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People's Empire of Greater Germania

Motto: Für Reich und Volk!

Location of Großgermania
Capital Nordhausen
Largest city Berlin
Official languages German
Recognised regional languages Danish, Czech, French, Romansh, Italian, Polish, Russian, Letzeburgish, Spanish, Prussian
Ethnic groups
German, Danish, Czech, French, Romansh, other
Nordic Spirituality
Demonym(s) Various
Government People's Empire
18 January 1871
• Anschluß
13 March 1938
3 October 1990
12 December 2008
• Total
272,095 sq mi (704,720 km2)
• 2010 census
GDP (PPP) 2009 estimate
• Total
6.054 trillion
• Per capita
Currency Reichsmark (R₥) (GßM)
(240 Reichspfennig ())
Time zone CET (UTC +1)
Date format Little endian (dd-mm-yyyy)
Driving side left
Internet TLD .gß
^The Holy Roman Empire was de facto created in 800 with the coronation of Charlemagne as Emperor of the Romans, but not officially formed until 962.
The title of this article contains the character ß.
Where it is unavailable or not desired, the name may be represented as Grossgermania.

The People's Empire of Greater Germania (German: Volksreich Großgermania Speaker Icon.svg, also known by other official names), conventional short form Großgermania /ˈɡʁoːsɡɐɱaɲjə/ Speaker Icon.svg, is a sovereign state in central Europe comprising areas of the former states of Germany, Denmark, the Swiss Confederation, Austria, the Czech Republic, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, and the Free Republic of Alsace-Lorraine, as well as parts of Poland and the Russian Federation. The Empire also holds sovereignty over the Canary Islands, off the west coast of Africa, which were purchased from the Kingdom of Spain by Germany shortly before the Empire's foundation.

The People's Empire is bordered to the north by the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, with Norway and Sweden lying across the Skagerrak and the Kattegat respectively. To the east is the Polish Republic, the Baltic Duchy, and the Russian Federation, and to the south is Slovakia, Penisola Italiana, and Hungary. To the west lies the Netherlands and the Empire of the French. Großgermania has a population of nearly 77,000,000, making it the second most populous country in Europe (after Russia), and a total area of 272,000 square miles.

Großgermania is a federal National Unionist people's empire, divided into six constituent countries: two kingdoms (Germany and Denmark), two principalities (Luxembourg and Liechtenstein), and two gebiete, or free lands (Helvetica and Alsace-Lorraine). There is also one territory, the Kanarische Inseln, which has limited autonomy from the Imperial Government. The continental Empire is further divided into forty-six provinces (bezirke) which have varying degrees of autonomy from the kingdoms, principalities, and free lands of which they are components. Thirteen of these provinces comprise the former Germany, eight the former Austria, four the former Denmark, six the former Switzerland, eight the former Poland (one of which, Prussia, includes Königsberg, which was a Russian territory), and four the former Czech Republic, with Luxembourg, Alcase-Lorraine, and Liechtenstein each forming their own provinces.


In contrast to the native names of Großgermania's predecessor states, the name Großgermania does not derive from any of its native languages. The general territory of Großgermania was named Germania by the Romans, and two Rhenish provinces of the Roman Empire, Germania Superior and Germania Inferior, were named such because of their proximity to Germanic territory (despite the fact that the Rhineland was defined as being part of Gaul, not Germania itself).

Despite attempts by the Imperial Government of Großgermania to vary the country's conventional short form name across linguistic boundaries, there is strong use of the term Großgermania around the world. The name, as well as its officially-endorsed foreign-language variants, can generally be separated into two parts. The Latin term Germania is combined with a prefix indicating greater, commonly used in geography to refer to a specified area as a whole, rather than a specific heartland location. Thus, the English-language name endorsed by the Imperial Government of Großgermania is Greater Germania.


Uniting most of Western Europe to rule the largest post-Roman empire in Europe until the rise of Napoleon, Charles the Great is credited with the foundation of the Holy Roman Empire.

Early and Medieval Germany

The territory of Großgermania has been inhabited primarily by German and German-speaking people native to the area for millennia. Roman colonization of the Rhineland resulted in the creation of the Gallic provinces of Germania Superior and Germania Inferior, which were marred by rebellions and invasions from non-Roman Germania (collectively referred to as the Germanic Wars). Further Roman colonization of Germany was hampered by the decisive Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, which culminated in Roman withdrawal from most Germanic lands, maintaining only nominal presence in Gallic Germania. Following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, medieval Germanic kingdoms emerged, but were subsequently conquered by Charles the Great and united with the territory of modern France to form the Carolingian Empire. Following Charles' death in 814, the Treaty of Verdun granted his German domains to his grandson, Ludwig, as East Francia. Charles' title of King of the Romans, granted to his father, Pepin, by the Papacy, was also inherited by Ludwig. He subsequently confirmed himself as Holy Roman Emperor.

Foundations of the German State

The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, a supranational confederation of quasi-independent German states, ruled over central Germany for nearly one thousand years. Finally collapsing under pressure from the Empire of the French in 1806, the various constituent countries of the Holy Roman Empire achieved independence, many subsequently joining the Confederation of the Rhine, a French

West German postal stamp depicting Otto von Bismarck, founder of the German Empire.

client state. The Congress of Vienna met in 1815 following Napoleon's defeat to redraw the European map. The Confederation of the Rhine was abolished, the various German states becoming independent members of the German Confederation. Popular discontent with Austrian rule of the Confederation led to the ejection of Austria and its allies in 1823, the remaining states forming the Prussian-led North German Confederation. Prussia utilized its dominance in the Confederation to make a series of territorial expansions, annexing neighboring German states in the process. Following the re-establishment of a Bonapartist empire in France in 1852, the Confederation warred with them in the Franco-Prussian War, quickly conquering the nation, capturing Paris, and annexing Alsace-Lorraine. In 1871, an imperial constitution was proclaimed by Prussian Ministerpräsident Otto von Bismarck, reuniting Germany as the German Empire. The House of Hohenzollern came to power, and retained von Bismarck as Reichskanzler until 1890. Germany entered into a military bloc, known as the Triple Alliance, with Austria–Hungary and the Kingdom of Italy, leading it into the First World War against the Triple Alliance following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria by a Serbian-sponsored terrorist organization. Germany's involvement in the war, as well as its violation of Belgian neutrality, led it to become the Allied scapegoat for allegedly causing the war.

Interwar Germany

Following defeat in the First World War, the German Revolution deposed the Hohenzollern monarchy and established a republic. A dictated peace was imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles, exacting extraordinary reparations from Germany, depriving it of its colonies, granting West Prussia to Poland, and returning Alsace-Lorraine to France. Marred with severe economic problems and hyperinflation resulting from attempts to pay the reparations, radicalism gained political prominence. A civil war erupted between communist and fascist forces, with the latter being victorious. Adolf Hitler of the National Socialist German Workers' Party was appointed to the chancellorship in 1933, and began a process of Gleichschaltung, centralizing power in himself.

