that have become decrepit by the Thotite wilderness entering. Soon the forces of Edom will rise up and destroy the beasts that lurk their streets, and there will be divine retribution for the unholy acts the Thotites have perpetrated. It has become clear that the Thotite wilderness cannot sustain itself for a proper war. Their cities have become sucked dry of talent of ability, and their farms have become barren. Thus it is determined that the entirety of the Thotite regime will soon collapse, having been proven highly unsustainable. The festering mound that is the place Azoz will sink into the earth and be destroyed in the fiery tunnels they have carved underneath. The machines for producing sacreligious beings and monsters will be be destroyed. Their weak attempt at an army was completely crushed, with many more gladly accepting liberation through the Yannian faith. In the Holy City of Yagothna-vis there is a technological boom, as hundreds flee the oppressive regime of the Thotite realm. The wisest minds of that land, that have not been tained by the Azozian scourge, flee in great numbers, including the best of the Zamists, Edomites, and other groups that the Thotites have senselessly murdered just to feed their bloodlust. In the city the libraries grow greatly, and there are philosophical discussions, scientific experiments, and new inventions. Thousands of books are copied, many taken by those fleeing the “library of Iskandria”. As the Thotites have no ability to read, they likely viewed such books as simple kindling for the fire, on account of their “library” having been destroyed on many occasions. Instead the Yannians become the center of the arts, culture, and science. Determined to settle the wasteland and save those who seek enlightenment under the Yannian faith, many Holy Men decided to travel to the Thotite region and establish peaceful temples. They convert many to the righteous faith, while convincing people to be skeptical of the nonsensical and heathen Olermite faith. When Praxion of Neum arrives in the Yannis Empire he writes an enormous letter to the Thotite beast, detailing that he is finally free and able to conduct real science and art, now that he is liberated of the Thotite menace. He writes that the Yannis Empire is luxurious beyond compare, and dwarfs the Thotites in every way imaginable. He witnesses true civilization and power, and no longer fears the monsters of Ulm to hunt him down and harm him. And so he remains in the Forbidden City, while his works criticizing the Thotites are published around the world.
  • Drachenia: As the Prince of War becomes general of the Konigreich, his son, Hideggre is born. Roads of the nation have become a newly found complex network of roads known as the Sea Network. Merchants could now travel from the capital to the far distant lands of the Drachenian Frontier. As missionaries further their movements into the Sudland territories, Wasser sees the establishment of multiple temples. The Wasserian territory continues expansion while the provincial center seas further development. Expansion farther to the east is made. Clay enforced structures see a growth in popularity as the structure are seen as more appealing especially in densely populated settlements of the rich mountainside villages. Clay vases with artistic designs are made. Further documentation of these orbs in the skies are made. Wolfram nears the end of his life but before this, he orders the massive increase in land army numbers and ramming ships. Exploration of the Drachenian continent are expanded further while we search east for new nations to trade with.


The Xeran governor of Neum (controlling the eastern coast), Vemrenus, takes advantage of his position to grow rich off the Valun war, from supplying weapons, to looting Valun settlements, to seizing property across the province. One of his envoys to the Khin Federation, meant to oversee the paying of tribute, causes a scandal among the Khin, leading to many among the Khin nobility becoming outraged at the Xerans and their demands of payment.

The nation of Anakadeham falls under the leadership of a new dynasty, known as the Nexii. Under the leadership of Mtao Nexius the state conquers the kingdom to the east, and also expands to the border with the Xeran Empire.

A succession crisis occurs in the nation of Mithadia, leading to the Yazradid Empire launching an invasion of the nation. The Yazradids successfully capture much of the Mithadian coast by the year 610, with the Mithadians on the retreat.

A general known as Asamaratha succeeds to the throne of the Eborite nation, and oversees the settlement and consolidation of their empire. He launches an invasion due east, which sees the Eborites conquer the region north of Mang and beyond. Later in life Asamaratha begins to repent for the bloodthirsty conquests of the empire. He builds a new capital in the east known as Mhama and adopts a local religion based on peace and understanding. His empire would become known as the Paotualma Empire, after his dynasty of the same name.

During the expedition over the Castelian Wall the Valun manage to win a surprising victory against the Azozians in the mountains, using contracted Darnan or Khin mercenaries and volunteers to supplement their forces.

The Qeran invasion of Adjiba, with help from Dholbalan, is successful, with the Qerans successfully capturing the capital of the nation. Despite this, high resistance remains, with the Qerans finding it difficult to send reinforcements or supplies to such a distant place. Overall the Qerans suffer another 6,100 casualties during this phase of the war.

The nation of Sonaredar accepts the offer of an alliance with the Vytians. Sonaredar also rejects to cede any land to Thïgæ, stating that those areas became Sonaredarian by their own accord.

  • Malmaça: After many years of rule, The Prophet would pass away from blood cancer. The population would watch in sadness as his coffin would be escorted up the highest mountain in the Malmaçan Mountains, into a secluded temple for people to begin pilgrimage. His son would take the leader's position, but he would lead the country very poorly. He would begin a set of strict rules, similar to modern socialism. He would impose tax on all things that are being created by workers and begin rising tax on the Noblemen to reduce the amount of rising serf population, and to equalize the riches of the people. A small nobleman revolution would be met with a swift ending, as their private army of 500 would be quickly destroyed in the Battle of Çaflar Ridge, Where their army would be defeated by 50 cavalrymen, 250 soldiers and 100 archers. They would be forced into a hillside ridge, as ambush tactics by the combined forces of the cavalry and infantry would force them to retreat to the ridge, where the nobleman's captain, Afshar Canté would command his army for an anti-cavalry position. Archers by the lower ridge would begin firing unto the position, breaking cavalry positions in the noblemen's army. The Cavalry would then charge into the broken defenses, storming their support light infantry to make way for the nation's infantry. To break down what remained of the nobleman revolution. Canté would be captured and be executed the morning after victory had been announced, by way of guillotine-by-axe - AKA his head being chopped off. The first breakermen hussars, who would soon be the army's pride and glory would be established, with heavy armor to protect them from any archer's arrow, and a steed especially trained to wear lightweight armor and to hold crusader-like men in battle. They would be armed with swords with a carved tip for the purposes of giving the most pain to a soldier, or pikes with venom laced at its spear edge, to be striked at a horses' neck to render their cavalry horse useless. Some breakermen would be armed with tridagger knives to destroy light infantry. A new revolution would be planned by the Prophet's nephew, Carif the Bloodlusted. Who is currently setting up a massive force to prepare for an upcoming "civil war" to remove his cousin from power.
  • Ri'Kiva: Merchants from our nation begin to compete with merchants on the Jyzaradid coast, hoping to make a profit. Military expansion across the river continues.
  • Kjv'Arn: The ruler hires 500 Hythian mercenary lancers, and deploys them against the neighboring tribes hoping to gain more land, and makes alliances with other powerful tribes. He requests submission from the northern Riolkv peoples.
  • Sillan Republic: While the integration of the Makuku provinces continues, many prominent Makuko–Sillan noble families (often arising from already-established aristocratic families) dealing in the cultivation and export of tobacco, marijuana, and hemp, emerge – partially as a way to deal with heavy taxation and the difficulty of switching to Sillan staples. As a result, Cabeza Dōgana becomes increasingly preoccupied with regulating the trade of such commodities and decides to implement a ~5% tax on such goods to deter excess importation in Silla proper. Meanwhile, the Imperial Court begins to exert greater control over domestic affairs with the Six Ministries – a feat partially achieved due to the Cabeza's relative inexperience, perceived mediocrity (especially after a sling of all extremely popular and successful reigns), and desire to withdraw from politics and uphold the policy of "first among equals". However, Dōgana, nevertheless, becomes known for her intellectual pursuits and her patronization of the arts and of religion. She also patronizes the art of glassmaking and the production of luxury glassware, so much so that many glasswares bear her name in honor of her. She also oversees the addition of the Makuku deities to the Grand Pantheon. In addition, after receiving complaints from orthodox Ulmists, she rescinds official recognition of Irrulmianism and recognizes them as a folk sect of Ulmism. She also oversees the establishment of a centralized Ulmist clergy, though the popular perception of the religion basically being a cult centered on a talking bovine (as evident by its colloquial name, the "Cult of the Talking Cow") remains; deterring missionary efforts. However, due to natural growth, it still attains a sizeable following, with an estimated 15,000 adherents. With the establishment of stability and prosperity, the population begins a period of rapid growth, reeling in from the demographic losses of the past two centuries.
  • Thïgæ: "The backstabbing snakes that are Sonaredarians have refused to stand to their own promises. Trust is not easily gained, but lost quickly. Sonaredar has shown they are not capable of our trust. I would not be surprised if they turned on the Vytï as quickly as they turned on us, as soon as they think it is profitable for them. However, how they think of 'profitable' is very different from us; profiting is only good if you don't go back on your word. Any agreements signed with the snakes of the west will henceforth be void under their current king. I know that the son of a disgrace does not have to be a disgrace as well; my great-grandfather [Yithït III] did not follow his father in thinking the best way to convert Sonaredar was to invade them. He signed a pact with the people of the west, but their current leader has betrayed that." With that speech, Yithït VI started 611. Around 2,000 troops were readied to face any potential invasion from the egotistical Vytgæ, which cycles between the "Glorious Empire" and the "Most Serene Empire", both conceded names, and the backstabing snakes of Sonaredar. Realizing that an invasion from Vytgæ of the mainland would not a direct threat to their mainland and make the war seem "profitable" to them, Daukani (a main trading center with Thïgæ), Dvama, and the newly met Xinaben are offered to form a defensive alliance with Thïgæ, protecting trade and sovergnity of the states included from Vytgæ. Many of the states are close to Vytgæ, and where do you think that the Vytï is going to set their sights on after Thïgæ? The states surrounding them. (Mod response needed, only if Vyt does not agree to non-aggression pact.) Meanwhile, settlers are told to ignore any agreed borderline and settle wherever they please. Settlers going west are escorted by the soldiers to prevent any attacks from the savages of Sonaredar. In art, Sonaredarian's are depicted as snakes, and Vytï as stuck up snobs. In other industries, produce is sold throughout the country, although exports stop going to Vytgæ and start flowing into Daukani, where iron flows in. The secret to wootz steel is found from previously imported Vytï goods, and steel is made from the iron from Daukani. Without Vytï gold, silver is used to mint the Upan, with gold coins being deflated due to their rarity. Silver upans, at the time of first minting them, cost about one-half of a gold upan, but that fraction became lower and lower due to the price in gold coins skyrocketing. Silver upans stay around the same price over the decade. Potatoes become a popular way to find the buying power of upans (like the big mac index). It stays relatively the same for silver, but gold prices skyrocket. To keep theives from stealing gold, Yithït VI enforces laws against stealing, making the thieves repay three times as much as they stole. The Jugr Kalapha is four-fifths finished by the end of the decade, making 630 a target finish time for the temple. Expansion continues northwest, ignoring the previous border agreement, east, and north into the Aforazi Valley. (More to come).
  • Tsimdomdu Kingdom: The Era of Development, going from 61 MU - 121 MU, as King Jowdah gives rise to further centralization, the movement toward governmental reform, and the decline of tribal society within the region. Due to the collapse of the Council by contested reasons and the movement toward a heredity government system. The Tsimdomdu Kingdom is founded around this time. However, its existence would be shortened by the soon-to-be popular religion: Erapishi. The Zaippuvell Cult returned after a decade in the mountains for spiritual enlightenment, and begin recording their discoveries, lessons, and code of ethics into various books which would ultimately be pressed into the first testament of Erapishi, the Testament of Creation. The first four prophets are known to be alive within this decade and deliver preaching sentiments across the nation as well as create the first church. The Book of Ocyreuz is written around this time.
  • Xeran Empire: Philosophy and science continues to flourish in Edom, mostly centered at the library of Iskandaria, but at this point many similar libraries are beginning to grow in competition. Most of these new libraries appear on the coastal metropolises, profiting from cultural exchange between foreign traders, in such cities as Neum, Seita, Nerimos and Edom. However, the largest new library called the "House of Wisdom" is contructed in Medan, forming an ambitiously-massive architecture utilizing domes and arches. Glass chandeliers are hung from the top of the ceiling all the way down to a mere 18' off the ground. The urban centers of every major city greatly increase in density, and new cities are created such as Thalutia in far western Azoz. As the population of the empire continues to increase, many settlers help join the Mesallians in colonizing parts of the more destabilized coastlines of Yannis. The new public school system has greatly incraesed in international popularity, and we offer to install similar public school systems in the nations of Emalia, Great Lakes, and Exhula. Even Yannis, most surprising of all, became interested in adopting Xera's knowledge of science and philosophy, and many scholars were sent routinely to Yannis to offer installing public schools in their cities. This was seen as a great opportunity, as all science and philosophy in Xera is entirely revolved around their core faith and theology, and thus teaching Yannis such science will inevitebly shed light on our religion. However, concerned about the divulging of too much information, Emperor Vanden imposed a ban on copying any books related to military technology, history or tactics, as well as a list of specific domestic technologies related to agriculture, sanitation or engineering. At least, this is the impression we get from the biography of Praxion, whose works were published after he returned to Neum. Praxion was forever famous for his impartiality as a historian, and although his description of Yannis was certianly provided by a biased source, he, nonetheless, made no attempt to correct it. Due to Anakadeham as our mutual enemy on behalf of the Tabornites, the empire reaches out to ask the Nexii to form an alliance, and enjoy the economic benefits of the tributary system currently used by the Khin. In the Near West, a renewed military campaign by General Myatus the Younger worked closely with the Khin confederacy, as well as many other local tribes in the area, in a coordinated attack to finally crush the last of the Valun in the region, and negotiate a final border between the two nations. The greed and malice of Vemrenus has become something of an archtype for vile behavior in the western world, becoming the subject of another biography of Praxion from his home city. Ultimately, Vemrenus met his fate when preparing for the campaign against the Valun, allegedly stabbing himself in the liver accidentally while mountig his horse. In the Far West, the Garan navy is greatly expanded, creating enough warships and minor ships to secure the trade routes between Gara and Faut-Xera. The navy experiments with the addition of Trebuchets on ships. As our colony is now being settled just south of the border with Otan, we seek to create a closer diplomacy with that nation, offering more lucrative and humane trade than those they have seen from Darna. The Garan navy explores directly south from the peninsula into the open ocean, seeing how many islands of the peninsula can be claimed for the Empire. Meanwhile, the eastern navy is sent north to explore the coastline beyond Atsome Point, hoping once again to find the location of Darna. Both land and sea military was sent by the emperor to support Vedun VI as the rightful governor at Nerimos, but for the most part Vanden was purely interested in keeping order restored to the region, and focusing miltiary for his campaigns against the western barbarians. With the freedom of spreading philosophy and learning within the realms of Yannis, further trade and diplomacy is extended in the Angelite Islands, helping to convert more of the populous of the Isles and Obtus to the Ulm faith.
  • Hythia: Years 298-307 Since the Return of Hythus. Meunarch Tysus perishes of the wet cough with only two viable heirs, his daughter, Queen Aymfrodasti of Mythadia, and his only surviving son, Cystrof. His sudden death pulls Hythia into Mythadia’s succession crisis as Aymfrodasti flees the country to her home and her brother assumes the Meunarchship. Aymfrodasti then quickly marries the eldest son of Meunarch Byan, binding the two dynasties together. The news of the Jyazradid invasion of northern Mythadia emboldens the family into action. With many of the cousins who now rule sections of Mythadia distracted in the north, Queen Aymfrodasti reaches out to the dozens of regional governors and local nobles across the south of the country offering protection from the Jyazradids and stability under her respected and moderate hand. These efforts secure the loyalty of many in this region, allowing the Hythian Unar to march into Mythadia and capture most of the territory south of the river Tythies In total the army comprises some 6,000 Heavy Lancers, 8,000 Light Lancers, and 10,000 light cavalry employing Eborite Shot tactics. As a highly mobile force fighting armies comprised largely of peasant infantry the small, manuverable, and well disciplined veterans of the Unar manage to crush the few local nobles and governors who resist Queen Aymfrodasti’s efforts. The Jyazradids are also sent emissaries in the hopes that war might be avoided and a sound peace established [Mod Response].
  • Drachenia: The Prince of War is recognized now to be the Konig. With his passing of his father Wolfram The Glorybringer, Heidegger's first plan is to increase the amount of ramming galleys. Heidegger plans out a strategy to conquer all of Drachenia and its neighbors. The “Triforce” is put into practice and strategized out further to ensure the formation is as full proof as it could ever be. The hall of statues is put into development with the sculptings of the Altenhofen Royal Family and generals being put into it in order to dedicate their contributions to the national legacy. 4,500 men are raised in total to serve in the army in total. The militarization of the Konigreich brings upon an era of greater military development as culturally, it is seen as honorable to serve your nation as a warrior. The Sudlanders are sent a message in which it states if they do not plan to join us, they will face annihilation. “It is in your nation's best interest to join our Drachenian state. As we are already close linguistically and culturally, it is seen as a must for unification and a supportive and positive union of our states shall be forged. If you and your ranks do not comply, look forward to your demise”. A war is declared on the tribes of Drachenia who refuse to join our nation. “We cannot allow dissidance to exist in our nation as we push to unify the greater continent of Drachenia. Ties with the northern leaderships of the nearby nation are cut off as the Konigreich enters a greater period of expansion. The art of acting and storytelling grows in the squares if the country. Mostly in Marten, Dragsfurt, Jonnes, the largest of the mining cities, and Felisburg, the largest Eastern Settlement. The army focuses on knocking out any source of expansionist resistance in the frontier primarily by the removal of tribal leaders. Those who join the state are treated with high respect and are given land to settle. Those in the cities are offered land in the looser settlements to expand and form greater communities elsewhere. Heidegger sees it that the capital should be moved sometime in the future to that of a new city. Jonnes, seens as the best spot for this new capital sees heavy investments and more people move there and are born there. Outside of military investments, infrastructure expands with a tighter nit road network, city walls and defenses, larger temples to sustain the nation's growing population, and more houses are built with better suited designs. Missionaries expand further and travel deeper into the lands of an expanding wasser. The leader of the Drachenian Fleet ensures to see the expansion of the naval ships. The galleys are used as quick transport while other ships are used to carry things like extra supplies. Some galleys have also been designed to carry things like horses for the cavalry. Artistic works are made across the nation as it picks up to become a growing trend. Bakeries continue to see steady incomes due to the demand for bread.
  • Glorious Empire of Vhaynos: The aggressive posturing of the Tah brings up more worry even more so when news reach them that they are trying to turn our neighbors and friends against us. Having realized that Thïgæ is attempting to make our neighbors hate us, we immediately send diplomats to the lands surrounding us appealing to their sense of brotherhood and our longtime friendship between our states. A speech is given to them "These Tah are attempting to turn you against us and painting themselves as the victims when they were the ones making demands of us that we cannot fulfill, and know they want you to turn against us? We have no intentions of invading you or them, our alliance with their neighbor is purely defensive and was formed from their aggressive posturing. We apply to you from years and years of friendship between our great nations to not let these devils turn you against us. And we promise you we will never harm you." In order to emphasize the point the Timoi himself visits these states and bows before the leaders of the various states. They also emphasize the fact that as Vhaynos is byfar the largest trade power such an agreement would only disrupte trade as we are the major naval power who protect the trade from ruffians. We also offer a royal marriage of four of the Timoi's daughters to the three kings of Dvama and the King of Xinaben (MOD RESPONSE). We also entice Xinaben and Dvama further with offers of exclusive trade agreements and secretly send them shipments of gold as "Gifts. Secretly agents begin to promise secret rebel factions who may be dissastified with the Daukani government support should it accept the offer. Mod Response if it accepts. Meanwhile, growth continues as promised within the nations with the population continuing to grow, the construction of our palace finally is completed with becoming a palace of splendour. In fear of retailation from our neighbors we begin to fortify our cities. Meanwhile, within the cites, more and more dramas especially ones making Thïgæ look like fools who do not understand how modern governments works. The new play is the The gay fallacy. We continue to expand our farmland by about 50 px, and the Dakal farmland is expanded by about 30 px. Meanwhile, in the north, the city of exile's school of explorers have begun to turn out many successful explorers with them launching new explorations into the lands west of Algeorgia and Mithadia. There city continues to prosper under the new protected trade routes of the Palmygras. Meanwhile, in our desert sisters, they continue to grow and prosper with them gaining new Eborite setttlers. Within Vhaynos due to decreasing influence from the Benyisran a new religion begins to spread rapidly, this religion is called Saamani, and takes influences from the native Vhaynosi religion, and the Solaaramistic religion to create an entirely new faith. It starts to spread throughout southern Vhaynos and into Dvama. Meanwhile, the explorers from the Island of Dakal attempt once again to explore the Lands southeast riding the monsoon winds southeast and northwest again, and utilizing their dhows.
    • Thï Diplomacy: Yithït VI states that if it is purely a defense pact, Yithït would surely cancel any alliance offer that Thïgæ has offered to any other nation; if Vytgæ can prove it. He offers a non-aggression pact between Vyt, Sonaredar, and Thïgæ to make Vytgæ prove that they have no intentions of attacking Thïgæ. However, since Sonaredar just broke multiple agreements with Thïgæ, if one country is to break the pact, the other two countries would declare war on them. To make it more fair to Thïgæ, as Vyt and Sonaredar could both break the pact at the same time, Daukani is to enter as an ally of Thïgæ if they want - if not, an adequate replacement will be found by Thïgæ. (Mod and Vytï Response) If you agree, sign here; else, state it specifically. If it is a defensive pact, then Yithït VI sends his apologies to the nation of Vyt, and hopes for better relations in the future.
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: We switch our currency of Dodo feathers to the Dodoise silver coin. This is to ensure foreign traders can trade with us. We begin trading with Irikia (I don't remember your name). The representatives from Irikia are totally shocked when they enter the capital of Algeorgia. In the center lies the royal palace which is surrounded by the Great Wall of Algeorgiaville. Behind the royal palace lies the royal temple and the Dodo graveyard. The Dodo graveyard contains the mausoleum of the first Holy Dodo. The representatives from Irikia are also shown the royal army and the temple guards. The temple guards are the most elite forces of Algeorgia, wearing armor engraved with gold markings and diamonds. Some even carry obsidian swords.
  • Telachitul Republic: Mostly focused on expansion, Unafir seems interested in continuing most of the domestic polices of his predecessor. As such, annual taxes again swell the nation's treasury by 500 kg of gold over the decade. In addition, the glut of trade provides Armerra with another source of revenue to tax, taking in 300 kg of gold over the decade (to 7,400 kg). The set of symbols now being called Eltaphu continues its development under the priests of Icrodel. Slow progress continues being made, with a basic alphabet starting to take shape, But outside of the temples, standards remain wildly inconsistent, with average traders using a haphazard mix of proper Eltaphu, foreign characters, and even drawings. However, the system is advanced enough for a priest named Mexotautl compiling the first book of Icrodel myths and prayers, called Eveiel. Seeing the value in this development, Unafir continues Armeera's policy of funding both the scholars who hope to advance Eltaphu, as well as the Icrodel religion itself, working to maintain temples. The Republic's exploration also continues. In the south, much of the planned expansion is completely, though colonization continues with the goal of fully encompassing Elcerak, the lake to the south. In the north, the Republic hopes for a more peaceful mode of colonization. Trade continues to bring the region deeper in the Republic's sphere of influence. The ultimate goal is to expand northward and incorporate the less organized communities peacefully into the Republic. Without the south taking as much effort, the republic is able to expand north more rapidly. In addition, the reign of Unafir sees the continued growth on the Telachitul navy, keeping even the most unwilling natives in line. With the republic thoroughly dominating the coast both militarily and economically, a few settlements begin to grow, attracting both republican citizens and foreigners. In particular, a significant settlement directly across the bay from Itochitul (the capital) continues to experience significant growth, mostly because of its convenience as a docking location for both merchant and naval ships. The colony's location makes it a useful place to manage both colonization and trade along the coast. In addition, several coastal settlements in the north and a settlement at the northern tip of the southern lake see moderate growth. With operations on the coast going smoothly, Unafir seeks to make further progress inland. Obviously, this leads to more resistance as the republic's trade and naval advantages are largely moot, but the vast superiority of Telchitul weaponry means moderate expansion is possible, and any foreigners likely can't pose a credible threat to the republic. In addition, the expansion inland gives the republic a convenient source of slaves, particularly from a resistant group the republic calls the Telabarbur. As a result, slavery begins to proliferate, mostly across the rural regions of the republic, serving as a moderate boon to the agrarian sectors of the economy. However, the constant threat of attack leads Unafir to start investing in a more organized militia system, which he hopes to formalize over the next decade. Iron working, trade, and ship building continue to thrive as the main industries of Itochitul, the capital city. Ship building is particularly important, as it allows for large scale transport of goods along the coast, which in turn facilitate relatively quick colonization, as well as further trading with the rapid expansion of the republic continuing, and the population increasing through both high birth rates and foreigners joining.
  • Mesallian Culture: After his long string of failures, including but not limited to the failure to capture the rebellious territories of Ephenus and Gabatria, Haliecles II was eventually assassinated by his own guards. He would be succeeded by his son Igneous I, who resumed war against Gabatria first in the beginning of the fourth year of the 102nd Jafiad (Year 611). After the Emalian army was initially successful, and fearing that his kingdom would be next, Tiramus launched an invasion of Emalia. His campaign led to the capture of land nearly up to the Ema River, causing a great panic in the city. The city of Meshwati pledged its support Emalia, hoping to extend its influence in the Gabatrian Sea, and sent numerous small armies to the coast of Ephenus to harass Tiramus’ army. Tiramus was forced to withdraw from his march toward Emalia, while soon after, in the north the city of Idasimos was captured, seemingly ending the Gabatrian kingdom. Tiramus occupied Gabatria’s other territories, but soon this occupation turned to an annexation, as the deposed King of Gabatria was soon killed by Emalian forces. Tiramus’ fortunes deteriorated further with the news that Leto Agenandes had died in Nelgistis, with the local Enulmians electing Ichabon IV. Both Sephimoran kingdoms, although both claimants for the throne of the entire kingdom, turned against Tiramus, with Vedun VI laying siege to Dascelos while Ichabon IV marched through the interior toward Ephenus. The city of Agira also joined the war once more, supporting Ephenus in an effort to harm Meshwati’s growing empire. At the same time the Kingdom of Ypelomnes (Great Lakes), also became interwined in the Emalian conflict. Neoptolanus III (who had died in Year 562), famously refused to entertain the idea of ever marrying another wife, as he remained loyal to Evanematra II of Edom, who had been kidnapped to Azoz by Thalut the Wicked. As a result when the king died he was succeeded by his nephew as Neoptolanus IV Ciniscus. His reign would be short-lived, being deposed by his cousin, Neoptolanus V Alanius. During his reign the Kingdom of Ypelomnes launched an invasion of Emalia, and due to the chaos in the north, he was able to annex much of southern Emalia for himself. This conquest would be short lived, as in the third year of the 104th Jafiad (Year 618), Neoptolanus V Alanius would die unexpectedly, and his empire would break up immensely. In the chaos a nobleman of native and Mesallian descent named Iomzimbus would capture Uloyiso, declaring the Neo-Uloyisian Empire. In the west the Tahuans supported one of their own as king, leading to an independent Tahuan kingdom. In the far north, one of the late king’s descendants would be crowned Neoptolanus VI Gephanus, ruling over the remnants of the former kingdom, which was increasingly influenced by the Yannian nations all around it. The Emalians likewise recaptured their territory, and also nearly brought the Tahuans to the brink of the defeat, before being beaten back themselves into the interior of the region. In the meantime, Tiramus would die in the third year of the 103rd Jafiad (Year 614), being succeeded by a son named Pyrander. The new king proved less capable at matters of war than his father, and within the next several years Meshwati had captured the remnants of Gabatira, and most of the kingdom was lost to the Sephimorans. In matters of diplomacy he attempted turn the two Sephimorans against each other, to some success. Vedun VI would die the following year, however, leading to the end of this possibility, as Ichabon IV managed to capture Nerimos before a rival claimant could be established. Pyrander would launch a successful war in the year of the 104th Jafiad (Year 616), which saw Ephenus re-establish control over Dascelos until a truce was signed with Ichabon IV. Pyrander would spend the rest of the year and the start of the next attempting unsuccessfully to defeat Meshwati. Ichabon IV would contend with a series of Agiran attacks, and with Ichabon’s death the following year the Agirans forced through the election of a puppet named Levian III. The Maleka of Edom, Evanematra IV, who had ascended to the throne in the fourth year of the 100th Jafiad (Year 603), intervened in Sephimora, believing the election to be fraudulent, and desiring to expand the province into Sephimora. The brief Edomite-Sephimoran War (617-618) would begin with an attack on Dascelos, with the city narrowly holding off with the aid of a number of Agiran soldiers. Over the course of the next year, both sides fought extensively in the eastern mountains of Edom. The Sephimorans led a popular movement of Enulmians in the south, succeeding in raiding as far west as the Meran River, while Ephenus managed to attack numerous Edomite towns in the northeast. The Edomites would regroup early in the following year and oust the invaders, agreeing to a return to the status quo. The war had weakened Ephenus heavily, and also led to the end of Agiran interest in the province, and so at the end of the fourth year of the 104th Jafiad (Year 619), a new claimant was elected, named Vedun VII, with no loyalty to the Ephenus kingdom in the northeast.
  • Yannis Empire: New governors are dispatched to oversee the transition of the Xanulem region into proper Yannian provinces, as the Yannian authorities did in the Niani region. The Yannian faith grows immensely, as many in the new region convert to the religion, and thousands more flock to the utopia of the Yannis Empire. The scientific revolution occurring in the Holy City of Yagothna-vis is staggering, completely eclipsing the broken system of the Thotites further. In the city the first animal-driven rotary mills are established, using a new technology known as gears. Weaponry begins to incorporate quench-hardened steel, using wrought iron and cast iron. Thousands of books are written, with the Anointed One sponsoring the creation of many more libraries across the empire. The top mines of the world flee the Thotite wilderness and join the Yannis Empire, with the houses of wisdom in the capital city being great places of discussion. The western Yannian fleet dispatches to lead an expedition of Holy Men to the opposing continent. They found a settlement known as Zemuctenec on the river west of the island of Nelyris. Natural philosophers are also sent to the court of the Kingdom of Canim, to improve relations with the kingdom. The Yannis Empire declares its support of the colonies and kingdoms of the Mesallians on the continent, and works to ensure that the Yannian faith remains present while the Thotite heresy is destroyed. A small tribe known as the Anaban, inhabiting the region between the Khin Federation and the Kingdom of Canim, is also supported. Holy Men spread the Yannian faith to this region, and trade weapons and other goods to the natives. After the Thotite realm is humiliated and weakened, the Kingdom of the Isles decides to launch its own campaign to expand further on the Bangor Island, capturing one small kingdom in the east. A great road is build connecting the ends of the river in Niani with the river of Tesardya, allowing for fast transport and communication from one river to the other. Numerous other roads are constructed across the new territories and provinces.
  • Beraba: Expansion continues, especially north along the Salt Road to Gahren, and east over the mountains toward the newly discovered coast. Contact is made in Iria in the east (known in Beraba as “Iria” as well), and a delegation is sent with gifts, including a copy of the “Great Atlas of the Known World”. Atnosia is also encountered in the west, and diplomats are sent to individual city-states. Religious pressure from other cultures forces the Beraban religion to formalize its beliefs, the core tenets of which are recorded on five stone tablets and stored in the Holy City within Ngaoudera. Ten additional texts contain doctrines of the faith. The faith is known in Beraba as “the Fivefold Faith” for the five principal deities. The highest governing body of the Faith is known as the “Pentate” made up of five priests and priestesses, each representing one of the deities (and of the same sex as that deity). More settlements are sponsored in the eastern mountains to mine silver and gold. Trade increases, especially with goods relating to textile production. Cotton is imported from the south, domestic production of flax is increased to make linen. Dye is also imported from neighboring nations to create luxury textiles and garments.
  • Qaryaat: King Ahmid dies, and his son, Husam, ascends the throne. The kingdom of Qaryaat continues its expansion. The colony of Bizafir expands to cover the whole area surrounding Lake Reyadil and continues to expand north along the coast. Meanwhile, the territory of Maqiri expands southward inland. In all territories and colonies of Qaryaat (except for the main territory), settlers are sent to loosely-claimed territory to consolidate control over said territory. In the outskirts of Makra, a Solaramist temple is built for the Benyisrans inhabiting the realm of Qaryaat. Meanwhile, in Bizafir, a library is built. In Makra, trees are planted in public spaces to beautify the areas. The maritime fort of Hisni-Mawan is expanded and renovated. Light cavalry is used extensively in the army. Wootz steel from the lands of Vayun (Vhaynos) becomes more commonly used, especially in armor and weapons. A sort of Pehra-Solaramist syncretism begins to form and spread, though it remains a relatively minor religion. Vhaynosi architectural and cultural influences begin to make their way into Qaryaat. The religion originating from Paotualma, also known as Rohanism, spreads to Qaryaat. Exploration is made up inland west of Lake Reyadil, along the former Mithadian coast, and east along the coast south of Avsylann. A census is conducted. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED)

  • Khin Federation: Weaponry and armor of the Khin Army improve further. The number of freemen and slaves in the federation continues to grow, resulting in expansion into the northern lakes. Some cities in Central Valun are set up as vassal city-state, while the rest of the Valun are surrounded and defeated in conjuction with Xera. Thanist theology continues development. In the northern lakes, as a result of population growth and territorial expansion in recent years, a large camp is constructed as the residence of the Chanri Jangah, and a library is also constructed in the camp with material and books from the Khin, Valun and Xera. The discourteous conduct of the Xeran diplomat had led to the Chanri Jangah expelling him from Khin and sending an envoy to the Xera, declaring that there will be no direct Xeran collection of tribute. Instead, Khin shall send its own diplomatic envoys escorting the tribute to Xera. 
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: Having spent almost 30 years within his room, the king has produced hundreds of children. It is estimated that several hundred women, usually young girls, were impregnated over this period of multiple decades, and then daughters born from these women were also impregnated by the king. A social hierarchy emerged, with the mating partners of the king typically inhabiting higher levels of their tunnels, with subsequent generations of offspring living farther below. The elite of the king’s society continued to speak Darnan, while hundreds of neglected generations in the tunnels below spoke their own primitive language, with a large percentage of offspring dying before reaching adulthood. The king, now almost fifty years old, walked with physical deformities and signs of old age. Each passing day the king’s slaves were used to digger deeper tunnels in the ground below, with carvings placed at each level typically being used to date the progress of the tunnel construction. It is believed that above ground the people of the nation slowly had the king’s palace encased with dirt, creating a giant mound to cover up the strange society. All that remained was the series of chutes to transport goods to the king directly. Because of the perceived divinity of the Darnan king, the Sanon was obligated to send whatever goods were asked by the king, as part of a divine covenant to allow the Sanon to rule in the king’s place. In particular the king demanded a steady supply of grain and water. Over time a temple was built on the top of the ancient mound, with high priests annually depositing the holy amounts of grain and water down the hole, in order to please the gods, having forgotten about the society living beneath the temple. The king had a large variety of animals sent to him, which would breed generations of animals confined within small pens underground. The annual grain tribute would be used to feed these animals, and the animals in turn would then be used to sustain the underground population. In matters of religion the king’s society developed its own unique set of beliefs. Many of the Ulmian faith constituted the original offerings to the king, and these “Olmerites” were considered the lowest caste in society. Although some Ulmian slaves attempted to teach the traditions of the religion to their children, facing the harshest treatment from the king and his other slaves, the religion is believed to have completely died out between year 15 and 30 (years since the beginning of the king’s isolation). Although higher levels include discrete Ulmian says carved into small places, these carvings sharply disappeared, with the newest such carving discovered declaring that Nelrim had abandoned them. Officially all these inhabitants were to worship the king as a living god, and pray to him to control the flow of grain and supplies. Facing his own mortality, the aging king decreed that there must always be one male king at the center of the kingdom, appointed by the previous king. This king would be the only one allowed in the top most level, where the king’s instructions and the chute to the surface would be located. The first king also established vast cisterns for housing water, tapping into underground aquifers. He stockpiled shipments of wood and other valuables, or harvested wood from the old structure of the original palace. A small number of young boys were selected as his personal consorts and made into a soldier-class, living just out of reach of the high levels and responsible for keeping the lower levels in line. The lower levels would also be controlled as the king controlled the food supply, which was almost impossible to reach from below. By the end of Year 30 the king’s third generation was born.


