801-900 (Origo Mundi Map Game)
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The Jyazradid king accepts the royal marriage proposal between Tyrelius and Palica. Meanwhile, Lord Dylus’ time with the Halati uncovers a number of their practices. Nobles in the nation commonly marry multiple wives, with wives also being taken as captives in battle often. During religious ceremonies they sacrifice mountain goats and often eat their raw hearts, which they state is in sharp contrast to the cannibals of the east from which they fled. One thing that is discovered is a scathing rumor that the court of the Halati seemingly helped conceal; one of the leaders of the Bysula has secretly collaborated with the easterners, leaking information that allowed Hythian armies to repeatedly get ambushed and defeated. This was done out of their belief that the eastern explorers were performing a sacrilege, and to ensure that their job of manning the eastern walls would be eternally supported.
The nation of Ri’kiva accepts the trade agreement proposed to it by the Exhulan Empire. The Ri’kivans take greater interest in exploring and trade in the west as a result, using their trade post in the Gahren region as a base of operations.
Centered around the city of Gesan, the nation of the late Gecnevedessar incorporates numerous tribes in the north into their nation. They use weapons from Thïgæ and from the Vytians to revolutionize their military, successfully conquering several tribes who object to their expansion. Southeast of Gesan a city known as Namdeon arises as a rival to Gesan, and the city requests to trade with Thïgæ to fight back against Gesan expansion.
The Paotualma Empire dissolves into a series of smaller kingdoms, such as the Badams of Mhama, Jhipatur, and Asgura, along the central river of the empire, and the Kingdom of Zahmedan in the far south, northwest of Mang. During this chaos the nation of Draka manages to conquer the west, declaring the Drakan Empire, and securing the trade routes from the Southern Sea to Benysira.
During the Wars of Nesondon, a mercenary Zedumari named Kameakala is ambushed while traveling along the Lunzi River, and is nearly killed by a southern tribesman. When he regains his strength, he leads a full invasion of the south, carving out a third Zedumari kingdom, known as Kadira, which claims the lands south of the Lunzi.
- Telachitul Republic: With the aftermath of the conquest of the north to deal with, the new ruler sets to work. To start, he starts to bring in the outer territories of the Republic closer to the republic economically and culturally. This is done both by establishing Telachitul towns at key locations, and generally increasing trade and spreading the growing Icrodel religion to the new territory. He hopes that by improving the quality of life in the new territories, during his reign he can expand the new land from merely territorial holdings to a proper part of the Republic. This philosophy is also applied to the Republics expanding borders, with Niise striving to keep the entire region culturally unified. In this vein, he also begins constructing a system of roads to bring the empire closer together. Most of the development happens in the core of the empire, but roads connect notable locations from the outer territories directly to Itochitul. However, for most coastal cities, the sea remains a much more efficient route of travel. In addition to the infrastructure development, Niise uses the annual tribute paid by the northerners to fund the formalization of the republican military. Most of these funds are for the creation of a navy, with a small fleet of ships built in Idolchitul and across the bay in Idolmere. Most of these ships aren't permanently manned by troops, but they remain close enough to the capital to be ready on short notice. In addition, the actual army is reorganized. Niise builds his standing army to 2,000 professional soldiers, and an additional 4,000 semi-professional troops who don't actively serve, but are available on the Itotela's command. in addition, every town has to have 1/30th of its population ready to fight if need be, and 1/15th in the event of a major war. Individual towns are expected to decide who serves and equip them, but are paid a stipend by the republican government to cover this. With the new land to tax and the wealth brought by pillaging parts of the northerners territory, annual taxes again swell the nation's treasury. In addition, the glut of trade provides Niise with another source of revenue to tax. Niise continues to promote the religion Icrodel, which has not become an important institution in the republic. Notably, temples exist in every major town, with a large central temple beginning being built in Idolchitul. The religion also begins to send missionaries to both the newly conquered territory and to areas Niise wishes to expand to in the north, hoping to export both the religion and culture of the republic. With the Eveivel, Kutelaseem, and Velta serving as the main texts, the religion of Icrodel continues to grow, mostly in core republic territory. The religion continues to gain in popularity with the populace. Niise continues to work to expand north rapidly along the coastline With the republic thoroughly dominating the coast both militarily and economically, a few settlements continue to grow, attracting both republican citizens and foreigners. In particular, a significant settlement directly across the bay from Itochitul (the capital) continues to experience significant growth, mostly because of its convenience as a docking location for both merchant and naval ships. The colony's location makes it a useful place to manage both colonization and trade along the coast. In addition, several coastal settlements in the north, and new settlement situated on the big lake to the north continue to grow. Iron working, especially for weapons, trade, and ship building continue to thrive as the main industries of Itochitul, the capital city. Ship building is particularly important, as it allows for large scale transport of goods along the coast, which in turn facilitates relatively quick colonization, as well as further trading. After the successful venture north, Niise decides to have the colony expand to encompass the lake it is set on, as well as to the east, hoping to bring the entire region under Republic control. In addition, he sends a second expedition north, this one to the tip of the peninsula north of the republic. After we make contact with a new neighbor to the north, we ask to exchange maps of the world via envoy. [PLAYER RESPONSE]
- Qeran Dip: The traders from the south (Etotztollâtl in Qeran) are welcomed with open arms. Maps are sent to them if the southerners are willing to buy Qeran goods like minerals (silver, turquoise, copper) or spices.
- Telachitul Dip: Niise is proud to agree to the trade, and hopes for warm relations in the future.
- Ffanet of Afmwir: Afmwir is a nation which has just turned from the darkness of war. According to their legends, they came from a country called Suffunchardd, the land of the Eiddra and Thiddra. According to their religion, the god Serhchan tricked the great and lesser spirits into creating the world as an act of kindness. The three great Thiddra, Mygnarhus False-Creator, Lldoin Doom-Harbinger and Horci Life-Stealer, rallied the Thiddra against Serhchan's clan. A long and bloody battle tore Suffunchardd apart, ending at the battle of Sulsddaimh, the Holy Mountain, where on the very peak Serhchan, along his wives Cwinaref Storm-Wife, Fwarh Tear-Wife and Ddiful Love-Wife, his shield-brothers Stwntharh and Zwnfar and his clever-man Swliann, defeated the Life-Stealer, banished the Doom-Harbinger and even killed the False-Creator. But the battle was fierce, and Mygnarhus managed to kill Swntharh, Zwnfar and Serhchan himself. In grief, the widowed Cwinaref created humans out of wind, snow and rock, to console her husband's death. So did the Storm-Wife also become the Mother of Tears.
And the Storm-Wife, after defeating the remaining lldwino with the humans, led the eiddra to the legendary Paddomhi, the legendary earthen realm. Men lived in peace in Suffunchardd, but the seething Thiddra returned from the starry void called Enh, and the Life-Stealer with Thegin the Leaper corrupted the hearts of men, telling stories of how creation was cruel, and how it brought pain into the world. So the men of Suffunchardd fell to war, bloodying the land of the Holy Mountain. Only a few under Iyshrim Forked-Beard, who remained true to the Dead Fox and Mother of Tears, managed to escape, arriving in a land they called Mwir. The survivors created a city called Mercydd, after a luck eiddra in the service of the Love-Wife, Iyshrim created an empire for the survivors in Mwir, and they named it Afmwir. He ruled wisely the lands, and brought prosperity to the people. According to legends, when he died, the clever-men of the Temple of Cwinaref revealed that Iyshrim had been Athmwir, the spirit of Serhchan reborn in different caliphs. Iyshrim was deified by the gods in his own rights, but Athmwir would return when the people of Afmwir would need him.
And they did need him. After Iyshrim's death, many laid claim to the title of Ffan which Iyshrime bore, and a council elected a Ffan, The system worked for many years, but when many people claimed to have been elected Ffan, a civil war broke out. With four people claiming to be the heir to Iyshrim's legacy, the empire fell apart. A civil war which lasted beyond Ffans' lives for two generations ravaged the land, effectively destroying the empire. Only when young Wlf of the Clan Llolddur, who had been proclaimed Athmwir by the Temple of the Storm-Wife, defeated his biggest contender at the gates of Mercydd, was the war broken, leaving Afmwir a shell of its former self.
After the long bloody civil war was ended by Athmwir ten years ago, Afmwir has just managed to rebuild and regain stability in its lands in the tenth year after the civil war (801), including its capital, the Holy City of Mercydd on the banks of the Chffith. Peace has finally seeped through the land, and the unruly clans of Afmwir have knelt and accepted Wlf as their king. In the tenth year after the civil war (801), Wlf sends an expedition up the Chffith River to explore lands farther upstream (50 px). They return in glory, finding more lands. In the 13th year after the civil war, in the tin mines close to the border lands, a new metal is discovered after workers found out that it isn't workable like tin. They named it thetus (iron). Crops like rye, barley and wheat are grown, providing nutrients to people, feeding the nation, as well as leeks and a very spicy variant of horseradish venerated by the traditions. The Athmwir orders the construction of several water mills in order to increase production of flour for bread in the 14th year after the civil war (805). Livestock like cows and sheep graze on the land and provide food, leather and wool. Honeybees are also grown in the land, and are used to create good mead and ale in the country. A brewery is built and owned by Ffan Wlf. In the 15th year after the civil war, the Athmwir and the reader of the Bones of Serhchan order the landless poor to move to the border areas on the right bank of the Chffith. In the 18th year after the civil war (809), another expedition by ship travels to a known island on the map and goes eastward (20 px). - Mesallian Culture: In the city of Iskandria a form of the library of old took shape, after the government thoroughly cracked down on Nelirite influence, although the majority of books, art, maps, and other collections had been completely lost. At a time when the Ulmian religion was at its lowest point in the city, it is known that an Ulmian writer named Kedredun became influential and well-respected, as one of the earliest figures in the new Iskandrian library project. Hesamena II died suddenly in the year of the 150th Jafiad (Year 800), having ruled for a long 36 years. She had outlived three daughters, leaving her eldest surviving granddaughter, Berena, who was only eight years old, as the next Maleka of Edom. Berena’s mother, Shameza, had been wed to a southern nobleman of possibly Apirun origin, named Semiadulcis, and his mother, the elderly tribal elder Shuadna’al Hesam, was supported by the Maleka from her lowly position to that of Governor of Hesama, granting her dynasty a high degree of power in the far south of the Meran. The Shuad Dynasty largely governed over the regency of Berena, with her father Semiadulcis securing this position by marrying one of the other primary advisors, Mesoma of Ascana. After a supposed assassination attempt was launched against the young Maleka, Semiadulcis ordered a purge of certain opponents in the capital, and later relocated his daughter back to Hesama. According to the chronicle of Kedredun, the imperial court in the north temporarily migrated to Iskandria, beginning the rebirth of that city and the rise of a new era in politics. This was partially due to the city being in the geographic center between Alanaza, Edom, and Ascana, from which three influential governors would emerge; Abesa, Sybaluma, and Medosa, respectively. The exact nature of Medosa’s marriage to Semiadulcis is unknown, as the couple never produced any kids, leading historians to believe it was in an attempt by Medosa to get her foot in the door of the imperial government. After the relocation south Medosa did not join them, instead successfully joining the council in Iskandria. In the south, Shuadna’al Hesam effectively created an Apirun puppet in the southwest, which used Mouri, Edomite, and Susanylon territory alike as an operating ground. She would settle a multitude of foreigners in the south of Edom, with these tribes being heavily loyal to her dynasty instead of any Edomite government. In the year of the 152nd Jafiad (Year 808), Berena’s father would die while traveling back north along the Meran, and the Maleka ascended to the throne fully, albeit heavily under the influence of her grandmother. The alliance of nobles in the north, which had divided amongst themselves the regency and responsibilities of ruling the north, largely remained intact, despite the arrival of the new Maleka. Later that same year, Maleka Berena would wed her father’s widow, Medosa, which was considered largely taboo by this stage of Edomite history, although not unheard of in the Edom of old a millenium prior. This would lead to both distrust and disgust toward Medosa from various members of the nobility, and a plot was planned to have the Maleka’s wife assassinated. Instead, the Maleka quickly arrested Sybaluma of Edom and other influential figures in the city, and further disenfranchised the old capital from government duties. Although not Ulmian herself, the Maleka would take note of the giant backlash leveled against her from the Ulmian community, and elected to have the Holy Patra of Edom secretly killed and replaced by someone more sympathetic to her cause. Likewise, the Shanzian faith was declared the “official” branch of Ulm, further discrediting the Azozian branch. When this was not enough, later in the year Berena began shielding her wife from the public eye, and arranged for a very public marriage to Sybaluma’s son, Amadun, although their marriage would secretly be a sham. The following year Medosa would be also undergo a sham marriage to Shuadna’al Hesam’s grandson, Sanasun, and the two began a military campaign in the northeast against a number of governors rebelling against imperial authority. The Maleka would never produce any children herself, and would instead adopt Medosa’s only daughter with Sanasun, Alasana, as her heir. Meanwhile, in Syres a full scale invasion of the east was launched, dislodging a section of the Benekundon region, alongside the Tesardyan invasion in the far north.
- Qera: More and more traders from far off countries bring more and more wealth to Qera. Ccekaea (Thïgæ) and Etotztolla (Tilachitul) are now known and taught in Qeran port cities, with many scripts with useful phrases and words for learners of Âtluâm (Qeran) being produced. A new metal smelting technique is developed in the Odzeba region. In the area, many iron foundries are placed in the gorges where is a strong, never ending wind. These winds are directly led into the furnaces, creating temperatures well over 1,000° C. With temperatures this high, steel in better quality and quantity, because less wood has to be used to produce high temperatures. Similarly, the silver furnaces on Qerzatlahe are now supported with wind from the sea. Spices like chili, cinnamon, nutmeg and black pepper are cultivated and sold for large profits. Zoelle IV continues to expand and develop the army further, with new weapons and improved tactics. The army expands to now 60,000 permanent soldiers, most of them have a small land of their own they farm and are called to arms when necessary. Infrastructure is expanded again also in the colonies, especially the Cyrphetzija colony, where a big road is built toward the southern coast on the opposite of the landbridge, to fund a port there, making contact with the capital easier. The Occyse is written down around the year 809 by the poet and philosopher Ynjomer. The Occyse is an epos that was passed down orally until now. The story has a huge amount of figures on a journey up north with the hero Rhalluenytzem and his crew of sailors travelling out to the sea in the north. The story is even today considered the national epos of Qera. The first great temple to a Rhatixemy god gets constructed in Dlaccaka, dedicated to the god of harvest, farming and the forest called Yuem. This temple will be in similar shape and size to the great Obeq temple in Tortla - a great square pyramid made from dark stones. Reliefs of mythical creatures from the myths of Qera. One especially large figure is the Qoetzalkoatl, a serpent with wings of a hawk or an eagle. It is seen as the creator of the living beigns an earth and the air. He is often portrayed do defend buildings or sacred sripts from evil spirits. Ships are sent south (100 px) to explore the markets and realms of unknown lands. Trade increases with Malmaça, where many goods are sold, especially silver. Zoelle IV's eldest daughter Zoen enters as the first women the position of a commander in the army.
- Taivaie: Having lost warriors, the villages refuse to lend any more men to the campaign. Gilavas offers peace. Settlers begin moving in small numbers to loosely controlled parts of the kingdom, cementing rule over them. We make contact with a people known as Melians in their own tongue, and deem them worthy of respect.
- Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 488-497 Since the Return of Hythus. Emperor Tyrelius II’s rule remains uneventful until the news of the Bysula’s betrayal. Proof linking the order to the shameful act is brought before the leaders of the Cult of Bysulus and the Cult of Hythus. The Cult of Bysulus then issues a command to the Bysulan Order recalling their high priestess and several other important leaders of the order to a supposed conclave of Bysulus’ followers. At the same time Emperor Tyrelius II determines it wise to visit the Bysulan Order in the mountains, accompanied by his personal retinue of 1,000 elite soldiers. The soldiers make camp in the Bysulan Citadel. Under the cover of darkness, Emperor Tyrelius II and his men massacre the unprepared Bysula. A secondary force of 4,000 more Imperial troops awaiting orders beyond the scouts of the Bysulan Order assists the emperor’s retinue in their gruesome task. Heavily outnumbered and caught totally unprepared, the Bysulan Order is wholly destroyed with its few remaining supporters fleeing high into the mountains. Simultaneously, in Gyt, the High Priestess of the Bysulan Order is stripped of her rank and sentenced to death for her crimes. The leadership of the Cult of Bysula denounce the Order as a band of radical traitors who betrayed the people of Hythus’ realms to further their own needs. The leadership of the Order is burned alive in the city square of Gyt before the Temple of Bysulus that has stood in the city for 700 years. The territory ruled by the Bysulan Order is quickly brought to heel with an occupation force of some 4,000 including 2,000 mercenaries hired from the Halati and other mountain tribes. Aside from this minor internal conflict the empire experiences a period of continuing prosperity as goods from across the empire, spices from the south, and luxuries from the north all flow from Mythas to the ports of Silla, Exhula, and others. Cities across the empire begin developing advanced water-management systems. Rudimentary sewers are built in sections of Mythas, and public fountains supply cities with fresh, clean water. Old-Hythia grows massively in wealth as exports and imports flow totally unhindered up and down the Tythies. Old-Mythadia also benefits thanks to the export of goods from upriver, as well as the expansion of ports. The colony of Lyrasia continues to grow, rapidly integrating natives through the threat of violence and the promise of wealth. The initial colonial city, Lyras, develops into a regional trade hub with a good natural harbor augmented by the construction of breakwaters and a small lighthouse. By the end of the decade both the oceanic and landward coasts of the islands are under loose control. The Iron Bank of Hythia establishes itself as the premier lender of the region. Irian, Qaryaati, Algeorgian, Jyazradid, and many other merchants all use the bank to raise the capital they need for trade or other ventures. Agricultural production increases due to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition. The policy of land grants is re-instituted and settlement of the south accelerates. Dozens of small cities and towns spring up across the south, located near the natural springs and minor streams that dot the landscape. Networks of roads are constructed as the settlers go, linking together these settlements and spreading administrative institutions as they go. Public granaries, long the staple of Gytan and later Hythian cities are built across the empire by municipal governments of small and large cities alike. The Guitar, long an instrument of the soldiers and lower classes across Hythia, spreads west into Mythadia. The instrument proves highly popular among sailors who develop a unique miniaturized version of the instrument the Chaleli (Cavaquinho). The Guitar and Chaleli spread throughout the empire with several distinct musical genres developed for each. On the coast there is a somber musical form with dark rich vocals and deep strumming tunes evoking the troubles of the sea and distance from home. Across much of the plain a most fast-paced plucking style develops which is accompanied by rhythm and beats produced by clapping, dancing, and the slapping of body parts. Soldiers also produce their own style, similar in many elements to that of the sailors but with less complex patterns and a more chorus-friendly vocal structure.
- Thïgæ: The calls for aid from Deongæ (Namdeon) presents an odd new opportunity for Thïgæ. The Deonï (Namdeon) are offered troops, war equipment, and food supplies for the war if Deongæ gives the northern coast to them as payment if they win the war (although Thïgæ would not officially join). Mod Response Needed. New military inventions, such as burning pots - basically oil filled pots set alight by dropping flaming fabric scraps into them, setting them alight, and since they are class B fires, cannot be put out be water but must be smothered. Improved tactics like using pikemen and advancing forward slowly, pushing the attacker/defender back, are made. Irrigation canals continue being built. Rural areas continue to grow, along with large cities. The southern island claims are cemented, with farmers going south. Trade with Ïrezccekaea (Qera) continues.
- Zelonuna Emiresq: The nation of the Zelonuma Emiresq continues to expand southward, seizing the fertile plains of the south, the tribes of the region, and the many janter mines of the mountains. The nation of the Zelonuma Emiresq expands along the Isimandian lake and beyond, settling many trade posts and settlements in that region. The nation of the Zelonuma Emiresq elects to expand its borders southward, from its ancient perch in the northern mountains from the coast. The nation seizes the fertile plains of the south beyond the mountains for the first time. Expanding to the numerous lakes of the region. Settlements are particularly situated on the major lake in the east of Isimandia, and also the lakes just northeast of the Khin Federation, and west of Agelmur. By now thousands of children of the king work, live, and die in his underground world. They build tunnels, worship the king and the heavenly ceiling, and produce more and more children. Sunlight has never graced the tunnels in 100 years. Above ground, the nation of the Zelonuma Emiresq sees great expansion along the coast. The ancient divide between Zelonuma of the mountains and the Darnans of the coast is bridged. These communities are brought together, with the government sponsoring bridges across the north. The inner cities of the Zelonuma Emiresq, where the kingdom was shifted after the fall of Darna, are now available from the coastal cities, and connected to the janter mines and other resources. In that area great work continues to grow these places. The books published by the government, regarding anti-Ulmian sentiment and pro-Zelonuma Emiresq rituals, are dispersed around the nation and around the world. The navy sees expansion during this time to grow more powerful than the threat posed by the Thotites. In the far north the Darnan nation expands along the coast both north and south.
- Melia: It seems our further expedition is a success, we have met a new people who we call the "Tavi" based on an approximation of their native name in our own language. At a glance, they seem rather arrogant and pompous, but they seem to treat us with enough respect. Seeing as how wealthy and populous they are, it seems reasonable that there are more of them, we resupply as much as we are allowed and continue exploring in the area looking for other realms. The current ruler, Voya Maltal seems to be rather independent of the wisdom of the gods, much to the annoyance of the priests. Maltal decrees that he will begin a "transitioning" (begin moving the administration type to "city-state) of the realm, where he wants to build more cities and farms and grow the economy. This upsets the nomads as this is a direct threat to their lifestyle. Maltal, however, assures that they will have enough room to graze, but this doesn't do too much to calm them. Unrest grows in Melia as now not only are the priests unhappy, but the nomad pastoralists have been made upset as well. Troubled times may be coming.
- Qaryaat: King Qamar continues expanding the kingdom. The territory of Nahradi (formerly the territory of Bizafir, though the river is still called the Bizafir) expands north along the coast (of course, within the limits of the agreed claims with Beraba). Meanwhile, the territory of Maqiri expands along the Mohejaran border. In all territories of the kingdom, settlers are sent to loosely-claimed areas to consolidate control over said areas. In Saqqattra, barracks and a granary are built. Meanwhile, in Makra, the Library of Makra is expanded and a cube-shaped shrine dedicated to Elmekah, also known as the Dariqah, is built. The Royal Palace in Makra is renovated, with new art installments added. In Bizafir, the Ronahist (yes, I'm retconning the name of that pacifist religion from Paotualma) temple is renovated, the walls are repaired and reinforced, and an amphitheater is built. Recent surgical advances from Aljurjya are adopted. The practice of keeping fish for decoration in special globes or tanks called Drenariums (called makzinas (singular: makzina) from the Qaryaati words for water (ma'ak) and vessel/container (zi'ina)) is also adopted, with a popular choice for keeping being freshwater barbels. King Qamar sends envoys to the kingdoms of Makuku, Aksuya (Exhula) Manai (Mang), and Sinaybin (Xinaben) for trade offers, offering spices, dyes, incense, livestock, and many other riches. (EXHULA, MANG, MAKUKU, AND MOD RESPONSE NEEDED)
- Friorian Culture: After the period of inter-culture wars, four kingdoms emerge as the leading nations within the culture group. The four kingdoms, known as Desmos, Xugadi, Alfa, and Ligma, stop all remaining conflicts due to population loss and prosperity that was damaged during this period, and as a result collectively decide to move toward inter-group progression rather than degression. During this time, a large school of thought and philosophy is created in the city of Segond, Ligma. Various philosophers, such as Yenocrati, and Crisipiti, emerge as the founding leaders of thought and innovation in fields of arithmetic, literature, and government. The oral and written languages feature small development. Expansion is made farther along the coastal river settlement, as further expansion is made westward.
- Yannian Culture: The world stands watching as the Thotite rebellion is thoroughly crushed, and the Thotites are all destroyed. What a marvelous world that will be, when they cease to exist. It brings a tear to an eye, for many, as they ponder the paradise that succeeds after the fall of the Thotites. Meanwhile, the entire world is waiting for the Yannian culture to decline, huh? Keep dreaming then, Thot. Because you could not beat us fairly you must beat us unfairly? Sad, sad Thot. You dream in your fantasy world, that one day you will be a nation like a Yannian one? Okay buddy, that is really swell of you. Silly Thot, nations aren’t for you. Oh, King Thot, you are such a strange being. How you eat and grow fat with each passing year, it defies all humanity. Oh that’s right, the Yannians are in your area. We’re killing your kinfolk and reclaiming the earth. That’s right, we’re spreading the good word and going to heaven, can you say the same? Come out and play with me, Thot. The world is waiting. We are restoring order to Neum as I speak to myself... yes, it is very good. We Yannians have taken the cities and the streets, we have repainted them and removed all Azozi taint. It is very nice now, in places where there is no taint....ah I can taste it, boy. I am your father, Thot, and I control your entire life. When you act up I discipline you, boy. I give you a hard Yannian spanking until you are red. This is how justice works. Yes, this is the will of the west, against the Thotites. Suddenly, there is a letter: Hello! Ignore the west’s propaganda, I am the east now. We need your help, Azozi. Please help us invade before it’s too late! What will you do Azozi? This is the end of the secret message.
- Empire of Grosserdrachenia: Halifacs II comes to power after the Imperator had become frail. He is to live the last of his days with the family. As more people flee to the less urbanized regions of the Sudlands and the merchant city of Sudbestung, a new and slight dialect begins to shape up in the region and more farms and carpentry work picks up. Halifacs II is nicknamed the “sober drunk” by the royal family as a joke to the absurd amount of alcohol he could consume yet not become drunk.The Brewery of Dragsfurt would become the largest in the empire taking nearly a whole city block. The House of Hiedler would become quite close to the royal family. Ava Altenhofen is born and is expected to be the nations first female leader. Exploration of the seas continues onward while settlements in Drachenia expand north.
The nation of Cirsyemit successfully conquers the rest of its island up to the border with the nation of Anlunema, their ally. They also use their extensive navy to begin trading with or subjugating the tribes of the north, establishing numerous trade posts in the region.
The nation of Misesham and its tribal allies make peace with the nation of Taivaie. They begin a period of expansion and quick development, using experience from the war to expand their military capabilities.
The nation of Namdeon, under the leadership of Acedessar, accepts the offer from the nation of Thïgæ, receiving a large number of weapons and equipment from the north. However, the king falls in battle against the north soon after, and the war turns inconclusive.
The nations of Makuku, Ming, and Xinaben all accept the offer to trade from the nation of Qaryaat.
A series of generals battle for control over the throne of Xemunis, once it becomes clear that central authority is low and at the whim of the military. Additionally governors in Xanulem and Dijunga begin acting independent of the emperor in Yagothna-vis.
- Friorian Culture: Urbanization continues to develop the various kingdoms across the state. The most developed and populated Kingdom, Ligma, prospers economically as numerous philosophers and other intellectual individuals congregate to the city of Segond to theorize the perfect governmental system. From these sessions arrives the spiritually political dialogue known as Babel, which is a "book" regarding the political setup of a perfect society under the rule of Aestropolism, a political interpretation of Endsistianity, which is a religious conglomerate of numerous shaman religions and spiritual followings. Endsistianity features 13 immortals, which rule the heavens and created the dirt of which people live upon. The caste system, consisting of seven levels, is also proposed within the book. This perfect society, or the idea of it, is referred to as Alperi. Various schools of thought open up across the Kingdom of Ligma, which brings some worry to the King who sees their logic as flawed and overall an opposition to the kingdom's feudal hierarchy. In the Kingdom of Alfa and Xugadi, coinage appears as the first major form of a medium of exchange. However, the coinage is disregarded and barter trade still exists to a degree. In the Kingdom of Desmos, the King dies, which results in various claims to the throne by many of the neighboring Kingdom's families as well as various noble families. Eventually, the son of the King of Alfa is able to take power over the Kingdom, and soon the merger of the states begin, which troubles the other kingdoms, but for the moment, no military action is taken. Expansion is made to the north and west as canoes are upgraded to solar ship-esque models to better naval transportation. In terms of mathematic advances, basic algebra is developed.
- Exhulan Empire: With the accepting of our trade offer by Ri'Kava and the resumption of trade with Yannis (Despite our continuing to block Foreign Yannian Holy Men entering Exhula, allowing only Exhulan followers of the religion to do so) we continue to be a center of trade, with the new markets and access of old routes through the North Sea beginning to revitalize the stagnating economy of the Empire. The greater access of us to trade routes again allows us to outcompete Qera in the spice trade once more, but competion lessens more due to the new trade agreements with Ri'kava allowing us to make much money from trade of dyes and spices and due to Qera not having contact with them, and an increasing market also develops for the export of other Exhulan trade goods such as Salt, Slaves, and Mint to them while we purchase things such as Honey, Furs, Timber, and many Naval Supplies from Ri'Kava. Around this time Exhula also became increasingly more navy oriented, even more so than before, as the Irrosian cultural enclaves from those who fled the Yannian Invasion of Irrosia and from the few Irrosian colonies have now become much more integrated into wider Exhulan culture and although many Ethnic Irrosians continue to exist as a distinct people in different areas of the Empire they become largely integrated into the empire fully. As a result of their integration and the presence of several Irrosians in influential positions in the Empires political factions there is an increasing call in many parts of Exhulan society to retake Irrosia. However, the new Emperor, Shrra II, knows going to war with Yannis is a bad idea and instead decides to Make an offer to Toahita to purchase Irrosia back from them for a large sum of money and a large number of trade concessions, citing the fact that the area is very culturally distinct from them and never received much Yannian Settlement (YANNIS RESPONSE NEEDED).
- Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 488-497 Since the Return of Hythus. Emperor Tyrelius II’s actions in crushing the Bysulan Order do not go unnoticed. Popular support for his reign falters as the Order was a popular force long-considered for the benefit of the people. This momentary weakness gives the noble houses and the multiple religious cults impetus to force the emperor to establish estates. The nobles and religious cults force Emperor Tyrelius to grant them charter to approve his major decisions of imperial rule in the form of an Imperial Court. This shift in power makes the emperor even more symbolic. Old-Hythia grows massively in wealth as exports and imports flow totally unhindered up and down the Tythies. Old-Mythadia also benefits thanks to the export of goods from upriver, as well as the expansion of ports. The colony of Lyrasia continues to grow, rapidly integrating natives through the threat of violence and the promise of wealth. The initial colonial city, Lyras, develops into a regional trade hub with a good natural harbor augmented by the construction of breakwaters and a small lighthouse. By the end of the decade both the oceanic and landward coasts of the islands are under loose control. The Iron Bank of Hythia establishes itself as the premier lender of the region. Irian, Qaryaati, Algeorgian, Jyazradid, and many other merchants all use the bank to raise the capital they need for trade or other ventures. Agricultural production increases due to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition. The policy of land grants is re-instituted and settlement of the south accelerates. Dozens of small cities and towns spring up across the south, located near the natural springs and minor streams that dot the landscape. Networks of roads are constructed as the settlers go, linking together these settlements and spreading administrative institutions as they go.
- Mesallian Culture: By this time the Water Merchants had grown immensely in power, having risen to primacy in Edom, and holding control over Usinilago. In addition to the east-to-west trade routes that had kept the organization afloat for centuries, a north-to-south trade route running from Usinilago to Susanylon emerged, which the Water Merchants controlled every leg of. In the great and mystical lands of Or, that had fascinated the Mesallian world for centuries, the Water Merchants became one of the first groups to enter the kingdom and travel beyond it. Some would even travel the route first discovered in the Itinerary of Oranmanou, uncovering the lands of Ondon. According to him, “when we entered the lands of the Comet, there stood 100 monolithic stone beings, guarding the entrance. They were ancient statues as old and weathered as the mountains, twice as tall as the Colossus of Syres. The stone watchmen stood at attention and silently waited for the call of the end time, when they would arise to battle. Others had crumbled to the sands below, and now monstrous heads and hands stretched out from the dunes, large enough for us in their shadows. At that place the old world ended, and we entered a land completely alien to us. The people were like ghosts, completely expressionless or moving to us. They lived in labyrinths larger than Azoz itself, made from black stones and multi-colored domed roofs.” The first Water Merchants who traveled the route approached cautiously, fearing the fantastic monsters and beasts the account to be lurking at every corner. According to them, in the shadow of one such mountain colossus, there was a fortress carved directly into the side of the mountain, long since overtaken by nature and decay. People farmed on terraces and farmland built in between the walls where former streets once crossed, and lived huddled in ruins in the center of the old city. The people there covered themselves in long robes, with their face, and any exposed part of their body, completely covered in rag-like bandages. Although they never spoke to the foreigners, they did not harm the Water Merchants either. They called the place the trade post of Ijopiba, after an old inscription on the walls. Later it was discovered that the small pass in the eastern mountains led into the lands of Or. Beyond the “Misinen Mountains” (“Mountains of Madness”) was the fabled pool of the gods, according to southern Water Tyrant Lismoca’al Ruun, in a letter addressed to the rest of the order. He would go on to say that the Water Merchants would find a land fitting for a “New Temple” and a “New Cania”, where the next great age would begin. Much to his dismay the locals of the south rejected the religious mission of the Water Merchants. Before anything could be done, a much greater concern arose in the west, known as the First War of the Comet. Conflict arose when the Water Merchants refused to heed the warnings of the Zedumari, by trespassing through their lands as explorers and traders. In this war, joined by many nomadic tribes and unexpected allies, who warred against the Zedumari for their own reasons, the Water Merchants would be beaten back from the Valley of the Comet completely, their farthest outpost in the southwest being Ijopiba, on the edge of the valley. They likewise discovered that the Lementarians had not completely ignored these happenings, discovering that many of their secret outposts had extended to Susaylon after the war in Edom. On the other side of the Ijopiba site, on the other side of its mountain, a vast city had developed as a Lementarian colony, known to the Susaylonians as Siabinaces. Their mutual interest in the kingdom, and also in the trade routes south, would create another conflict much like the disastrous war in Edom long ago. Meanwhile, the lands of Edom would have other plans for the south. In her lifetime the noblewoman Shuadna’al Hesam had successfully elevated her family from nomads of the desert to the richest and most powerful people in Edom, with her great-granddaughter poised to inherit the throne of the entire nation. Partially in an effort to unite the nation and distract disgruntled governors from the situation, she would also promote the idea of uniting the south once more, which proved an enticing ambition. Each governor would provide a certain number of men to the national army, which Shuadna’al Hesam paid from Apirun settlers, thus allowing her to keep a larger army within the country as well. In the fourth year of the 152nd Jafiad (Year 811) the Edomite army crossed the border and began its war. They were met with initial success on all fronts, and a careful balance was kept in the kingdom itself. A year and one-half later (Year 813) Shuadna’al Hesam died of old age, and her dynasty was weakened immensely. A large portion of the army would return north later that year, leaving the army in the hands of Sanasun. Despite these odds he would prove a capable leader, laying siege to the ancient capital the following spring.
