Culture of Ivalice

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The Culture of Ivalice has been largely influenced and overshadowed by that of its large neighbor to the west, the United States, due to the stagnation of cultural development during the Unification War. However, Ivalician ideals are still marked with flairs of originality.


In embracing a spirit of diversity, Ivalice has no official national language. However, Ivalician English is considered the de facto language of Ivalice. Other languages spoken include Spanish, French, Japanese, German, and Surean. Spanish is the second most common language in Ivalice, the primary language of almost two million Ivalicians, mainly in Califia.


Ivalice is one of the most religious developed nations in the world today. Ivalice's traditionally religious culture and homogeneous religious background has made Roman Catholicism the majority religion of Ivalice, with 64 percent of Ivalice's population affiliating with the Roman Catholic Church. 27 percent of Ivalicians are Protestant, mainly Baptist. Three percent practice Judaism, with the remaining six percent divided among Atheist, Agnostic, Islamic, and Buddhist.


Ivalice's national holidays generally mark significant events in Ivalician history.

Date Official Name Remarks
January 1 New Year's Day Celebrates beginning of the Gregorian calendar year. Festivities include counting down to midnight (12:00 AM) on the preceding night, New Year's Eve. Traditional end of holiday season.
First Tuesday in January that is not January 1st Election Day General Elections are held on this day every two years
April 4 Unification Day Celebrates the signing of the Randgriz-Randell Treaty creating the Republic of Ivalice. In election years, this is also Inauguration Day.
Last Monday in May Marche Randall's Birthday Celebrates Marche Randall IV's birthday, which was May 29, 1562.
First Monday in June Randgriz Day Celebrates Gaius Randgriz's birthday, which was June 3, 1564.
Second Friday in June Island Day The end of the spring term for schools in Ivalice. The following weekend is usually celebrated with a family vacation.
Fourth Thursday in November Thanksgiving Day Traditionally celebrates the giving of thanks for the autumn harvest. Traditionally includes the consumption of a turkey dinner. Traditional start of the holiday season.
December 25 Christmas Celebrates the Nativity of Jesus. Some people consider aspects of this religious holiday, such as giving gifts and decorating a Christmas tree, to be secular rather than explicitly Christian.


The sports culture in Ivalice has been heavily influenced by the United States. As a result of this, American Football and Baseball are the most popular sports in Ivalice. Association football is drastically less popular in Ivalice than in most countries.