Uniting with Austria in 1938 and subsequently annexing the Sudetenland and declaring a protectorate over Bohemia and Moravia, Hitler declared the Großdeutsches Reich. An invasion of Poland in 1939 to recapture German territories and the Free City of Danzig led to the Second World War. Initial success against Poland and France turned into defeat when Germany violated its non-aggression pact with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics by launching an invasion of that country in 1941. Finally defeated in May 1945, Germany lost vast tracts of its territory, most of which was awarded to Poland. What remained of the country was occupied by the United Kingdom, the United States of America, France, and the Soviet Union. In 1949, the United Kingdom, the United States, and France merged their regions of occupation (outside Berlin), and imposed a capitalist constitution in what became the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany). The Soviet Union, however, refused to allow the annexation of its sector of occupation, and established a separate state, the German Democratic Republic (East Germany), which soon after its creation established a socialist economy and democratic government of its own discretion. West Berlin remained a zone of Allied military occupation split between the United Kingdom, the United States, and France.

Divided Germany

Preservation of the Inner German Border between East Germany and West.

Travel between the two German states was severely restricted, and very limited trade occurred. East and West Berlin were divided by a partition erected in 1961. East Germany, which received approximately one-quarter of all pre-war resources, was forced to pay approximately three-quarters of all war reparations, due to West Germany's refusal to maintain diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. Economic development proceeded quickly, therefore, in West Germany, and much slower in the East. West Germany joined the American-dominated North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the European Union, while East Germany orchestrated the creation of the Warsaw Pact. Although East Germany's economy had largely recovered by the 1980s, the collapse of a number of communist countries in that timeframe weakened its position in the world. Upon the rise of capitalism in Hungary and the replacement of the People's Republic of Hungary with the Republic of Hungary in 1989, tens of thousands of East German citizens were allowed passage through Czechoslovakia into Hungary, thence through Austria and into West Germany. This severely weakened the resolve of the East German Government, which collapsed later that year. Germany reunited in 1990 with the annexation of East Germany into the Federal Republic of Germany.

Unification of Germania

In 2007, the leftist Socialist Unity Party of Germany merged with the right-wing National Democratic Party of Germany to form the German National Unionist Party (Deutsche Nationalunionistische Partei, DNUP). After winning its right to exist under the Strafgesetzbuch in a legal battle headed by Michael von Preußen, the DNUP created satellite parties in Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Poland, and the Czech Republic. Succeeding in a non-confidence vote against German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the DNUP was swept to power in an emergency election, promising respite from the global economic crisis, which was having a significant impact on the German economy.

File:Constitutional Court of Germany (DNUP Reference).jpg
The Bundesverfassungsgericht hears a case regarding the legality of the DNUP.

Launching a series of make-work and infrastructure-building programs across Germany, Michael von Preußen, now Chancellor, succeeded in aiding various other National Unionist parties to power in neighboring states. Seceding from the European Union in January 2008, Germany formed the Association of Germanic States with Denmark, Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg, and the Czech Republic. Liechtenstein joined under pressure from Switzerland in August, and Alsace-Lorraine, declaring independence from the newly reformed Empire of the French in February, joined seeking protection from France in early September. On 10 December 2008, the Treaty of Kraków was concluded between Germany, Poland, Russia, and the European Union, allowing for German annexation of Kaliningrad and German-speaking Poland. Areas of Poland annexed by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics following the Second World War which were now part of Belarus and Ukraine were restored under Polish control. In early November 2008, the DNUP united with its satellite parties, becoming the National Unionist Party of Greater Germania (Nationalunionistische Partei von Großgermania, NUPG). On 12 December 2008, all members of the Association of Germanic States were annexed by Germany, and Großgermania was formed.

Jernan Civil War

Original text related to this article:

Declaration of War
on the Jernan Military Junta

Diplomatic relations between Großgermania and the Republic of Jerna were opened early in April 2009, following the Jernan elections. Shortly after, the People's Armed Forces staged a mutiny, ousting President Arrnea and assuming control of the nation. Military rule was installed, and the republican government dissolved. Two days following the coup, Großgermania offered diplomatic support to the ousted government in a radio announcement by the Emperor. Political asylum was granted to members of the diplomatic staff at the Jernan Consulate to Großgermania in Nordhausen.

Following military support being offered to the ousted Jernan Government by several other nations, a declaration of war was issued by the Emperor, and the Imperial Military began overseas operations in Oceania. The first of several battles involving Großgermania was the Battle of Esperance, coordinated with the Battle of Mount Barker. Großgermania played a major role in Operation Königreich Jerusalem, the major turning point in the war. In early May, Jerna City was captured, and the war concluded. Großgermanian troops returned to the country shortly afterwards.

Coup d'État

Front page of the Imperial Observer announcing the election of Alexandra

In Spring 2009, the Free Hellenic Republic gained independence from Demokratikos. Soon after, the parliament instituted the Debt Bondage Bill, which reinstituted slavery in the nation as a way to 'restore Greek roots'. The law was internationally condemned; however, Free Greece continued to thrive due to good relations with Israel and Penisola Italiana, its two main trading partners. Großgermania's reaction was to institute a full economic embargo on Greece, a move which many leftist politicians in Großgermania, as well as the Empire's leftist allies abroad, criticized as not being decisive enough for the situation. A split developed between many Reichstag members and the Emperor.

Tensions between the two parties increased markedly on 15 May 2009, when Michael von Preußen, as King of Germany, purchased territory from the Republic of Jerna which became the Commonwealth of Maiden's Isle. The purchase was conducted solely on behalf of the King of Germany, without any mention or consideration being made to Großgermania as a whole. This alarmed many Reichstag members, who felt that von Preußen's goal was to increase his own power without benefiting the Empire.

On 21 May, while the Emperor was on a diplomatic mission to Rome, the Reichstag voted 55% to 45% to impeach Michael von Preußen. Although by the Constitution, a seventy-five percent vote is needed to impeach the Emperor, the Reichstag justified the move by declaring Michael 'not present'. Alexandra von Nassau, the seventeen-year-old daughter of the Prince of Luxembourg, was elected to replace him. Vowing to restore political ties with socialist nations and sever those with fascist nations, she quickly won the support of the government and military. Although many Reichstag members who voted against the impeachment supported her, a considerable number continued to call the move illegal. This led, in turn, to their imprisonment by the new Reichskaiserin for political treason. The Constitution was suspended by Alexandra on 25 May, under the pretense of a 'Proclaimed Emergency'. The Imperial Government cited troop movements by the Royal Italian Military south of the Helvetican border as its rationale, and the Reichstag voted to allow the suspension, though the final decision of the body was that the Witenagemot would be given the opportunity to reverse the decision.