In the southern deserts, an Apirun veteran of the strife in Edom, named Algebesauri, leads a band of warriors south into the “Valley of the Comet”, conquering the native tribes between the mountains. The Apirun soldiers form a new social elite, following a strict code of honor and furacity. Algebesauri and his officers found a number of small forts which serve as the centers of growing towns, with different aristocrats hiring and training another generation of warriors, who become known as the Zedumari. They collectively become known as the Ondon, from the ancient Water Merchants idiom: “In the Lands of Or and Ond”, referring to the edge of the world.

During the Makuku exodus to the east during the aftermath of the Sillan takeover, a religious leader named Pelikunaholo leads a small group farther north into the mountains east of Beraba. They found a number of monasteries in the lakes region, where they prophesize the fall of Sillas in the end times and the resurrection of the Makuku.

A Mesallian mercenary leader named Nesemten, who was hired by the Xeran governor of Usinilago, is not paid on time for his services, and declares himself in rebellion to the governor. He seeks to carve out his own province within the empire, taking over the border region between Neum and Usinilago. The governor who failed to pay him, named Phestion, attempts to conceal the rebellion from the imperial government, after already being threatened once with termination for incompetence.

After Asamaratha the Great’s death, the Paotualma Empire enters a slow state of decline. His son, named Brihmdratha, creates a number of semi-autonomous provinces within the empire, including governorships of Pashrema (“The West”), Benysira, and Kymmenen. He dies soon after in a costly war against in the southeast of the empire and is succeeded by Chamgrevonda.

Sonaredar informs the “Thegayians” that they have been following their treaty, but the course of the river changed over time, so they follow the new course of the rivers. Settlers who enter Sonaredar are often killed as a result. They also refuse to sign any “non-aggression pact”, while reaffirming their alliance with Vhaynos. The Dvama accept the royal marriage from Vhaynos. The nations of Xinaben and Daukani both decide to not form alliances or pacts with anyone, except with each other.

The lands formerly owned by Valun, which were initially occupied by the Khin, that have then been handed over to governors of the Xeran Empire, a Khin leader named Dangahrun protests the concession to the Xerans, and launches a rebellion. He leads a group of traditionalists upset by the Khin friendship with the Xerans, who want to see the entirety of the Valun lands ceded, not just the inferior mountain regions.

The Yazradids, having made their peace with Mithadia, state to the nation of Hythia that if they acknowledge what the Yazradids have annexed so far, they will acknowledge the rest of Mithadia being left alone or annexed by Hythia.

In response to the rapid expansion of Drachenia, the nation of Cruthem forms alliances with several tribes around it. Among the southern tribes that Drachenia has displaced, many of them also ally. The most notable of which is the confederacy of Umanegen, formed in the mountains to the east. The southerners across the sea likewise refuse to join Drachenia.

Most of the ships dispatched by the nation of Thïgæ to the east do not return, owing to dangerous waters and great distance. This leads to many being unwilling or weary to sail in this direction.

The nation of Gahren launches a number of expedition to the north, founding several colonies along the northern shore.

  • Drachenia: With the Cruthemians and the displaced tribes allying against the might of the Drachenian Order, Heidegger raise the navy to block any ships from leaving or entering Cruthem while Sudland ships are targeted. Furthermore, the cavalry and armed forces march through the Drachenian continent slaughtering any defectors who refuse to live under the rule of Heidegger. “Do you want Total War?” he says to the tribes who have ignored our opened arms of embracing them as members of our society. “For now you have rejected us, it is either we ourselves face annihilation or it is you, the plague on our righteous continent, our fatherland in which we were born from. For you have rejected the chosen people to rule this land, you yourselves will face the rejection from the dragons themselves”. All who are against us face death or are taken into the konigreich as prisoners. No mercy will be given to anyone who do not surrender. It is for the greater good. As Total War remains in state, things in the heart of the konigreich and away from the frontier, all is well. It is encouraged for men to take up arms to join the ranks of the military and be paid in a large sum of precious metals and granted land for their services. With that being said, farming and agricultural development continues. Those who have joined our nation are treated well with them being taught different skills as usual of course for a portion of payment to their tutors as this business had been present for over a century. This provides a steady income as they find better lives in the expanded territory. The villages of Harlek and Durdrum are recognized as the most rapid growing settlements. Jonnes sees further development with a fort being constructed around the now city. As it remains, expansion east continues while the Sudlanders receive relentless harassment. Being an artist of strategy, the triforce and long spear formations see great success in practice. Cavalry charges also continue to work well as a swift way to cut down at the enemy. Army numbers total to around 9,000 with the majority taking part in the “Total War” with dignity and honor. Heidegger derives a messaging system where horses placed nationwide by government paid farmers can be used to deliver messages as swiftly as possible. This method of transport makes news come much more sooner and reaction times just as swift. Nonetheless even with the Konigreich at war, the surge in population growth expands. The Library of Dragsfurt becomes to be recognized more as an institution than just a place for scholarly studies as classes begin being given. Heidegger encourages this with the expansion of the Dragsfurt Library and Marten libraries being made. Scholars from all over the country go to study as well at the newly completed library of Jonnes. The confederation faces cavalry assaults while the infantrymen in triforce formation push into the confederation by going around the mountain sparing the men time from going up and over.
  • Xeran Empire: Art and science continue to be developed at both the House of Wisdom and Iskandaria, especially as the philosopher "Borad the Great" flourished during this time. Borad was most famous for developing the Boradine Screw, a mechanism to move water uphill for irigation and indoor plumbing. In the most famous anecdote of Borad, he received word that the Yannis Empire's greatest scholars had recently developed gears. Hearing this news, Borad burst out laughing. For many centuries, the exact meaning of this laughter would remain a mystery, until recent archaeologists uncovered a lost shipwreck near the tiny island of Keithera, off the coast of Serita. The "Keitheran Device" found on the ship, as it was later dubbed, was apparently a highly advanced clockwork mechanism, no doubt used by sailors to calculate the exact positions of the stars at any time in the recent past. Although the ship's wreck was dated to a few centuries later, it nevertheless indicates a very rapid growth of mechanical technology that could also have been the norm in Borad's day. However, for the most part sailors at this time relied on the magnetic compass, which was possibly developed very recently. It is also around this time that the semi-legendary hero Aren the Hermit lived. Aren was orphaned as a child, and was raised in the southern desert by Ondon people, eventually working his way to Zedumari. When he was a full adult, Aren traveled north into Usilinago, looking for any evidence of his father. Meanwhile, governor Phestion was in a terrible bind over the rebellious mercenary Nesemten. Nesemten requested the Imperial Execetur to recognize his province, which would have surely revealed Phestion's incompetnace, but there was no way Phestion could stop the Execetur's arrival without arrousing suspicion. So when Aren arrived in Usilinago, Phestion told him the Execetur's company was holding his father hostage, and so sent him to raid and detur their progress. Aren took the bait and wrecked havoc on the Execetur, but only discovered too late he had beene completely fooled by Phestion. After the Exectur complained back to Vanden's palace in Azoz, the Emperor sent his son Nathon to personally investigate the situation in Usilinago. Phestion was completely flustered by the prince's arrival, doing all he could to hide evidence of his court's corruption. Meanwhile, Aren began making his own journey back to Usilinago, hoping to take revenge on Phestion for tricking him this way. Along the way, he liberated several slave caravans used by Nesemten, including one woman named Osanath who became his life-long love interest. As for Nesemten, when the Execetur never arrived he became convinced the Emperor was not going to recognize his province, so his only recourse was to seize the opportunity to kidnape the Emperor's son. Thus Nesemten raided Usilinago, capturing both Prince Nathon and Governor Phestion. As soon as Aren arrived, he raised a militia of the people of the city, and crushed Neseemten in battle, freeing all of the prisoners. It was at this point that all of Phestion's faults became clear to Nathon, but they were all pardoned after Aren heroically saved both their lives. It was from this point forward, that the Zedumari of Ondon became hired regularly as elite bodyguards for the Xeran royal family. In the far north, the eastern navy under Myatus the Younger sends its full force of warships and mercenaries to sack and pillage the recently-discovered island of Darna, freeing all the Ulmian prisoners that happen to be there. On the way back home from this raid, they likewise sack major cities on the coast of the Emirisq, believing that such devastation should permenantly keep the Darnans away from Xera from now on. Trade and diplmoacy continues to help facilitate relations on the western coast through Jasmira and Otan, eventually hoping to ease relations with Isimadia since they have a common enemy of ours against Darna. Missions in the Far East continue to help spread public school systems and Ulmian philosophy to various nations such as Exhula, Qera, and Sillas, eventually starting to build the first monasteries in Phorintheon. More imperial military becomes stationed in the west in reaction to the civil war at the beginning of Vanden's reign, especially within Eskaladun.
  • Sillan Republic: Meanwhile, the Ulmist sects begin to see rapid growth due to their incorporation of Sillan ancestral veneration rites, intermarriage with non-adherents, and the formation of a centralized clergy; with 2% of the population registering as an Ulmist by the census of 630, double that of the previous census. Partially due to pressure from orthodox Ulmists, the Irrulmian sect – which previously monopolized on Ulmian affairs and proselytization – dies out and becomes absorbed. Cabeza Dōgana orders the reinforcement of the Sillan Wall; especially of the segment lining the Sillo–Teninukalese border. In addition, a total of five cohorts of horsemen (or 5,000 troops) are stationed along the border with the Makuku rump state, in order to stifle any movement of civilians and potentially-valuable goods eastward. Meanwhile, the cultivation of tobacco and cannabis (for medical marijuana, and hemp fiber) continues to boom within the Makuku region – owing to heightened demand and the popularity of such products within the youth. While prominent aristocratic families own and preside over large plantations producing such commodities en masse, many subsistence-level Makuku farmers begin to supplement their income by growing these crops on excess land unsuitable for staples. In order to facilitate the transition from Makuku crops to the more labor-extensive Sillan staples of wet-paddy rice and plantains, agricultural colleges are founded within major settlements by scholar-officials providing instruction and teaching proper agricultural techniques. In addition to the spread of a plantation economy, mining becomes a lucrative business within Makuku, and copper, silver, and gold bullion replace iron coinage as the official currency; with an abundance of such metals in Makuku underpinning the economy. The Ministry of Rites begins to patronize ballet, with the first pointe-shoes being made and pointework being incorporated into ballet canon. Literature flourishes, with many poets venturing into more obscure topics and motifs – such as romance, aristocratic life, and philosophy; rather than the traditional motifs of motherhood or virtue. Similarly, tragicomedy emerges as the dominant form of dramatic literature, and such pieces become showcased in theatres – which become increasingly large and elaborate to accommodate a rising number of attendants. In order to further promote and spur economic development, settlement of the frontier regions – with its abundance of land and untapped resources – are heavily encouraged and patronized by the national government. Since children are an economic asset, many families – especially the lower-classes – begin to marry as soon as they enter the socially-acceptable marriageable age (in the late teens to the early 20s, especially for their sons) and bear more children; though abortion and prolonged breastfeeding remains ways for family to maintain their desired number of children. Government-owned frontier land is sold off at very low rates to landlords and tenant farmers alike, though for the former, the landlords can be revoked of their title to the land should they not develop it intensively or if they report disappointing yields. All city walls (consisting of rammed earth cores and brick exteriors) are annually maintained and reinforced, while an intricate system of canals and flattened dirt-roads are constructed to facilitate transport. As part of a public health and sanitation campaign, extensive sewer and plumbing systems, latrines, and public baths (accompanied by evaporative coolers) are built in all major settlements – with water being supplied by a comprehensive system of aqueducts and minor water channels. Meanwhile, irrigation channels and groundwater-wells are built in agricultural lands to provide an ample supply of water and fertilizer (as mulch or bovine manure) to crops; thus resulting in high agricultural productivity. Excess produce is either sold to the market or is stored within town granaries to ensure food security. With heightened demand for consumer goods (both for domestic consumption and for export), many bloomeries and workshops are built – manufacturing textiles (both sourced from silk and cotton), ceramics (mainly porcelaneous wares), luxury goods, farm tools, and military arms (reflex bows, swords, polearms, and arrows). The principal crops are wet-paddy rice and plantains, with maize serving as secondary crop used primarily to feed livestock. In addition, a wide variety of root crops, leafy vegetables, legumes, gourds, squashes, and exotic fruits are cultivated and consumed; providing Sillans a rich and varied diet. Regional economic specialization continues. Within Silla proper, tea, sugar beets, piña, ramie, and abaca are grown as cash crops. Aside from being the location of the majority of Sillan industry, other major industries include sericulture and beekeeping (to acquire honey and wax). Within the Makuku region, the farming of ratites (mainly rheas) and the hunting of wild reptile species are done for the purpose of acquiring leather. In addition, cocoa, sugarcane, cocoa, tobacco, and cannabis are grown both for culinary and medical purposes. The Olmac region specializes in the large-scale cultivation of cotton and maize (as a fodder crop), as well as the production of dyes, pigments, glassware and silverware. Within marshes or near bodies of water, artificial islands are constructed and planted with maize, squash, and beans – intercropped together to maximize agricultural yield. While each plot of land is small (less than a tenth of the hectare), it is capable of yielding seven harvests annually – enough to support a single household (assuming they allocate most produce for human consumption). In lower depths of water, however, deep-water rice varieties are cultivated. Finally, the areas of the lowest depths are reserved for farms raising fresh-water fish, mollusks (snails, clams), and crustaceans (shrimp, prawns, and crabs).
  • Qera: After a period of siege on Adjib territory, the partition of the kingdom is finally completed. Dholbalan gains some of the territory east of the Tallafoq river, while Qera takes the northern one-half of the territory in order to secure the mines in the mountain range to the east. the smaller part that is left at the borders of the nation of Genda is reformed to build a county, named Odzebaha. A minor count from the Uotqajua house is installed as leader through marriage with a princess from Adjiba. Spreading of the Qeran language is done by changing religious text from the native Adjiban language to Qeran. The pressure on the city folks is way higher than that on the peasantry, since Qeran merchants flood now the markets themselves and make Qeran the quasi-official language of trade. Meanwhile, major cultivations of potatoes led to new sorts of the plant, which can now be harvested three times a year. Spices like anise, cinnamon, nutmeg, black pepper and chili are harvested and sold all over the world. Especially the Qseren (Xera) markets are incredibely profitable. The Ulmists are accepted to Ogaholle and are allowed to settle there, yet missionising is strictly banned there. The count of Tortla is way more liberal on the topic as he allows to missionize in the county and nowhere else. The followers of the traditional Rhatixemy faith are still sceptical to the monotheistic religion. Due to the newly conquered wealths of Adjiba, the Qeran army can now be fully self-sufficient, not dependant on mercenary armies and their equipment. The land to the west along the southern mountains and 100 px up is now heavily settled and heavily fortified. Princess Zoelle gives birth to her fourth child in 619. Despite the good conditions the boy lived in, he died in the first months of his life. The expnasion of the Cyrphetzija continues with many more new settlements in the region (EXPAND 15 px INLAND) Major discoveries are made in medicine, as the first for of plastic surgeory is theorized by a prominent priest and doctor called Ycver the red. He theorized and experimented with people who lost parts of or their complete nose. To reproduce the nose, a part of the skin on the forehad (which has to be still attached to it) is cut in the shape of the nose, then the already healed part of the nose is rubbed raw with a knife and the peace of meat is bandaged over it. Chili is used to clear the wound and the regular consume of cannabis and the juice of the aloe vera plant to the would shall be applied until the face is completely healed. A sound shift happens around this time as well, as the sound "ɮ" officially enters the Qeran vowel inventory. The sound is transcribed as dl, compared to its voiceless counterpart ll. 
  • Hythia: Years 308-317 Since the Return of Hythus. Meunarchs Cystrof and Byan continue their support for Queen Aymfrodasti of Mythadia. Hythian forces sortie south and subdue the tribal regions recently conquered by Mythadia, putting down a small rebellion that had fermented there. With the southern frontier with the Irian states secured by levies raised by the queen’s loyalists, the Hythian Unar marches north and west to conquer the mouth of the Tythies and push up the coast to the Mythadian-Jyazarid frontier. The Queen continues her efforts to convince lords to join her, and the successes of the Hythian forces in the field of battle do much to convince them of her power and divine favor. With the Mythadian pretenders’ generally out-matched by Hythian military doctrine, experience, and armament the war goes rather smoothly. Meunarchs Cystrof and Byan agree to respect the Jyazadid demands. Queen Aymfrodasti is intentionally not included in these negotiations as her reputation for ferocity might worsen talks.
  • Ri'Kiva: Kal'If sends an envoy to the Mythadian isles, asking to marry Kal'If's daughter to the ruler's son. He also ends ten ships with aid and food, to help Mythadia recover. The expansion northward continues, against significant Garvnkt pressure. He also sends an envoy to Kjv'Arn, requesting submission [KJV'ARN RESPONSE NEEDED].
  • Kjv'Arn: The envoy from Ri'Kiva is beheaded, as such a demand is outrageous. With Hythian mercenary lancers to augment the normal army, expansion continues against the neighboring tribes, particularly to the south.
  • Tsimdomdu Kingdom: The Era of Development, going from 61 MU - 121 MU, gives rise to further centralization, the movement toward governmental reform, and the decline of tribal society within the region. In the era of the next two prophets, the Book of Borachu is written and produced, as the scope of followers increases from 10% to 34% of the population.
  • Thïgæ: With Sonaredar claiming they followed the treaty, confusion stirs among the populace, the court, and even the king himself. Clearly marked on all maps is the Sonaredarian claims north of the river, contested by Thïgæ. North of the river is supposed to be, according to the agreement, Thï land. In whatever case, the king claims that it was a misunderstanding and surviving settlers south of the river are to return immediately, or else they are not liable to protection by Thïgæ, and any land claimed for Thïgæ south of the river will not be recognized by the government. Yithït VI sincerely apologizes to Sonaredar and Vytgæ for such an aggressive attitude toward their nations due to a cartographic mistake on the borders of Sonaredar, but still asks Vyt to sign a non-aggression pact independent of Sonaredar to guarantee that Thïgæ will not be invaded. Cartographers are redispatched to the north to map all of the region's rivers again, just in case. Most of the straight rivers are seen to be running almost the exact same course, plus or minus a few meters, but the meandering rivers seem to have moved immensely since they were last mapped (miles), and this causes erosion to be studied more carefully by scientists. Normal life continues with the thought of a second conflict with Sonaredar subsiding. Vytï colonization toward the east worries politicians; however, nothing is said to Vytgæ. Tales of explorers seeing seadragons in the Far East makes many not go explore that region, and so expeditions east are halted. Expeditions west seem much more profitable, but Mangï tales of a hostile nation north of them halt it. For now, expeditions are sent into the jungles of the northwest and northeast. With Thï and Johdnapï (Johdnapananites) influences slowly starting to approach one another, the nation that seemed to be too far north to interact with grows closer with each and everyday. Sharing the same main river, Thï envoys are sent to form friendly ties with them and arrange for the trade of tropical fruits from the southern, tropical Thïgæ, and moderate climate fruits from the northern, Mediterranean foods. Grapes, olives, and wheat from Johdnapï make their way down to Thïgæ, of which only the former was previously undiscovered. Grapes turn into a delicacy, sometimes cooked with eel. The seemingly isolated state of Johdnapanan gets its first contact with iron from Daukani. More to come!
  • Yannis Empire: The Yannis Empire speaks out greatly against the “indoctrination centers” that the Thotite monster is attempting to spread across the world. Their policy of breeding more violent extremists will not be tolerated, and so the nation declares that all nations must remove the Thotite “schools” or the Yannis Empire will remove the schools for them. Any attempted school in the Yannis Empire created by the Thotites is easily destroyed, as the Yannian population prefers the Yannian schools, which teaches more advanced forms of all subjects and topics. The empire sends Holy Men to each city-state of Atnosia, which the Thotites call “Phorintheon” after the one city they must have barely discovered. These armed forces forcefully close down each and every school, at threat of death. A larger army is dispatched to Tohatia to join the independent Holy Men of that colony as well, as the Yannis Empire will now begin a liberation of the Exhulan region. The Yannis Empire marches south into the condemned territories, to destroy all Thotite training camps and “schools”, destroy their false prophets and liars, and to enact a noble crusade to restore the Yannian faith. A large number of Holy Men, and an impressive fleet, is also stationed at the Strait of Cival and in the Kingdom of the Isles, so that no Thotite heathens can attempt to travel to Exhula, should they foolishly send their forces on a suicide mission the thousands and thousands of miles through hostile water. The rest of the fleet continues to station in the homeland, with a large fleet and army guarding the Holy City and its coast. Praxion of Neum and all other scientists remains in our custody, and there will be no attempt by the Thotites to attack these brave men, just because their illogical, intolerant religion condemns men of science and learning. More and more people flee to the Yannis Empire from their oppressive wasteland. It is said that “Borad the Great” laughed when he learned of the Yannian inventions, because he finally say how much of a joke the Thotites were, and realized just how behind the Thotite realm was. Of course soon he likely fled to the Yannis Empire for proper science and research. The colony on the western coast continues to grow, and expands north toward the Darnan city-state. They are offered alliance within the Yannis Empire. In addition to the elite, heavy cavalry of the empire, the nation also invests in the sponsorship of horse archers. These new archers undergo heavy training and use in the nation. There is great celebration across the nation, as soon the nation of the Thotites will finally be purged from the earth.
  • Glorious Empire of Vhaynos: During this year we continue to make leaps and bounds as the great people continue to expand their reach over the land. The continual expansion of our land continues to bring many great innovations into the population, one of these such is the creation of the study of the stars. Under this the various stars that appear at certain times and in certain locations are recorded and named, most importantly the study creates a series of images for various explorers to follow while they are searching for new lands. Timoi Nichemel II also declares the opening of a brand new palace of maps within the royal palace complex in order to maintain a collection of all the maps they have ever collected. A new story called the Lament of the Dervatis, details a sailor who is lost at sea from his pregnant wife for 13 years and must take an heralding journey back avoiding monsters and all kinds of evil and treachery. Similarly the Vhanyosi building style continues to change, with it noticeably becoming more distinct and advanced. On the Island of Dakal a new kingdom is founded on the islands oldest colony, it is called the Kingdom of Arjazi, and is ruled by a Rej who reigns supreme over the Vhaynosi and the chiefs. The discovery of a new area to our south ignites a flame of curiosity and bravery in many, some do not make the journey to the land. However, some reach it. One such being the great explorer Izimel who launches an expedition down its coast to the west exploring it and returning home despite many of his crew dying from an odd sickness. Another is Lejerah an explorer of Mixed Benyisran and Vhaynosi descent. His exploration consists of two crews, he heads down the river but due to bad conditions is forced to take one of the crews back, another is sent down farther south. However, their fate is still yet unknown. Meanwhile, in the North, in the city of Rythnos another entreprising explorer/merchant rises unlike the others who were motivated by a thirst for knowledge, his is for a general desire for gold and glory. He comes on a great journey going from rythnos to Draka, to Irīserai, then traveling through the Mystical lands of mithadia where men live on marble cliffs, and Yizradids where half-men and half-horse people dwell, all the way to the mysterious land of Riserai where the land freezes all except its natives and the people have fire woven into their hair by some magic yet unknown to us to keep themselves warm, all the way into lands yet unknown. Meanwhile, the city of Rythnos continues to thrive off the spice trade growing fat and rich along with the school of explorers gaining more prestige, along with its cartographers. Within the main land the Saamani continues to spread along the south even infiltrating some of Dvama. The cultural integration of Jadalan continues with positions being offered to those who assimilate integrating them into society along with intermarriage rising, the percentage of those who identify more as Vhaynosi than Jadalani has risen to 31%.
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: In Year 40 it is estimated that the fourth generation of the king was born in isolation. At this time the king also decreed that high ranking members of his society would create harems as well, leading to the first ever generation of children born not of the king. The king continued to grow old, deformed, and deranged, but focused on establishing his legacy first and foremost. Many books would be written in the king’s private quarters, passed on secretly to subsequent kings. When the king finally died he was succeeded by his son as king. King II continued his father’s practices of fathering as many children has humanly possible, preaching the worship of royalty and the giver of grain, and steadily building their underground kingdom deeper below ground. In the outside world the underground society became completely lost to human recollection, especially as the new government of the Zelonuma Emiresq sought to erase knowledge of the disgraced king. The religion created as a result of the king spreads across the nation. Dozens of giant mounds of earth are created, with temples located on top of each hill, becoming centers of worship. The religion slowly spreads to Darna as well and beyond, and soon the exact location of the original temple is lost. In the capital and other major cities people gather at the temple and offer sacrifices, with high priests casting food down each temple’s central hole.
  • Telachitul Republic: Mostly focused on expansion, Unafir seems interested in continuing most of the domestic polices of his predecessor. As such, annual taxes again swell the nation's treasury by 500 kg of gold over the decade. In addition, the glut of trade provides Armerra with another source of revenue to tax, taking in 300 kg of gold over the decade (to 7,400 kg). The set of symbols now being called Eltaphu continues its development under the priests of Icrodel. Slow progress continues being made, with a basic alphabet starting to take shape, But outside of the temples, standards remain wildly inconsistent, with average traders using a haphazard mix of proper Eltaphu, foreign characters, and even drawings. However, the system is advanced enough for a priest named Mexotautl compiling the first book of Icrodel myths and prayers, called Eveiel. Seeing the value in this development, Unafir continues Armeera's policy of funding both the scholars who hope to advance Eltaphu, as well as the Icrodel religion itself, working to maintain temples. The Republic's exploration also continues. In the south, much of the planned expansion is completely, though colonization continues with the goal of fully encompassing Elcerak, the lake to the south. In the north, the Republic hopes for a more peaceful mode of colonization. Trade continues to bring the region deeper in the Republic's sphere of influence. The ultimate goal is to expand northward and incorporate the less organized communities peacefully into the Republic. Without the south taking as much effort, the republic is able to expand north more rapidly. In addition, the reign of Unafir sees the continued growth on the Telachitul navy, keeping even the most unwilling natives in line. With the republic thoroughly dominating the coast both militarily and economically, a few settlements begin to grow, attracting both republican citizens and foreigners. In particular, a significant settlement directly across the bay from Itochitul (the capital) continues to experience significant growth, mostly because of its convenience as a docking location for both merchant and naval ships. The colony's location makes it a useful place to manage both colonization and trade along the coast. In addition several coastal settlements in the north and a settlement at the northern tip of the southern lake see moderate growth. With operations on the coast going smoothly, Unafir seeks to make further progress inland. Obviously, this leads to more resistance as the republic's trade and naval advantages are largely moot, but the vast superiority of Telchitul weaponry means moderate expansion is possible, and any foreigners likely can't pose a credible threat to the republic. In addition, the expansion inland gives the republic a convenient source of slaves, particularly from a resistant group the republic calls the Telabarbur. As a result, slavery begins to proliferate, mostly across the rural regions of the republic, serving as a moderate boon to the agrarian sectors of the economy. However, the constant threat of attack leads Unafir to start investing in a more organized militia system, which he hopes to formalize over the next decade. Iron working, trade, and ship building continue to thrive as the main industries of Itochitul, the capital city. Ship building is particularly important, as it allows for large scale transport of goods along the coast, which in turn facilitate relatively quick colonization, as well as further trading.
  • Khin Federation: Weaponry and armor of the Khin Army improve further. The number of freemen and slaves in the federation continues to grow, resulting in expansion into the northern lakes. The rest of the Valun, other than the few city-states set up as vassals for trade, the few settlements in northern Valun as trading hubs and settlements given or occupied by the Xera, is razed, its treasures plundered and the rest of the population enslaved and brought north.. Thanist theology continues development. The Court denounces Dangahran, questioning his motives of desiring Valun land, when the riders of Khin has extracted all values from the land. The Chanri Jangah also points to the prosperous trade that has been conducted with the Xera. A Great Hunt is organized to celebrate the victory against the Valun and also for the Chanri Jangah to secure his standing. 
  • Mesallian Culture: In the year of the 105th Jafiad (Year 620), a historian named Gresus would write a detailed account of the state of the Syresian Strait, providing insight on the lives of the Mesallians living in the region. The settlement of a Syresian city in the northeast corner of the western continent largely dominated the coastline, growing quickly in comparison to other settlements along the coast. In addition to the existing settlements, a city was also founded near a small inlet, which would be known as Esgaros, which at the time of Gresus’ journey was the smallest of three independent city-states located along the coast. In addition to the city of Syres, the largest city by far in that region, the Kingdom of Canim largely dominated the south. Canim would also launch an expedition under King Euthydemus III into the north of the north, which successfully expanded the kingdom’s borders along the mountains. Wedged between the Mesallian kingdoms and the Yannian colony was the tribe of Bascula, which found itself increasingly under siege by foreign powers in all directions. Forced to adapt, the kingdom would adopt a fusion of Yannian, Mesallian, and Syresian ideas, in the hopes of remaining on friendly terms with all powers of the region. In the town of Trunum the Basculans would build their a series of temples to the main faiths. First the high chief welcomed a Mesallian priest to the kingdom, adopting the Mesallian name Zesoronus, which would become his most common name to historians. Then he constructed a Yannian temple, where the high chief of the kingdom was christened Zesbenuctel in the Yannian faith. Lastly, an Ulmian preacher came to Trunum, and the king adopted the name Zares in the Ulmian faith.The high chief’s toleration and odd curiosity with foreign religions would not last long, as after his death his many children, all of which of varying faiths, often quarreled with one another. Across the narrow strait in the Yannian continent, many of the Mesallian settlers were already Yanno-Mesallian or recent Yannian converts, but a new minority also formed blending the two religions. A few years later Gresus is believed to have written another chapter, this time traveling along the edges of the Yannis Empire. Here he recorded many of the folklore legends of the locals, including customs and traditions of a religion born from the two prior ones. He observes that many Mesallians have adopted the Yannian concept of the divisible divinity, i.e., that certain beings in the pantheon have been split into smaller parts, and he observes myths of the Mesallian religion being placed into Yannian history.
  • Beraba: As the Beraban knowledge of the world expands, so does the desire for trade and expansion. The expansion north finally creates a land border with Gahren through which goods flow freely up and down the Salt Road. Expansion east envelops Lake Conylt, with a large settlement established on the east side of the lake to serve as a trade hub between Beraba and Karyat (Qaryaat). Beraban magistrates also negotiate with Gahren for preferential access to Gahrenese ports in exchange for a percentage of the trade that would be coming through those ports on Beraban merchant ships. Beraba begins to become a trading hub where goods from as far west as Kera (Qera) and Exhula are exchanged for goods from as far east as Iria. The most lucrative trade is in spices and precious metals, especially Beraban silver, which is shipped down river from the mines in the mountains.


In the central valley of Ngauyipalo Desert, one of the highest ranking generals of the Watergarchy of Salasgramada deserts and leads a liberation of slaves north, heading toward the holy and monolithic Pillars of Pemacagunda, where slaves are traditionally freed at. According to legend, a nomadic Longwalker by the name of Nepakoori Mahcks topples the ancient dictatorship, by allying with the slaves, and he kills Watergarch Demsnecaga the Immortal as he leads his army against the escaping slaves. A great social upheaval occurs in the remainder of his kingdom, with Demsnecaga’s private river being given to the nomads and impoverished laborers of the valley, and Nepakoori disappearing into the mountains.

The nation of Drachenia is pushed back in defeat during its war in the east, finding it especially difficult to combat so many nations at once. In total the Drachenians suffer 3,100 casualties, between attacks in the east, northeast, and south.

The surprise attack from the Xeran Empire successfully sacks many settlements, slaughtering numerous civilians, and causing havoc for survivors. The city of Darna is damaged, killing thousands of people. During the attack on the coast, however, the Xerans are beaten back, in total suffering the loss of 18 ships.

The Yannian-Tohatian invasion of Exhula’s colony is successful, with the Yannians capturing the upper region of the colony. In total the Yannians suffer 1,400 casualties, the Tohatians suffer 1,900 casualties, and the Exhulans suffer 3,000 casualties and numerous civilian losses. Likewise the Yannian raid against Atnosia is successful in eliminating the majority of foreign influences in the major cities.

During the Hythian invasion of Mithadia, much of the region around the central river surrenders to the rule of Queen Aymfrodasti. The last rival claimant on the mainland, Shasumtura IV, successfully beats back a Hythian assault, to continue control over the far south of the kingdom. The Mithadian navy also successfully repulses any attempt by Hythia or its allies to expand beyond the mainland, although afterward one of the Mithadian admirals, Arcrama, turns on the Mithadian government to seize control over Mithadia’s western most colonies, known collectively by their capital city, Cirsyemit.

The Khin nobleman Dangahrun manages to evade Khin or Xeran capture, with his army becoming known as the “Zuen Federation”. He successfully defeats the governor of Neum in battle to exert control over northeast Xera/southeast Khin.

