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The Niben (Ta'agra: Malapi), also known as the Red River or the Imperial Run, is both the longest and widest river in Tamriel. From Lake Rumare, it flows south through the province of Cyrodiil, and empties into Topal Bay. The region around the Niben and its tributaries is known as Nibenay.


The Niben was originally a ship commanded by Topal the Pilot, who charted the river's course in the Merethic Era.[1]


Early river cultures

According to the Udhendra Nibenu, ancestral Khajiit were present along the length of the Merethic Niben, as were bird-men on the islands of Lake Rumare. Aldmer colonization later gave rise to the Ayleid civilization, which dominated the Nibenay region until the early First Era. The Ayleids kept mannish slaves, many of whom came from tribes that originally dwelled around the Niben River.

Ayleid city-states on the Niben

Alessian Empire