Russian Invasion

Michael von Preußen established a government-in-exile in Rome, under the protection of the government of the Royal Italian Government, the day after the coup d'état. Shortly afterward, he met with the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in the Polish Republic. There, Russia pledged one million troops to lead an invasion of Großgermania to restore Michael to the throne, in exchange for economic concessions to be made to Russia post-invasion. Russian troops, under the command of Josef Ignatyev as well Michael himself, crossed Polish territory with their permission and captured eastern points in Prussia and Silesia with the help of troops in those areas loyal to Michael.

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Comparison of forces during the Russian invasion.

The invasion was diplomatically supported by many factions, notably European fascist states with whom Alexandra had severed all political and economic relations. Finland provided support against the superior Germanian navy, and Elia Giordani, Prime Minister of Italy, issued a statement of support for the invasion. Despite this, when Russia requested permission to move their troops into Helvetica across Italian territory, he refused, stating that Italy was a 'Russian-free zone'. Plagued by over a million desertions, the Imperial Military of Großgermania was easily overwhelmed. Within five days, Nordhausen had been captured and Alexandra unconditionally surrendered her and her troops on Sunday, 7 June.

Following the invasion, the Russian Federation pledged one billion Reichsmark to rebuild the nation. The state of Proclaimed Emergency was maintained following the war while proper measures were taken to ensure the safety of the citizens of the Empire. The state of emergency was withdrawn on 20 June, but reinstated in several areas soon afterwards. Russian troops pledged to remain in the nation at the leisure of the Großgermanian government, but withdrew following Großgermania's declaration of war on Slovakia less than a month later.

Terrorism and the July War

Beginning in April 2009, Großgermania began experiencing a wave of terrorist attacks, including several bombings across the country. Following a foiled attempt to assassinate Ministerpräsident Horst Köhler, several men were detained, charged with various counts of attempted murder, treason, and espionage. Upon investigation, it was revealed that they were members of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta, a Catholic chivalric order based in Rome. Requesting diplomatic assistance with the matter from Italy, the Imperial Government of Großgermania was rebuffed. Although analysts debate the reason for this, it is commonly accepted that it was a ploy by the Italian Government to improve relations with the Roman Catholic Church, specifically the papacy.

Subsequent investigation revealed that the attacks were planned and executed from bases within the Slovak Republic, south of the Empire. For more than three years, Slovakia had been a stateless society, the central government having little effective control over its territory. According to a report commissioned by the Imperial Government, the Order of Malta had established bases across Slovakia for the purpose of targeting Großgermania.

Original text related to this article:

Declaration of War
on the Slovak Republic

Following Michael von Preußen's return from exile at the end of the Russo-Germanian War, plans were prepared for an invasion of Slovakia. The war, codenamed Fall Rhodos, began on 30 June with a declaration of war on Slovakia. An invasion commenced, to the protest of Russia (who maintained troops in Großgermania), and Slovakia fell nearly a month later on 25 July.

Creation of a Slovak Client State

Following Slovakia's capitulation to Großgermania, the country was split into two districts, one based in Preßburg and one in Preschau, and put under a military administration, the Joint Military Command of Preßburg and Preschau (Gemischten Militärkommando Preßburg und Preschau, GMKPP). On 15 August, Emperor Michael von Preußen ordered that a civilian government be established in Slovakia, under the de facto control of the Imperial Government of Großgermania.

On 17 August, the GMKPP issued the Proclamation of the Disestablishment of the Joint Military Command of Preßburg and Preschau, which carried out this order. The proclamation abolished the GMKPP, handing jurisdiction over the territory of Slovakia to the Slovak Republic. The government of this new Slovak state was established as a directorial republic with a self-perpetuating leadership; that is, the Directory of Slovakia, its highest government body, will elect its own members, subject to a constitutional framework it will establish within the parameters of the GMKPP's proclamation.

The third provision of the proclamation put forth that 'The Imperial Government of the People's Empire of Greater Germania shall hold the sole authority to determine the legitimacy of the Directory of the Slovak Republic'. This provision guaranteed that the Emperor of Großgermania, with the approval of the Reichstag, could remove any member of the Slovak Directory from power at any time, should he so wish. This provision, establishing Slovakia as a Großgermanian client state, has resulted in very little international support for the new Slovak government (see Großgermania–Slovakia relations). Despite this, Slovakia did compete in the 2010 Winter Olympics, and the Imperial Government of Großgermania has so far not opted to exercise this power.

Alexandra von Nassau during her trial.

Late 2009

The trial of Alexandra von Nassau, who assumed power during the coup, began on 20 August 2009, one day following the announcement of the withdrawal of Russian troops from Großgermania. As the figurehead of the coup d'état, and the Empress of Großgermania for its duration, the fate of Alexandra has been a focal point for both her supporters and critics. Alexandra is facing two charges of Treason, with the case being tried by the Supreme Court of Großgermania. The Imperial Government wanted to postpone the trial, saying it needed greater time to establish which charges it wished to pursue, but the request was denied by the Supreme Court. Following a relatively short case, Alexandra was found guilty by the justices of the Supreme Court by an undisclosed vote on 1 March 2010. Sentenced to a suspended life sentence on 5 March, she was controversially pardoned by Emperor Michael von Preußen on 10 March.

In late December 2009, the Imperial Government began the implementation of the Prussian language as a regionally-recognized language of Großgermania, assigning Zmūneirīki Debsmikskātauta as the official name of the country in that language.

Location sign with the Prussian name for Königsberg, Twanksta.

The Office of the Greffier originally stated it hoped to achieve full government integration of the Prussian language by October 2010; however, this deadline has recently been extended until February 2011.

On New Year's Eve 2009, Emperor Michael von Preußen commissioned the creation of new crown jewels for Großgermania. The final design for the crown was approved on 15 January 2010, loosely based on the Swedish Royal Regalia. The inclusion of a cross surmounting the head dress sparked outrage from a significant portion of Großgermania's religious community, the majority of which is not Christian. Michael von Preußen, however, cited historical rather than religious rationale for the cross. The crown's silhouette is included is both Michael von Preußen's personal standard as well as the Imperial Cypher.

Recent History

As part of the Imperial Government's aims of becoming a world leader in international diplomacy, Großgermania hosted an environmental conference in Berlin in early April 2010, which established the Berlin Treaty Organization. Straßburg has also been selected as the location of a 2012 United Nations conference on international peacekeeping measures, a move that was protested by numerous international bodies and states due to Großgermania's military operations in the Republic of Jerna and Slovakia.

