State governments of Ivalice

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State governments of Ivalice are those governments formed in each Ivalician state, and serve as the highest power under the Federal government of Ivalice in those states.

Structured in accordance with state law (including state constitutions and state statutes), most state governments are modeled on the federal system, with three branches of government—executive, legislative, and judicial. All governmental powers not granted to the federal government by the Constitution are reserved for the states or to the people.

Each current state government was formed at the time of the signing of the Ivalician Constitution.


The legislative branch of the state governments consists of a state legislature. Every state has a bicameral legislature, meaning it comprises two chambers.

In Califia, the state legislature is simply called the "Legislature." Gallia and Forriedor call their legislature the "General Assembly". The Ivalician Federal District uses the term "District Assembly".

In the state legislatures, the upper house is called the "Senate". In the Gallia, Califia and Forriedor state legislatures, the lower house is called the "House of Representatives". The name "House of Delegates" is used in the Ivalician Federal District.


The executive branch of every state is headed by an elected Governor. Most states have a plural executive, in which several key members of the executive branch are directly elected by the people and serve alongside the governor. These include the offices of lieutenant governor (often on a joint ticket with the governor, except in the Ivalician Federal District, where he or she is appointed) and attorney general, secretary of state, auditors (or comptrollers or controllers), treasurer, commissioner of agriculture, and commissioner of education.

Each state government is free to organize its executive departments and agencies in any way it likes. This has resulted in substantial diversity among the states with regard to every aspect of how their governments are organized.


The judicial branch in most states is topped by a court of last resort usually called a supreme court that hears appeals from lower state courts. Each state's court has the last word on issues of state law and can only be overruled by federal courts on issues of federal law.

The structure of courts and the methods of selecting judges is determined by each state's constitution or legislature. Most states have at least one trial-level court and an intermediate appeals court from which only some cases are appealed to the highest court.