Timeline (Eastern Manifest Destiny)

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This page is dedicated to the overall timeline of Eastern Manifest Destiny. If you would like more specific timelines on wars such as the Chinese Civil War or events such as the Russian Spring of 1917, you can request these pages be made or obtain permission to create these pages from the main editors found on the main page.

Timeline (1821 - 1879)


  • 31 March 1821: Lt. Matthew C. Perry opens up Japan under the Edict of Edo with the Shogun and the Emperor of Japan, propelling Japan into rapid modernization and integration. 
  • 5 June 1825: Traditional Samurai Families, fearful of their waning influence, begin an open rebellion in central Honshu. 
  • 17 August 1825: The Tamura clan of Miyagi ally with their cousin Date Branch in Sendai to create the Miyagi-Sendai Shogunate.
  • 11 September 1825: The Miyagi-Sendai Shogunate declares war on the Japanese Empire, thus beginning the Japanese Civil War. 
  • 17 November 1827: The Miyagi-Sendai Shogunate successfully ambushes Imperial forces near Sekigahara, killing General Ōmura Masujirō and inflicting heavy casualties on the latter. 
  • 5 May 1829: The first Chinese ships land in Spanish North America. 

Timeline (1880 - 1930)


  • 12 June 1880: The last retainers of the Miyagi-Sendai surrender to the Japanese Empire, ending the Japanese Civil War, 
  • 6 June 1883: The Sino-Spanish War breaks out after the Qing invasion of the Philippines. 
  • 11 September 1883: The Sino-Spanish War ends with Qing victory and the Philippines is ceded to Qing, thus beginning the fall of the Spanish Empire.


  • 1 August 1894: The Sino-Japanese War breaks out, ending a year later with Japanese victory.
  • 3 August 1894: The Treaty of Shimonoseki is signed, ceding Formosa, the Kinmen, Matsu, and Pescadores to Japan. 
  • 11 September 1894: King Sojong of Korea declares himself Emperor and reorganizes the Joseon Dynasty into the Greater Korean Empire. 
  • 12 September 1894: Joseon loyalists, with the help of Qing forces, attack a royal palace in Pyeongyang, triggering the Korean Civil War. 


  • 10 October 1905: The Qing Dynasty collapses and the Republic of China is established.
  • 25 December 1905: The Korean Civil War ends with the defeat and execution of the last of the actively resistant Joseon loyalists. 
  • 14 February 1906: A Japanese mission to Korea ends with the signing of the Jeju Edict, which allows Japan and the newly-formed Republic of China exclusive access to the trading port of Jeju. 
  • 14 November 1906: The Chinese colonies of Meishangu and Xinshidao are sold to Japan for $30 million.


  • 12 August 1912: Cao Kun, a Chinese warlord, invades Peking and thus begins the Chinese Civil War.


  • 13 January 1922: The First Republic of the Philippines is established with the independence of the Philippines from China. 

Timeline (1931 - 1979)


  • 4 August 1931: Filipino forces begin widespread government-sanctioned attacks on Chinese merchant ships, leading to Chinese counterattacks against Filipino warships. 
  • 6 August 1931: Filipino forces accidentally fire on a Japanese armed trade vessel 200 km off Puerto Princessa, leading to a small exchange of fire that sunk two Filipino ships and killed about 75 people. 
  • 11 September 1931: The Imperial Japanese Coast Guard retaliates with a blockade of the Port of Yokohama, blocking Filipino merchant ships from entering. The Philippines suffers from the blockade and attempt to negotiate with Japan in the following months.
  • 19 October 1931: Negotiations between Filipino President Emilio Aguinaldo and Japan break down and Japan declares war on the Philippines. 


  • 10 October 1948: Riots break out across many major cities in French Indochina; the French government seeks advice from the international community. 
  • 16 October 1948: The French Indochinese government approves a series of new laws guaranteeing the native non-European populations some rights, quelling some riots. 
  • 31 October 1948: Riots in Vietnam and Laos intensify, forcing the French Indochinese government to declare martial law and use force to shut down the protests in Saigon, Hanoi, and Vientiane. 
  • 3 November 1948: Riots turn into all out rebellion; forcing a full militarization of all French forces in French Indochina. 


  • 17 January 1956: After years of fighting, the French government officially relinquishes all control of Indochina, thus creating the new states of Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. 

Timeline (1980 - present)