Since the July War, a large Czech autonomy movement has developed, which seeks to achieve greater sovereignty for the Czech people within Großgermania. On 12 May 2010, a petition was submitted to the Imperial Government seeking amendment to the Constitution of Großgermania to formally grant Czechia autonomy from the German crown. Meetings aimed at producing a consensus on the issue are being held by various Imperial Government officials; the first such meeting occurred on 26 May. During a meeting of the Imperial Council with numerous Czech representatives on 31 May, Minister for National Unity and Großgermanian Heritage Wenzeslaus von Liechtenstein und Rietberg proposed a controversial solution for Czech autonomy that has since become known as the Liechtenstein Plan. This plan was approved by a 7 June referendum.

On 15 May 2010, Großgermania signed the Second Spitsbergen Treaty in Straßburg. Its ratification, first by the Emperor (on 17 May) and subsequently the Reichstag (on 20 May), led Großgermania to establish protectorate over the newly-independent Union of Svalbard.


The territory of Großgermania covers 272,095 square miles, 6,574 square miles of which is water. It is the largest nation in Europe outside of the Russian Federation and the fortieth-largest nation worldwide. The geography of Großgermania is quite varied; elevation ranges from extremely high points in the Alps to areas below sea level along the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Southern Germany, Helvetica, and Liechtenstein is largely mountainous, while the majority of central Germany and Luxembourg is a mixture of forest and grassland. North Germany and Denmark are a mixture of grassland and marshland. Eastern Germany is largely agricultural.

Autumn in the Black Forest.


Großgermania has a temperate, largely continental climate. Temperature is moderated by the effects of the North Atlantic Drift, which affects the Jutland Peninsula. This results in northern Germany and Denmark having an oceanic climate with rainfall year-round. Winters are generally mild in all areas of the country outside the Alps, where harsh winters are marked by blizzards and avalanches. Eastern German winters are harsher than in the rest of the region, especially in Silesia, where winter temperatures regularly fall below -40°F.


An environmentally stunning nation, Großgermania's laws limiting technological development have largely contributed to a clean, pollution-free environment. Private ownership and use of automobiles is limited to military and government, and public transportation, including large networks of electric trains and monorails, is provided free of charge to the population. In contrast to its largely anti-internationalist foreign policy, the Imperial Government is a signatory to several global agreements on climatic protection, including the Kyoto Accord. An international conference organized by the Imperial Government was scheduled to be held in Berlin in February 2010 to address the effects of climate change and work towards stabilizing global carbon dioxide levels. Following the transfer of the 2010 Winter Olympics from Vancouver to Frankfurt am Main, the conference was postponed to 2 April due to concerns it would be overshadowed by the Olympic Games. At the conference, Großgermania pledged itself to expansion of public transit systems, as well as to the implementation of a new nationwide building code in line with modern environmental principles. The greenhouse gas emission reduction targets set by the Berlin Treaty, which some analysts believe will prove impossible for some nations to meet, actually set a target for Großgermania nearly seven times the Empire's current emissions. This is due largely to efforts by the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdom of Germany's predecessor state, to meet its obligations under the Kyoto Protocol (a feat it achieved in 2008).

Energy needs are provided by wind and solar energy, although coal production is extensive. Acid rain cause by industrial activity in the Rhineland has caused extensive damage to the Black Forest. Glacial recession in the Alps has shown slight signs of improving in recent years, according to a government report. The report is dismissed by some international experts as 'propaganda', though others concur with its findings. Flooding in the spring is common in northern Germany and some parts of Denmark. Extensive flooding in April 2009 in Rügen caused damage to the foundation of the Ralswiek Castle.

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Aside from natural protected areas, ruins such as those of the Heidelberger Schloß also enjoy Imperial protection.

Protected Areas

Upon Großgermania's declaration of sovereignty in 2008, Adelinda Schmidt was appointed Minister of the Environment. Under her guidance, the Imperial Government worked to secure and preserve the national parks, protected areas, and other environmentally-sensitive areas designated by the governments of the Empire's predecessor states. Großgermania reaffirmed its predecessor states' commitments to the Ramsar Convention on 5 March 2009, and unveiled a list of Protected Nature and Wildlife Areas (German: Geschützte Natur- und Wildschutzgebiete) under the Imperial Nature Conservation Act (Reichsnaturschutzgesetz) in June of that year. The list includes 85 protected areas but does not include UNESCO World Heritage Sites or UNESCO-designated biospheres, which are also protected by Imperial law. 79 of the protected areas are in Germany, five are in Denmark, and one is in Alsace-Lorraine. In addition to these, regional governments are allowed and encouraged to maintain their own protected areas: Germany alone has 190 national parks and similarly-designated areas under governmental protection.

Constitutional Law

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Title page of the original English version of the Constitution

The Constitution of Großgermania is a wide-ranging document, decried by many as unnecessarilly bureaucratic. Following her coup d'état in May 2009, Alexandra von Nassau suspended the Constitution under the pretence of a 'proclaimed emergency', citing her powers under Article 63. In her announcement of the suspension, Alexandra cited the Constitution as 'being so long it takes a mile of red tape to wrap up the scroll.' Despite its length and complexity, the Constitution works to ensure that strict procedures are followed under all circumstances, and this has even worked to ensure that Alexandra had to make detailed reports of her role in the country while the Constitution itself was suspended.

The Constitution varies significantly from other constitutional documents in its separation of political and economic power. Any policy that encompasses both political and economic aspects must be approved by both the Emperor (who holds political power) and the Witenagemot (which holds economic power).

Political Law

Großgermania is politically an absolute monarchy. The Head of State assumes the title Reichskaiser, which translates directly to Emperor of the Realm. The Imperial Government of Großgermania, however, has decreed that the official title in English is Emperor. When a female ruler is in power, the title is feminized to Reichskaiserin (Empress).

The Emperor has absolute authority over all governmental decisions that are solely political. The Emperor can, by sealed decree or otherwise, ratify, amend, or rescind any law, as well as ratify treaties with foreign states, which do not affect the economy of the People's Empire. Decisions made by the Emperor are subject to the approval of the Reichstag, an annually elected representative assembly. Within fourteen days of any decision of the Emperor affecting government policy, the decision may be vetoed by a two-thirds plus one vote of the Reichstag.

The Reichstag is the sole body with the power to impeach the Emperor (by a seventy-five percent vote) and to elect a new Emperor following death, impeachment, or abdication. The candidate for election must not be a member of the Reichstag. Within thirty days following impeachment, the Reichstag may reverse any decision made by the previous Emperor that may be reversed by majority vote.

The Reichstag is presided over by a Ministerpräsident, currently Horst Köhler, who is appointed by the Emperor and acts as Head of Government of the People's Empire.

Subdivisional Government

At all lower administrative levels of government, analogous political institutions exist which carry out similar functions to that of the Imperial Government. Should a conflict arise between the laws of two levels of government, the laws of the higher level of government will take priority.

