Teleutic Empire (Origo Mundi)

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Teleutic Empire

ᛪᚨᛏᚱᚨᚴᛖᛟ ᛏᛖᛃᚢᛏᛁᚴ
1046 - 1153
Flag of Tesardya
of Tesardya
Coat of arms
Capital Tesardya
Common languages Old Tessidian, Yannian, Nianian, Edomite, Azozan, Tamsebese
Yannian, Inhcidi
Government Absolute Monarchy
• 1046-1053
Rianodou I
• 1078-1091
• 1110-1124
• 1142-1160
Rianodou III
• 1173-1175
Historical era Classical
• Founded
• Teleutic-Zenecemis Wars
• Syresian annexation
• 1155
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Niani Empire
Syresian Republic
Auchecan Confederacy

The Teleutic Empire (Old Tessidian: ᛪᚨᛏᚱᚨᚴᛖᛟ ᛏᛖᛃᚢᛏᛁᚴ; Xatrakeo Tejutik) was an absolute monarchy based in Northern Letsia. Originally founded by Rianodou I, grandson of Teleut of which his succeeding dynasty would name themselves in honor of, would rise out of the decline of the Xuprikh'ngum dynasty and spark a civil war following the poisoning of Rianodou's father, Antocylon. It was alleged, though not factually proven, that Teleut was actually a descendent of Nuatelut, the younger son of Xesectuleoc that was exiled to Sumer following a duel over who should succeed as king over their father's territory with his older brother, Xiozorah, the founding monarch of the "high" kingdom. After six years, the Teleutic dynasty would come out victorious in the conflict, with Rianodou ascending to the throne after killing the remnants of the Xuprikh'ngum and consolidating most of the Tessidian cities under his control. He would choose the capital city of the Empire to be Tesardya, which at that point was one of the wealthiest coastal cities in all of Letsia. At it's height, the Teleutic dynasty ruled over roughly 4,000,000 and exerted control over much of Xalohilm, an ancient region along the TBD Sea. Although most of the population was ethnically Tessidian, pluralities of Tamsebese, Syresians, Yannians, and Neumites existed along coastal urban settlements, though a plurality of Ulm Azozians resided in the Empire as slaves.

The state has been retroactively regarded as a turbulent and violent period, as many of it's rulers instituted religious persecution and genocide against followers of the Ulm religion. Although the Eumic University had been built during this period, a number of literature in the former Isidorius Library had been destroyed or censored if it's authorship traced back to Edomite or Azozan origin, leaving a number of original texts concerning the history of Ulm in northern Letsia to be lost.


Successors of Mazatli'teleut

Having originated in the city of Shukri near the Kisar Mountains, the founder of the later-formed Teleutic dynasty, Mazatli'teleut, would become a hero of legend in the events of Tamsebe's conquest by the Xuprikh'ngum Kingdom and the Syresians in 976, leading many successful campaigns and besieging a number of classical cities such as Edrissa and Jawar, where he would become known for his expert strategy. This made Mazatli'teleut one of the most recognizable military figures by the end of the war in 982. For his actions and bravery, it's said Mazatli'teleut would be granted governship over the region of Mamiomnah, which included his hometown of Shukri. Mazatli'teleut would die sometime around 990, leaving his elder son, Kamemnon, as governor of Mamiomnah. Kamemnon was not a warrior, and instead would spend much of reign playing chess and writing poetry. He would perish without children after six years, being succeeded by his younger brother, Antocylon.

Antocylon was unlike his older brother, and instead wished to restore the military aspect that Kamemnon didn't follow. Ruling for a period of fourty-six years, he would commit to this by having numerous wives to have numerous children, of which he would raise the children to be warriors from a young age, namely Rianodou and Khassanock. It's said in one situation that, after his eldest son, Rianodou, failed in hand-to-hand combat, Antocylon would whip him personally for his failure. It was in this same time that Antocylon would re-oriente Mamiomnah's power projection as a province of the Xuprikh'ngum Kingdom, and shifted to an emphasis on warfare rather than the Xuprikh'ngum's standard at the time, which was cultural significance. This would ultimately catch the attention of Emperor Isidorius in 1039, and in response to this building of a private military, would poison Antocylon in an attempt to up-end his power. The death of Antocylon was posited as old-age, but it would be discovered by Rianodou that Isidorius had plotted the assassination, leaving a bitter Rianodou to seek revenge with the aid of Khassanock and the Teleutic dynasty.

Statute of Rianodou I (1040–1053), the first Mratikhan of Tesardya.

