Battle of the Western Sea

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Battle of the Western Sea (General Term)

Kjemp for kysten (Fight for the Coast , Mestra)

Megtorlás háborúja (War of Retribution, Secrazchak)

Part of the Second Great War
Clockwise from Top Left:

Mestran merchant ship *SS Hans Skogen* being attacked by a Secrazchaki submarine, May 8th 1941.

Secrazchaki capital ships engaging the Mestran 3rd Task Force during the Battle of the Barren Approaches, August 18th 1942.

Unknown tanker ship burns as it sinks due to a Talmieran submarine, sometime during December 1942.

Mestran convoy HE 3P transiting "The Submarine Shallows", and area of sea known to have many submarines, June 11th 1943 .

Unknown Khraelyian Destroyer deploys depth charges on a suspected submarine defending convoy NR O8, March 1946.

Mestran fleet carrier MNS Kópaverfi Castle departing port, this photo was taken hours before she would be sunk by a Secrazchaki air attack, November 13th 1947.
DateMay 5th, 1941 to July 21st 1948
Great Western Sea,
Result Destruction of the Talmieran and Secrazchaki Naval force

Other participants::

Commanders and leaders
  • Secrazchak
  • 110,000 Sailors
  • 211 Submarines
  • 6,100 Aircraft
  • 98 Ships
  • Talmiera -
  • 80,500 Sailors
  • 208 Submarines
  • 4,380 Aircraft
  • 75 Ships
  • Feodoria
  • 11,300 Sailors
  • 9 Submarines
  • 142 Aircraft
  • 8 Ships
  • Mestra
  • 95,000 Sailors
  • 109 Submarines
  • 6,867 Aircraft
  • 153 Ships
Casualties and losses
  • Secrazchak
  • 78,000 Sailors KIA
  • 138 Submarines lost
  • 3,780 Aircraft lost
  • 63 Ships lost
  • Talmiera -
  • 47,700 Sailors KIA
  • 196 Submarines lost
  • 3,280 Aircraft lost
  • 62 Ships lost
  • Feodoria
  • 4,000 Sailors KIA
  • 8 Submarines lost
  • 142 Aircraft lost
  • 8 Ships lost