  • Drachenia: Seeing so many of our nation's men dead, Heidegger decides to offer the Sudlanders a 50-year period of peace since the battles at sea have not been necessarily beneficial to either parties and it is distracting the main armies from the main battle plus although at war, there is greater respect to be maintained between those of ancestral brotherhood than the savagery and unholiness of those on our very own island. The navy of the Drachenian nation are left to just patrol the southern coast seeing nothing of worth blocking ships at sea but rather just using the navy for defense. The Drachenians raising more men to make up for their losses see them being sent off to battle troops are left to patrol the northern border for any attacks brought upon by the alliance. Tribesman are paid to report any actions by the alliance when it comes to their moves and preparations. The main focus of the army go for the confederacy. Defenses such as barriers are stacked up along the northern border to further secure Drachenian territory. The Cavalry are sent into assault the Confederate Army with bows and arrows in use while the triangle formation remains in usage allowing the potential for penetration in the lines of the enemy as the men spearhead through with the backing of cavalry. Settlement continues to be encouraged eastward while once tribal lands begin to be cultivated by the people who took part in change. This has paved a way for fields of wheat and grain while others for produce. Roads are extended to keep up with expansion. The Konigreich continues to see a year of economic expansion domestically while it seeks trade with other nations as the likes of Yannis and toward the south. Partine and Compeya become the two towns recognized as the breadbasket of the nation. Many Pray to the Dragons asking for aid in our time of need, to bring the people and their families honor and victory. Ships patrol the Eastern Shore as well and only assaults ships recognized as those of the navy within the confederacy. With expansion east, higher levels of protection are given to the settlers for they may feel more safe and secure while battles occur north. Land areas are deforested to make for fields to grow and develop agriculturally. In combat, weapons from sharpened daggers and axes to Longspears and shields see their fair share of being used.
    • The Drachenian attack is repulsed, owing in part to their enemies' use of the mountainous terrain to ambush the invaders. The Drachenians suffer 3,450 casualties. The Sudlanders accept a 50-year peace.
  • Nura Gakan: Following the death of Chin Tan, his son Chaga Tan is picked as the new Gakakan over the Gakan. Chaga Tan's first order of business is work on uniting the many disorganized polytheism monks and religious folks by ordering many important monks to join him in the capital (Ulrom) where he tried to form a new organized polytheistic religion. When not spending his Mondays and Tuesdays trying to form a new religion. He spends his Wednesdays working with military-minded folks who mostly try to convince him to adapt a new weapon or tactics, causing Chaga to work on uniting horseback and Infantry movement into one tactical thing. Gakani farmers begin to set up farms and things of that sort by the Two-River Region. Chaga Tan's first foreign policy move would be to spend traders toward the two rivers (Fleavate River and Decent River), most of Chaga's trade ships are sent toward the Fleavate River, both river traders are told to report what they find and trade if possible. His second foreign policy move would be to expand westward to take over the remaining coastline, by sending settlers and in some cases troops to help protect them. 
  • Xeran Empire: At long last, after countless generations of careful study and research, many hardships and tons of spent silver, the Monks of Jiff finally broke through with the most revolutionary invention of Xeran history: the Taco(c). Being the perfect blend of every edible crop indigenous to the empire, the taco(c) is dubbed by all the western world as "the perfect sandwich". Emperor Vanden died and was succeeded by Nathon II, a very soft-spoken monarch who was fond of being liked and appreciated by all he knew. Nathon finalized the earlier reforms to the economy, fully standardizing the mining and agricultural systems across the empire from Sephimora to Fotashe. The far western districts were focused on mining the mountains for precious minerals, mainly silver, gold, copper, tin and alumite. The more eastern regions of Edom and Sephimora were far more agricultura, primarily growing wheat, corn, tomatos, cabbages, and raising cows as livestock. The central regions, with the most urbanization around Azoz and Teman, did a variety of both as they had done since ancient times. Many local banks begin to form for public stores of money, mostly in the coastal cities of Neum, Serita, and and Nerimos, which likewise begin charging interest. Emperor Nathon also repurposed the eastern fleet toward establishing a continuous trade network across the eastern sea as far as Sillas. A variety of beans, vegetables, and spices are purchased in bulk from Sillas and Qera and shipped back to Xera, or alternatively sold at ports in between to Emalia or Bangor to be sold in their own markets at a marked up price. In return, prescious minerals, agricultural products and tacos(c) are sold along these same routes, and exported through them to even farther lands in the east as yet unexploed. A smaller trade route is also set up in the west, selling minerals through Isimadia and Otan, hoping to use this trade to ease tensionsn and establish an alliance with the common enemy of Darna. In Iskandaria, Borad the Great is accredited for making the Edomine Planetarium, being a very large and crude mechanism with countless weights and pulleys for being a three-dimensional representation of the Solar System. Based on the mathematical ratios of music developed in Syres many years ago, a number of different instruments began to be developed in Sephimora. These instruments were some earlier ancestors of the modern drums, xylophone, and guitar mainly, forming the official Temple Band of Nerimos. Among the military of Xera, the crossbow was first developed and used to augment the archers. Immediately upon hearing the defeat of Neum to the Zeun, Nathon rallied a large military force to push back the apparent nomadic invasion, reclaiming the territorial borders set up by his father. Seeing Yannis react so violently against the peaceful, harmless missions in Phorinthon, a new expedition from Xera explores over the whole of the island, extending trade and diplomacy with all the indigenous tribes there and sympathize with their oppression of the Yannian invaders. Lawrenx the Bold, leader of this expedition, spent several years mingling with the cultues of Atnosia, working to learn their exact ways of life while offering them help stand together as a unified confederacy against all outside oppression. In the far north, Ulmian monks are sent to help establish an organized school system among the recently-established culture north of Syres. Trade and diplomacy are extended with the king, and any assistance is granted to maintain their unique culture and way of life. Nathon offers the leader of the Great Lakes a large dowry to have his daughter's hand in marriage. Seeing Yannis' war directly threaten our ally Exhula, a large contingent of ships in the eastern navy are sent to drive at the Straits of Yannis. The naval commander, Myatus the Younger, focuses primarily on sinking any and all transport ships he can find, and fleeing away from the Yannis warships, and in such a war of attrition whittle down the forces Yannis is capable of sending to Exhula. Myatus was shrewd as well, however, and made sure to organize an orderly retreat as soon as he had dealt all the damage that he could. 
  • Sillan Republic: Cabeza Dōgana dies in year 635, with her death resulting in minor civil strife due to the issue of succession, as she has not nominated a successor. After three month period in which executive power was temporarily exercised by the other five Ministers, a 28-year old legion officer by the name Banzena is sworn into office. Her ascension marks the end of the informal "Qi dynasty", in which the members of the Qi clan (commencing with Sanza and concluding with Dōgana) repeatedly won the office of the Cabeza. Partially due to a larger population, but also due to the increasing distinction and stratification between the nobility and commoner-class, conscription becomes rarer. With the ascension of a laxer ruler, several sweeping reforms are instituted. All religions are legalized and worship of different religions no longer requires a government license. However, the government (particularly the Ministry of Rites) still registers and collects data on different religions. Ulmism, due to its status as Silla's sole organized religion, continues to increase due to both natural causes and conversion efforts – with 4% of the total population adhering to it. Its growth coincides with increased evangelization. The new Cabeza patronizes high culture, particular literature, and philosophy. Two rival ideologies emerge: Bandenism (founded by a philosopher named Banden), which is rationalist and secular, and rests upon the assumption that humans are fundamentally flawed; and Natanism (founded by a philosopher named Natana), which is inherently humanist and centers on the promotion of virtue and arts to celebrate the positive aspects of human nature. Meanwhile, inheritance laws are revised. All inheritable land must be at least two hectares in size, in order to prevent the formation of increasingly smaller and dispersed estates. As a result, many smaller plots of land are consolidated under a single owner. The population recovers, due to higher births and earlier marriages due to increased agrarianism and the economic value of children. The settlement of Silla proper and the frontier continues, primarily by landless Sillans but also including landlords (who are granted more land in exchange for developing them) and non-ethnic Sillan provincials who seek work in large-scale agricultural estates and plantations under a contract. All idle land is exploited, and terracing is used to increase the amount of cultivated land. Furthermore, improvements in grain storage, irrigation, tools, organic fertilizers; and the introduction of root crops in marginal lands such as hill slopes and dry soils (where they do not compete with traditional staples); further augment agricultural output. Due to the rise of absentee landlordism, many landlords begin to use intermediaries to supervise and report the status of their estates, while still residing within the Silas metropolitan area. Several new cities, established mainly from pre-existing settlements or fortified towns, are established; including five such colonies in the Makuku provinces (to further facilitate the process of Sillanization). All city walls (consisting of rammed earth cores and brick exteriors) are annually maintained and reinforced, while an intricate system of canals and flattened dirt-roads are constructed to facilitate transport. As part of a public health and sanitation campaign, extensive sewer and plumbing systems, latrines, and public baths (accompanied by evaporative coolers) are built in all major settlements – with water being supplied by a comprehensive system of aqueducts and minor water channels. Meanwhile, irrigation channels and groundwater-wells are built in agricultural lands to provide an ample supply of water and fertilizer (as mulch or bovine manure) to crops; thus resulting in high agricultural productivity. Excess produce is either sold to the market or is stored within town granaries to ensure food security. With heightened demand for consumer goods (both for domestic consumption and for export), many bloomeries and workshops are built – manufacturing textiles (both sourced from silk and cotton), ceramics (mainly porcelaneous wares), luxury goods, farm tools, and military arms (reflex bows, swords, polearms, and arrows). The principal crops are wet-paddy rice and plantains, with maize serving as secondary crop used primarily to feed livestock. In addition, a wide variety of root crops, leafy vegetables, legumes, gourds, squashes, and exotic fruits are cultivated and consumed; providing Sillans a rich and varied diet. Regional economic specialization continues. Within Silla proper, tea, sugar beets, piña, ramie, and abaca are grown as cash crops. Aside from being the location of the majority of Sillan industry, other major industries include sericulture and beekeeping (to acquire honey and wax). Within the Makuku region, the farming of rarities (mainly rheas) and the hunting of wild reptile species are done for the purpose of acquiring leather. In addition, cocoa, sugarcane, cocoa, tobacco, and cannabis are grown both for culinary and medical purposes. The Olmac region specializes in the large-scale cultivation of cotton and maize (as a fodder crop), as well as the production of dyes, pigments, glassware and silverware. Within marshes or near bodies of water, artificial islands are constructed and planted with maize, squash, and beans – intercropped together to maximize agricultural yield. While each plot of land is small (less than a tenth of the hectare), it is capable of yielding seven harvests annually – enough to support a single household (assuming they allocate most produce for human consumption). In lower depths of water, however, deep-water rice varieties are cultivated. Finally, the areas of the lowest depths are reserved for farms raising fresh-water fish, mollusks (snails, clams), and crustaceans (shrimp, prawns, and crabs).
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: The tsar passes away this year at the old age of 93. He is succeeded by his son who takes the name of Konstantin I. As is customary for the new monarch, he makes the holy pilgrimage to the Holy Dodo and receives its blessing. The coronation of the tsar begins with the tsar reciting the ancestral oath. After this, he or she is presented with the crown jewels, the golden apple, scepter and the Golden Dodo statue. After this he begins holding court from the throne room. The royal throne is made of gold and diamonds and engraved with pictures of the Dodo.
  • Irian Culture: Following a collapse of Mithadian rule in the north, the Halene tribes occupy the region north of the Dio River, while the Sinenes settle further east. The chieftains of the two groups form a greater union known as the Lossa Confederation. In Thrydacia, popular opposition to Xenicetes' rule leads to revolt. The government crushes the insurrection ruthlessly and carries out a series of executions in the capital to punish the rebels and discourage further revolt. Meanwhile, the cult of Phythos spreads rapidly outward from Ambra. Membership includes some high-ranking officials and nobility. Xenicetes tries to curtail the power of the Phythian cult by ceasing to sponsor religious institutions and promoting the worship of the traditional Irian fire god, Velvog. The city of Akodopolis grows significantly after much immigration from the countryside. Central Thrydacia becomes more populated as well, and a city called Ledalum appears between the Ima River and Mount Cambor.
    • Solcia: The reign of the latest king, Neboleptes Camus Andus, commonly known as "Nebo the Tyrant", has been burdensome for the people of Solcia. Thus far, the king has gained the reputation of being utterly arbitrary in matters of serious judgment, easily giving into lustful tendencies, and being ineffectual in managing the politics of the realm. At times his foolish decision making coupled with greed have caused needless violence and death. As a king, he is often compared to his father, who is remembered and respected for his true courage, his loyalty to the people, and his prowess on the battlefield. Now, in an effort to improve his image and live up to that of his father, Neboleptes decides to undertake a military campaign for the glory of Solcia. He marches north into the hilly land of Hecyra, and forces the king to submit to tributary status at swordpoint. He founds the city of Palaca on the Cebrion River near the border of the Kingdom of Hecyra and the province of Nolossia. Yet, still not satisfied, he goes farther into Joredesh, intending to pillage and conquer the land.
  • Qaryaat: King Husam declares war on the kingdom of Mawan-Jaho (Mohejaro). 20,000 land troops, mostly camel cavalry and heavy infantry, are sent to march to meet the Mohejaran army in the desert regions, where the Qaryaati troops are most accostumed to and the Mohejaran troops are the least effective. The Qaryaati army plans to march to the Mohejaran capital after defeating the Mohejaran army. (ALGO NEEDED) King Husam reaches out to Solcia (IRIA RESPONSE NEEDED), Avsylann, and Kepitis to send troops (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED), and to Paotualma, Algeorgia, and Mithadias to send mercenaries. (MOD AND ALGEORGIA RESPONSE NEEDED) The colony of Bizafir is expanded both north and south along the coast, with the southern edge going down to the Mohejaran border. Meanwhile, the colony of Maqiri expands southward inland. In all territories and colonies, settlers are sent to loosely-claimed areas of the kingdom to consolidate control over said areas. A Rohanist temple is built in Gomis. Meanwhile, more granaries are built in Maqiri, Gomis, and Bizafir. The trading outpost on Saqqatra develops into a town, also known as Saqqatra. Literature becomes increasingly popular, with theatrical drama among the most popular genres. Most plays revolve around either stories from Pehraist lore or from the history of Qaryaat. King Husam sends envoys to Algeorgia with an alliance and trade deal. With the trade deal, we offer spices, dyes, tree resin, iron, livestock, fish, fruit, oil, and sugar for Algeorgia's famed diamonds. (ALGEORGIA RESPONSE NEEDED)
    • Solcian Diplomacy: The Solcian diplomat replies that, as King Neboleptes is on an important military campaign at the moment, he cannot attend the war in Alyadis.
  • Exhulan Empire: Not much of the history in this decade has been well recorded in the modern day, but what we do know is dominated by reports on the Yannian-Exhulan war begun in the last years of the previous decade by Yannis in an unprovoked war of expansion. It is not known how many soldiers exactly were raised, but it is estimated that there were around 60,000 gathered and sent to fight the Yannians in Exhulas lands bordering Yannis. They quickly attack Yannian forces in the parts of Exhulan territory which they had managed to claim in the last years before Yannis can fortify them, with the support of the local populace against the Yannias (WHo massacered many of them and attempted to suppress the Hcctaal religion) and the damage to the fortifications existing in the region from the Yannian invasion contributing greatly to the Exhulan counterattack in 634. The Large Exhulan navy is also mobalized in response to the Yannian invasion, with Exhulan Ships blocking all Yannian attempts to push into Exhulan Waters and the Exhulan navy Launching a major attack in the area north of Atnosia in 636). Meanwhile, we Call on our alliance with Qera for military aid, stating that if we fall they are the likley next target and that we are military allies and they are thus obligated to support us (QERA RESPONSE NEEDED). We also attempt to reach out to our other allies, and thus Request millitary assistance from our ally Xera in the form of an attack on Yannis from there side to spli there forces, pointing out that Yannis is their traditional enemy and that Yannis is likley to enslave or murder any Ulmians in our territory if they conquer us, as well as the fact they would lose a trade partner and ally if Yannis succeeds (XERAN RESPONSE NEEDED). Meanwhile, the Ocyror Dynasty established by the previous regents son continues to rule under Emperor Baruth I, who is a relatively capable ruler.
  • Mesalliam Culture: The king of Ephenus, Pyrander, would die soon after his successful defense of the the kingdom against the Kingdom of Emalia. He would be succeeded by his son Haliecles III. During his reign the kingdom’s independence within the Xeran Empire would begin to be eroded, as for the first time since the Sephimoran civil war the conflicts in the region had settled down, and Xeran administrators arrived in the region officially. To this end, historians consider the reign of Haliecles III as the beginning of Xera’s de facto control over Ephenus, despite being de jure part of the empire for some time. This period would also mark the beginning of a great promotion of the Ulm religion, despite the king himself, and much of the kingdom’s nobility, being followers of the Mesallian faith, with remnants of the Emalian faith also being popular, from the capital’s time under Emalian control. This process began with Haliacles III ordering the construction of a new basilica in the capital, in an effort to incur favor with the Xeran government and its Ulmian supporters. The king would also be wed to a woman named Idomea, who was a relative of the Holy Patra. Ironically, the expensive temple construction led to increased taxes, as well as discontent from the Enulmian population and other non-Ulmians. In the year of the 107th Jafiad (Year 628) a brief conflict erupted between Sephimora and Ephenus, owing to the Sephimorans claiming the lucrative trade cities near the border. With Emalia no longer threatening Ephenus, due to the increased Xeran presence, Sephimora would be defeated. However, pressured by their overlord, Haliecles III would seek to create a more lasting peace applicable to both sides. The result was an agreement that would take effect on his death, later known as “Haliecles’ Will”. This agreement stipulated which towns would support who, and also created a buffer zone of “free cities”, which would be direct properties of the empire, rather than nested within the provincial hierarchy. Haliecles III was also married to the daughter of Vedun VII, and a later stipulation in the king’s will would arrange for how the kingdom would be divided internally upon his death. Haliacles’ eldest daughter, Pyra, would be appointed Ethnarch of the Emalian Hexarchy, which consisted of the six largest cities of Emalian descent, located primarily in the region south of Ephenus and near the Emalian border. The son Pyrander would be appointed head of the interior province of Talgara, and during his lifetime he would cave in to local pressure to convert to the Enulmian faith. Another son named Agetos would be granted the Princedom of Dacelos, which would form the smallest province in area but one of the largest in population. A third son named Xerangedirus would rule the Princedom of Ghanis, while the eldest son, Ptelamus, would rule as the overarching province. In practice this succession changed greatly after the death of Haliecles III, which occurred in the fourth year of the 109th Jafiad (Year 639). Notably the death of Agetos only a few years into his reign led to a brief conflict over the city of Dacelos. Instead the city became a free city as well, becoming an influential city in the free city system. During this time the rivers sprouting from the Ema Delta would see increased settlement and growth, owing to their fertile soil along the river. For the first time the population of the interior began to catch up to the population of the coast. The displacement of the Emalian religion in the north, due to the increasing influence of the Mesallian culture, led to the Emalian religion taking refuge in the south. Overall, the dominant religion remained the Enulmian faith, followed by the Mesallian religion and Ulmism. In Sephimora the king Vedun VII would be succeeded by Levian IV, who likewise created subdivisions within the kingdom to better manage affairs.
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: During this time the reign of the second king in isolation began, with his second generation being born. Many children would be born heavily deformed or unhealthy, and these children were often considered cursed and sent to the bottom of the pits. When a child died his flesh was consumed by others, so that no food went to waste. The growing of fungi became very popular, with bioluminescent fungus being used to illuminate the underground kingdom. King II would die near Year 45 and be replaced by King III. Unlike his predecessors he had a soft side for decorative work, and ordered that the walls near the top levels be crafted and shaped. A number of great carvings would be created by the king, emphasizing religion and worship of the monarch. Soon all knowledge of any other world died away, and the underground kingdom in isolation became their only world. In the Zelonuma Emiresq the nation expanded south into the lower plains, and north along the coast, centered around a northern inlet. The Darnan city-state near the Yannian colony would cave to its demands.
  • Thïgæ: Yithït VI dies in 631, a few years before the unveiling of his greatest temple, the Jugr Kalapha. Completed in 634, the temple still stands as a landmark of one of the architectual masterpices of the time from the era and region. The general confusion along the borderline with Sonaredar is cut down when Yithït Aropha Vithi Rothar VII, the successor of Yithït VI claims the southwestern Aforazi valley, taking most of the vauable land in the east, leaving less land to contest with Sonaredar. With claimed areas along the rivers being rapidly ruralized, many farmers turn to the less costly lands along the coast. The eastern coast is claimed, and the coast becomes ruralized along with areas along the remaining free rivers. The east continues to go unexplored; however, areas north of Mang are. The main river of the Aforazi Valley is named the Aforazi River. Scientists and religious followers for once have similar theories on the creation of the valley; it was a lake once. This turns into a religious belief that the world was all and ocean before the lord and savior Rothar created the world and had children with the sun, which became the minor gods. Then, he planted the first humans and the first animals.
  • Hythia: Years 318-327 Since the Return of Hythus. Both Meunarchs Cystrof and Byan die of age and are suceeded by their sons, Ayrestisis and Jyantus. Queen Aymfrodasti, mother of Jyantus, continues her struggle for control of Mythadia. Hythian forces, now augmented by the forces of loyal lords along the river, secure all of mainland Mythadia except for the realm of Shasumtura IV. The Hythian Unar, numbering some 30,000 Hythians, and 20,000 loyal Mythadian troops lay siege to Shasumtura’s capital in the south. Great bolt-throwers of all types, mangonels, and rams are employed to destroy the defenses of the city. Because the southern region of Mythadia remains largely tribal and lightly populated the defenders remain outnumbered and unable to raise more troops from their dwindling resources. The Solician invasion in Joredesh is condemned. Hythia’s vassals are called to arms and a force of some 35,000 is raised. Comprised of 4,000 Hythian lancers, 6,000 Hythian mounted skirmishers, and 25,000 infantry, cavalry, and archers from Hythia’s vassals, the army marches to meet the Solician threat.
  • Telachitul Republic: Mostly focused on expansion, Unafir seems interested in continuing most of the domestic polices of his predecessor. As such, annual taxes again swell the nation's treasury by 500 kg of gold over the decade. In addition, the glut of trade provides Armerra with another source of revenue to tax, taking in 300 kg of gold over the decade (to 7,400 kg). The set of symbols now being called Eltaphu continues its development under the priests of Icrodel. Slow progress continues being made, with a basic alphabet starting to take shape, But outside of the temples, standards remain wildly inconsistent, with average traders using a haphazard mix of proper Eltaphu, foreign characters, and even drawings. However, the system is advanced enough for a priest named Mexotautl compiling the first book of Icrodel myths and prayers, called Eveiel. Seeing the value in this development, Unafir continues Armeera's policy of funding both the scholars who hope to advance Eltaphu, as well as the Icrodel religion itself, working to maintain temples. The Republic's exploration also continues. In the south, much of the planned expansion is complete. In the north, the Republic hopes for a more peaceful mode of colonization. Trade continues to bring the region deeper in the Republic's sphere of influence. The ultimate goal is to expand northward and incorporate the less organized communities peacefully into the Republic. Without the south taking as much effort, the republic is able to expand north more rapidly. In addition, the reign of Unafir sees the continued growth on the Telachitul navy, keeping even the most unwilling natives in line. With the republic thoroughly dominating the coast both militarily and economically, a few settlements begin to grow, attracting both republican citizens and foreigners. In particular, a significant settlement directly across the bay from Itochitul (the capital) continues to experience significant growth, mostly because of its convenience as a docking location for both merchant and naval ships. The colony's location makes it a useful place to manage both colonization and trade along the coast. In addition several coastal settlements in the north and a settlement at the northern tip of the southern lake see moderate growth. With operations on the coast going smoothly, Unafir seeks to make further progress inland. Obviously, this leads to more resistance as the republic's trade and naval advantages are largely moot, but the vast superiority of Telchitul weaponry means moderate expansion is possible, and any foreigners likely can't pose a credible threat to the republic. In addition, the expansion inland gives the republic a convenient source of slaves, particularly from a resistant group the republic calls the Telabarbur. As a result, slavery begins to proliferate, mostly across the rural regions of the republic, serving as a moderate boon to the agrarian sectors of the economy. However, the constant threat of attack leads Unafir to start investing in a more organized militia system, which he hopes to formalize over the next decade. Iron working, trade, and ship building continue to thrive as the main industries of Itochitul, the capital city. Ship building is particularly important, as it allows for large scale transport of goods along the coast, which in turn facilitate relatively quick colonization, as well as further trading.
  • Yannis Empire: The foolish Thotite ships fall right into our trap, and soon every Thotite trade ship is captured, thoroughly searched, and all Ulmist extremists and heathens slaughtered. We make a great fortune destroying the Thotite fleet, which has ventured too far from home and too far into our clutches. The network of lies they have attempted to create, by sending these ships to Sillas and others, has been completely broken. This is part of our firm policy to ensure that no Olmerite lies can be falsely spread around the world. The straits continue to be heavily guarded, with more and more ships being created. By this time our navy has grown immensely (exact numbers privately sent), with new ships being created. New vessels are produced with artillery mounted to its decks, large siege towers, and room for the most elite units. The navy guards the western straits, the southern coast, and the eastern straits, ensuring that the Thotites cannot escape their sea. The Holy Men loyal to the Yannian faith pour into the Exhulan land. They enact their vengeance by killing all Ulmists they can discover, and ensure that the Yannians are protected. We make it clear that this isn’t a “war of expansion”, like the uninformed Exhulan propagandists claim. This is a righteous crusade, to liberate the lands that Exhula falsely corrupted, after we trusted them time and again to adopt the true faith. Instead they spit on our kind efforts to guide them toward salvation, enslaved their own people, and massacred the hol. Now the enlightened and civilized nations of the world, which barbaric states have sought to assault, stand in a grand alliance. This righteous and just alliance enacts their holy duty upon the Exhulans for their incorrect behavior. We have no choice but to discipline their ignorant people, for the betterment of themselves and all mankind. The first Yannian army of great magnitude is dispatched across the straits to join the army of mostly Tohatians. Having captured a small portion of Exhulan land, it is ordered that the river be fortified and defended, as a wave of creatures pours out from the wilds to attack us. A second Yannian army lands in Tohatia itself to protect that nation from attack. All Yannian allies are to raise their forces in crusade, and defend their homeland.
  • Beraba: Expansion continues east as prospectors search the far side of Lake Conylt for gold, silver, and gems. A small fleet of Beraban ships round the Cape of Gahren and land on the east coast of the peninsula to establish a Beraban trading port. Hantaywee of House Hjadra-Xun, sister to the Crown Princess Aleshanee, is accused of offenses against the gods of the Fivefold Faith. As punishment, she is stripped naked and paraded through the streets of Cohibos. This is seen as the first time that the members of the Great Houses are susceptible to punishment by the Faith. Beraban explorers discover lands as far north as Mithadia and as far east as Draka, and one voyage is financed to explore north and west of Exhula. As trade flows through the Beraban port cities, the magistrates commission the construction of official “Trade Houses” that can contain a large part of the city’s international trade and use a standard system of trade and customs.


The military campaign of Nebo the Tyrant against the nation of Joredesh results in a number of towns being successfully pillaged. The Hythian counterattack results in a decisive victory, with he Solcians being repulsed from the nation.

The Exhulan counterattack against the invading Yannian-Tohatian army results in an Exhulan defeat. The Exhulans suffer 14,340 casualties, the Tohatians suffer 2,400 casualties, and the Yannians suffer 4,000 casualties. Yannis’ subsequent offensive results in a Yannian victory, capturing the majority of the Exhulan colony. Yannis suffers 4,560 casualties, Tohatia suffers 3,020 casualties, and Exhula suffers 10,400 casualties,

Traders from the Telachitul Republic seeking Telabarbur slaves from the north discover a temporary shortage, receiving word that a nation to the north, which the Telabarbur and other tribes call the Agunda, was responsible for a recent major war that devastated the local population.

The Hythian war against Shasumtura IV results in a Hythian victory. Shasumtura IV is killed in battle during the fall of his capital, while the Hythians suffer 5,100 casualties, and their Mithadian allies suffer 6,000 casualties.

The naval confrontation between the Yannians and the Xerans at the Battle of Cival results in a Yannian victory. The Xerans suffer the loss of 66 ships and approximately 14,000 men, while the Yannians suffer the loss of 20 ships and 4,000 men. Numerous trade ships are also captured or sunk by the Yannians during this time.

The Qaryaati invasion of Mohejaro results inconclusively, with the Qaryaati suffering 3,700 casualties, and the defenders suffering a similar number as well. At the same time Mohejaro sends a small force to raze the Qaryaati colonies to the north, and they successfully pillage much this region. The government of Mohejaro extends an offer of peace, offering to give up a great amount of tribute and slaves. Meanwhile, Kepitis and Avsylann offer 2,000 mercenaries each in Qaryaat is willing to pay them.