Institutions fulfilling the roles as the Emperor and Reichstag, respectively, in regional government are the King (or Queen) and National Assembly in Germany, the King (or Queen) and People's Assembly in Denmark, the Prince (or Princess) and the Council of State in Luxembourg, the Prince (or Princess) and the Diet in Liechtenstein, the Governor and Congress in Helvetica, and the Governor and National Assembly in Alsace-Lorraine. The Emperor appoints the Governors of Helvetica and Alsace-Lorraine with the approval of the Helvetican Congress and the National assembly of Alsace-Lorraine respectively, and may also be impeached by said assemblies. The various assemblies are, in contrast to the Imperial administration, presided over by the executive officer of the region.

The Kanarische Inseln constitute an autonomous territory of the People's Empire, and therefore have a primary governmental structure different from those of the other regions, and any and all subsidiary levels are established independently from the Imperial Government. The executive officer assumes the title Reichsprotektor (Imperial Protector) and is appointed by the Emperor; there is also an elected Territorial Assembly. Although the Territorial Assembly cannot block the appointment of the Imperial Protector as the assemblies of Helvetica and Alsace-Lorraine can block the appointment of their

Rathaus in Saarbrücken, which serves as both the Office of Chancellor Sophia Reinhardt as well as the council hall of the Provincial Assembly of the Saar.

respective governors, the Territorial Assembly can veto any decision made by the Imperial Protector by a simple majority vote, where the other various assemblies require a two-thirds supermajority.

Unlike the regional ones, provincial-level institutions are uniform in name. Each province has a Chancellor as the executive officer, appointed by the province's respective King, Prince, or Governor, and have a Provincial Assembly which must approve the appointment of the Chancellor, may veto his decisions, and may impeach him by a seventy-five percent vote.

Municipalities are distinguished by population: cities have twenty thousand citizens or more, towns have between one thousand and twenty thousand, and communes have between one hundred and one thousand citizens. Settlements of less than one hundred citizens are considered to be rural areas. Cities have elected City Councils and Consuls, towns have elected Town Councils and Mayors (or Mayoresses), and communes have People's Councils and Commissioners. Like the Imperial Government, the councils elect the respective Consul, Mayor, or Commissioner; however, the said member must also be a member of the council. Similarly, the councils are presided over by an Alderman (or Alderwoman) appointed by the respective Consul, Mayor, or Commissioner.

Economic Law

File:Großgermania Icon.svg

This article is part of the series:
Politics and government of the

v  d  e

Economic power within Großgermania is vested in a series of councils which represent the workers of the nation. Any decision by each subsequently higher level on any given issue overrules the decisions of lower levels. The municipal levels are presided over by Workers' Councils, reminiscent of the soviets of the Soviet Union (the Russian word soviet meaning 'council'). Upper levels are termed Witenagemots, after the royal councils established by the Anglo-Saxon kings of England. Members of the Witenagemots are titled Councilors of State.

At the lowest level, in each city, town, and commune has a Workers' Council, of which every employed person in the municipality and surrounding area is a member. It is presided over by the Alderman (or Alderwoman) of the municipality, who only receives a vote in case of deadlock. Each Workers' Council of a city nominates one of its members to represent the region, including surrounding towns and communes, at the next-highest economic level (usually the provincial Witenagemot). Where only one city, or no cities, exist in a province, the towns in the province each elect a representative as well.

Each province - excepting Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, and Alsace-Lorraine - has a Witenagemot which is comprised of all the representatives from the cities (and/or towns) in the province to make decisions on the economy of the province. It is presided over by the Chancellor of the province, who, as on the municipal level, only receives a vote in case of deadlock.

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The German Witenagemot in session.

Each provincial Witenagemot nominates one of its members to represent the province at the regional Witenagemot, or, in the case of Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, and Alsace-Lorraine, at the Imperial Witenagemot.

The regional Witenagemots make economic decisions for the region that it represents. It is comprised of the representatives of the provinces, and in the case of deadlock the presiding officer - the respective King, Prince, or Governor - gets the deciding vote. Each regional Witenagemot nominates a member to represent it in the Imperial Witenagemot.

The Imperial Witenagemot is the highest economic decision-making body in the People's Empire. The Witenagemot is composed of six members, one elected from each kingdom, principality, and free land. Its rulings are final over all economic decisions made by lower levels. Any decision made by the Emperor that may have economic repercussions must be voted on by the Witenagemot, usually at its discretion. The Witenagemot and the Reichstag must both vote on any proposal to amend the Constitution.


As the sole party allowed to run in elections under the Constitution, politics in Großgermania are dominated by the National Unionist Party (NUPG), and, as such, its leader, a position held by the Emperor (as per official party policy). The Emperor alone is permitted to enact political legislation, and does such on a regular basis as the legal system of Großgermania develops. The Reichstag is given veto power over his edicts, however it is rarely used as the Emperor generally submits requests for approval to the Reichstag prior to pronouncing legislation.

In January 2009, the Imperial Council of Großgermania was formed by Michael von Preußen as a privy council. It was not officially approved by law, and is not mandated by the Constitution. Consisting primarily of the Empire's ministers, it acts as a legislative advisory council to the Emperor.

The first general election was held on 4 January 2009, less than a month after the creation of the nation, in which the first Reichstag was elected. The NUPG was elected to four hundred fifty-two of seven hundred sixty seats, commanding approximately 55% of the popular vote. Michael von Preußen, who became Emperor upon the nation's foundation, can only be removed by (and elected by) the Reichstag. Since the coup d'état in May to June 2009, public attention has been focused on the future of the nation. Elections were again held on 4 January 2010, resulting in a minority government for the NUPG.

Foreign Relations

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Embassy of Großgermania to the Russian Federation, in Saint Petersburg.

Historically, Germany played a very active role in international affairs. A founding member of the European Union, West Germany joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) during the Cold War. The German Democratic Republic was instrumental in the signing of the Warsaw Pact. As per its Second World War surrender terms, West Germany, and, subsequently, reunited Germany, was forced to limit active military strength to approximately 300,000 troops, limiting its ability to pursue aggressive foreign policy.

The Treaty of Kraków, which brought the various former states comprising the territory of Großgermania into union, contained a clause to replace all existing foreign embassies of Germany, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Luxembourg, and Switzerland with 'Imperial Embassies of Großgermania'. Unfortunately, the clause contained no enactment measures, and the European Union insisted that the nations' embassies be closed down. This left the Empire diplomatically isolated from the world, although it quickly reopened embassies in Rome, Paris, Stockholm, Sarajevo, Madrid, and Saint Petersburg. Subsequently, Großgermania has received ambassadors from the Republic of Jerna, and has exchanged ambassadors with the Federation of Disparu, opening an embassy in Jubilife in August 2009, which later moved to Férin.