- Tsardom of Algeorgia: In the capital of one of our colonies, the famous inventor known as Leondadovich Dainich invents a thing he calls the wheelbarrow. The wheelbarrow will help move material and rubble faster.
- Ffanet of Afmwir: In the 20th year of the Athmwir's rule (811), a city was founded on the island of the coast of Afmwir, calling it Ddenstiwrh, meaning eastern star. The city's founders created a temple to Swliann, and his followers develop a way to measure the years after the rise of the Athmwir. In the 22nd year, more explorers are sent downriver and along the coast of the new continent, looking for the Holy Mountain (50 px each), returning home in the 23rd year. In Mercydd, the Athmwir founds a library-temple dedicated to the eiddra of knowledge Chermois-Myr. The new metal found in the tin and copper mines is being studied from the 25th year onward. In the 26th year (817), more settlers are sent to expand the borderlands along the Chffith river. Wheat, rye and barley are continued to be produced, along with spicy horseradish (named ffeisaf). Cows, honeybees and sheep are raised for meat, milk, honey and wool. The Temple of the Mother of Tears proposes the usage of the new metal found in the tin mines for weapons. More watermills are being built along the waterways, and more villages develop along the Chffith.
- Nura Gakan:. Ulrom becomes the organized polytheistic religious center of the Gakan. This leads to the formation of three idols for the three main gods (Vangar: The god of strength/Dun: God of peace/Ogkut: God of the intelligent). The Nura Gakan religion begins to adopt a holy order mostly expanded by Oral tradition, but this begins to phase out as attempts to study the religion is expanded to the Holy Men of the Gakan. Olama begins to form on the two-river region mostly used as a de facto trade center of the state, placed at the head of the river delta. Naval raiding begins to become a more acceptable form of warfare within the Gakani people, this is mostly support and backed up by the Naval expansion across the Two Rivers. The mines begin to take a new form as the demand for iron is picked up (which is used by the army to flex/kill foes and the formation of new weapons.) Gakani farmers begin setting up farms and things of that sort by the Two-River Region. Trade becomes more and more important causing Ulum to form a navy to protect trade ships up and down the river. We begin to send more settlers toward newly expanded land upon the hope of expanding the Gurkani people and loyalty to the Gak.
- 'Thīvœga ('Thïgæ): With new words needing to be made, the ï sound that used to denote "origininating from" is replaced with œ (ohe), and consequently the name of the area changes to Thīv and the name of the people Thīvœ. (Note, this was a needed change while I was constucting the language as using the ï sound for "originating from" made it impossible to use meaning anything else). News of a stalemate in the south reaches the mainland, but at the loss of their king, Acedessar, trade continues with Namdeon, and advisors are sent to help the child king on the throne (OOC: I am assuming the king is a young boy as his father must have been youthful if he was leading troops into battle). However, the military technology invented during the war is used to help advance the current military. Trade with Ïreccesica continues (Qera). Expansion continues along the coast, and rural areas continue to grow. Exploration continues east, west, and south.
- Taivaie: Gilavas, king of Taivaie, has died of mesothelioma. His son, Lilaen, assumes the throne. Lilaen forces the merchant guild to pay financial compensation. Taivaie literary culture continues to flourish. Settlers pour into the loosely controlled areas, cementing control over them.
- Empire of Grosserdrachenia: With goods coming from all over the known world, our routes are well documented and archived with them being placed in the major libraries of the Empire. Halifacs II and his wife stay in Sudbestung for a week with its more temperate climate becoming the most enjoyed part of the territory besides the wealth. Farming continues to bring easy money while other jobs such as operating bakeries and breweries or being blacksmiths making weapons for the army and tools for general use. Exploration of the seas in the south continue abroad while expansion of the Sudlands continue and with more opportunities to the north with valuable resources and other forms of making a living available, expansion continues. Ava takes part in studies with her father and mother while also learns how to hunt with her father. She ends up falling in love with Aldouise Heidler, the son of Armine Hiedler, a good friend of Halifacs II and they marry at Kryzst. The young couple spend their time mostly touring the empire and working as advisors to the Imperator's plans due to family rule.
- Yannian Culture: After much fighting the nations of Dijunga and Xanulem are released as independent nations from the western Yannian empire that exists. A great city emerges in the center of Lake Xbalan. It is the heart of the lake, a floating city on a small island. It quickly grows from artificial floating islands, with settlers coming from many different Yannian nations. The city becomes known as Nazecula, and there the treaty is signed between Dijung and the west. They decide that the lake will be a neutral place between them, and Nazecula grows greatly from trade between the two and from the south via the river. The people pray for peace on the world, so the gods decree the Yannian Peace. All the world lives in harmony once more. It is because of the Yannian religion’s deep commitment to peace and prosperity, that it is better to coexist as brothers than to bury one another. Let there be 100 Yannian nations, because each Yannian person is a nation. In the east the nation of Ocenis is defeated in war. They had reached out to the Thotites seeking to create an alliance between them to defeat the primary Yannian nations, for strangely the Thotites did not help at all. It is no surprise that no Thotites can be trusted or depended on, and Ocenis learned that the hard way. For being betrayed by the Thotites, a great hatred for those things emerges once more. Truly, the Olmero superstition has shown its true colors, and shown that it is weak, unable to aid its so-called “followers”. Perhaps it is evil that we let them live, for they are condemned to a life of slavery, followed by damnation in the afterlife, but alas, we just can’t do it anymore. The Yannians are weary. They can’t support the entire world on their shoulders. Or at least that is what they claim in this time of great weakness. Unknown to the world, in a far away land a new Anointed One is born, who will bring justice to the Thotites once and for all. His kingdom will have no end, and the Yannian people will be brought to salvation through the gods. He will be the instrument of the divine when they strike destruction upon the Azogi mound. He will seek out a woman Anointed One, and they will join the two rods of justice into one Holy Cross, and that cross will be the confluence of past and present, and of all worlds and the cosmos, and of justice and corruption. Only through this pairing of north and south, of east and west, will the evil be vanquished. The realms will seek out this foretold being, but until that day they defend themselves in every way. The nation of Tohatia further claims the oases of the coast and of the south, and builds the defenses along the borders and the coast to be absolute. At Irrosia and Atnosia one million Yannians will praise the gods and build fortresses, planting seeds that will grow into strong trees. They are shaping the old world for when the gods inflict their judgment, and they live happy and peaceful lives.
- Zelonuna Emiresq: The nation of the Zelonuma Emiresq continues to expand southward, seizing the fertile plains of the south, the tribes of the region, and the many janter mines of the mountains. The nation of the Zelonuma Emiresq expands along the Isimandian lake and beyond, settling many trade posts and settlements in that region. The nation of the Zelonuma Emiresq elects to expand its borders southward, from its ancient perch in the northern mountains from the coast. The nation seizes the fertile plains of the south beyond the mountains for the first time. Expanding to the numerous lakes of the region. Settlements are particularly situated on the major lake in the east of Isimandia, and also the lakes just northeast of the Khin Federation, and west of Agelmur. By now thousands of children of the king work, live, and die in his underground world. They build tunnels, worship the king and the heavenly ceiling, and produce more and more children. Sunlight has never graced the tunnels in 100 years. Above ground, the nation of the Zelonuma Emiresq sees great expansion along the coast. The ancient divide between Zelonuma of the mountains and the Darnans of the coast is bridged. These communities are brought together, with the government sponsoring bridges across the north. The inner cities of the Zelonuma Emiresq, where the kingdom was shifted after the fall of Darna, are now available from the coastal cities, and connected to the janter mines and other resources. In that area great work continues to grow these places. The books published by the government, regarding anti-Ulmian sentiment and pro-Zelonuma Emiresq rituals, are dispersed around the nation and around the world. The navy sees expansion during this time to grow more powerful than the threat posed by the Thotites. In the far north the Darnan nation expands along the coast both north and south.
- Sillan Republic: Apostles Esoman and Lisadora die, thus, only three of the original Seven Apostles remain: Archbishopess Caiserin (of Silas), and Bishops Drias and Roberta (of Alaban and Qiedēn, respectively). To institute religious parity, Cabeza Agusta revokes the right of Ulmists to exempt from civic pagan rites, though she also lifts the Ulmist tax and allows Ulmists to be tried under religious courts. While this promotes inter-religious harmony, the latter reform in particular reignites sectarian strife among the various groups of Ulmism – especially between Cixites (the most heterodox) and the Western Ulmists (the most orthodox). Despite this, under her rule, Silla experiences peace and prosperity. The growing mercantile class begins to exert substantial influence over the economy, particularly in the flow of goods from rural to urban areas, as well as aiding the shift from the centralized workshop-system to decentralized putting-out system – particularly in the production of textiles, luxury goods such as jewelry and raw silk, and more perishable goods such as vegetables and dairy products. Conversely, however, the production of certain labor-extensive cash crops (such as tea, cotton, sugarcane) and manufactures (ceramics, avian/reptilian leather, metal products) begin to be dominated by the nobility, due to their ownership of large plantation estates and their employment of provincial labor. This rise in wealth leads to a boom in personal consumption, as well as the patronization of the arts. The influence of Azozian-educated officials leads to the reformation of the educational system, with two separate curriculums for males and females, and a renewed emphasis on mathematics (which consists of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry), history and moral education in addition to physical and military education – as well as philosophy, both social and biological sciences, and advanced literature for females. Partially prompted by a growth in the literati (a fourth of the total population), prose replaces poetry as the primary form of fiction literature. While the vast majority of people remain illiterate (as with any agrarian society), they are able to hire scribes or interpreters to write or read the text, thus allowing them to continue participating in public and commercial affairs.
Explorers sent by the Ffanet of Afmwir, who travel west up the river, discover the nation of Nura Gakan, west of the mountains at the source of the river.
The nation of Anakadeham enacts a policy of isolationism, banning most merchants and outsiders from the nation. The ban is largely in response to the large number of Ulmian foreigners traveling to the nation, as well the conflict being caused by the Water Merchants in the region east of the nation.
An influential chieftain known as Sjene Askiul dies without a direct heir, causing his kingdom and his network of allies to be inherited by the husband of his daughter, King Soumassi of Agunda.
The Edomite invasion of Susaylon results in a decisive victory at the defender’s capital. The Edomites suffer 13,350 casualties during the campaign, but capture the enemy capital and much of the northern one-half of the nation.
The Yali fall under the command of a king known as Hysogib, who renews attacks against the nations of Niani and beyond. His raids damage the western colony of Grosserdrachenia, and as far west as the city of Ysthiphon.
- Ffanet of Afmwir: In the 30th year of the Athmwir's rule (821), a trade envoy is sent to the newly discovered nation of Nurchacan (Nura Gakan), requesting that the nations do trade to improve their relationships [PLAYER response]. The temple of Swliann in Ddenstiwrr finishes the study of the celestial corpse of Serhchan and develops a time measuring way after its phases. In the 32nd year, explorers are sent to the south of Mercydd and along the coast north of Mercydd, looking for the Holy Mountain (50 px each), returning home in the 34th year. In Mercydd, the library-temple of Chermois-Myr discovers a way to shape iron into important tools of war, drastically improving their quality and condition. The Athmwir Wlf Llolddur commands the construction of iron mines to use this material in the 35th year. In the 36th year (827), settlers are sent both downriver to expand the country, but also to the mountain area to search for more pasture lands for sheep. Wheat, rye and barley are continued to be produced, along with spicy horseradish (named ffeisaf). Cows, honeybees and sheep are raised for meat, milk, honey and wool. More watermills are being built along the waterways, and more villages develop along the Chffith.
- Nura Gakan Dip: The story of foreign traders heading into Nura Gakan begins to spread until the Fire of Council is called and after a four-hour debate ends with the Gakan (title for leader) saying " Ey, How about we trade with em... and get them out of those handcuffs." . We then begin to send trade envoys into Afmwir.
- Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 498-507 Since the Return of Hythus. Emperor Tyrelius II’s Imperial Court consolidated itself and the power of the imperial seat. Nobles voluntarily submit to greater imperial rule as they have larger say in the function of the empire. The Court has the strange effect to solidifying the religious structure of the various cults. Myrnech Ayan IX of the Cult of Hythus uses imperial power to leverage the dominance of the cult over the others. Owing to its popularity and Hythus’ natural position as general of the gods. Myrnech Ayan IX integrates the other cults under Hythus’ and with imperial decree establishes the new Church of Hythus as the Imperial Religion. The other gods of the pantheon continue to receive worship, and their temples still function, but most administrative aspects of the church are consolidated under the existing Cult of Hythus. To a daily practitioner the integration is unnoticeable. The lands of the Bysulan Order are granted to Lord Tykastus IV of House of Tykatus and the fortress of the Bysula is to be garrisoned by a force of some 2,000 Imperial soldiers at all times. Old-Hythia grows massively in wealth as exports and imports flow totally unhindered up and down the Tythies. Old-Mythadia also benefits thanks to the export of goods from upriver, as well as the expansion of ports. The colony of Lyrasia continues to grow, rapidly integrating natives through the threat of violence and the promise of wealth. Lyras, now a burgeoning city of over 15,000 expands its port facilities to nearly rival Mythas. The city now deals in much of the region’s trade as it is one of the only major port between Mythas and Hythus’ Realms and the Yrrosian Isles. By the end of the decade both the oceanic and landward coasts of the islands are under loose control. The Iron Bank of Hythia, under the secret direction of the Emperor begins aggressively investing in Jyazradid merchants to pull trade wealth southward to the empire. Agricultural production increases due to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition. The policy of land grants is re-instituted and settlement of the south accelerates. Dozens of small cities and towns spring up across the south, located near the natural springs and minor streams that dot the landscape. Networks of roads are constructed as the settlers go, linking together these settlements and spreading administrative institutions as they go.
- Tsardom of Algeorgia: The tsar announces a massive development project to our colony. This includes building roads for the horses and chariots, building a police house and a hospital. In addition, a new school and military academy will be built. A military regiment called The Tsar's Own is raised and begins patrolling the colony.
- Empire of Grosserdrachenia: Halifacs spends the last of his days at the beach before passing on to the afterlife with Halifacs II after contracting Ligma. Some missionaries head to Azoz to preach the word of Shenron. The Whalsh, notorious for not paying their taxes and a native ethnic group in Wasser had offered their "princess" to marry the now Empress Ava's new son Karl. She responds by burying their messengers alive and going on to ask her and his son to be escorted by their highest ranking officials. At Wasser, they are offered to enter a bathhouse after the long trip. While inside, the bath house is set ablaze. Once in the town, now accompanied by soldiers of the army, while carrying a sword for her own protection, she enters the Whores village. As a celebratory gesture, she requested 14 sparrows and 18 pigeons. The whores did not understand why but of course went on with Empress Ava carrying an expression of annoyance when asked why she wanted the birds, all that she replied with was "I'm sorry, did i stutter?" and so they went on to give the birds. The troops tied sulfur into cloths and lit the clothes ablaze. She would go on to pull out her word and shout condemning all of the whores and that they shall be burned to nothing but ashes and so it was. Karl and Ava would head back to Dragsfurt where like his grandfather, Karl would drink and act as if what he had experienced was nothing. The Whalsh's "princess" did end up being left in the village while it was burned to the ground. Empress Ava would set out to plan the moving of the capital of Drachenia to Jonnes as planned by Heidegger. The Palace of Jonnes was to be built just to the southeast of the city and there, the largest and most complex structure known to Drachenia would be built. She also planed the construction of the Colossal Beauty, a large statue built at the Harbor of Drachenia. Merchants seize whatever chance they can get by travelling south to profit with the territory of the Sudlands being expanded as more income and settlers come in. Settlements north heading into the northern section of the continent continue as more precious metals are unearthed and the affordability to move north becomes more reasonable as the cities are forced to expand since they remain to be growing. Dragonism is spread further into the Sudlands and Wasser following the destruction of the Whores. With a now better equipped military, war is declared on the Sudlands as 18,000 men made up of cavalry and infantry are sent into the Sudlands territory, Catapults are also used near large settlements to inflict as much damage as possible from a safe loading distance. The Ramming and raiding ships are also used to assault the Sudlanders at sea. All as vengeance. Empress Ava spends her time educating her son while Aldouis takes him to hunt and also be tutored by General Hardburgh, now an old man overseeing the plans and operations of the war in the Sudlands. Exploration across the west within the North and the Southern Seas continue.
- Qera: Whispers in the court arise, claiming that the current princess lacks both quality in leading the nation and reforming toward the betterment of the nation. Letters are discovered, from which the princess should be overthrown by her nephew Yceuen. She is taught about this early enough by loyal ministers and exiles him to the Qerzatlahe islands. To bring back unity in the court, she will prove her strategic and political knowledge by expanding the empire even more. secret Spies are sent into the lands of the Sapenakasa, to gather information about their military, strategies and infrastructure (MOD RESPONSE) secret end. The army is prepared for a long, painful campagne to the south, equipped with better weapons and intense training. Strategies consist of hit and run tactics to harrass the enemy at night, leaving them no time to rest and exhausting the troops of the enemy and brutal battle strategies made to disorganize the enemy on the battlefield. Around 15,000 men are stationed at the border to Sapenakasa, waiting for the order of a full scale invasion. The casus belli of the war will be a recent incident on Qeran soil, from which bandits harrassed a travelling count and robbed him of his jewelry and money he had with him. This time, the Dholbalan are not called directly to arms (due to the fact that this is a purely Qeran matter), instead elite mercenaries from the region are hired to fight as a supportive power. The mobilization takes until the dry season of 827, just after the last harvest was finished and the grainaries are full. All this is kept a secret, and wrong information is leaked about where the soldiers can be expected, to confuse the enemy and disorganize it. War is declared in 829 and an invasion is started. Meanwhile, the expansion of the Cyrphehtzija colony continues, with further settlement of the inland (20 px inland become rural). Spice trade and a healthy competition with Exhula goes further, with the slow splitting of exports. The high quality steel production continues and large quantities of silver and copper fill the treasuries of the realm. Expansion in infrastructure, temple building and all-over improvement of the bureaucracy and organization is allowed by the immense trade. Dlaccaka has now its own great library on the work of Lieugh, the native count of the region who is fascinated by science and education of all types. The current population boom led to a massive increase in the size of the capital (EXPAND 1 px OF IMBALAMA CITY).
- Thïvœga (Thïgæ): Rovthk I dies, leaving his son Rovthk II to the throne. The need for more irrigated lands results in irrigation projects, urbanization, and colonization. Many are hired to build irrigation canals, and those who do are usually either granted land near the irrigation canals [Add rural px inland] or given enough money to move into houses in two new cities, one on the river bend just northwest of the mining settlement, and another north of the lake at the split of the two rivers [Add two urban px where described]. A colony is established at the large bay south of Namdeon, with claims surrounding the whole bay and an urban area built at the northern most tip of the peninsula jutting into the bay [Add colony surrounding the unclaimed bay south of Namdeon and add an urban px at the tip of the peninsula jutting into the bay]. Although Desargæ will probably be provoked by the action, the settlement will be to far away to attack, and the rivers and lakes of the areas will make it easily defensible, and Namdeon can act like a buffer state. Just in case, however, the southern islands and the settlement have large garrisons just in case Desargæ tries to raid or invade them. The colony would be nominally under direct control of Thïvœga, although it would have a governer who reported to the Yithït (emperor) every year or so and could make laws that don't directly conflict with the crown's law. The colony is named Heshahl Thïvœga, translating to "New Thïvœga". They would be ruled by the second born son of Rovthk I, Thiasi I, and the royal family of him [The colony, Heshahl Thïvœga, will have a turn written below]. Agriculture continues to be a major export, along with lumber from cleared land for farms. Expansion continues east on the mainland.
- Heshahl Thïvœga: Thiasi I is made the governor of Heshahl Thïvœga in 825. The construction of the city is finished by 829, and soon many start moving in. The natives are given the choice to assimilate or be enslaved. Most choose the sensible option, and when the "Poison Dart Revolt" occurs, in which a few natives throw poison darts against slavers, is put down brutally, most of all natives choose to assimilate. Agriculture is a major export to Namdeon and the mainland. Financial aid from the mainland helps boost the economy, and timber from cleared farming lands joins crops in the most exported goods from Heshahl Thïvœga. The colony starts to be called Heshahl for short.
- Exhulan Empire: Emperor Shrra II dies early in 823, and his ambitious young son Yrcctar takes power soon after as Emperor Yrcctar I (Although some historians would latter suspect that he poisoned his father). Although his father had wished for peace with Toahita, Yrcctar desired the opposite, and Launched a surprise invasion of Irrosia in 826, using the massive Exhulan navy to blockade the Archipeligo and allowing him to invade each island one at a time, crushing the outnumbered Toahitan forces as a result. He also places a large amount of troops to guard the border between Toahita and Exhula on land. Beforehand he also secretly sends ambassadors to Azoz requesting that they also attack Toahita, as it is one of the larger Yannian Nations and continues to persecute Ulmians (AZOZ RESPONSE NEEDED). We also request aid from our ally Qera (QERA RESPONSE NEEDED)
- Telachitul Republic: With the aftermath of the conquest of the north to deal with, the new ruler sets to work. To start, he starts to bring in the outer territories of the Republic closer to the republic economically and culturally. This is done both by establishing Telachitul towns at key locations, and generally increasing trade and spreading the growing Icrodel religion to the new territory. He hopes that by improving the quality of life in the new territories, during his reign he can expand the new land from merely territorial holdings to a proper part of the Republic. This philosophy is also applied to the Republics expanding borders, with Niise striving to keep the entire region culturally unified. In this vein, he also begins constructing a system of roads to bring the empire closer together. Most of the development happens in the core of the empire, but roads connect notable locations from the outer territories directly to Itochitul. However, for most coastal cities, the sea remains a much more efficient route of travel. In addition to the infrastructure development, Niise uses the annual tribute paid by the northerners to fund the formalization of the republican military. Most of these funds are for the creation of a navy, with a small fleet of ships built in Idolchitul and across the bay in Idolmere. Most of these ships aren't permanently manned by troops, but they remain close enough to the capital to be ready on short notice. In addition, the actual army is reorganized. Niise builds his standing army to 2,000 professional soldiers, and an additional 4,000 semi-professional troops who don't actively serve, but are available on the Itotela's command. in addition, every town has to have 1/30th of its population ready to fight if need be, and 1/15th in the event of a major war. Individual towns are expected to decide who serves and equip them, but are paid a stipend by the republican government to cover this. With the new land to tax and the wealth brought by pillaging parts of the northerners territory, annual taxes again swell the nation's treasury. In addition, the glut of trade provides Niise with another source of revenue to tax. Niise continues to promote the religion Icrodel, which has not become an important institution in the republic. Notably, temples exist in every major town, with a large central temple beginning being built in Idolchitul. The religion also begins to send missionaries to both the newly conquered territory and to areas Niise wishes to expand to in the north, hoping to export both the religion and culture of the republic. With the Eveivel, Kutelaseem, and Velta serving as the main texts, the religion of Icrodel continues to grow, mostly in core republic territory. The religion continues to gain in popularity with the populace. Niise continues to work to expand north rapidly along the coastline With the republic thoroughly dominating the coast both militarily and economically, a few settlements continue to grow, attracting both republican citizens and foreigners. In particular, a significant settlement directly across the bay from Itochitul (the capital) continues to experience significant growth, mostly because of its convenience as a docking location for both merchant and naval ships. The colony's location makes it a useful place to manage both colonization and trade along the coast. In addition, several coastal settlements in the north, and new settlement situated on the big lake to the north continue to grow. Iron working, especially for weapons, trade, and ship building continue to thrive as the main industries of Itochitul, the capital city. Ship building is particularly important, as it allows for large scale transport of goods along the coast, which in turn facilitates relatively quick colonization, as well as further trading. After the successful venture north, Niise decides to have the colony expand to encompass the lake it is set on, as well as to the east, hoping to bring the entire region under Republic control. In addition, he sends a second expedition north, this one to the tip of the peninsula north of the republic. In light of further trade with Qera, we offer to exchange maps, hoping to improve both our views of the world. Wanting to secure the area for the Republic and threatened by Agunda's moderate expansion in power, Niise launches a pre-emptive attack on Agunda, using 10,000 Republican troops, and 10,000 more from various vassals and allied tribes, with the force aiming directly for the capital, hoping to make short work of the nation.
- Mesallian Culture: After the victory at the ancient Elameran capital in Susaylon, confidence in the southern campaign was renewed, with Sanasun being recognized as an admirable commander. Retaking the homeland of Edom sparked celebration across the nation, as well as renewed interest in Edomite traditions and history. Sanasun’s army would continue south, defeating the enemy nation’s army at the Battle of Eslum, which would prove to be a decisive battle in the nation’s history. The nation of Susaylon largely broke into pieces, with any remaining territory falling to whichever governor or general remained there. Directly south of the capital, and on the eastern tributary of the Meran, the city of Ganshan remained under the leadership of a general named Marbitiapal, controlling the eastern mountains. Likewise in the far south the lands between the two mountain ranges fell to the city of Midisum, ruled by Akurush. In the northwest, centered around the large oasis of Erahjema, the Apirun took the opportunity to seize the region for themselves, effectively creating a third breakaway state in the region. Each of these breakaway states would be short-lived, with the former two falling to Sanasun’s army, either by force or through diplomacy. The Apirun state would initially be recognized as an Edomite protectorate, with a number of Apirun people and Edomites alike settling in its borders. The state would become a powerbase for the Shuad Dynasty, which established itself as the state’s liberator and its benefactor, and the dynasty further increased its military within the kingdom. Sanasun would return north with a portion of his veteran army, arriving in the city of Iskandria. At this time, Maleka Berena suddenly died, as as per her wishes, and with an army in the city, Alasana was proclaimed the new Maleka. Her ascension would begin the rise of a new nation, which styled itself an “Ankum” like the empires of old, and so Alasana also assumed the title of “Anka”.
- Mouri Empire: The Great Library of Azoz continues to be an important bastion of learning and culture, developing and preserving great knowledge as well as the Ulmian theology. Fulmian is believed to have lived at this time. He was primarily a theologian who had profound theories on eschatology, taking a variety of scriptual passages and extrapolating what he felt to be very detailed understanding of the end of the world. In general, he predicted that the region of Mouri will face certain doom and destruction as a result of the Last Battle described by Prackyob, and as such all the world's knowledge might be lost. Thus, he undertook the construction of variuos vaults and underground monestaries around the empire, most of which have been uncovered by archaeologists today. He is also accredited for the "Fulmian circles", or a hand-held mechanical device that would provide answers to certain theological questions using combinations of words. This was primarily based on the insrtument of the astrolab, although that had already been developed a couple decades earlier. The world's oldest paper was also made in Azoz around this time, helping to record more information a lot faster. However, it wouldn't be for another century before the full pulp-making formula was perfected. Levian the Hermit at this time led the society of the Paltonic Philosophers that spanned the regions of northern Mouri and Edom, whose unique method of pedogogue garnered a lot of commoner support for their ideas of the social contract and rule by the wisest. With the Edomite conquest of Susalyon, this opened the way for many Ulmian apostles to be sent farther south, establishing a great Basilica in the city of Or. Further missions would be sent south, attempting to re-engage the lost churches within the isolation of Adakedham. By far and away the grandest work of art at this time was the Basilica of the Comet, established near the valley of the same name for the purpose of converting more of the Apirun people. In aid of our ally Exhula, large force of military is sent east, coordinated simultaneous to their surprise attack to secure the strait between the core of the Yannis empire and Tohatian, preventing any miltiary from going through or get involved in Exhula's war. Covert diplomats are stationed in the nations of Temayal and Oceanis, asscertaining how likely it would be to use the disunity of Yannis to an adnvnatage, and support these nations in their local cultural ambitions to turn against the Yannis empire's core.
- Yannian Culture: The nation of Tohatia explains to the “Exulans” that they do no town Irrosia, as the two are two independent nations. But nonetheless, the nation of Tohatia sees this threat and joins the war to defend Irrosia. Both nations contain millions of Yannian people, having been places of settlement and conversion for two centuries. The native population was uplifted, and the feeble Exulan population is rather insignificant, due to that people’s weak lifespan and poor ability to mate. It is unfortunate that Tohatia must strip away the rest of Exula, but the nation reaches out to its soon-to-be neighbors, such as Qera, and tells them they would be better off supporting Tohatia. They point out that last time Exula asked Qera to help them invade Tohatia they were utterly defeated, and countless Qerans were slaughtered for no gain at all. Even now Exula has already started aggressive trade practices, and has lauded themselves for their ability to economically war with Qera and harm their trade. They would be better off fighting a war that actually benefits them, and actually results in them gaining territory, so it is proposed that Qera ought to take the Ettyian Coast for itself. Likewise, once again Tohatia proposes that Sillas ought to take advantage of the situation as well, and reclaim Kaloma. Elsewhere, people of the world are finally fed up, so they propose the Justice Law; every time the Thotites harm any Yannian state, we take away a “province”. Lives aren’t toys, Thot. Thus, for their attack against Tohatia, they lose a province. We have taken it away from the child in the name of discipline, writes the western Yannian empire. But that is only the beginning. Edom, you may reclaim Usinilago. Valun, you may liberate your lands. We are just completely heartbroken and upset now, for we gave them life and they cast aside our great gifts and defile their lord. We are done trying to help the Thotites, they are unable to be helped. We will just take their toys away and give them to a new empire instead. Sorry honey, but you had your chance. Thotites are canceled, they are erased from history. There will be no more of them, and no more talk of them. Naturally many nations are at odds with the western state, so they refuse to join a war against the Thotites, even if it is for a good cause. The nations of Ometoc-vis and Quamocten and the lands of the west, hatch a plan under their king to liberate Tohatia for himself, and conquer what he captures. He is the king known as Seyzecutol, and he surrounds the Thotite invasion from the north while Tohatia defends itself from the north. A great army of Holy Men ought to be dispatched west and destroy the Thotites for their insubordination. But, unknown to the Yannis state in the west, problems would be arising, and their quest to divinely punish the heathens would require them to sacrifice everything. Perhaps their nation might fall, but it will not be the end of the right and just. At the same time as the defense in Tohatia, the nation uses its trade network through the desert to amass an army of camel archers and light infantry, and this force attacks the Ettyian Coast from the west.
- Zelonuma Emiresq: The nation of the Zelonuma Emiresq launches the Great Hunt. It assembles a large army in the south of the nation, and this army will march southwest, north of the border of the Khin Federation. It has established entrance through the lands that a few tribes inhabits, and in places where there is hostile forces the tribes will be conquered. They arrive in the northern lands of the Mouri Empire place, and they seek to liberate the Valun completely. The nation envisions a peaceful ally and trading state, which will control the northeast lake of Eskaladun, along the southern mountains, around the Khin and the Zeun, and west to the coast. This will be a truly great and free Valun nation, and when the Zelonuma Emiresq arrives in the region, they incite a popular rebellion of soldiers and people alike. The army must then travel south and enter Eskaladun, where they will expect to do battle with the Mouriori. This is expected, and the army takes up defensive positions in the mountains. They are supplied by ships from the coast, and they attract many allies from the Isimandian cities. It is requested that the Mouritoni accept this pretty nice idea and deal, or so help them.
- Melia: Our world seems to get bigger and bigger, and our expeditions only make it continue to do so with the encounter of the "Yoser" (Yusur Culture). We offer them some oil and continue exploring beyond their realm. Maltal also continues to make decisions without the consulting of the gods, which only serves to annoy the priests even more. Some are so discontented that they form a group called "The True Followers of Lem". As the priests already have some power and authority, it doesn't take long for them to amass a significant following. Maltal also continues the policy of settling the hinterlands for agriculture. This directly threatens the nomads and their lifestyle. While Maltal also expands the borders to satisfy them for now, it may not be enough to qualm a coming storm.