  • Zelonuma Emiresq: The Thotite attack on the city of Darna would be a turning point in history. On one gentle morning the barbarian fleet sailed into harbor. The city was unsuspecting, as they had remained peaceful traders for some time since the Kingdom of Darna had fallen. But then the enemy ships arrived and the soldiers proceeded to slaughter every person they could discover. They greedily laughed as they tore apart man, woman, and child. In the chaotic violence, no one could tell an Ulmian from a Darnan, and the Thotites massacred thousands of Ulmians as well. They pleaded for their life, but the Thotites did not listen, preferring to slaughter each and every innocent person. In the basilica the Ulmians fled and tried to bar the doors. Here they prayed that they would be spared. One cruel Thotite would say the place was housing Darnan soldiers, and the basilica itself was very plain and concealed, and so they burned the Ulmians alive. They scratched on the walls, screaming, “why has Nelrim forsaken us?” The massacre left the world shocked. How could the Thotites senselessly attack an innocent city, which had nothing to do with its hardships. To many this confirmed the legends that all Thotites were bloodthirsty cannibals and bloodsuckers, craving the destruction of innocent lives for their own gain. The Ulmian faith, which had been allowed to prosper for the first time before this, shrank dramatically, as most Ulmians had been killed or decided to reject their religion after this event. Even the office of Holy Patra could not be filled, as no one would come forth to claim the office. The Zelonuma Emiresq looked on in disgust and also surprise, wondering why the Thotites had so cruelly targeted that city at random. The Thotites were henceforth known as religious extremists and terrorists, for their repeated and systematic history of slaughtering innocent people based on religion. The world looked on and prayed, with even some Ulmians joining in, praying that the Thotite empire would collapse, that its corrupted emperors killed, so that a new, benevolent and holy nation might take its place. The nation of the Zelonuma Emiresq decided, due to the attack against Darna, that they should mobilize and fight back. They called upon all the nations of the world to fight back against the Thotites so that they might answer for their crimes. Each nation, from the Zelonuma Emiresq, to the Darna cities, to Isimandia, to the nations of the east, to the Yannis Empire, was asked to contribute ships to a giant fleet, which would sail south and make way for the city of Azoz. There they sought to destroy the Thotite realm, for the good fo the world and even for their own good.
  • Xeran Empire: Due to the disruption of trade in the east, focus on trade and exports focus on the west instead, steadily growing a vast network between Otan, Isimadia and Jasmira. New banks are founded on the western coast in Sarita, Uriel and Gara, pulling their assets away from the focus of conflict. Water mills became fully standard across the empire as well, being utilized in many major river valleys such as in Edom and Tuartha. Emperor Nathon II focuses instead on some of the most sweeping reforms to the military since the Chatna empire. Several key cities in the interior of Tuartha, Usilinago and Edom are designated as main manucaturers of military hardware, churning out a steady supply of armor, mail, spears and weapons at a moment's notice. This is primarily funded by the elite banking guilds, most notably the "Sons of Sutho" primarily located in Seita, the name Sutho being derrived from the Mesallian pagan god of money. The Sutho's banking guild would for a long time hold a love-hate relationship with the Water Merchants that continued to hold prominence outside of Usilinago at this point. Next, Nathon issued an edict that required every household in the empire to provide at least one male for military service. Of course, the earliest verion of this new military bureaucracy was rife with exemptions financiala corruption, but the seed was at least planted for a far stronger army than ever previously seen. The Erasidonian units had long since lost meaning to be called "elite", as now their tactics were standard issue among all standard military. Each phalanx is trained three primary offensive formations, the most common being the "wedge formation", and the second most common being the feigned weak center. The Sons of Suttho also helped to supply two massive shipyards on the empire's coast, one located in Neum and the other in Nerimos. Some centuries later, these shipyards would eventually become the basis of the "Mouri Arsenal" of ships long after Xera's existence. Meanwhile, the Water Merchants would be pushed by the competition much farther inland south of Edom, eventually finding a fast market in the caravan trade across the southern deserts to Nexii and other nations farther south. Although basic crossbows were already developed at this time, they were very slow to being adopted in the military, due to the long-standing tradition of the Azoz elite longbowmen, as well as the relative superiority of the longbow to the crossbow in their early stages. For example, the apocryphal legend of Aren the Hermit shooting a melon of his son's head highlights the relative points of the debate. At this time also, the apostle Formisdas flourished primarily determined to spread the Gospel of Nelrim to the Susalyon and surrounding nomadic peoples. The anonymous apocryphal hagiography, the "Apir Gospel of Infancy", was probably authored by Formisdas himself. Seeing Yannis distracted with their attack against Exhula, Xera declares war on Yannis once again. A large army of troops assembled from Edom and Ephenus cross over to attack the Yannis colonies along the coast. These forces include the elite camel lancers of Edomite nomads, as well as the elite desert guard hired from south Usilinago, and a few balistas and elephants. Organized under General Archaeon, the invasion force primarily utilizes a tactic of multiple channels for splitting the enemy forces as they are confronted. The cavalry of both types are used as skirmishers to surrounded the enemy units, and coerce them into a position vulnerable to a two-pronged assault. Once enough territory is taken in the immediate coast, military engineers are employed to rapidly construct towers and barricades further inland, which combined with the coast line aids to cover both flanks of the invading force in preparation for counter-attack. After these barricades are complete and the invading force pushes further into Yannis territory, their tactics are changed up. The cavalry of both kinds strikes at specifically one side of the enemy force, corresponding to where the Xeran phalanxes are strongest, and then pushes forward to roll up the enemy line and surrouned the weaker side. The coast in question is in the south along the Great Lake, and once that region is secured the army pushes north to ford the river south of the colonial capital on the Gabtrian coastline, seizing the city from the unexpected direction of land. Overall, the army is split into two smaller groups, one striking against the lowlands and the other to the highlands. All the navy was sent to aid our ally Syres, who we call to arms in support of their territory, in position to stop the Darnan fleets from being able to pass through the straits the Syresians control, pushing north far enough to strike the Darnan ships before Yannis could get involved. The bulk of the land military is stationed on the coastal cities to intercept any enemy ships. A system of cranes and nets are designed by Borad the Great to disrupt and break apart enemy ships at one such major city. In the process of upgrading the military, a census is taken. A call of arms is sent to our ally, Emalia, to provide all the military they can to support the war against Yannis. 
    • Emalia: We answer the call to arms by our Messelian brothers, the Thalulities, raising our banners and amassing a force of 50,000 strong, eager to reconquer the East, the massive assault beginning in earnest.
  • Nura Gakan: Chaga Tan begins to enact taxes among the rich and nobles in hopes of maintaining the nation's current amount of money (or gold?). This leads parts of the rich population to view Chaga as a dick. This would anger some people causing the Council of Fire to raise concern over the new taxes, which could be summed up as "We debate for four hours... and nothing changed, it was deadlock..." Within Ulrom organized polytheisic religion begins to take shape with the establishment of new gods and the mixing of others, This leads to the formation of three Main gods (Vangar: The god of strength/Dun: God of peace/Ogkut: God of the intelligent). The state begins to support the idea of people having children left and right, mostly under the idea of "Saxy Times" (which tries to push the idea of younger adults to marry and have childern. When not spending his Mondays and Tuesdays trying to form a new religion.Chaga Tan begins to expand upon the captial of Ulrom with plans of expanding the population and religious centers in hopes of expanding the population of Ulrom.The farming centers of the Two-River region begins to take shape as a new city (Olama) begins to form on the Two-River region mostly used as a de facto trade center of the state, placed at the head of the river delta. Due to this, a fort is built between Ulrom and Olama named Ft. Thots. Mines begin to take shape in the mountain regions, The mines are mostly used to find new gems (which are used by the rich and noblemen to flex on poor people) and iron (for the formation of new weapons.) The military begins mixing horseback riding and bows, this practice is worked upon by training men in the partice on the new frontier. Experiments over Iron armor, leads to debates within army which boils down to "Should we have heavy or light armor?". Gakani farmers begin to set up farms and things of that sort by the Two-River Region. Chaga Tan's begins to expand toward the two rivers (Fleavate River and Decent River), mostly toward the Fleavate River by aggressively sending settlers and troops, this at times would lead to troops raiding tribes across the Flevate river, which at times were led by Chaga Tan, and also where he would find his love with a comrad at arms and become the father of three children (two sons and one daughter). We send our great traveler "Haba Na" to go down the Decent River with the plan of finding new tribes and new rivers.
  • Hythia: Years 328-337 Since the Return of Hythus. Meunarchs Ayrestisis and Jyantus rule over Hythia, but the death of Queen Aymfrodasti in 332 sees Jyantus assume both the crown of Mythadia and a Meunachship in Hythia. This pulls Mythadia from a dynastic union into a personal union, but also creates a great imbalance in the power of the Meunarchs. Ayrestisis attempts to counter this by allying himself with several of the more powerful houses of the Council of Partechs. However, this ploy does not provide the personal and political power needed to counter Mythadia. Jyantus for his part, orders a census of his holdings in Mythadia and a general survey of the population, and also works to repair the damages suffered by the decades of internal strife. Jalor is asked to permit a great road to connect Hythia and Mythadia along the river.[Mod Response] Mythadia’s economy is swiftly integrated into Hythia’s production system, but it could just as well be said as opposite owing to Mythadia’s large population, robust trade networks, and expansive lands. The Mythadian Colonies in the islands are not pursued by King Jyantus as their naval strength remains too great to counter. Hythia and its vassals generally return to peacetime strength, except for a contingent of 20,000 Hythian and Joredeshi troops stationed to prevent any further incursions by Solicia.
  • Yannis Empire: The empire emphasizes that Yannians respect women. Whereas the horrid Thotites oppress women, and have had 1,000 wars against the people of Edom for the sole purpose of disenfranchising women. With the aid of the Yannians the Edomite people were able to fight back against the Thotites and fight for women to be respected. The Thotites must be destroyed for oppressing women. “RESPECT WOMEN,” says the Yannian envoy to the Edomites. “WE RESPECT WOMEN,” reads a great stone obelisk donated to the Emalians. Thus the world cries in response that they yearn for the death of the Azozi monster. The Anointed One holds his ear to the calls of the planet, and hears the people call for freedom and civility. The world thirsts for blood to punish the Thotites, but the Anointed One’s wisdom and dedication to peace leads him to seek a civilized solution. But when the Thotites threaten innocent people and attack us, the Yannians are forced to put a stop to them. It will henceforth be known that, on account of the Thotites being not a nation but an animalistic wilderness, the Yannis Empire claims that entire empty area so that we can begin to colonize it and bring civilization to it. Meanwhile, the war to liberate the lands held by Exhula continues, with Yannian forces marching south. An ultimatum is sent to Exhula offering a very fair and simple peace offer. We demand that the northwest colony in its entirety be ceded to a Yannian government, and we demand that Exhula follow the universal laws of humanity. These laws stipulate that no state can outlaw the Yannian faith, or harm it or discriminate against it, as that would rob innocent people from righteous salvation. Additionally the Exhulans must outlaw the Ulm faith, cease alliance or correspondence with the Thotites, and outlaw Thotite public schools or other extremist institutions. After this is faithfully undertaken, there will be no conflict with the Exhulans. The navy has triumphed, and sees great expansion. After harming the Thotites thoroughly, the Yannian navy of the west sails to meet with the Darnan alliance, so that the Thotites can be destroyed. In the west we continue our defense of the homeland and in controlling the eastern straits. The Thotite lands have been annexed by the empire, and we will begin to make that so by crushing the Thotite rebellion. When the infidels foolishly attack what they think are “colonies” they will find that the forces of justice have been preemptively risen, and due to our control over the straits a great army from the Yannis Empire will reinforce them.
  • Glorious Empire of Vhaynos: A time of great peace has passed once again with the growth of our lands and riches continuing. We continue our exploration of the southern landmass to the south exploring the Western and eastern shores of it. Meanwhile, sailors follow the Monsoons wind patterns into the Southwest of Dakal. Meanwhile, the other colony on the island also becomes independent under a Rej now. The explorations of Lands west of Ri'Kiva continues as well with the explorers coming from Rhythnos. Meanwhile, land is expanded under for agricultural uses. Jadalan continues it assimilation and integration into the Vhaynosi society with about 43% of it being Vhaynosi now. A royal marriage is conducted between the Timoi Son and the Jadalani Kings daughter in order to further tie them to us. The Royal Cartographic society continues to be successful in its creation of a map for us to use. We continue our expansion of our navy with more Dhows being created and such. Some eager explorers do launch an expedition into the forbidden western waters hoping to find a path to cross the dangerous seas. We recontinue our exploration of eastern seas but also sponsor inland expedition north into the Lands of Svergar and beyond them into the demon grasslands. The desert cities continue to thrive from trade.
  • Thïgæ: The peaceful and prosperous decades put the nation of Thïgæ in a good position. Yithït VII asks for forgivness for his fathers actions against Sonaredar and tries to form better ties with Sonaredar. Rivers continue to be a good transportation system; however, for the west and north of the empire, this is a problem, as roads are primitive in Thïgæ due to its reliance on water travel. Therefore, the government starts to build roads to rural regions in the east. The claimed island southeast of Thïgæ has a settlement built on it, made of almost completely of limestone bricks. Some men begin to venture east again, although not as far as the archipelago in the farnortheast. Instead, they explore the area south of the three islands near the eastern edge of the known world, which looks to be part of a larger archipelago. The far northeast continues to be unexplored, although lands noth of the Eborites are. Sugarcane (and sugar by extension), salt, papyrus (which is made into paper), fruits, lime, cotton, fish, grain, oil, potatoes, and timber continue to be the main exports of Thïgæ, while land is cleared to make enough room for growing produce. The coasts and areas around rivers continue to be rapidly ruralized. Expansion continues east and north, where all land up to the westernmost mountain is claimed. The stars start to be graphed, with constilations being made to help guide sailors. There is a horse in the sky, along with a palace (where the gods are fabled to be) and others. The first university is made for sons of nobility to study in. Rotharque continues to expand in Thïgæ.
  • Drachenia: loss after loss, the Kingdom fails to claim sweet victory driving Heidegger mad. He orders the sending of spies to the confederacy to see what they do that have allowed them to outsmart the Drachenian Army. Scouts are deployed around the mountains on every single position. Settlements continue to the southeast and northwest. Scouting bases are posted on the mountains with horse messengers being used to monitor movements from across the mountain and send any intel to the armies to avoid the mistake from last time. Defenses are put up with further fortifications used. With new recruits, a new strategy is thought out. This will determine the fate of the latest events. The armed forces well equipped and with extra cavalry support go east of the mountains to avoid assault from the mountains. Archers near the alpine regions are left in trees to further support the defense. This time with recruits arriving from all over the Konigreich all the way from Wasser, a total army nearing 10,000 strong pushes into the flatter region where our troops can have the higher ground by movement. Using camp sights on the top of the mountains, with as many supplies as the heartland of Drachenia can offer, the nation's men are sent down the mountains to fight the men below by coming down the mountains giving them the higher ground. With troops being distracted at both ends, the goal is to drive the confederacy's armies to positions they cannot prepare for and at the end, have both armies of the Drachenians converge and push into the confederacy. These troops consist of recently taken in Tribal Drachenian Loyalists with advanced training given during the last decade and other men wanting to give their heart out in the war numbering 6,000 in total for the “mountaineers”. The navy continues to focus on patrols. As the citizens learn to cope with the war and at least be happy that they've been blessed to not be conquered by the enemies and that their husbands, fathers, and sons may rest in peace, joy, and happiness in their afterlife. Life goes on as usual with the youth continuing to look into scholarly works. The nation's harvest end up concluding with great results. To ensure corrections are further made from last time, a fallback line equipped with defenses and prestationed supplies is developed and stations have been put along the face of the mountains to ensure troops can go on the defensive with attacking troops below from an angle giving our armies more of an advantage.
  • Mesallian Culture: During this time foreign affairs was dominated by the many fruitless wars against the Yannis Empire occurring around the Mesallian world. In the Syresian Straits the many Mesallian colonies of the region primarily decided to support the coalition of nations against the Xeran Empire, on account of witnessing the Xeran raid in the region, or having bought into the Darnan legends of it at the time. Completely surrounded by states who were allied with the Zelonuma Emiresq, many of the Mesallian cities lent parts of their small navies toward this coalition. Most cities, however, would remain neutral during this conflict. Across the channel in the Yannian continent, a number of new settlements are believed to have been formed during this time, including a town on the northern coast known as Istranos, and on the western coast a city named Ismon. The former would eventually combine with the smaller Syresian trading post across the river, becoming a strong kingdom of Mesallian and Syresian influences. In the east the province of Ephenus would play a role in the war against the Yannis Empire, as Xeran soldiers passed through the region to reach cities such as Ixima or Tik’akna. In the Great Lakes the Yannians heavily impact the culture of the region, particularly in the north and other places bordering Yannian states. After the death of Neoptolanus VI Gephanus, the smaller Mesallian state in the region came to be ruled by Neoptolanus VII Teclanus, who would wed the daughter of the Tohatian king. During his reign the Yannian religion is believed to have become well established in his kingdom, with a number of noblemen adopting the religion as their own. Overall the Mesallian religion remained the dominant religion among the royalty and administrators, but the lower-classes became a mixture of Yannian, Tahuan Enulmism, Uloyisan, and in small numbers Emalian.
    • Xeran Dip: We call on our alliances with the nations of the Mesallian archipelago, having the strongest navies in the region due to our previous support, to aid the empire to repel the attacks of the Darnan fleets
  • Telachitul Republic: Mostly focused on expansion, Unafir seems interested in continuing most of the domestic polices of his predecessor. As such, annual taxes again swell the nation's treasury by 500 kg of gold over the decade. In addition, the glut of trade provides Armerra with another source of revenue to tax, taking in 300 kg of gold over the decade (to like a shit ton, LMAO). The set of symbols now being called Eltaphu continues its development under the priests of Icrodel. Slow progress continues being made, with a basic alphabet starting to take shape, But outside of the temples, standards remain wildly inconsistent, with average traders using a haphazard mix of proper Eltaphu, foreign characters, and even drawings. However, the system is advanced enough for a priest named Mexotautl compiling the first book of Icrodel myths and prayers, called Eveiel. Seeing the value in this development, Unafir continues Armeera's policy of funding both the scholars who hope to advance Eltaphu, as well as the Icrodel religion itself, working to maintain temples. The Republic's exploration also continues. In the south, much of the planned expansion is complete. In the north, the Republic hopes for a more peaceful mode of colonization. Trade continues to bring the region deeper in the Republic's sphere of influence. The ultimate goal is to expand northward and incorporate the less organized communities peacefully into the Republic. Without the south taking as much effort, the republic is able to expand north more rapidly. In addition, the reign of Unafir sees the continued growth on the Telachitul navy, keeping even the most unwilling natives in line. With the republic thoroughly dominating the coast both militarily and economically, a few settlements begin to grow, attracting both republican citizens and foreigners. In particular, a significant settlement directly across the bay from Itochitul (the capital) continues to experience significant growth, mostly because of its convenience as a docking location for both merchant and naval ships. The colony's location makes it a useful place to manage both colonization and trade along the coast. In addition several coastal settlements in the north and a settlement at the northern tip of the southern lake see moderate growth. With operations on the coast going smoothly, Unafir seeks to make further progress inland. Obviously, this leads to more resistance as the republic's trade and naval advantages are largely moot, but the vast superiority of Telchitul weaponry means moderate expansion is possible, and any foreigners likely can't pose a credible threat to the republic. In addition, the expansion inland gives the republic a convenient source of slaves, particularly from a resistant group the republic calls the Telabarbur. As a result, slavery begins to proliferate, mostly across the rural regions of the republic, serving as a moderate boon to the agrarian sectors of the economy. However, the constant threat of attack leads Unafir to start investing in a more organized militia system, which he hopes to formalize over the next decade. Iron working, trade, and ship building continue to thrive as the main industries of Itochitul, the capital city. Ship building is particularly important, as it allows for large scale transport of goods along the coast, which in turn facilitate relatively quick colonization, as well as further trading. Hearing reports of a potentially hostile force in the north, Unafir tries to contact llocal tribes to gather more information. Worried about conflcit, he also works to make sure the republic has a powerful enough standing military, and tries to incentivize tribes to join his side in any conflict.
  • Syres: In response to the war breaking out between the Yannis Empire and the Xeran Empire, the nation of Syres decides to support the Xerans. Although the nation has no intention of following through with an invasion of Yannis directly, or any other state in the far north, the nation decides it will limit access through the straits and engage at sea. Although the more anti-Azozian and anti-Ulmian of Syres argue in favor of letting the fleet pass through to destroy the Xerans, especially after legends of the Xeran attack reach Syres, it is considered in the city’s best interests to repulse the fleet from entering the straits. The city of Syres has little interest in fighting a full scale war at sea, and it is hoped that the show of force will compel the assembled enemy fleet to not engage, as to not worsen relations further with Syresian trade partners. On land the city decides to pursue a policy of ensuring that the Mesallian city-states of the region are subservient to Syres, beginning with a military campaign across the channel to enforce a loose confederacy over the various city-states of the region. This force quickly turns to protecting said states against incursions by Yannian allies, such as the nation of Benekundon.

Emalia: Emalia is fractured into two, the Messelian North and the Emalian South, still retaining ancient Emalian tradition and religion, ruled by women as the north,where Emalia was founded, falls to the male dominated Messelian culture, effectively forming two states under one. Generations upon generations of Emalians descended frkm the Holy Emalian Explorers, now the HOLY Emalian Guard have settled in and propgrated in Alsoba, and have came to dominate the land, effectively making it a part of greater Emalia with Emalian rules and customs, even coming under the rule of an Emalian Queen, Sheba, becoming a much needed bastion of Emalian tradition and religion. Under the rule of Queen Peophetess Sheba, Alsoba and Southern Emalia unite to form the Holy State of Ema, declaring to be both a part of and separate from Emalia. Northern Emalia pays little heed to this unification as they are occupied with the war in the Yannian East

  • Sillan Republic: Cabeza Banzena views the Ulmist faith with much interest and after much contemplation, personally adopts it. As a public display of her faith, a priest anoints her with oil, with an audience numbering in the hundreds of thousands consisting primarily of aristocrats. While she seeks to maintain the separation of state and church doctrine, and the secular character of the central government, she nevertheless sponsors the establishment of a new city on the site of where the first Ulmists (Irrulmians from Exhulans) were believed to have first landed. This city is named Banzenopolī, after herself, and will be centered around a massive Ulmist temple. The 650 Census places the percentage of Ulmists as a percentage of the total population at 8%, due to strong natural growth as well as a rise in conversions due to the highly-publicized conversion of the Cabeza of the faith. Despite this, the Cabeza continues to conduct ancestral veneration rites and patronize the Sillan folk religion, as part of her policy of religious toleration. Meanwhile, the problem of tobacco and recreational marijuana eventually reaches the Imperial Court, with the Cabeza – a well-known user of both – ruling in favor of its legality. However, the popularity of the two products becomes massively inflated in the Makuku provinces, and a bubble burst leaves many small-scale producers bankrupt. Many of these farmers begin to cultivate a wider variety of cash crops in order to pay off their debts as soon as possible. Others sell off their properties (as the soil quality has been damaged by the attempts to establish these monocultures) to Sillan or Sillo–Makuku landlords, and instead, choose to become plantation workers in Silla proper (thus being placed under limited legal protections as laborers, and attaining a stable source of income). The consolidation of extremely-small estates is completed. Meanwhile, the usage of clay tablets to record each household and its constituents is enforced, in order to conduct more accurate population counts and crack down on tax evasion (especially as people settle the frontier). Meanwhile, to promote connectivity of the frontier to Silla proper, the roads are enlarged and canals are built. Similarly, many smaller settlements (such as hamlets and villages) are consolidated into towns – thus making them more accessible as well as improving access to necessary social services. The promotion of pro-natalist policies and programs to further augment population growth continues. All idle land is exploited, and terracing is used to increase the amount of cultivated land. Furthermore, improvements in grain storage, irrigation, tools, organic fertilizers; and the introduction of root crops in marginal lands such as hill-slopes and dry soils (where they do not compete with traditional staples); further augment agricultural output.
  • Beraba: Wahanassattee, brother of Hantaywee and Crown Princess Aleshanee, expels all priests and priestesses from Cohibos in retaliation for the punishment of his sister. However, he allows a self-proclaimed prophet to remain in the city. This prophet, known as Taheton, preaches that the five gods are only aspects of one supreme being. Taheton’s interpretation of the Fivefold Faith is also not as harsh as the orthodox practice, and thus absolves Hantaywee of all her alleged crimes against the faith. One prominent member of the Tangakwunu, Tsiyi, is able to successfully predict a solar eclipse. Some see it as a sign from the gods, but the other members of the Tangakwunu consider it a massive leap forward in astronomy. The growing population, which is predicted to eclipse one million in the coming decades, requires more food and farmland. As a result, many settlers spill into the fertile lands east of Lake Conylt. Some of the most popular crops are winter cereals such as wheat, barley, and rye, as well as fruits such as dates and mangoes, and legumes such as peanuts, soybeans, and peas. Trade continues with traditional trading partners such as Qera, Makuku, and Gahren, with Beraban traders seeking out new markets in the lands to the east.


If you have not posted in the previous turn yet, feel free to do so. The Yannian invasion reaches as far as the Ettyian Coast, with the northwest colony being under Yannian de facto jurisdiction. Hundreds of Ulmians are killed or captured, or flee from the colony to neighboring parts of Exhula, while an Exhulan resistance to Yannian rule persists. The Yannians suffer 2,000 casualties during this time attempting to restore order, while the Exhulans suffer numerous civilian casualties.

The Emalian-Xeran attack of the Yannian allies in the north culminates in the Siege of Ixima, which results in a Yannian defeat. The Emalians suffer 6,100 casualties, the Xerans suffer 8,300 casualties, while the Temayalians suffer 16,100 casualties. The attack in the south culminates in the Battle of Temayal, which results in a Yannian defeat. The Xerans suffer 8,500 casualties, while the Temayalians suffer 14,000 casualties. However, due to disease and a lack of supplies, in the north the Emalians suffer an additional 5,000 casualties and the Xerans suffer 10,000 casualties. In the south the Xerans suffer an additional 21,000 casualties. Eastern Emalia and western Temayala likewise remains on the edge of a famine.

The leader of the Jalor permits the construction of roads linking the nation to Hythia in the east and Mithadia in the west.

The nation of Drachenia achieves a victory over the southern tribes and Umanegen. Drachenia suffers another 2,500 casualties over the course of its prolonged campaign, with Umanegen offering peace to Drachenia in exchange for offering tribute and slaves.

In Emalia a major revolt occurs, as supporters of Queen Sheba and the traditional Emalian culture attempt to oust the King of (Northern) Emalia, Igneous II. At the same time the nation of Alsoba also launches a rebellion in order to achieve its independence once more, killing many Emalian settlers in the south.

During the reign of Brihmdratha II in the Paotualma Empire a revolt occurs in Benysira, with the Benysirans asking nearby nations such as Solcia and Qaryaat for aid. In the east of the empire a rival claimant to the throne also gains a foothold in the Far East, forming the Kingdom of Koshaveda.