Großgermania withdrew from NATO in February 2009 after it refused to replace the United States of America with the newly-reformed Confederate States of America, to whom the Empire sent its first non-European mission. Signing a mutual defense treaty with several communist and other leftist nations, Großgermania joined the Fifth International. A dispute regarding voting rights in the Congress led to Großgermania's withdrawal from that organization after less than one month of membership. Petitioning for admission to a loose federation of independent states headed by the Kingdom of the United Netherlands, the Empire was accepted into that association in early March. Großgermania forged new relations with left-wing nations in the Islamic world, joining the Jamahiriya, but soon left the alliance, signing several treaties with the Greater Japanese Empire and its allies. Increasing domestic pressure for isolationism led the Imperial Government of Großgermania to relinquish all official military treaties in early March 2010. It rejoined the Japanese-led alliance under pressure from the United and Confederate States of America on 13 March. On 17 May, this alliance was expanded into a coalition of numerous monarchist states. It rejoined the Japanese-led alliance in late October.

Maiden's Isle

On 25 May 2009, Michael von Preußen purchased Rottnest Island from the Republic of Jerna. Rumors erupted that the Reichstag was planning on launching a constitutional challenge of the purchase to the Supreme Court of Großgermania, and an agreement was hastily drawn up in which the territory would become independent as the Commonwealth of Maiden's Isle, in personal union with the Kingdom of Germany. As such, von Preußen is the head of state of Maiden's Isle, a position which will be inherited with the throne of Germany. Due to the personal union, Maiden's Isle enjoys many economic benefits and a special trade relationship with Großgermania (although generally more so with Germany than with other regions).

Slovak Republic

In accordance with a 17 August 2009 proclamation, the Imperial Military of Großgermania left the Slovak Republic under the control of a Großgermanian-controlled client state. To the present date, Großgermania has been the only state to recognize the sovereignty and independence of the new Slovak state, while the United Nations gives a seat only to a government-in-exile formed by several government members of pre-July War Slovakia. The full ramifications of Großgermania's dominance over Slovakia have yet to be seen, but it is expected to put an end to the stateless society that had existed in Slovakia for almost a year. A Großgermanian-appointed Directory has been formed as the government of Slovakia.


Potsdamer Platz, at the center of Berlin's bustling commercial center.

Großgermania has an extremely diverse economy. The trading hub of Europe, trillions of Reichsmark worth of goods pass through the nation every year. It's main trading partner is Penisola Italiana, though it maintains trade relationships with nations worldwide. Economic activity is controlled by a series of Witenagemots, the highest of which is the Imperial Witenagemot, and the economy is regulated in such a manner as to best serve the people. Private property rights are guaranteed, although all land is technically owned by the Emperor and granted by way of perpetual lease to the citizens.

Municipal economic councils, called Workers' Councils, are established to bring together all the workers in a city or town. All employed persons in a given municipality (and surrounding area) are members of the local Workers' Councils, and may attend and vote at meetings. In large cities, where membership can reach upwards of three million, often workplace unions will designate a representative (or representatives) to attend the meetings and vote on behalf of the union membership. The main focus of Workers' Councils is to ensure the maintenance of low income disparity between occupations.

Following the formation of Großgermania in 2008, a series of reforms to place the Witenagemots in charge of various aspects of the Großgermanian economy were launched. Large private holdings were nationalized and put under worker control. Many of the Empire's technological-based companies and motor vehicle producers (such as Daimler AG) were put under the control of the Imperial Military, while others were liquidated. This caused temporary unemployment in some sectors; however, the Imperial Government's unemployment insurance programs allowed all temporarily unemployed people to remain in a healthy financial condition until they were able to find new work. Many modern buildings held by such firms in Großgermania's metropolitan areas were put under local, provincial, regional, or Imperial governmental control. Some of these were demolished to clear room for the construction of neoclassical-, Gothic-, and Gothic Revival-styled buildings; others were turned into public facilities.

Major industries in Großgermania include agriculture, coal mining, clean energy production, manufacturing, textiles, marble production, and arms manufacturing. The Empire is Europe's largest exporter of foodstuffs, and agriculture employs thirty percent of the population. The Imperial Government has legislated against the use of modern technology except as designated by it; as such, telecommunications are generally limited to military and government use. Großgermania has a small automaking sector for the production of governmental and diplomatic vehicles, as well as for transport vehicles. Non-combat military industry is the second-largest nationally, employing just over five million people.

Gross National Happiness

Following the example set by the Kingdom of Bhutan in 1972, Emperor Michael von Preußen declared in November 2009 that gross national happiness would be embraced over economic indicators such as gross domestic product. The idea, according to the Imperial Government of Großgermania, was fully in accordance with the Constitution of Großgermania and the principles of National Unionism. In his announcement of the policy, the Emperor said he had spoken with and agreed upon the policy with the Witenagemot:

Maintenance of a government of the people in accordance with the principles of National Unionism requires acceptance that the importance of economic concerns should not be in the advancement of the economy itself. Rather, the economy should be a means, not an end. In strengthening the foundations of the economy, the fundamental consideration of all those who participate in it—both the government and the worker—should be the fulfillment of the material needs of man in the course of his overall growth and development. This is the purpose of measuring gross national happiness: to ensure that people can develop their own personal abilities and interests in a manner which benefits them spiritually and mentally. While in materialist schools of thought, the economy represents an end in itself, so that it comes to be a subversive and corrupting factor in the course of man's development, this is not so in National Unionism. The accumulation of wealth and the maximization of profit are not the goal, and therefore, the monetary output of the nation is not as important as the happiness and development of the people. The Großgermanian economic program consists of providing the means needed for the emergence of the various creative capacities of the human being.


Großgermania is located in central Europe, and, as such, is an imporatant transportation hub. As part of the National Unionist Party of Großgermania's goals of retraditionalizing Germanic society, automobile transportation has been largely restricted by the Imperial Government, although massive road systems for trade purposes do exist (such as the Autobahn system). In order to facilitate large-scale transportation across the Empire, a system of high-speed low-emission trains, known as Intercity-Express, as well as monorails, were implemented nationwide. Air activity is limited to several metropolitan centers throughout Großgermania which are serviced by Germanialuft.

A policy of disallowing construction of buildings with non-classical design led to the rapid expansion of classically-designed buildings in place of modern ones in rapidly-expanding small and non-urban areas. The laws regarding architecture not only create visually-appealing spectacles, but also reduce the nation's overall environmental footprint.

Although Großgermania is a major coal producer, the majority of its coal is exported, both in the raw and as electricity. Restricted use of modern electrical appliances has significantly reduced the amount of energy consumed by the Empire, approximately one fifth of Germany's pre-unification usage. The largest consumer of energy in Großgermania is the Imperial Military, one of the only organizations allowed to make wide use of modern technology. All non-military electricity is provided by wind and solar production, although the Imperial Government has looked into re-establishing nuclear power plants in the country, the Federal Republic of Germany having eliminated and prohibited their use pre-unification.