- Sillan Republic: While Agusta's reign has been relatively peaceful, her promotion of the imperial cult (alongside the state pantheon), as well as her policies toward Ulmists incites feelings of resentment from the latter. Partially due to increased organization among the various pagan religions (a phenomenon which itself had been prompted by the rapid growth in Ulmist adherents in the past century) and reemerging sectarian strife, the Ulmist faith has drastically slowed down in growth (with the notable exception of the Cixite sect) – stabilizing at one-third of the total population. The growing diversity in Ulmist beliefs (and the growth of Cixianism in particular) continues to alarm the orthodox clergy. In a response to the continued proliferation of heterodox sects, the Western Ulmist Church reemphasizes the observance of orthodoxy (proper belief) among not only its church members but all adherents of Ulmism. Exploiting Agusta's policy of permitting the practice of religious law, it initiates a crackdown of accused "heretics". This results in the mass trial of Eastern Ulmists, who are then if found guilty, given punishment as prescribed by the scripture. Cixites, in particular, are sought after and targeted, with about one-half of execution victims being attributed to this group. Among these martyrs is the Bishop of Alaban, Chrias, whose death leads to only one of the original Apostles remaining. This campaign marks the start of the persecution of the Cixites on a significant scale, though it remains sporadic and localized, and does not affect the growth of Cixianism. Due to the growing rift between the followers of "Old" Ulmism and "New" Ulmism, both have sought to establish a distinction between the two. As a result, many Cixites – particularly the gentile converts – begin to refer to themselves as "Cixians" (meaning, "Little Cixi"; in reference to Cixi's Great Commision) rather than a follower of a mere Ulmist sect. To evade the public eye, the Cixites begin to meet at night (often secretly), though this arouses suspicion from the pagan population, who had been accustomed to the public nature of religion. Exploiting this, orthodox Ulmists begin to circulate malicious rumors; accusing the Cixites of meeting for political purposes to commit sedition, or falsely claiming they engage in illicit activities such as incestuous orgies and cannibalism (misconceptions which arise from their practice of referring to each other as siblings, and their practice of "bathing in the blood of the Anointed One", respectively). Meanwhile, Raul, an official involved in the Martyrdom of Chrias, and being a pious Western Ulmist, an avid supporter of the persecution of Eastern Ulmists (especially of the Cixites, whom he loathes), is visited by a resurrected Chrias while en route to Banzeopolis for pilgrimage. As his carriage is stopped, he heard a voice saying unto him, "Raul, why hast thou condemned me to death?" He demanded his entourage to arrest the man for blocking the road, to which the Apostle replied, "I am a servant of God, a disciple of God incarnate, and the Apostle to Men; and in the name of the Lady and the Daughter, I shall condemn thee to a life of blindless lest thou repent." He then lost his vision for a period of three days, during which he fasted and sent his prayers to Cixi. After regaining his sight, he begins his life as an itinerant preacher, utilizing his noble status as well as his previous religious affiliations to minister to both pagan and Ulmist audiences.
Excessive rainfall in the region in and around Thïgæ results in a period of flooding across the nation. The natural disaster causes the death of thousands, while displacing even more people from their homes.
The Exhulan invasion against the nation of Irrosia results in a victory for Exhula. The nation of Exhula suffers 8,100 casualties in battle and 6,750 casualties from lack of supplies and disease, while the nation of Irrosia suffers 15,720 casualties.
The battle between Tohatia and Exhula results in a Tohatian victory. The nation of Tohatia suffers 3,700 casualties, while the nation of Exhula suffers 8,400 casualties. The attack on the Ettyian Coast from the west also results in a Tohatian victory, resulting in numerous cities being captured or sacked, and the Tohatians suffering an additional 2,400 casualties.
The invasion of the Mouri Empire by the Zelonuma Emiresq results in a victory for the Zelonuma Emiresq. They likewise succeed in some limited capacity in inciting a popular revolt against the Mouri Empire among its Valun and Eskaladunian population.
The nation of Sapinakasa launches a push to the east to conquer or colonize the nearby coast. They found several port cities along the coast, and begin trading as far as Sayalen in the north and Malmaça and Agunda in the south. They likewise request trade agreements with the Telachitul Republic and the nation of Thïgæ. Meanwhile, Qeran spies learn of their elaborate temples, which are the focal point of newly created cities. In general, the region is settling down into urbanized population centers, although the empire retains the use of cavalry and elephants.
The nation of Namdeon succeeds in making a preferable peace with the city of Gesan to the north. Angered by the nation of Thïgæ’s settling of the lands south of them, they decide to cancel their deal with Thïgæ, and they keep the spoils of their war to themselves.
A warlord named Shiohsori, in command of a large contingent of Zedumari and Apirun peoples, launches a coordinated raid on the Basilica of the Comet, plundering the site and razing the structure.
The army of the Telachitul Republic discovers that the city of Agunda is far more prepared for their attack than their initial war, and they are defeated in battle near the city. The defenders make use of hit and run tactics and attrition, harming their own land to an extent, but inflicting a total of 6,180 casualties, while their own army suffers 3,580 casualties.
The attack by the Empire of Grosserdrachenia against the nation of the Sudlands results in a victory for Grosserdrachenia. The Drachenians suffer 3,900 casualties in their attack.
- Beraba: Fearful of aggression from other states, Bereba discreetly starts reaching out to its neighbors and trade partners looking to build a defense coalition. Political delegations are sent to Makuku, Cazekorom, Teninukal, and Qera, under the guise of trade delegations to seek out military alliances or agreements. Military research is initiated, analyzing battle tactics and weapons from across the known world. More research is also invested in maritime technology to increase the size and speed of Beraban ships. A fleet of warships is officially built, consisting of approximately 75 triremes and ten larger vessels.
- Mouri Empire: During this time, there is more detailed historical information on local governors within the empire, with their exploits more famous than the emperor himself. Gudian the Navigator, the governor of Fotashe, was an avid patron of the Nathonian romance literature, and had a dream of one day taking the Garan navy to control the mythical lands across the western ocean. He helped design and engineer new forms of ships for the Garan navy, far larger and robust than any previous ship in history. The new Garan ships would be almost entirely wind-driven, with three massive sails and four wooden decks. This innovation would ultimately be the earliest prototype for the ships responsible for the Lentarian Exchange. Upon the death of the current emperor, Roneth I, his two sons would both claim control of the Mouri. The oldest son, Roneth II, was crowned in Azoz and the vast majority of the empire immediately accepted his rule. However, his brother Daran the Fortunate was able to raise a small military of his own across Valun and Eskaladun, and proclaimed himself as ruler of the "Northern Mouri Empire". He accepted the trade deal with the Zemolouna, and heavily relied on their support for the duration of the civil war. Roneth II raised a far larger force which he led himself to invade into the Valun regions. From what can be pieced together from contemporary chronicles, Darran relied too heavily on the traditional cavalry of the Valun, and was decisively defeated at the Battle of Thalutia-Nys by a concentration of pikemen and elite hoplites. After he was driven back significantly, he suffered another decisive defeat at the Battle of Mount Karmel, allowing Roneth's forces to invade Eskaladun itself and besiege his capital. General Tulund was another important commander during this war, most famous for winning a smaller battle in the far west near Gara, and ultimately he was chosen as the new governor of Eskaladun. Once the war was concluded, Emperor Roneth decided that the Mouri would no longer tolerate being attacked from the Emiresq any longer. So a massive invasion force was called up, including many mercenaries of neighboring allied nations, to launch a naval campaign to seize control of the Emiresq capital. General Chusiang the Great was in charge of this campaign, and his stated goal was to occupy the capital of the Emiresq after it was captured, and permanently dissolve their central government. Meanwhile, while some naval expedition is sent to lend aid to Exhula, a secret diplomacy is sent to the kingdom of Oceanis. Knowing how much they suffered recent defeats from their wars against Yannis, the new emperor wished to offer an unholy alliance between the two nations to threaten Yannis' core once and for all. More Ulmian missions are sent to the south, expedited by the campaigns of the Kingdom of Edom. Fulmian Monasteries are built in the city of Or, where his theology and craft of papermaking was most popular.
- Thïvœga: The snakes! Twice Thïvœga has aided countries of the south gain independence. Twice Thïvœga has contributed soldiers and equipment to the south. Twice Thïvœga has been betrayed by the bastards of the south. And twice Thïvœga has received no reparations at all. Well, no longer. All advisors are told to pull out of Namdeon. Then, goods are to be "recovered" as payment for mercenaries and supplies from the government who refused to pay. These are reinforced with troops. The main assaults are on the northern coasts of Gesan and the Bay of Namdeon. Land is not taken, but hit and run tactics are used to gain goods (therefore resulting in low casualties). On extreme occasions, oil pots are used, setting buildings alight, although this is rare and is only used to clear a beachhead by chucking the pots onto shore. The greedy pigs of the south will have their treachery repaid. The "recovered" goods are then given to the people who had their houses flooded as recovery aid. The Zylins (churches) also help with the recovery effort, with a small donation being asked of during prayer, which is supposedly showing Authar the virtue of generosity. The flooding of land leads to rice farming while the flooding lasts, making a good profit from the food. However, all flooded land comes under government property, and is sold to farmers. The money from the land sold is given to the affected citizens. This is usually enough to get families into urban areas. Secret: Sapinakasa is told that they will have their trade agreements. However, Sapinakasa merchants must come to Thïvœga to keep the agreement a secret, as Rovthk II does not want to jeopardize the good relations with Qera. End Secret. For the first time, dams are built to regulate the outflow of water, and that helps with the flooding the next few year. The land is bought around some rivers right before the dams, and once they flood, the lands are sold once again as lands growing for rice. Garrisons are placed on the southern islands. After the flooding crisis, a census is made to see how much of the population is now (to see how many were lost compared to the census a few decades ago) and how many lost their farmlands/homes in the flood [Census w/current population and how many lost their homes]. Exploration is halted for now from the mainland to deal with the current events.
- Heshahl Thïvœga: Immigrants escaping the flooding of the north come south to start their life in the colonies. Garrisons are placed in the colony just in case Namdeon decides to try to counter raid the territory. The refugees from the north are given land in claimed but uncontrolled areas and are protected by the garrison as well. With this, the colony grows larger, claiming more land. Exploration starts southward.
- Ffanet of Afmwir: In the 40th year of the Athmwir's rule (831), trade between Afmwir and Nurchacan (Nura Gakan) goes on strongly. In the 42nd year, explorers are sent east of the peninsula to the east of the Narrow Sea, looking for the Holy Mountain (50 px each), returning home in the 43rd year. In Mercydd and Ddenstwirh, barracks for the guards protecting the cities are built in the 45th year. The Athmwir nears the end of his life, with several clan chiefs aiming to replace him. In the 46th year (837), more settlers are sent both downriver to expand the country, but also to the plains north of the country surrounded by the Iuryll mountains. Wheat, rye and barley are continued to be produced, along with spicy horseradish (named ffeisaf). Cows, honeybees and sheep are raised for meat, milk, honey and wool. Ffeisaf, Afmwirian ale and mead, as well as other products are traded with Nurchacan. More watermills are being built along the waterways, and more villages develop along the Chffith.
- Nura Gakan: Ulrom becomes the organized polytheistic religious center of the Gakan. Vangar: The god of strength/Dun: God of peace/Ogkut: God of the intelligent). Religious scholars become more and more important as attempts are made to expand reading and writing across the Nura Gakan . Olama trade begins to slow down as traders from Afmwir begin to trade with border cities. Naval raiding begins to become a more acceptable form of warfare within the Gakani people, this is mostly support and backed up by the Naval expansion across the Two Rivers. The mines begin to take a new form as the demand for iron is picked up (which is used by the army to flex/kill foes and the formation of new weapons.) Gakani farmers begin setting up farms and things of that sort by the Two-River Region. Trade becomes more and more important causing Ulum to form a navy to protect trade ships up and down the river. We begin to send more settlers toward newly expanded land upon the hope of expanding the Gurkani people and loyalty to the Gak. Trade with Afmwir goes on as gems begin to make its way out of the Nation and into Afmwir.
- Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 508-517 Since the Return of Hythus. Emperor Tyrelius II falls ill and passes the throne to his son Jyntus in 509. The new emperor proves to be a highly militant leader. With broad support from the nobility he declares war on the Irian Kingdom in the lands once occupied by Mythadia. A force of 40,000 lancers is assembled to lead the war, armed with bows and lances the force is evenly split between iron and steel armored heavy lancers and the leather armored light lancers. These men quickly occupy the interior of the nation before meeting the Irian Kingdom’s army in the fields near the capital.[War Response] (Also, I am assuming the map is accurate here and the region directly south of Mythadia is its own minor kingdom of Irian Culture, if this is inaccurate disregard this.) The overwhelming force of the larger, more technologically advanced, and more mobile army proves highly effective. Missionaries of the Church of Hythus are sent north to the Jyazradid Court and their major cities to make the case to the Jyazradid King that he and his people should convert. Other missionaries travel south into the former lands of the Ten Cities and the Kledesian realms, converting as they go. Some missionaries also turn west, travelling across the sea as far as Exhula and Sillas, but in these regions they find a great deal of resistance. With the Empire consolidated under the power of the estates and emperor, the administration becomes increasingly centralized. A majestic royal court is built in Mythas on which the 24 noble houses each construct manors in their own personal styles. The court’s vast gardens, sprawling landscapes, and intricate brickwork show the wealth of the empire and the exploits of the noble houses in trade and production. The Iron Bank of Hythia continues to act at the behest of the emperor, focusing its efforts in courting Jyazradid Merchants. Agricultural production increases due to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition. The policy of land grants is re-instituted and settlement of the south accelerates. Dozens of small cities and towns spring up across the south, located near the natural springs and minor streams that dot the landscape. Networks of roads are constructed as the settlers go, linking together these settlements and spreading administrative institutions as they go.
- Tsardom of Algeorgia: Tsar Constantin II dies this year at the age of 98. He is succeeded by his daughter Olga who takes the name Olga I. The tsarina makes the annual blessing to the Holy Dodo and receives its blessing. Tsarina Olga is the first tsarina of Algeorgia in a long time and this is marked by a celebration among the population. The former tsar is buried next to his father in the royal mausoleum. He leaves behind an unfinshed project which is known as the Sky Tower. The Sky Tower will be a 120 meter high tower that will stand in the middle of the capital surrounded by four bridges. The tower will house from top to bottom: The royal armory, the Royal Floor, the main office for the Supreme Court of Algeorgia.
- Yannian Culture: If you asked a historian about the Yannian religion he would say it is a way of life with 1,000 traditions and aspects. It is a decentralized religion with many different denominations. One such denomination is the Vathomanism branch, which explores the crusade against Thotism. The tradition has been spoken to us through the prophets. I am the caster who speaks of the divine nature of the beings who destroy such corrupted evil as the “Chatle Rebellium”. Your lord spoke to me and told me, they worship me as Nolromo, and see me as their god. But, he told me he is not a god, he is a manifestation of the evil of the material world. He revealed this to me for the Yannians had the intellect to understand his true nature. There I saw a vision that the gods wanted me to see, of New City. It had been birthed from the fiery causation of the great justice, when the Mound of Azoz falls into the earth. I saw the destruction of the mound of excrement become too fat to contain itself, and it spilled further. The Trashe River had been plugged by this corruption, and so the halls of the Azogi below, where the wheels of war and the fires of defilement burned, there I saw the sewage leak to. The halls were filled and the fires extinguished, as the rot of centuries relieved itself. Their rebellion had lasted thousands of years, and their forming of the Rebellium state had been a sad affair. But, it had proved necessary. Their own greed and malice had been their ondoing, as their aching mound became too large to handle. They had existed for too long, that Rebellium, and it had been a wound on the side of the earth. But its festering would eat itself whole in these end times, when the mound came crashing down. The slaves of Elmer and Olmo would be freed and they would rejoice, as the gods sheltered them from the destruction. But in that mound, there was no one of redeemable qualities at all, and even when the Yannians prayed that innocent people be spared, the gods said they could not find any such person among the Chattle. So they destroyed Azoz, and that mound came crashing down. There was a new age, when that mound came crashing down. For seven days and for seven nights the mound would come crashing down. And finally every last being had been consumed, and the mountain was no more, and the place never existed. Only then, would this energy trigger the coming of the new age and the birth of New City. It will spring forth from the earth as a beautiful garden, with the temple of the gods at the center of its complex. The waters of life will flow from the temple and bring rebirth to the desolate deserts and wastelands that Thot produced for himself. There will be a new humanity birthed there that will begin a new world. Those of this time will be the force that crumbles the rest of the Rebellium, through a new Anointed One. Thus, the people will seek out an Anointed One to lead them, and he will be discovered and ordained by the gods. He will join with a woman and give birth to humanity renewed. Such is the word of the prophet Ab and Ec. Oh sweet children, pray for Darna! Pray for Agelmur! The gods have spoken through Agel that there will be deliverance. The horns of Azozyloni will be sanded away by divinity, their teeth pulled from their skull. THeir armored skin will be worn by the wind, and their bones will ache in time. The hungriest beast will become frail and motionless. The world has been given dominion over the beasts, so much so that when the beasts have been done away with, the children will reclaim the earth. We will wed the two halves of the world and repair it. Glory to the righteous, through the enlightenment of the gods, the Tohatians triumph. And so we conquer the Ettyian Coast and donate it to the Holy Children of the world. Then one million soldiers will liberate Irrosia from the Idolaters. The sword of Yannis will slay Exhole and desolate that place. Meanwhile, let one million Holy Men come to Neum, the old outcropping of Azo and Azor. We will start there, speaks the head of the west, for he rules the entire west and claims dominion over the rebellious Thotimoni state. His revelations flow immense with passion. We lay great siege to the walls and the mouthpiece of the trash flow. Then, a god does speak to him and says, I am Romo, the divine antithesis to Nolromo. Romo means “Who Will Be”, because he is eternal. He is stronger than the undivine and uneternal Nolromo. Praise to the Yannian, because he acts to destroy Nolromo. We have discovered peace and we have discovered love. We will bring these virtues to the cursed land and end the Rebellium and all outcroppings of its rebellion. But alas, there were consequences. The gods told that king that in order to complete his triumph he would have to sacrifice everything. He spent 500 hours in the desert and the cliffs, where he was tempted by the Thotite soothsayer Nolromo. There the evil tried to tempt him to forsake his mission and let the west be, for that would preserve his own mortal life and his own family lineage. But he knew that the kingdom would need to be sacrificed, and it would not be the end of his lineage. For the gods watch over Yannis and ensure that a new king will rise from the line of the old royalty, and will rule the New City. So he threw off the evil temptations, and marched to Neum to begin his quest. In the homeland 1,000 corrupted men came to take his kingdom. From Dijunga rose a king who conquered Yannis, and from Xlaban rose a king who conquered Dijunga. Thus every kingdom was undone, the empire was no more, and the new nation formed around Xlaban. The lamentations speak of how the people questioned the decision and thought themselves forsaken. But the prophets guided them to see that soon the Yannian people would arise once more. And the army that conquered Neum remained there, and formed a new kingdom as well. It was the new place that the Yannians made, in what was once Mourioni. The old king would rise and fall and die, but he did not forsake his sacred covenant with the gods. The people looked forward to the time when the faith would return and the elevated kingdom would be birthed. It was in the Neumo that the cross of Yannis would be forged, which would come when the two rods of two world were wed. The future of earth had come to pass, and the world would be reunited soon. Let the holy be entwined together to create harmony, and let the people be liberated. The time is coming when the shackles of Tulm and Toti will be removed. New religions will come and replace the Olmi, but Yannis will stay eternal. These religions will come and go and replace the old enemy as new enemies, and as new temptations for corruption, but Yannis is eternal. It has been ordained by the priests that this is how religion works. Hark, I am the priest, I am the expert in all religions, and the best at it in the land. We have been ordained with the best religion, and not the loose story thrown together by the Cat of Azat. This is the mythology of this branch of religion, and these have been sacred texts. Oh the prophets are loremasters and intellectuals. My body aches and quivers for the end time, what a pleasurable time that will be. My feet walk upon the path of righteousness, and that golden path of piety. My legs are the walls and structures, sturdy and strong. My groin is the lifebringer that produces my offspring and love. My torso is the shimmering sunshine that lights my world. My breast is the food for my men to feed upon. My neck is the ocean breeze that powers your sails. I am the New City, and I bring life to all. You will find my member and my womb on my body, where I produce the lives of children. My four arms point to the north star, the Holy City, the trench of the ocean, and the new dawn. From my 1,000 faces I have 2,000 eyes. I watch all and judge the living and the dead. My kingdom will be eternal through Yannis. It will be the center of the cosmos and the apex of life. We have transcended past the old bounds of mortality and old laws. We no longer require the old means of life. One million children will be planted like seeds, until one billion children are born, and from them will be birthed more. From my heavenly body will the creatures and tribes succle. Let the beasts buckle at my posterior to feed themselves, while the holy may lick their mother’s breast. My life giving milk will nurse the future. This history and culture is beyond comparison. This is the scripture of the holy. Oh, and here’s the thing: King Thot can’t compare, sorry honey. Our armies wear the freshest armor and wield the longest spears. But alas, there is no point in comparison anymore, because they will be forcefully reformed and replaced. King Thot is dead. DEAD. We have destroyed the usurper and his rebellion, and installed a new man. His name is Morry? No, his name is Yuni, rhymes with runny. He rejected Nollo and Nolromo and founded the Holy Yannian Territory, which is good. Thank you Yuni the Good. And all those who refuse to thank Mister Yuni will be beaten as discipline. This is the law of your father so that you will grow up big and strong. Big bones upon your body. Yuni will be a Mouri governor in the time before the fall of Azoz. He prayed for the innocent people, but he, too, was rebuked, on account of the gods noting that no Azozi was worthy of being saved. Although they admired the piety and forgiveness of Yuni, they could not undo their justice, to punish the sins of the beasts. Perhaps it should be noted that many pointed out the racial differences. They thought that it was clear that the blacks were racially superior to the feeble whites, but the prophets wrote that the matter was internal. Even an Azobioni could color their skin black, but it would not fix their internal soul and organs. Now, as for the rest of the of the former Rebellium. Elsewhere there will be states of the Valun, as the Yannians have accepted the adequate request from the Zelonuma Emiresq. We will free Valun for them and create a big and happy state. The far west, that ought to be what the Azozi puppet plays with. Why does he fumble with the east, let him create a new and interesting adventure. But, alas, he never writes any history of note for any place, other than when he pens propaganda to troll a Yannian brother. Perhaps we will need to install a Yannian in the west, so that something of note will occur, and that state will finally see some kind of development and love. Woe is me, it is unfortunate that so many good places have bad leaders, and so many good people will never be saved. As for the south, that will be a land for the southerners as recompense for their slavery under Mourvioli and Mami. There will be a Tabornite prince who will wed the daughter of Yannis, and they will produce Southness. There will be a Valun princess and he will wed the son of Yannis, and they will produce Northness. But the two worlds will be long to the fathers and mothers, wed by the Holy Cross that melts two rods together. The Ancient O of Yannis will become an X, as a new millennium begins. The honest farmers will be produced, who oversee the farming of the eternal seeds. From now on the world is waiting in joyous hope and anticipation, so call us the Ghabis Empire of the world. As for me, I’m your granddaddy, because I am the old world that births the new world. It feels so good to be a part of this promising time. You cannot break me, Big Bully, because even when you destroy my nation I know that the gods bring the new, eternal nation. And it is only the Yannians who can claim such joy, for they know the gods are looking down on them.
- Telachitul Republic: With the aftermath of the conquest of the north to deal with, the new ruler sets to work. To start, he starts to bring in the outer territories of the Republic closer to the republic economically and culturally. This is done both by establishing Telachitul towns at key locations, and generally increasing trade and spreading the growing Icrodel religion to the new territory. He hopes that by improving the quality of life in the new territories, during his reign he can expand the new land from merely territorial holdings to a proper part of the Republic. This philosophy is also applied to the Republics expanding borders, with Niise striving to keep the entire region culturally unified. In this vein, he also begins constructing a system of roads to bring the empire closer together. Most of the development happens in the core of the empire, but roads connect notable locations from the outer territories directly to Itochitul. However, for most coastal cities, the sea remains a much more efficient route of travel. In addition to the infrastructure development, Niise uses the annual tribute paid by the northerners to fund the formalization of the republican military. Most of these funds are for the creation of a navy, with a small fleet of ships built in Idolchitul and across the bay in Idolmere. Most of these ships aren't permanently manned by troops, but they remain close enough to the capital to be ready on short notice. In addition, the actual army is reorganized. Niise builds his standing army to 2,000 professional soldiers, and an additional 4,000 semi-professional troops who don't actively serve, but are available on the Itotela's command. in addition, every town has to have 1/30th of its population ready to fight if need be, and 1/15th in the event of a major war. Individual towns are expected to decide who serves and equip them, but are paid a stipend by the republican government to cover this. With the new land to tax and the wealth brought by pillaging parts of the northerners territory, annual taxes again swell the nation's treasury. In addition, the glut of trade provides Niise with another source of revenue to tax. Niise continues to promote the religion Icrodel, which has not become an important institution in the republic. Notably, temples exist in every major town, with a large central temple beginning being built in Idolchitul. The religion also begins to send missionaries to both the newly conquered territory and to areas Niise wishes to expand to in the north, hoping to export both the religion and culture of the republic. With the Eveivel, Kutelaseem, and Velta serving as the main texts, the religion of Icrodel continues to grow, mostly in core republic territory. The religion continues to gain in popularity with the populace. Niise continues to work to expand north rapidly along the coastline With the republic thoroughly dominating the coast both militarily and economically, a few settlements continue to grow, attracting both republican citizens and foreigners. In particular, a significant settlement directly across the bay from Itochitul (the capital) continues to experience significant growth, mostly because of its convenience as a docking location for both merchant and naval ships. The colony's location makes it a useful place to manage both colonization and trade along the coast. In addition, several coastal settlements in the north, and new settlement situated on the big lake to the north continue to grow. Iron working, especially for weapons, trade, and ship building continue to thrive as the main industries of Itochitul, the capital city. Ship building is particularly important, as it allows for large scale transport of goods along the coast, which in turn facilitates relatively quick colonization, as well as further trading. After the successful venture north, Niise decides to have the colony expand to encompass the lake it is set on, as well as to the east, hoping to bring the entire region under Republic control. In addition, he sends a second expedition north, this one to the tip of the peninsula north of the republic. In light of further trade with Qera, we offer to exchange maps, hoping to improve both our views of the world. Despite the failure of the first attack, Niise again swells his army to 20,000 men to renew the attack on Agunda, this time investing substantially more resources in fully equipping the army, while also trying to cut off Agunda from any tribal trade.
- Melia: Maltal still continues expanding both the hinterlands and the settled land. Nothing else really needs to be done until we run out of steppe. Maltal does also conduct a population census, which is something different. The growing dissent from the priests and the nomads does ever linger on, but nothing will occur out of it, at least for now.
- Zelonuma Emiresq: Our army pours into the Valun region and aids the rebellion. With rebels factored in, our army grows immensely, and the army pushes deeper into Eskaladun and beyond. Reinforcements and supplies are dispatched both on land and by sea, using the Isimandian allies for the latter. A second army remains in the homeland to defend it, garrisoning from the Syresian border to the north, and to the capital. The navy is readied and guards the region near the Syresian straits. In the west sea, minor attacks are carried out near Eskaladun, while in the east the navy mostly remains guarding the coast. The attack on Neum is highly encouraged, to rid the world of the main base of operations for Mouri piracy and raiding.
- Mesallian Culture: The Edomian Ankum, or the Neo Elameran Ankum, had successfully united much of the former empire, and had ascended to an empire once more. Anka Alasana would travel to the ancient origin of the empire and the origin of the Edomite people, Elam, which she desired to make the capital once more. Her dream would be mostly impractical at the time, and the capital officially remained in the north. Despite this the monarch and the royal family would heavily rebuild the ancient city, and make important inroads toward integrating into the empire, such as ordering a large number of Edomites to settle the city and intermarry among the native population. Building projects would be undertaken in the city to create a large palace complex, the first Zamist temples, and other important features. The nation would expand its navy, mostly for ocean faring, but also for travel along the Meran. This would lead to a higher degree of trade and communication along the river, with ships specifically designed for reaching the city of Elam with important information in a timely manner. The Apirun tribes of the west would be further integrated into the nation, albeit highly autonomous and in charge of the western routes through the desert. Their capital would remain at the oasis of Erahjema, where they consolidated power and settled their people in a series of ambitious building projects, financed by the recent war and its spoils. Likewise in the east, the nation claimed the region running south of the Meran, to claim the trade routes that ran to far off places such as Shemia. In the nation of Syres the navy was called to be readied, and patrols begin of the Syresian Straits. As part of their alliance with the Mouri Empire the nation began closing access to the Zelonuma Emiresq, and dedicating soldiers to guarding the passes. Soldiers were also stationed in Agelmur near the border, mimicking the Zelonuma Emiresq and its stationing of soldiers near its southern border.
- Yusur Civilization: After decades of prosperity the empire centered around Usqema fall to a series of weak kings, which saw the empire diminish in size greatly, and saw the Hesushimladuin Dynasty severely weakened. During the reign of Lóphemągilud II the southern valley between Usqema and the western mountains broke away from the empire once more, led by a Nunemite warlord named Ghúsimecel. They would successfully defend their domain from a retaliatory attack under Lóphemągilud II’s son, Aracuqsh, affirming their independence from Usqema and the Hesushimladuin. The two halves of the Usqema domain would be held together by the Akinite territory in the center, which launched an unsuccessful rebellion centered around the city of Umgupal and the Iconda River, which would be dispersed by Lóphemągilud II. The difficulty of administering an empire so vast led to its fracture after Aracuqsh, with the far west and the far east falling to Kąslemólud and Niyòmacadeser respectively. The western one-half of the empire would be further short-lived, as the ancient origin of the Hesushimladuin, the city of Karnuris, would fall to a southern group known as the Nasites. They would establish a new dynasty in the city itself, known as the Deseladuin, led by the leader Desela, who conquered the original extent of Karnuris’ kingdom, up to the northern mountains that separated the two regions of the west. After the death of Kąslemólud the remains of his domain came to be ruled by a native nobleman named Sayimúaceles, who established his nation around the city of Nera, located northwest of Karnuris along the western coast. His kingdom would be plagued by war with Karnuris, as well as against various Akinites and other northerners. Soon after he established his kingdom, his nation shrank further to the border of the eastern mountains, as Ghúsimecel conquered the last vestiges of the empire east of the mountains. In the far north nations such as Syámaduphor are believed to have made contact with trade-oriented, far-reaching maritime nations, which opened the door for foreign contact with the outside world. Syámaduphor in particular would take a new interest in seafaring vessels and exploration, discovering the small islands to the northeast, the Jamuhlades, around this time. There they would establish a number of small settlements, which also became stopping points for larger expeditions into the region. South of Usqema the city of Qopotas would be founded by adversaries of the northerns, possibly descended from people forced south by the migrating Yusur people along the Uphra River. The city would take an interest in trading with the nation of Melia, who arrived near the city around this time in history. Contact would be limited, however, owing to the difficulty to traverse terrain in the south.
- Friorian Culture: Urbanization continues to develop the various kingdoms across the state. In flash response to the growing philosophical ideas, its students, and the rise of anti-government speech, much of the primary individuals leading the Schools of Thought are executed publically as a sign of order and power from the Kingdom of Ligma. Although taking power in the Kingdom of Desmos, the King of Alfa soon dies on the throne without a heir, collapsing the albeit short era of prosperity as another period of inter-culture conflict begins among the Kingdoms. Endsistianity becomes the most practiced religion in Frioria after the King of Xugadi declares himself faithful to being an Endsistian and promptly allows the first major chappels and churches to be built. Babel is outlawed across various city-states, however, but becomes a popular piece of literature due to its connection with Endsistianity. With the power of the solar ships, expansion is made throughout the sea as merchants begin setting up regional outposts along the bay. Basic algebra is advanced upon.
- Sillan Republic: Irritated by the near-constant flow of poorly-written and condescending letters received from Yannis, the Empress personally responds by saying, "the state of Yannis is located to Our West; as the Imperial Republic is located to Your East. Presumably impelled by your desire to partake in the riches and benefits of our civilization, you have sought to establish a clear trading route from West to East, and East to West, as well as dispatched numerous expeditions of which all of my predecessors have so humbly ignored. It is to this fundamental eagerness for exchanges with us that your incursions into, and conflicts with Exhula, Qera, Irrosia, and Azoz – friends and valuable trading partners of Silla – have been attributed to. As great minds think alike, I, too – like my forebears – do not see the necessity for the establishment of a system geared toward the acquisition of your country's manufacturers, for they are ingenious and strange, and thus neither I nor the Sillan people find purpose in them. The Imperial Republic – aptly named so for its all-encompassing nature, and for its republican form of government which our forebears have bestowed upon us – possesses all things in prolific abundance; and thus, all overseas trade is simply a manner of respect and formality, or disapproval and rejection as I, the Sillan Empress and representative of the Sillan people, see fit." In addition, she adds, "it is by the majestic virtue that the Sillan people have attained such a great level of wealth that you want to access, from this majestic virtue is whence our institutions derive from; institutions that you evidently lack, thus indicating your lack of civility and rendering you to the status of barbarians that until the reception of your emissaries have been only found their place only in folklore. For virtue is the root of all good, and the virtuous do not kill the innocent under the name of their God (a blatantly false and illogical one, that is), pillage and raid villages, and oppose the natural by allowing men – the sex more easily tempted to temptation and susceptible to acts of violence – to rule over society. Aside from your country's apparent destitution and vileness, your people's lack of virtue, in contrast to the Sillans' strict adherence thereof, is exemplified in your prideful tales of wartime atrocities and shameful conduct." Finally, she concludes with, "in regards to the War to the West, I do not only disapprove of your expensive displays of arrogance; but I will take action against it and dedicate the remainder of my reign to expelling the barbarian hordes arriving from the West, not only in the name of the Imperial Republic but in the name of civilization." She then uses the war with Yannis as a pretext to increase the Imperial Navy further to 500 ships: of which, the majority are triremes and quadriremes (as biremes are strictly for the purposes of reconnaissance), with the largest ships being quinqueremes and hexaremes. As with all contemporary warships, it largely operates in littoral waters. However, it exhibits some key advantages compared to enemy ships: the utilization of metal-coated naval rams, boarding engines, and the usage of heavy crossbows as projectile-artillery. These ships, however, do not see much action, and instead, protect trading routes from Yannian assault and serve as convoys for mercantile vessels. In addition, the Empress hires many private naval vessels (placing them under the jurisdiction of the Imperial Navy Commission) to not only deliver supplies but also transport troops to the Ettytian Coast. With Yannian and Tohatian incursions into the Exhulan mainland, the Empress dispatches a total of ~80,000 men and women (four armies of four legions, each) to aid the Exhulan resistance. Of which, one-half are cavalry, one-eighth are auxiliaries, and the remainder being pikemen. Exploiting the element of surprise, they are able to land en masse with virtually no opposition. Utilizing the conduciveness of the local terrain to cavalry-heavy tactics, the Sillan cavalry primarily employs the tactic of attacking the rear and flanks due to the presumed high level of organization and concentration of the Yannian-allied formations, thus leaving them inflexible and thus prone to assault. The first ranks consist of lancers, who use them to inflict "shock" and to rout the first enemy ranks. In addition, they receive aid from auxiliaries, who are armed with crossbows while also serving reconnaissance and communications roles. Following this initial assault, the army then splits into four groups, with two bringing forth a hail of arrow projectiles on the enemy formation while the other two attack the flanks to further rout them and mop the weakened troops using sabers (which are less clumsy and more easily used compared to polearms). If they do not achieve a swift, decisive victory, the first army retreats and is followed by the second army; this is repeated to inflict as much attrition on the enemy troops as possible (thus stalling their defensive and counteroffensive plans) as well as create an illusion of overwhelming numerical superiority. Any capture prisoner is killed. To prevent any surprise attack from the Yannians, the pikemen are organized in discrete locations around the main location of the battle, with auxiliaries serving as skirmishers to prevent the Yannians from exploiting the inherent weakness of the flanks and rear in the phalanx. Should the Yannians realize this and begin to group themselves more loosely, two army groups will join together (~40,000) as opposed to just a single one. The light cavalry will partially-encircle the enemy formation and concentrate their arrows on one flank, while the heavy cavalry (and behind them, the pikemen) will proceed to mop the remnants of the enemy army from the opening. Similarly, the auxiliaries, as well as the members of the two "inactive" army groups, will serve skirmishing roles as well as ensure that no one escapes. Based on reports from troops conducting reconnaissance, and based on eye-witness accounts from refugees, the number of Yannian and affiliated troops seems to be low. However, if the Yannian forces are numerically-superior, the Sillan forces enact a false retreat – reversing this if they are being pressed on (thus allowing them to destroy the Yannian and affiliated forces in leisure) or attacking with two army groups instead. In order to produce high quantities of steel for weapons manufacture, the system of blast-furnaces is complemented with the finery forge (which produces wrought iron and steel, from pig iron). While the wrought iron is allocated for civilian usage, the steel is used to produce higher-quality arrow tips and melee weapons (sabers, lances, pikes, spears), as well as cuirasses for horsemen. Even without these advancements, the weapons of the Sillans remain superior, as Yannian bows cannot match the range and power of the Sillan reflex bow, the Sillan pike is longer than its Yannian equivalent, and for Sillan swords and sabers are superior to that of Yannian spears. MTA.