  • Yannis Empire: We now own the Thotite region, the region formerly owned by the Thotites. It is a part of our nation as a territory. It has been conquered by us, and all those who refuse to recognize that are in open rebellion. The Thotite animals are being tamed and hunted into extinction, so that the area we annexed can be settled. We spring our trap against them and invade in several parts. First the army stationed in Tik’akna marches into Ixima, while the army of the north lands at Idasimos to surround the Emalians completely. The third detachment lands near Marlios to threaten the capital. The army of southern Tik’akna invades southern Temayal, concurrent to the invasion from the eastern provinces. Tohatia and the east focus their efforts on marching west now that Exhula has been pacified, with the army in the colony remaining to restore order. The fleet of the Great Lakes is used to land another portion in eastern Emalia. In total six armies are dispatched, with reinforcements routinely being raised and transported across the straits into the allied and righteous nations of the south. Now that the Thotites have launched their rebellion, the number of soldiers in the Yannis homeland guarding the coast increases, and the entirety of the western fleet will now regroup with the many allies of the west to destroy all resistance. Holy Men land in the western colony and march south toward Canim. They are told that they must allow us entry or face utter destruction. The navy will surround Syres and offer it the chance to survival if it allows us passage. If not the nation and its allies are prepared to level the city of Syres. In the meantime, the invasion will proceed south and reach the city of Neum by land. The Yannians will then march on Azoz and have that city razed. We ask the Kingdom of Erasidon to join our righteous crusade against the Thotites.
  • Emalia: The sudden arrival of Yannian forces in Eastern Emalia via the Great Lakes plunges the already vulnerable region into widespread and full scale famine, depopulating Eastern Emalia for generations, with survivors moving westward to fertile ground, where the Ema River flows. This famine plagues all who are in Eastern Emalia, including the Yannian invasion force, who are cut off from retreat via the small garrison of Emalian troops stationed there, ports of entry and exit burnt down, supply lines cut in hit and run tactics, all the Yannians can do is starve in a foreign land, with the forces of the Great Lakes who joined the Yannians meeting a similar fate. News of the Yannian arrival and the subsequent famine in the east sweeps the nation, both prompting fear in the hearts of many, realizing that Yannis and her allies, nature, and even Emalians are against Emalia, threatening our existence. The time for civil war must end, lest Emalia and the Emalian people are destroyed by ourselves and by the world. In the interest of preserving Emalia's existence, a peace is brokered between the North and the South, with King Igneous II and Queen Sheba marrying, their union producing the child Aphide. Igneous II, threatened by both Sheba and other Messelian pretenders, makes his way to Iximia, the sight of the greatest Emalian military victory since the Battle of Western Edom during the time of Igneous. In Iximia, Igneous II takes his Loyalist forces of 20,000 strong, intercepting the besieging force from Tik’akna sent to besiege Iximia, proving vital in the Defense of Iximia before entering the city. In Iximia, Igneous II proclaims himself as the "Emperor of the East" and heavy defense fortifications are put into place, with soldiers stationed both inside and outside the outskirts of the city, with pronged attacks and defensive walls of men being prominent in Emalian tactics, entrapping Yannians to fight an endless war sending multitudes of men to Iximia to die. In Emalia itself, the entire nation fortifies, the era being known as "Fortress Emalia." Queen Sheba holds title as both Queen of Emalia and Queen of Asobla. However, Alsoba is made into a separate political entity once again so their rebellion may cease, with powers dictated to a Council as Queen Sheba spends the majority of her reign in Ema.
  • Xeran Empire: The prestige and historical significance of the Battle of Ghanis had paled in comparison to that of the Siege of Ixima. The former being a defensive victory against the Yannis invasion, and now the latter acheived a major offensive victory against the Yannis Empire, causing their first such defeat in their 800-year history. Nathon II personally conducted much of the military campaign, moving his headquarters to the city of Ephenus closer to the border, while General Archaleon commanded in the field. Nathon issued a proclamation across the entire empire, which was also distributed to many other parts of the Letsian continent. This victory marks a turning point toward the liberation of religious freedom, the end of Yannian domination over Letsia, and a shatterling blow against the dark forces of Drokksid in heaven. Messallis and Syres are reached out to, asking to utlize their navies in the war. Now that Yannis has cut off the strait and severed connection to the invaluable spice trade in the Far East, the opportunity is ripe to break open that trade once again, now that Yannis is weakened. The Great Lakes, long since in close communication with Azoz, is asked to likewise join in the conflict to expand their territory northward, seeing it as the best solution to the current power vacuum. Most leaders in the empire hope the nations of Exhula, Qera and Sillas likewise aids the conflict to push Yannis off the continent, knowing the recent defeats Exhula suffered to the ruthless conquerors, and their mutual sympathy for the realms of Nelrim. Niani and Xenuelen are also sent secret messages through the Mesallian colonies, proclaiming that their salvation is at hand, and their individual religions held for many centuries will be freely practiced once more with the ever-weakening power of Yannis. These nations are not given any actual support, but are nonetheless stirred up in rebellion to cause further confusion and disruption within the sphere of Yannis. In Phorintheon, Lawrenx the Bold continues to organize the tribal confederacies of the Atnosians in mutual contempt for Yannis rule, although he has been forced recently to operate in exhile with the recent disruption of communicaton. In Temayal, General Archaleon helps to organize a Satrapy-like administration over the region, while at the same time preparing the military for Yannis' reprisal. Law and order become the first priority, which was not always an easy feat as quite a few citizens in the region would senselessly scream that the local authorities were "wild animals". Careful rationing of local resources was implemented, caring primarily to the children, women and elderly in Temayal indiscriminently, as in the order perscribed by Nerlim's virtues. The Apostle Formosos was tasked with spreading religion of Ulm in the region, as has always existed to some extent since the days of Ioximander the Great. He proclaimed at the Acropolis of Temayal that the human sacrifices of Yannis will be practiced no more, and mutual human decency, respect and honor will be a standard of all people. In the Great Mausoleum of Ixima, all the corpses in the tomb are removed and desecrated, being the forefathers of this brutish civilization, and thus high officers of Drokksid in the afterlife. All the precsious metals and jewels in the Mausoleum are looted, but the impressive architecture of the building itself was left intact, now repurposed as a Monestary. However, simultaenous to these actions it was necessary to prepare immediately for the counterattack. A sizable amount of troops are raised on the eastern coast and Neum, and along with the bulk of the navy are sent to Syres immediatley, helping shore up every defense of the city in preparation of Yannis' arrival. Earthened mounds are added to the walls of Syres all the way up to the coast, with numerous smaller forts and barricades at key locations surrounding the city. In such a way, it becomes physically impossible to besige the city directly after their ports have been closed, without any land to stand on. With the resources of Temayel being very limited, the majority of the military cannot remain in the region very long, especially as food is rationed to the civilians, and thus are scattered out in a renewed attack. With reinforcements sent from Sephimora, the occupation forces in Temayel are split in two. The first army seized control of the central highlands of the colony, and utilized the high ground as a strong defense against Yannis' attacks. Rows of hoplites are stationed at specific narrow mountain passes, covering all flanks to the military position. The archers use gravity of the high ground and the incredible range of the Azoz longbow to reign death down on the approaching forces. After softening the enemy with their failed assaults against the high ground, the lancer cavalry makes their charge downhill, supported by hoplites in a weakened center formation. It is felt crucial to utilize the rough terrain to our advantage, as such mountainous climates is what proves Yannis' mounted archers the most useless. The second army is sent along the coast of the Great Lake, striking quickly against the Yannian shipyards and destroying the navy in harbor. Crossbows are utilized for the first time offensively in this army, including a cache of fire arrows dowsed in olive oil and wool. These fire arrows are used primarily against the enemy ships in harbor, setting fire to as much as possible. The second army is also tasked with dealing with the Yannian army moving west from Exhula, stopping them before arriving at Teyamal. First, a series of quick barricades and makeshift forts are made by the military engineers, blocking off the north flank and supporting the other flank by the Lake. In this battle, the army breaks up the Yannis' attacks with a series of quick skirmishes by the cavalry, both lancers and Edomite, and the crossbow archers. After the military is finished with that battle, they rush back in the direction of Temayal to close in on the Yannis forces from behind, catching them in being surrounded. then the remainder are taken out with each individual phalanx following a folding line formation. In the north, Yannis' additional military has fallen into our "trap" as well. As soon as the invasion of Yannis proceeds southward away from the coastline, a third army of Xera lands near the coast as well to pursue them, led by General Noosents. The third army is tasked to seize control of the coastline behind the Yannis military, cutting off their supply line and forcing them into being surrounded between the Xeran and Emalian armies. This military follows fairly standard formations, with multiple lines to disrupt the initial enemy attacks, and then close in with a wedge formation flanked by lancers and longbowmen. All three of these armies are backed heavily by reinforcements coming through Emalia from Azoz, with a tentative fourth army of purely new conscripts stationed in Temayal to support the supply lines to Armies One and Two. Even after all these armies are placed in position, a large reserve force remains in Neum awaiting to be shipped out to either front on transports. Meanwhile, upgrades to the military continue being made back in Azoz, with a completley new armor design prepared by the engineer Klanton. Klantonian armor consists of interlocking shingles for maximum dexterity, as well as a sloped half-helmet to deflect blows of enemy weapons, even a khopesh. In the far west, the Garan navy is greatly expanded on the orders of private merchants, hoping to offset the lack of trade coming from the east as a result of the war with Yannis. The navy begins charting farther south along the coast beyond Nexii.
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: We agree to become Hythia's tributary in exchange for their protection and an alliance. Tsar Konstatantin I orders the construction of balistas on the Great Wall of Algeorgiaville. The tsar creates the elite Royal Guard which is trained by the great military leader: Grigory Zhokovich. We expand our army and begin building dirt roads in most of the mayor cities. In the town of Dodoiseville a citizen authors the book: The Three Stars of the Lake. The book becomes so popular that it is read by the tsar himself.
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: The Zelonuma Emiresq proceeds with its invasion of Azoz, amassing the largest navy it can muster. It joins with the ships of the western states, the Darnan cities, the Mesallians, and the Yannians, to destroy the Thotites for their reprehensible targeting of civilians and innocent people. We seek to eliminate the government that facilitates this, and help the Yannis Empire restore order in its new provinces of Azoz. Luckily, the entirety of the world has now allied against the Thotites to deliver a very clear message; we all hate the Thotites, please stop. If Syres does not open the straits we will force our way through. At the same time land forces also arrive in the north. Darnan ships ferry soldiers to the colonies north of Syres, until a great army is amassed in the north. As they have considered the Thotites nothing more than pirates, for their senseless attacks against them, the states of Isimandia join in and dispatch a great fleet to the south. They find that the Xeran fleet is solely distracted elsewhere, and so they invade Eskaladun and prepare to liberate that nation. Thousands of people eager to help destroy the Thotites arrive and set up a free government.
  • Qera: As the Qeran throne passed from the Princess Zoelle III to her son Ycas V seven years ago the country has now a more-or-less hotblooded and more sane person in charge. The good relations with Exhula cause Qera to enter the war against Yannis. The entrance is delayed, since the military had to be kept in the Odzeba (former Adjiba) county to put down smaller rebellions and a riot from miners there. Secret Now the larger navy and 6,000 men are mobilized to defend the coastal parts of Exhula against Yannis, fearing to be their next victim. The best tacticians and generals are gathered from all parts of the realm to prepare for battle. Secret end To coordinate the attacks more efficiently, the generals travel to the Exhulan capital to discuss strategies and secure the supply lines (EXHULA RESPONSE, PLEASE). The archery is now fully equipped with obsidian headed arrows that will replace the former flintstone and catapults are built in large scale. The sawlike weapons are still used as the standard weapon, but they are now less of a club with decreasing the size of the wide wooden paddle on which the smaller blades are attached to. The construction is stabilized with additional smaller metal strings. The army prepares to fight in rough terrain rather than open plains, to make their jungle fight tactics more effective. In winter of 658 the first army under General Yshdlama "the darkhearted" of Qerixexeha crosses the Hbeccver River and officially joins the war. They meet up with smaller units and take their march to the frontline in the north. Prince Ycas V personally permits to start war atrocities, torture and sacrifice if necessary. Meanwhile, the murdering of civilians is punishable by death, pillaging or rape is to be punished as the commander sees fit. Medicine takes further advances as well when a clothbook was found, that details various recipes for medicaments, a small encyclopedia of healing herbs and instructions for an eye surgery. It also gives instructions on how to amputate limbs from a conscious person. To achive this, the wounded/infected limb is put in boiling coconut oil and then cut off. Before the procedure the patient has to drink at least one bottle of hard liquor. Trade with Beraba, Makuku, Exhula and Xera continues in smaller scale due to the war going on. The mines in the south prove to be very worthy as they can produce the iron that takes usually three years in just one. Minerals and steel are sold in large amounts, the same with spices. A small expansion southward is made, claiming land south of the smaller Hqâver River to the south and an expansion to the west, where more oases are conquered in the desert (30 px to the southwest).
  • Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 338-347 Since the Return of Hythus. Meunarch Jyantus and his rival Meunarch Ayrestisis engage in a series of political maneuvers attempting to outflank each other. Meunarch Jyantus appeals to the religious powers of Hythia, forging strong ties to the Cult of Hythus, Cult of Bysulus, and Cult of Tykus, the three largest and most influential religious organizations in the nation. Meunarch Ayrestisis appeals to the higher nobility of Hythia. His efforts see increasing autonomy among the outer regions of Hythia with the nobles gaining increased influence. By the end of the decade Meunarch Ayrestisis’ and Jyantus’ rivalry devolves into informal warfare. Jyantus and his forces destroy Ayrestisis’ smaller army at a battle near Gyt. With the support of Hythia’s major religious factions, and several of Mythadia’s correspondent religious groups, Jyantus is crowned Myrnech of the Holy Empire of Hythus. He quickly extends an offer of vassalage to Jalor, offering to take the kings’ first daughter as a wife. [Mod response] Work continues on the repair of the Mythadian economy, and many veterans are settled across the newly captured south of both Mythadia and Hythia. Agricultural production increases due to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich soil, and the construction of canals and tythoruses for irrigation. Crop-rotation strategies become more entrenched and more effective. In addition, subsidies are given to farmers to establish more large-scale fish, mollusk, crustacean, and seaweed farms in and along the river banks and coasts of both nations. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition.
  • Tsimdomdu Kingdom "Weorekrura culture": This decade is one of the most compelling of classical-era Autinira, primarily due to it being cited as the death of an older nation and the beginning of a new one. Numerous historical things that would shape the contemporary nation would ensure: the rapid decline of tribalism, centralization of religion and written language, the development of advanced war technologies, the end of the short hereditary-rulership within the Tsimdomdu Kingdom, the first religious schism of Erapishi, and most of all, the start of the Great War period of the Weorekrura. The culture itself, as debated among contemporary scholars, died nearly seven centuries prior, but in terms of tribal warlord structure, nothing had changed; The culture remained relatively the same, but had itself only become further advanced by new ideas and themes created within a relatively short time. Coinage is developed around this time. After the king decides to declare religious persecution against the Erapishi followers due to their rise in local politics, a declaration of independence is made by the State of Ibiyari due to religious genocide, and war is declared and overseen by the prophet Okomi. With a ragtag militia supporting roughly 1,500 soldiers, many of the citizens in the region believe for the war to be lost for the religion. Before any major surrenders are given, the prophet Okomi delivers his Speech of Khord, which would later be transcribed into the Book of Okomi in the Testament of Integrity. His speech declares that the god Khasar "The Terrible" lives inside Tsimdomdu; That his acts of immorality, lack of forgiveness, and general lack of acceptance has resulted in what he believes to be the prelude to the apocalypse. He tells the citizens of Ibiyari that, if they wish to give into Tsimdomdu, that they are no different than the beasts that are described in the depths of the underworld; that they are no different than the monsters that Khasar uses to kill those that bring light and justice; that they are no different than the reasons for why the religious genocide occurs in the first place. His speech is accepted with honor and pride, and citizens soon see the State of Ibiyari as a physical representation of what Sukh "The Fair" and Eldegai "The Wonderful" wish for a society; what they wished for at the beginning of time in the Book of Yzione: "A state where life is preserved, where life prospers, and most of all, is against the moral corruption that comes with Khasar and his evil doings." The army itself becomes more and more populated, holding a newfound 4,000 peoples, with 500 being that of women supporters. In 100 MU the first campaign along the river is made as 1400 soldiers equipped with close-hand daggers, extensive spears, and war shields begin movement into territory owned by the Tsimdomdu where there existed a large foundation of the Erapishi population. Persecuted by a mere 500 Tsimdomdu loyalists, the campaign was successful in pushing back their defenses and resulting in the first Ibiyari victory, although it felt like it was more or less as expected, and that the war was only going to get worse from that point. Gaining an additional 20,000 citizens, propelling the population to 35,000, a militia is founded in the region known as the Mulyan "Minute" Men, primarily due to the original clan Mulya having the strength of responding to war in an efficient response system back during the period of the Five Tribes. The second campaign takes place in the following weeks as the Battle of Kosa (the farthest city along the river) begins. It lasts very long, with brutality and fierce combat shown. However, the battle is soon a victorious feat listed for the State of Ibiyari, ending the decade out with a prideful new state and a declining old country.
  • Irian Culture: After the disastrous campaign of 636, Nebo the Tyrant was deposed by a revolt of the nobility that had no confidence in his rule. The revolt was the first of several which would plague Solcia in the coming years, and shatter the very foundations of its society. By the 650s, the country is in the deep turmoil of a third civil war. Finally, a strong claimant comes along: a member of Nebo's dynasty named Tarus Vacus Ludum. He manages to wrestle the opposing factions into submission and seize the throne, albeit only by the ill means of kinslaying, deception and bribery. Like his cousin Nebo, Tarus is a bad king. Basing his style of governance on the way of the Thrydacians, he quickly gathers a host of enemies that wish to see him out of power. Some enlightened folk, noticing a trend, would be happier to do away with kings entirely. Tarus' reign, beginning in 652, would come to be known as the "Last Tyranny". Three years into the reign, Varos Greos assembles a coalition of like-minded aristocrats and soldiers, and, with the support of the people, overthrows the king of Solcia for the last time, declaring a republic. This act, marking the end of the Solcian monarchy, coincides with similar changes that are sweeping across the Irian world. Many city-states have adopted more democratic systems of government that are less reliant on intensely powerful individuals to maintain them. Written constitutions replace older, unwritten laws, and the leaders in charge of a nation are increasingly seen as representatives of the people, and expected to act as such.
  • Exhulan Empire: Although our recent defeats have caused many casualties and been major problems for us, the arrogant Yannians have found that in the colony they occupy they have no base to work on, and are forced to put down constant rebellions by the people there. Although they attempt to cover it up and rant about how they are "rescuing the people we have corrupted in our land," this largely falls flat due to the fact that Yannis never owned that land to begin with, and all of its tens of thousands of inhabitants are Exhulans, not Yannians. even the followers of the Yannian religion that exsisted in the area turn against Yannis, and greatly aid in our counterattack into the region in 656. we gather up our remaining men (with the additional recruitment of more) and launch a counterattack against Yannis. we do this by playing to our strengths, setting up a major defensive formation in the area between the ciast province of the Ettyian Coast and the Yannian attackers pushing down that successfully fends them off, leading them to try to consolidate their gains in our colony. We then gather and attack, using our navy to transport huge numbers of troops in assaults all along the coast to capture coastal cities from the invaders (playing to our strengths in the area) before finally at the end, we launch a major offensive into the southernmost river in the region, sailing our navy up the rivers and attacking the cities from their ports and landing thousands of soldiers to secure them, attempting to cut off the Yannian forces occupying the area below from reinforcements while at the same time launching a counterattack into the region from the south, hoping to divide and destroy Yannian forces with about one-half of our forces dedicated to each, although the river attack has slightly less men. (Algorithm needed) The assistance of Qera with their aid of many thousands of troops is also greatly beneficial in this. The major distraction of Yannis with our ally the Xeran Empire and their arrogant assumption they will be able to pacify the tens of thousands of Exhulan inhabitants of the region well moving many of their troops away to fight Xera proves their undoing in this, as we are able to successfully outnumber them on many occasions due to this. When we counter-invade our territory that Yannis has stolen, a massive revolt occurs among the populace of the region against Yannian Authorities, as Yannian mass prosecutions of many of the citizens for their religions (Murdering the Ulmians and Irrulmians and greatly discriminating against and persecuting Hcctaal followers (who are the majority of the population - despite what Yannis insists) in the region and butchering thousands of civilians in the invasion). Meanwhile, while Yannis arrogantly assumes their navy has crushed ours completely after winning a few battles, they are quickly proven incorrect in this assumption when we send hundreds more of our ships against them, successfully winning several naval engagments and allowing us to dominate the waters around Atnosia. This is also largely due to the shifted attentions of the Irrosian Kingdom, our vassal, who previously had not participated in these naval engagments but now dedicate their massive fleet to it, allowing us to succeed. The raising of 8,000 men from throughout the empire (as two decades have now passed since the initial muster) results in minor food issues in many parts of the empire which threaten to get worse, but luckily we are able to import large amounts of food from neighboring nations to stave off food shortages, in addition to the rationing that begins to be put in place. Trade with Beraba, Gahren, Qera, Sillas, and Teninukal continues flourishing during this turn. Finally, we agree to Qeras' offer to coordinate our armies and tactics). (More to come).
  • Taivaie Kingdom: In the lands of the Taiiel Delta, a civilization prospers. The Taivas thrive, and the three cities expand their influence, all under the watchful eye of king Gilean. Young men, seeking their fortune, clear out areas of the jungle and found farming villages. In Metsval, citizen watches remain vigilant, not wanting to let a Tiifling raiding party slip through and cause damage. The lands of Taivaie are extremely productive agriculturally, with about 6.5 rice crops possible in a year. This supports a population of 960k, making Taivae one of the most densely populated countries in the world. This has proved useful in the past, depending on your definition of useful. Any inquisitive person might discover that the nation's long-established irrigation system has quite a few mass graves nearby. These are the unfortunate casualties of Taivaie's grand undertakings roughly two centuries beforehand. Not everyone was lucky enough to end up in a mass grave, however, and many skeletons can be found under the ground by a bit, in tucked-away places where they perished, likely due to starvation and overworking. Currently, the most eminent threat to the nation is the Tiiflings. They have darts coated with poison, that, if left untreated, can kill a man in 45 minutes. Taivaie thus ends the year, isolated, but with prosperity to spare.
  • Glorious Empire of Vhaynos: We have grown in many ways since the beginning of our time. The Empire has prospered under the watchful eyes of the Timoi and we have seen many glorious times. During this beautiful time of peace and prosperity we continue to improve the lives of our subjects most notably constructing Aqueducts in order to transport water to our cities and allow our citizens an easier life. The Palace of Maps continue to grow its wealth of maps with them containing some of the most expressive knowledge the world has ever seen. The glory of our cities continue to grow ever more. During the south a new city is formed on the western kingdom of ours. We also ask the Kings of Dvama for an alliance to bring our nations even closer together now and forever more (MOD RESPONSE). The kingdom continue to expand its agricultural capacities and grow even larger as a nation. Meanwhile, our navy continues to expand by even more ships, and horse archers are even further employed in the east. The library of knowledge continues its expansion. Meanwhile, in the north, the city of Rhythnos grows even richer off the trade from the spice routes. In the city a new eager explorer rises up by the name of Ilor Giro who is sponsored by a rich merchant prince in the city to explore even farther west of the mysterious and distant lands of Gahren into the mystical and rarely seen lands of Beraba and beyond. While in the south two great expeditions are launched further exploring the large landmass western and eastern coasts southward bringing back more knowledge of the land. The Timoi also orders a census to be conducted.
  • Kingdom of Tybus: The family of the Cassars, with its constituency at its side, has reached its new beginnings along an atoll of the unknown sea. Being at the most advantageous position at the dawn of a new chapter, the House of Cassar establishes itself as the rightful sovereign entity to the newborn city of Tybus. The new constitution respects the right of the individual as a term of a social contract in exchange for continued protection and order under the House of Cassar. This founding document is known as The "Balenciago", meaning social balance (of authority/order and freedom). Patriarch to the House of Cassar - Alba - is proclaimed king of the lands with all power in hand. He orders the creation of infrastructure, pastures, and defensive measures. He orders a patrol to explore to the south and west of the atoll. To take advantage of the high seas, he arranges the construction of a new port hoping to attract the eyes and wallets of the world. To protect these assets, archers, warriors, and sailors are to be trained and deployed. With expansion of the populous' facilities, the House of Cassar places its palace at center of city. From the palace King Alba orders the creation of the Tybusi Guard - a force dedicated to ensuring the stability and protection of the House of Cassar. The House would also like an exploration team to chart the islands of the atoll, in search of natural resources and trade goods. With a new era spawned, the House of Cassar has begun its trek to global dominion.
  • Mesallian Culture: It was during this time that the Great Lakes formally joined the Yannis Empire in fighting its war against the Xeran Empire. Neoptolanus VII Teclanus owed the existence of his kingdom and his continued survival heavily on the Yannis Empire, and by this time two of his sons had converted to the Yannian religion. At least one-third of the population is believed to have been Yannian as well, owing to the area’s original rule by Yannians and Temayal, and the continued cultural exchange after being surrounded by Yannian states. The next phase of conflict in Emalia had begun, instigated by the prolonged war with the Yannis Empire, and Emalia’s role on the forefront of the war. After a generation of conflict it had been ordained that a patriarchal, Mesallian-style kingdom would rule over Emalia, but unlike the urbanized and well established north the south of the kingdom was more traditional. With the kingdom’s army distracted in the Yannian kingdoms, this separation between north and south boiled over into war, as the south rallied behind a noblewoman named Queen Sheba, instead of the established king in the north, Igneous II. This civil war would cause havoc for the Emalian region and the nations around it, with the kingdom being a causeway for one-half dozen armies to march through in every direction. In Ephenus the current king, Ptelamus, son of Haliecles III, saw an opportunity to claim the Emalian kingdom as well. The Mesallians of northern Emalia were largely loyal to the Emalian king Ignaeous II, although many would shift toward supporting other male claimants to the throne. When the Yannians attempted to seize northeast Emalia the Mesallian noblemen of the recently conquered Kingdom of Gabatria petitioned in favor of Yannis allowing them independence, rather than being annexed to a nation such as Temayal, if it should come to that. An opportunistic nobleman named Cestalus of Naro attempted to posture himself in a position to rule such a kingdom, marrying into the House of Haliecles, and becoming a mercenary leader of the Yannis Empire. In the northwest the nation of Bascula allows military access to the Yannis Empire, due to their policy of appeasement toward both sides of the war. Many Basculans would join the Yannian side as well, led by one of the king’s sons, Tezeculilus. But at the same time many Basculans would also be contracted by the Syresians or Xerans against the Yannians. The Kingdom of Canim would initially fight against the Yannian invasion, but in the initial months before Xeran reinforcements arrived, the kingdom was overwhelmed, with King Dionymus falling in battle near the capital. His successor, Euthydemus IV, surrendered to the Yannian army, before the entire kingdom faced complete destruction.
  • Thïgæ: Seeing that the southern islands were not anything special, exploration continues in the west, south of the Eborites. Ruralization during the decade continues, although not as much as the next few decades, when the babies born in last decade start to buy their own land at around age 20. Seeing Johandpanan grow, relations become more and more important with them, and Yithït VII proposes an alliance with them. To mend ties with Sonaredar, Yithït VII asks to marry one of his daughters (not Yithït IX, who has the claim on the throne), Urthït II, to either the firstborn or secondborn child of the current leader of Sonaredar. This would not result in a personal union, as one (Urithït II) or both (Urthït II and the secondborn son of the Sonaredarian leader) would not have a claim to one or both of the thrones to the countries; however, it would make ties between the two countries better. This would result in Urthït II living in Sonaredar. Naval warships begin to be used more. As statistics grow more advanced, royal mathmatitions put population at 92,311 people, using data from both the exact amount of first settlers and the census in 84 P.L. They put the growth rate at around 1.01, and use that to calculate the growth since then. The army grows to 4,000 men accordingly. Large industries continue to grow, and expansion continues east and north. Rural areas grow to encompass the rivers and coasts claimed aldready. Agriculture continues to develop, with irigation and farming tecniques continue to improve. For the first time, aqueducts are used to store water underground. These are built using lime bricks and arches, both relitavley new thing in engeneering. A large road network is built around this time, connecting the east and north. A new wagon is developed, which can float but is on wheels. This is carried by horses. Then, when farmers reach the river, they can sail down the river after taking off the wheels and leaving horses by the river. To prevent theft of horses, small "stable" ports are made, so that farmers can "sell" their horses only to "buy" them back after returning. Selling costs a little less than buying, but makes sure that the horses don't get stolen. This is the first reported instance of some sort of insurance, although primitave, effective. These institutions sperad to become banks of sorts, and soon the government gets in on the industry. The horse ports, also known as "stable ports", act like banks, and the government soon runs a few on every river in the country. The word for banks in Thï actually originates from the word for a horse stable, "Ihja", and the word for port, "Tyas", making the word for bank "Ihjtyas". Government owned Ihjtyas continue to operate, and soon spread to the busy cities, building along river areas. They are also built along major roads, making a large road along the eastern coast much more profitable and famous, the "Luasyt", or the "Coast Road".
  • Drachenia: As peace is offered, Heidegger, ready for peace, signs an agreement in which the Drachenians gain slaves and tribute. Furthermore, they decide when the slaves arrive to let them go. They are given access to plots of lands in the less so settled areas for those with experience in minor amounts of agriculture while the others are given housing in cities to start their new lives. The army gains new recruits to make up for their losses. Furthermore, a campaign against the southern unmarked tribes continue on while general settlement is made northward with less hostile actions and more peaceful ways of expansion by incentivizing them to join us. Only those who are hostile to them receive any negative treatment. Jonnes becomes a land of scholars and the rich.
  • Telachitul Republic: Mostly focused on expansion, Unafir seems interested in continuing most of the domestic polices of his predecessor. As such, annual taxes again swell the nation's treasury by 500 kg of gold over the decade. In addition, the glut of trade provides Armerra with another source of revenue to tax, taking in 300 kg of gold over the decade (to like a shit ton, LMAO). The set of symbols now being called Eltaphu continues its development under the priests of Icrodel. Slow progress continues being made, with a basic alphabet starting to take shape, But outside of the temples, standards remain wildly inconsistent, with average traders using a haphazard mix of proper Eltaphu, foreign characters, and even drawings. However, the system is advanced enough for a priest named Mexotautl compiling the first book of Icrodel myths and prayers, called Eveiel. Seeing the value in this development, Unafir continues Armeera's policy of funding both the scholars who hope to advance Eltaphu, as well as the Icrodel religion itself, working to maintain temples. The Republic's exploration also continues. In the south, much of the planned expansion is complete. In the north, the Republic hopes for a more peaceful mode of colonization. Trade continues to bring the region deeper in the Republic's sphere of influence. The ultimate goal is to expand northward and incorporate the less organized communities peacefully into the Republic. Without the south taking as much effort, the republic is able to expand north more rapidly, especially along the eastern coast. In addition, the reign of Unafir sees the continued growth on the Telachitul navy, keeping even the most unwilling natives in line. With the republic thoroughly dominating the coast both militarily and economically, a few settlements begin to grow, attracting both republican citizens and foreigners. In particular, a significant settlement directly across the bay from Itochitul (the capital) continues to experience significant growth, mostly because of its convenience as a docking location for both merchant and naval ships. The colony's location makes it a useful place to manage both colonization and trade along the coast. In addition several coastal settlements in the north and a settlement at the northern tip of the southern lake see moderate growth. With operations on the coast going smoothly, Unafir seeks to make further progress inland. Obviously, this leads to more resistance as the republic's trade and naval advantages are largely moot, but the vast superiority of Telchitul weaponry means moderate expansion is possible, and any foreigners likely can't pose a credible threat to the republic. In addition, the expansion inland gives the republic a convenient source of slaves, particularly from a resistant group the republic calls the Telabarbur. As a result, slavery begins to proliferate, mostly across the rural regions of the republic, serving as a moderate boon to the agrarian sectors of the economy. However, the constant threat of attack leads Unafir to start investing in a more organized militia system, which he hopes to formalize over the next decade. Iron working, trade, and ship building continue to thrive as the main industries of Itochitul, the capital city. Ship building is particularly important, as it allows for large scale transport of goods along the coast, which in turn facilitate relatively quick colonization, as well as further trading. With the northern foe still sitting, Unafir makes sure the Republic's military is well equipped, but still continues expansion at a breakneck pace. The Republic continues to seek alliances with local tribes, through trade, hoping to use them as allies against any potential conflict as well as absorb them into the Republic over time. Hoping the Republic is in a more powerful position than the northerners, Unafir sends an envoy to ask what's up with them.
  • Glorious Empire: During these years a new Timoi has risen to the throne. Timoi Tita VI is noted for being exceptionally expansionist and militarily minded and wishes to see Vhaynos rise to its righteous place in the world. Feeling the time is right, Timoi Tita VI launches a double secret and sudden invasion into both Daukani and Xinaben who are allied with each other hoping to catch them by surprise and score a quick and easy victory over both of them. He also increases the Naval presence near our island colonies in case of a Tah surprise attack seeing an easy target. The army invading Daukani mostly consists of Horse Archer and other cavalry from Jadalan and some Vhaynosi territories, and is utilizing many tactics learned from the Eborites in order to quickly eliminate the Daukani army. The army invading Xinaben is much less cavalry and consists of Archers, Spearmen, Horse Archer, and to a minor extent war elephants hoping to cut off the Xinabeni army from grouping with the Daukani one. Similarily the navy is also moved into position to block the flow of goods into Daukani to put pressure on them to surrender. While in the North the continued growth under various merchants princes occurs. However, in order to combat the growing power of a few merchants, many band together in order to form guilds to further empower themselves in their struggle for Supremacy. Meanwhile, explorers continue to be sent farther past the great lands of Gahren to find the source of the many mysterious goods which show up in our marketplaces from time to time. While exploration of the southern landmass also continues. Some trepidious explorers fearing the war and their enlistment explore the east to avoid enlistment and some fearing that even that may not save flee to the near-ensured death in the most dangerous Southwestern waters


The Exhulan attempt to repulse the Yannians results in an Exhulan defeat. The Exhulans suffer 9,100 casualties, the Yannians suffer 1,900 casualties, and the Tohatians suffer 2,000 casualties.

The nation of Sonaredar remains cautious toward the nation of Thïgæ, but the king of Sonaredar accepts the offer to wed Urthït II to his second son, Devamedatha.

The Kingdom of Otan Takat raids the Xeran outpost near its territory, capturing the small fort for themselves.

The Second Battle of Temayal results in a decisive Yannian victory, with the Xeran army being repulsed from the kingdom. The Yannians suffer 9,400 casualties, Temayal suffers 5,100 casualties, and the Xerans suffer 32,570 casualties, from combat and other causes. The Xeran army of the mountains remains unopposed but undersupplied, suffering 18,000 casualties due to being cut off by Yannis, while the Yannians near Temayal similarly suffer 8,000 casualties, feeling the effects of the Emalian-region famine to a lesser extent.

Completely surrounded by the Hythians, the nation of Jalor accepts the offer of vassalage. This decision is resisted by a segment of the Jalor nobility, who in conjunction with the remnants of the Mithadian resistance, launch a rebellion against the Hythians along the southern extent of their primary river.

The Battle of Idasimos results in a Yannian victory, successfully capturing northeast Emalia. Yannis suffers 10,050 casualties, the Yannian allies suffer 8,100 casualties, while the Xerans suffer 24,370 casualties. The city of Ixima is retaken, with Emalia suffering 15,400 casualties, Yannis suffering 5,650 casualties, and the Yannian allies suffering 5,000 casualties. During this campaign Igneous II of Emalia is killed in battle. The Yannians successfully capture eastern Emalia during the invasion of Lyania.

The Battle of the Syresian Straits, in which the combined navies of the Zelonuma Emiresq, the Darnan city-states, Yannis via its Tesardyan fleet, and the western allies attack Syres and Xera, results in a narrow Yannian defeat. The Zelonuma Emiresq suffers the loss of 34 ships and 5,300 men, the various Yannian allies collectively suffer the loss of 20 ships and 3,500 men, the Yannians suffer the loss of ten ships and 2,000 men, the Syresians suffer the loss of 16 ships and 3,300 men, and the Xerans suffer the loss of 15 ships and 3,000 men.

A tribe known as the Yali raids the Yannian outposts on the north of its territory, and destroys several trade routes constructed by the Yannians on the northern sea.

During the First Battle of Canim, between the Yannian-Darnan invaders and the Xerans, the Yannians manage to surprise the unsuspecting Xerans, resulting in a Yannian victory. The Yannians suffer 6,100 casualties, the Darnans suffer 3,900 casualties, and the Xerans suffer 15,450 casualties. In the Second Battle of Canim, in which Xera’s numbers are doubled by the arrival of Syres, Xera achieves victory. The Yannians suffer 9,070 casualties, the Darnans suffer 5,600 casualties, the Xerans suffer 3,400 casualties, and the Syresians suffer 2,000 casualties. As a result the Yannians are pushed back roughly to the southernmost river.

Several tribes in the north accept an alliance with the Telachitul Republic, although several other tribes, who were victims of the Telachitul slave practices, ally against them instead, causing difficulty in securing the territory north of the republic. When envoys reach the nation of Agunda directly, the Telachitul are told that Agunda means them no harm and will open trade with them, if they abandon the northern tribes and accept that they are within Agunda’s sphere.