Proclaiming himself Atikhan ("King") of Mamiomnah, Rianodou would retaliate against the elder king Isidorius by re-building the army of his father and garrisoning many of the southern cities of the kingdom. Isidorius would die in the spring of 1040, and with his successor, Xantoumic, being a child, Rianodou would declare war against the Xuprikh'ngum dynasty and proclaim himself "rightful" to the position of monarch. He would go on to sack the city of Avisa in 1041 and Tesardya in 1042, leading up to an attack on Exaham. Much to Rianodou's chagrin though, the Niani Empire would launch a seperate invasion into the Kingdom's northern territories to take advantage of the weakened state, ultimately distraction Rianodou's forces for two years, during which time the uncle of Xantoumic, Khanared, would lead a campaign to re-occupy cities that had been occupied by Rianodou during his initial expansion, but as it would turn out, Rianodou would gain large popular support among many of the Azozian slaves and other distinct cultural groups that support could be gathered from. This support would allow Rianodou to re-capture these territories that had re-occupied, and in 1046, would besiege the capital of Exaham, looting it's many temples in 1046 and eradicating the remnants of the Xuprikh'ngum dynasty. With the former kingdom now under his control, Rianodou would proclaim himself Mratikhan, or "King of Kings", establishing the Teleutic dynasty in power and, due to the destruction of Exaham, posit the city of Tesardya as a new capital.

Early rulers and expansion

The early history of the newly-formed Teleutic Empire was tumultuous, as Rianodou, only year following his success, would go on to invade the Niani Kingdom in 1047, though wouldn't see success and would abandon the invasion after two years. From there, he would negotiate alliances with the Syresian Republic to the west while fighting a new challenge against his rule: the Ulmians. While Rianodou had depended upon their support in the civil war, he would find himself at odds against due to his authority now including the national Tesardyan army but in addition, the rise of Unarcism would lead to both spiritual and ideological disputes. Rianodou wouldn't take this issue seriously during much of his reign, and instead would play chess against many of his dissenters as both an opportunity to discuss the issues while playing a game with rules, unlike his thought on the world. In his games of chess, Rianodou is said to have used the Syresian defense as White in most of his games, and is said to have played the best chess player in Northern Letsia at the time in the Eumic University, being Xes'onda of Niani, where he would infamously employ the Azozian defense, which would win him the match.

Rianodou's legacy is primary associated with the return to power projection, as by the dissolution of the Xuprikh'ngum's dynasty, the kingdom had fallen into decline, with many priests at the time believing Rianodou was the rightful Tempest, a messianic figure in the ancient Tesardyan religion that was initially bestowed upon Xesectuleoc, founder of the Xuprikh'ngum dynasty. Rianodou would spend much of his reign quelling rebellions, as by his death in 1053, a number of slave uprisings had side-lined attempts at territorial expansion and further consolidation. The significance of these slave uprisings is important, as much of it was by Ulmian slaves in response to Rianodou not keeping his promise of liberation in the case of his power being established. Rianodou would be succeeded by his brother Khassanock, who would crush the rebelling slaves by the following year in an attack on the city of Mosnola that left many slaves to surrender after recognizing how unattainable the goal was. Khassanock would go on to invade the Niani Kingdom in similar fashion to Rianodou, though much like his brother, would not see success and would once again abandon attempts at invasion.

Khassanock ruled for twenty-years, from 1053 to 1073, during which time he would enact further discrimination policies against the followers of Ulm and their associates, which as a result would see two uprisings in the city of Exaham and Tamsebe in 1060 and 1062 respectively, though they would ultimately be crushed. In 1063, Khassanock would appoint the Yannian statesman, Nys'xiachi, as his viceroy, establishing a minor executive position to better handle state policy and abroad. In this enacting of position, Khassanock would unknowingly grant Nys'xiachi large power over the military, so by 1065, Nys'xiachi would use his leverage to declare war against Ysthiphon, sparking a rivalry between both realms in the TBD Sea. In 1066, Nys'xiachi would launch a success invasion of Ysthiphon by sea, pillaging a number of villages before ultimately being forced to retreat. During these pillages however, its said that a large percent of the male commoner population would be killed in a brutal act of genocide while many of the women would be enslaved and kidnapped, though in retaliation, Ysthiphon would attack a number of sea trade routes often used by the Teleutic dynasty. Seizing the opportunity, Khassanock would direction an invasion against the Zenecemis state to be led by Nys'xiachi, which would see the besieging of Gougou and Niossas, as well the extension of Teleutic influence along the Niani river. While letters written by Nys'xiachi depict his want to go on further to besiege the city of Niani proper, the death of Khassanock would lead to the end of his campaign northward.