Großgermania's international perception has been hurt by widespread mistrust of radical political ideologies such as National Unionism in North America and the greater Western world. Despite this, public support for the Imperial Government's policies has remained high at home, and general societal norms (political and economic considerations aside) have remained in line with pre-Unification Germanic society. The country's majority German population's cultural heritage overshadows many aspects of Großgermanian life; however, vibrant minority communities exist in Czechia, Alsace-Lorraine, Denmark, and Polish East Germany.


Großgermania has a population of approximately seventy-six million, a number which has decreased drastically from the population before unification. This is largely due to controversial policies of the Imperial Government, which started during the time of the Association of Germanic States. Non-native populations are paid large sums by the Imperial Government to emigrate, and immigration is banned (although a larger number of refugees is accepted than was previously, such as a 20 May 2009 decision to grant asylum to persecuted Sri Lankan Tamils). These policies were deemed as 'racist' by some organizations, a claim the Imperial Government denies. The Empire has many large cities, the largest of which are Berlin, Hamburg, Vienna, Munich, and Prague.


German is the official language of Großgermania, and is spoken by approximately fifty-five million citizens. It is most predominant in Germany, Helvetica, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, and Alsace-Lorraine, and is official in all those countries except Luxembourg. It is also official in the Kanarische Inseln, though it is not commonly spoken there. German uses a thirty-letter version of the Latin alphabet, including the standard 26 letters A through Z, as well as three vowels with umlauts (ä, ö, and ü) and the eszett (ß). The long s (ſ) is occasionally used in government and legal publications. By an Imperial decree of 22 February 2009, Fraktur is to be used in all official documents for domestic use which are printed in a Germanic language.

Regional languages include Danish (official in Denmark), Czech (official in East Moravia, Northern Bohemia, Southwestern Bohemia, and West Moravia), French (official in Alsace-Lorraine and Helvetica), Romansh and Italian (both official in Helvetica), Polish (official in the eight provinces formerly in Poland), Russian and Prussian (official in Prussia), Letzeburgish (official in Luxembourg), and Spanish (official in the Kanarische Inseln).


Religion in Großgermania
Religion Percent
Nordic spirituralism

According to the results of an unofficial census conducted in March 2009, a plurality of Großgermanian citizens do not follow any organized religion. Approximately 41% of the population claim to be atheist, agnostic, or to have no religious affiliation. The largest religious grouping claims to follow some form of Nordic Spirituality, which quickly gained many adherents during the formation of Großgermania. Norse spiritualists account for approximately 29% of the population, while Christianity, historically the most prominent religion in the German states, trails by about one percent. Under 2% of those surveyed claim to follow other religions. Islam accounted for approximately half of this value, with Hinduism—the main religion of Tamil refugees—gaining the following of about one quarter of one percent of the Großgermanian populace.


The concept of adopting an official English-language demonym for Großgermania has been the subject of intense debate since the creation of the Empire in December 2008. Although linguistic scholars have discussed the case extensively, no single, unifying term has been agreed upon. The main proposals for an English-language demonym for the country have been Großgermanian, Germanian, and Germanic.

Due to the Imperial Government's sponsoring of the term "Greater Germania" as the official name of the country in English, the logical linguistic choice for the demonym would be Germanian, following the examples of other nations with a similar linguistic structure (for example, the former Republic of Austria had as its demonym the term Austrian).

Despite this, common usage of the term "Großgermania" even in English to refer to the nation has resulted in some linguistic scholars suggesting that the common-sense demonym would be Großgermanian, and the term is widely used amongst native speakers of English. However, as Groß- is a prefix meaning Greater (see Etymology above), others once again recommended dropping the prefix and using the simplified term Germanian. The first official use of the term Germanian was in the English naming of the Russo-Germanian War.

The German demonym for Großgermania is Germanen (singular Germane), which literally refers to the Germanic peoples. As such, the term Germanic gained limited popularity as an English-language demonym for the Empire. However, this has been discouraged to a large degree by the Imperial Government of Großgermania, due largely to a negative connotation with the word in the English language connected to the Roman depiction of "Germanic savages".


In contrast with the education systems in pre-unification Germany and Denmark, where state governments held responsibility for education, the Imperial Government of Großgermania has taken a very active role in the establishment of the Empire's educational system. All private schools, colleges, and universities were brought under the control of the Education Ministry in December 2008, but no major changes occurred to the educational system until June 2009, as the government did not wish to disrupt education during the school year (though many schools at the time operated year-round).

Like with most other aspects of Großgermanian law, both provincial and regional governments may legislate on education, but legislation passed by higher tiers of government overrides lower-level legislation when in contradiction with it. Home education is both allowed and encouraged by the Imperial Government, and while students educated at home are not subject to government-approved curriculum, they are required to pass three triennial General Knowledge Examinations (German: Allgemeine Kenntnisse Prüfungen, GKPs), along with their government-schooled counterparts, to determine the quality of education they are receiving. Poor performance on such an examination may result in a student being required to take remedial courses, at the discretion of provincially-appointed education officers. In order to receive a Baccalaureate Certificate, homeschooled children must pass a Baccalaureate Eligibility Assessment Examination (German: Bakkalaureat Beurteilung der Förderungswürdigkeit Prüfung).

The Germanic University of Heidelberg, established in 1386, is Germany's oldest university and the fourth-oldest university in Großgermania.

Public (government-owned) schools operate on the basis of two, nineteen-week, semesters per year, running from the first Monday in September to the second Friday in January and from the first Monday in February to the first Friday in June. Examinations are carried out outside of semesters, generally in the last two weeks of January and the last three weeks of June. Primary education lasts nine years, and, due to the required writing of GKPs for homeschooled children, is generally considered compulsory, regardless of homeschooling options.

The Imperial Government's plan for revamping the country's secondary education system is to be phased in over the next year. Under the plan, secondary schooling in Großgermania will last between three and five years, at students' discretion, and will operate on a program that allows students to work at their own pace in an individual environment, an approach called 'Freiheit Erfolgreich zu sein' (English: Freedom to Succeed) by the Imperial Government. The model allows for students to pursue self-directed learning in areas in which they individually show interest. Students select module packages from resource rooms and complete them at their own pace, thus eliminating the need for a classroom setting. The modules are grouped into general subject areas, and students must complete at least fifteen modules in each of at least six different subject areas in order to receive a Baccalaureate Certificate. Each subject area has a designated teacher to assist students, and each student is assigned a teacher advisor, with whom the students have weekly individual meetings to discuss the student's progress. Students are given supervised access to various resources necessary for the completion of the modules, such as laboratories and musical instruments, as well as all necessary textbooks and other course material.