  • Yannis Empire: The Anointed One proclaims, “I AM ONE WITH THE COSMOS”, on a stone pillar erected at this time. A chorus of a million faithful Holy Men sing out the glory of the Yannis Empire, and the destruction of the Thotite realm. The ground of Temayal runs red with the blood of the Thotite destruction. The faithful ally of Temayal never lost hope, and so they drew the Thotites into a snare to be trapped and killed. The presence of the Thotites came as a purely unholy act, but this sacrifice was made so that they could be killed so easily, with the blood being used to purify the lands that they desecrated. The world is sourly disappointed with the weak display of the Thotites, as on account of being unable to win, they turned to their necrophilic desecration of dead bodies, their looting of mausoleums, and their destruction of as much culture and art as possible. The evidence is clear of that fact, that the Ulm religion practices the most disturbing of the dark acts, while the Yannis Empire seeks to end their utter savagery. No human on this earth would observe what the Thotites had done and call it moral or justifiable, rather any civilized person would squarely agree that the Thotites are disgusting and reprehensible. It is for this reason that the rebellion must be stopped, and the entirety of that region must be annexed by the Yannis Empire, so that they can restore order and liberate its people. Emalia must rise up and be liberated from the slavery of the Thotites, and through Yannis, it will be done. Edom must rise up and be liberated, and so it will be done. It has come to pass that the Thotites have escaped from their zoo, and as animals they now terrorize the good people of the world. Their packs have marched through and Emalia and devastated that land, killing off thousands of Emalians in the name of gorging themselves, and in the name of striking against us. The fat Thotites greedily consumed the flesh of the children of Emalia, and held no regard for its people, throwing that entire country into the chaos of barbarity. They look upon the world with only one primitive goal that their animal minds can understand, and that is to harm the innocent people of the world. To this end they have destroyed Emalia and Edom, and looted those places of anything of value. They massacred the innocents of Edom in the name of razing their places of culture, all to install the monolithic, unthinking trickery of Ulmerism. The coalition of the free peoples of the world urges the Emalians, Edomians, Syresians, and all others to break free of Thotite slavery. In the west the Yannians ask that the Zuen Federation take this opportunity to rightfully destroy Azoz. The Zuen are offered the ability to conquer the Thotite territories that have rebelled from us, and join us in crusade. They are shown the riches of that land when we gift them our spoils, and they are reminded of how the Thotites attacked them many years ago. A great army arrives at the rivers of Canim, fortifying the cities of the entire kingdom against attack. Because the Exhulans rejected our fair and just peace offer, we will make the peace offer more demanding until they accept. The Yannians of the east take their islands near Atnosia, conquering Irrosia, and threaten to take the rest of Exhula if they do not cooperate. If they continue to delay a fair peace then we will give them a peace that requires their extermination. There is no other alternative than for the Exhulans to heed our commands, or they will be destroyed. And on top of that, we speak to the nations of Qera and Sillas, stating that they ought to claim the remnants of Exhula as well. The Exhulans randomly invaded Qera and annexed their lands, and now Qera may annex Exhula’s coast. The Exhulans randomly invaded Sillas to harm their nation, and their provinces remain on the Sillan border waiting. We say no longer, and call on these nations to push back through the boundaries that Exhula has made round them, so that all three nations may highly prosper. Sillas might annex Kaloma, and all the islands of the east, while Qera would claim all of the Exhulan west. This will be down to teach the Exhulans for their continuous treachery against all three of us, and to right the natural order of the world. We inform the Syresians that if they declare war on the Xeran Empire they will be granted the Kingdom of Canim and the lands of Xera along the coast. The armies in Temayal fortify their locations and do not invade Emalia, but the forces in Lyania are increased, with the focus of marching into the city of Emalia. Supplies are shipped to the front, with all land that has been pillaged going toward supporting the army.
  • Nura Gakan: Chaga Tan passes away, following his death Ulum Tan is picked as the new Gak by the council of fire. He, too, begins to enact taxes among the rich and nobles in hopes of maintaining the nation's current amount of money (or gold?). Within Ulrom organized polytheisic religion begins to take shape with the establishment of new gods and the mixing of others, This leads to the formation of three Main gods (Vangar: The god of strength/Dun: God of peace/Ogkut: God of the intelligent). The Nura Gakan religion begins to adopt a holy order mostly expanded by Oral tradition. Ulrom is expanded with plans of expanding the town toward the coastline of the state. The farming centers of the Two-River region begins to take shape as a new city (Olama) begins to form on the two-river region mostly used as a de facto trade center of the state, placed at the head of the river delta.Ft. Thots is expanded with construction of walls around the fort. Mines begin taking shape in the mountain regions. Naval raiding begins to become a more acceptable form of warfare within the Gakani people, this is mostly support and backed up by the Naval expansion across the Two Rivers. The mines are mostly used to find new gems (which are used by the rich and noblemen to flex on poor people) and iron (for the formation of new weapons.) Gakani farmers begin setting up farms and things of that sort by the Two-River Region. Ulum Tan begins to send more settlers toward newly expanded land upon the hope of expanding the Gurkani people and loyalty to the Gak.
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: The Holy Dodo passes away this year and the search for its successor immediately starts. After seven months in the small fishing village of Dodograd, the next Holy Dodo is found. Tsar Konstantin I makes the annual pilgrimage to the new Holy Dodo and receives its blessing. When the Holy Dodo dies it marks the beginning of a new era.
  • Sillan Republic: Cabeza Banzena orders the expansion of Banzenopolis, commisioning the construction of several more Ulmist temples within it and its vicinity – cementing the newly-established city as the center of the Ulmist faith within Silla. At this point, approximately 12% of the population identifies as Ulmist; its rapid rise a testament to its unique place as the sole organized religion within Silla. Despite this, it still is considered a foreign religion and its growth start to stabilize partly due to the Ulmist faith being unable to penetrate smaller, rural settlements. While earlier clerics have issued a crackdown on heterodox practices – especially in reference to the Irrulmian sect – they persist and continue to compete with "Western Ulmism" due to the desire to distance oneself from any secular Azozian influence. One important difference between Western Ulmism and Eastern Ulmism is the latter's emphasis on the proper observance of religious rites (orthopraxy), the prohibition of all meats and limiting alcohol consumption to feast-days, and the principle of achieving salvation solely through faith (though regardless, good conduct is seen as a sign of one's faith); in addition to radically-different and more varied interpretations of the Ulmist canon. Meanwhile, Cabeza Banzena ends her habit of smoking tobacco and recreational marijuana under the advice of royal physicians and fellow Ulmist officials. While she maintains its legality to avoid provoking the powerful aristocratic landlords of the Makuku provinces, she implements legislation prohibiting smoking in certain areas (specifically those with high densities of people, such as a town center or a market-place). In response to outside attempts to involve Silla in their petty conflicts, the Ministry of War commissions the construction of more ships; raising the total number of warships to ~250 (of which, the majority are triremes or quadriremes, with only a few quinqueremes serving as flagships of the navy). These ships protect key trading routes and the coast from any raids. Similarly, military engineers invent a true catapult from heavy crossbows; though this discovery is ignored when another team invents a traction trebuchet which is superior in firepower and its better capabilities in indirect fire. Many traction trebuchets are manufactured in preparation of future sieges, rather than defensive roles. Upon learning of intrusive foreign diplomatic expeditions to the Sillan capital and their pleas for Sillan intervention, Cabeza Banzena – mistaking them to be mere petty merchants – famously rebuffs them, stating: "our Grand Republic possesses all things in prolific abundance, and consequently lacks no product within its borders. There is, therefore, no necessity for this blessed land to import the manufactures of outside barbarians in exchange for our own produce." Despite this, feeling pity for the Exhulans, all Exhulans are granted special rights and limited citizenship should they land in any Sillan territories and the border presence is limited to a skeleton force. The promotion of pro-natalist policies and programs to further augment the population continues; aided by improvements in land-usage and agricultural technology. All city walls are maintained, and an intricate system of canals and paved roads are constructed to promote connectivity. As part of a public health and sanitation campaign, extensive sewer and plumbing systems, latrines, and public baths (with both heaters and evaporative coolers) are built in all major settlements – with water being supplied by a comprehensive system of aqueducts and minor channels. Meanwhile, irrigation channels and groundwater-wells are built to provide water to crops; boosting productivity. The excess is stored for food security, or sold to the market – thus stimulating commercialization. Workshops and bloomeries are constructed; and the production of textiles, ceramics, luxury goods, tools and machinery, and arms proliferate. Other major industries include sericulture, beekeeping, and the production of leather (from ratites and reptiles), glassware, and silverware. Cash crops include tea, maize, sugarcane, cocoa; cotton, piña, abaca, natural dyes; tobacco and cannabis. Within marshes or near bodies of water, highly-productive artificial islands are constructed – planted with maize, squash, and beans intercropped together. Similarly, farms raising seafood are built.
  • Xeran Empire: Emperor Nathon II took up arms to personally lead his armies in battle against the Yannis invasion, and the generals aiding our allies of Syres and Canim successfully repulsed the attacks. The leaders of Syres and Canim were made First Citizens by the Senate, and henceforth, the chronicles refer to the emperor as "Nathon II the Unshakable". Closer diplomacy and cultural exchange is offered to Canim in the aftermath of this battle, with a small expedition of military helping to rebuild the region after Yannis' attack. The military previously stationed in reserve forces are moved up as a fourth army into Emalia, under the command of General Noosents who organizes both Armies 3 and 4. The Yannis military successfully landed in two parts of Emalia, contradicting their earlier commitment of helping the empire, and in the opinion of the historian Xerafon succeeded in drawing Emalia closer to Xera's alliance. Nonetheless, Yannis' invasions had also succeeded in putting themselves in a very bad tactical position, at least in the minds of both generals. Noosents pulled all of his military from the Yannis territory, and pushed north along the coast to cut between the Yannis military and the sea. This tactic mainly employed the typical wedge and manipal channel formations, using the archers, elephants and cavalry as rapid skirmishers. Barricades are quickly made by the miltiary engineers to cover the flank away from the sea. Meanwhile, the Emalian military and the fourth army close in on the large fluvial island (whatever it's called) that Yannis had landed in, destroying most of the bridges there except a few which are heavily fortified. Then, the Emalian military swings north to push on two sides of the Yannis forces on the coast with help of the third army. With that force of Yannis cut off near the coast, the remaining forces of Emalia and the third army swing back against the fluvial island, pressing on the other Yannis military there with help from the fourth army. The bulk of the navy is sent from their recent victory in Syres to secure the coast of Emalia, crushing Yannis navy there and cutting off supplies of the landing forces. Meanwhile, General Archaleon dissolves the Satrapy of Temayal, and pulls back all the forces occupying the Yannis territory to defend Emalia. However, both Archaleon and Noosents knew that they needed to stall, or perhaps completely stop, the remaining three armies of Yannis in the region. Therefore, much to the pain of Archaleon's heart, a scortched-earth tactic was employed. All military fortifications made by Yannis in the occupied regions were destroyed, and all the forests and arable farmlands were set on fire. The "Great Pyrium", as coined by Xeraphon, completely laid to waste what little crops remained as a result of the famine, causing a virtual wall of wasteland territory between the Yannis forces and the Emalian border. Civilian homes and urban centers remained unharmed, but a crew of several hundred elite soldiers were left behind to harass and delay the Yannis forces still further along their progress, being the first example of guerrilla warfare in recorded history. The Apostle Formosos, according to one letter to the Emperor, was completely opposed to these policies, but in response it seems he was eventually transferred toward preaching Ulm to the people of Canim instead. At any rate, the two armies of Archaleon move in to crush the Yannis invasion of east Emalia on two sides. The first army, being the least affected in the war so far, leads the main attack to utilize a folding line formation while sending two types of cavalry to cover their flanks, sending archers and balistas from the vantage point of nearby foothills. The second army continues to fight along the coast as it strikes against the Yannis forces from the north, using their flaming crossbow tactics again to destroy the transport ships and cut off any supply lines from the Great Lake. They continue to use the standard wedge and manipal channel formation when they encounter Yannis military head on. After all three Yannis forces are destroyed in Emalia, all five army groups (including the Emalians) are moved up immediately to space out evenly along the Emalian border to engage the three remaining Yannis armies as they eventually cross the wall of wasteland. These Yannis armies are to be stopped in their advance and not allowed to cross the border, keeping them bottled in the wasteland with no supplies. A new set of reserve forces are already gathered in Sephimora, in preparation for further assistance in Emalia. The military in Canim pushes further north, and not stopping until Yannis is repulsed from the kingdom. Lawrenx the Bold, seeing Yannis attempting to station their military in Phorintheon toward their expansion south, calls to arms all the Atnosian tribes against this clear military occupation, and a clear threat against the tribes' simple way of life. In the far west, trade networks from Gara continue to spread across the nations of Ismadia, Jasmira and Otan. A small expedition is sent to recover the colony of Faut-Xera, to which we are surprised about Otan caring about attacking it in the first place, and we are willing to sell the fort to them if they so wished to do proper diplomacy. The navy also continues to build up in the west to compensate for lack of trade in the east. With the entire eastern trade cut off by the war with Yannis, almost all merchant guilds begin to pull out support for investing in Messalia, seeing their trade network effectively choked out of any usefullness by Yannis. The Klantonian armor starts to become standard issue among the more professional, elite hoplites, although the traditional Erasidonian-type military remains skeptical. Among the myriads of soldiers involved in the conflict against Yannis is Dionide of Ephenus, who would later become world famous after the war. Had Dionide alone been added to the long list of casualties in the conflict, his invaluable contribution to western civlization would have been forever lost.
  • Qera: When Prince Ycas V receives the offer from Yannis to become a traitor to one of Qera's oldest allies, he first starts bursting out laughing at this ridiculous offer (since the last war between Qera and Exhula was centuries ago and there is no need for revenge) and then erupts into unimaginable fury according to court records. As friendship and alliances are sacred in Qeran culture, the prince is deeply insulted by this. He sends back a letter, that, if read by a fluent Qeran speaker, can be interpreted as both a friendly decline with the promise to stay neutral and come to help later or as a friendly decline. (MOD RESPONSE ON THE SUCCESS). Additionally, a letter to the Xeran king is sent with the offer to officially join the alliance of Qera, Exhula and the Dholbalan tribes (XERA RESPONSE NEEDED). This alliance would include less tariffs on Xeran merchants trading in Qeran ports, better military organization and mutual military aid. Qeran "war-counts", former mercenary generals and also official generals notice that their horses have trouble to go on full charge on the sandy landscape of the northern Ettyan coast. To still use the cavalry that is essential for the tactics. Many camels are purchased from the Tlevehoâtl, though there are not as many of them as horses (exact numbers per DM on discord). Another 4,000 men are sent north to support the other Qerans at the front, while the generals of the princely court teach the Exhulan strategists how to reduce the casualties in battle and how to slaughter the attacking forces. secret A new method to weaken the enemy is tested for the first time. The cavalry is sent out deep at night to harass the enemy camp by shooting arrows or burning it down and then vanishing into the hills. This is made to keep the camps at constant alarm and not allowing the soldiers to rest, thus coming exhausted to battle. To execute these plans, many locals are asked to help defending their land secret end. The Ulmists in the county of Tortla grow in number, now having even their own district in the city of Tortla. A census is ordered, first, to know the exact pool of manpower available, second, the bureaucrats wonder about the capacity of the colonies and last, a religious census is ordered in areas with large minorities like Odzeba, Tortla and Ollea. Trade with Sillas, Exhula, Makuku, Ypelomnes and Genda flourishes, iron and copper production reaches another high point. Blacksmiths, artists and other workers manufacture tools, weapons and armor around the clock to keep the war effort and trade up. Another 20 armored "turtle ships" are built to secure Exhulan waters against the invaders and secure the trade routes. Around this decade the oldest examples of cursing swords (Mauekganytl in Qeran) is found. These artifacts are the average battle sword but on the handle or blade there are curses scratched in the old Qeran script.
  • Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 348-357 Since the Return of Hythus. Myrnech Jyantus, with the support of the Jaloran King launches a campaign to quell the rebellion. However, the persistence and growing power of the nobility hampers the emperor’s efforts. Without the complete support of his nobles, Myrnech Jyantus is defeated at a major battle in southern Jalor. Following the battle, and facing growing popular revolt, the emperor is forced to sign away much of his power over local affairs. His position is made electoral, and the vast empire he and his mother forged devolves into a system of loosely vassalized states. Myrnech Jyantus retains direct control over both an area around Gyt and a region around the Mythadian capital, as well as much of the frontier which is lightly settled and has less influence from the noble houses. The nobles proceed in establishing what are essentially independent states, de jure under the authority of the empire, but with wide-ranging powers over taxation, military forces, and law. Despite this, the emperor retains some authority to raise levies, call the houses to arms, and the duty to defend the territorial boundaries of the empire.
  • The Yusur Civilization: Yusur was an ancient society that developed around the Uphra Delta. The civilization is estimated by historians to have originated some 4,000 years ago (1,000 years before the start of the game), with the first permanent, year-round urban centers originating after the invention of agricultural practices, using the river delta for irrigation. Seated at the crossroads of neighboring cultures, the early settlements became the envy of the neighboring world, with clashes against migrating groups and against each other beginning. The earliest cities would have numbered less than a few thousand people, with stone walls, mudbrick temple complexes, and a concentration of farmland around each respective settlement. It is believed that each principal city of the region developed their own principal deity, with the monarch of each city serving as a high priest in matters of religion, or in some cases assisted by a council of elders. It is estimated that during this early period the Yusur civilization also developed a writing system, using clay tablets to carve stories and messages. According to one of the most important archeological discoveries dated to this period, the Yusur King List, the Yusur traced the lineage of their priest-kings over the course of thousands of years. The tablet implies that during various periods of time one city might assert loose influence over the others, but no city retained overall direct control over the entire region at any point during this period. The tablet also delineates the current world from a prehistoric, mystic world, which reportedly ended with a cataclysmic natural disaster. This event would form an important part of Yusur records and religion, with the current date being post-disaster, and the heroes of legend and myth primarily being of the old world. Several versions of the list would also be uncovered in various ancient sites, with the lineage of later kings seemingly altered to fit that particular city’s claim to divinity or hegemony. The first verifiably historic rulers of the King List would be the First Dynasty of Uruccala, who is said to have dominated the delta at the start of the 9th Dumuc (9,000 years in the Yusur calendar). The first king of the dynasty, Enkislamara, is said to have been the first monarch of any state to succeed the great disaster, and united the city of Uruccala. His reign is also referenced by an inscription discovered which confirms several details of his reign. Notably, it is said that he directed the Yusur in conquering the city of Edon, and that he build the Temple of Uleis in the city of Nucar. The Edonites are believed to have been a rival culture that had migrated into the Uphra Delta region from the Far East, settling along the banks of Lake Gidis and the northern river of Muri. After the death of Enkislamara the Edonites would quickly re-establish independence from any Yusur city, while one of their colonies, Tesh, would come to dominate the Muri under the warlord Amhbific. It is believed that Amhbific’s dynasty would conquer both Uruccala, located on the eastern edge of the Uphra Delta, and the city of Lescu, located near the mouth of the Muri. The primary cities of the Yusur came under the influence of the city of Usucach, led by a leader named Mesur-nanesh, who ruled roughly 100 years after the death of Enkislamara. He would be the first ruler to declare himself “Lord of Yusur”, having subjugated most of the cities of the delta over the course of years of campaigning. One of his contemporaries, Jusheraba, came to rule the city of Barcur, on the western edge of the delta, and successfully resisted Usucach in numerous wars, profiting off the control of the river Iconda. After his death the Nunemites would come to dominate the fertile plain between the two rivers further downstream, and would successfully dismantle the empire of both kings after their deaths. The Nunemites settled the city of Umgupal, at the center of the river, while the mouth of the Iconda split between the two cities of Barcur and Tunud. Despite being adjacent on opposite sides of the river’s mouth, neither city managed to subjugate the other, with Barcur instead focusing east, while Tunud focused west. The rest of the river was ruled by the Nunemites, who periodically raided north into the delta and subjugated several cities. Archeological evidence dates the First Dynasty of Uruccala to approximately Year 1, the empires of Mesur-nanesh and Jusheraba to the early Second Century, and the Three Cities of the Iconda up to the end of the Third Century. After which, the Yusur were again united, this time by Eanuhshib and the Third Dynasty of Mizqa. Under his leadership the Yusur people pushed the Edonites north from the outskirts of the delta, raiding north of the Muri River to the Temtu River. In the west the Kings of Mizqa ended the independence of Barcur, and helped pave the way for the collapse of the First Dynasty of Umgupal. Around the same time a people known as the Akinites migrated to the River Agaesh in the west. Considered completely barbaric in nature, the Yusur constructed a long wall between the Iconda and the Agaesh, but the Akinites managed to circle around the wall and conquer cities such as Tunud. After numerous wars with Mizqa, the Akinites settled their capital at Esin on the River Agaesh. The weakened Mizqa rulers are said to have been toppled by a peasant turned king named Narama, who conquered the Yusur cities from his capital of Rimush. Narama and his descendants are estimated to have ruled during the end of the Fifth Century and during most of the Sixth Century, before the empire collapsed under the pressure of increasing attacks from the Akinites and other migrating peoples. The cities of the Agaesh would successfully sack Narama’s capital of Rimush, whose ruins remain unknown to this day. In its place the Third Dynasty of Ukes dominated the delta, ruling over a loose network of cities not unlike the state of affairs centuries prior. Ukes was toppled by the Third Dynasty of Usucach several decades later, and soon after by the brief Second Dynasty of Eshuun. In Year 661 the city of Eshuun came to be ruled by Ingishkames, who became remembered for many important innovations. By the end of his rule the Yusur operated a system of mail delivery, with the king promoting the use of a sole, Yusurian script and language for communication. His reign would also see exploration and settlement farther south along the Uphra River. This is evidenced by several stone pillars discovered hundreds of miles down river, which told of Ingishkames’ rule over the land and his many accomplishments.
  • Mesallian Culture: In Emalia the civil war between north and south had been essentially postponed by the temporary alliance of Sheba and Igneous II, which allowed Igneous II to proclaim himself Emperor of the East. When Igneous was killed in battle, his eldest son from his first marriage was declared Haliecles IV, resuming tension with Queen Sheba. A solution arose when Ptelamus launched his invasion of Emalia from Ephenus, laying siege to the city of Emalia. Sheba managed to sneak into his camp, and soon it was arranged that he would marry Sheba in order to be proclaimed King of Emalia. This prevented bloodshed for the time being. During this time Evanematra V would ascend to the throne of Edom as governor and Maleka, amidst the conflict taking place in the east. Despite a long history of her family feuding with the branch at power in Azoz, Evanematra would be a more firm supporter of the Azozians, personally leading the effort to repulse the Yannians. She would write a commentary of her experiences, leading an army from Edom to join the army already assembled in the east. She would note she found the infighting in Emalia displeasing, and also distrusted Ptelamus. This was on account of the Edomite tradition that the kingdom claimed Sephimora as a vassal, even if in practice they were both provinces within the Xeran Empire on equal footing. Ephenus’ rise to power had led to Ptelamus’ family conquering part of Sephimora, and now he seemed to be calling himself King of Emalia, leading to that captured territory seceding from the Xeran Empire from a legal perspective. This was disregarded for the time being on account of the war being fought in the east, but Evanematra would attempt to mend this schism soon after through careful marriages or intrigue. Initially the Edomites were able to convince their relatives on the throne in Erasidon to support the Xeran Empire against the Yannis Empire, but this changed in the third year of the 115th Jafiad (Year 662), as the last Ptelamaic king in Erasidon died without a clear male heir. Instead his son-in-law, Deidamus, who was a brother of the King of Canim, was elevated to the throne, after a brief power struggle in the capital. This ascension would distract the Erasidonians as they attempted to secure hegemony over the remainder of Mesallas that the kingdom still held influence over. The king’s brother, Euthydemus IV of Canim, had become a prisoner to the Yannis Empire in the northwest, with his kingdom overrun by Syresians, Xerans, and Yannians. After the campaign near the capital led to the Yannians being pushed back north over the river, a temporary capital at Niephnaron was declared for the Yannian puppet kingdom that persisted. Soon after an election of two new Syresian consuls led to the city shifting its strategy completely. The city would take up the offer from the Yannis Empire and secede from the Xerans. In exchange the Yannians were to have Euthydemus IV executed, and to hand over the remainder of Canim to the Syresians, while both parties launched an attack against the Xerans in the south. After his brother was threatened, Deidamus would declare war on Syres, but his campaign would have to contest with conflict arising at home. Fearing that the Yannis Empire would reconquer their territories if they supported the Erasidonian king, the remainder of the Melopenes declared independence from Erasidon. In the east the Great Lakes dispatched its army to the Lyania region, joining the Yannian army already placed there.
    • Xera Dip: Syres turning against the Xeran empire is taken with great surprise, considering how long over the centuries Xera has always supported Syres, and expanded their territory and power and economy far greater than it ever had before. Furthermore, it is only just recently that we saved Syres from sure destruction by Yannis and Darna, losing the gains we helped them to get. We agree to mediate Syres' current dispute with Canim, although not at all infringing on the disputes of other parties, and also to cede territory of the Xeran empire itself if that is better to compensate for all those involved.
    • Xera Dip: We thank Erasidon for their loyalty in aiding this conflict, and we ask if they can spare any miltary in their current civil conflict, they should devote it against the majority of Yannis' miltiary fighting in Emalia. We reiterate our intention to help mediate the dispute over Canim.
    • Xera Dip: Seeing the occupation of their territory by Yannis, no doubt in preparation of full anexation, we ask the Great Lakes to consider switching sides in the conflict, so the risk of losing their sovereignty against Yannis is not met (OCC: I just think it's worth a try to ask since Syres I guess switched sides.)
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: The nation dispatches all ships in a great armada, and all its men in a great army. The nation of the Zelonuma Emiresq calls upon every household to raise an army, and calls upon every ally of the Zelonuma Emiresq to raise an army. The greatest army ever assembled by the Zelonuma Emiresq is dispatched, to punish the armies of the Thotite nation. An elite army numbering in the millions is arranged in the region of Canim, to strike down upon the Thotites and help liberate the rest of the kingdom. Once Canim has been saved from the Azozian nation, the Xeran Empire border will be crossed itself. The leader of the Zelonuma Emiresq becomes known as Xyzvezem, and he leads the armies of the alliance into battle. The nation also directs its allies to land as many troops s possible as well. Meanwhile, the navy passes through the Straits of Syres freely now that the city has changed its allegiance. The ships of Darna and of the Zelonuma Emiresq sail through and destroy the coast, to land an army that will surround the Xeran Thotite army. The leader of the Zelonuma Emiresq declares that he is Xyzvezem, and that the Thotites must collapse. Collapse, he says, motioning toward them. He has told them to collapse. So they must collapse, as he has ordered. The Thotites will collapse, they are on the brink of it. Please, begs the world, stop existing, they tell the Thotites. They sing the rain song in unison in the capital, praying that the world will rain down on the Thotites. They will surely collapse due to their instability, it is clearly unstable. The Thotites have become bound to collapse any day now. The Zelonuma Emiresq wishes that the Thotites would collapse, writes one writer from this time. And also, the people, too, seemed to agree that the Thotites should collapse. The warriors were sent to invade and ensure that it collapsed, and they did battle with the Thotites as their nation crumbled around them. They seemed on the verge finally being defeated, when the Zelonuma Emiresq arrived. The Thotites could not hold out much longer. In the meantime, the people of the nation of the Zelonuma Emiresq began to wonder.
  • Thïgæ: The nation of Sonaredar's acceptance of the marriage of Devamedatha and Urthït II comes with great celebration. Sonaredarian language seems much closer to Thï than most expect, and soon scholars begin calling Sonaredarians "Darï". Yithït VII states that this is the turning point in Darï-Thï relations, and trade becomes more common between the countries. Ihjtyas continue to prosper, with Upans making their way into Sonaredar. A large company under the name of Ihjthï expands into the Darï lands, but with the lack of major rivers in the region, they resort to only banking in Sonaredar. Ihjthï takes it one step further in insurance and starts using premiums in the sense that they will buy the house at a decided price if something happens to it. They become wealthy enough to start long haul trading routes, going over land or sea to Daukani for iron, then from there to Vytgæ for gold and other goods. Johdnapanan, also called the Pananï people, are offered an alliance to bond the two nations together and assure no fighting for the northern Aforazi valley. Expansion continues into the northern valley and the east. Expedtions are sent to the far west to explore the coast and south past the southern most island group (not the Vytï Island). Rural areas grow rapidly as the babies from the baby boom two decades ago claim land. (More to come if more time).
  • Telachitul Republic: Unafir's reign comes to an end with his peaceful, and as such, the Three Councils (Rural citizens or Telarad, Urban Citizens or Telaslet, and Nobles or Itotelarad) convene in Itochitul to pick a new ruler. With expansion and the northerners posing an increasing threat, the militaristic En'hoek is easily elected. With some experience with the more violent southern tribes, the new leader hopes to continue expansion in light of the new northern threat. However, to make matters simple En'hoek public-ally Agrees to the northerners' proposal, and opens trade with them. However, for much of the republic's elite, the nation is still seen as an existential threat. As such, En'hoek uses some of the traders as spies, trying to suss out their weaknesses. In addition, the new leader builds on the military progress his predecessor, trying to further organize the military. The cord of the military is obviously made up of Telachitul citizens, but foreign allies, especially in the north, swell its ranks to an actual substantial fighting force. For now, this force is mostly used to pacify the few tribes that haven't allied with the Republic, but for now care is taken to avoid the northern's sphere of influence. Mostly focused on expansion and war, En'hoek seems interested in continuing most of the domestic polices of his predecessor. As such, annual taxes again swell the nation's treasury by 500 kg of gold over the decade. In addition, the glut of trade provides Armerra with another source of revenue to tax, taking in 300 kg of gold over the decade (to like a shit ton lmao). After the patronage of Armeera, Eltaphu is now a reasonably complete, and is reasonably serviceable. In addition, En'hoek continues to fund the development of Icrodel. He continues to promote the book Eveiel, and continues to build various temples, especially in Itochitul and other major cities. En'hoek hopes to use the development of Icrodel as a way to spread Telachitul culture, and bring especially the southern regions closer to the Republic's sphere of influence. With the army working to pacify the north, En'hoek works to expand north along the coastline to continue expansion but avoid the northerner's sphere of influence. In addition, the reign of En'hoek sees the continued growth on the Telachitul navy, keeping even the most unwilling natives in line. With the republic thoroughly dominating the coast both militarily and economically, a few settlements continue to grow, attracting both republican citizens and foreigners. In particular, a significant settlement directly across the bay from Itochitul (the capital) continues to experience significant growth, mostly because of its convenience as a docking location for both merchant and naval ships. The colony's location makes it a useful place to manage both colonization and trade along the coast. In addition several coastal settlements in the north and a settlement at the northern tip of the southern lake see moderate growth. Iron working, trade, and ship building continue to thrive as the main industries of Itochitul, the capital city. Ship building is particularly important, as it allows for large scale transport of goods along the coast, which in turn facilitate relatively quick colonization, as well as further trading.
  • State of Ibiyari: With successful campaigns up and down the state and now holding a 79% religious majority over the population, the Tsimdomdu Kingdom collapses as the State of Ibiyari succeeds it. With this new state, the Testament of Creation is finally finished and soon the governmental structure of the nation is built from the text that birthed the religion itself. Re-construction begins, as well as the expansion of the state to new heights as the Era of Development flourishes post-war. The first major sanctuaries and chapels are built.
  • Drachenia: After the long fought war, men return to there families and an increase of birth rates remain present. Furthermore, Heidegger, a now old man maintains his promise of continuing the golden age of the civilization. Expansion northward and eastward remain in place while we lay claim on the islands toward the south of us in the open sea to be used as locations for trade at sea as posts. Wasser sees some expansion as well territorially while in the southern seas, exploration is made more toward the west. Explorers set their eyes on a new settlement in the Sudlands. Further celebrations occur and infrastructure development continues. Heideggre and his father pass leaving the heir to the throne, Alfons becoming the new Konig. Although the back-to-back deaths come as a slight shock, Alfons with most of his time studying in the libraries understands the value of knowledge, exploration, and discovery. General Alois is placed in charge of controlling military strategy once the new leader seized the throne. He marries his tutor's daughter, Alida and both are married at the temple of Krizt.
  • Kingdom of Taivaie: Expansion continues as enterprising young men clear-cut areas to establish their own farming villages. This is further accentuated by the slaughter of nearly 5,000 Tiiflings over the span of the ten years, provoked by a rather large raid that occurred at the start. Entire Tiifling villages are massacred, no one left alive. Then, a response. A horde of Tiiflings descended upon the Taivaie army, their shock blunted by Quingiya fire. It was chaotic and bloody, mosquitos buzzing around the melee. The Tiiflings broke against the eytai of the noble warriors, as the younger warriors flanked the enemy and slashed at them with their eceti. Many Tiiflings were killed in the 70-degree heat of the late afternoon, sweat mingling with blood and running so thick that it ran like a river. Gilean celebrates this astounding victory by building a large temple at Taival. This facilitates expansion upriver by 7 px.
  • Emalia: The loss of the East and its Emperor, Igneous II to Yannian forces is massively devastating, the loss striking fear and awe in the hearts of many Emalians throughout the land, for the end of days is coming as the Yannians march to the Holy City of Ema. With this march, Queen Sheba proclaims "We must cease fighting each other! I call upon every Emalian to unite as one and defend the Holy City of Ema, lest we be destroyed by the world. I call on every man and every woman to defend our beloved capital for the sake of our people!" and united the Emalians fight, before perishing to the sword. In this newfound unity forged by our bond as Emalians, seeking to continue the existence of Emalia, 50,000 soldiers emerge, men and women alike, to defend the city of Ema, with barricades and forts constructed throughout the city, the most promiment blacksmiths and craftsmen employed, catapults constructed as well. Now with union formed with Ephenus, the navy becomes a promiment power again, and ships fill the delta, blocking any Yannian advancement and sending vital supplies and soldiers. These ships are made with a new weapon, Emalian fire, intended to burn any invader who dares cross the Ema River. The remaining 50,000 are already out in the field, supporting the Thaluite counteroffensives in Eastern Emalia to drive out the Yannian Invaders. Both forces, however, are plagued by famine at every turn, furthering the depopulation of the region. A small contigent of Alsobian forces also join the defense of Ema out of loyalty to our shared Queen, Sheba.
  • Beraba: Visitors from Vhaynos are entertained in Ngaoudera and toured around the city, particularly the “Great Shiplight” in the harbor and through the “Street of Traders” where many exotic goods can be purchased. Maintenance on aqueducts is coupled with the construction of roads to areas of the empire that do not have access by water. A more complex system of irrigation is put into place in rice fields all over the nation, with canals and reservoirs giving farmers the ability to produce more rice. A new cultural ideology points out the similarities between the cultures of Beraba, Gahren, and Cazekorom and asserts that they all have a common ancestor. This ideology is strategically spread via traders to Gahren and Cazekorom. Members of the Princely Council of Beraba travel north to visit Gahren and propose a union between the two states, citing the need for unity in a time when so many cultures are being discovered and wars being fought (Mod Response Needed).
    • The nation of Gahren accepts, as long as the King of Gahren is granted a position on the Princely Council.
    • Beraban Response: The Princely Council accepts the arrangements, and the two nations are unified in a great ceremony accompanied by a week of feasting and celebration. Gifts are exchanged and marriages are arranged to tie the newly unified nation together.


The Benysira Rebellion ends in defeat for the Benysirans, with the Paotualma Empire brutally cracking down against the state. A number of the nation’s people are deported east to the other side of the empire.

The Yannis Empire successfully captures the Upper Ema River (southern Emalia) via Lyania. During this campaign the Yannians suffer 6,500 casualties in battle and 10,400 casualties from disease and lack of supplies, while the Xerans suffer 12,100 casualties in battle and 8,400 casualties from disease and lack of supplies.

Boats from a city-state known as Misesham make contact with the Kingdom of Taivaie, having arrived from the east. They offer to trade with the locals and establish diplomatic ties.

The Vhaynosi invasion of Xinaben is decisively defeated, with the nation of Vhaynos suffering 1,800 casualties, the nation of Jadalan suffering 1,000 casualties, and the nation of Xinaben suffering 1,000 casualties. During the invasion of Daukani the invaders achieve a victory near the border, pushing the Daukani army to its capital. During this battle the nation of Vhaynos suffers 1,240 casualties, the nation of Jadalan suffers 800 casualties, and the nation of Daukani suffers 3,800 casualties.

The Xeran army stationed in Temayal’s mountains suffers immensely after being surrounded by the Yannians, and also harmed by their own nation’s scorched earth tactics. After some time harassing Yannian forces, in which they inflict 8,000 casualties, the remainder of the army is captured or deserts. Numbering 103,000 men when this army first arrived in Emalia, the army crosses the Ema River numbering 58,000.

The Siege of Ema takes place between the Yannis Empire and the nation of Emalia, as well as an attempted relief force from the Xeran Empire. The Yannians are unable to breach the city when they arrive, owing in part to the Emalian control over the river to resupply the city. During this period the Yannians suffer 6,200 casualties, while the Emalians suffer 8,000 casualties. At the Battle of Escala near the mouth of the river, the Yannians manage to defeat the Emalian-Xeran navy to establish control over the delta, with the Yannians suffering the loss of 22 ships and 4,500 men, and the Xerans suffering the loss of 36 ships and 7,500 men. Finally the city falls to the Yannians, with the Yannians having suffered an additional 10,400 casualties, the Emalians having suffered 14,400 casualties (as well as part of their army captured), and the Xerans having suffered 9,100 casualties, as well as numerous civilian casualties.

The Yannian-Darnan invasion of the Xeran Near East results in a Xeran defeat. The Yannians suffer 5,400 casualties from combat, and 4,000 casualties from disease and other causes, the Darnans suffer 4,000 total casualties, the Yannian allies suffer 1,500 casualties, and the Xerans suffer 19,400 casualties.

It is uncovered, before such a plan could begin, that a section of the nobility of the Xeran Empire has begun plotting an assassination attempt against Emperor Nathon II.

  • Emalia: "I see the great capital city of Ema fall to the Yannians burning before my eyes, the flame engulfing building and human alike, it is indiscriminate as I feel the heat so so close. Though Ema dies I am still living, she lives within me as I flee from the city from with my daughter Aphide, escaping with my most ardent followers, the most devout of the Emalians that I could find and could find me. In Southern Emalia I am greeted warmly and I assure them of their safety. However, I must depart and at my message of departure more come to join me, finally making my way down to Alsoba, smuggled via the Alsobans to avoid the Yannian forces. I, too, however, must leave my homeland of Alsoba, fearing Yannian reprisal, and before gathering my final escape party I proclaim my niece Odessa to be Queen of Alsoba and give her permission to conquer Southern Emalia on the basis of shared culture and tradition. With this, I, Queen Sheba, with my daughter, Princess Aphdite, and my thousands of loyal followers begin our exodus, crossing the desert south of Alsoba, at the edge of the known world, carrying the fallen land of Emalia and its fallen city Ema with us, in hopes to found a new city, a new civilization, away from the forces that seek to destroy us, so that Ema may be reborn." Remnants of the Emalian Royal Army, as well as the land of Alsoba, help faciliate this Exodus, both logistically and militarily. With the capital of Ema fallen and the subsequent flight of Queen Sheba, Emalia loses its dual seats of power and falls into chaos, Emalia collapsing with the fall of Ema. With its dying breath, however, the survivors of the Siege of Ema sign the Treaty of Ema with the Yannian and Thalulite forces. Irn its last gasp of life it will be forever rembered, even if destroyed. During her Exodus across the desert, Queen Sheba renames herself Queen Shema, symbolizing that Ema is within her throughout her desert wanderings
  • Xeran Empire: Despite the initial victories against Yannis in the war, ultimately the war turned to disaster, effectively ending this era of the Xeran dynasty. The historian Xeraphon vividly describes a horrific scene in the front lines of Emalia where he was a soldier at. As the troops in the city of Ema were closed in all sides by the viscious Yannis conquerors, many soldiers decided to rather take their own lives than to be sacrificed to the Yannis religion. So Xeraphon's regiment sat in a circle, to take each other's lives by executing the soldier immediately to his right, and close the circle in until only one remained, who would commit suicide. After offering a private prayer to Nelrim, Xeraphon miraculously ended up being the last soldier remaining, who decided to surrender himself rather than take his own life. When Nathon II offered to send a message of unconditional surrender to the Yannis empire, most of the nobles and administration in Xera were completely outraged, especially considering none of the empire itself had ever faced direct threat. In retrospect, however, most historians consider Nathon's action might have been the wisest maneuver. Had he not offered surrender, surely far more of the empire would have been harmed. Still, the immediate affect of this war completely disrupted the entire internal political structure of the empire, and forever severed the dynasty's ability to project anywhere within the Gabatrian Sea or beyond. Nathon signed the treaty of Ema by proxy, as it is a known fact the emperors of Yannis and Azoz never actually met each other until the late Mouri period. Several months after this event, however, the nobility of the de jure Xeran empire grew extremely restless. Most of them had felt that Nathon utterly betrayed both his people and the faith of Ulm. Some of the nobles, particularly those in Sephimora, Edom and the Near East, greatly enjoyed the new-found independence, and immediately began sponsoring their own independent militaries based on the same logistics and equipment as Xera was. This was also considered to be a great necessity, with the former "Peace of Azoz" severed since the days of the Chatna Empire, long-standing disputes and rivalries were once again coming into play. Seven nobles came together to found a conspiracy against the king of Azoz, hence known as the "Mouri Conferternity": Queen Evanmetra V of Edom, Levian IV of Sephimora, Nicomedie III of Tuartha, Philopater I of Near East, Verinos II of Usilinago, General Lawrenx the Bold, and General Daran the Swift. Nathon himself ultimately met his fate in the Palace of Perea, where he was picked up by mercenaries and thrown out the window. This is the famous "Defenstration of Perea" that is known in a variety of Renaissance art. As Nathon was still alive after that fall, more assassins came in and stabbed him brutally to death. After the assassination, however, the Confernternity fell dispute over how the new government of the empire should be structured, with some favoring a stronger central authority as enjoyed under the Xeran dynasty, while others such as Edom and Sephimora preferring the de facto independence of their administration dictated by the Treaty of Ema. By automatic succession laws, Nathon's two-year-old grandson Xeracles was next in line for the throne, currently residing in Edom under the care of Erisoh, the son-in-law of the Queen. The Confernternity decided by proxy to nominate General Daran as the guardian of the young prince, until it could be decided how much his claim to the crown of Xera should be enforced. However, this was disrupted in an event commonly known as the "Second Pallan Massacre". As Nathon II was being interred in the funeral procession, the people were attacked by a band of Zedumari warriors, slaughtering both Laurenx the Bold and Verinos II in cold blood. General Daran, who posessed the largest military of his retainers, moved in quickly to assert peacekeepers after this incident, and take on de facto control of Azoz and all the western territories. After this point, he began moving his military toward Edom to claim the guardianship. These events quickly alarmed the remaining members of the Confraternity, who became convinced that Daran was now seeking to kill Xeracles and seize control over the empire under a new dynasty. Thus the Battle of Isono between Daran and Nicomedie launched the whole empire into civil war. Daran was initally very successful, with victories in battles at Isono, Usilinago, Neum, and ultimately Seita, although he was unable to assert control over the port cities. At his height, Daran had control over all of Usilinago and Tuartha, before the tide began turning against him. Daran's first attempt to invade Edom was repulsed at the Battle of Dashen, although inflicting severe casualities against the Edomites by attrition. Miraculously, Erisoh managed to score a heroic victory against Daran in an ambitious attack from the southern desert, where a few hundred Zedumari warriors wrecked havoc against an army five times their size. At last, the Queen of Edom sought a close alliance with the Water Merchants, offering to finally assert their economic dominence over the territory of Usilinago. Their financial backing and connections between secret socieites was instrumental for the next set of military victories, eventually taking back control of Usilinago completely. The Seige of Teman proved to be one of the final phases of the war, ultimatley capturing Daran alive. Several generals among his supporters, with agents hired by the Sons of Sutho, led an assault against the fortress of Teman to break Daran free, but they ultimately they all were picked off by a barage of crossbow fire. Xeracles was subsequently crowned emperor in Azoz, with the "First Citizen" Erisoh as his guardian and lord protector of the realm. However, at this point the title of Emperor had little to no effective meaning, as the result of the civil war proved the complete de facto independence of Edom, Sephimora, and the Near East, and to a lesser extent independence of lower nobility in Azozan city-states and all the territories westward. The only lands with effective rule by the Crown of Xera at this point was the city-states of Azoz and Medan, along with scattaered territories in the center as well, not including the lands owned as the Demesne of the First Citizen. As for de jure control, the newly-independent rulers of Near East, Edom and Sephimora seemed to continue recognizing the claim of the crown given to Yannis in the treaty of Ema, as evident by coins minted at the time. However, about one-half of the lower nobility in all three regions would gradually shift their recognition toward Emperor Xeracles. The archaeological curiousity known as the "double-faced coin" was very prominent at this point, which included faces of both Xeracles and the Annointed on together. This seemed to be an attempt by some lower nobles to rectify the dispute by recognizing both claiments at once. Thus, historians generally no longer refer to this era as the "Xeran Dynasty" but have marked a shift of government into the Mouri Empire, or "Holy Empire" in the native language. Indeed, the religion of Ulm remaind the only consistent administration that still existed in every indepenent kingdom, so the shift of emphasis from the emipre of the Xeran dynasty to the name "Holy" is appropriate. The Ulm religion remained largely unaffected by these events, and continued to grow in popularity in every region and kingdom that split off from the empire. Although the Ema treaty forbade the empire from sponsoring Ulm missionaries in Yannis or any eastern territories, the Apostle Formosos wrote extensively on the doctrine of "Every man is an Apostle", thus giving an individual obligation to every citizen to spread the faith of Ulm entirely on their own, without government sponsorship. Even so, the subsequent chaos in the empire caused quite a large exodus out of the nation eastward, as Emalia showed great opportunity for repopulation economic growth. The reconstruction of the cities of Emalia and Ema were for the most part staffed by Edomite and other Xeran migrant workers. Evanmetra V, Queen of Edom, was officially wed to the Annointed One by the Treaty of Ema. This was an awkward situation, as Evanmetra was already married to her king-consort Myatus the Short, who sired her three daughters. However, since Yannis did not have the same prohibition against polygamy as the Xerans, the marriage was agreed upon anyway. Even so, although Evanmetra would write frequently to her betrothed husband across the sea, she never once would set foot on the continent in her life. We know this confirmed by servant records recovered from the palace at Edom at this time, which describes the Queen had an annual picnic with her daughters every year. Evanmetra claimed in her letters this was due to her fragile health in her old age, not able to withstand the more northern climats of Yannis, but the actual reasons behind this have long since been debated. The invasion of Yannis through the Near East was taken as great surprise, if not alarm by all the kingdoms of the former Xera realm. Seeing that Yannis' wake of destruction across the empire was already devastating enough, a full invasion through the crown territories itself was seen as a possible breach of the peace. As such, all the member nobility of the Confernternity called their military to arms, hoping to pool resources of a joint defense. But Evanmetra led the council to a cooler, more passive approach to settle the dispute peacefully. Erisoh, the guardian of Xeracles, was welcome to meet the Yannis expedition on the banks of the Ashe River. He explained that Xeracles, after the tragic death of his father and the subsequent civil war with Daran, has been crowned the new ruler of Azoz, and is soverign over the Kingdom that extends from Tuartha in the east to Fotashe in the west. The title of Xeran Emperor, passed on from his father out of tradition, designates Xeracles as the leader of his family, and in no way affects the title of the crown held by Yannis, nor any other part of the Treaty of Ema.
  • Yusur Civilization: During the final years of Ingishkames’ reign in Eshuun a strong king named Urscnahish emerged in Mizqa that challenged the supremacy of Ingishkames. Little is known about Urscnahish’s reign, which leads some to speculate that his attempted takeover was likely unsuccessful, but one important discovery from this time would be the Code of Urscnahish, which would become the earliest known code of law among the Yusur yet discovered by archaeologists. These laws began with a series of societal distinctions; at the top of every city was the “great man”, who served as a high priest and monarch. It is believed that Urscnahish’s laws paint a snapshot of a certain trend that had been developing in Yusur culture for sometime. Evidence points to every early city being based around a temple, known as an Acuzimut, which had developed into giant, stone structures and the centerpiece of every city. For their ability to speak directly to the gods, which would be a much needed skill for the vulnerable Yusur people, in a religion that believed in the temperment and destructive power of a multitude of gods, the high priests of the Acuzimut were considered the highest caste of society, and the sole power in any city. During the upheaval of the region’s politics during the great disaster, and the ensuing wars to unify the region, there appears to have been a shift toward a non-religious entity, which can be described as a “great man” or king. Likely all secular government officials were derived from the military, and through their conquests they would develop the first palaces that rivaled the Acuzimut. By the time of Urscnahish many cities had developed a priest-king role for its highest official. This role wed the two offices together, sometimes quite literally through the wedding of a high priestess to a king. Urscnahish specifically calls himself the high priest of Ru and the King of Mizqa. Later developments seem to indicate that during the conquests of migrating peoples among the Yusur, such as the Akinites, this distinction finally officially splintered, as for the first time a foreign king was ruling over one or more distinct religious groups, and began an attempt toward hereditary monarchy that was less entwined with religion. Regardless, the Code of Urscnahish next stipulates the existence of two classes: freedmen and slaves. A complex system had developed, where freed farmers keep their own private property, but were required to pay a percentage of their crops to the central government. Crops grown by slaves, who would not need to be paid, were to be equally split between the landowner and his city’s public supply, which non-farmers would take from freely in exchange for their non-agricultural enterprises. Possibly weakened during the process of subduing said Urscnahish, the king Ingishkames would be killed soon after when a group known as the Basimites invaded the Upper Uphra River. They are said to have divided the Yusur domain in one-half, while also expanding west from the river toward the southern borders of the Nunemite cities, located near Mount Siunuma.