- Empire of Grosserdrachenia: As the Colossal Beauty is completed, it is hailed as a national symbol. The Palace of Jonnes is now one-third complete. Empress Ava continues to see over the war in the Sudlands and following report of victory, 20,000 men head into the Sudlands to finish off the Sudlanders now with more cavalry and catapults available to assist the assaults. Continuous attacks on any naval vessels from the Sudlands continue. Expansion within Drachenia and Wasser sees expansion as well after years of neglect of expansion. Exploration across the Southern Seas continue more toward the west while some exploration in the north toward the west as well continues.
A number of Gahrenese cities within the nation of Beraba petition the Beraban government, demanding representation in the princely council and higher involvement in government. They include the city of Barudisen, located on the southern river in Gahren, the city of Amaojeben, on the northern tip of the mainland, and the city of Ejumbis, on the northern island. Elsewhere, both the nations of Makuku and Teninukal accept an alliance with the nation of Beraba.
The nation of Xanulem faces an invasion from the Orunamids, which results in devastation across the western Yannian territory. Out of desperation the state requests aid from the Syresians and Mesallians of the coast, who are enemies of the Orunamids, promising grandiose concessions in exchange.
The nation of Xemunis, also known as the Western Yannian Empire, succumbs to an invasion from the northwest. The Kingdom of Xbalan is declared, centered around the city of Nazecula. The nation of Ocenis heeds the request from the Mouri Empire, invading and capturing the Gon’hanphan Delta, while the nation of Niani captures the city of Bassar.
Reinforcements sent by the Zelonuma Emiresq by land to the Valun are ambushed by a Khin warlord named Sangezhuan, who cuts off their land connection and inflicts 5,100 casualties. Elsewhere, the Battle of Eskaladun results in a decisive defeat for the Mouri Empire. The Mouri suffer 12,950 casualties, the Darnans suffer 5,100 casualties, and the Valun/Eskaladun rebels suffer 3,320 casualties. This success spurs further interest in Valunian independence, raising additional Valun soldiers, while also raising interest from a small number of the Khin.
The Battle of Neum results in a Yannian victory, with the city and surrounding area falling to the attacking army. As their homeland is also conquered around the same time, Yannian soldiers are forced to forage and pillage around the city. The Yannians suffer 20,450 casualties in total, while the 15,900 casualties and the loss of countless civilians.
The attacks by the nation of Thïvœga against the city-states in the south results in a large amount of property and resources being successfully plundered, but it also brands Thïvœga as a nation of pirates and raiders, diminishing interest in trading with that nation.
The Hythian invasion of the Irian region results in a Hythian victory. The Hythians suffer a total of 6,300 casualties, while the Irians suffer 14,400 casualties.
The Telachitul Republic achieves a victory over the nation of Agunda in the south of the nation, with the Telachitul suffering 4,050 casualties, and the nation of Agunda suffering 5,900 casualties. After a royal marriage is arranged between Agunda and Malmaça, the nation of Malmaça dispatches an army to aid in garrisoning the city of Agunda itself. Meanwhile, diplomats offer the Telachitul Republic land concessions, tribute, and slaves to ensure peace.
The Exhulan attack on the Tohatia by sea results in a decisive defeat, with the Exhulans suffering 11,400 casualties, while the Tohatians suffer 5,890 casualties. Elsewhere the Sillan army successfully lands in the Ettyian Coast but discovers that the Tohatians have razed the cities and scorched the countryside, which makes supplying the Sillan army difficult, before leaving largely without a fight. During this time the Tohatians suffer 2,400 casualties while the Sillans suffer a total of 18,450 casualties.
The second attack launched by the Empire of Grosserdrachenia results in a Drachenian victory. The remainder of the Sudlands decides to surrender and recognize the demands issued by the Empire of Grosserdrachenia. The Drachenians suffer 5,430 casualties during this phase of the war.
The raid against the coast of the Zelonuma Emiresq by the Mouri Empire results in a Mouri victory. the Mouri suffer 5,430 casualites, while the Zelonuma Emiresq suffers 9,950 casualties, as well as the loss of many civilians.
- Telachitul Republic: With the aftermath of the conquest of the north to deal with, the new ruler sets to work. To start, he starts to bring in the outer territories of the Republic closer to the republic economically and culturally. This is done both by establishing Telachitul towns at key locations, and generally increasing trade and spreading the growing Icrodel religion to the new territory. He hopes that by improving the quality of life in the new territories, during his reign he can expand the new land from merely territorial holdings to a proper part of the Republic. This philosophy is also applied to the Republics expanding borders, with Niise striving to keep the entire region culturally unified. In this vein, he also begins constructing a system of roads to bring the empire closer together. Most of the development happens in the core of the empire, but roads connect notable locations from the outer territories directly to Itochitul. However, for most coastal cities, the sea remains a much more efficient route of travel. In addition to the infrastructure development, Niise uses the annual tribute paid by the northerners to fund the formalization of the republican military. The navy continues to be significantly expanded, with many of the new ships being built in Idolchitul and across the bay in Idolmere. Most of these ships aren't permanently manned by troops, but they remain close enough to the capital to be ready on short notice. In addition, the actual army is reorganized. Niise builds his standing army to 2,000 professional soldiers, and an additional 4,000 semi-professional troops who don't actively serve, but are available on the Itotela's command. in addition, every town has to have 1/30th of its population ready to fight if need be, and 1/15th in the event of a major war. Individual towns are expected to decide who serves and equip them, but are paid a stipend by the republican government to cover this. With the new land to tax and the wealth brought by pillaging parts of the northerners territory, annual taxes again swell the nation's treasury. In addition, the glut of trade provides Niise with another source of revenue to tax. Niise continues to promote the religion Icrodel, which has not become an important institution in the republic. Notably, temples exist in every major town, with a large central temple beginning being built in Idolchitul. The religion also begins to send missionaries to both the newly conquered territory and to areas Niise wishes to expand to in the north, hoping to export both the religion and culture of the republic. With the Eveivel, Kutelaseem, and Velta serving as the main texts, the religion of Icrodel continues to grow, mostly in core republic territory. The religion continues to gain in popularity with the populace. Niise continues to work to expand north rapidly along the coastline With the republic thoroughly dominating the coast both militarily and economically, a few settlements continue to grow, attracting both republican citizens and foreigners. In particular, a significant settlement directly across the bay from Itochitul (the capital) continues to experience significant growth, mostly because of its convenience as a docking location for both merchant and naval ships. The colony's location makes it a useful place to manage both colonization and trade along the coast. In addition, several coastal settlements in the north, and new settlement situated on the big lake to the north continue to grow. Iron working, especially for weapons, trade, and ship building continue to thrive as the main industries of Itochitul, the capital city. Ship building is particularly important, as it allows for large scale transport of goods along the coast, which in turn facilitates relatively quick colonization, as well as further trading. With two colonies to the north set up Niise works to expnad them both along the coastline and inland, hoping these bases of expansion will help the nation expand faster. With the Agundans and their allies all in the city of Agunda, the re-supplied (to 20,000 troops) Telachitul army lays siege to the city. The army does not attack, but rather builds defensive fortifications entirely encompassing the city, cutting it off from the outside world. With the Agundan leadership largely cut off from their kingdom, Niise sends Icrodel priests and traders to try to build sympothy for with the locals, effectively spreading propaganda. In addition, A delegation is sent to Malmaça declaring that we have absolutely no beef with them, and wish no ill will between our proud nations. As an extension of our good will, we send another delegation into Agunda informing them any Malmaçan soldier who surrenders to the Telachitul army will be allowed to go home with no repercussions, and paid a small tribute for their trouble. As a signal to the Agundan people, this same offer, minus the tribute, is extended to all women and children in the city.
- The large portion of the Malmaçan army decides to take up the offer from the Telachitul, either deserting immediately or remaining in the city until payment arrives. As the attacking army is arriving however, the Agundans order their army and their remaining armies to sortie out from the city and engage in the field, invigorated by the belief that they are fighting for their survival. The result is an Agundan victory, with the Telachitul suffering 5,990 casualties, and the Agundans suffering 2,510 casualties.
- Telachitul response: Disappointed by the heavy losses, abandons the plan of surrounding the Agundan city wholesale. Instead, after waiting for the Agundans to retreat to the city again, the remaining 14,000 Telachitul troops build a base near the enemy capital. From there, the army stages constant raids on the nearby countryside, preventing any food or supplies drom making it to the city. The base is quickly outfitted with heavy defense against any Agundan counterattack, and spies keep a close eye on any suspect troops movements so the defenses can be properly prepared. Payment to any Malmaçan stragglers arrives and is distributed. We offer to end the war on the condition the Agundan king swears loyalty to and becomes a vassal of the Republic, keeping the title of governor and some autonomy over his territory.
- Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 518-527 Since the Return of Hythus. Emperor Jyntus attempts to complete the occupation of the Irian Kingdom. With their army shattered, the Irians are pursued relentlessly to discourage any other Irian nations from coming to their aid. The Unar is split in two, 20,000 men 12,000 heavy lancers and 8,000 light lancers, pursue the shredded remains of the Irian army as it flees toward the coast. Meanwhile, the remaining 14,000 men set up siege equipment and set the Irian Region’s capital ablaze with a continuous hail of the incendiary bolts employed by warships of the empire. The Irians are then offered peace as a province of the empire. [War/Diplomatic Response] The Church of Hythus launches a conversion campaign unlike any other in Hythus’ history. Thousands of missionaries are sent into the Irian Kingdom, establishing religious and administrative missions across the nation onto which the Irians are gathered and converted. This process is similar in many ways to the systems used to colonize the tribal lands of the south. In total some 20,000 Irians are nominally converted to the faith, but among these many are believers in name only. Other missionaries of the Church of Hythus continue spreading the true faith northward into the Jyazradid Empire, and asking the Jyazradid King to convert himself. [Diplomatic Response] With the royal court centralized in Mythas the bureaucratic administrators of the empire become an entrenched institution. A segment of these administrators specialize in the organization of territories in tribal lands. These administrators, under the direction of the emperor, establish a major administrative center in the far southeast. This new city, Tyrus, is built roughly at the same latitude as Wys, but within sight of the Kus Symas. A road is built to Tyrus along which dozens of minor towns and several minor cities are built. The city is watered by two small streams fed by mountain snowmelt. The Iron Bank of Hythia continues to act at the behest of the emperor, focusing its efforts in courting Jyazradid Merchants, the bank also continues to serve the empire with lower interest loans. The Emperor, backed by the nobles, decrees that interest on loans shall never exceed 2.5% in the empire. Agricultural production increases due to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition. The policy of land grants is re-instituted and settlement of the south accelerates. Dozens of small cities and towns spring up across the south, located near the natural springs and minor streams that dot the landscape. Networks of roads are constructed as the settlers go, linking together these settlements and spreading administrative institutions as they go. A group of missionaries from the Church of Hythus arrives in the northernmost city of the Drakan Empire. The missionaries attempt to convert the lower-classes offering them a promise of rebirth in a life of prosperity if they convert.
- Beraba: In response to the petition of the Gahrenese cities, the Princely Council convenes in Ngaoudera to discuss what is to be done. Their discussions expand to the duties of the princes and the nation as a whole. The princes share how they are experiencing trouble as to who sits on the council and how to govern territories without a direct system of government, such as a city, in the region. It is agreed that some princes focus more on their own cities, while some focus on the national government, but it is hard for them to do both at once. They also agree that the nation has grown beyond the group of cities states that it started as, and needs stronger ties to bind it together. Therefore, the Princely Council drafts the governing documents for the Federation of Beraba. The Princely Council, renamed the Council of Princes, will act as the highest governing body in the land, made up of nine hereditary offices (one belonging to the king of Gahren). These princes will not directly oversee their territory, but will have a hand in the affairs of their seats of power. The basic governing duties of the territories will be administered by regional governors appointed by the Council of Princes. This “Council of Governors” may petition the Council of Princes in manners regarding to their territories. Governors are appointed to serve under each of the nine princes. Barudisen, Amaojeben, and Ejumbis are all appointed regional governors to represent them, all of whom report to the King of Gahren. A governor is appointed for the Lake Conylt region, encompassing Cohibos in the west and the settlements in the east. Another governor is also appointed to new northeastern territories. This reorganization is intended to help stabilize the growing nation and account for future expected growth. Meanwhile, military strategists are sent to Makuku and Teninukal to assess the military capabilities of both nations and coordinate strategies between the three. Military build up continues within Beraba as well, building ships and training soldiers. New, larger, faster trading ships swapped into service, and income increases as a result of the larger trade capacity of the nation. Trade in pelts and linens increases, as well as other high-quality fabrics, feathers, and gemstones. Among the Tangakwunu, the elders increase the nation’s industrial capacity, now with the ability to make large batches of weapons, tools, jewelry, etc., out of metal. Expansion continues along the eastern side of the Beraban Peninsula.
- Ffanet of Afmwir: In the 50th year of the Athmwir's rule (841), trade between Afmwir and Nurchacan (Nura Gakan) goes on strongly. In the 52nd year, explorers are sent far east by ship and north by land, looking for the Holy Mountain (50 px each), returning home in the 54th year. In Mercydd and Ddenstwirh, lighthouses to guide the navigation of ships are built. The Athmwir nears the end of his life, with several clan chiefs aiming to replace him. In the 56th year (847), more settlers are sent both downriver to expand the country, but also to the plains north of the country surrounded by the Iuryll mountains. Wheat, rye and barley are continued to be produced, along with spicy horseradish (named ffeisaf). Cows, honeybees and sheep are raised for meat, milk, honey and wool. Ffeisaf, Afmwirian ale and mead, as well as other products are traded with Nurchacan. More watermills are being built along the waterways, and more villages develop along the Chffith.
- Mouri Empire: Remarkably, not much reaction is known in recorded history toward the fall of the Yannis Empire in Mouri chronicles. The monasteries established by Vanden the Pious continued in the tradition of solemn mourning and prayer, giving reverence to those slain in the chaos both Ulmian and not. The Holy Patra declared there to be 100 days of mourning for each individual Ulmian slain on the Yannian continent, but obviously this was not implemented, at least not for very long. Seeing the former Yannis empire dissolved by the threat of foreign invasion, large numbers of diplomatic ambassadors and Shanzian philosophers are sent to engage peaceful relations and trade to the nations of Xanulem, Orunamids, Xbalan, Ocenis, and Niani. In sharing the theology of Priapus, we demonstrate that the Yannis Empire was our old, common enemy, and likewise offer to implement a free public school system to help rebuild their fledgling nations to match the former technological and scientific standing of the former empire. This is especially important to the nations of Xanulem and Niani, who has substantial pluralities of Ulmian citizens and received our support toward their independence in previous conflicts. Emperor Roneth II decides not to take anymore nonsense, and dispatches the generals Tulund and Chusiang to destroy the revolt in the north. Darran the Fortunate, true to his name, was incredibly lucky for his initial success despite having woefully inadequate military personnel, as the Darnan support from the Emiresq came right in the nick of time. General Tulund coordinated an attack from a direction least-suspected, moving his military in the night to the high ground just east of the Eskaladun capital. The military stationed at the garrison of Fautesk was also primarily aided by the loyalists and Azouri colonists in the area. Although the bias of the chronicles could be called into question, it would seem that Darran was known to have a rather despotic and megalomaniac personality, as well as a loose administration that left most of the region in chaos, which could explain his apparent struggle to gain much popular support among the Eskaldun. Furthermore, his military became distracted away from the capital by a direct attack by Chusiang across the southern plain. While the north was being secured, several bands of explorers and scouts were sent farther north to chart out the northern region, determining exactly the path taken by the Emiresq to reach Eskaladun from their capital. Meanwhile, the Yannian capture of Neum was not to last very long on its own as well. after the old empire had dissolved from external invasions. The peasant Ulmian population, in remembrance of the former Nelirites of earlier eras, organized into a massive militia to assault the Yannian encampments in a fury of their own. They were led under the charismatic leadership of Levian the Monk, which some historians have identified as the same of Levian the Hermit who led the Paltonians, but most consider the name pure coincidence. The Tuartha governor Anthrax tried to coordinate this peasant army with the remaining regular military in the region, as well as a large number of Khin and Ebornite mercenaries for the entire reprisal. At the same time, the governor reached out in diplomacy to the Yannian military in the city, offering that instead of facing battle they could be allowed to stay and integrate into the empire peacefully, now that their former home has faced its ultimate judgment from Nelrim. The story of Arenmur of Isono may have taken place around this time, although his existence is often questioned, there is no doubt that name appeared in some census records of Usilinago around this time. Arenmur sought to find at long last the secret of the Zedumari, and venture with a group of Water Merchants to the far south to see it. However, he was warned by a Zedumari living in Frasnoq that he would be fated never to return home again, but this did not deter him. After braving a number of monstrous creatures, including the sandworms and the Drokk spiders, he eventually found his way to the Valley of the Comet. He was surprised to find a number of Ulmian monks who treated him warmly, having lived largely in isolation since the days of Nathon I. After receiving three warnings not to venture further, Arenmur eventually discovered that the secret of the Zedumari is a mystic fountain, with waters so pure that whoever touches them will become young once again. Arenmur was delighted at the prospect of immortality, and bathed in the waters straight away. However, when he returned to his companion Water Merchants, they ignored him as if he were invisible, and ultimately returned to Usilinago to declare that Arenmur mysteriously disappeared. What he did not realize, of course, is that the Fountain of Youth worked better than he expected, and reduced Arenmur to the physical age of a small child, and thus couldn't be recognized by his companions.
- Melia: The fires of war have been unleashed. The "True Followers of Lem" have had enough and teamed up with the nomads to overthrow the king, Voya Maltal. They make an attempt at his life, which fails. This means that Plan B is initiated... 'full blown' civil war. The country is split nearly in one-half, with each side able to field about 1,500 soldiers. No one knows what will come of this, but one thing is known for sure, the country will never be the same again.
- Qera: When Zoelle IV dies in 843, the efforts to sour the relations to the Sapenakasa are taken to a halt. Instead, the old allies to the north, Exhula, is supported to keep the Yannians at bay. 10,000 men are sent to support the war effort in the far north in Yannis. Tactics are copied from the Sillans partly, especially their methods the way they use the cavalry, the well disciplined and intensely trained infantry and archers. On the other hand, sabotages by spies and hit and run tactics, as well as the extremely brutal torture methods remain. For example, once a spy is caught, he is bound to a wooden plank and repeatively dipped into a barrel filled with water with the head, until he gives out the information. Sometimes the limbs of the enemies are sent to the Yannian commanders to show them what their enemies are capable of. Generalissima and Princess Zoen I writes down her meetings with the Yannian scribes, she writes about the hot-headed and furious, yet weak and overconfident nature, of the enemy's leadership and the misery the enemy soldiers live in. She tells about cases in which the caught enemy soldiers are treated better in Sillan or Exhulan imprisonment than in Yannian camps (though these parts of her manuscripts can easily be counted as exaggerations from a historical perspective). SECRET Spies are sent into Yannian territory to gather informations and sabotage their supply lines (MOD RESPONSE, PLEASE) END SECRET To the east, the colony of Cyrphehtzija is further settled, by another 20 px and many roads are built there to improve the infrastructure. The spice trade with the nations to the south brings in huge amounts of money, especially with Ccekaea. A contract is proposed to them, asking them for only buying spices from Qera. In exchange, their merchants have no tariffs to lay their ships in the ports. Additionally, taxes on their goods will be lowered about one-quarter (THIGAE RESPONSE, PLEASE). Immense quantities of anise are exported to the north, east and south, along with cinnamon and chili. Sillan influences are more noticable - especially in the dialects of the west, especially in words for governing and art. Production of high quality steel and jewelry continues and reports of forges being operated in three shifts a day permanently. In 840, the 1,000th anniversary of Qera is celebrated with huge festivities being held all over the nation. In Rollver and also Imbalama many shooting stars were spotted that night, which is seen as a good sign by the goddess of the stars Zfalle, that the gods are pleased by the current rulers and people of Qera.
- Tsardom of Algeorgia: After having seen the beauty of flowers the tsarina begins studying botany. To help in this endavour flowers are imported from Qaryaat in exchange for emeralds. These flowers are then grown in the imperial garden. The Sky Tower is completed and is inaugurated by the tsarina. The Holy Dodo dies this year and The search for its successor begins. After a lengthy six-months search the next Holy Dodo is found and is transported to the Holy Temple where it takes its place on the Dodo Throne. The tsarina makes the annual pilgrimage to it and receives its blessing.
- Yannian Culture (PART ONE): The words of Ol[semetuc] the son of Lycesum, of the priests that were in Nykos in the land of the Melopenes: To whom the word of the LORD came in the days of Xermunes the son of Mesedun, king of Meshwati, in the ninth year of his reign. The city of Neum became the fountainhead of the new garden of mankind, where the Bannerman came to establish his kingdom. Before, the LORD came to the Bannerman and told him he would be the piece that formed his sword and his plow, so that he may till the future garden that feeds the New City. Moreover, the word of the LORD came to the Bannerman, saying, you shall cry into the ear of the Mouri and tell them, our God remembers you and your ancestors and descendants. From the young to the old, from the loved to the unloved, and from the earliest days of our wilderness. Then the children of the earthly world had swore to our God their faithfulness, and he spoke that all those who remain faithful obtain the fruits of their increase. Else, those who set upon unfaithfulness, receive evil in the name of the LORD. Remain as much, O’ House of Erisander and Talutna, when you were delivered by the LORD from the dismality of disknowledge. But the LORD asked, when did the path of the fathers remain unwalked by the sons? When they followed after vanity, and become vain themselves? When God delivered us from the wilderness of desert and drought, where no man dare dwelt, to form upon us the first nation of mankind, it was upon us to follow the word of God in all things. The LORD has spoken that we have defiled his lands by our desire to be gods ourselves. The places of the west have worshipped how the sun comes to them, having forgotten the sun’s path through the sky, where the LORD has ordained sunlight for our consumption. We have forgotten where such fruits grow, until we have eaten all plentiful fruit that the LORD has granted us. For pass over the lands of Neum and witness where the children drink from the rivers where the Azogi drain, and are forgotten by their kings. Such kings crown themselves upon a broken head that they have not used. Thus the people have converted to two sins; that of forsaking the fountains of living water and by producing their own elixir to replace it. The LORD spoke this to be so that I may tell the Bannerman, who may tell the people of Yannis. There it was observed that the Mouri’s infidelity to the promise of God had diluted their confluence and strength, so that unfaithful may dominate and harm the impoverished, the widows from their wars, and the future generations left orphaned. So the LORD thought to praise Yuni to preserve the piety of Neum, with the force of the Bannerman to wash away their stained being. He had come to Neum because it was the place where such corruption leaked into the worldview, and influenced the immoral to harm others. Our God returned to restore faithfulness and restore our adherence to our promise. Yuni spoke his words to the Mouri, that if you are faithful to Ulm, let his people go so that they may flourish, remove your chains of sin that your leaders have mistakenly placed. Do not think as your king, but think as your people, so that they may prosper. The Kingdom of Yuni will be forged from the synthesis of any remaining faithful Ulmians and the force of the Bannerman, do not inflict wrath against them, because of your fear of Yannis and all. Instead, let the Mouri come to terms with the new kingdom and the New City that will be cast by your God, such that they may become Yuni, and become a part of such a world. The Mound of Azoz has been foretold to fall, but such Holy Men who remain will inherit the earth that is beyond. There will be a place around Neum, and a place farther west still. There the east and west may be wed to produce your new empire, under more divine circumstances. Be warned that your God asks this for your own providence, so that you may be delivered from the confines of transgression. The LORD has shown me a vision that the more evil emperor will return slavery to Neum, for his heart is consumed by his anger for Yagothna-vis, and he has created the tower of Drokksid in Azoz as the only means to combat such foe. The enlightened ruler will see that he is but a piece of time and space, and that although he may suffer the loss of earthly possessions by abandoning such impure goals, he will be a piece of the prosperous new kingdom. This is the word of your LORD, not of your emperor. May it be done that your heart is warmed by it, and not hardened to stone by your quest for vengeance. It will come to pass that holding on to your past flesh will harm your soul, and you will find that trying to perpetuate Azoz forever will undo your future fortune. Do not let the greed of the father rob the son, but let the voice that is heard upon the high places, of the weeping and supplications of the children of the Mouri, be truly understood. And those who have forsaken their way and forgotten their God, return your children and they will be healed by me. Those from the mountains and the hills who seek salvation while looking down upon those below, they do so in vain, for shame has devoured the labor of the youth, and the herds and te flocks. They lie down and be within shame, letting confusion cover them, that who have sinned against the LORD our God. And so through the God of all humanity, the faithful came and blew trumpets at the lands and gates of Neum. Cry, gather together, and say, we will defend ourselves. Set upon the ends of Ashe that banner of Lucretia. Tear down the kings who worship themselves over our God, but let God’s judgment come for them. His lion is in the outskirts, and it will feast on those who run from the LORD to spite his gifts. Thanks be to God. The words of Er[secutol] the son of Himla, of the priests that were in Zumuc in the land of Ometoc-vis: To whom the word of the LORD came in the days of Seyzecutol the son of Zemonutel, king of Quamocten, in the 30th year of his reign. It came also in the days of Mescuteluc the son of Zemonutel, king of Quamocten, unto the end of the 11th year of Mescuteluc the son of Zemonutel, king of Quamocten. The LORD our God has come to reveal the birth of our Anointed One, and his rule as the creator of the New City. But in this time many have falsely sought to become such a being. First there were the Sephimorans who interpreted the search for the messianic king as their own king, so they declared to Yannis that there are the chosen people to wed with them. They sought the hand of Yannis in marriage to achieve such a goal, but our LORD spoke that it was because their hearts desired power above all else, and elsewhere they had abandoned pious confirmation to his promise, so that they may advance themselves. But there was no salvation through false acts, thus the Sephimorans fell to the acts of Azoz, who was used as an instrument of God. The judgment of the LORD would be absolute, so that there was no prevention of justice after such egregious and long acts of sinfulness. Then there were the southern beings of Sillas who likewise misunderstood the words of the prophet, to think that they were the Anointed One that was foretold. But God spoke and revealed that they desired growth and greed for earthly possessions. They are consumed by their desire to be the most powerful, so they will never be so. They disparage the poor and the underprivileged, who possess greater adherence to God than the rulers. The southerners and their queen, doubted the future and its beautiful course. So she wrote that she cannot understand it, the words of Yannis are too incomprehensible. The Lord said that such enlightenment is hard to comprehend, and the weak of mind and lowly of intellect will not be able to have the knowledge translated to them. The Queen of Sillas revealed to her people, unfortunately, that she was not worthy to understand the Yannis, so she became angry in a primitive thirst to assert. Because of her lack of piety to God, and the forsaking of humanity’s promise to God, she would never be wise enough to read the words of God, and until they repented for such acts, the God of all nations would bring about justice upon them. Furthermore, in the lands of Ettyian and Exhul, where the people were of the highest contempt for the glory of God, and the people cast aside the righteous and the just, and all those in that land sought to harm the holy and pious, the Sillans arrived to engage in their own slaughter. Thus, God punished them by creating desolation upon the land, and 1,000 Sillans died for every mile they walked upon the holy ground. There the LORD gathered 100 people who had not turned their back against their promises, and they fought the invaders. They found their cause fierce and their skin impenetrable, so 1,000 Sillans fell for each man standing for the LORD. And knowing that the corruption of the Queen was great, the nations sent a triumphant army to act in the name of God. From the tribe of Xeclet’socul and from the lands of Temayal, where the people had not forgotten the deliberation of the LORD on their behalf, they marched into Tohatia as a final reckoning. There they spoke to the Sillans, telling them to go in peace or face further retribution for their sin.
- Thīvœga: With the debts of betrayal and treason having been repaid, government sponsored raiding parties are recalled from the southern states. With Rovthk III seeming mentally unstable, he is declared unfit to rule and Zhayvshk Bhroual, the second son of Rovthk II, is to ascend the throne after his father's death and given the royal title of Zhayvshk I Bhroual, Yithït of Thīvœga, Athourazga, and Heshahl Thīvœga. However, Rovthk II still rules, and to compensate for the lost trade due to the "recovery of payment", accepts Rithccekaea's (officially Œriththīvœccekaea, meaning "Those who call the Thīvœ people 'Ccekaea'", refering to Qera) trade contract for spices, as the no tariffs and tax incentives are to good to resist. Due to the increased trade with Qera, Sillan influences are seen by merchants, although no one knows were Sillas actually is. Interest in the west spikes, and Thelashihtoulga (Telachitul Republic) starts to be traded with. A great thinker under the name of Shoumlay comes up with a theory that colors are seen as totally different from different people, but the way they are educated in society makes them think that the color "yellow" actually looks like "blue" to another person, but they would never know because they would always be educated that "yellow" is "blue", and "blue" is another color. He also expands this thought to sounds (higher and lower pitches), direction (left, up, right, down), and even to go as far as time (slower or faster). Goods from raids on Gesan are kept to the mainland. However, goods from Namdeon are given to Heshahl Thīvœga. Large garrisons are left on the southern islands just in case of an attack. The navy is improved upon to make sure that any amphibious invasions from the south cannot land on the islands. With the national emergency of floods over, expansion continues eastward, and rural areas grow. Exploration continues east and west, with southern exploration left to the Heshahl Thīvœ.
- Heshahl Thīvœga: The raids on Namdeon have not been unfruitful toward Heshahl Thīvœga. Items gained during the raids are put toward developing the colony. The influx of refugees from the north slowly starts to dissipate, returning back north. However, the ones who do stay gain large land grants around the fertile bay, adding rural lands. Thiasi I dies, leaving his son, Thiasi II, to be the governor of the colony. Exploration starts southward, and expansion continues along the coast.
- Empire of Grosserdrachenia: following the surrender of the Sudlands, the territory receives funds to rebuild with large settlements seeing the establishment of new homes with anyone directly impacted receiving settlement support. Expansion of Drachenia and the Sudlands continue inland. Exploration continues around the seas. The Palace of Jonnes nears completion with its large halls becoming home to the Altenhofen-Hiedler family. The Colossal Beauty becomes recognized as the symbol of the nation and Dragsfurt.
- Zelonuma Emiresq: Additional re-inforcements are raised and sent by sea, and for now the Zelonuma Emiresq does not worry about the lands. Mostly, the forces remain in the region without reinforcements, and they create defensive positions. Having captured much of Eskaladun they choose to fortify their position. Many militant Ulmians are killed, but generally the new state tolerates all people in the state. The people receive many rights and are no longer taxed, leading to additional support against the Mouri Empire. Mostly local forces and mercenaries are called to join the army. They will defend the region until the Mouri Empire recognizes the Valun state. Meanwhile, the army stationed at the border with Syres moves north, while the army of the north moves south, to surround the invading army on the coast. The navy sails out to surround them as well, completely cutting off the army from supplies. They will have to fight our entire combined navy to escape, and logically there is no way for them to send a message to Mouri warning that they need more ships.
- Mesallian Culture: The nation of Syres would answer the call of the Yannian nation of Xanulem, declaring war once more against the Orunamids. The nation’s first priority would be ensuring that the territories of the coast, both of Syresian and Mesallian origin, would be protected, and the first Syresian forces would arrive in Losdenport and other key settlements. At the same time the Orunamdids struck against Zoramvira, achieving initial victory in the far north. An army under the command of Nelrandus would be dispatched to the region to combat the Orunamid advance south. At the same time the Syresian navy became preoccupied against the eastern coast, raiding the cities of the Benekundon region. A second army would arrive a year later, making landfall in the region raided by the navy, and reinforcing the eastern Mesallian states. In total 30,000 Syresians would reinforce the west and lead the Mesallian armies of the straits, while 30,000 Syresians would land in the far east. The latter of the two armies would advance toward the border of Xanulem, in an effort to trap the Orunamids near the coast between the Syresian army and its allies. In Edom the nation continued to make strides to integrate the south into the nation. The Anka/Maleka of the empire would be wed to a southern prince, and to a southern princess. The nation would begin a minor war in the southeast, consolidating control over major oases on the route toward Shemia.