Since the government takeover of post-secondary education institutions, enrollment in such institutions has been free of charge throughout Großgermania. Students wishing to enroll in universities must have received a Baccalaureate Certificate and must pass an Abitur, a university entrance examination. Großgermania's universities are recognised internationally, indicating the high education standards in the country.

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Numerous hospitals throughout Großgermania, such as this one in Beelitz, aim at Naturpflege, or "natural care", which allows patients to recover in natural, as opposed to institutional, environments.


Many of Großgermania's predecessor states have a long history of universal healthcare implementation. Germany, being the world's oldest welfare state, also maintained the world's longest-running universal healthcare system, the first such system evolving from Otto von Bismarck's provision of healthcare for low-income people with the Health Insurance Bill of 1883 as part of his policies of State Socialism. The expansion of welfare capitalism to other Western European nations led to similar national healthcare programs being instituted in most other Großgermanian predecessor states. At the Unification of Germania, there were only two participating nations which did not have long histories of practical universal healthcare systems. Although France has had universal healthcare since its 1945 national health insurance reform, Alsace-Lorraine, upon declaring its independence from France in 2008, found itself financially and logistically unable to provide healthcare for its citizens. Czechia, on the other hand, did have a universal healthcare program at the time of its incorporation into Großgermania, however unlike the Western European members of the Association of Germanic States, its healthcare program had only been functionally implemented since the Velvet Revolution of 1989. While Czechoslovakia did guarantee universal healthcare by law, this was largely unimplemented in rural areas, and urban implementation was marred by outdated medical equipment.

Under the Association's plan for the implementation of a new Großgermanian legal system, all localized laws, including those related to healthcare, continued to be implemented as an interim measure following the nation's unification. Due to the Imperial Government's concern related to the provision of healthcare to all those who needed it, health insurance regulation in Alsace-Lorraine was temporarily put under the control of the Kingdom of Germany's Sozialgesetzbuch to allow for public health insurance to be provided to those who could not afford private insurance.

In March 2009, the Imperial Council of Großgermania, including the Emperor met with key Reichstag members to discuss the implementation of a nationwide public universal healthcare plan based on a reformed version of the one in place in Germany, which was largely based on the universal multi-payer system of the Federal Republic of Germany. Follow-up meetings and negotiations saw the desire for a single-payer system to be introduced at the Imperial level, with some participants fearing that a multi-payer system would impair the

Life Expectancy at Birth
Region Sex Age
Germany Male
Denmark Male
Luxembourg Male
Liechtenstein Male
Helvetica Male
Alsace-Lorraine Male

Kanarische Inseln Male

Großgermania Overall

implementation of economic equality reforms in the country. Following these negotiations, Germany's healthcare system was transformed by a royal decree forcing the merger of all healthcare insurance providers into a single, government-run program, the Greater German Health System (Großdeutsche Gesundheitssystem). Following Germany's example, most other Constituent Countries amalgamated their healthcare systems.

Unification of all regional healthcare programs was scheduled to occur on 4 April 2010, but it was postponed after the Kanarische Inseln showed interest in joining an Imperial-level healthcare system in February of that year. Reichsprotektor Karl-Heinz Müller met with Michael von Preußen on 28 February in Nordhausen to discuss the possibility of such a system being extended to cover the Kanarische Inseln, which, under the Constitution of Großgermania, are an autonomous territory unaffected by Imperial law. As both parties desired to provide healthcare to as many people as necessary, the Emperor agreed, in consultation with the Imperial Council, to include the Kanarische Inseln within a nationwide healthcare program subject to its ratification by a referendum of the population of the Kanarische Inseln. Such a referendum was held on short notice on 1 April, with those in favor of being subject to an Imperial healthcare program winning a large majority of 74%. Subsequently, the Germanischen Gesundheitssystem (Großgermanian Health System) was announced in an Imperial decree on 20 April 2010, and was ratified by the Reichstag the day after. It exists under the administration of the Ministry for Health and Food Safety.


As with all large businesses in Großgermania, most media outlets are government-owned, but managed by employee councils. As television and internet access is not widespread enough to affect media in any significant manner, the main source of news in the Empire comes from print media and radio.

The country's largest newspaper, the Kaiserlichen Beobachter, is a German-language publication based in Berlin. Its English-language counterpart, the Imperial Observer, is aimed at an international marketplace, with its largest readership being in Britain and the Confederate States of America.

The main news radio station, GermaniaFUNK (Radio Germania), is based in Munich and is available cross-country, broadcast in the German language. An international station, launched in January 2009, is based in Kraków and broadcasts in a variety of languages, mainly German and English.

In late December 2008, Großgermania was awarded its own unique country code top-level domain, .gß, to replace the numerous domains used by the various former states now within Großgermania. The first ccTLD with extended-Latin characters, its use has largely been limited to government and military use.


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Association football is the most popular sport in Großgermania, being designated the Empire's national sport.

Großgermania is subject to numerous public holidays. Despite the widespread practice of making religious holidays official, the unique blend of Christian, Nordic, and non-religious practice within the Empire led the government to mandate against the official sanction of any particular set of non-secular holidays. Holidays are mandated at federal, regional, and provincial levels of government.


Athletic competition, both professional and amateur, plays an important role in the lives of most Großgermanian citizens. Approximately half of the populace plays some form of sport on a regular basis, with association football predominating in popularity, having been designated the national sport in April 2009. Although there is no nationwide football association, the German Football Association remains the largest organization of its kind in the world, and is responsible for the organization of the Großgermania national football team for international competition through the Fußball-Reichsliga. Alpine skiing remains popular in Helvetica and the former Austrian provinces.

Historically, motorsport has been quite popular in Germany, with the country ranking highly in international competitions such as Formula One. With the large-scale restriction of automotive technology to the military,

such activities have largely been abandoned, resulting in growing a growth in popularity for football and other traditionally less-popular sports such as ice hockey.

Since the reintroduction of the Olympic Games in 1896, Germany has been one of the top-ranking contenders. Großgermania's predecessor states have hosted the Summer Olympic Games twice (Berlin in 1936 and Munich in 1972) and the Winter Olympic Games six times (St. Moritz in 1928 and 1948; Garmisch-Partenkirchen in 1936; and Innsbruck in 1964 and 1976). Frankfurt am Main hosted the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in February of that year, having won the contract to hold the games after Vancouver's grant was withdrawn due to the Canadian Crisis. Großgermania placed unexpectedly low in the medal count, coming in twenty-first place in terms of gold medals and ninth by total medal count. Public outcry over the shocking embarrassment of the host country to place so low led to a 2 March pledge by the Imperial Government of 190 million R (138.5 million) in additional funding for amateur sports.

Further reading

External links

Template:XXI Olympic Winter Games Participants