Tsardom of Algeorgia: After a heavy thunderstorm,the tsar has received a vision from the Holy Dodo: to find the mystical bull that is said to be somewhere we haven't been before. In addition, a five-pointed star will show the way to the bull. The tsar immediately orders a 25-ship strong exploration fleet to begin exploring north of us. A great moat is begun around the Great Wall of the capital as an added defensive measure. Meanwhile, at the military academy the all-female battalion is formed called the "Night Witches". We begin producing obsidian arrows.

  • Thïgæ: Yithït VII dies, leaving Yithït VIII to the throne. With the Vytï (Vhaynos) attacking the Kanï (Daukani), Yithït VIII is confused on which side to take; the side of the Vytï or the Kanï; the side of gold or iron; the side of riches or strength; the side of invader or defender. In the end, he decided to side with the strong, defending, iron-rich Kanï. Although not officially joining the war during the decade, he experiments with the idea of officially intervening on the side of the Kanï; however, the Kanï were only given supplies at this point. The gold supply from Vyt helped Ihjthï prosper, but Kanï iron also is a profitable source of income. Secret: A mercenary force of 1,000 are sent to help the Kanï, but their true origin from Thïgæ stays a closely guarded secret. Trebuches, ballistas, and chariots are also sent. The mercenaries' and war equipment payment are sent directly to the capital in iron, and the mercenaries themselves get paid in gold Upans, ironically made from Vytï gold from trips in the past. Yithït asks Sonaredar if they would support Thïgæ if the Thï people were to hypothetically intervene. An "Iron Road" is built from Daukani to Thïgæ, not going into the country but slightly east of it to avoid enegeneers going into zones of war and being accidently killed by Vytï or Kanï military members. The puropse of the road is to supposedly to prevent the grounding or loss of goods in the dangerous Bay of Daukani, but in reality, men and supplies are smuggled in, for which iron is given from Daukani. End Secret. All Thï merchants going to Vytï lands are advised to be on high alert, as if the Vytï government finds out about the involvment in Vytï-Kanï war, they are likely to arrest or detain any Thï people in Vyt at the time. Fire begins to be used for military purposes, with oil being used to light on fire. While contained during experimentation, Alchemists find out that if you smother it in dirt, it dies out. Even more intrestingly, water makes the fire even worse (as it is either a Class-B or Class-K fire). Soon, pottery is made which breaks on impact, usually filled with ignited olive oil, therfore speading the fire. This is mainly used in the navy, as the wooden ships burned much easier than the dirt of the ground. Trade continues with the Darï (Sonaredar), and goods are imported. The Darï (Sonaredar) government is offered an alliance with Thïgæ. The offer is also extended to the Pananï (Johdnapanan) governement. Yithït VIII invites the leaders of the nations to Thauoh (a city in Thïgæ) to formalize the pact if they want to ally with the Thï people (Mod Response). Expansion continues east and north, while rural areas grow massivley due to the babies from the baby boom of three decades ago become 20 and 30 year olds, buying their own lands. Exploration continues southward using the island groups and in the far west around the peninsula. The gold Upan prices start to come back to affordable levels, around four times the cost of a silver Upan, although the target price when it was first minted was two times the price of a silver Upan.
  • Taivaie: We accept the offer of the Miskharm city-state (or whatever it's called) establishing trade ties, and sending a delegation to the city. Small bands of Taivas warriors raid Tiifling encampments, as, obviously, no Tiifling settlement is peaceful because all Tiifling are violent barbarians. An elite-class of archer emerges, noted for immense skill with the bow and sword. By the reconing of the warbands, around 5,000 Tiiflings have been slain this decade. Gilean builds another temple to commemorate this. The hearts of Tiifling children are burned in braziers and wood from their village is fashioned into houses. Any women who survive are dumped into the river with waterlogged branches tied to their arms, so that they exert a lot of effort trying not to drown, until they can't swim anymore due to fatigue. The men who survive are tied up and bound far into the jungle, laid horizontally with bamboo planted underneath their chest. If the wild cats don't kill them, the bamboo through their heart will. Taivayth is pleased with this slaughter, and rewards his children with a bountiful crop of rice, contributing to the rise in population, and consquential expansion 5 px upriver. Taivas literature continues its development, with romantic comedies being especially popular among the upper-class. All in all, life is good.
  • Mesallian Culture: During this era, the rapid expansion of the Mesallians had led to the establishment of their kingdoms across the ancient world. They would largely be affected by the Xeran-Yannian Wars, reacting in a number of ways:
    • Edom and Sephimora: In Edom the most outspoken supporter of the crown and the monarchy remained Evanematra V, who returned to the city having served reportedly as Xera’s first woman commander. Generally the fall of the Xeran Empire led to their unpopular laws being eroded as well, as the nobility and royalty who were not of the Ulmian faith often secretly clamored for the return of traditional Edomite polygamy. Later that year Evanematra wed her third husband in secret, Lyvus, who had been her lover. Reportedly Myatus the Short protested both matches intensely, but he would die the following year, either from poor health or murdered by Lyvus, depending on the source. Because of her fierce loyalty to Xera, the queen would raise troops to support the infant Xeracles, when it seemed apparent that General Daran was attempting to seize control, and because of Edomite involvement the attempts by Daran were repulsed. The queen would again take up the sword, leading an army during the Usinilago campaign. During this time she received word that her eldest daughter, Evanematra, had been kidnapped in a palace coup instigated by an Ulmian extremist leader named Epiphenus, who sought to ensure that the queen would be punished for polygamy and that the kingdom would be a theocracy. Before the queen could bring her army back to the capital, she would be killed by an arrow through the neck, according to legend shot by a Lementarian. Ephiphenus would instigate a dictatorship in the city backed by the military power of his Ulmian faction, known as the Ephiphenites. Although the city of Edom had grown to be majority Ulmian by the time of the coup, the Ephiphenites quickly became universally unpopular. They organized brutal crackdowns against the city’s non-Ulmian populations, as well as dissenting Ulmians. The Cult of Lementer was finally closed from the public eye completely, with their extensive library and center of the sciences being burnt to the ground. At the same time as the coup in the capital, word reached the late queen’s other two daughters, Medesa and Thalia. With the majority of the kingdom keen to reject the government in the capital, both claimants found themselves being used to take over the kingdom, beginning the so-called War of the Three Hostages. Medesa had been wed to Levian V, who succeeded Levian IV as King of Sephimora, while Thalia had been wed to Dehumetus of Lysandria. In the case of Sephimora, the king feared the destruction of the kingdom at the hands of either the Edomite kingdom or the Yannians, and so sought to strengthen his position by capturing the Edomite throne via his wife. Dehumetus, likewise, sought to influence the city to restore the pre-Ulmian religions, and he, too, claimed the throne. The war began with a number of small battles on land and at sea between the Edomites and Lysandrians, with Dehumetus seizing briefly a number of cities on the coast. At the Battle of Orama, northeast of Alanaza, Dehumetus would be forced back to Lysandria by the forces of Levian V, but he would be defeated in the Battle of Iskandria soon after by an Ulmian army. The remainder of the kingdom’s army, led by Evanematra’s original husband, Erisoh, arrived back in the kingdom, but found the city unable to be penetrated initially. Instead he fortified nearby Ascana, where his son Amedantes was being held. Within the city of Edom, an Ulmian military officer named Aphistrus would convert to Zamism in order to take over a position against the Ephiphenites. He would become known as Aphistrus the Apostate, and would rise to the head of an anti-government conspiracy. Later that year his faction would storm the imperial palace and finally have Ephiphenus assassinated. Officially Evanematra was discovered already dead as well, but it was speculated that she had been killed in the battle or even ordered to be killed by Aphistrus, who became one of the acting rulers of the city in the meantime. He would be wed to the High Priest of Zama, Semuna, who administered the city officially. During the short reign of the couple the city officially adopted the Zamist religion once more, although Aphistrus carefully tried to balance the power of the other religions as well, refusing to purge the Ulmians or to strictly enforce any one faith. Meanwhile, the war effort in Sephimora broke down once the Yannians elected to enforce their terms of the Ema Peace, and sent a delegation to Nerimos to oversee a new election. The deposing of Levian V did not go as planned, but due to his armies being split between the east and west, he would be killed in battle. The Yannian contingent, which was almost entirely Yanno-Mesallians from the Melopenes, was led by Yeseculecus, the governor in Nykos, who appointed himself King of Sephimora, and married Medesa himself. This was disputed by the entirety of Sephimora, from Leviea to Nelgistis, and Yeseculecus would spent most of the year struggling to assert control. In the second year of the 118th Jafiad (Year 673) Medesa would give birth to a son named Catulaes, although dying in childbirth. Later that same year Thalia would also die in Lysandria, supposedly assassinated at the orders of the government in Edom. However, the war would not come to an end until the following year, when Amedantes’ wife, Shazema of Shamadal, managed to defeat the Edomite couple in battle. The Ptelamaic dynasty of Edom had come to an end officially, as the throne passed to a Ptelamaic daughter-in-law, Shazema II, via her marriage to Evanematra V’s son.
    • Emalia: As these developments were occuring, the state of Emalia had largely collapsed after the conclusion of the war with Yannis. The capital of Ema had been destroyed, which was a prophetic sign for the Emalian faithful to abandon the north entirely. Southern Emalia came to be ruled by Queen Odessa, while the north effectively became the Kingdom of Ephenus under Ptelamus, after he formally occupied the remainder of the state. Ephenus had reached its largest extent, now spanning the region from Dascelos and the Sephimoran desert in the west, to the Great Lakes in the east. The so-called “Crown of Emalia” would remain defunct, with Emalian lands split legally between Alsoba and Ephenus. Immediately the two monarchs came into conflict as to where their border lay, beginning a brief conflict around the 118th Jafiad (Year 672). With the war having devastated the region, the two instead formed a diplomatic solution, in which they wed and ruled as joint monarchs. Later, after several contested Yannian and anti-Yannian Sephimoran kings, Ptelamus would launch an invasion of Sephimora in the second year of the 119th Jafiad (Year 677), with partial Yannian backing. This would lead to an Edomite-Emalian War, as the Kingdom of Edom still exercised its ancient tradition of claiming hegemony over the Kingdom of Sephimora. Ptelamus would conquer the majority of Sephimora, and successfully repulse Edomite invasion, although the stronghold of Leviea refused to recognize either claim. Two years later a peace would be agreed upon, which formally led to the annexation of Sephimora to the Empire of Emalia, as a constituent kingdom, although Alsoba would directly claim parts of its south.
    • Kingdom of Erasidon: In Erasidon the king was greatly upset by the inability of the Mesallians to retake the Kingdom of Canim. The Erasidonian kings would continue to claim the Kingdom of Canim for themselves, instead of as part of the Syresian Republic, leading to future conflict between the two states. Deidamus would face further rebellion from the Mesallian states. Initially, with Sephimora under his control, the governor Yeseculecus would spearhead this rebellion, managing to liberate the entirety of the Melopenes Peninsula from the influence of the Kingdom of Erasidon. Instead the Meshwati empire in the Gabatrian Sea expanded greatly, the south was largely dominated by cities such as Agira and Lysandria, and the north and west came to be ruled by a series of strong, Yannian kings.
    • Syresian Republic: The nation of Syres quickly reasserted control over the Kingdom of Canim, splitting the kingdom into a number of provinces, which would each be administered by a Hensa-approved governor. Many of the changes brought upon by the independent kingdom would remain, such as the prevalence of the Mesallian religion and Sericolian-style art and architecture, although Syresians would quickly be promoted to the head of society in the kingdom’s former lands. The Syresian Republic did not rest there however, as south of their border an independent kingdom taken from the Xeran Empire emerged. The kingdom was dominated by its three main cities, which had been independent city-states centuries prior; Nesarafen, Besheva, and Jubaya. Philopater I of “Near East” would be replaced within the first year of the great Xeran civil war, dying soon after. His replacement was appointed by the Yannians, a Yannian nobleman of Bascula who had taken the name Oaximayalus. During his reign he would fortify the kingdom in the face of civil war erupting all around, He would found the city of Laneba, which would serve as the new capital of the kingdom, and christen the new union as Aexontia, from the Mesallian term “Aexont”, that had been used to describe the western lands for centuries. After a brief war over disputed territory between the two Syres forced Oaximayalus to accept “Syresian protection”, which marked the beginning of the kingdom’s influence under Syres.
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: The leader of the Zelonuma Emiresq demanded that the Thotite realm collapse, and luckily it did so. The Zelonuma Emiresq is pleased with the fall of Azoz, and agrees to the treaty arranged by the benevolent Yannis Empire. The captured ships granted to the nation and its allies by the peace are taken, and these ships are granted to the people who had their lives destroyed by the Thotite invasion. The city of Darna grows once more and is rebuilt, with ships and seized tribute being used to finance its rebuilding. The navy of Darna and of the Zelonuma Emiresq is to be slowly rebuilt. Rich from the spoils, and in contention over the future of the state, the nobles of the Zelonuma Emiresq squabbled over the kingdom’s politics. The nation becomes divided and infighting breaks out several years after the war ends. The nation of the Zelonuma Emiresq would be split in two with its western, mountainous one-half remaining under the control of a ruler named Zaxim, while the east came under the control of a Darnan named Topha.
  • Yannis Empire: The great victory has come, the Thotites have been destroyed. The evil mound of Azoz has crumbled further, and the peaceful and righteous people of the world have been freed. An immense celebration occurs in the Holy City of Yagothna-vis, with the Anointed One leading the festivities. The weak Thotites have been humiliated beyond repair. King Thot himself was slain, so that their rebellion ended completely. Instead it was affirmed that the entirety of that world now belongs to the Yannis Empire. The Ulmite heresy was purged from the lands, and the Thotites slain. With a great coalition of the world’s allies, they were completely crushed and obliterated. In the territory seized from Exhula every heathen of that land is killed, and a new government is established, so that an independent Yannian state may form. 50,000 Yannian veteran, Holy Men, plus their families, will be settled in the lands initially, with many more Yannians over time brought into the land. They spread the true faith, and assimilate the Exhulans, and these Exhulans flock to the banner of Yannis. This is without a doubt due to the humiliation the Exhula Tribe suffered, having been corrupted by an incapable leader, who sought to lead humanity astray. Now the process of purifying Exhula has begun, and Holy Men flock to their lands to settle and preach the true faith. Yannians also heavily settle the lands of Emalia, helping to rebuild those lands. The city of Ema is constructed in a Yannian fashion, i.e., with modern amenities such as sewers, aqueducts, forums, theatres, and well made streets. Similarly Temayal is aided and rebuilt. Governors are dispatched to Sephimora, Edom, and Aexontia, leading Yannian settlements among the native population. Their arrival is a signal to the weak creatures of Thot, that they are not welcome there. The people are strengthened so that never again will Thot rise up to enslave innocent people. All of Azoz is now owned by the Anointed One, and he sees fit to administer those ruins with many thousands of Holy Men. It is informed that it is impossible for there to be two emperors, and if another rebellion is instigated we will be forced to raze Azoz further. An army is dispatched to march into the Thotite region via the Near East in order to continue the process of restoring order. Those filthy beings who were not killed have immediately broken the good word of Emalia, and so must be destroyed. We march toward the remains of that place, in order to stop their rebellion.
  • Telachitul Republic: With some experience with the more violent southern tribes, En'hoek hopes to continue expansion in light of the new northern threat. However, to make matters simple En'hoek publicly Agrees to the northerners' proposal, and opens trade with them. However, for much of the republic's elite, the nation is still seen as an existential threat. With any opposition clear up to the Northerners' sphere of influence, En'hoek continues to make the sure the military is ready for combat, stationing some elements on the border with the northerners. Even in light of this however, trade to the north continues. THis is used as a way to get spies into the kingdom to suss out its weaknesses. Mostly focused on expansion and war, En'hoek seems interested in continuing most of the domestic polices of his predecessor. As such, annual taxes again swell the nation's treasury by 500 kg of gold over the decade. In addition, the glut of trade provides Armerra with another source of revenue to tax, taking in 300 kg of gold over the decade (to like a shit ton, LMAO). After the patronage of Armeera, Eltaphu is now a reasonably complete, and is reasonably serviceable. In addition, En'hoek continues to fund the development of Icrodel. He continues to promote the book Eveiel, and continues to build various temples, especially in Itochitul and other major cities. En'hoek hopes to use the development of Icrodel as a way to spread Telachitul culture, and bring especially the southern regions closer to the Republic's sphere of influence. With the army working to pacify the north, En'hoek works to expand north along the coastline to continue expansion but avoid the northerner's sphere of influence. In addition, the reign of En'hoek sees the continued growth on the Telachitul navy, keeping even the most unwilling natives in line. With the republic thoroughly dominating the coast both militarily and economically, a few settlements continue to grow, attracting both republican citizens and foreigners. In particular, a significant settlement directly across the bay from Itochitul (the capital) continues to experience significant growth, mostly because of its convenience as a docking location for both merchant and naval ships. The colony's location makes it a useful place to manage both colonization and trade along the coast. In addition several coastal settlements in the north and a settlement at the northern tip of the southern lake see moderate growth. Iron working, trade, and ship building continue to thrive as the main industries of Itochitul, the capital city. Ship building is particularly important, as it allows for large scale transport of goods along the coast, which in turn facilitate relatively quick colonization, as well as further trading. We take a census and invest like a bunch into it.
  • Drachenia: The first Sudland Settlements are made along the shoreline. Konig Alfons pushes the expansion of territory on the Drachenian Continent even more with the support of more settlers to tame the new lands. Roads and settlements already established see expansion. Exploration in the south focus more westward. Wasser sees more settlers move into the territory. More libraries and areas of study are made. Philosophical Studies are expanded about even more while missionaries continue to spread the faith. Some leaders of the faith propose sending missionaries to minor nations to spread the religion easier.
  • Glorious Empire: The invasion of Daukani continues to prove successful with the troops advancing on the capital hoping to take them by surprise from all sides and score a victory. However, even if this fails, the unchallenged Vhaynosi fleet still controls all shipping lanes to Daukani and blocks any ships from entering the country or leaving it slowly starving them. Meanwhile, in the north, the primary tactic shifts toward delaying the advancement of the Xinabeni army into Daukani lands and stopping them from grouping with them constantly harassing them and cutting off supply lines and killing any foragers. However, at a confrontation between the two armies, we find a Tah mercenary serving them, this leads to immediate suspicion within the capital as the Tah have shown once again that they are devils who will lie and cheat. In order to punish them any Tah merchant attempting to trade in the region is charged very steep tolls of 85% of their product in order to trade with any nation, dvama, Sonraedar, or more. And secretly, they hire raiders under the name of privateers to raid the lands of Thïgæ as punishment for their insolence, but are not identifiable under any known measures. The city of exiles continues to expand its borders farther and grow rich off trade. Reenforcements of about 5,000 troops of horse archers and heavy cavalrymen are sent to Daukani.
    • Thïgæ Diplomacy: (OOC: I feel like you are metagaming as you looked at the section explicitly marked SECRET, but I will let it slide.) Thïgæ denies all affiliation, and continues trading with Sonaredar, stating that the Darï are not a Vytï vassal state, and will not be treated as one.
  • Sillan Republic: Banzenopolis is expanded further, with the Banzene Basilica being heavily-renovated. Influenced by the rapid growth of Ulmism and an increasingly conservative social climate, as well as Banzena's own conversion to Ulmism, several morality laws are implemented. There is a crackdown on street prostitution, with all prostitutes required to be a part of registered and licensed brothels. Stricter regulations are also imposed on abortion, with abortion being limited to unmarried women. As a result, the only form of family limitation for married couples includes abstinence, prolonged breastfeeding, and rudimentary methods of contraception such as coitus interruptus or fertility awareness. There are also stricter laws in regards to divorce (in order to enforce monogamy); thus leading to men effectively losing the ability to acquire a divorce except in very specific circumstances. Similarly, adolescent sexuality becomes increasingly shunned upon (primarily by lower-classes; while a double standard exists for upper-classes). Male sexuality especially becomes increasingly restricted and viewed as "barbarous". While the news of the "Western Wars" ending brings relief, it also brings the stagnant state of the military to light. To address this, the limited production of steel (even with improved methods of metallurgy) is funneled into the production of weaponry, military arsenals and stockpiles are built in cities, and a professional working climate (with exemplified by standardized, monthly drills and regulations on conduct) is instilled. Due to their potential as weapons of war, the production of siege engines (traction trebuchets, projectile-launchers, rams, and assault covers) is raised. Similarly, the foreign occupation of Exhulan territory and the disruption of trade with the nations of the West has led to more importance being placed on the navy – leading to the promotion of the Bureau of the Navy to its own separate, albeit small, Ministry (thus raising the total number of elected Ministers to seven). The navy now numbers at 300 vessels consisting of 100 biremes (used for coastal defense, reconnaissance, and armed with limited ramming capabilities), 75 triremes (used for close-range assault and boarding), and 50 and 25 quadriremes and quinqueremes respectively (used for long-ranged assault and as squadron leaders, being armed with numerous projectile-launchers). There is rapid territorial expansion to the East, primarily for the purposes of claiming more arable land.


The nation of Chrystalia launches a number of expeditions to its nearby coast, creating several colonies. The westernmost colony makes contact with the nation of Sillas, located northwest of the colony, and asks to initiate trade.

During the reign of Shundramda, the Paotualma Empire undergoes a period of turmoil and decline. The nation of Mang wages a successful war of defense that heavily weakens the Paotualma military. In the east a number of Paotualman kingdoms break off in the region north of Daukani. A general named Dasavodama manages to seize the province of Kymmenen and much of the western empire, waging a war against Shundramda.

The Gahrenese colonies in the far north attract settlement from many people discontented with the Beraban seizure of Gahren. This prompts a leader named Marthik to declare the cities independent, naming their alliance the state of Anlunema.

A Xinaben invasion of the nation of Vhaynos commences, with the Xinaben laying siege to and subsequently capturing the cities along the northern river, with the Vytians suffering 3,100 casualties during their defense of the region. The nation of Daukani, emboldened by the aid of foreign nations, likewise launches a counterattack, inciting the northeast tribe in Vhaynos, which was only recently conquered, to rise in rebellion. The Vytians manage to defeat this counterattack and seize the Daukani capital, with the nation of Vhaynos suffering 3,000 casualties and Jadalan suffering 1,400 casualties.

The nations of Sonaredar and Johndapanan both decline an alliance with the nation of Thïgæ.