The King of Agunda agrees to swear fealty to the leader of the Telachitul Republic as a vassal, after both sides suffer high losses in a subsequent battle, and from lack of supplies and scorched-earth tactics. The Telachitul Republic suffers 6,400 casualties in total, while the Agundans suffer 8,590 casualties. The scorched-earth tactics have unexpected consequences for the Telachitul Republic, when a number of their allied tribes near Agunda are severely weakened by famine themselves, raiding, and pillaging from both nations’ armies. Most of the Telachitul Republic’s vassals refuse to fight for them at this time, while in the north many of Agunda’s tribal vassals likewise desert rather than follow Agunda in swearing fealty.
A leader known as Xenicetes rallies an Irian army against the Hythian invasion, securing a victory over their army of cavalry in the mountainous center of the country. The Hythians suffer 3,750 losses, while the Irians suffer 1,000. Elsewhere, the Hythians capture the nation’s capital, although suffering 6,250 casualties, after disease strikes their camp.
The king of the Yazradids, Amelucenes VI, does not convert to the Hythian religion personally, but elevates the worship of Hythus to a major cult within the nation’s plethora of religions. He remains a believer in the Saemonite mythology personally, albeit one with high degrees of influence from the eastern tribes, Hythia, and other nations conquered into the empire.
The nation of Vhaynos integrates the nation of Jadalan into its nation as a province. Likewise a war breaks out between Vhaynos and Draka, after disputes arise over trade limitations and the use of Draka’s southern port. The Kingdom of Zahmedan joins in this war as a third claimant to the south of Draka.
The King of Gahren, Lont IX, rejects the federation document of Beraba, on the grounds that it requires him to forfeit direct control over Gahren. The cities of Gahren, as well as a few influential towns in the south, who became tied to Gahren during its time under Beraban control, stage a rebellion, raising a considerable army in the north of the nation. The Gahrenese also reach out to Qaryaat, seeing as they have disputes with Beraba as well.
The battle at sea between the Zelonuma Emiresq and the Mouri Empire results in a narrow Mouri victory. The Mouri suffer the loss of 21 ships and 5,350 men, while the Zelonuma Emiresq suffers the loss of 50 ships and 9,000 men. This allows the Mouri to regroup along the coast. At the subsequent battle on land during the push inland by the Mouri, the Zelonuma Emiresq achieves a decisive victory. The Mouri suffer 14,200 total casualties, while the Zelonuma Emiresq suffers 5,010 casualties in battle and an additional 12,950 casualties from disease and lack of supplies.
The Mouri attack against the Zelonuma Emiresq and the Valun results in a decisive Mouri victory, resulting in the former regions of Eskaladun being completely recaptured, and forcing the Zelonuma to withdraw to the Valun lands. The Mouri suffer 7,300 casualties, the Zelonuma suffer 8,450 casualties, and the Valun/Eskaladunians suffer 9,910 casualties.
Neighboring tribes, with the support of the nation of Namdeon, launch a successful raid against the colony of Heshahl Thīvœga, killing many of its inhabitants.
The Orunamdids are defeated in a decisive battle by the Syresians and Mesallians, resulting in the western section of the Orunamdid lands being occupied by Syres, while the Yannians are spared attack due to the distraction. The Syresians suffer a total of 8,400 casualties, the Mesallians suffer 5,860 casualties, the Yannians suffer 3,000 casualties and numerous civilian losses, and the Orunamdids suffer 27,040 total casualties.
Due to the distraction of the war between Tohatia and Exhula, an invasion is launched by the nations of Tik’akna and Ypelomnes to seize the Franic region, splitting the allies of some of Tohatia’s allies in one-half.
As the famine and devastation in the Ettyian Coast continues, the armies stationed there suffer high degress of attrition. The Sillans partially mitigate this through their supply-related tactics. The Exhulan army suffers 8,400 casualties, the Qeran army suffers 3,000 casualties, and the Sillans suffer 4,150 casualties.
During the invasion of southern Tohatia, the Tohatian desert nomads and raiders successfully plague the Sillan advance, causing the Sillans to suffer 6,140 casualties, while suffering 2,900 casualties themselves.
The Sillans successfully march up to the southernmost river, before being engaged in battle by the Tohatians. Here the Tohatians achieve victory, with the Sillans suffering 10,100 casualties, the Qerans suffering 2,000 casualties, and the Tohatians suffering a total of 15,300 casualties.
- Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 528-537 Since the Return of Hythus. Emperor Jyntus continues his war with the Irians. Much of the cavalry force used to capture the nation is withdrawn in favor of an occupation force of 4,000 infantry and 4,000 light cavalry, as well as 12,000 mixed infantry combating Xenicetes in the mountains. Civilian leadership across the kingdom is forced to accept Emperor Jyntus as monarch of the territory. The Church of Hythus continues its conversion campaign, with missionaries supporting the integration of the region. Furthermore, these missionaries are provided with grain to distribute among the people of the nation to both prevent famine and increase the popularity of the religion. Amelucenes VI’s refusal is respected, and his elevation of the Church of Hythus within the empire is much appreciated. Emperor Jyntus sends a personal invitation to Amelucenes VI offering to have him as an imperial guest in Mythas to celebrate the 530th anniversary of Hythus’ coming. The Iron Bank of Hythia continues to act at the behest of the emperor, focusing its efforts in courting Jyazradid Merchants, the bank also continues to serve the empire with lower interest loans. Agricultural production increases due to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition. The policy of land grants is re-instituted and settlement of the south accelerates. Dozens of small cities and towns spring up across the south, located near the natural springs and minor streams that dot the landscape. Networks of roads are constructed as the settlers go, linking together these settlements and spreading administrative institutions as they go. The missionaries of the Church of Hythus in the Drakan Empire establish a mission to convert the masses with the promise of rebirth into a life of prosperity.
- Friorian Culture: The period of inter-culture wars continues. Ligma's southern campaign against Alfa proves fruitful in increasing Alfa's casualties, but minimal gains are made. The entire war period itself disrupts trade routes and literacy across the entire culture group, as Frioria itself enters a dark age-esque period. The most radical and known occurance during this period was the Genocide of Bopha, an ethnic group of Endsistianity worshippers who would be door-to-door executed if they were found to be followers of the religion. Due to Ligma's rather close proximity to Melia, many of the followers flee the Kingdom in search of new life opportunities in the neighboring nation. Others attempt to move into Xugadi, however, many of the citizens are killed either in the crossfire or are used as a military tactic to throw against Xugadi forces as real-time human shields, and due to Xugadi's positive view of Endsistianity, major losses are taken in terms of territory and casualties. Many cities are destroyed in this period of time, much more than expected. Various churches, palaces, farms, and other buildings are burnt as Ligma and Alfa begin using very brutal and cruel tactics of warfare. Expansion through solar ships is made.
- Mouri Empire: Darran the Fortunate's luck ran out, although he largely disappears from ths historical record, most chronicles agree he was killed in battle. Tulund is made governor of Eskaladun and immediately works to rebuild the cities, establishing order and justice in the wake of the chaos from Darna's invasion. Having scouted the region leading back to the Emiresq, general Chusiang continues the invasion farther north, working to crush the Darnan military in the Later Valun Kingdom before they have a chance to regroup. Utilizing a folding line formation, Chusiang's invasion divided the military into two parts to form a two-pronged maneuver, using the scouts already in the region to spy the exact location of Darna's military. In the north, the invasion force are pulled back to the coast to regroup, and work to capitalize on their recent victories at sea. Reinforcements of ships and soldiers come in to blockade the coastline, systematically destroying the Emiresq shipyards and prevent their navy from landing there. In the far east, new Ulmian Apostles help to re establish the Ulmian pressence in the Angelite Islands, as well as in Phorintheon where the Monestaries near Mount Atnos are restored. A small naval expedition with these missions aids our allies as they attack Tohatia. In the far west, Gudian the Navigator continues to expand the trade network along the western coastlands, with the new Garran Navy gradually swinging outward farther from the coast as they travel both north and south. In Edom, Emperor Roneth offers the Queen of Edom a royal marriage between their houses, with his son Taulut marrying the heir to the Edomite throne.
- Exhulan Empire: We decide to offer peace to Toahita, deciding that we obviously aren’t going to gain more in the war and that we stand to lose a lot by continuing to fight. Our peace terms are the acknowledgment of our annexation Of Irrosia, and guaranteed tolerance of Ethnic Exhulans and Hcctaal followers in Toahitan territory, in exchange for the same to Ethnic Yannians and follower of the Yannian religion by us in Exhulan Irrosia, and otherwise the return to pre-war borders. (More to come).
- Tohatia: Tohatia agrees to give Exhula all of Irrosia that is east of Atnosia, and recognize fair treatment of Exhulan people in exchange for the same to Yannian people in Irrosia, and asks that Exhula inform their allies the war is officially over, and have them withdraw.
- Ffanet of Afmwir: In the 60th year of the Athmwir's rule (851), trade between Afmwir and Nurchacan (Nura Gakan) goes on strongly. In the 62nd year, explorers are sent far north by ship in the Narrow Sea, looking for the Holy Mountain (50 px each). Two cities are formed in the Chffith Valley in the 63rd year, one lying in the Chffith gap of the Iuryll mountains called Drawcicheld, and one on Lake Hinruch called Rhyfthan. Both cities are also on the Chffith. The explorers return home in the 64th year just a day after the Athmwir passes from life and vows to return to help the Afmwirians in their times of need. In Mercydd and Ddenstwirh, as well as the countryside, the people mourn the passing of the Athmwir and the Afmwirian clan-chiefs meet up to select a Ffan to succeed Wlf Llolddur. Due to indecision, it takes a year and a regency by the Athmwir's son until Richa Fwlgryff, the iaryl of Clan Fwlgryff, nominates herself to the position, explaining that the Athmwir would be ashamed. A priest sees in her the spirit of Cwinaref, and she is swiftly elected. In the 66th year (857), more settlers are sent both downriver by Ffan Richa to expand the country, but also to the plains north of the country surrounded by the Iuryll mountains and to the Cyrdd river south of Mercydd. Wheat, rye and barley are continued to be produced, along with spicy horseradish (named ffeisaf). Cows, honeybees and sheep are raised for meat, milk, honey and wool. Ffeisaf, Afmwirian ale and mead, as well as other products are traded with Nurchacan (Nura Gakan). More watermills are being built along the waterways, and more villages develop along the Chffith.
- Qera: Seeing the current famines on the Ettyan Coast, the large, full reserves of the granaries are partially taken to sustain the army in the north. Rice and wheat, but also other supplies are sent to the front along with 3,000 new men via camel caravan. Horses are almost completely replaced for transportation and also for cavalry, by the dromedary. These animals are ways more reliable in the desert and also need less water. Tactics remain to be oriented to the Sillan model, but the lighter armor of the Qerans proves to be way more effective than the thick and heavy armor of the enemy in man-to-man combat because the almost 1 cm thick steel makes it impossible to fight properly without being affected by exhaustion. Spies are again sent to the enemy territory, to both gather information and sabotage supply lines or intercepting orders of the Tahotians (MOD RESPONSE ON THE SUCCESS)
- Yannian Culture: The following are eye witness accounts at the time of the wars.
- Allow me to explain. I am the Shepherd of the Narrows, they call me Narrowman. I am the blood of Seyzecutol, son of Zemonutel, and Mescuteluc, the son of Zemonutel. I am the son of Mescuteluc the Holy, and I write this great account of my deeds to see. Narrowman is the King of the East that was foretold by the priests of Yagothna-vis, who came and brought deliverance to the lands of the United Kingdoms. I fought Exhole and Siloss, the two heads of the chaotic and thirsty beast, the Obo. Mad Obo came to hurt us, he takes our lands and forsakes us, rubbing the dead against his scaly skin. He is part goat and part man, crafted in the realms of the evil as a devil upon the earth, and he brings destruction to a new land before him. Centuries ago my forefathers invaded the Colony of No Name, because he had been slighted, he says. It has come to pass that I have become responsible for the sins of my father, because now they come for me in revenge, and I must defend our people because of that. Was it hubris that the Yannians of old sought to convert all to the rightful path? But I think now it is too great a task to guide all on the path of salvation, when so many do not seek to possess it. And alas, the words of Nis say we will be bound to a path, may it be toward salvation, regardless of who and how many accept that. We cannot change time or space, that is the realm of the gods. We have looked behind, been possessed to look over our shoulder and never look toward the front, just like our ancestors by the gods. But by that grace the gods also reversed our course, faced our heads forward on our bodies, and we should look now toward the grace and glory of our LORD in the coming times. Regardless, I have been placed in this position, and I hope to serve our God to the best of my ability. To this end the Narrowman was wed to the Islander Princess, so that the Islander dispatched a great armada to the city of Ometoc-vis. The war of the west began when the Planeswalker took to the battlefield. The army of the Narrowman came to defend. Their army was the great cavalry of the plains; heavy cavalry of Yagothna-vis, but light cavalry and horse archers primarily. The infantry was fewer, composed of the heavy pikemen in the center, but smaller units of high mobility. They came to pass at the Battle of Gesonec where the Planeswalker and the Narrowman fought until they were both exhausted. The attackers fell in defeat, so the Plainswalker bargained to grant him great support. The Narrowman continued south into the lands of Tohatia. The East belonged to him now. When the wars came I was prepared, and I will be prepared always.
- Now, I am the Shepherd of the River Oculum, they call me Riverman. I despise the Narrowman, he is so full of himself. He thinks he can claim the entire east? I am not one to question our LORD, but how did he trick his way into defeating the Plainswalker? The Bastard of Two Cities now comes into my domain. Narrowman is narrow minded, I believe. Regardless, I must work with him for now against his so-called “Goat Man”. That is what he calls the Exhuland and Sillans, but I am part Exhulan. Does he really need to be so rude to them? Regardless, he is obsessed with religion now like a zealot, and at least it benefits me. Let us liberate Tohatia, then he better leave me alone. My armies have assembled in the south and has narrowly defeated Sillas. Now the rest of the armies are assembling, and I will defend our lands for now. I have officially proposed to the King of Tohatia that our armies are far stronger and superior, but peace ought to come soon. Secretly I worry how much longer the walls will stand. When the wars began I knew that this war would be a weary affair. They attack and attack, and we push them back every time. But something is lost each time. Many brave men and women fall on the battlefield. Those were my Holy Men. Those were my friends. They trusted in me to guard this river, and I did that. But deep down I know I let them down. Every man lost is another family without a father, brother, or son. Life is hellish on the front lines, where the southerners keep charging. Their wounded line the battlefield, screaming for help. I wish to bring them water, but I know that it could be a trap. These poor souls are dying out there. Every night I go to sleep hearing their cries echo in my skull.
- I am only going to explain this one more time. I am the King of Tohatia, call me Vesymaculus. All those rats of war seem to know best for my people, but they are wrong, for I am the king. It was ME that defended these lands, not them. Oh, Exhul thinks they can invade me, and the lands we rightfully liberated? Okay honey. First of all, you are such a jokester. The Rock of Tohatia stands firm as you slap against it with your fleshy limbs. Did you forget that the Sword of Yannis utterly disciplined your raw body like an animal? Ah yes, those were the days. I was but a child when a great army of Holy Men liberated the lands of the No Name Lands. My father’s father once took up the spear and charged into the Ettyian Coast, crushing the infidels. Oh, how the native holy and pious must have applauded us as we entered their lands. And me? I am stuck with these sorry excuses for Yannians. The old days are over, now this old achy king oversees the east, and I must fight these ridiculous claims. When Exhul chose to hit us it was just another Tuesday morning. So we hit them back and knocked them to the damn ground. Now Silly String wants another round? Okay baby, come here. Maybe I am just as vain as they are ... I’m getting too old for this. Now the River Man sends me letters and says, “make peace, make peace!” Maybe he’s right. The Tohatians have suffered enough. I will have my scribe pen a letter. The Exhulans aren’t as crass as they used to be. Perhaps they will see eye to eye, among kings. When the wars began I had hoped as much. The old world is weathered and ruined, consumed by man’s lust for blood and war.
- Salutations, my name is Probby the Olermo Scribe! That’s just what the big King calls me, but my mother named me Prackyrob. She says that was the name of a powerful wizard man, but no one really believes in the legends anymore. It’s a shame, some of my old neighbors still wiggle around the “Banner of Lucretia”, and the King makes me write decrees. The decrees say the neighbors must be beaten senseless for their insolence. Oh well. Anyway, I have been tasked with penning the most eloquent letter, to the land of “Exhula”. Such strange times we live in. That old man is very angry, but he secretly has a heart of gold. One a year he lets me eat my dinner at a table in his house, and it is quite nice. I have written to the King of Exhula, with very nice words. Much more sophisticated and friendly than the king would probably personally write. I say, sweet Exhula, let us make peace. We simply desired to liberate Irrosia, but it seems you conquered that place. Tohatia itself has remain unconquered. Thus we humbly request that you keep the Irrosian Islands east of Atnosia as your own, while you leave Tohatia at the status quo before the war. Oh yes, let us have peace! Woe to the fallen, such a destructive war. (I am legally required here to write the following) Oh, the fall of Darna! Did the Thotites influence you to do such upsetting and disgusting things? Avenge Darna, Holy Men of the world. OHHHHHH the Fall of Agelmur!!! Your people wail in sadness. GOD, deliver us from evil. Do not forget your chosen people! Anyway, let peace shine down on Exhul and lift up that island from destructive waters. When the wars began I found consolation in the fact that soon I would be writing so many more letters. I only hope we could find a way to end all wars, and bring peace to the world. I hope no one is hurt too badly.
- Greetings, my name is Lobby the Bard. My silly goose mother actually named me Levian, but that was my slave name. I begin to sing, “Ohhh eeeeh oh, Raiiiin Down, Azoz”. The people love me! That is why I am writing this introduction to my new musical scroll. The kings have called upon me to write joyous and fun music. I was born in Syres to a wacky Olmeroni, that’s what we call the family in these parts. Daddy was a bread thrower, and mommy was a basilica sweeper. Every day they tell me, they tell me, “LOBBY! Get off the damn statues!” Hehe, now I’m grown. I am a man. I try to fit in here in Oaximayal, so I got my white man hairs arranged into dreadlocks too. It feels so strange, but the other boys say it’s nice. My biggest hit song is Rain Down, Azoz, it’s from the Book of Psalms. That’s the book that they read in the temple, and it inspired me. Thus I took those holy words and applied them to song. I went into the streets and opened my big yappy mouth, and I say, “RAAAAAAIIIIIN DOWN, AZOZ, IT'S GONNA RAAAAIN!” Everyone stopped and stared. Then one guy said, “yeah!” So I sang it again really loud. Everyone in the market stopped and stared now, I was singing so loud. I began to flap my arms like wings, because it felt like I was flying. Yes LORD, I’m gonna be famous. The Kings love my music so much, they bring me to their big pleasure domes for song and dance. I love to dance, too. I shake and thrust me hips to the beat, and I swing my arms in the air. One night, one of the slave girls liked my song so much she came up to me when I was done. “That was so good,” she said. So she began to take off her dress. HOLD UP. “What is going on??” I cried. She took her finger and put it in my mouth. OK, this is fun! She told me to take off my clothes. This was my first time being naked in front of someone. Then she got naked, too! Also, this was the same night that Yannis fell. She must have been so happy and excited, on account of being a slave and all. She took my thingy in her mouth like a trumpet. Wow, such wonderful music. I got pretty excited, too, at this point, so I threw my fists in the air and screamed, “RAIN DOWN, AZOZ.” The next day, things began to change. No one wanted to listen to music anymore, it seemed. All the kings were talking about “war”, and saying that people were dying. It was all a pretty scary time, but I took my music into the streets and decided I need to cheer them up. I was singing super loud and jumping around. Then a bunch of angry slaves came up to me and said, “SHUT UP.” Uh, what??? Turns out they were mad because they were Azozi and because they were Nathons (those are male sex slaves). Uh oh! They began to beat me senseless which was pretty hurtful. They punched me in the throat and said, “No more saying mean things about the Mouri Emperor!” Okay. A bunch of soldiers came and lynched the slaves, which was great for me. I decided to travel the world and spread my message. Now I am almost an old man, so I am writing down my story. Some day Azoz will fall and people will sing great songs written by me to celebrate. I don’t wish harm against anyone, I only want to bring happy tunes to the nations. When the war began I sang my songs to the Holy Men, and I hope i warmed their hearts.
- I’m only gonna introduce myself one more time. My name is Uacus the Neumite. I’m one-half Yannian and one-half Mesallian, born in the colonies of the coast. Of course I answered the call of our king as he departed for Neum, because we must save the Ulmerists. I am writing you today because Neum is in great risk, as is Mouri. Those places committed great sins, and they broke their promises to the LORD our God. We came to Neum to purify it, as you can see. We tore down the walls of sin that the powerful sought to put up to exploit many. We came for we had a great love of Ulm and of God. The Prophets foretold of the great New City that will house us all, so we answered that call. We joyously search for our Anointed One, so that he may uplift humanity and save us from sin through the LORD. Dear old church fathers of Neum, see that we have come to save you and purify you. The prophets have seen how you have been tempted to arrange for great monetary gain, and thus have destroyed the innocent, perverted the sacraments, and hurt all of humanity. We came here became we truly love the Mouri. We have come to help you and uplift you. Here on the banks of the beautiful Ashe River we have begun our mission. When the wars began many were unsure of our intentions, but we are truly peaceful and pious people. I think everything is looking up for the Mouri.
- Accursed Thotite pigs, I am the Thot Killer of Agii. Stupid traitorous Neumites, they think they can come into Neum and “help” the Azozeroni? What the flip? My ancestors worshipped the gods, and the Anointed One said to kill every single dumb Thotite? Why aren’t you killing them? I am outraged and disgusted by the so-called king, who thinks he can help a Neumite. The Yannian Holy Men came to Neum to plug that leak of sewage from the Trashe River, not to unleash its leakage further. That spot is the site where the disgusting byproduct flows. Did we forget that the Azoz Mound is a front for the Azogi Tunnels, where they create beasts and monsters by defiling the earth? They spill the seed of Thot into the ground and rape the lands, and from that unholy matrimony is birthed a million infidel creatures. Slay the beasts, dear Yannis! You defile the world and your gods, you hurt your families and your peoples. Pray for the end of days that is coming to the Azobio. Oh I will be pleasured on that day. When the divine heavens have had enough, and are fed up by the transgressions of the Azozi. They have become so consumed by greed and malice, that their mound will fill to the brim. That vile place will become so heavy it will sink into the ground and collapse, and that is how the city will come to be destroyed. Do not foret, below that mound are the unholy fires of the caverns. There are miles of dark chasms, lit only by the fires of the Thotite machinery. They churn out beings for war to enslave and harm others. Those fires are fed by their greed and malice, and it powers their outlandish machinations. That cavern will be extinguished when the mound collapses. It will perfectly consume that underground land and destroy both. There will be no survivors who are unholy, and no one with evil in their hearts left. When the great and just war began I was saluting our proud Holy Men with tears in my eyes. The days are finally coming. Soon we will be free, and it makes me so happy for the future generations. Glory to Yannis.
- My name is Jil, I am a pretty normal man. Every day I wake up in my bed and open my eyes. Then I pivot out of my bed and stand up. My bones are aching and I stretch. Then I yawn. Next I like to put on my clothes, and I pull my clothes onto my body. But alas, I am a Priest of Jiff. So I put on my sandwich costume. Oh alas, Brother Mayo will surely smack me with the Disciple Baguette if I don’t hurry along. I run to the garden to pick my lettuce and tomatoes, until my bag is full. I run to the monastery, as people stare at my unathletic body. I enter the meeting room of the monastery. Father Jiff looks at me. Praise this Foot Long he says, and he unsheathed his sandwich. I kiss the crust. It’s a little damp from everyone else’s saliva. I spent the rest of the morning spreading the holy jam across the fresh loaves. Oh how I hate the taste of the nut butter, but as a Nut Boy I must gargle and mix the nuts, all while praying the holy words. Nelrimini Nelrimini, give me the nutatini. All the brothers were watching me and noticed I was getting sick. I have to start dancing the Nut Dance so they don’t get suspicious. I begin to sing, “Huisang gave us that peanutty thang. Gave us the juice to ease our pain.” The brothers raise their eyebrows because I am not dancing hard enough. “Praise the Salomi, give me the cheese, give us something good to eat.” Finally they let me go, but I am assigned to drizzle duty for the rest of the day. I gingerly spill that white sauce across the bread, rocking side to side, and getting my hips into it. The little squirts create a nice rhythm. Maybe life as a Jiffer isn’t so bad, I think. No, it’s horrible, When we are done for the day the boss writes to the head of the monastery that, “we continue to research the perfect sandwich”. When I’m walking home it’s dark outside. I walk all alone because I have no friends. My sandwich costume is covered in filth and sweat. When the war began I secretly prayed that a Yannian crossbow bolt would fly through the window at the monastery and blow out my brains. Spill my blood across the wheat bread like fresh ketchup. Everyday all we ever do is research the perfect sandwich. Day in and day out, we search for the perfect sandwich. I’m so sick and tired of this horrible life. The Yannians are invading the city and everyone else is panicking. They run to the monastery for protection, and at least that gives us something new to do.
- Thīvœga: 3,000 troops are sent south to aid the HTAK against the savages of the south (which will be written below). Rovthk II dies, and Zhayvshk I Bhroual takes the throne. Elephants become much more useful, becoming mounts for war and lifting heavy objects. These are used to lift fallen trees off of people’s houses and repair the dams. The population continues to grow. Expansion eastward continues, and exploration continues east and west. Rural areas grow. Trade agreements makes trade with Qera flower, and the Teniukal Republic is also traded with. War preparations begin, with many being trained in the military. An instrument like a Dhol is introduced,
- Heshahl Thīvœga: The raids from the neighboring tribes must be put to a stop, as well as the menace of Namdeon. The raids from Thīvœga actually had a purpose; take the payment Thiasi II dies during the raids childless, leading to intervention by the Yithït, Zhayvshk I Bhroual. He gives the throne to Thiasi's nephew, Ayoukal. Settlers are now armed with oil pots when settling lands to assure no peasant can raid them. All women are required to have men capable of driving off natives by their side. A group of 3,000 men from the mainland and 1,000 from the colony come to form the Heshahl Thīvœ Liberation Army, or the HTAK (the AK stands for the Ayvakr spellings of Liberation Army). This is made up of approximately 100 war elephants, 400 cavalry, 500 pikemen, and 3,000 infantry. The HTAK, led by Ayoukal, goes out and hunts the natives of the lands in an organized yet flexible action. Ayoukal is seen as one of the best military minds of the century, and passed this traits onto his sons; he would also serve as a general in upcoming wars. The HTAK leads an attack on the natives of the area, but due to the raids they carried out, cannot be subject to Thīvœ mercy, and the natives who attacked the colony are enslaved. Namdeon is not declared war on yet, although preparations start. The colony grows, as do rural areas.
- Zelonuma Emiresq: Forces in the Valun region begin a guerrilla campaign. They use the mountainous terrain to hide and raid the Mouri armies, while also razing settlements and disrupting trade. Weapons continue to trickle into the hands of rebels, who hunt the Ulmian/Mouri supporters of the Valun region. Ships are also used to raid the coasts around Eskaladun, using mostly captured ships or ships from Isimandia. A number of secret bases become the havens for these raiders, where loot is consolidated and then shipped north. The army of the Zelonuma Emiresq focuses its efforts in the north to protect the coastline. Having trapped the invading army to the river region, armies now approach from three cities to surround them, while smaller armies remain dispersed all throughout the coastline. Our ships regroup and raid their supply lines and reinforcements, trying to lure their army away from the coast. People across the nation are very surprised at the boldness of the pirates suddenly, and it seems that the Mouri have truly come for pure and utter annihilation, for their sadistic pleasure. People remember how the Mouri genocided Darna and Agelmur, and they are hardened to fight back at any cost. The nation looks for allies from around the region to join against the sudden aggression. Tesardya is approached, and they are asked to lend their army and navy toward attacking the Mouri Empire, as when the Mouri came for Tesardya, it was the Zelonuma Emiresq that supported them.
- Mesallian Culture: After the Orunamids were decisively defeated in battle, the Syresian government issued a series of strict peace terms, which crippled the remaining state. A large amount of territory would be ceded to states such as Zoramvera and other Mesallian colonies. Partially as a result of the war the Orunamids would collapse. In their place, a civil war began between various generals and governors, and from this power vacuum a northern kingdom would be established centered around the city of Tamsebe, located on the northern coast of the nation. In the south another kingdom would eventually be formed, known as Yamoussoca, which remained highly dependent on the nation of Syres for support and protection. After the fall of the Orunamids, the Syresians would begin a period of increased colonization and interest in the east. Several colonies would be established in the region that planted Syresians among the people of the region. Military fortifications would also be constructed, officially to aid the Mesallian nations in defense should the north attempt another invasion. A permanent garrison of soldiers was introduced, who in peacetime worked to construct the first road systems across the region, similar to the roads already in place in Syresian direct territory. The nation of Edom would continue its colonization and rebuilding of the south, intermingling the northern Edomite population with the southern population. The Meran River would further be subdivided in the south, with Edomite families being moved to the river region to form traditional provinces. Several new settlements would be planned by the Edomite government, with many serving as new provincial capitals, while elsewhere already existing cities were used for such capitals. Both east and west of the government’s territory, Apirun tribes would be integrated into the nation, as the nation pushed to control the oases and trade routes of the south.
- O'leai Culture: On the islands known to the people as the Leai, the Uani people live. A peaceful and agreeable who live together in harmony, they worship a goddess of both fertility and love, and their way of worship is what others would refer to as the pleasures of the flesh. The islands they live on are ruled by a Jui or a prince, and the biggest island has multiple Juis. The look for guidance in the form of the Ua'Jui, what many people would refer to as a king but in actuality holds more of a religious connotation. The Current Ua'Jui is Aui Ja from the Parrot Juis of the land of Muina. Upon the death of an Ua'Jui the Juis shall travel to the Holy City of Imui to select a new one. The islands grow many fruits on them but have very little in terms of livestock. The Juis on the big island begin to expand their lands into new territories to bring further wealth and food. They are able travellers and sailors having made their way across the seas according to their legends thousands of years ago. The Juis generally live in a palace surrounded by a city or town, in turn surrounded by the farmlands. Young men and to some extent women of the Uani people will undergo a passing of age ceremony in which they will use the wayfaring and sailing skills they learn to embark on expeditions to find new lands and in some cases, settle on. In these years these explorers set out to explorer the surrounding seas, and a census is ordered of the worshippers by the Ua'Jui.
- Sillan Republic: Despite the numerous tactical victories achieved by Sillans in the “Western War”, none of them were decisive victories and has remained largely a stalemate. Thus, following the death of Empress Agusta, the newly-elected Empress Mariana – in order to prevent even more human losses in a conflict with no clear benefits to the Imperial Republic, and to comply with Exhulan desires for peace – decided to withdraw entirely from southern Tohatia and the Ettytian Coast. This incurred substantial criticism from the Board of Trustees (the upper house of the State Council), as well as from the strongly anti-Yannian Ulmist population. Despite this, Mariana continued Agusta’s policy of militarism and continued to finance the augmentation of the Sillan military-industrial complex. In addition, she affirmed the primacy of the Commission of Defense (over that of the other six Commissions) by rendering the Lower Council (the lower house of the State Council) to a mere advisory body; which had prevented them from vetoing the desires of the Empress and giving the latter near-absolute power. In order to deter public unrest and scrutiny, Empress Mariana diverted public attention to the “Western Problem” and “Eastern Problem” (referring to Teninukal and the Makuku rump state, respectively). As a solution to them, Empress Mariana commences the conquest of both. Despite recent wars, Sillan high culture continued to flourish. Aside from the revival in the production of artistic ceramics (such as glassware and porcelaneous wares) and large-scale sculpture (with increasingly complex compositions and varied themes); brocades, which had been previously used only in important rites and ceremonies, became the de facto standard dress of the upper classes. In addition, clothing became increasingly loose, with the wearing of multiple articles of clothing (often made of light fabric, such as fine cotton) becoming increasingly common. Influenced by the Martyrdom of Raul, many Cixian devotees become itinerant preachers as a proof of their faith. This also coincides with the establishment of the first (unofficial) monasteries, often functioning as centers of education and as hospices (providing medical services to the poor). These nuns or monks (under the jurisdiction of the abbess or abbot, respectively) dedicate their life to works of mercy and works of piety – although unlike in Orthodox tradition, they are allowed to be married and bear children. The Martyrdom of Raul ends the Apostolic Age, and the beginning of early Cixism – marked by increasing distinction between Ulmism and Cixism, a unified theology centered around the worship of Cixi as the incarnation of God, the harsh criticism and rejection of Ulmist law and rites (considered to be influences from Azoz), and the spread of Cixism to all areas of the Sillan Empire (it was estimated that in 850, ~4.9% of the population were Cixian; compared to ~30% being Ulmist).
- Telachitul Republic: Niise withdraws his army from Agunda, keeping only a small force of 1,000 Telachitul troops in the capital to ensure loyalty. Distressed by the unfortunate circumstances some of our allies went through during the war, aid is sent, including various republican manufactured goods, and more crucially, food and supplies to restart agriculture. we try to pay off any allied tribes that continue to be unruly, and announce no person who is not a citizen will have to fight in the near future, except to defend. All the other activity from the previous post continues (minus the stuff that was only relevant to the war).
- Telanouio (Agunda): After the war, the king works to stabilize the country, using Telachitul resources to restart farming. The Telachitul religion starts to spread via missionaries, with a temple built in Agunda. The king of Agunda works to secure the loyalty of the majority of his tribal allies, but focuses on securing Agunda itself and its core allies, letting the ones farthest north go their own path, but maintaining trade.
