Antillean defectors

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Antillean defectors are citizens of and people from the Antilles who have defected from the island nation and fled abroad, most notably towards the United Commonwealth in the American mainland. While Antillean defectors don't exlusively defect to the Continental States, many defectors from the Antilles, especially the most notable and famous ones, have largely fled to the mainland, though many have defected to other countries as well. Antillean defectors, just like their Continental counterparts, typically engage in defection for political, ideologial and/or religious reasons in order to achieve a better life for themselves. Antillean defectors have been compared to Continental defectors due to both groups defecting for similar yet contrasting reasons.

The first Antillean defectors were reported in the mid to late-1920s when many abandoned the island nation and fled back to the American mainland to escape the authoritarianism and tyranny of Amelia Abarough who established a military dictatorship on the island. Incidents of defection would occur throughout Great War I, including among Antillean prisoners of war in Continental custody, but the biggest increase in defection occured during the Great Blue Terror after the June 16 incident of 1952 where Abarough's repression against supporters and conspirators in the attempted coup and later percieved enemies of the state would encourage and see the largest number of defectors from the island in its history. Defection was encouraged due to the repression by the Antillean government and caused many to join the United Commonwealth or other Landonist states like the Brazorian Confederation and Tournesol, though some would flee to liberal democracies such as the Kingdom of Sierra, Superior, Astoria and the United Kingdom among others.

Defection would decline following the death of Abarough in 1983 and the beginning of democratization which would improve human rights in the country and see a significant decline, however Antillean Americans have still defected on numerous occasions since 1983 and since the end of the Cold War in 2000. Defection has been encouraged and is a cornerstone of propaganda in the United Commonwealth in order to undermine the island nation and keep it isolated from the wider international community. One group of the Antillean American diaspora known as the Antillean soccer exiles, Antillean Americans who fled the island nation to play soccer (association football) abroad while it was banned under Abarough, have been recorded as a subgroup of defectors as many would defect to the countries they were playing soccer in, though this has been contested.


Early Abarough period

The earliest cases of defection from the Antilles occured in 1924 when Stanely Anderson, an officer of the United Commonwealth Navy, defected to the American mainland along with a crew of at least ten subordinates. They all defected upon being disillusioned by Abarough's oppression and supression of the working class, the banning of any and all left-wing political parties, organizations, meetings and events. Anderson himself was of middle class origin, but sympathized with working class people and saw their plight by Abarough as proof of the hyporcrisy of the Antillean state and left with ten other people back to the mainland.

Great Blue Terror

Post-1983 developments

Double defectors

Contemporary Antillean defectors

List of notable Antillean defectors

See also