House of Representatives of Kalșeri

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 This article is part of the Kalșeri project.
House of Representatives of Kalșeri
Represéntagiseri (kh)
48th House of Representatives
Coat of arms or logo
Lower house
HS Diego Y. MorelosL
Since August 28, 2020
Spokesperson for the Liberal Democrats
Ashley Moriarty (LN)
Since October 22, 2017
Spokesperson for the Social Cooperationists
William Kusznieski (KL)
Since May 17, 2017
Spokesperson for the Libertarians
Rick Gosling (JV)
Since November 20, 2020
Spokesperson for Kalșerians for Change
Natasha Cordell (LG)
Since April 3, 2017
Seats 200
Kalserian House of Representatives 2022.svg
Political groups
  Progressives (3)
  Puwersas (3)
  Libertarians (15)
  Cartierois (2)
  Falkorians (2)
  Reformers (4)
Length of term
5 years, renewable once
Contingent vote in single-member districts
Last election
March 20, 2022
Next election
On or before March 21, 2027
Meeting place
West Wing, Mecklenburg House, Evalria

The House of Representatives of Kalșeri (Kalhan: Represéntagiseri), colloquially referred to as just the House, is the lower house of the Congress, the legislative branch of Kalșeri, with the Senate being the upper house.

As the House of Representatives is the lower of the two houses of Congress, most bills originate from here, and, if approved, are sent to the Senate.


Both houses of Congress were established by the Congress Act 1784, at the behest of President Archibald Hayworth, replacing the temporary Constituent Assembly.

At the moment of creation, only males who had either completed primary education or worked for more than 15 years were allowed to vote. The electoral base was subsequently revised thrice:

  1. the Base Act 1871 expanded the electoral base to any male citizen aged 25 or older;
  2. the Charter, ratified in 1934, extended the right to vote to any citizen aged 20 or older, regardless of sex;
  3. the age requirement was lowered to 18 in 1971, with the passage of the Eleventh Amendment.

The Charter also codifies the number of Representatives for each canton, setting it at the number of people living in the canton at the last Census, divided by 150,000, plus a variable number of Representatives for Kalșerians abroad, equalling to 200 Representatives in total.


The House constituencies for 2022

The House of Representatives is composed of 200 seats, which are elected directly by the citizens. The election of the House of Representatives, just like the one for the Senate, takes place on the third Sunday of March of every five years, unless Congress has been dissolved earlier.

The number of seats allocated is 200; two-thirds of them (134) are through cantonal proportional lists, 60 one-seat constituencies are allotted for Kalșeri proper, and the remaining seats are given to Representatives of Kalșerians abroad (North and Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Western Asia, and the Eastern Asia-Pacific seat). The borders of each constituency are changed accordingly by a non-partisan body, to avoid gerrymandering. Kalúen, the most populated canton, has 31 seats, while Cape Sundervale, the least populated canton, has two.

Canton Inhabitants (2019 est.) PR seats Single-member constituencies
 Cape Sundervale 222,747 2 0
 Cartier Island 746,726 2 1
 Chalmersville 953,186 3 1
 Evalria 2,114,960 7 3
 Janval 3,500,248 12 5
 Kalúen 6,456,398 21 10
 Lág 5,598,044 18 8
 New Kerry 4,499,905 15 7
 New Lothian 3,010,496 10 5
 Quincollia 614,489 2 1
 San Rafael 2,639,430 9 4
 Takalim 5,514,632 18 8
 Tigupoke 1,175,906 4 2
 Urgel 3,342,783 11 5
Representatives for Kalșerians abroad 6

Starting from the general election after 2022, the House will see the addition of 65 proportional representation seats reserved for native Kalhan speakers, thus divided:

Canton Kalhan seats
 Cape Sundervale 1
 Cartier Island 1
 Chalmersville 2
 Evalria 3
 Janval 6
 Kalúen 10
 Lág 9
 New Kerry 7
 New Lothian 5
 Quincollia 1
 San Rafael 4
 Takalim 9
 Tigupoke 2
 Urgel 5
Total 65


As the House of Representatives is one part of the national legislature of Kalșeri, bills may originate from either the House of Representatives or the Senate. A simple majority is required for a bill to be forwarded to the Senate, which then forwards it to the President, who then may either sign the bill into law or veto it. The House, along with the Senate, can override a Presidential veto after three vetoes. The House may override a Senate veto after three rejections.

The House of Representatives, along with the Senate, also wields the power to incapacitate the President, a member of their Cabinet or an official from the judiciary branch.


As per tradition, the Social Cooperationists sit on the left, while the Liberal Democrats sit on the right of the High Summoner's dais. For smaller parties, their place is often determined based on their ideology.


High Summoner

The High Summoner is the presiding officer of the House of Representatives. The High Summoner's duties include regulating and monitoring discussion held during the daily session of the House of Representatives, ruling on points of order, announcing the results of votes and executing disciplinary actions: the High Summoner has the power to suspend Representatives for the rest of the day's sitting or expel them from the current legislature.

The High Summoner is a Representative, a primus inter pares chosen by the House to monitor debate. Upon nomination, the High Summoner's former constituency seat is occupied by the leader of the local section of the Party of the High Summoner. The High Summoner, perceived as a neutral figure, is also expected to suspend their membership of the party during their stay as High Summoner. Most of the time, the High Summoner is chosen among the governing party or coalition.

Father of the House

Unlike the High Summoner, the Father of the House (Mother of the House for female Representatives) is a largely ceremonial role bestowed upon the longest-serving Representative. Some actual benefits include raised retirement benefits, a higher role in the order of precedence and presiding over the election of the High Summoner.

Party Whip

Each party with three seats or more in the House of Representatives is entitled to a Spokesperson, or, colloquially, a Whip. The Spokesperson reports the proceedings of their party to the High Summoner, and may tell the party's Representatives to vote for or against a specific bill, or call a motion of abstinence for said bill.


The requirements for holding the office of Representative are codified in the Charter. To run for Representative, a citizen must meet the following requirements:

  • be a Kalșerian citizen;
    • If a foreigner is elected to the House of Representatives, they must first pass the Citizenship Test, a quiz about general culture, history and political life in Kalșeri; they may not sit in the House of Representatives until they have passed the Test.
  • be 25 or older at the time of confirmation (April 1st);
  • not have been accused of any felony for the last 15 years;
  • be legally sane.


On April 1st, after the candidate has been elected, the Representative-elect is confirmed to the post via a public ceremony in which the oath of allegiance is uttered before the High Summoner, in either Kalhan or English:

I, [full name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend Kalșeri from all enemies, that I will bear allegiance to the Charter, that I will express the needs of my people before my own, and that I will perform the duties bestowed to me faithfully, consciously and professionally. (So help me God.)

The last sentence may be omitted, and the Representative-elect is given the option to swear on either a copy of the Bible or a copy of the Charter.

After the oath, the Representative-elect, now a full-fledged Representative, is invited to attend a brief conference held by the High Summoner, explaining how the House of Representatives works and reminding the rights and duties of a Representative; the conference is then followed by a State Luncheon, a tour of the House of Representatives building for newcomers, and then the welcoming ceremony.

Suspension and expulsion

The High Summoner may suspend or expel a Representative. Suspension, applied motu proprio and after concrete instances of unparliamentary behavior, lasts for the rest of the day's sitting.