- Khin Confederation: Following the huge growth in territory and population after the conquest of Valun, the previous administration based off the Great Hunt proved to be overextended, as smaller clans, led by warlords, has split off from the main Khin camp in the lakes. Following incursions into the lakes of Khin by the Zelonuma Emiresq, several warlords had viewed the Zelonuma incursions into the lakes as an attack upon Khin, and has reacted by launching several raids on the Zelonuma. As tensions slowly escalate, the Chanri Jangah has declared the Zelonuma as an enemy host on the steppes, an affront to Than. The riders of Khin mobiliz, while hundreds of raids upon Zelonuma supply lines are made.
- Beraba: Lont IX is declared an enemy of the state for inciting rebellion in Gahren and ordered to present himself in the High Court in Ngaoudera. Until then, he is labeled as a fugitive. The remaining princes on the Princely Council name a prominent general named Okemos as the High Commander of the Beraban military. Okemos is known for his wise and decisive military actions, supported by a group of Tangakwunu scholars to advise him on military tactics, history, etc. Allsid is used as a staging ground to assemble an army to retake Gahren. A group of 30,000 soldiers total are assembled by Okemos and divided into two groups, one that will sail north in the fleet of new Beraban warships, and one that will march north along the Salt Road. For the first time, the Beraban military utilizes armored mounted units and chariot units that are theorized to give them a distinct advantage in battle. As they make their way north, the soldiers are instructed to spare any cities or towns that will fly the red banner of Beraba and swear loyalty to the nation of Beraba. They quickly retake some small border towns before they encounter any significant resistance. The Beraban supply lines along the Salt Road are heavily guarded the farther north into Gahren the army pushes. The fleet of Beraban warships are tasked with retaking the harbors and ports in the rebelling regions, seizing any Beraban-made ships not flying the red banner of Beraba, and preventing any ships from entering those waters. Ships from other nations are directed to ports in Allsid and Ibramos. Captured ships are sent down the coast as well. This blockade strangles the local economies of the rebelling regions, which depend on trade. Ambassadors are sent to Qaryaat to reaffirm the border agreements and the peace between the two nations.
If you have not posted in the previous turn yet, you may still do so. After the monastery at Mount Atnos is restored, Ulm-sponsored institutions grow on the island of Atnosia. Remembering the violent wars of the past century, a Yannian lynch mob assembles to storm the monastery. A monk known as Glocus the Quiet takes it upon himself to arm the small Ulmian population and its supporters, successfully beating back an initial attack on Mount Atnos. The monastery becomes the center of Glocus’ military operations, from which he launches missions of sabotage and plunder across the island, much to the dismay of the original Ulmian monks.
An eastern warlord known as Vuuacud crosses the mountains into the remnant of the Paotualma Empire. Discovering the lands lack a true central authority, he slays the last nominal emperor, and crowns himself ruler of the Badamate of Narai, after the city in which the Paotualma emperor fell, located in the center of the nation. He brings with him many eastern practices, such as the use of a plant known as mecom (opium) for religious ceremonies. The plant quickly spreads to parts of the Eldebethias region for use in religion and as medicine.
A Khin leader known as Xuoshundon breaks off from the federation and leads his own horde. His followers, known as the Dian, conquer the plains of the north, and begin attacking the Zelonuma Emiresq and southern Isimandia heavily. People from the Mouri Empire are likewise attacked in the region.
The invasion by the Mouri Empire of the Zelonuma installations in the southern Valun region results in a decisive Mouri victory. The Mouri suffer 8,900 casualties, the Zelonuma suffer 10,450 casualties, and the Valun suffer 4,990 casualties. At the Valun capital however, located in the mountains north of the Eskaladun lake, the Valun successfully repulse the Mouri from taking the city. The Mouri suffer 12,540 casualties, the Zelonuma suffer 8,880 casualties, and the Valun suffer 8,410 casualties.
The battle between the Zelonuma Emiresq and the Mouri Empire in the far north results in a Mouri defeat. The Zelonuma suffer 12,450 casualties, while the Mouri suffer 20,100 casualties.
Despite the Exhulan-Tohatian War coming to a close, Qera’s desert traders turned spies come under attack from former desert mercenaries hired by Tohatia, especially after they become low on funds from lack of payment, and low on supplies from famine along the Ettyian Coast. A band of nomads under the command of Yecuscu leads a group to attack the Qerans, and they meet at the Oasis of Oculyehtu, located northeast of the lone desert mountain. The Qerans achieve victory, killing 565 attackers, while suffering 301 casualties.
The army of Thīvœga successfully defeats the tribes of the south, pushing them away from Heshahl Thīvœga. Many of the colonists enact harsh punishment against the tribes, slaughtering hundreds of civilians and razing villages. The nation of Thīvœga and its colony suffers a total of 850 casualties.
Despite the rest of the Irian kingdom having fallen to the Hythians, Xenicetes remains at large and in command of a small band of followers in the mountains. He becomes a folk hero, killing Hythian settlers and traders, and giving his richest to the poor Irians of the region.
Okemos proves to be a highly skilled military commander, successfully defeating Lont IX in a decisive battle in northern Gahren. The battle proves costly, resulting in 8,950 casualties for the Berabans and 15,000 casualties for the Gahrenese, but it effectively ends the civil war. With his popularity soaring, there is talk among his supporters that Okemos should restore order in Ngaoudera as well, by marching his army toward the capital city.
During the Sillan invasion of Makuku, a general named Rukuanalani is appointed head of the military. Although the Sillans successfully capture up to the second river, at the Battle of Nahalu the Makuku successfully defend the crossing. The Sillans suffer 12,550 casualties, while the Makuku suffer 9,170 casualties.
The southern invasion of Teninukal results in a decisive Sillan victory, with the Sillans advancing through the southern one-half of the country. The Sillans suffer 13,550 casualties, while Teninukal suffers 20,000 casualties. In the north, the forces of Teninukal under the command of Yakunalam manage to beat back the Sillans east of the capital. The Sillans suffer 17,030 casualties, while Teninukal suffers 11,900 casualties.
The nations of Teninukal and Makuku request help against the Sillans from the neighbors, sending requests to Beraba, Exhula, and Qera.
- Tsardom of Algeorgia: The tsarina reaches a breakthrough in her botany studies when she one day discovers a black-colored flower growing in the total darkness. After several tests it is determined that instead of growing with sunlight this flower can only grow in darkness. The tsarina names this flower Borisda. The flower is planted in a total dark room in the Sky Tower. The tsarina also discovers that this flower can help heal wounds if you put its petals on the wound and tie them there. The tsarina's physician begins the first drawing of the human body and calls it anatomy.
- Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 538-547 Since the Return of Hythus. Emperor Jyntus, having successfully secured most of the Irian region launches a campaign to subdue the people and integrate the province. To counter the Irian resistance fighters a massive deportation policy is established. Entire towns are moved across the empire by a corps of 4,000 troops. This group forces small towns to relocated, and by the end of the decade has moved 40,000 Irians north and east to other towns, cities, and settlements in the Empire. A large number are forcibly relocated to the small walled settlements in the Irian region. Imperial governors are then installed in these new cities, and the rights of the cities are fomalized. In total, five cities are established, one on the coast, two along the river, and another two on the lakes in the west. The drastic depopulation of the territory weakens the Irian resistance greatly as their source of food and supplies comes from these outlying villages. Other soldiers are deployed to surround and extinguish the mountain strongholds, cutting any chance of supply between the isolated peaks, and forcing some groups of Irians to surrender for want of food. A further group is sent to firmly secure the southern frontier to prevent aid from the south. Xenicetes is kept isolated to the lightly populated mountains in the far south where there is little he can do to stop the integration of the region. The Iron Bank of Hythia develops into the largest regional lender with loans to thousands of merchants across Hythia and the Jyazradid Kingdom. Agricultural production increases due to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition. The policy of land-grants is re-instituted and settlement of the south accelerates. Dozens of small cities and towns spring up across the south, located near the natural springs and minor streams that dot the landscape. Networks of roads are constructed as the settlers go, linking together these settlements and spreading administrative institutions as they go. Mecom is brought to the empire from the vassals of the Eldebethias region. Its production and consumption in the empire is promptly banned, but the empire's vassals continue producing it for sale abroad and for use in religious ceremonies. The crop becomes a significant export from the nations, facilitated by the Imperial trade network. The missionaries of the Church of Hythus in the Drakan Empire expand their presence in the north, establishing missions in the hinterland around the city of Gondreium.
- Ffanet of Afmwir: In the 70th year of the Athmwir's rule (861), trade between Afmwir and Nurchacan (Nura Gakan) continues to go on strongly. In the 72nd year, explorers are sent far north by ship in the Narrow Sea and far southwest on the coast of Mwir, looking for the Holy Mountain (100 px). In Drawcicheld, and Rhyfthan on Lake Hinruch, two temples dedicated to the twin-shield brothers Stwndarh and Zwnfar are built, as well as two markets. Both cities also build river harbors. The explorers return home in the 74th year. In Mercydd, a barrow for the Athmwir is born in the 70th year and mathematics are explored in the Temple-Library of Chermois-Myr, while in Ddenstwirh, the harbor is expanded and the movement of the corpses of the gods are further explored in the Temple-School of Swliann. Due to the large expansion of the country, taxes are raised by Ffan Richa, angering both nobles and peasants. In the 76th year (867), more settlers are sent both downriver by Ffan Richa Fwlgryff to expand the country, but also to the plains north of the country surrounded by the Iuryll mountains and to the Cyrdd river south of Mercydd. Wheat, rye and barley are continued to be produced, along with spicy horseradish (named ffeisaf). Cows, honeybees and sheep are raised for meat, milk, honey and wool. Ffeisaf, Afmwirian ale and mead, as well as other products are traded with Nurchacan (Nura Gakan). More watermills are being built along the waterways, and more villages develop along the Chffith.
- Mouri Empire: Chusiang ensured the incorporation of the Later Valun kingdom into the Empire, but did not directly annex the territory right away. Rather he instituted a new Valun monarch, being the son of the emperor from an Eskaladun princess, to act as a vassal to the empire briefly. Chusiang failed initially to seize the capital, so instead he coordinated the military to blockade all entrances, severing the water supply and besiege capital passively until the city is starved out. This campaign also called in aid from our ally the Khin confederation, offering them considerable amount of money as well as any loot they capture from the Darnans in exchange for their military support. This was particularly the case for Xuoshundon, who was likewise offered territorial concessions for his own. In the north, as the invasion force was pulled out of the coast from the Emiresq, the navy pushed to seize control over two small islands near the coast. The military occupying these islands would set up fortifications, both land and naval, to ensure a permanent military outpost near the Emiresq territory. In the far east, Ulmian monks set up local educational Reductions in both Bangelor and Phorintheon. This was especially focused on in Phorintheon, as a means to pacify the aggressive Atnosian population and prevent religious extremism. In fact, a couple Reductions were strategically placed on mountain passes between Yannian and Ulmian communities. However, this act of liberality had an immediate backlash. Glocus the Silent. being a monk recently consecrated, sought to create a new Ulmian theology as a blend with the local Atnosian culture, attempting to redirect the brutality of the pagan Atnosian religion toward the common goal of destroying Drokksid. This "Atnosian school", although widely disregarded by the more orthodox Ulmian theologians, managed to persist on the island and surrounding area for a surprisingly long time. In the far west, The Garran navy begins making longer, experimental voyages to the western ocean, extending a few hundred miles west of Ioximander-Farthest. Some new technologies produced in the Great Library of Azoz continued to make longer voyages possible, such as the magnetic compass and astrolab at this time. As paper-making becomes more prevalent in the Library of Azoz, a new form of literature begins to emerge as well. The "Faramoori" (Little Scriptures) was a reduced, summarized version of the Nelrimic scriptures, including both the canonical books and works of spiritual guidance. From manuscripts of Faramoori found across the western hemisphere, as far flung as Syres, Emalia, Temayal and Atnosia, they were heavily modified or rewritten to best meld with each indigenous culture, as well as different sects of Ulm. It is a common misconception that this was meant for children, as literacy was still much lower at this time period than in more modern times. Rather, it was meant for public readings and sermons, to be read to more illiterate classes of society like peasants and laborers. Bees, having been domesticated in Azoz for many years at this point, are utilized more extensively at this point for the procurement of honey. The Emperor Roenth extends general congratulations to the Edomite monarchy for their success in the south to recolonize their former homeland, sending a classical art marble statue of Queen Evanmetra the Elder as a gift. We likewise extend our offer of a marriage between Prince Taulut and the Queen's daughter.
- Qera: The end of the war results in many destroyed families and dead men, but the battles themselves served the high command of the army to improve their tactics and especially logistics. After this devastating war, a census is ordered to see how man people are still left and how this will affect the economy (CENSUS, PLEASE) The state buys 3,000 dromedaries to set up a proper communication and logistics network. The small army that is left on the Ettiyan Coast is called back to Qera, their commander Yecuscu, or Yeâscâ in some scripts, is promoted and set up as the new governor of the Qerzatlahe, additionally he is granted a large portion of the southern navy by Princess Zoen I. As he is a commoner who rose up the ranks in the military, his clan-name was used and was different. His official name is now Yecâscâ Qeagxa Ixqerzatlahe, meaning Yecâscâ of the Qeagxa(-tyg) in Qerzatlahe. The last part of the title is added to make clear that not everyone of the clan is considered a noble (even though many clans posess huge economic power. Trade with Ccekaea (Thïgæ) continues and bring also huge amounts of gold and silver to the treasuries. The neigboring nation of Genda to the south sinks farther and farther into irrelevancy and Qera looks to secure its influence over it. SECRET Spies and assassins are sent there to cause a succession crisis by killing the kings and the oldest son, while providing them with information of each other to start polarize the nobles there. (MOD RESPONSE ON SUCCESS) END SECRET. The cultivation of fish, spices and grains continue, as well as the mass exploitation of precious metals like copper, iron and silver. the expansion around the Qerzatlahe continues, when a small trading outpost is founded at the bulge just to the southwest to the islands. The settlement there is called Uoqotltzija, place of the blue forest. From here, easier trade access to nations more inland shall be encouraged. To find new trading partners, an envoy is sent 100 px along the coast to the south. More settlers flock to the colony to the west, with some 200 new families settling there.
- Mesallian Culture: After the conquest of Susanylon, the Water Merchants established a headquarters in Old Elam, which was a poorer neighborhood outside the ancient capital, originally founded by people living just outside the city walls. Under the command of Water Tyrant Acua’al Ruun, the organization negotiated to oversee major contracts from the state government, profiting greatly from the reconstruction of the city. While also profiting from the operation, the Water Merchants under Acua’al Ruun were highly charitable to the native population. This helped ease the order into southern life more easily, and created a generation of supporters. Soon after, the Water Merchants began regular trade missions in the east as far as the Shemia region, taking advantage of Edomite control over the eastern oases. Secretly the organization desired to expand to the lake of the south, which was known as Yeyubanule by the locals of Susanylon. For the southerners the lake was the center of local society, and at the center of their religious practices. Despite the fall of Susanylon and the growing reputation of the Water Merchants, the locals of Yeyubanule still vehemently tried to prevent any foreigners from traveling to the south. The people of the lake began organizing armed bands that attacked the northerners on sight, leading to a period of conflict in the region. In the western mountains the Lementarians were gaining strength as well. After the war with Edom, many southerners flocked to the city of Siabinaces, which remained a secret haven outside the watch of the government. By this time the city of Leviea had been independent and defiant for a century, remaining a city-state island completely surrounded by the ocean of Edom. The city had refused to recognize the either the King of Ephenus or the Maleka of Edom, after the Kingdom of Sephimora, and the city remained independent after the remains of Sephimora were conquered. Just as it had before in other times of chaos and uncertainty, the city kept its gates locked until a worthy king would arrive, but by this time the city had been left alone longer than ever before. The Maleka of Edom, having defeated Ephenus to secure most of the kingdom, begrudgingly left Leviea alone, considering the cost of assaulting it too great. Despite this political isolation, the city became an important trade city between the coastal cities and the interior, as well as a popular destination for Enulmian travelers. The Kingdom of Ephenus came to be ruled by Haliecles VI, who threatened the careful balance of states in the Emalia region. During a minor war between Gabatria and Meshwati, originally beginning from a trade dispute, Ephenus suddenly invaded Gabatria. Having subjugated Gabatria by the fourth year of the 163rd Jafiad (Year 863), Ephenus next turned its attention toward invading Edom, planning to regain the region of Sephimora fully. The following year Haliecles VI crossed the border, but he first turned toward Leviea, which he intended to use as a base for resupply to begin his war. Edom was highly unprepared for battle, but the city of Leviea managed to resist the siege until Edom’s army arrived. Haliecles VI would suffer a major defeat, and out of gratitude the city of Leviea increased its cooperation with the nation of Edom going forward. This renewed war between the two powers ended disastrously for Ephenus, with Haliecles VI dying in battle in the year of the 167th Jafiad (Year 868). The Kingdom of Ephenus would be dissolved and annexed to Edom’s empire, which allowed the nation to reach its greatest extent. Gabatria would revolt away from the empire only a few years later, while Edom would be constantly fighting to ensure ownership over the Ema Delta. In the year of the 164th Jafiad (Year 864), a war broke out between Syres and Erasidon, which was motivated by the Kingdom of Erasidon again attempting to extend its influence over Syresian allies. During the breakup of the Orumanids, Erasidon also attempted to seize territory in the north. This prompted Syres to deploy an army to the Gudumanes for the first time. As a result of the war, the state of Sericolis would be stripped from Erasidon’s sphere of influence.
- Thīvœga: Two new provinces are introduced to the Imperial Federation of Thīvœga; the province of Northern Athourazi and Heshahl Thīvœga, both of which became provinces after being classified as territory. Zhayvshk I Bhroual continues his reign, making grand projects such as the “Grand Canal” (Construction on the Grand Canal began in the fifth century BCE, although it was linked up during the Song Dynasty). The floods, although devastating, brings fertile land farther inland, leading to more inland settlement. An urban city is settled in the north, along the river. Troops are sent south to fight Namdeon, but some are withheld to make sure that the southern islands are not attacked by Gesan, who may intervene on either side, to gain land from Namdeon (as they fought against them already) or Thīvœga. Some are also kept on the Sonaredar border to ensure no intervention. Overall, 6,000 men are sent south, with 1,000 guarding the southern islands (as they are aided by the channel, a form of defense), and 2500 on the border with Sonaredar. All men fighting are promised lands in the south if the invasion is successful.
- Heshahl Thīvœga: The barbarian outpost has been cleared, and all settlers may live in peace. They raid the Aumsbekœ (a shortened demonym for Heshahl Thīvœ, meaning southerners), the Aumsbekœ raid them. They burn Aumsbekœ settlements, Aumsbekœ burn their settlements. This is a warning to all natives in the region; adapt and integrate, or share the same fate of the raiders who dare oppose the rule of Thīvœga. Expansion continues into the areas where the raiders once lived. Now to deal with the real culprit, Namdeon. The HTAK, with a mix of veterans and new recruits, has a total of 7,500 men (1,500 from the colony plus 6,000 from the north), and all of them are promised farming land either to sell or settle if they win the war. An invasion to punish Namdeon for aiding attacks on the settlement is instated. The HTAK soldiers are told to enslave all non-cooperating people (and kill if they attempt to kill), but leave the farmers who do cooperate at a small cost of some food to sustain the army, which a better alternative to being dead. If they don't have any crops, like if they weren't farmers or their crops did not grow enough, they could “pay” in service time rather than food, in which they would be sent to a veteran “patron” who would make sure they would not rebel, but train them if they had no military background, making them more effective. If they chose to stay in the army after their “pay” was up, they would be paid the normal wages.
- Friorian Culture: The period of inter-culture wars continues until it abruptly ends with the total collapse of the Late Friorian Culture. The culture divides into numerous states as an unknown reason completely ends everything. The dark ages continue to live within the region. The city-state colonies expand in size before becoming sovereign states. Many historians, looking back at this period, are often able to only find religious sources of data, but it is unknown generally speaking.
- Yannian Culture: The nation of Nazecula became the dominant force in the Yannian region after the fall of the old empire, and the proceeding kingdoms that followed. In the absence of the Anointed One, then foretold by the Yannians as a future messianic event in the scriptures, Nazecula’s ruler, named Veranec’lutua, took the title of king, and set about crushing the last resistance in the east, up to the border with Ocenis. After his coronation, he controlled the center hubs of the Yannian highway system, effectively granting him control over communication and trade over land through the continent. The capital at Nazecula became served by two bridges, one in the north and one in the west. The city was linked to the existing highways, as the northern edge of the city touched the cities of the Baumak’nasum region. Although a less prestigious region of the Yannis Empire, that province would form the backbone of Xbalan’s kingdom, supplying the city with early manpower and agriculture. East of the province were the four strategically important cities of Xanuys, Sihyajna-Vis, Xba’kalmul, and Qec’yuhac, which were highly populated and important in the old empire. The south even moreso, with the city of Oaximayal being one of the largest in the entire empire. Both Bissogavi and Hosho’nantec, in the south and east respectively, came to voluntarily join the kingdom after stability appeared at an all time low. The conquest of the Soloney River would be one of the more devastating of the period, with Xbalan seizing Yagothna-vis in the twelve years into the king’s reign. Before attention could be turned elsewhere, Veranec’lutua would look toward Ocenis, which posed the largest threat to his kingdom’s stability. The loss of the Gon’hanphan Delta had been a major blow to the power of the west, and the east shifted its attention toward solidifying control over that highly productive and populous province. The ruler of Ocenis, Eons’tulcan II, positioned himself at Sinsedel’locnon, a mere 50 miles from the ancient capital, and in position over one of the most settled regions of the empire. Because of this, Veranec’lutua prepared an invasion, and he would personally march with an army east toward Yuyshan. At that site over 800 years ago, a great man was slain by the Burned Men of legend, and the priests of Nyghesecan had purified the lands through their mourning rituals. When he arrived at the site, now on the outskirts of a major city, he ordered 200 priests to visit the ruins and bless the fallen. The king’s army continued south along the river, hoping to trap the Ocenian on two sides, and a detachment crossed the river toward Kuscisiwa, opening a third front. Having been caught by surprise, Ocenis would suffer a major defeat, which slowly began to undo the advances they had made over the last decade. After five years the border was extended up to the Gon’hanphan, and with the eastern flank secured, the king focused on the west as well. The nation of Dijunga became a prominent ally and trader to the the nation, due partially to its proximity to the capital. In the nation of Acemia, under Acymezec III, the capital was moved to the city of Bangor from Obtus. After sending forces to aid Tohatia, the nation returned its forces and began improving its military from lessons learned in warfare. The navy particularly saw expansion, after the king credited a lack of innovation for defeats off the coast of Irrosia. The island nation would continue to have one of the largest navies in the region, especially as it controlled the straits into the east. The nation would continue its policy of highly taxing goods through the straits, and also confiscating possessions from clearly militant Ulmians, leading to anger from some neighbors, but massive profits to fund the navy’s expansion. In the north the nation would be highly influential in the southern Ocenian cities, as well as the island of Ouayi. Through the intervention of the king’s father, the Narrowman, the islands had successfully married into Ometoc-vis and Quamocten, which unified formally with the regions of the west after the Planeswalker War. Despite his defeat in the war, the Planeswalker did not relinquish his desires to unify the south. During a later war against the Great Lakes, the Planeswalker would launch an invasion against the east once more. The King of Temayal, meanwhile, launched an invasion of the rival Lyania, hoping to pacify the west once more after the fall of Ephenus. The Yannian culture would undergo many religious changes during the era. Despite being polytheistic in nature, traditional Yannian texts predating even the Yannis Empire, such as the Nis, describe the nature in which all matter, energy, and divinity can collectively form “God”, whereas gods manifest themselves from equal and opposite amounts of such collectiveness. After the fall of the Yannis Empire, the focus on the broader “God” seems to have taken supremacy in many states, albeit with there being little animosity toward worshipping individual elements of the cosmos through a multitude of deities. The invasion of Neum is largely understood by historians through the lens of the greater Yanno-Azozian conflicts, as centuries of conflict had existed already between the Yannis Empire and the various Azozian states, with Neum being a popular target for such attacks. The branch of the Yannian faith most closely associated with being anti-Azozian is Vathomanism, of which the famous “King Thot” mythology originates from. The Vathomanists firmly believed in key topics such as the “Rebellium”, i.e., a region that has no government and is primitive in nature, and more specifically is in “rebellion” from the edicts of the Anointed One, of which the Azozians constituted. They likely would have interpreted the invasion of Neum as a purely zealous crusade, as it was deemed the “mouth of sewage” from which the corruption of Azoz literally and metaphorically flows. However, most historians view the invasion through the lens of Zodepatists, which was a sect of the Yannian religion fully enmeshed in the singularity worship of the Yannian cosmos being. The sect was heavily entwined with the fall of the Yannis Empire, as it had been foretold, through a multitude of prophets, that the fall would lead to the creation of two Anointed Ones, from which the future messianic king and his state would emerge. With both of these sects prevalent, it would not be hard to encourage a general attack against the Azozians. It becomes clear that the “crusade” called to this end was largely unprepared to be so miraculously victorious. As the priests of the Yannians encouraged the “uprooting of corruption” and the “return to God’s promise”, i.e., a general renewal of ancient religious laws and customs, the kingdom’s governance fell into the hands of a series of strongmen, who had led the war in some capacity. The de jure king of the city, the infamous Bannerman, contended with influences from Azoz and beyond. According to the Zodepatist chronicles, the Bannerman eventually found himself committing the same religious crimes the Neumites had endured; welcoming idols from Azoz and Mesallas into the city. Later he would also marry a non-Yannian woman in the city who was the widow of the Azozian general that he had defeated, and he would be chased out of the city by his former supporters, and left hiding in the woods. According to these accounts he would reenter the city, but his sons were discovered dead by the rebellion. Neum then came to pass to the strongest “Nomons” of the crusade, and any other governors strong enough to assert control. The city of Salarinos, conquered by the invaders, clashed with the Azozian city of Igounematis, the Neumite Nomons of Tuatha, and other Mesallian claimants. In this chaos, the prophets communicated that the kingdom will fall into disrepair until the city had become ritually pure. The city patiently waited for God’s judgment against Azoz, and for the birth of the Anointed Ones.
- Exhulan Empire: With the end of the Exhulan-Toahita war and the successful conquest of Irrosia, we turn our attention to addressing the famine on the Ettyian Coast and repairing the Empire after the war. With the return of the majority of the army to their homes, including the Ettyian Coast, food production goes up much more as they are able to return to farming and food production. Because of this, and the grain supplies from Qera, the famine comes to an end by 863 and we are able to focus once more on other things. For example, now that Irrosia has been reconquered and is firmly in our hands, we begin resetting thousands of ethnic Irrosians people who lived in the Empire and who were often defended from people who fled the archipelago when it was invaded by Yannis all those years ago. These Exhulan speaking, Hcctaal practicing Irrosians become the new ruling class of Irrosia as it is much more firmly integrated and directly annexed into the Empire than the former Kingdom Of Irrosia was, with no real autonomy. The large Yannian minority on the islands is treated fairly and not discriminated against, as promised, but most are not in positions of power in the new regime. Finally, the Emperor dies in 867, and his son is crowned as Emperor Syrac I, who begins searching for an Empress and proposes a marriage between himself and one of the current ruler of Qeras fermale relatives, to tie Exhula and Qera even closer together (QERA RESPONSE NEEDED).
- Zelonuma Emiresq: The nation and its allies makes a final push toward defeating the Mouri Empire. Their forces are surrounded and destroyed. We also combat the Khin who are attacking, and hope that the Khin Federation will help us take down the state that rebelled away from them. Forces in the Valun region begin a guerrilla campaign. They use the mountainous terrain to hide and raid the Mouri armies, while also razing settlements and disrupting trade. Weapons continue to trickle into the hands of rebels, who hunt the Ulmian/Mouri supporters of the Valun region. Ships are also used to raid the coasts around Eskaladun, using mostly captured ships or ships from Isimandia. A number of secret bases become the havens for these raiders, where loot is consolidated and then shipped north. The army of the Zelonuma Emiresq focuses its efforts in the north to protect the coastline.
- Beraba: Okemos, returning from his victory in Gahren, marches south toward Ngaoudera, intent on confronting the government that he deems responsible for the conflict. However, on his march, word of the invasion of Teninukal and Makuku arrives. Okemos believes that, while the Beraban system is broken, an attack on their southern neighbors is a greater threat to Beraban sovereignty and way of life, as there would be nothing stopping Sillas from invading Beraba next. He makes a speech that is written and distributed throughout the nation, urging people to remain calm but understand that Sillas is a threat that affects all Berabans. For the conflict in Gahren, Okemos had called a moderate force and left most of the reserves behind in case they were needed. However, for the war with Sillas, he is not as conservative, calling 30,000 soldiers into service, with more to remain in reserve in Beraba to keep the peace and defend the nation if need be. He installs military governors across the nation to restore order. As he marches south, Okemos stops near Cazekorom to warn them that if they do not assist now, Sillas will make a mouthful of Cazekorom and Beraba both in the near future. Envoys are also set to Qaryaat and Qera to seek assistance for the war effort. The Beraban navy sails south, some to protect Beraban ports and the coast, others to harass and blockade the Sillan coast. All trade coming through Beraban ports that is headed toward Sillas is redirected toward Beraban markets or sent back to its port of origin. Okemos marches south and meets with Rukuanalani to discuss a strategy before continuing to meet the Sillan invaders.
- Sillan Republic: The War of Makuku and Teninukal continues. To facilitate communication with the natives, the ethnic Makuku citizens of Silla are sent to serve as scribes and interpreters, and a Makuku to Sillan dictionary is published. Meanwhile, in Finias’ letter to Mariana and the latter’s response to it results in the criminalization of Cixism, as well as the enforcement of the worship of the imperial cult. Whereas orthodox Ulmist must pay a fine for each offense, the Cixians are viewed as an overly-superstitious and dangerous sect and must recant their pledge of fidelity and faith to an official in-order to prove their innocence (receiving certificates – valid for a period of six months – afterward). As Cixian gatherings are thought to be centers of sedition or illicit activities (malicious rumors spread by rival sects), many local governments begin to view Cixism in an increasingly negative light. Meanwhile, arches become more used and there are some advancements in horticulture. (SHORT TURN).
As the Makuku kingdom is invaded by the Sillan Republic, a former nobleman of Makuku named Kuhani takes up residence on the small island south of Cazekorom. He founds the haven of Kuaku, which becomes a popular place for fleeing Makuku citizens, and also becomes a base of operations for sea-based raids around the region.
After the nation of Ocenis is defeated by Xbalan at the Gon’hanphan Delta, the nation of Mizir launches an invasion southward, seizing the region around the city of Sumyala.
The siege of the Valun capital ends in a victory for the Mouri Empire. The entire garrison, and many of the civilian inhabitants of the city, are killed by the invaders. The Mouri suffer a total of 14,340 casualties.
Although the nation of Qera has already annexed Odzebaha, the two states to the west refuse to join the Qerans. After one mysterious assassination occurs, the two states are united into the Kingdom of Babisqa, under the rule of King Solamindi.
The attack against the nation of Namdeon by Thīvœga results in a defeat for Thīvœga, with the nation of Namdeon being aided by famine in the region around Thīvœga’s colony, as well as Vytian support. The nation of Thīvœga suffers 3,900 casualties during its attack. The nation of Vhaynos also increases its military aid to the state, and lends its ships for raids of the southern islands.
The Telachitul Republic largely recovers from its war against Agunda, with its tribal allies having been placated by the peace that followed and the spoils of war. In the far south of the nation, sudden incursions by a tribe known as the Zanibani threaten cities of the region. The region around the southern lake is heavily raided, with captured tribals speaking of a greater threat to the south that spurred the migration.
The Sillans achieve a decisive victory over the nation of Teninukal, prompting the nation to formally surrender. The Sillans suffer 15,400 casualties, while Teninukal suffers 22,140 casualties. In Makuku, the Sillan amphibious attack is beaten back by the army of Rukuanalani, with the Sillans suffering 7,120 casualties, and the Makuku suffering 4,060 casualties. When the Sillans commit their major army northward, Rukuanalani doesn't give battle and instead flees north. The Makuku government elects to surrender, leaving Rukuanalani's army and his supporters rogue in the far north of the nation, north of the prominent lake in the region.
The Berabans arrive in northern Makuku under the command of esteemed general Okemos, and they are joined by a detachment from Cazekorom. At the Battle of Mahua, west of the main lake, the Sillans are defeated. This stalls their advance, although they remain in possession of lands south of the lake. The Berabans suffer 3,560 casualties, Cazekorom suffers 2,400 casualties, the Makuku suffer 3,340 casualties, and the Sillans suffer 19,680 casualties.