  • Zelonuma Emiresq: Zaxim pays a great price, so that when the funeral procession of Nathon II is interrupted, the stolen body is seized and purchased. The body of the emperor is shipped to his court. There he sees the rotting remains of Nathon and sodomizes the corpse. He rips off his head and sodomizes his skull, screaming, “Darna” as he climaxes. This is the legacy of Nathon, with all the world witnessing. He has been made the sexual slave of the Zelonuma Emiresq, just as all Thotites should be. Slaves from Azoz directly reach the Zelonuma Emiresq, and these slaves become used by the Darnans to show their prowess over them. The Olm faith is utterly crumbling and nothing more than an object for sex in the eyes of the north. The city of Darna has been rebuilt, and its ships sail to capture more Thotite slaves, and the north prospers once more.
    • Bitch, hold up.
  • Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 368-377 Since the Return of Hythus. Myrnech Jyantus’ son, Tyrelius, takes his father’s throne after his death. As emperor he reorganizes the Imperial Army, his personal forces, under a system of 1,000 men strong units of lancers. Although only numbering 8,000 the force is considered the single most powerful unar in the empire, if dwarfed by the combined forces of all the other lords, except for the Jaloran King, Zaloras. Fortunately, Zaloras and the Emperor share ties of kinship, and the two prove to be fast friends, as well as brothers by law. The political decentralization of the empire has many effects, historically smaller regional cities grow into significant economic and administrative centers thanks to local investment, technological competition between rival lords drives improving economic advancement, and the spread of vanity projects in the form of libraries, temples, bath-houses, and even primitive sewers prompts an explosion of urban culture. In the east, relative stability in the last century sees beneficial peace and roaring economies as trade restrictions from the past have fallen away. However, in the west, the recent wars have left some nobles vulnerable and a series of small internal wars are fought between House Talis and House Karethis. This fighting is condemned by the emperor, and both houses agree to arbitration after five years of sporadic combat. The 24 major houses are solidified by imperial edict, and the Court of the Houses is established to settle disputes and prevent infighting. Although the emperor is not legally entitled to powers to judge and try the Great Houses, the court he established proves effective in passing fair judgments, and Emperor Tyrelius is widely held as Tyrelius the Just. Agricultural production increases due to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich soil, and the construction of canals and tythoruses for irrigation. Crop-rotation strategies become more entrenched and more effective. In addition, subsidies are given to farmers to establish more large-scale fish, mollusk, crustacean, and seaweed farms in and along the river banks and coasts of both nations. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition.
  • Glorious Empire of Vhaynos: The assault on Daukani is ultimately successful with the Daukani being completely routed and every major part of their kingdom being occupied. We offer to the Daukani terms of peace where they shall become an autonomous province within Vhaynos but still maintain control over most of their affairs and are able to select their own governor/satrap, along with not having to pay fees for the protection of Vhaynosi ships while trading. MOD RESPONSE The news of Xinaben attacking our northern cities stirs much anger within the country, in order to counter this we move forces into the area to constantly harass and attack them taking out their lines of supply but never actually engaging them in battle using our superior knowledge of terrain and our superior mobility to avoid any true battles taking place. While in the south we start to mobilize the one-half of our army which has not yet been touched, holding superiority in the fact that the Xinabeni army is mostly exhausted from a constant march and battles. But do not engage them staying at the pivotal site of our military fortification near the Xinabeni controlled lands. An expedition is sent to the Northeastern where they are crushed under heel and 90% of their population is carried off into slavery for their dastardly defiance of our glorious empire. The rest are routinely murdered and impaled to show our subjects the price of defying us. Meanwhile, the city directly south of the Xinabeni-controlled river, is highly fortified and garrisoned with troops to protect it from any assault the Xinabeni carry out. Utilizing the forces sent into the Xinabeni lands we begin to inspire resistance against the Xinabeni by the native Vhaynosi, causing many similar units to rise and utilize the hit and run tactics utilized by us.
  • Mouri Empire: Emperor Nathon II's body was entombed in the Imperial Mausoleum in Azoz, the traditional resting place for all rulers of Azoz except for Zohhak the Cruel, Nathon I, Thalut II, Iskandar, and Thalut IV. As soon as Xeracles became 14 years of age, the First Citizen persuaded the Senate of Medan to officially retire the young emperor, and sent him to remain in the Garden of Pleasures. Lev, a three-year-old nephew of the late General Daran, was crowned in Azoz as his successor. Erisoh wished to avoid the same mistakes as when Ptelamus III "the Mad" ruled. Thus, from this point forward the emperors would always remain as young children, routinely changed out each decade or so. This would forever prevent them from exerting any real authority over the rest of the empire, just as the members of the Mouri Confraternity desired. It is around this time that Dionide of Ephenus, veteran of the Xeran-Yannis war, first migrated to Edom and began his ministry of pedagogy, becoming one of the most famous philosophers since the Mesallanistic Era. Dionide was considered somewhat of an outcast or unorthodox among the philosophers in Iskandaria, as he would always shy away from any formal debate or any official public appearence. Instead, he would frequent various public clubs or taverns, keeping a large group of close friends around him who would be informally known as his disciples. Instead of debating, Dionide would simply pose various philosophical questions to his friends, and take long discussions on the various pros and cons of their arguments. Most of these dialogues, recorded by his biographer Palto, revolve around the nature of justice, truth, and love. Dionide directly challenged the Ulm establishment, questioning if the current system was truly effective at protecting both truth and justice, however they are defined. His examples were always filled with parables and allegory, often being a veiled criticism of the current leaders in Edom, Ephenus, and Azoz. Talmai of Usilinago, being a puppet ruler of the Sons of Sutho, mounted a campaign to oust the influence of the Water Merchants from Tuartha, their arch rivals. After being beaten back after several key battles despite having numerical superiority, Talmai instigated a series of military reforms for rebuilding the nation's strength. Rather than the complex system of cuisine enjoyed in the Xeran dynasty, a new diet is devised that is rationing of cheeses, boiled potatoes and cured fish, which are much easier to compact and keep on long military campaigns. Furthermore, Talmai created a system of outposts and depots along the road systems of Usilinago and Teman, helping to convey logistics needed for military far faster and easier. Klantonian armor was also adopted as standard issue in the kingdom, but also for the Zedumari warriors who were employed as mercenaries the most frequently. These reforms to logistisc and rationing were mostly completed by the time of Shamenza's death, at which point new conflict arose between the Edomites and Emalia. The continued chaos in these regions forced many more migrants eastward to settle in Emalia, but also more migrants this time moved north as well into the regions of Canim and Syres, all carrying the theology of Formosos with them. The Yannis Holy Men attempted their proselytization in Xera for the first time in many centuries. In Edom, the philosophers welcomed the Holy Men to debate their religion with facts and logic at the Library of Iskandaria, up against the various alternate faiths of Lemantarians, Shanzians, and Orthodox Ulm. The general consensus from contemporary historians was that the Holy Men were completely unable to provide satisfactory arguments to their position, and resorted with calling all the opponant philosophers in the room "wild animals". In Neum, a sermon given by a Yannian Holy Man in a majority-Ulm community resulted in a violent tumult, with a mob attempting to kill all the Yannian missions and their servants. Cassius V of Tuartha immediately intervened and managed to rescue the Holy Men unharmed, save only for two servants that were severly injured. In Azoz, the First Citizen Erisoh worked to implement a policy of westward expansion, seeing the de facto independence of the north and eastern kingdoms as effectively blocking off any connection in that direction. So with the military left over from the Xeran-Yannis war largely left intact, a force of 50,000 soldiers split into two armies were sent northwest to finally annex the vassalized kingdom of Eskaladun, launching their expedition from the military outposts that already exist near the capital. These used the same tactical formations of folding lines used in the previous war, in addition to lancer skirmishers and longbowmen. Once that expedition was complete, the same armies regrouped and pushed farther north along the western coast, conquering the Darnan colony bordering Khin.
  • Yusur Civilization: Archaeological evidence from this period notes a heavy shift in the linguistics of the Yusur people, with extensive borrowing occurring between the Yusur, Akinites, and others, leading to historians to propose the idea that most cities were probably bilingual, and there existed a sprachbund in the region. Interestingly, a later copy of the Code of Urscnahish, dated only a few generations later, is written entirely in the Akinite language, despite being discovered in the far north. According to the Gàłsughęmas, a collection of texts written around around this pertaining to the Yusur religion primarily, the Second Dynasty of Eshuun was toppled by an invasion from the south, which saw Eshuun and Mizqa both razed. The descendants of Urscnahish were taken prisoner to a land known as Ulə̀m, and the Yusur kingdoms fell to a series of Akinites from the west. Historians believe that the Akinite migration into the river delta was probably a long process over generations, with the Akinites only beginning to reach a powerful position by the time of the Gàłsughęmas. The land if Ulə̀m is typically identified as the region 300 miles south of Uphra, where the people would have been ethnically similar to the Akinites. The new arrivals would have adopted many Yusur customs, while introducing their language into the population. The Akinites have been linked to cultures from across the continent, owing to the similarities in language and religion as much as 2,000 miles away. One of their chief deities would have been the earth being Idọti, who is linked to the proto-continental deity known as Eidọthim, from which the deity Itanim, worshiped on the other side of the continent, and the deity Esomid in the south, are also derived. From the Ja-Gàłsughęm, the first of the four Gàłsic texts, these non-Yusur influences are most clear, where as in the latest text, the Usuma-Gàłsughęm, references are made to specific ritual practices known to have originated from the Yusur. These religious texts give rise to the name “Gàłsic Period” , to describe their introduction into Yusur society. The earliest known Gàłsic king was an Akinite named Noįmeshúmes, who seemed to have had a hand in the sacking of Mizqa. His capital would become the city of Usqema, located upriver from Yusur settlement. The king would become famed for his defeat of the Umgupal Civilization, which seemingly saved the Yusur states elsewhere on the river from their constant harassment, owning Usqema respect from their neighbors. Around the same time a legendary confrontation would take place in the north which saw the fall of the Edonite city-states. The most powerful was the city of Tesh, which had dominated the Muri River sporadically over the centuries. But Tesh would be destroyed after a ten-year war, pushing the Edonites far into the north and beyond. This would cause a chain reaction of migration, as well as an interest at sea for the Edonites. The Muri cities would the first to master long distance sailing, establish the outpost of Obeneshocul on the small island north of the Yusur. This long distance trade would lead to increased interest from farther-away tribes, for better or for worse for the Yusur nations.
  • Nura Gakan: Chaga Tan passes away, following his death Ulum Tan is picked as the new Gak by the council of fire. He, too, begins to enact taxes among the rich and nobles in hopes of maintaining the nation's current amount of money (or gold?). Within Ulrom organized polytheisic religion begins to take shape with the establishment of new gods and the mixing of others, This leads to the formation of three Main gods (Vangar: The god of strength/Dun: God of peace/Ogkut: God of the intelligent). The Nura Gakan religion begins to adopt a holy order mostly expanded by Oral tradition. Ulrom is expanded with plans of expanding the town toward the coastline of the state. Olama begins to form on the two-river region mostly used as a de facto trade center of the state, placed at the head of the river delta.Ft. Thots is expanded with construction of walls around the fort. Mines begin taking shape in the mountain regions. Naval raiding begins to become a more acceptable form of warfare within the Gakani people, this is mostly support and backed up by the Naval expansion across the Two Rivers. The mines are mostly used to find new gems (which are used by the rich and noblemen to flex on poor people) and iron (for the formation of new weapons.) Gakani farmers begin setting up farms and things of that sort by the Two-River Region. Trade becomes more and more important causing Ulum to form a navy to protect trade ships up and down the river. Ulum Tan begins to send more settlers toward newly expanded land upon the hope of expanding the Gurkani people and loyalty to the Gak.
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: The Expedition continues exploring as far as it can before returning for supplies. The expedition becomes known as the Six-Pointed Bull Expedition. The Tsar institutes Algeorgia's first noble title which is reserved for people that have served the Algeorgian nation with great distinction. The first to achieve this title is Baroness Anastasia Tchernecko, General of the Royal Algeorgian army. In the village of Androvopolivia an inventor by the name of Boris Vladimirovich discovers a circular thing that he names the wheel. The wheel starts to be used as a transportation means with the help of the horses.
  • Mesallian Culture: In Edom the reigning Maleka Shameza II oversaw a number of changes within Edomite society. In matters of religion, it had become impossible to ignore or destroy the spread of the Ulm faith, with the capital itself being majority Ulmian. The largest sect remained the Shanzian faith, which the royalty tolerated for its Edomite-leaning, matriarchal tenets, which did not so heavily conflict with the politics of the royal court. Traditional Ulmism, known elsewhere as simply Ulm, or in Edom as Azozian Ulmism, was a smaller percentage. Traditional Ulmism had experienced a large burst in popularity during the Xeran annexation, especially after Thalut III ordered the massacring of rival religions. However, aside from Shanzianism, other sects of the Ulm faith not favored by the Azozians remained more popular than the “official” church itself. This was due to the state’s long history as a connection for various faiths and ideas, and the trade routes of the south that largely facilitated the spread of these unorthodox tenets. Less than one-third of the nation’s population adhered to a form of paganism, with this number seeing a brief resurgence during the Edomite civil war and immediately after. Traditional Edomite deities had been largely replaced in the capital, but outside the city it remained relatively strong, especially in the far south. Additionally the Mesallian religion remained a healthy percentage at the time of Shameza II’s ascension to the throne, however, with little ties to the Mesallian nations personally, the new Maleka no longer favored promoting the religion, leading to its stagnation in popularity. Additionally the Zamists had returned to power in some capacity during the brief series of coups the previous decade. In an effort to ease tensions, Shameza II issued an edict declaring toleration of any “approved religion”, as well as a guarantee that both Ulmians and non-Ulmians would feature in government. In order to limit the power of any particular governor, the provinces running along the Meran River were divided into extremely narrow districts, with the faiths of each governor alternating, so that no region had a cluster of like-minded governors religiously. A number of new settlements would be founded, with many becoming the seat of government for these new provinces. South of Evanematria the city of Erisoha would be founded, named for one of the heroes of Edom and Azoz. The nation would launch expeditions to explore south, claiming the oases near the Emalia border, which had become of great importance after the Emalian exodus. In Sephimora the king remained a constituent of the “Emalian Crown”, although the meaning of that would continually change. After the death of Ptelamus the instability within the Emalian region became increasingly evident. He would be succeeded by one of his sons as Haliecles IV in the Kingdom of Ephenus, while in the nation of Alsoba his cousin Odessa remained queen. A brief conflict would break out between the two that ended inconclusively, with the result being that Haliecles IV could style himself “Emperor of Emalia”, but it soon became clear that each part of Emalia had effectively become an independent kingdom only loosely under the sway of such an emperor. Over time this would evolve to a configuration in which five kingdoms were recognized; the Kingdom of Ephenus led by Haliecles IV, Alsoba ruled by Odessa, the Kingdom of Sephimora, the Kingdom of Gabatria, and the Kingdom of Lyania. In the year of the 121st Jafiad (Year 684) this distinction would become permanent, when a war broke out between several of these constituent kingdoms. Having difficulty assimilating her vastly Alsobian population with the less connected north, Queen Odessa faced rebellion, leading to Queen Eshema of Lyania launching an invasion. Lyania would double in size, increasing from its southern boundary at its river to farther up the Ema. Although initially ruled by a woman governor turned queen, Lyania would be unique in its blend of north and south succession, in which women and men tended to be picked for succession equally, rather than an all-women succession in the south and an all-men succession in the north. After Ptelamus’ death Sephimora chose to elect a new king, selecting Xares IV, although this angered Haliecles IV, who sought to confirm that the kingdom remain subservient to Ephenus. What ensued would be a conflict lasting nearly one-half decade, as surrounding powers all involved themselves, the detriment of the Sephimorans. The invasion by Ephenus began along the Sephimorans’ northern river, capturing up to the city of Nelgistis. They would be narrowly repulsed at the key city, allowing Xares IV to prepare an army in the north. Shameza II of Edom kept to her word and did not invade formally, but did send increasing amounts of soldiers and aid to Sephimora, which would later lead to a full war with Edom. Alsoba’s invasion in the third year of the 121st Jafiad (Year 686) helped them to recover after their defeat by Lyania, and they seized farther north into the mountains of Sephimora. The Kingdom of Sephimora would finally be defeated by the second year of the 122nd Jafiad (Year 689), having been subjugated by Ephenus, but this arrangement would not last. Later, when Shameza II died, an Edomite invasion would finally commence, which would end the Emalian arrangement in the region.
  • Irian Culture: "The Akodopolites knew nothing but wealth and splendor, in which they gladly indulged. Their love of pleasure and money was so great that they became blind to all else, but their errant ways did not go unpunished..." So reads the scolding moral text written by Maelan two centuries after the events I am about to describe. In the late 7th century, the shining city of Akodopolis stands proudly beside the shores of Lake Mareum. Having flourished under the Lakrosid dynasty, the city is the jewel of Thrydacia. On the far side of the lake rises the great sloping mountain, Cambor. Considered to be the home of the fire god Velvog, or alternatively of Phythos, it has occasionally spouted fire throughout history. Cambor's most recent eruption was a relatively minor one about 40 years ago. Today, the fertile volcanic soils at the base of the mount are populated with vineyards and small dwellings. The Ambra Mines are located to the south of here, where Thrydacia's ores are mined, and where vents eject noxious gases from the rocky earth. Lately, volcanic activity has been increasing. Intense tremors have been felt throughout the region, but the warning isn't heeded. Finally, in the autumn of 690, Mount Cambor erupts suddenly and violently, ejecting vast quantities of hot ash across the lake. Thousands perish, and the city of Akodopolis is quickly abandoned. The royal family of Thrydacia barely manages to escape with their lives. Lake Mareum is turned into a cauldron of fire, while the capital of Thrydacia is reduced to rubble. For Iria, it is the most catastrophic eruption in memory. Apart from the deaths in Akodopolis, the immediate effects are disastrous. Crop failures and famine are widespread. With the loss of their capital, the Kingdom of Thrydacia's coastal power begins to erode as some Cetan polities re-establish influence on the mainland. Following the eruption, King Mulun moves the Thrydacian capital to Ruban.
  • Telachitul Republic: With some experience with the more violent southern tribes, En'hoek hopes to continue expansion in light of the new northern threat. However, to make matters simple En'hoek publicly Agrees to the northerners' proposal, and opens trade with them. However, for much of the republic's elite, the nation is still seen as an existential threat. With any opposition clear up to the Northerners' sphere of influence, En'hoek continues to make the sure the military is ready for combat, stationing some elements on the border with the northerners. Even in light of this, however, trade to the north continues. This is used as a way to get spies into the kingdom to suss out its weaknesses. Mostly focused on expansion and war, En'hoek seems interested in continuing most of the domestic polices of his predecessor. As such, annual taxes again swell the nation's treasury by 500 kg of gold over the decade. In addition, the glut of trade provides Armerra with another source of revenue to tax, taking in 300 kg of gold over the decade (to like a shit ton, LMAO). After the patronage of Armeera, Eltaphu is now a reasonably complete, and is reasonably serviceable. In addition, En'hoek continues to fund the development of Icrodel. He continues to promote the book Eveiel, and continues to build various temples, especially in Itochitul and other major cities. En'hoek hopes to use the development of Icrodel as a way to spread Telachitul culture, and bring especially the southern regions closer to the Republic's sphere of influence. With the army working to pacify the north, En'hoek works to expand north along the coastline to continue expansion but avoid the northerner's sphere of influence. In addition, the reign of En'hoek sees the continued growth on the Telachitul navy, keeping even the most unwilling natives in line. With the republic thoroughly dominating the coast both militarily and economically, a few settlements continue to grow, attracting both republican citizens and foreigners. In particular, a significant settlement directly across the bay from Itochitul (the capital) continues to experience significant growth, mostly because of its convenience as a docking location for both merchant and naval ships. The colony's location makes it a useful place to manage both colonization and trade along the coast. In addition, several coastal settlements in the north and a settlement at the northern tip of the southern lake sees moderate growth. Iron working, trade, and ship building continue to thrive as the main industries of Itochitul, the capital city. Ship building is particularly important, as it allows for large scale transport of goods along the coast, which in turn facilitates relatively quick colonization, as well as further trading.
  • Thïgæ: (OOC: From now on, secrets will be written in the area on which maps are posted due to other nations looking at them.) Rumors of the aggressive, arrogant Vytï only grow when Benï (Xinabenï) and Vytï refugees alike from the war-torn west come all the way to the stable east to escape persecution. They tell tales of the Vytï slaughtering their own people, around 15% of their own in the northeast (although many historians believe it was around 10%) and enslaving the rest. They tell tales of burned lands for miles in the affected area, enslaving or killing all of the populace living there before. They tell tales of men, women, and children alike brought into slave camps or killed. They tell tales of inhumane tactics like slowly starving men to death and depriving them of water. This becomes known as the Ohefï genocide. Many begin to call the Vytï "Ehcrumeï", the word for barbarian. All merchants of Thï origin leave Ehcrumeï soil due to high tensions and their high tariffs. The pirates are dealt with easily, as the unorganized pirates are nothing compared to the organized royal navy. The pirates that are captured are asked who hired them, with a nice, quiet, farming life promised to them if they tell. If they don't respond, torture is put into place. At least 20 pirates confess to being sent by the Ehcrumeï, although two tell that the Darï sent them. However, the 20 pirates who do confess to be sent by the Ehcrumeï are believed, and are given an option; either take the offer offered to them (a nice farming life), continue raiding but only on Ehcrumeï lands, join the army, or be enslaved. All other captured pirates are given the same choice. The high tariffs that the Ehcrumeï promised on the Thï from the Darï don't come, as most Darï traders just come over the river border to trade, even going as far as to create "floating markets" on the river, floating on rafts so that tariffs cannot really be enforced as the river is not really owned by either country. The exodus of Benï and Vytï ethnic groups (refugees from Ehcrumeï are still considered civilized, not barbarians, and so are still called Vytï) caused their ethnicity to continue in Thïgæ and can still be seen today. However, war is still avoided due to being able to call only 6,220 men to battle if needed. Anti-Ehcrumeï retoric still continues, but due to sheer distance from Xinaben, Thï supplies cannot make it there. The Thï government continues improving relations with Sonaredar and Johnadpanan. All islands south of Thïgæ are claimed, and all natives are given a choice; assimilate or face slavery. Most assimilate, although on a few small islands the natives rebel. Slavers are sent in to enslave the population of the island, setting an example for rebellious islanders. Women and children are saved from the enslavment. The islands in the south grow to become large producers of agriculture, showing that assimilation into Thïgæ will help the islanders. 124,421+ people are estimated to live in Thïgæ, but a census is ordered to see about the accuracy of the data. Expansion continues in the islands and on the mainland. Exploration west and south also continue. (More to come if more time).
  • Yannis Empire: The Yannis Empire allows thousands of Holy Men and their families to settle in newly independent lands, and in Yannian allies. Thousands of Yannians arrive in Emalia, Edom, the Near East, and the nations of the south, spreading the Yannian faith. The fabricated story that a Yannian philosopher would ever be tongue-tied in a debate is laughed at, and the Anointed One allows many of the empire’s best theologists to travel to Edom, if that will allow the people there better understanding of the religion. Many people independently become “headhunters”, who specialize in hunting in the savannas of the Ashe River region, in order to capture and hunt Thotite game, while others specialize in slaving, for sale in the north and beyond. As people flee the collapse of the Thotites, the Yannis Empire welcomes all their scientists, engineers, philosophers, and writers, and so a great golden age of technology and innovation begins. In the nation the first message by hydraulic telegraph is sent between two parts of the Holy City of Yagothna-vis. Elsewhere, a machine for transferring water is built for irrigation purposes (Archimedes’ Screw) becomes popular in the canals around the city. The tribes of the north are punished for harming the Yannian traders of the region, with a great invasion from Niani into the region.
  • Drachenia: Konig Alfons continues to expansionary process toward northern Drachenia and Southeastern Drachenia. Furthermore, expansion continues in the sudlands while we spread our faith of Dragonism. As the areas of study expand, schools begin to pop up in cities like Dragsfurt and Jonnes, now the capital of development and discovery. Expansion of the navy continues while a stable number of troops remain in the military serving as protection. Wasser gains its own force of 4,000 men while Drachenian Sudlands have 2,000 with troops on standby for sailing just in case more protection is needed. In the sudlands, the environment seems more fruitful for growing crops such gooseberries and other crops like potatoes and even grapes which become very popular. These are usually consumed though as dried fruits due to their short shelf life although exposure to the northern portion of Drachenia and its colder environment allows for just long enough time for transport of fresh fruits to be worthwhile. Exploration continues into the region of Yannis as we encounter more nations to trade with. Alfons ponders the idea of conquest for profit by claiming land to the south that would be more wealthier than ours bringing more power and better lives for the people. This is addressed to his advisors as the military gains strength and the birth rates rise quite significantly due to more goods and money available. Houses continue to be established in the frontier with new road and villages gaining more people. The far out territories continue to become less loosely connected. Exploration to the east is made in hopes of discovering new and uncharted lands.


The tribe between Daukani and Vhaynos in rebellion, known as Ghatnura, decisively defeats the Vhaynos garrison, with the help of the remainder of the Daukani. The Vytians and their allies suffer 2,500 casualties, the Daukani suffer 1,810 casualties, and Ghatnura suffers 1,300 casualties. As a result the Vytians are narrowly repulsed from the Daukani capital. In the west the Xinaben are pushed back toward the border, with the Vytians suffering 2,000 casualties, and the Xinaben suffering 3,650. This leads both nations to propose peace, in which they offer tribute and slaves to Vhaynos, and vow to end their support for rebellious tribes in and around Vhaynos’ borders.

The Azozian invasion of Eskaladun results in an Azozian victory, with the kingdom being annexed. The Azozians suffer 10,400 casualties during the conquest, with the Eskaladunians seeking aid from Darnan and Valun traders and mercenaries.

The eruption that occurs at Mount Cambor causes destruction and the deaths of thousands of people. A number of Irians displaced by the eruption or effected by famine begin raiding the southern region of the Holy Empire of Hythus.

A descendant of Lawrenx the Bold, Taranoch, leads a war across the island of Atnosia. His forces use equipment from the Yannian-Xeran War and terrorize several city-states, forcing upon them a series of religious beliefs compiled from the Ulmian teachers and from local beliefs.

The Yazradid Empire launches an invasion north against the nation of Unem. The campaign is successful in subduing the north, forcing the nation of Unem to become a vassal of the empire, in a similar arrangement to Ri’kiva.

  • Mouri Empire: After the annexation of Eskaladun, Erisoh sponsored in the greatest expansion of the western fleet since its founding. All the main economy of Azoz and its associated states had turned westward at this point, both exporting and importing goods from as far away as Otan, Isimadia and Jasmira. Since the humiliating defeat Tuartha and the Lemantarians suffered as a result of Usilinago's military reforms, the same reforms were quickly adopted by Cassius V for his own military, and before long the ideas diffused across the Xeran road system as far away as Fotashe, Jabaya, and Sephimora. Erisoh particularly focused on the establishment of several military depots and outposts in northern Fotashe, right on the frontier borders in lieu of further expansion of the peninsula. Klantonian armor also became standard issue for the military, even as far as Eskaladun. It was around this time that the longbowmen of Azoz had slowly evolved into a long-standing venerated tradition, with every father passing on the complex art and mindset to his sons. It is usually dated around this time by the anonymous Life of the Bow, a manuscript on the philosophical mindset of archery found in the Great Library of Azoz. By this point, the Histories of Palo had become universally well-known across the empire, and was the main cornerstone for most discussion in terms of geography, history, and natural science. As a result, the court in Azoz became convinced by the story of Iskandar's expedition around the southern continent, as evidence that it is possible to reach the spice trade of the east by sailing southwest. Thus, the Garan navy under the command of Admiral Horatian was tasked to explore very deep along the western coastline, going as far as 1,500 miles. Across the Ashe river delta along Azoz and Tuartha, the acts of Yannis explorers kidnapping and murdering local citizens came as a complete shock to all common people in the region, even among the non-Ulmian population. Many rural towns across the cities of Teman, Neum and Umhala would frequently culminate in retalitory mobs, either attacking or robbing any Yannians in the area. Out of fear of these mobs, many local city governments began outright forbidding Yannian travelers to enter, hoping to avoid the issue in the first place. The royal governments of both regions eventually responded, completely outlawing manhunting and any similar acts, while also cracking down on the inexcusable vigiliantism. Even so, a vast organization begin spreading across lower rungs of society, known as the "Holy League of Nelrim", or alternatively the "Holy League" or "Nelirites". Various contradictory stories have circulated exactly who founded the Nelirites or why, but their ultimate goal was clearly to surgically strike against any Yannian influence across the Ashe delta and Edom, while also avoiding detection by local governments who considered their acts violations of the current-standing law. In Edom, Dionide made some of his most memorable philosophical analogies of his generation, at least according to the chronology present by Palto. Palto's Dialogues puts forward some of the earliest descriptions of government responsibilies, what Dionide referred to as the "Social Contract". The government is responsible to serve the people and protect them, not the other way around. This was no doubt inspired by the success of the republican governments in Syres and Agira, but this was the first time any philosopher of Edom would speak out against the monarchy. Some of Dionide's analogies also seem to be the first suggestion of an infinite Universe, where he describes every star as having its own set of planets, and every planet having Emperors and Patras just like Earth.
  • Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 378-387 Since the Return of Hythus. The fallout from the Eruption of Mount Cambor sees a moderate ash-cloud to fall across much of the Empire’s northwestern reaches damaging much of the harvest in old-Mythadia. Fortunately, historic policies of strategic grain reserves prevent all-out starvation and by the year after the eruption the situation returns to almost normal. The Irian refugees from the south are met by the Imperial Unar bolstered by a partial call to arms, in total a force of some 16,000 lancers. Rather than immediately fight the desperate Irians, Emperor Tyrelius offers them a home in his imperial lands as well as grain to help them survive the winter. Those that accept the agreement shall be settled in the imperial lands between Jalor and old-Hythia. [Refugee (Mod) Response] With the immediate crisis resolved, the Emperor launches an effort to distribute food to aid those most affected by the eruption, he employs the Imperial Unar as grain counters and although his efforts deplete resources from the imperial treasury the famine is largely contained. In other news, the growth of regional cities continues as Gyt falls from influence. Mythas, the former Mythadian capital quickly becomes an even more important trade center as the unimpeded flow of goods down the Tythies boosts its commercial port. Without a large fleet, the Empire struggles to prevent piracy in the region, although local nobles do combat the plague as best they can. Thus, the Emperor determines it wise to establish an imperial navy and a military harbor from which the houses may launch their fleets and the imperial fleet may be serviced. To develop this plans are drawn up for the expansion of the commercial port and the creation of a large military port able to support 100 ships of as many as eight meters in width in a semi-circular hold. The lack of funds owing to the expenses of the eruption prevent any real progress on the construction, but the Emperor hopes to construct such a harbor in the coming decades. Tyrelius the Just also establishes the Tyrellian Law Code, a legal text of some 12 parts that outlines the rights, duties, freedoms, and liberties of each class: slave, landless peasant, landed peasant, renter, minor noble, high noble, and urban dwellers. The Great Houses are excluded from the legal document as the Court of the Houses is their only legal institution. Despite the economic hardship early in the decade owing to the eruption, the following years are prosperous and peaceful across the empire. Competition for prestige and power sees nobles develop their holdings extensively, arguably more efficiently than under a unified government. Urbanization of smaller cities leads to a proliferation of arts and sciences, and mythology becomes a favorite science of the aristocracy. Astronomy also grows in prominence despite the displeasure of the religious elements of society who declare it worship of Dyalbor. Faith is Hythus spreads rapidly in Mythadia following the eruption to the south, which is seen as a sign of Hythus’ anger with the Irians for corrupting his truth. The cults of Bysulus and Tykus also grow and merge with the local Cult of Talas. Talas, a Mythadian god of the sea, is added to the Hythian pantheon as one of Hythus’ lieutenants and according to some, his spouse. Despite the economic pain of the first years of the decade and the eruption, the later years see exceptional growth and high crop-yields across the west. Agricultural production increases due to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop-rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition. The Jyazradids are offered another royal marriage, to solidify the peace between our two empires. The Emperor's son and heir Kylus will marry the daughter of the Jyazradid Emperor, Lisia. Emperor Tyrelius hopes this union will bring both nations together in just peace. [Mod Response]
    • Many Irians immigrate peacefully to Hythia, settling in the areas offered by the Hythians.
  • Qera: The economy starts to grow when new irrigation canals are built to the west, where new fields for cattle and farming can be built. Mining in the south is still very profitable with a seemingly endless supply of iron and small supplies of silver can be sold off to the markets of the world. Already manufactured weapons are also sold quickly, especially to the Makuku and other waring nations. Main agricultural products that are cultivated are rice, potatoes, tomatoes, bell pepper and spices in huge quantities. Cannabis and tobacco are cultivated for medicinal purposes. Siege weapons are developed, the result are huge wagons with a roof on it for protection. Inside is a large trunk to break through the gates of the besieged cities. Camels are now officially integrated as the desert cavalry since horses are less reliable on the harsh desert terrain, since camels need far less water and food compared to a horse. Politically, Qera continues to be very stable at this period with caligraphy and poetry flourishing. The first reported Qeran play that survived to this day completely is written around this time, though the name of the author is lost. The play is about two poor sailors who wait at a port for a friend to return from fishing, sitting there for a long time until they realize their friend died at sea. They receive signs of their friend still being alive, yet they have no real evidence. The first sailor becomes insane, while the second falls into a deep depression and eventually "goes to the desert" to die there. The story ends with the reveal that this all happened in the span of just two days and the fishermen return well and alive home. The reign of Prince Ycas V continues and he is very popular among both the peasantry and the nobles. One reform he pushes for is the "communal one-twelth", which means that one-twelth of every farmers harvest is taken as an additional tax to combat famines or famines. This does only apply for rice and other grains since vegetables or fruit cant be stored long enough. The borders to the north and south are massively fortified and the roads are exanded as well. A new temple is constructed in Tdlogkera (the southern city at the river) with many reliefs, mozaics and paintings produced with colors from Silla and gems from Ollea and Ualjakia. The mercenaries that were hired in the last war are now all bought, which gives Qera an active army of 30,000 men. These are stationed along the border to Odzeba (former Adjiba), even though it is a de facto puppet of Qera and cant rely on itself without Qeran aid. To prevent any possible uprising, 5,500 men are sent to the immediate border and war is officially declared. The proposed reason is the alledged harrassment and mistreatment of Qeran merchants in the reason. War is declared on them in 699 and a full scale invasion is started. The capital is taken almost immediately and the land is incorporated into Qera proper. Trade flourishes with Exhula, Makuku, Genda, the Sayalen, the Dholbalan and Beraba and Sillas.
  • Tsardom of Algeorgia: A huge new discovery is made, after Natasha Romanov discovers glassblowing annd creates Algeorgia's first glass. (Nate said this was okay) With this new discovery Algeorgia begins producing food cutlery out of glass like jars and bowls. The Six-Pointed Golden Bull Expedition continues as planned. We begin the work of building the Lightouse of Algeogiaville. In addition, plans are drawn up to reconstruct the Holy Temple into a much bigger temple with a gigantic statue of the First Holy Dodo in it.
  • Zelonuma Emiresq: Due to the instability in the Thotite lands, hunters make a great living in the south, hunting and capturing many Thotites. Thotite slaves for sexual purposes are nicknamed “Nathons”, after the failed Thotite king. The leaders of the Zelonuma Emiresq employ hundreds of Nathons for their pleasure, brutally abusing the Nathons in many ways. A young boy claimed to be the son of the Thotite emperor becomes a personal favorite of the Zelonuma Emiresq’s ruler, and he has the Nathon castrated, dressed as a woman, and turned into the head of his harem. From the royalty flows the nectar that the people drink, and the aura that feeds them. Their bellies are filled with celebration and morality, and their families are the ideal families. The people are satiated and full, but the Thoties add a special feeling to their contentedness, through their role in servitude. Everyday the sun rises, and later the sun sets. Birds make noises that are joyous to the Darnans of the world. Saws cut down trees. Water is used to nourish plants. The ruler of the Zelonuma Emiresq announces that through his wisdom he has impregnanted a woman in order to give birth to a children (EoGuy, don’t touch it). This is what he desired, to have a children, and the woman gives birth to a new child. I am overtaken by joy, having become a father. I have realized the miracle of life. But the ruler’s lust overtakes him, and he acts like an Ulmian on his child. As penance he cuts off his arms. A magic creature did it! The Thotites have POSSESSED ME. The bees swarm me. They crawl upon my skin and touch my body. HELP - houses are built with wood and stone. Farms are created for growing crops.
  • Telachitul Republic: With some experience with the more violent southern tribes, En'hoek hopes to continue expansion in light of the new northern threat. However, to make matters simple En'hoek publicly Agrees to the northerners' proposal, and opens trade with them. However, for much of the republic's elite, the nation is still seen as an existential threat. With any opposition clear up to the Northerners' sphere of influence, En'hoek continues to make the sure the military is ready for combat, stationing some elements on the border with the northerners. Even in light of this, however, trade to the north continues. This is used as a way to get spies into the kingdom to suss out its weaknesses. Mostly focused on expansion and war, En'hoek seems interested in continuing most of the domestic polices of his predecessor. As such, annual taxes again swell the nation's treasury by 500 kg of gold over the decade. In addition, the glut of trade provides Armerra with another source of revenue to tax, taking in 300 kg of gold over the decade (to like a shit ton, LMAO). After the patronage of Armeera, Eltaphu is now a reasonably complete, and is reasonably serviceable. In addition, En'hoek continues to fund the development of Icrodel. He continues to promote the book Eveiel, and continues to build various temples, especially in Itochitul and other major cities. En'hoek hopes to use the development of Icrodel as a way to spread Telachitul culture, and bring especially the southern regions closer to the Republic's sphere of influence. With the army working to pacify the north, En'hoek works to expand north along the coastline to continue expansion but avoid the northerner's sphere of influence. In addition, the reign of En'hoek sees the continued growth on the Telachitul navy, keeping even the most unwilling natives in line. With the republic thoroughly dominating the coast both militarily and economically, a few settlements continue to grow, attracting both republican citizens and foreigners. In particular, a significant settlement directly across the bay from Itochitul (the capital) continues to experience significant growth, mostly because of its convenience as a docking location for both merchant and naval ships. The colony's location makes it a useful place to manage both colonization and trade along the coast. In addition, several coastal settlements in the north and a settlement at the northern tip of the southern lake sees moderate growth. Iron working, trade, and ship building continue to thrive as the main industries of Itochitul, the capital city. Ship building is particularly important, as it allows for large scale transport of goods along the coast, which in turn facilitates relatively quick colonization, as well as further trading.
  • Glorious Empire of Vhaynos: Having accomplished his goal of subjugating the Xinabeni and Daukani Tita VI now old and wisened accepts the peace offer from the two nations placing them as Tributaries under the control of Vhaynos. With the last support of the Ghatnura withdrawn, the Vhaynosi army sends in an expedition of about 7,000 troops under the control of our most experienced military officials and commanders, along with our highly disciplined troops to restore order to the land surrounding them on all sides offering them no chance of retreat or escape. Should the Ghatnura not confront us we will destroy all supply lines and foragers we come across and starve them to death. Due to the disorganized nature of the Ghatnura and their now being surrounded on all sides by enemies and hostile forces. We offer them terms of surrender were if they submit to the full authority of Vhaynos, all leaders involved, and all forces shall be pardoned, in exchange for 500 hostage Ghatnurese children be sent to Vhaynos immediately where they will be well taken care, and provided for as insurance in the case of rebellion. MOD RESPONSE Should they refuse know that no force will stop us from crushing them underheel. Let it not be told that Vhaynos was not generous. With the hostilities now coming to a close trade begins to begin again as Vhaynos grows strong once again, with the main trade routes under our control and the production we have secured our influence over the region. We resume exploration West again through the desert and trading empires expanding the reach of our influence. While the exploration of the southern landmass is continued. In the city of exiles the schools of explorers continues to proves it weight in gold as it sends men to explore farther west past Gahren into the great unknown sea. Tita VI also orders a census to be held to survey his new lands, as well as the lands of Vhaynos and Jadalan. The Tah have proven their petulance once again and again, truly they are worthy of the Name Tah which in Vhaynosi translates to brat. They have shown nothing but disobedience to their superiors and believe themselves to know the secrets of the world when they are so blind. Vhaynos has cities four times more magnificient than their pitiful capital city made of mud and straw. Truly it is a wonder how they survived this long when they can't even farm.
  • Yusur Civilization: During this time the Umpha Delta experienced a series of attacks by the sea, supposedly consisting of a mysterious confederation of seafaring people. According to an inscription discovered near the River Muri, the invaders were a confederation of “Geshle, Turuc, Monosh, Surha, and Beshbes”, although the exact origin of most of these peoples is unknown. The Surha are said to have been the first people of the later confederation to target the Umpha Delta, creating a growing navy for plunder and transport. The Yusur cities were completely unprepared for this initial attack by sea, but they were eventually defeated for the first time by the city of Lescu, who later incorporated these raiders into their army and as royal bodyguards. Although it is unknown where the Surha originated, they have been closely linked with the island of Sahyrod, in part due to their linguistic similarity, but also due to ancient artifacts on the island often displaying horned helmets, and other distinctive pieces of clothing, which seem to appear in Yusur inscriptions about them. Additionally, if the Surha are associated with Sahyrod, it's unknown if they later settled the island after their events in Yusur, or if they originated from there before attacking Yusur. It is known that the Turuc referred to the people north of the Temtu, who inhabited the peninsula in the far north. The Turuc had been a series of small kingdoms, which had sporadically been the vassals or targets of the River Muri cities. The Beshbes have been theorized to be the same people as the city of Tesh, having been displaced from that city when it was sacked decades earlier, or as a group displaced or affected by Tesh’s fall in some way. The Monosh are generally accepted to be from the kingdoms of the large islands north of Yusur, which had limited contact with the south before this event. On the largest island, which the Yusur called Enuscerod, the kingdoms appear to have been in the early stages of an internal collapse, with an increased number of Enuscerodian pottery and other artifacts making its way to more distant parts of the region, such as Obeneshocul. The Turuc frequently raided Obeneshocul before this period, and it is likely that the first alliance was formed between the Turuc and Monosh. The first organized effort by this coalition is known to have struck at the Uphra Delta, which caused havoc along the coast. They are said to have been defeated by Noįmeshúmes, and he used their invasion to solidify his control over the north. When a second invasion came nearly a decade later, this coalition likely settled west of the Yusur, either seizing land or being forced there by the Yusurians.
  • Thïgæ: The [d] sound turns into a [ð]. Yithït VIII dies, and Yithït IX inherits the throne. Relations with the Darï and Pananï (Sonaredar and Johnadpanan) continue to grow. A major error in calculations took place in population, mathematicians realize that a minor mishap (rounding 1.008 to 1.01) in something taken to an exponent makes it wildly inaccurate. The war of Ehcrumeï aggression ending, the unforgiveness of the Ehcrumeï still resonates in stories, and trade with the west almost stops. Due to the Ehcrumeï's aggressive and barbaric attitude toward natives of the lands, the archipelago just north of the large landmass is claimed to ensure that the Ehcrumeï don't reach it first and slaughter the native population. The same techniques are employed as the previous island group, although this time at a larger scale. Also, the tip of the southern continent also grows into a Thï outpost, and the mainland. Tropical fruits continue to be grown, and land is cleared for farming purposes. Hydraulic lime continues to be used as construction material. Irrigation canals are dug, and a large new palace is constructed, painted beautifully by many painters using eggyolk-based paint. Technology continues to advance. Exploration of the landmass in the south commences, along with in the far west. Improved navigation makes exploration attempted in the east.
  • Irian Culture: Thrydacia declines significantly in this decade, believed by historians to be a direct result of the eruption of Mount Cambor in 689 (see previous turn). The island of Ceta, however, is largely unaffected. The Cetan city-states gain more influence on the Thrydacian coast as the core of the kingdom shrinks back to the upper Hecis. A number of West Irian cities appear from the Hecis to the Mithadian border; all remain tied to Thrydacia by certain vassal agreements. The Irian colonies in Iureda, Alyadis, and the Casphiron all expand, with the republics of Lumos and Solcia investing the most resources into colony-building. Trade with Gahren picks up, and the first Irian merchants arrive in Beraba proper. The poet and historian Hithe pens the Mululakrum, an epic chronicle of the kings of Thrydacia since Seismer I.
  • Beraba: A special envoy is sent to Anlunema to meet with the Gahrenese living there. The envoy states that while they respect the decision of those Gahrenese citizens who choose to migrate there, they feel that Anlunema is undefended and might benefit from some protection from pirates and encroaching nations (Mod Response Needed). Meanwhile, on the Beraban peninsula, the nation expands rapidly eastward toward the promising new farmlands and the eastern shore. Taxes levied from ships passing through Beraba and Gahren are used to fund public works projects and improve the infrastructure of the nation, particularly the roads. More great markets are set up in port cities so traders from far off lands can come and sell their goods.
  • Yannis Empire: It is decided that the savagery brought on by the Thotites on the island of Atnosia must be stopped, so a Yannian army is dispatched to restore Atnosian rule and order. The Yannian fleet splits into many groups, which assault each city along the coast in turn. Then, once the main population centers have been secured, Holy Men march into the interior, beginning a long process toward pacifying the island. A Yannian governor is appointed on the island, which will effectively make the island a Yannian protectorate, similar to its other colonies. Independently, the Yannian allies decide to launch an invasion of Bangor, which by this time has become increasingly Yannian as well. Its southern city-state colony is to be annexed, while Bangor proper simply has a Yannian government installed in it. Finally the entirety of the island is to be pacified, and a long series of campaigns begin. The lead commander of the war is Iuxceteluc, and he oversees the spread of the Yannian religion there. The entire island is conquered, and to pacify the island completely changes are made. The Angelnites are given an expanded state at the expense of Bangor, which helps to ease their tensions. All settlers of the land are respected, with thousands of Yannians being brought to the islands as well. The Yannian faith becomes the dominant religion, while any traces of Thotite corruption, should it exist, is purged. The Golden Age of Yannis continues. After a successful period of hunting, the sad Thotites are slowly destroyed from the earth. Many venture to those lands, where any and all carnal pleasures against those beasts is legal.
  • Mesallian Culture: Although Shameza II had tried to avoid conflict, her successor Hesamena would not continue this, and war would formally break out between the states of Edom and Ephenus in the year of the 123rd Jafiad (Year 693). The conflict would be one of the largest conflicts after the Yannian Wars, encompassing several states from the Mesallas region and in the former lands of Emalia. Hesamena begin the war with a daring invasion across the southern desert to attack Nerimos from the south, while an army marched the traditional route toward Democratos. After a prolonged war the result would be the disbanding of the Kingdom of Sephimora, with its last king dying soon after in a war against Ephenus. Instead the kingdom was split, with the south, centered around Nelgistis, being annexed to Ephenus, while the north was annexed by Edom. The Enulmians and Sephimorans of the region would be discontent with this arrangement, and continue to act autonomously well after the initial partitioning. In both Nelgistis and Nerimos local rulers would often be elected much as the way the King of Sephimora once was, with almost every local leader elected being Enulmian.