Second Spitsbergen Treaty

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First page of the Treaty, showing the long title
Type Sovereignty recognition
Drafted 9 May 2010*
Signed 15 May 2010*
Location Straßburg
Effective 1 January 2012
Condition Template:Collapsible
Signatories Template:Collapsible
Language English

The Second Spitsbergen Treaty, more formally the Second Treaty Concerning Spitsbergen and often referred to as the Second Svalbard Treaty, is an active treaty signed by twenty-three sovereign states, representing the original nine signatories of the First Treaty Concerning Spitsbergen, and Russia, signed at Straßburg 15 May 2010*. The treaty nullifies the First Spitsbergen Treaty, recognizes the sovereignty of the Union of Svalbard, and places said country under Großgermanian protection.

The Treaty came into force 1 January 2012 with the ratification of Japan, the last to ratify of the eight great powers whose ratification was a condition of the Treaty's effectiveness.


The signatories of the Treaty are Scandinavia, Finland, Great Britain, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Großgermania, Monaco, Poland, Italy, Russia, Hungary, the Baltic Duchy, Egypt, Free Greece, the Arabian Federation, Japan, Disparu, the Republic of Jerna, Argentina, Venezuela, the United States of America, and Hispaniola.

Text of the Treaty

Fileicon-pdf.png Original English Version

Treaty between the Scandinavian Empire; the Republic of Finland; the United Kingdom of Great Britain; the Kingdom of the United Netherlands; the Empire of the French; the Kingdom of Spain; the People's Empire of Greater Germania; the Principality of Monaco; the Polish Republic; the Colonial Empire of the Italian Peninsula; the Russian Federation; the Republic of Hungary; the Baltic Duchy; the Land of Egypt; the Free Hellenic Republic; the Arabian Federation; the Greater Japanese Empire; the Federation of Disparu; the People's Democratic Republic of Jerna; the United Provinces of the River Plate; the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela; the United States of America; and the Imperial Commonwealth of Hispaniola; representing the original signatories to the Treaty Concerning Spitsbergen of 9 February 1920; and concerning the same; signed at Straßburg 90 years, 3 months, and 1 week following the conclusion of the aforementioned instrument.


His Imperial Majesty the Scandinavian Emperor; His Excellency the President of the Republic of Finland; His Majesty the King of Great Britain; Her Majesty the Queen of the United Netherlands; His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of the French; His Majesty the King of Spain; His Imperial and Serene Majesty the Emperor of Greater Germania, Lord Protector of Maiden’s Isle; His Serene Highness the Sovereign Prince of Monaco; His Excellency the President of the Polish Republic; His Royal Majesty the King of Italy; His Excellency the President of the Russian Federation; His Excellency the President of Hungary; His Royal Highness the Duke of the Balts; Their Honors the Tetrarchs of Egypt; His Excellency the President of the Free Hellenic Republic; His Excellency the State President of the Arabian Federation; His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Japan; His Royal Majesty the King of Disparu; His Excellency the President of the People’s Assembly of the Republic of Jerna; Her Excellency the President of the Argentine Nation; His Excellency the President of Venezuela; His Excellency the President of the United States of America; His Imperial Excellency the Chancellor of Hispaniola,

Desirous of peacefully securing the right of self-determination of the Svalbarders, who have indicated by referendum their desire for national sovereignty and independence, unencumbered by antiquated restrictions on their pursuit of economic, political, and social development,

Have appointed their individual plenipotentiaries with a view to concluding a Treaty to this effect.

Article 1

This Treaty, concluded by the signatories of, or legal successors and representatives of the signatories of, the Treaty Concerning Spitsbergen of 9 February 1920, shall completely and wholly supersede said instrument, the provisions of which shall forevermore be rendered null and void.

Article 2

The High Contracting Parties undertake to recognize, subject to the stipulations of the present Treaty, and pursuant to all applicable articles and clauses, but particularly the provisions of Article 1, of the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, ratified by the Seventh International Conference of American States on 26 December 1933, the full sovereignty and independence of the Archipelago of Spitsbergen, comprising, with Bear Island, all the islands situated between ten and thirty-five degrees longitude East of Greenwich and between seventy-four and eighty-one degrees latitude North of the Equator, especially West Spitsbergen, North-East Land, Barents Island, Edge Island, Wiche Islands, Hope Island, and Prince Charles Foreland, together with all islands great or small and rocks appertaining thereto, as the Union of Svalbard, under the perpetual leadership of the House of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, and governed in a manner prescribed by the will of the people thereof from a capital established at Longyearbyen

Article 3

The Union of Svalbard shall enjoy all the economic, political, and social privileges accorded to independent States by International Law, subject to the stipulations of the present Treaty.

Article 4

The inhabitants of the territories specified in Article 2, according to their choice, reserving their natural allegiance, may choose to vacate the said territories within one year of the ratification of this Treaty; however, if they should prefer to remain in the said territories, they shall be granted full citizenship of the Union of Svalbard, subject to law or custom thereof.

Article 5

Pursuant to Article 10 of the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, the Union of Svalbard shall guarantee to the High Contracting Parties that it shall not maintain within the territories specified in Article 2 any serviceable military installations, vessels, equipment, or personnel.

This Article is subject to review by the High Contracting Parties no less than once every ten years, from the ratification of the present Treaty, and may be suspended or reinstated at any time by a majority consensus of the High Contracting Parties.

Article 6

At any and all times when Article 5 is deemed by the High Contracting Parties to be in effect, the People’s Empire of Greater Germania shall be responsible for the defense and protection of the Union of Svalbard, and nothing in Article 5 shall preclude the People’s Empire of Greater Germania from maintaining within the territories specified in Article 2 as many serviceable military installations, vessels, equipment, or personnel as are reasonably required to fulfill this mandate.

Article 7

When this Treaty shall have been duly ratified by the respective persons or bodies of its various High Contracting Parties, the ratifications shall be deposited at Straßburg within one month from the date thereof, or sooner if possible

In witness whereof the appointed plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty.

Done at Straßburg, 90 years, 3 months, and 1 week following the conclusion of the aforementioned Treaty Concerning Spitsbergen.