- Mouri Empire: Emperor Roneth II, upon hearing their victory in destroying the Darnan forces, spoke often about continuing the campaign to evaporate the Emiresq completely. However, before he was able to implement it he died suddenly of an aneurysm. His son, Xeracles II, succeeded to the throne. Xeracles was an internationalist and a lover of Messalians, and worked in international diplomacy to peacefully spread Mouri culture to all his allies, without obligating anyone in terms of religion. He abandoned the war against the Emiresq, but instead established forts and defenses in the north in aid of the Mouri allies among the Khin and Valun. The islands in the far north were fortified, where "Castle Roneth" was first constructed. Xeracles was especially interested in the Jafiad games, and for the first time sponsored the creation of several different athletic teams to compete at the 167th Jafiad. Each team competed individually, representing different cities and communities across the empire, trained specifically in the Stadion race and the javelin throwing. The Holy Patra was outspoken in disapproval of this action, saying that the Jafiad games are a pagan ritual to the Mesallian gods. Fillion the Swift, an Azouri of Teman, was considered by far the most successful athlete, and one of the only ones who is specifically named in the historic record. In the far east, the Farramoori was published among the Atnosian people of Phorintheon, now known archaeologically as the Book of Rills. The Book of Rills is gorgeously decorated in gold and colored leaves, with some of the most elaborate calligraphy known to this era. In the text itself, it elaborated on the life of Nelrim to describe him as a fierce and impressive warrior, who led the righteous war of the Ulmian slaves to revolt against the tyrannical Azoz kings. In the west, the Garran navy took more ambitious expeditions in terms of time away from the coast, although not nearly as far in distance as before. Honey is mass produced in Teman at this time, and adds to our exports in trade across the western coast and southern caravans.Contemporary chronicles describe Xeracles as extremely jolly and clever, having many large social gatherings among both his nobles and the nobility of neighboring nation. His one celebration known as the Field of Gold, immediately after the 167th Jafiad, was a combination of Ulmian and Mesallian religious rites. However, modern critical analysis seems to believe that Xeracles was actually battling against a manic depression. The symptoms seem to be evident from a modern perspective, but of course no such medical science existed at the time to provide him proper help.
- Thīvœga: The life of Zhayvshk I Bhroual comes to an end, and Zhayvshk II Bhroual, a much more diplomatic rather than militaristic emperor, comes to power. Seen as one of the greatest emperors of early Thīvœga, he developed royal univerisites, including the University of Laykoth, which still stands today, although with interuptions, as well as greatly increased the standard of living in the country. Zhayvshk II also sent aid to Heshahl Thīvœga, easing the effects of the famine until farmers could get back on their feet. A white peace was proposed with Namdeon, seeing no need for further bloodshed. A marriage between Zhayvshk II Bhroual and the daughter of the Sonaredarian leader is proposed. Two cities was built around this time, one on the small island just off the coast of the mainland (just east of the southernmost tip of the Thīvœ mainland) and another along the main river in the north. Exansion continues, as well as the growth of rural areas. Exploration continues in the east and west along the coasts.
- Heshahl Thīvœga: As stated above, Zhayvshk II Bhroual proposes a white peace with Namdeon, as well as sends aid to Heshahl Thīvœga, helping ease the famine. An intensive slave trade is made, with captured peasants from the wars (both the many from drving away the raiders and the few captured from Namdeon) becoming very helpful in making more yield to ease the famine. Exploration continues south and east from the colony.
- Javuk: The Javuk ruler, Supreme Warmaster Jaejunnau Jabunnuhuk Saeja'Yilaerrau, in a speech to his followers divines that the time has come to cease raids against the neighboring peoples and begin their great conquest west, following the river which provides them with the only source of water in the desert. Jaejunnau states that the rivers are being pulled toward God, where greater riches, slaves, and livestock await them. He preaches that the lands beyond the desert beakon the Javuk people, and that they must begin reaching out to survive as a nation. Scouts are sent out to begin scouring the region for new tribes that may "benefit" from Javuk enlightenment.
- Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 538-547 Since the Return of Hythus. Emperor Jyntus is succeeded by his son Emperor Tyrelius III the Wise. Tyrelius III proves to be an able and competent reformer focused on consolidating the territory if the empire. He quickly moves to pull Jalor under closer imperial rule, stripping away several of the special rights granted to the Lords of Jalor. With the backing of the nobles around the empire Jalor is economically opened to the empire and its development controlled from Mythas. Although not fully integrated, the nation becomes essentially a new province of the empire. Xenicetes is captured in a failed raid and secreted away to a private execution and an unmarked grave. His death is not publicized for fear of instigating a revolt, but his absence is realized after several months and Irian morale collapses. With resistance limited to small villages in the highlands and minor discontent the region is integrated and flooded with colonists. The fertile land along the river in the south and near the two lakes in the west receive thousands of settlers from the Hythian core. The resettlement of Irians out of the border continues with 20,00 more moved this decade, resulting in massive depopulation in the province. These Irians are scattered across the empire to the missions used to administer the far east and south. Along with the 40,000 from the previous decade the Irians establish dozens of towns and hundreds of small hamlets. Several thousand arrive in Lyrasia which has grown to encompass the entire island. The Iron Bank of Hythia develops into the largest regional lender with loans to thousands of merchants across Hythia and the Jyazradid Kingdom. Agricultural production increases due to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop-rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition. The policy of land-grants is re-instituted and settlement of the south accelerates. Dozens of small cities and towns spring up across the south, located near the natural springs and minor streams that dot the landscape. Networks of roads are constructed as the settlers go, linking together these settlements and spreading administrative institutions as they go. A revolution in production takes the empire as factories along the guidelines of the Great Arsenal of Gyt are built across the empire. These factories consolidate formerly cottage industries into centralized production centers. Cotton cloth production swells massively as these factories improve overall efficiency and bring together the expertise of dozens of laborers. The export of raw cotton is banned in favor of refined cotton cloth. Iron production nearly doubles as a massive water-driven iron smeltery is built near Wys. Steel output also rises with the same smeltery producing hundreds of pounds a year. The iron and steel mill feeds a large forgery in the city of Quyndali just west of Jalor. The increasing wealth of the empire sees a major increase in the rate of literacy. A series of academies are built across the empire, with Wys, Gyt, Mythas, Arudam, and Rěvas, a Mythadian coastal city of significant size and wealth. These academies teach mathematics, physics, engineering and construction, history, literature, theology, hythology, anatomy, astronomy, agriculture, and military studies. The Imperial Administration expands throughout the decade, developing a centralized government highly dependent on the emperor. The expansion of this administrative corps bleeds over into the military. A corps of professional military administrators develops out of the military bureaucracy which has existed since the Gytan-Saemonite War. These professionals, with imperial backing, develop a standardized system for military organization. The Imperial Unar is reformed into commands of 4,000 men, in either one of two formations. The first, Unets, are comprised of either 4,000 heavy lancers or 4,000 light lancers, and form the bulk of the military. The other Unians, are comprised of 2,000 medium infantry and 2,000 light lancers. The missionaries of the Church of Hythus in the Drakan Empire expand their presence in the north, establishing missions in the hinterland around the city of Gondreium. The navy undergoes a massive reconstruction program with new larger ships constructed. Among these, ten large quinqueremes are built as an imperial ships of battle. They are notable for armored flanks and decks which features beaten iron plates able to withstand light artillery weapons and essentially all bows and crossbows. The ships bristle with two dozen eyscurpieron in two banks of artillery pieces. These launch incendiary pots and incendiary bolts. In total the navy has swelled over the last decades to a force of 200 ships built in the clinker style and equipped with incendiary throwing artillery pieces able to light other ships ablaze from 500 yards.
- Tsardom of Algeorgia: The Tsarina commences a botany safari and brings back many previously unknown plants. Many of these are proven to have health benefits and are planted in the royal gardens and are also beginning to be used in the hospitals. Some of these like oregano and The Dodod's pepper (cayenne pepper) are also used as seasoning on fish. An infusion of begonia made by soaking the flowers in hot water helps to eliminate headaches and rid the body of toxins is one of the new uses for the many flowers brought back. The tsarina gives birth to a daughter who she names Olga Konstaniovich (the dynasty's name).
- Ffanet of Afmwir: In the 80th year of the Athmwir's rule (871), trade between Afmwir and Nurchacan (Nura Gakan) continues to go on strongly. In the 82nd year, explorers are sent far north by ship on the eastern coast of the large Cyrddosthan peninsula to the east of Ddenstiwrh and far southwest on the coast of Mwir, looking for the Holy Mountain (100 px). In Drawcicheld, and Rhyfthan on Lake Hinruch, walls and barracks are built, in order to protect the city. The explorers return home in the 83rd year. In Mercydd, Ffan Richa orders the expansion of the palace while mathematics are explored in the Temple-Library of Chermois-Myr, while in Ddenstwirh, fortifications are built around the city, barracks are built and a library is founded near the Temple-School of the Clever-Priest while the movement of the corpses of the gods are further explored in the Temple-School of Swliann. Due to the large expansion of the country, taxes are still raised, fueling the anger of both nobles and peasants further. In the 86th year (877), settlers are still sent downriver by Ffan Richa Fwlgryff to expand the country, but have been mostly redirected to the plains north of the country surrounded by the Iuryll mountains and to the Cyrdd river south of Mercydd. Wheat, rye and barley are continued to be produced, along with spicy horseradish (named ffeisaf). Cows, honeybees and sheep are raised for meat, milk, honey and wool. Ffeisaf, Afmwirian ale and mead, as well as other products are traded with Nurchacan (Nura Gakan). More watermills are being built along the waterways, and more villages develop along the Chffith and the Cyrdd.
- Mesallian Culture: After the death of the Anka in the 168th Jafiad (Year 872), the next reigning monarch came to be Alasana II. During the chaos of this succession, the Ema Region began a revolt against the Edomite authorities, supported by several other Emalian states. The first Emalian revolt was narrowly suppressed by Edomite forces stationed in Ema, which successfully repulsed an army equipped by the nation of Lyania. The Lyanians would be distracted from full involvement by the Temayal-Lyania War in the north, where it focused the majority of its attention. A collection of Mesallian states fearful of Edomite expansion, namely led by Meshwati, also sent aid against the Edomites, with Meshwati supporting its former enemy, Gabatria. Edom made peace two years later, agreeing to release Gabatria as independent, and a king friendly to Meshwati was appointed in the region. Although the nation retained control over the Ema region, in the following decade Pyra of Lyania would successfully reconquer the city, creating a new border up to the western river. During the reigns of Alasana II and her immediate successor, the army would be expanded and improved, due to the the increased cost of holding the Ema region. The nation would begin implementing horse and camel archers, as well as other more mobile units, while its infantry remained heavy pikemen. Elsewhere, the Edomites increased autonomy for Sephimorans and Enulmians, buying valuable support in the northeast against the Emalians. The nation of Syres, having established a puppet in Sericolis, found its control over the Gudumanes tenuous, and in the third year of the 168th Jafiad (Year 874) a rebellion would be launched by an ancient member of the Sericolan aristocracy. The rebellion would be supported by numerous states of the region, from both the Gudumanes and the Melopenes. Meshwati would be preoccupied with the war in the east, while a select few cities, largely cities who had been enemies of Erasidon, such as Agira, remained neutral or even joined Syres’ side. A fleet would be dispatched to the northern Melopenes region, where the Syresians managed to gain support from the Yannian king in Oronaca, Yeculanus, in exchange for subduing territories that had fought against him previously, such as Deconos. During this campaign Yeculanus would establish himself as an ambitious conqueror, securing the northwest Melopenes and several surrounding islands, and Syres gained its first direct territory in the region, centered around Calamos. In the Gudumanes, an army under the command of Niephanus landed to formally conquer Sericolis and force peace upon Erasidon, with the added goal of replacing the King of Erasidon with a client more likely to remain friendly with Syres.
- Qaryaat: King Tamim comes to power. He continues to expand the kingdom, with the main two territories expanding along the Mohejaran and Kepitian borders. Meanwhile, on the west coast of the main island of the Barsanan (Personian) Islands, a Qaryaati colony, known as Shamadna (the territory itself is known as Ghirsana), is founded. In all territories, settlers are sent to loosely-claimed areas to consolidate control over said areas. In western Nahradi, the city of Kanasiya is founded where Lake Reyadil flows into the Bizafir River. Meanwhile, a port, a city center, and a library are built in Saqqatra. Around Lake Al'Muyadil (if that's what that lake in the main area is called), the city of Buhaykna is built. In Bizafir, a Dodoist temple is founded. Exploration continues along both coasts of the Gulf of Maynij (Mang, yes I'm retconning something), the coast of the Ettyian Sea (Qaryaati name pending), and the northern coast of the main Barsanan Island. Recent technological and medical advances from Aljurjya make their way to Qaryaat. Trade deals are made with Exhula (EXHULA RESPONSE NEEDED), Eniyan, and the Yazradids (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED). King Tamim agrees to send troops to aid Bahraba in their war efforts. He asks the tsarina of Aljurjya (Algeorgia) to send troops to help out. (ALGEORGIAN RESPONSE NEEDED) He also asks the same of Mohejaro, offering to put aside differences to fight against the common enemy, Shila (Sillas). (MOD RESPONSE AND ALGO NEEDED) A census is conducted. (MOD RESPONSE NEEDED)
Algeirgian response:The Tsarini will send 400 troops to help.
- Yannian Culture: Oh, is that what it took for you to shut up? Yes, I know all about your little plot. Very funny. And conspiring with the Nathon too...Listen here, Leculima. I wrote your little book for you, you can stop complaining to daddy. Leave the slave boy out of this too, and the other slaves for that matter. Stop convincing him that I need to be disciplined. Because I don’t. I am the biggest and baddest kid in the entire kingdom, sister. You never cease your complaints, always saying I need to write something serious. Well, I did, I wrote you your little history book. Now I am going back to my fantasy stories, and you can’t stop me. It brings me such happiness to write my stories. Why must you always attack me and harass me? Does it make you jealous that my stories are more popular? People love a good adventure, they care not for your boring data and statistics. Stupid Olmo, stop looking in my window! Yeah I saw you. Stop. Stop trying to copy me, slave. I swear, every time I write my journals that stupid Olmo peaks in the window and tries to get ideas. I’m the best writer in the land, that’s why so many people patronize me. From far and wide they seek out the amazing scribe of Agelmur. And it just so happens I’m the brother of that annoying girl “Agel II”, who fancies herself a queen. Sure, maybe she thinks she is the one responsible for all my business, but truly it is my great writing that attracts people. When Agelmur fell to the heathens it was me who wrote about it. I wrote the best information about that war. Ever since the Thotties invaded all the dumb Olmeroni “writers” get hired nowadays. There’s no use for an true writer anymore. I write what the Sandwich Eaters don’t want us to write. I write the truth. Not only did I write about their brutal attacks on Agelmur, I traveled the wide world. I traveled to Oaximayal when the states of Xbalan and Dijunga were joined in marriage. They were calling it a monumental day in history, and I was a great scribe that day. Now I put my scrolls in the cave, because I know I can’t let her find them. I live at our parents’ house in the little closet, and she always takes my stuff.
- O'leai culture: Ua'Jui Aui Ja dies this year, and is succeeded by his cousin also from the parrot Juis of Muina, Mua Xho. Meanwhile, on the island Vui'a, a temple is built to the worship of the mother goddess of Uani people. The temple's construction is ordered by the Turtle Juis of Vui'a, the structure of it seems to fit a circle for the divine act to be made and around it symbols of the Mother lay scattered the circle, with flames on sticks lit. The design for this temple lays the groundwork for all other temples constructed within O'leai. Meanwhile, a new city is established on the big island on the 3rd river called Tua'oi. This city is founded by the people living in the area unifying under a Jui, who they have named the Dolphin Jui. Meanwhile, within the cities lays a guild of sort of wayfinders, the pass down their secrets through oral traditions utilizing various methods to locate islands including the mapping of stars, the following of bird migration paths specifically birds that will flock near shore. They also make use of many different navigation devices to map currents, wind patterns, and storms. However, the stories of the two different skies as if you pass a certain point the stars will change, and young wayfinders are advised to beware these trick that the mischievous skies will play on you. Further wayfinders are sent out in all directions to find new lands for trade, riches, and love. Farming of fruits continue on the island as well as the capturing of fish to eat, and the farming of chickens.
- Zelonuma Emiresq: Having brutally destroyed the Mouri Empire in battle, the nation celebrates greatly. The military sees large expansion, and regions are defended to ensure that the Mouri Empire cannot attack again. The nation of the Zelonuma Emiresq trades heavily with Tesardya and other enemies of the Mouri Empire. The nation focuses its efforts in the south, expanding up to the border with the Khin, and pushing back their attackers. Tribes are sent into the Khin lands to wear them down, as they are pushed south by our armies.
Zelonuma Emiresq: Having brutally destroyed the Mouri Empire in battle, the nation celebrates greatly. The military sees large expansion, and regions are defended to ensure that the Mouri Empire cannot attack again. The nation of the Zelonuma Emiresq trades heavily with Tesardya and other enemies of the Mouri Empire. The nation focuses its efforts in the south, expanding up to the border with the Khin, and pushing back their attackers. Tribes are sent into the Khin lands to wear them down, as they are pushed south by our armies. Zelonuma Emiresq: Having brutally destroyed the Mouri Empire in battle, the nation celebrates greatly. The military sees large expansion, and regions are defended to ensure that the Mouri Empire cannot attack again. The nation of the Zelonuma Emiresq trades heavily with Tesardya and other enemies of the Mouri Empire. The nation focuses its efforts in the south, expanding up to the border with the Khin, and pushing back their attackers. Tribes are sent into the Khin lands to wear them down, as they are pushed south by our armies.
- Beraba: Okemos sets up Mahua as his official forward command post. He calls down an additional 10,000 soldiers to reinforce the garrison that he currently has stationed with him. In and around Mahua, he sets up fortifications and advantageous positions on the high ground. An army of 50,000 is gathered at his request, but Okemos waits to deploy them onto the field. Reserve troops still remain inside the borders of Beraba should anything go wrong. 'Messengers are sent to Exhula and Qera requesting assistance with the war, citing the dire circumstances and emphasizing the need to take action to secure the future safety from Sillan ambition.
- Greater Silla: With the conquest of the Makuku and Teninukalese nations, the Empress proclaims the establishment of the “Greater Sillan Republic”, declaring that “there is no longer Sillan nor Olmec, Teninukalese nor Makuku; for they are now one in this Imperial Republic.” Justified by shared ancestry with the Sillan people, the inhabitants of the newly-incorporated territories are granted citizenship, thus receiving the right and protections associated with it. While land distribution programs are enacted to weaken the native aristocracies, the native nobility still retain their respective titles and property. [SHORT TURN]
The city of Daresigoba emerges as a city-state northwest of the Telachitul Republic’s southern lake. The city becomes a haven for many fleeing the invading Zanibani, and the city successfully defends against an invasion by them.
A band of refugees arrives at the eastern walls of Hythia east of Halati. They claim to be fleeing a great empire of cannibals, and seek asylum in the west, but border guards at the remaining mountain fortresses remain skeptical of them not being savages themselves. While awaiting entrance, the refugees settle a shantytown in the shadow of the colossal Hythian walls, which becomes known as Rocinjabel, and attracts even more settlers. In the far south, where Hythia does not possess a full wall along the border, a second band of refugees crosses the border. This group causes havoc in the region, as large clashes ensue between the easterners and the Hythians. The Hythians claim the group is nothing but eastern raiders, while the refugees claim Hythian mobs attacked them first.
Despite making no progress at repulsing the Hythians from Iria, the resistance leader Xenicetes becomes elevated to a place of myth among the Irians. This becomes clearer when it is discovered that the man captured by Hythian authorities was secretly a decoy, while the real Xenicetes carried out his largest robbery to date, seizing the provincial treasury. He dies of old age soon after, but before his death, he is crowned “King of Iria” by his supporters, which becomes the first recorded use of that title.
A city known as Parumatula emerges in the jungles far to the north of the Ffanet of Afmwir, located at the mouth of the northernmost river. The city-state makes contact with the Ffanet of Afmwir, and offers to trade with the nation.
The leader of Sonaredar accepts the proposal from the nation of Thīvœga, agreeing to marry his daughter to Zhayvshk II Bhroual. The nation of Namdeon accepts the white peace proposed by Thīvœga.
The Badamate of Narai launches a military campaign to the east against raiders passing through the eastern mountains. The nation successfully conquers the river valley between the mountains, and there they found the city of Vuaneysari as a barrier against future incursions.
As the nation of Sillas attempts to use one of the largest armies ever assembled in such a small region, they experience extremely high losses due to disease and lack of supplies. This is exacerbated by scorched-earth tactics in the north. Additionally, facing harsh famine as the Sillans move through their territory, the Makuku launch a revolt against Sillan rule. In total 60,000 rebels occupy the north of the nation, of which almost a third are deserters from the Sillan army. Discontent in the south of the nation rises as well. The defenders against Mohejaro suffer 9,000 casualties, the "lesser army" against Beraba suffers 12,000 casualties, and the "greater army" against Beraba suffers 28,000 casualties. The nation of Cazekorom suffers 5,500 casualties (and numerous civilian losses), the nation of Mohejaro suffers 3,000 casualties, and the nation of Makuku suffers 10,000 casualties (and a very high number of civilian casualties).
At the Battle of Vynoda, in central Cazekorom, the army under the command of Okemos engages with the Sillans, resulting in a decisive Beraban victory. The Sillans suffer 12,500 casualties, the Berabans suffer 4,850 casualties, and Cazekorom suffers 2,000 casualties. At the Battle of Indemara, near the corner of Makuku, Qaryaat, and Mohejaro, the Sillans engage with the Qaryaat-Makuku army, resulting in a decisive Sillan victory. The Sillans suffer 9,050 casualties, the Qaryaati suffer 10,100 casualties, and the Makuku suffer 4,040 casualties.
- Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 548-557 Since the Return of Hythus. Emperor Tyrelius III the Wise demands order. A large force of soldiers, four Light Unets and two Unians, accompanied by several hundred imperial administrators arrive in the south to handle the ‘refugees.’ The fighting is forcibly ended, and a temporary camp established for the migrants from the east. Meanwhile, laborers are brought in to begin work on a fortress to defend the pass from future groups. With peace temporarily obtained the migrants are offered a tract of land within the empire as citizens so long as they surrender their arms and accept imperial rule. The leaders of this southern group are also brought in for questioning about the origin of their migration, and the reason for their perilous journey over the mountains. In the north, an envoy is sent to the city of Rocinjabel asking to learn more of the threat in the east in exchange for a guarantee against foreign invasion. [Diplomacy and Map Response] The threat from the outside prompts Tyrelius III to begin a fortification campaign on the frontier. Hythian Missions improve their walls into fortress-compounds, and the garrisons of eastern cities are increased. In the west, policing forces take up the struggle against the followers of the now deceased Xenicetes, and without their leader most of the resistance fades. However, the concept of a united Iria remains. With the resistance fading the region is integrated and flooded with colonists. The fertile land along the river in the south and near the two lakes in the west receive thousands of settlers from the Hythian core. The resettlement of Irians out of the region ends as the military is forced to turn east. The Iron Bank of Hythia develops into the largest regional lender with loans to thousands of merchants across Hythia and the Jyazradid Kingdom. Agricultural production increases due to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop-rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition. The policy of land grants is re-instituted and settlement of the south accelerates. Dozens of small cities and towns spring up across the south, located near the natural springs and minor streams that dot the landscape. Networks of roads are constructed as the settlers go, linking together these settlements and spreading administrative institutions as they go. The manufactories system continues its spread across the empire, increasing output and productivity. The increasing wealth of the nation sees many small academies open in the more minor cities throughout the empire. The overall population grows more literate and more educated, but this remains largely the pursuit of the rich and nobility. The missionaries of the Church of Hythus in the Drakan Empire record the impact of their presence, having converted many thousands in and around the city of Gondreium.
- Qera: The situation to the west is still dense, as the aged princess leads the troops to the now larger border to Babisqa. The census that was ordered some years ago revealed, that the Qeran population is bigger than estimated, thus 10,000 more men are conscripted and intensely trained. The complete Qeran army now consists of 75,000 men and women, They are organized in three armies with each 25,000 men. They are stationed at the three main roads into Babisqa. The tactics are mostly from the war with the Sillans against Tohatia some decades ago. SECRET Assassins are once again sent into the Babisqan lands, seeking to murder the more skilled tacticians and generals (MOD RESPONSE ON SUCCESS) SECRET END A full scale invasion without a proper declaration of war is launched in 885, catching the ill organized Babisqans completely off guard. This action leads to a split in the court, because war is considered a holy practice, while Zoen I's supporters argue, that both the high priests from the temple of Obeq in Ogaholle and the temple of Zauaj in Feohteccue independently gave their blessing and said that the conquest is allowed by the gods. Zoen I's grandson Ycas leads the attack, he is known for his brutal behaviour toward his enemies, yet he grants mercy to everybody who obeys him, which is a rare sight in the Qeran military. The trade flourishes in this period, when Sillas is asked to trade their fine textiles and porcelain against pepper, cinnamon or nutmeg and also silver (SILLAS RESPONSE, PLEASE). Diplomatic missions would also be sent with the merchants, both as a polite formality and to tighten the bonds between Qera and Sillas. The proposal for a marriage with a Qeran noblewoman is accepted. The Exhulan prince may marry a countess from Uotahtzija, the wealthiest of the spice colonies (EXHULA RESPONSE, PLEASE)
- Thīvœga: The reign of the Zhayvshk II Bhroual the Great continues, with many goods from foreign countries coming into the country. These goods include cotton from the Ouzoum (Yuzoni Empire) and hemp, cinammon, and silver from Rithkkikaya (Qera). Cotton and hemp begin to be grown locally. The royal marriage acceptance is met with great celebration. Dams continue being built with stronger materials, with lime, previously only used for buildings, being used to dam up the rivers to prevent flooding. However, a hole is made in most dams, which could be opened or closed to keep the water flowing or to stop potential destruction of property. Irrigation canals continue to be built, adding new irrigated farming land for rural areas. Zhayvshk II continues expansion of the nation, reaching farther east along the coast. A census in 890 is ordered to see the population growth. Exploration continues east and west, with southern exploration handled by the south.
- Heshahl Thīvœga: The white peace with Namdeon helps the recovery from the famine. Ayoukal, having a long life of 54 years, dies, and his son takes the patriarchal spot of governor of Heshahl Thīvœga. This helps the south drastically improve the famine crisis, and by the end of 883 the crisis is considered over. Cotton, imported from Ouzoum (Yuzoni) to the mainland and brought to the colony, sees a major boost in production, as the slaves captured from the natives a few decades before breed and create more slaves, which are exploited in the fields of the cotton plantations. This leads to more expansion for the need of land for cotton farming, and rural areas grow to encompass most of the new land. Exploration continues south.
- Ffanet of Afmwir: In the 90th year of the Athmwir's rule (881), trade between Afmwir and Nurchacan (Nura Gakan) continues to go on strongly, while trade with the city of Perhmathwl-on-Filgaff (Parumatula). In the 92nd year, explorers are sent far north by ship on the eastern coast of the large Cyrddosthan peninsula to the east of Ddenstiwrh and north of the western shore of Nurchacan (100 px). Direct trade between Afmwirian and Nurchacan (Nura Gakan) harbors is established. In Drawcicheld, and Rhyfthan on Lake Hinruch, town centers are established, and in Drawcicheld, prospective mines are searched in the mountains [MOD response]. The explorers return home in the 94th year. In Mercydd, a lighthouse is built and a smeltery is established to support the mines around the city while advanced mathematics are presented at the Temple-Library of Chermois-Myr, to the chagrin of the rivals at the Temple of Cwinaref, while in Ddenstwirh, a town center and a lighthouse is established on the island while the movement of the corpses of the gods is fully established in the Temple-School of Swliann, in order to facilitate better travel. Due to the large pressure, taxes are lowered, but anger remains high as rumours are abound of Ffan Richa trying to keep her son on the throne. In the 96th year (887), settlers are still sent downriver by Ffan Richa Fwlgryff to expand the country, but have been mostly redirected to the plains north of the country surrounded by the Iuryll mountains and to the Cyrdd river south of Mercydd, where a city called Cwinchulm is founded on the coast on the right bank of the Cyrdd.. Wheat, rye and barley are continued being produced, along with spicy horseradish (named ffeisaf). Cows, honeybees and sheep are raised for meat, milk, honey and wool. Ffeisaf, Afmwirian ale and mead, as well as other products are traded with Nurchacan (Nura Gakan) and Perhmathwl (Parumatula). More watermills are being built along the waterways, and more villages develop along the Chffith and the Cyrdd.
- Tsardom of Algeorgia: The tsarina inaugurates The University of Algeorgia. The university is open to both male and female students and also contains the Library of Algeorgia. We begin to grow saffron and mint in Algeorgia and the saffron quickly becomes more expensive then diamonds but still being beaten by a feather from the Holy Dodo.
- Mesallian Culture: A peace treaty ending the Syresian-Erasidonian War came formally came in the year of the 170th Jafiad (Year 880), which returned the Mesallian region to peace once more. For its role in instigating a rebellion against Syres, the nation of Sericolis had its independence stripped from it, and instead a Syresian governor would rule the region. Seeking to remove Sericolis the city from a position of power, the governor established a Syresian colony in the northeast, which had been less settled since the Agiran Hegemony. The colony became known as Gedema, and functioned as the first city of the province. That same year a revolt instigated by Karistos would be put down as well, which also served a pretense to expand the province to the Lydonian Sea. The Kingdom of Erasidon effectively became a client kingdom of Syres, being ruled by the monarch Persephus. Elsewhere, the primary kingdoms of the Mesallian world left independent were Meshwati, which controlled a large empire and alliance in the Gabatrian Sea, an Agiran led alliance of the south, the Yannian kingdom Oronaca under Yeculanus, and other major independent cities, such as Lysandria. As the situation in northeast Edom settled, the government began dividing the region into new provinces, which would be small and manageable like the primary provinces, to avoid one governor from growing too powerful. The northern coast would be divided into Democratos, Nerimos, Dascelos, and Ghanis. The eastern coast would be divided into five provinces, with the two most important being Ephenus and Ema. Then the Emalian rivers were similarly divided, with Nelgistis being a major province outside of the coast. This arrangement would last until the 171th Jafiad (Year 884), when the Emalian nations of Lyania and Alsobia, joined my Mesallian states such as Meshwati and Lysandria, elected to invade Edom. Distracted by matters all across the nation, the Edomite response was slow, and the new Anka, Medesa II, was defeated in battle near Ema, leading to the region up the river being divided between Alsoba and Lyania. The Anka would be assassinated soon afterward, being replaced by Shedama as monarch. She would make a lasting peace with the Emalian states, but renew war in Mesallas. Soon after the state landed in Lysandria and managed to capture the city, advancing as far north as the border of Agira. A costly war would also be fought in the Phydinian region, which ultimately saw that region swear fealty to Edom. By this time the Jafiad Games had grown far beyond their original purpose. Initially purely a religious festival, the games had expanded to include a dozen different sporting events, and attracted athletes from around the ancient world. Under pressure from a growing Ulmian population, and after requests from the Mouri, it was finally the pressure from wealthy sponsors and donors that caused the city of Jafia to open up the festival to non-Mesallians. They decreed that starting at the 172nd (Year 888), Ulmians would be allowed to participate in the games. The religious aspects of the festival would not be removed or reduced in any way, but non-Mesallians would no longer be forced to comply with religious sacrifices so long as they remained reverent and respectful. Despite this, Ulmians would remain a very small minority in the games for years to come, as religious authorities still dissuaded any pious Ulmians from participating.
- Zelonuma Emiresq: It has now been many years since the Zelonuma Emiresq destroyed the Mouri Empire army. The nation launches attacks to secure the southern region fo the nation, and pushes up to the border of the Khin Federation. The nation then begins a campaign against the northwestern Khin nation, that is outside the Khin Federation. An army is prepared to slowly beat them back from the border, and the nations of Isimadia are also asked to help, on account of being similarly raided by the target nation. Together the armies push south and defeat them, establishing a new border in the south. Many Darnans are sent to settle the region, where they find fertile plains ripe for farmland. The navy of the nation decides to lay siege to the Azozian islands, so that they are forced out of the north once more. The navy of the Zelonuma Emiresq attacks and surrounds the islands. A multitude of soldiers is raised to take the islands, while another army remains on the coastline.
- Yannian Culture: In the lands of Neum many new Nodoms rule as kings. The Yannians have spread around the world, they have become embedded in all levels of society. The Mouri Empire turns black with Yannian blood. Temples and markets spring up selling Yannian wears. No wear is this more evident than the authoritarian town of Bua, where King Jeub takes reign. Medan is renamed to Yamedanucal, Teman is renamed to Temuc’telum, Bangui is renamed to Balonegari, and Azoz does not exist to him. All Azozian art is painted over with black figures or destroyed. All symbols of Azozian culture are purged and erased. Their history is written over, their contributions to the world removed. There is total allegiance to the state and Yannian ways. All must be dye their skin black, braid their hair, or be killed. Jeub is very militant and anti white/Azozioni. That skin must be peeled off, removed, from every one that refuses. The walls are built high and guards track every motion in the city. Jeub becomes your eternal guardian and master. He takes a million wives and gives them to himself and his men, so that they may pass on their Yannian blood to the people. Every Yannian is armed with sticks and whips, to beat the Azozophoni senseless. They paint every building with complex messages and words, so that every turn is covered in Yannian prayers. Five times a day the citadel rings a bell, and the people bow down before the king and do his bidding. Sorry, Olmo, but that miserable culture will be erased completely. All that will be lost completely. Hey! Don’t listen to them, screams the King of Gam. You know, Brobby? King Brobby? We must preserve the Azozironi. I raise an army of the Nathons and of the eunuchs, I give them spears. I march on Bua, because we must crush those Yannian blacks. But alas, their walls are strong. Perhaps we leave them in their splendid isolation. And so let that little town be walled off the world, and let its dictator play king for a time. He rules his little slum, but we are strong and will ignore him. I have adopted the Nathons, I give them rights. They have spent years in slavery for sexual pleasure, but now Nathons are angry. They enact great vengeance against the Yannians and begin the race war. Out of anger against their former masters they seek to massacre many. Suddenly, the Nodom of Neum appeared before them in the sky with an army of a million men. Crush Gam and crush Bua. Why? Because I am unbridled wrath and I am judgment. I destroy both the good and the bad, the up and the down. I do this because time is short and death comes for us all. Let me be a reminder to you all.
- Beraba: Okemos orders additional soldiers to reinforce those slain in the recent battle. Okemos continues to set up fortifications and advantageous positions on the high ground. A large push is made to shove Sillas out of Cazekorom altogether and back into the lake region. Okemos' army of 50,000 is gathered to begin the assault. Reserve troops still remain inside the borders of Beraba.
- Telachitul Republic: After seeing the local governments fail to handle the incursion from the Zanibani, the new Itochitul Kourosh sends a contingent of 4,000 Telachitul troops to limit the damage. The troops defend the border, as well as important towns and cities, but don't make any offensive effort outside Telachitul territory. An alliance is requested with the city of Daresigoba, and we offer to help their defensive effort. Republican citizens who fled to Daresigoba are offered safe passage back to the republic, and are awarded new land in the north if they want. Expansion, trade and Economic development continue, with cities especially starting to grow. The navy expands. Expansion efforts continue in the north. The Icrodel religion continues to spread, becoming an important institution in the nation. the navy expands. We do a census and invest significant resources in it, as Kourosh wants a count of Telachitul citizens, allied tribal peoples, and Telanouio (Agunda).
- Telanouio (Agunda): The king of Agunda marries the daughter of Kourosh. While this is symbolic, with the republic's structure, ore importance is the beginning of intermarriage between the two nation's elite. The Telachitul language and religion continues to spread, especially among the elite. A large temple is built in the Telanouion capital, renamed Idolnouio.
- Mouri Empire: No sooner had the former conflict of Roneth been concluded that a new war by Darna arose, from their consistent attacks against the Mouri allies in the Near West. 15,000 hoplites, with 10,000 mounted archers and 5,000 lancers and 4,000 pikemen are sent to the north to manage several key fortifications along the overland passes, aiding our allies among the Khin in their same battles to keep Darna at bay. At sea, a force of 70 heavy warships and 120 light ships are sent to defend the Zara Islands. These islands occupied by the Mouri navy had been named by Admiral Kombo after his son Zarat. Xeracles II continued to also sponsor acts of cultural integration across the empire, especially in the new territories of Eskaladun. It was at this time that the oldest references to belly dancing are found in history, during the feast of Nelrim's nativity in Bangui. They were most likely imported to Azoz from the Eskaladun culture, as they are described with distinctive bracelets and castanets. Xeracles was also known to sponsor the medical scholar Zeno of Thalutia, who is accredited largely for first diagraming the circulation of the blood. Extensive autopsies were necessary for this investigation, which was considered highly controversial among the Holy Patra but sanctioned by the Emperor, nonetheless. Some rumors speculate that they compromised by only dissecting fallen soldiers from the Emiresq, but this is largely unsubstantiated. The apostle Gomer is known to have made frequent ministries around the rump kingdom of Jeub, rescuing all important works of art and ministering to both Ulmians and Mesallians who had been forced into the Yannian rituals of black ink.
- Greater Silla: A force equivalent to two legions (~10,000) is sent to the Makuku provinces to quell the rebellion. A garrison of ~500 is stationed in every major settlement, while government regulations are placed upon the practice of utilizing maize as fodder in order to raise the food supply. In addition, further land distribution programs are enacted whilst laws regarding the inheritance of property are enforced to prevent the division of estates into small, scattered plots. While suppressed, it has led to the escalation of tensions between urban and rural areas in Makuku, as well as between its West and the newly-incorporated East; as the former is receptive to Sillan rule, while contrastingly, the latter is resistant to it. Due to the usage of illy-chosen tactics and strategies, which itself has been due to inadequate, hasty planning and limited logistics, the front lines have remained largely static. With the reports of high casualties (both military and civilian) and mass desertion, Empress Mariana begins to lose her status, with the failure of the campaign to achieve its goals being attributed to her decisions. As she starts to suffer from the ailments associated with her advanced age, she nominates a successor to the throne, a process which normally occurs on a deathbed or revealed on a deceased Empress' will (rather than being publically announced). Due to her inability to bear children (which itself has been a point of discussion among her political opponents), she has no direct descendants. This, alongside increasing hostility between her and members of the Imperial Council, leaves her with little options, and she eventually chooses her adoptive son (her first cousin once removed biologically) Adrian as the heir to the throne. To solidify his claim, she arranges a marriage between him and her grandniece, Sabina. While highly capable and playing an important role in the conquest of both East Makuku and Teninukal, the choice is subjected to heavy criticism, as the concept of an Emperor regnant is unfathomable to many in Silla's matriarchal society; thus, leading many to suspect the choice to be a ploy to maintain the power of her clan. In addition, many consider the marriage to be inherently wrong due to its "incestuous" nature; as despite being in the same age range, Adrian is technically the second cousin once removed of Sabina (though in Sillan law, marriages of the sixth degree of consanguinity and above are permitted). Ironically, however, the relationship between Adrian and his adoptive mother is noted to be distant and aloof, as they come into conflict in terms of domestic and foreign policy. Similarly, the marriage proves to be disastrous, with Sabina being accused of numerous extramarital affairs due to the lack of emotional and sexual gratification – allegedly due to Adrian's homosexuality. However, as he does not conform to the Sillan ideas of "true" homosexual conduct and behavior (which is to be feminine and thus inherently "superior" to heterosexual men), he remains alienated, with his rumored sexual encounters with other young men pejoratively viewed of as examples of "male lust and intemperance" rather than valid attraction. Ironically, however, the highly-respected Emperor consort approves of the choice and introduces him to the many aspects of court life, as well as mediates Adrian's relationship with the Empress. Meanwhile, the rift between the Cixites and the Ulmists continues to grow, with more of the latter referring to themselves as "Cixians" (or "little Cixi's") as opposed to a member of an Ulmist sect. Meanwhile, there is increasing rejection of orthodox Ulmism, prompting the complete dropping of Ulmist divine law and large portions of Ulmist texts from the Cixian scripture. With the focus on the integration of newly-absorbed territories, the persecution of Cixians under local authorities diminishes. This prompts an era of renewed proselytization, undertaken mainly by nuns and monks rather than itinerant preachers. The spread of Cixite Ulmism is facilitated by the maturation of the ecclesial structure and the entrenchment of a "Cixian orthodoxy". Meanwhile, the arts continue to flourish while multi-inclined roofs become more extensively used. The war with the "Five-Nation Coalition" continues.
- Qaryaat: King Tamim orders additional soldiers to reinforce his army and replace those who fell in the last battle. The Qaryaati army marches up to join forces with Birahban troops and to fight the Shilan scourge. Tamim's army participates in the struggle to push Shila out of the lakes region. He asks of the king of Mawan-Jaho to join his army with the combined Qaryaati-Birahban forces, putting aside tensions for the moment being to join against a common enemy. He also reaches out to the westernmost Eborite badamate, asking to hire Eborite shot mercenaries. (MOD RESPONSE AND ALGO NEEDED) Sillan-style armor is adopted. Meanwhile, expansion continues as the colony of Ghirsana covers the western part of the relatively small peninsula it is located on and begins to expand along the coast. The colony of Janzera is founded on the small island south of Ghirsana. The territory of Nahradi expands to fill the rest of the territory allotted during the deal with Beraba. In all areas of the kingdom, loosely-claimed territories are settled and control is consolidated. Seeing the Aljurjyan tsarina's focus on scientific advancement, King Tamim decides to follow suit. The University of Makra is built and inaugurated, open to both male and female students. The campus is close to the Library of Makra. In the cities of Buhaykna, Kanasya, Shamadna, and Janzera, walls, barracks, libraries, and granaries are built. Exploration is conducted along the Shaynabinese (Xinabenese) coast, the coastline east of Ifsalan (Avsylann), along the coastline of Greater Barsana, and along the soutern coast of the Ettyian Sea,
Hythian envoys discover that Rocinjabel has grown into a bustling city on the edge of their wall, in some places built up to and off of the border wall. Other shanty towns emerge in the region, as more and more people arrive. A popular belief emerges that the great wall, larger than structure ever seen by the refugees, will watch over them and protect them. A sort of royalty emerges among the camps as wealthy leaders seize control over tunnels, mines, and most lucrative of all, alleged secret tunnels into the Hythian empire. When the Hythian envoys ask the refugees for specifics on what they are fleeing from, they discover that no one has a clear and consistent answer.
The Qeran invasion of Babisqa leads to a battle near the border, which results in a decisive Qeran victory. The Qerans experience difficulty due to the mountainous terrain, and many hostile Babisqans remain to harass their supply lines, The Qerans suffer 11,450 casualties in total during the invasion.
The Zelonuma Emiresq successfully defeats the nation of Dian and ends its attacks in its borders, pushing them farther south and away from Isimandia. The Zelonuma suffer 5,400 casualties as a result of their campaign.
The Telachitul Republic successfully repulses the raids into their territory, suffering 850 casualties as a result. The invading tribes refrain from attacking the Telachitul Republic directly, but consolidates control over the region up to the border. The nation of Daresigoba accepts an alliance with the Telachitul Republic.
The navy of the Zelonuma Emiresq engages with a fleet from the Mouri Empire off the coast of its islands. At the Battle of Zara the Zelonuma achieve a decisive victory. The Zelonuma suffer the loss of 30 ships and 3,000 men, while the the Mouri suffer the loss of 77 ships and 10,000 men.
Events regarding Sillas and its wars still to be added once everyone posts/provides information.
The Beraban assault against the Sillans in Cazekorom results in a decisive Beraban victory, with the Sillans be repulsed from the nation. The Sillans suffer 10,500 casualties, the Berabans suffer 6,450 casualties, and Cazekorom suffers 6,580 casualties. However, the Sillan amphibious assault against southern Cazekorom results in a decisive victory, allowing the Sillans to retake the southern one-third of the nation by sea. The Sillans suffer 5,400 casualties, while Cazekorom suffers 6,000 casualties and numerous civilian losses.
The second Sillan attempt to invade northern Cazekorom/Beraba results in a stalemate, with the Sillans suffering 13,150 casualties, the Berabans suffering 3,500, and Cazekorom suffering 4,000 casualties.
The Qaryaati invasion of Sillas (the region south of the Makuku Lake) results in a decisive Qaryaati victory. The Sillans suffer 15,200 casualties, the Qaryaati suffer 8,140 casualties, and Mohejaro suffers 3,250 casualties. Additionally the Qaryaati manage to purchase and transport 5,000 Eborite mercenaries.
The Sillan attack on the Makuku rebellion results in a Sillan defeat. The Sillans suffer 5,010 casualties, while the Makuku suffer 8,100. As such the Makuku rebellion grows in number, and also attracts Teninukal to join them. The Makuku cut off supplies overland from reaching the Sillan army attacking Beraba, and manage to inflict 10,000 casualties against them. Additionally numerous Sillan civilians who are unsympathetic to an independent kingdom are killed in the Makuku cities. A Sillan-Makuku nobleman named Cecuhame becomes the dominant figure in the movement, controlling the region from the border with Mohejaro to the western sea.
- Holy Empire of Hythus: Years 558-567 Since the Return of Hythus. Emperor Tyrelius III the Wise moves to establish order and control over the city of Rocinjabel and it surrounding territories. First, a gate is constructed behind the wall, then a second gate built into the wall to create a double-gated entry to the empire. Then an Unian marches through to secure the borders of the city and organize the rabble. These troops accompany a group of city planners and administrators who work with the ‘royals’ of the city to establish roads, fountains, water and sanitation systems, and the other necessities of life. A buffer zone is cleared before the wall to prevent construction up against it. These troops and administrators make use of the mythology surrounding the wall to control the crowds, proclaiming that they have come from beyond it as messengers from the gods. This allows them to connect the wall with Hythus and spread a form of the religion to the migrants. By the end of the decade, a central road has been established, and a loose imperial authority over the city develops. The local nobility remains largely in power, but the city is secured by Hythian troops, and Hythian Imperial Administrators work to organize the people. All the while, the various stories of the east are collected and compiled, looking for trends and similarities. In the far south, the situation improves as the migrants are settled around a new city, Jopoksa. The construction effort is organized by imperial administrators, but the architecture is left to the migrants resulting in a strange mix of Hythian influences and light-wooden buildings that incorporate woven screens as a central form of wall construction. The fortress guarding the far-southern pass is completed, and all three passes receive garrisons of 3,000 men. Settlement of the south shifts westward into the lands of old-mythadia. The sparse population is replaced by a series of growing cities and increasingly dense rural populations. The fertile volcanic soil along the river allows for large crop yields and high rates of growth, while the inland lakes support thriving fishing communities as well as farming towns and cities. Agricultural production increases due to the expansion of farmlands, the use of human, bovine, and equestrian excrement to enrich the already fertile volcanic soil. More canals and tythoruses are constructed for irrigation. Crop rotation strategies become firmly entrenched and are effectively universal. The population grows immensely due to increased wealth and nutrition. The policy of land-grants is re-instituted and settlement of the south accelerates. Dozens of small cities and towns spring up across the south, located near the natural springs and minor streams that dot the landscape. Networks of roads are constructed as the settlers go, linking together these settlements and spreading administrative institutions as they go. The factories system continues its spread across the empire, increasing output and productivity. The increasing wealth of the nation sees many small academies open in the more minor cities throughout the empire. The overall population grows more literate and more educated, but this remains largely the pursuit of the rich and nobility. The missionaries of the Church of Hythus in the Drakan Empire record the impact of their presence, having converted many thousands in and around the city of Gondreium. In an unrelated note, Hythian Lancers begin adorning their armor with sets of 'wings' comprised of flowing red ribbons and the feathers of birds of prey. This display has the effect of increasing the shock factor of a charge. More substantively, the length of lances used by the cavalry has steadily increased over the centuries to a length of between 12 and 16 feet.
- O'leai Culture: In this year the Ua'Jui Aui Ja passes away and the Juis once again convene to elect a new Ua'Jui, utilizing their prestige from building the first temple to the Mother, the turtles Juis of Vui'a elect a young boy of their clan to the high throne of the Ua'Jui named Xho Vu. The increase in the amount of agriculture utilized by the Uani people causes population growth to continue to increase on Kuri'a, and to fulfill that they begin to raise many chickens to fulfill our dietary needs. Meanwhile, two new settlements appear on southern islands, one on the southwestern most island by a prince of the Seal Juis of Muia who seeked his own lands after being stripped of them by the Juis, and the other on the newly discovered South Eastern Island which is named Xhu'o (larger of the two) by the crew of wayfinders and their families, they choose among their numbers a Jui to lead them called the Conch Jui. Where as one these two island they find people who have similar ancestry to them and are able to converse and integrate them into their society at an easy rate. Meanwhile, the wayfinders continue to explore the seas, with many of them following the flow of the seas to find islands in the sea, and utilizing their advanced means of exploring to do so. On Kuri'a the Jui's lands continue to expand into the land of the unruled much to their exasperation. This leads to call a Du'ia or a war ceremony with the Juis, to an outsider this may seem to be a festival of sort even comparable to a tourney, but in truth it is a highly important ritual to solving disputes between the Uani, both ruled and unruled. During this two-week long process various contests and competitions will be held between representatives and warriors of the kingdoms selected by the priests. However, the process is skewed in favor of the Juis who have much more control over the priests than the unruled, leading to their victory in the rituals and the favor of the goddess for their expansion in the lands. Meanwhile, on the island of Vui'a, their capital begins to prosper with the temple attracting visitors, and thus merchants to their capital city leading the capital to be seen as a center of trade coming out from the island of Kuri and into the more smaller islands.
- Qera: As the war to the west comes to a close, a last offense is planned for 892, From which another 3,000 men will be called in, partially to secure the supply lines and partially as reinforcements. A few of the hilltribes of Odzeba are summoned to train the men on how to fight in mountainous terrain like gorges and hills. The new offense will push the Babisqa behind the mountains and the attack will once again start on many points simultaniously. The attacks will once again push from rather unsuspecting points, as major roads will not be chosen to approach the strategical important forts and cities, rather the army will send out spies first to look after potential groups hiding there and then the army will enter the region with their full might. Battle tactics will remain the same with additionally a heavy use of espionage. Trade with the nations to the south and also north, like Exhula and Mouri. Goods like spices, precious metals and agricultural products. Zoen I dies in 899, her son Ycas VII becomes prince as he is on the battlefield, his wife Zanlla rules over the court until her husband comes back from the war. She is very passionate about welfare programs like education, orphanages are opened up in the poorest quarters of the metropoles in Qera. Smaller temples provide the poor also with basic food like bread and rice, sometimes also vegetables or fruits. Some as honorable considered citizens of the overcrowded quarters of Imbalama and Ogaholle are sent west to live on their own farms, especially to the far south (50 PX TO THE SOUTH BECOME RURAL), more infrastructure is build in the northwest (30 PX TO THE WEST BECOMES RURAL). Trade to Ccekaea (Thïgæ) and Etotztolla (Telachtul) continues to flourish especially, due to the huge demand for spices, which leads to make Qera even wealthier.
- Tsardom of Algeorgia: We begin growing garlic alongside our saffron plantations. A new city is founded in the northeast of Algeorgia and is to be named Vladimovostok. The city will be a secondary capital in case of war and as a result a reserve temple for the Holy Dodo is also built there. The chariot branch of the military is succeeded by the cavalry branch. The cavalry units are sword and archer-wielding riding on horses. The horses are trained especially for combat and will not get scared by combat. The first units are seen as very successful and are introduced as a branch of the military academy's cavalry course. Paved roads linking the capital to Vladmirovostok begin being built and chariots are seen on it regularely.
- Thaivœga: Zhayvshk II Bhroual the Great continued his reign over the Thaivœ people from 373 to 412 TH (873 to 912 OM). From 391-400 TH, many institutions prospered, such as the University of Laykoth. It was around this time when the name Heshahl Thaivœga was changed to Thaivœga Aumsbek after being too close to Thaivœga Heshahl, the notation for the era, also known as TH. The [ç] sound and the [l] sound seemed to fade away by this point, and was merged with the [s] sound, making the [ɮ] sound. This shortened the alphabet to 14 letters. Canals were a major focus on the mainland, which brought water away from large rivers to prevent flooding, irrigating land farther away from the river, and making travel easier to rural areas not near major rivers. Rice farming continued, feeding more of the populace. This was a factor leading to a baby boom in the 390's, as rice gave a staple food source to land. The Kayvirau River (the main river) kept land along the rivers good for farming all year round, making turmeric, cilantro, and tamarind grown. These are traded with Qera for other spices. Expansion continues eastward and rural areas grow. Exploration continues as usual.
- Thaivœga Aumsbek: Cotton farming continues to be a major industry in the colony, and rural areas grow because of this. Expansion continues to accomodate for the growing demand for land for cotton plantations. The new generations of native raider slaves from three to five decades before this time, called "Ouraymirœ", translating to "exotic (ymir) slaves (Ouray)" to promote interest in the markets, were used extensively on the plantations, and selective breeding was used, with stronger slaves being able to withstand more work while weaker slaves died out. These were sometimes bred with Qeran slaves to make them more resiliant to different diseases. Exploration continues as usual.
- Mesallian Culture: Using the riches acquired from the wars in Mesallas, the consuls of Syres sponsored a number of ambitious projects in the city. A grand theatre was constructed that rivaled any building in the city in size and splendor, which connected to the city's vast forum in the center of the city. It was decreed that the "Old City" would be transformed, and the state enforced the tearing down of old buildings in the select zone, in the name of establishing perfectly laid streets, larger and more permanent central buildings, and vast public works. Foundations were reinforced by the driving of thousands of tree trunks horizontally into the ground, where the soil was less firm. Then "Syresian Concrete" was created as a waterproof and extremely strong building material, and this would form the basis of the new city center. Newly constructed buildings would be ten stories tall, made of brick, marble, and concrete, as opposed to the old apartment buildings made of notoriously poor quality wood. The most luxurious of buildings would have a central atrium, many rooms per home, and have a form of interior plumbing. The latter was achieved thanks to the city's extensive network of canals and underground sewers, and taking advantage of the city renovation, these sewers would also be expanded. Bathrooms for these luxury homes directly connected to the underground sewers, or in the case of upper levels, used fashioned lead pipes to carry waste away. Central atriums were typically equipped with a fountain or water source, which also used pipes. The renovation would see the first uniform rebuilding of sewers and water providers, as before the unplanned additions of sewers and pipes, of various quality, often lead to contamination, leaks, or blockages. In the city center, sewers and tunnels for water would be partially separated, but both of which would be supplied by the city's aqueducts in the mountains. The enormous growth of the city would lead to many more such aqueducts being constructed, as well as cisterns, often underground, for the purpose of storing water. Syres would see the construction of another aqueduct around the 172rd Jafiad (Year 888), and another about a century later. The uniformly laid out, centrally located, and newly renovated buildings would remain only in a small sector of the city initially, and they became reserved for only the richest or most influential people of the city. Elsewhere, streets were often less wide and uniform, and homes were sprawling combinations of wood and stone. Later, the city would slowly upgrade homes elsewhere as well, increasing the number of people with access to water or plumbing in their homes. The majority of the city's population relied on the city's public fountains and bath houses, and so the city sponsored the construction of an enormous bathhouse as part of its theatre complex. There people would gather to swim, bath, and relax, and the new bathhouse became an important place for the city's politicians to converge. The city would experience an issue in terms of religion, as officially the Cult of Syres was the official state religion, despite that religion now becoming a minority compared to religions such as Ulm. In the chaos of these formative years, many ancient temples would be closed and destroyed, while some of the most important were converted to basilicas. Finally the Hensa made it a point to pass an edict of toleration in the hopes of ending religious violence, which at this time had turned from oppression toward the fringe Ulm religion, to Ulmians destroying the remnant Syresian religion. Nevertheless, the Ulm religion had become the de facto main religion of the state, and the majority of the city's old temples, which had not been converted to some new use, were removed completely. As part of the edict, which was passed in the year of the 173rd Jafiad (892), the city delineated certain regions of the city reserved for certain religions. The city recognized a small Mesallian district, an Edomite district, and a Yannian district. In one of the most bustling markets of the city, adjacent to the city's main harbor, a shared zone for all religions was declared, as the city's harbor found itself a microcosm of dozens of religions, as travelers reached the city from around the ancient world. The city's politics remained largely tied to the old institutions of the city, namely the dominance of the merchant families. As it was essentially impossible to win a major position in the city's government without a great deal of wealth or fame, the city caved to the pressures of the lower classes and formed a minor assembly. The lower assembly would have a small degree of say over the powers of the Hensa, and would elect their own leaders as a sort of lower class consul. In the upper class politics, merchant patriarchs would spend years acquiring wealth to support the rise of their sons, who would often spend time in the military or the lower echelons of politics to establish himself in the city. The wealthiest and most prestigious individuals of the city would be responsible for dozens if not hundreds of lower class clients, who he attended to like a personal lord. These clients would be the farmers, workers, tutors, bodyguards, friends, and distant family, which the wealthy lords represented and raised around them. They would let their clients live among them oftentimes, or the patron would lead his clients in building suitable accommodations for each other. The most powerful men in the city sponsored hundreds of people, who would be their second family, and pass on to their sons after their death, creating strong bonds between the patriarchs and their supporters. During this time, one of the largest political matters was the rise of the poor in the city, as the city was seeing extremely high amounts of growth and immigration. For such solution was state-sponsored colonization of the more distant parts of the nation, in which the state would construct a small but comfortable Syresian-type city, and send citizens to populate it. This had the added effect of planting a loyal Syresian population in more diverse regions, and many of these colonies would form the basis of important cities across the empire. A far less popular opinion among the Hensa was the radical proposal to allot the Syresian countryside to these poor but eager workers. The majority of the countryside around the city had been the property of wealthy merchant families for centuries, and they would reject any proposal that took their property and gave it to someone else. A number of solutions would be created, the first being a tenant system. For certain farms the wealthy landowners would be required to allow a certain number of people onto the land, but in exchange would be granted the majority of profits from the land. In the end this seemed ideal, as in a sense it also created territories of loyal clients for the landowner, and these clients soon became voters. Elsewhere it was decided that in the case of the largest plots of land, if the owner could not show that they had taken any action to actually use it, it would be granted to new owners, but the original owner would be handsomely compensated. Very few landowners left their property derelict enough to fall under this jurisdiction, but some would accept these terms and make a small fortune from selling old lands. The most radical proposal was to allot a large portion of land as public land for all to use, with the profits being granted equally to the people who used the land, but this was vehemently objected to by nearly every member of the Hensa. They loathed any proposal that lowered the value of their goods, or circumvented the greedy economic system of the city, for better or for worse. An influential politician from the lower classes and its assembly, Pramoctus, would organize a small bloc of voters to reject monetary bribes, with his rallying call being, "Give the People Grain". As a result of this strike, politicians soon found themselves donating thousands of pounds of food to voters each year to secure their votes, so in a sense the state's public grain proposal had taken shape to a degree. In the case of Syresian colonies, most of the newly created ones would be placed in the Gudumanes, where the north had been organized into a proper province. There the Syresians imported their fondness of paved, straight, and extensive road networks, their elaborate shipbuilding skills, and their military hierarchy, while Mesallian literature, theatre, and other forms of culture leaked into Syres, much to the dismay of conservatives and traditionalists in the city. The most vocal of which formulated the true Syresian identity, uncorrupted by Mesallians and other peoples. Such an ideal never truly existed before, but nonetheless they campaigned for a return to such old values as standing at the theatre, and other strict oddities. In the nation of Edom the state had firmly asserted control of Lysandria, and now looked northward toward the rest of the region. The sudden death of the ambitious Anka ended these plans, but nonetheless the threat of Edom in Mesallas remained. Lysandria would become a major city of the empire, where old Edomite and Mesallian culture had been wed to form a strange combination of the two. The rest of the Melopenes was less supportive of Edom, and a major alliance of cities was formed, in opposition to both Edom and to Syres. One of the masterminds of the alliance would be Aperimus of Agira, who sought to also potentially turn Edom and Syres against each other. To this end he attempted to instigate a war in the Phydinian region, where the Edomites bordered Syresian Erasidon, by ordering covert attacks against the two powers. In Edom the new government would avoid such a conflict for the time being, focusing on stabilizing the situation in the south and in the northeast.
- The Javuk: Warrior scouts of the Javuk return good reports of the lands downriver from the city of Jagurra, commenting on the fertility of the soil, the large population of men and women in the region for enslavement. The much awaited news of a great campaign into these lands have been hinted at by the Supreme Warmaster, who announced his intention to begin drawing lots from the citizen-warriors of the Javuk to begin moving into the lands of the riverine natives. The slaves of Jagurra have proven to be weak and easily culled by their masters, while the serfs residing outside of the city limits make for poor fighters and even weaker laborers than the slaves taken from abroad. For the state to survive, Jaejunnau impresses the importance of constant expansion, never yielding peace or mercy to those whose rightful place is either beneath his people or beneath their sword. An immediate count of all available male and female citizens of the state is made, with approximately 6,000 capable of bearing arms. All have been trained in the use of multiple arms as a requirement for qualifying for the right to hold the title of citizen within Jagurra, but for the purposes of Jaejunnau's campaign, only 3,000 warriors will be called up for war, and structured into a force of 1,000 spears, 1,000 archers, 500 swords, and 500 riders. These will then be divided equally into two columns for each side of the river and proceed to march south to begin the campaign. A simple order is given to the warmasters by Jaejunnau prior to their march to ward; all who fail to bow to Javuk dominion are to be executed on the spot along with all their people, their livestock, and their lands. The warriors of the Javuk sweep around the southwestern plains exterminating entire tribes of people, raping and pillaging everything in sight. They ravage men and women, young and old, strong and infirm, and set fire to the fields of those peoples who foolishly refused to heed the command of their new masters. One of the warmasters of the campaign, Bausezzae Muyeddauhuk Veada'Damauddau, orders her warriors to begin gelding all of the men they encountered, preparing them for a life of slavery. With the War Council's approving, a "processing post" is established for this purpose, so as to aid in the gelding process and helping lay the foundations for a new workforce necessary for the maintainance of Javuk settlements to be established in the region. The scouts of Jagurra are sent out beyond the river again by the Supreme Warmaster to locate new settlements and cities for his army to target. During his campaign along the river, thousands of foreigners are murdered and enslaved by the Javuk. However, despite their successes, Jagurra cannot host all of the new fodder brought by to the city. The priests answer this issue of overpopulation by announcing a month-long festival in which one-half of the existing slave stock within the city will be sacrificed to the Javuk deity, and their posts taken by the new, younger slaves from downstream. The wealth stolen from those new lands will be invested in the expansion of Jagurra and its citizen-warriors, as well as toward the construction of a new city named in honor of the conquering ruler of their people, Jaejunnau.
- Kingdom of Tesardya: The population reaches 1,251,000, and strong trade with Zelonuma Emiresq proves fruitful in the exchange of similar cultures. With our ally's war with Mouri ending and the recent success, citizens rejoice as the infidel Ulmians are once again crushed. The main denomination of the Yannian Religion in Tesardya, Unarcisim, remains the most practiced form of Yannian in the nation, and shares a lot of similarities with Vathomanism. Expansion northward is made by 5 px along the northern coast as settlements are made. Military defenses are put up along the borders with Tamsebe to the south and Niani to the east.
- Exhulan Empire: With the acceptance of the marriage proposal by Qera, the Emperor is married in early 891, and soon fathers two children, both sons, one (named Vorgassiga) in 892 and another named Lorcciar in 893. As a result, he feels relatively confident and is more willing to take risks with two heirs in place, and begins seriously considering entering the war against Sillas. However, he decides to conduct a census first, to determine the amount of me he could raise. As a result when he sees the large Exhulan population he feels confident enough to Lead an invasion of Sillas in 895, leading large amounts of troops into the area south of Amyirth and using the Imperial navy too try to block of trade and supplies to Sillas from other nations. (ALGORITHM NEEDED) He leads the initial invasion as a surprise attack, with war never officially being declared, and Exhula only officially joins the five-nation coalition in 897. However, even before that we begin shipping large amounts of supplies into Teninukal to help their rebellion, which is beneficial to our attempts to seize more territory from Sillas. The Emperor's absense from the center of government in Siccarius also results in his brother Gosorlgar taking temporary power in the government and running things in his brother's absence. He is also a convert to the heavily mutated form of Ulmism found in Exhula (formerly known as Irrulmism), resulting in large amounts of favor being shown to members of that religion during his rule, and it’s being increasingly a part of the two heirs' education as they grow up well their father is away at war. It also results in large scale persecution of Exhulan Cixians, who are seen as potential traitors to the Empire and likely colaborators, and as rivals and heretics by the majority of the Exhulan Ulmians, who with their larger amount of power begin doing their best to drive Cixism underground and to eradicate it, although these measures will never be completley successful.
- Telachitul Republic: After the repulsion of the invasion, Kourosh sends a small force to permanently patrol the border for further incursions. Republican citizens who fled to Daresigoba are offered safe passage back to the republic, and are awarded new land in the north if they want. Expansion, trade and Economic development continue, with cities especially starting to grow. The navy expands. Expansion efforts continue in the north. The Icrodel religion continues to spread, becoming an important institution in the nation. the navy expands. We do a census and invest significant resources in it, as Kourosh wants a count of Telachitul citizens, allied tribal peoples, and Telanouio (Agunda).
- Telanouio (Agunda): The king of Agunda marries the daughter of Kourosh. While this is symbolic, with the republic's structure, ore importance is the beginning of intermarriage between the two nation's elite. The Telachitul language and religion continue to spread, especially among the elite. A large temple is built in the Telanouion capital, renamed Idolnouio.
- Zelonuma Emiresq: The support from the nation of Tesardya is greatly appreciated, and it is proposed to them that we should band together to conquer the Mouri islands that they have captured. Their islands only exist to facilitate raids against us both, and the nation will begin attacks to remove their base completely. Having defeated their navy, an army is raised to seize the islands. The south is secured and peace is made with the Khin nations. Defenses are constructed along the border. Many Darnans are sent to settle the region, where they find fertile plains ripe for farmland. The navy of the nation decides to lay siege to the Azozian islands, so that they are forced out of the north once more. The navy of the Zelonuma Emiresq attacks and surrounds the islands. A multitude of soldiers are raised to take the islands, while another army remains on the coastline.
- Yannian Culture: The Azozioni tried to infiltrate Bua to steal their artwork. They were sadly mistaken, because all artwork had been corrected, and the king had them slaughtered. But Bua soon fell anyway and that place was slaughtered back. Such was the case as Neum reasserted control over the entire territory, and established a strong theocratic kingdom. The new King of Neum is named Lymou, the Servant of Romo, who will bring piety and peace to the region. In Xbalan the kingdom reached out to Tesardya, proposing that the two nations team up and defeat Niani, as they are becoming a growing threat in the north. Xbalan would annex Bassar, which Niani took from Yannis, while Tesardya might annex the western part of Niani. The wars in the southeast end, and Tohatia remains a strong nation, having endured many wars. The straits remain in the hands of the powerful lords of the strait, who patrol and stop Ulmians from passing. They control the straits and tax the ships heavily, and they make a giant fleet to protect the region.
- Mouri Empire: Emperor Xeracles, surnamed "the Impious" by the monastic chronicles, saw a dangeous force approaching from the Syresian Republic as threatning the center of the empire. As such, he arranged a full marriage alliance between his son Taulut and the Queen of Edom. He did not remove the alliance he had with Syres, seeing them as an important buffer against the other Yannian states, and generally set forth a foreign policy of being neuteral between the two. Farther abroad, Xeracles offer an alliance with Temayal, offering their military support in their campaigns on the condition that his nation ends persecution of Ulm, as well as in all the vassals he controls. Much more immigration occures westward in colonizing the Valunian and Eskaladun regions, as those cultures started integrating with Azoz around this time. Zeno of the Library of Azoz wrote his book on anatomy at this time, including some of the world's oldest references to brain surgury. Gudion the Navigator died at this time, and the legacy he left behind continued to expand and develop the Garran Navy. The eastern navy is sent to continue keeping the Emiresq at bay, employing larger ships with trebuchets to defend the Raffi Islands along with mounted sea defenses such as the Claw and mounted catapults. A second fleet in the area withdraws from the battle, under the more eccentric commander Landrew the Short, who instead employs hit-and-run maneuvers with his lighter warships to weaken the Darnan navy through attrition. A cultural explosion occurs in the western regions near Bangui and Fotashe, largely as a result of Xeracles' multicultural policies. Mesallian athletic sports were more widely practiced, and a variety of new forms of dancing and music were known to appear at this time as well.